int main(){ int i; char *fname = "map1_kekka.txt"; FILE *fp; /* initiation of elite_uncom */ elite_uncom = INF; waiting_time = 0; getMapData(); for(;;){ serch_route(); /* update elite route */ if(elite_uncom > new_uncom) update_elite(); waiting_time++; if(waiting_time > elite_uncom) break; } printf("time = %lf, uncom = %lf, waitingtime = %lf\n", elite_necessary_time, elite_uncom, elite_waiting_time); for(i=1;i<NODE_NUM;i++){ if(elite_route[i] != 0) printf("%d -> ", elite_route[i]); } /* fp = fopen(fname, "wt"); if(fp == NULL){ printf("file open error\n"); exit(1); } else{ for(i=1;i<N-1;i++){ if(route[i] != 0){ fprintf(fp,"%d,%d,%d,%d\n", cord[route[i]].x, cord[route[i]].y, cord[route[i+1]].x, cord[route[i+1]].y); printf("%d,%d,%d,%d\n", cord[route[i]].x, cord[route[i]].y, cord[route[i+1]].x, cord[route[i+1]].y); } } } fclose(fp); */ return 0; }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { int i; int index, index1, index2; FILE *fpt1; FILE *fpt2; FILE *fpt3; FILE *fpt4; FILE *fpt5; individual *ea; individual *parent1, *parent2, *child1, *child2; ind_list *elite, *cur; if (argc<2) { printf("\n Usage ./main random_seed \n"); exit(1); } seed = (double)atof(argv[1]); if (seed<=0.0 || seed>=1.0) { printf("\n Entered seed value is wrong, seed value must be in (0,1) \n"); exit(1); } fpt1 = fopen("initial_pop.out","w"); fpt2 = fopen("final_pop.out","w"); fpt3 = fopen("final_archive.out","w"); fpt4 = fopen("all_archive.out","w"); fpt5 = fopen("params.out","w"); fprintf(fpt1,"# This file contains the data of initial population\n"); fprintf(fpt2,"# This file contains the data of final population\n"); fprintf(fpt3,"# This file contains the best obtained solution(s)\n"); fprintf(fpt4,"# This file contains the data of archive for all generations\n"); fprintf(fpt5,"# This file contains information about inputs as read by the program\n"); printf("\n Enter the problem relevant and algorithm relevant parameters ... "); printf("\n Enter the population size (>1) : "); scanf("%d",&popsize); if (popsize<2) { printf("\n population size read is : %d",popsize); printf("\n Wrong population size entered, hence exiting \n"); exit (1); } printf("\n Enter the number of function evaluations : "); scanf("%d",&neval); if (neval<popsize) { printf("\n number of function evaluations read is : %d",neval); printf("\n Wrong nuber of evaluations entered, hence exiting \n"); exit (1); } printf("\n Enter the number of objectives (>=2): "); scanf("%d",&nobj); if (nobj<2) { printf("\n number of objectives entered is : %d",nobj); printf("\n Wrong number of objectives entered, hence exiting \n"); exit (1); } epsilon = (double *)malloc(nobj*sizeof(double)); min_obj = (double *)malloc(nobj*sizeof(double)); for (i=0; i<nobj; i++) { printf("\n Enter the value of epsilon[%d] : ",i+1); scanf("%lf",&epsilon[i]); if (epsilon[i]<=0.0) { printf("\n Entered value of epsilon[%d] is non-positive, hence exiting\n",i+1); exit(1); } printf("\n Enter the value of min_obj[%d] (if not known, enter 0.0) : ",i+1); scanf("%lf",&min_obj[i]); } printf("\n Enter the number of constraints : "); scanf("%d",&ncon); if (ncon<0) { printf("\n number of constraints entered is : %d",ncon); printf("\n Wrong number of constraints enetered, hence exiting \n"); exit (1); } printf("\n Enter the number of real variables : "); scanf("%d",&nreal); if (nreal<0) { printf("\n number of real variables entered is : %d",nreal); printf("\n Wrong number of variables entered, hence exiting \n"); exit (1); } if (nreal != 0) { min_realvar = (double *)malloc(nreal*sizeof(double)); max_realvar = (double *)malloc(nreal*sizeof(double)); for (i=0; i<nreal; i++) { printf ("\n Enter the lower limit of real variable %d : ",i+1); scanf ("%lf",&min_realvar[i]); printf ("\n Enter the upper limit of real variable %d : ",i+1); scanf ("%lf",&max_realvar[i]); if (max_realvar[i] <= min_realvar[i]) { printf("\n Wrong limits entered for the min and max bounds of real variable %d, hence exiting \n",i+1); exit(1); } } printf ("\n Enter the probability of crossover of real variable (0.6-1.0) : "); scanf ("%lf",&pcross_real); if (pcross_real<0.0 || pcross_real>1.0) { printf("\n Probability of crossover entered is : %e",pcross_real); printf("\n Entered value of probability of crossover of real variables is out of bounds, hence exiting \n"); exit (1); } printf ("\n Enter the probablity of mutation of real variables (1/nreal) : "); scanf ("%lf",&pmut_real); if (pmut_real<0.0 || pmut_real>1.0) { printf("\n Probability of mutation entered is : %e",pmut_real); printf("\n Entered value of probability of mutation of real variables is out of bounds, hence exiting \n"); exit (1); } printf ("\n Enter the value of distribution index for crossover (5-20): "); scanf ("%lf",&eta_c); if (eta_c<=0) { printf("\n The value entered is : %e",eta_c); printf("\n Wrong value of distribution index for crossover entered, hence exiting \n"); exit (1); } printf ("\n Enter the value of distribution index for mutation (5-50): "); scanf ("%lf",&eta_m); if (eta_m<=0) { printf("\n The value entered is : %e",eta_m); printf("\n Wrong value of distribution index for mutation entered, hence exiting \n"); exit (1); } } printf("\n Enter the number of binary variables : "); scanf("%d",&nbin); if (nbin<0) { printf ("\n number of binary variables entered is : %d",nbin); printf ("\n Wrong number of binary variables entered, hence exiting \n"); exit(1); } if (nbin != 0) { nbits = (int *)malloc(nbin*sizeof(int)); min_binvar = (double *)malloc(nbin*sizeof(double)); max_binvar = (double *)malloc(nbin*sizeof(double)); for (i=0; i<nbin; i++) { printf ("\n Enter the number of bits for binary variable %d : ",i+1); scanf ("%d",&nbits[i]); if (nbits[i] < 1) { printf("\n Wrong number of bits for binary variable entered, hence exiting"); exit(1); } printf ("\n Enter the lower limit of binary variable %d : ",i+1); scanf ("%lf",&min_binvar[i]); printf ("\n Enter the upper limit of binary variable %d : ",i+1); scanf ("%lf",&max_binvar[i]); if (max_binvar[i] <= min_binvar[i]) { printf("\n Wrong limits entered for the min and max bounds of binary variable entered, hence exiting \n"); exit(1); } } printf ("\n Enter the probability of crossover of binary variable (0.6-1.0): "); scanf ("%lf",&pcross_bin); if (pcross_bin<0.0 || pcross_bin>1.0) { printf("\n Probability of crossover entered is : %e",pcross_bin); printf("\n Entered value of probability of crossover of binary variables is out of bounds, hence exiting \n"); exit (1); } printf ("\n Enter the probability of mutation of binary variables (1/nbits): "); scanf ("%lf",&pmut_bin); if (pmut_bin<0.0 || pmut_bin>1.0) { printf("\n Probability of mutation entered is : %e",pmut_bin); printf("\n Entered value of probability of mutation of binary variables is out of bounds, hence exiting \n"); exit (1); } } if (nreal==0 && nbin==0) { printf("\n Number of real as well as binary variables, both are zero, hence exiting \n"); exit(1); } printf("\n Input data successfully entered, now performing initialization \n"); fprintf(fpt5,"\n Population size = %d",popsize); fprintf(fpt5,"\n Number of function evaluations = %d",neval); fprintf(fpt5,"\n Number of objective functions = %d",nobj); for (i=0; i<nobj; i++) { fprintf(fpt5,"\n Epsilon for objective %d = %e",i+1,epsilon[i]); fprintf(fpt5,"\n Minimum value of objective %d = %e",i+1,min_obj[i]); } fprintf(fpt5,"\n Number of constraints = %d",ncon); fprintf(fpt5,"\n Number of real variables = %d",nreal); if (nreal!=0) { for (i=0; i<nreal; i++) { fprintf(fpt5,"\n Lower limit of real variable %d = %e",i+1,min_realvar[i]); fprintf(fpt5,"\n Upper limit of real variable %d = %e",i+1,max_realvar[i]); } fprintf(fpt5,"\n Probability of crossover of real variable = %e",pcross_real); fprintf(fpt5,"\n Probability of mutation of real variable = %e",pmut_real); fprintf(fpt5,"\n Distribution index for crossover = %e",eta_c); fprintf(fpt5,"\n Distribution index for mutation = %e",eta_m); } fprintf(fpt5,"\n Number of binary variables = %d",nbin); if (nbin!=0) { for (i=0; i<nbin; i++) { fprintf(fpt5,"\n Number of bits for binary variable %d = %d",i+1,nbits[i]); fprintf(fpt5,"\n Lower limit of binary variable %d = %e",i+1,min_binvar[i]); fprintf(fpt5,"\n Upper limit of binary variable %d = %e",i+1,max_binvar[i]); } fprintf(fpt5,"\n Probability of crossover of binary variable = %e",pcross_bin); fprintf(fpt5,"\n Probability of mutation of binary variable = %e",pmut_bin); } fprintf(fpt5,"\n Seed for random number generator = %e",seed); bitlength = 0; if (nbin!=0) { for (i=0; i<nbin; i++) { bitlength += nbits[i]; } } fprintf(fpt1,"# of objectives = %d, # of constraints = %d, # of real_var = %d, # of bits of bin_var = %d, constr_violation\n",nobj,ncon,nreal,bitlength); fprintf(fpt2,"# of objectives = %d, # of constraints = %d, # of real_var = %d, # of bits of bin_var = %d, constr_violation\n",nobj,ncon,nreal,bitlength); fprintf(fpt3,"# of objectives = %d, # of constraints = %d, # of real_var = %d, # of bits of bin_var = %d, constr_violation\n",nobj,ncon,nreal,bitlength); fprintf(fpt4,"# of objectives = %d, # of constraints = %d, # of real_var = %d, # of bits of bin_var = %d, constr_violation\n",nobj,ncon,nreal,bitlength); nbinmut = 0; nrealmut = 0; nbincross = 0; nrealcross = 0; currenteval = 0; elite_size = 0; randomize(); ea = (individual *)malloc(popsize*sizeof(individual)); array = (int *)malloc(popsize*sizeof(int)); for (i=0; i<popsize; i++) { allocate (&ea[i]); initialize(&ea[i]); decode(&ea[i]); eval(&ea[i]); } report_pop (ea, fpt1); elite = (ind_list *)malloc(sizeof(ind_list)); elite->ind = (individual *)malloc(sizeof(individual)); allocate (elite->ind); elite->parent = NULL; elite->child = NULL; insert (elite, &ea[0]); for (i=1; i<popsize; i++) { update_elite (elite, &ea[i]); } child1 = (individual *)malloc(sizeof(individual)); allocate (child1); child2 = (individual *)malloc(sizeof(individual)); allocate (child2); cur = elite; while (currenteval<neval) { index1 = rnd(0, popsize-1); index2 = rnd(0, popsize-1); parent1 = tournament (&ea[index1], &ea[index2]); index = rnd(0, elite_size-1); cur = elite->child; for (i=1; i<=index; i++) { cur=cur->child; } parent2 = cur->ind; crossover (parent1, parent2, child1, child2); mutation (child1); decode (child1); eval (child1); update_elite (elite, child1); update_pop (ea, child1); mutation (child2); decode (child2); eval (child2); update_elite (elite, child2); update_pop (ea, child2); printf("\n Currenteval = %d and Elite_size = %d",currenteval,elite_size); /* Comment following three lines if information at all evaluation is not desired, it will speed up execution of the code */ fprintf(fpt4,"# eval id = %d\n",currenteval); report_archive (elite, fpt4); fflush(fpt4); } printf("\n Generations finished, now reporting solutions"); report_pop (ea, fpt2); report_archive (elite, fpt3); if (nreal!=0) { fprintf(fpt5,"\n Number of crossover of real variable = %d",nrealcross); fprintf(fpt5,"\n Number of mutation of real variable = %d",nrealmut); } if (nbin!=0) { fprintf(fpt5,"\n Number of crossover of binary variable = %d",nbincross); fprintf(fpt5,"\n Number of mutation of binary variable = %d",nbinmut); } fflush(stdout); fflush(fpt1); fflush(fpt2); fflush(fpt3); fflush(fpt4); fflush(fpt5); fclose(fpt1); fclose(fpt2); fclose(fpt3); fclose(fpt4); fclose(fpt5); if (nreal!=0) { free (min_realvar); free (max_realvar); } if (nbin!=0) { free (min_binvar); free (max_binvar); free (nbits); } free (epsilon); free (min_obj); free (array); for (i=0; i<popsize; i++) { deallocate (&ea[i]); } free (ea); cur = elite->child; while (cur!=NULL) { cur = del(cur); cur = cur->child; } deallocate (elite->ind); free (elite->ind); free (elite); printf("\n Routine successfully exited \n"); return (0); }