void ClientTrickPlayState::updateStateOnPlayChange(Boolean reverseToPreviousVSH)
    if (fTrickPlaySource == NULL)
        // We were in regular (1x) play. Use the index file to look up the
        // index record number and npt from the current transport number:
        fIndexFile->lookupPCRFromTSPacketNum(fTSRecordNum, reverseToPreviousVSH, fNPT, fIxRecordNum);
        // We were in trick mode, and so already have the index record number.
        // Get the transport record number and npt from this:
        fIxRecordNum = fTrickModeFilter->nextIndexRecordNum();
        if ((long)fIxRecordNum < 0) fIxRecordNum = 0; // we were at the start of the file
        unsigned long transportRecordNum;
        float pcr;
        u_int8_t offset, size, recordType; // all dummy
        if (fIndexFile->readIndexRecordValues(fIxRecordNum, transportRecordNum,
                                              offset, size, pcr, recordType))
            fTSRecordNum = transportRecordNum;
            fNPT = pcr;
unsigned long ClientTrickPlayState::updateStateFromNPT(double npt, double streamDuration) {
  fNPT = (float)npt;
  // Map "fNPT" to the corresponding Transport Stream and Index record numbers:
  unsigned long tsRecordNum, ixRecordNum;
  fIndexFile->lookupTSPacketNumFromNPT(fNPT, tsRecordNum, ixRecordNum);

  if (tsRecordNum != fTSRecordNum) {
    fTSRecordNum = tsRecordNum;
    fIxRecordNum = ixRecordNum;

    // Seek the source to the new record number:
    // Note: We assume that we're asked to seek only in normal
    // (i.e., non trick play) mode, so we don't seek within the trick
    // play source (if any).


  unsigned long numTSRecordsToStream = 0;
  float pcrLimit = 0.0;
  if (streamDuration > 0.0) {
    // fNPT might have changed when we looked it up in the index file.  Adjust "streamDuration" accordingly:
    streamDuration += npt - (double)fNPT;

    if (streamDuration > 0.0) {
      // Specify that we want to stream no more data than this.

      if (fNextScale == 1.0f) {
	// We'll be streaming from the original file.
	// Use the index file to figure out how many Transport Packets we get to stream:
	unsigned long toTSRecordNum, toIxRecordNum;    
	float toNPT = (float)(fNPT + streamDuration);
	fIndexFile->lookupTSPacketNumFromNPT(toNPT, toTSRecordNum, toIxRecordNum);
	if (toTSRecordNum > tsRecordNum) { // sanity check
	  numTSRecordsToStream = toTSRecordNum - tsRecordNum;
      } else {
	// We'll be streaming from the trick play stream.  
	// It'd be difficult to figure out how many Transport Packets we need to stream, so instead set a PCR
	// limit in the trick play stream.  (We rely upon the fact that PCRs in the trick play stream start at 0.0)
	int direction = fNextScale < 0.0 ? -1 : 1;
	pcrLimit = (float)(streamDuration/(fNextScale*direction));

  return numTSRecordsToStream;
void ClientTrickPlayState::updateStateFromNPT(double npt) {
  fNPT = (float)npt;
  // Map "fNPT" to the corresponding Transport Stream and Index record numbers:
  unsigned long tsRecordNum, ixRecordNum;
  fIndexFile->lookupTSPacketNumFromNPT(fNPT, tsRecordNum, ixRecordNum);

  if (tsRecordNum != fTSRecordNum) {
    fTSRecordNum = tsRecordNum;
    fIxRecordNum = ixRecordNum;

    // Seek the source to the new record number:
    // Note: We assume that we're asked to seek only in normal
    // (i.e., non trick play) mode, so we don't seek within the trick
    // play source (if any).

unsigned long ClientTrickPlayState::updateStateFromNPT(double npt, double streamDuration) {
  fNPT = (float)npt;
  // Map "fNPT" to the corresponding Transport Stream and Index record numbers:
  unsigned long tsRecordNum, ixRecordNum;
  fIndexFile->lookupTSPacketNumFromNPT(fNPT, tsRecordNum, ixRecordNum);

  if (tsRecordNum != fTSRecordNum) {
    fTSRecordNum = tsRecordNum;
    fIxRecordNum = ixRecordNum;

    // Seek the source to the new record number:
    // Note: We assume that we're asked to seek only in normal
    // (i.e., non trick play) mode, so we don't seek within the trick
    // play source (if any).


  // NPT might have changed when we looked it up in the index file.  Adjust "streamDuration" accordingly:
  streamDuration += npt - (double)fNPT;

  unsigned long numTSRecordsToStream = 0;
  if (streamDuration > 0.0) {
    // Use the index file to figure out how many Transport Packets we get to stream:
    unsigned long toTSRecordNum, toIxRecordNum;    
    float toNPT = (float)(fNPT + streamDuration);
    fIndexFile->lookupTSPacketNumFromNPT(toNPT, toTSRecordNum, toIxRecordNum);
    if (toTSRecordNum > tsRecordNum) { // sanity check
      numTSRecordsToStream = toTSRecordNum - tsRecordNum;

  return numTSRecordsToStream;