int main (int argc, char **argv) { GtkStatusIcon *icon; gtk_init (&argc, &argv); icon = gtk_status_icon_new (); g_signal_connect (icon, "size-changed", G_CALLBACK (size_changed_cb), NULL); g_signal_connect (icon, "notify::embedded", G_CALLBACK (embedded_changed_cb), NULL); g_signal_connect (icon, "notify::orientation", G_CALLBACK (orientation_changed_cb), NULL); g_signal_connect (icon, "notify::screen", G_CALLBACK (screen_changed_cb), NULL); g_print ("icon size %d\n", gtk_status_icon_get_size (icon)); g_signal_connect (icon, "activate", G_CALLBACK (icon_activated), NULL); g_signal_connect (icon, "popup-menu", G_CALLBACK (popup_menu), NULL); icons = g_slist_append (icons, icon); update_icon (); timeout = gdk_threads_add_timeout (2000, timeout_handler, icon); gtk_main (); return 0; }
void Icon::update_all() { Fl_Config &iconConfig = *cfg; iconConfig.read_file(false); iconConfig.set_section("Desktop Entry"); // Icon Label: icon_name = get_localized_name(iconConfig); tooltip(icon_name); label(icon_name); label_color(label_foreground); label_size(label_fontsize); lwidth = label_maxwidth; // This is a bit strange, but otherwise we get mysterious crashes... lheight= 0; fl_font(label_font(), label_size()); fl_measure(icon_name, lwidth, lheight, FL_ALIGN_WRAP); lwidth += 4; // height+= 4; // Icon file:"Icon", icon_file, "folder.png"); update_icon(); redraw(); //desktop->redraw(); }
static gint sexy_icon_entry_button_press(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventButton *event) { SexyIconEntry *entry = SEXY_ICON_ENTRY(widget); int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_ICONS; i++) { if (event->window == entry->priv->icons[i].window) { if (event->button == 1 && sexy_icon_entry_get_icon_highlight(entry, i)) { entry->priv->icons[i].hovered = FALSE; update_icon(NULL, NULL, entry); } g_signal_emit(entry, signals[ICON_PRESSED], 0, i, event->button); return TRUE; } } if (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS(parent_class)->button_press_event) return GTK_WIDGET_CLASS(parent_class)->button_press_event(widget, event); return FALSE; }
Gobby::TabLabel::TabLabel(Folder& folder, SessionView& view, const Glib::ustring& active_icon_name): m_folder(folder), m_view(view), m_title(view.get_title()), m_changed(false), m_active_icon_name(active_icon_name) { set_column_spacing(6); m_title.set_halign(Gtk::ALIGN_START); update_icon(); update_color();;; m_button.set_halign(Gtk::ALIGN_END);; view.signal_active_user_changed().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &TabLabel::on_active_user_changed)); m_notify_status_handle = g_signal_connect( G_OBJECT(view.get_session()), "notify::status", G_CALLBACK(on_notify_status_static), this); m_notify_subscription_group_handle = g_signal_connect( G_OBJECT(view.get_session()), "notify::subscription-group", G_CALLBACK(on_notify_subscription_group_static), this); m_folder.signal_document_changed().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &TabLabel::on_folder_document_changed)); attach(m_icon, 0, 0, 1, 1); attach(m_title, 1, 0, 1, 1); attach(m_button, 2, 0, 1, 1); }
static void show_desktop_applet_realized(MatePanelApplet* applet, gpointer data) { ShowDesktopData* sdd; GdkScreen* screen; sdd = (ShowDesktopData*) data; if (sdd->matewnck_screen != NULL) g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func(sdd->matewnck_screen, show_desktop_changed_callback, sdd); if (sdd->icon_theme != NULL) g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func(sdd->icon_theme, theme_changed_callback, sdd); screen = gtk_widget_get_screen(sdd->applet); sdd->matewnck_screen = matewnck_screen_get(gdk_screen_get_number (screen)); if (sdd->matewnck_screen != NULL) wncklet_connect_while_alive(sdd->matewnck_screen, "showing_desktop_changed", G_CALLBACK(show_desktop_changed_callback), sdd, sdd->applet); else g_warning("Could not get MatewnckScreen!"); show_desktop_changed_callback(sdd->matewnck_screen, sdd); sdd->icon_theme = gtk_icon_theme_get_for_screen (screen); wncklet_connect_while_alive(sdd->icon_theme, "changed", G_CALLBACK(theme_changed_callback), sdd, sdd->applet); update_icon (sdd); }
/* this is when the panel size changes */ static void button_size_allocated(GtkWidget* button, GtkAllocation* allocation, ShowDesktopData* sdd) { /* if ((sdd->orient == GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) && (sdd->size == allocation->height)) { return; } else if ((sdd->orient == GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL) && (sdd->size == allocation->width)) { return; } */ if (((sdd->orient == GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) && (sdd->size == allocation->height)) || ((sdd->orient == GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL) && (sdd->size == allocation->width))) return; switch (sdd->orient) { case GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL: sdd->size = allocation->height; break; case GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL: sdd->size = allocation->width; break; } update_icon(sdd); }
static void applet_change_orient (PanelApplet *applet, PanelAppletOrient orient, ShowDesktopData *sdd) { GtkOrientation new_orient; switch (orient) { case PANEL_APPLET_ORIENT_LEFT: case PANEL_APPLET_ORIENT_RIGHT: new_orient = GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL; break; case PANEL_APPLET_ORIENT_UP: case PANEL_APPLET_ORIENT_DOWN: default: new_orient = GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL; break; } if (new_orient == sdd->orient) return; sdd->orient = new_orient; update_icon (sdd); }
static void on_mouse_scroll (GtkWidget* widget, GdkEventScroll* evt, volume_t *vol) { if ( ! vol->dlg ) { vol->dlg = create_volume_window(); g_signal_connect( vol->dlg, "delete-event", G_CALLBACK(on_volume_focus), widget ); } else { if (! vol_spin) return; GtkAdjustment *vol_adjustment = gtk_spin_button_get_adjustment (vol_spin); if (! vol_adjustment) return; curr_volume = gtk_adjustment_get_value (vol_adjustment); if (evt->direction == GDK_SCROLL_UP) { curr_volume += 2; } else /*if (evt->direction == GDK_SCROLL_DOWN)*/ { curr_volume -= 2; } update_icon(widget, vol); gtk_adjustment_set_value (vol_adjustment, curr_volume); gtk_spin_button_set_adjustment(vol_spin, vol_adjustment); skip_botton1_event = TRUE; } }
static void break_window_postpone_cb (GtkWidget *window, DrWright *dr) { gint elapsed_time; gtk_widget_destroy (dr->break_window); dr->state = STATE_RUNNING; dr->break_window = NULL; elapsed_time = drw_timer_elapsed (dr->timer); if (elapsed_time + dr->save_last_time >= dr->type_time) { /* Typing time has expired, but break was postponed. * We'll warn again in (elapsed * sqrt (typing_time))^2 */ gfloat postpone_time = (((float) elapsed_time) / dr->break_time) * sqrt (dr->type_time); postpone_time *= postpone_time; dr->save_last_time = dr->type_time - MAX (dr->warn_time, (gint) postpone_time); } drw_timer_start (dr->timer); maybe_change_state (dr); update_status (dr); #ifdef HAVE_APP_INDICATOR update_app_indicator (dr); #else update_icon (dr); #endif /* HAVE_APP_INDICATOR */ }
Gobby::TabLabel::TabLabel(Folder& folder, SessionView& view, const Glib::ustring& active_icon_name): Gtk::HBox(false, 6), m_folder(folder), m_view(view), m_title(view.get_title()), m_changed(false), m_active_icon_name(active_icon_name) { m_title.set_alignment(Gtk::ALIGN_START); update_icon(); update_color();;;;; view.signal_active_user_changed().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &TabLabel::on_active_user_changed)); m_notify_status_handle = g_signal_connect( G_OBJECT(view.get_session()), "notify::status", G_CALLBACK(on_notify_status_static), this); m_notify_subscription_group_handle = g_signal_connect( G_OBJECT(view.get_session()), "notify::subscription-group", G_CALLBACK(on_notify_subscription_group_static), this); m_folder.signal_document_changed().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &TabLabel::on_folder_document_changed)); pack_start(m_icon, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); pack_start(m_title, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); pack_start(m_extra, Gtk::PACK_EXPAND_WIDGET); pack_end(m_button, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); }
static void polari_room_set_channel (PolariRoom *room, TpChannel *channel) { PolariRoomPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail (POLARI_IS_ROOM (room)); g_return_if_fail (channel == NULL || TP_IS_TEXT_CHANNEL (channel)); priv = room->priv; if (priv->channel == channel) return; if (priv->channel) { g_signal_handler_disconnect (priv->channel, priv->identifier_notify_id); g_signal_handler_disconnect (priv->channel, priv->group_contacts_changed_id); tp_proxy_signal_connection_disconnect (priv->properties_changed_id); g_clear_object (&priv->channel); } if (channel) { priv->channel = g_object_ref (channel); if (priv->id == NULL) priv->id = g_strdup (tp_proxy_get_object_path (TP_PROXY (channel))); tp_cli_dbus_properties_call_get_all (channel, -1, TP_IFACE_CHANNEL_INTERFACE_SUBJECT, (tp_properties_get_all_cb)subject_get_all, room, NULL, NULL); priv->identifier_notify_id = g_signal_connect (channel, "notify::identifier", G_CALLBACK (on_identifier_notify), room); priv->group_contacts_changed_id = g_signal_connect (channel, "group-contacts-changed", G_CALLBACK (on_group_contacts_changed), room); priv->properties_changed_id = tp_cli_dbus_properties_connect_to_properties_changed ( channel, (tp_properties_changed_cb) properties_changed, room, NULL, NULL, NULL); } g_object_freeze_notify (G_OBJECT (room)); update_identifier (room); update_icon (room); g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (room), props[PROP_CHANNEL]); g_object_thaw_notify (G_OBJECT (room)); }
static void on_click_toggle(GtkCheckMenuItem *item, gpointer user_data){ E_RETURN is_wall_active = torwall_client_status(); if (is_wall_active == STATUS_RUNNING) { torwall_client_off(); } else { torwall_client_on(); } update_icon(); }
static void on_click(GtkStatusIcon *status_icon, gpointer user_data){ printf("ONCLICK\n"); E_RETURN is_wall_active = torwall_client_status(); if (is_wall_active == STATUS_RUNNING) { torwall_client_off(); } else { torwall_client_on(); } update_icon(); }
static void style_changed_cb(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer user_data) { IndicatorFitbit *self = INDICATOR_FITBIT(user_data); g_return_if_fail(GTK_IS_IMAGE(widget)); g_return_if_fail(IS_INDICATOR_FITBIT(user_data)); load_all_pixbufs(self); update_icon(self); }
static void mute(GtkWidget *widget, struct channel *c) { int val, i; val = gtk_toggle_button_get_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(widget)); for (i = 0; i <= SND_MIXER_SCHN_LAST; i++) _set_switch(c->elem, c->playback, i, !val); mixer_getmute(c); update_icon(c); }
static void detect_received(GtkClipboard *board, const gchar *text, SeahorseApplet *sapplet) { SeahorseAppletPrivate *priv = SEAHORSE_APPLET_GET_PRIVATE (sapplet); if (!text || !*text) priv->clipboard_contents = SEAHORSE_TEXT_TYPE_NONE; else priv->clipboard_contents = detect_text_type (text, -1, NULL, NULL); update_icon (sapplet); }
static gboolean timeout_handler (gpointer data) { if (status == TEST_STATUS_INFO) status = TEST_STATUS_QUESTION; else status = TEST_STATUS_INFO; update_icon (); return TRUE; }
/** * sexy_icon_entry_set_icon * @entry: A #SexyIconEntry. * @position: Icon position. * @icon: A #GtkImage to set as the icon. * * Sets the icon shown in the entry */ void sexy_icon_entry_set_icon(SexyIconEntry *entry, SexyIconEntryPosition icon_pos, GtkImage *icon) { SexyIconInfo *icon_info; g_return_if_fail(entry != NULL); g_return_if_fail(SEXY_IS_ICON_ENTRY(entry)); g_return_if_fail(IS_VALID_ICON_ENTRY_POSITION(icon_pos)); g_return_if_fail(icon == NULL || GTK_IS_IMAGE(icon)); icon_info = &entry->priv->icons[icon_pos]; if (icon == icon_info->icon) return; if (icon_pos == SEXY_ICON_ENTRY_SECONDARY && entry->priv->icon_released_id != 0) { g_signal_handler_disconnect(entry, entry->priv->icon_released_id); entry->priv->icon_released_id = 0; } if (icon == NULL) { if (icon_info->icon != NULL) { gtk_widget_destroy(GTK_WIDGET(icon_info->icon)); icon_info->icon = NULL; /* * Explicitly check, as the pointer may become invalidated * during destruction. */ if (icon_info->window != NULL && GDK_IS_WINDOW(icon_info->window)) gdk_window_hide(icon_info->window); } } else { if (icon_info->window != NULL && icon_info->icon == NULL) gdk_window_show(icon_info->window); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(icon), "notify", G_CALLBACK(update_icon), entry); icon_info->icon = icon; g_object_ref(icon); } update_icon(NULL, NULL, entry); }
static void init_tray_icon (DrWright *dr) { dr->icon = gtk_status_icon_new_from_pixbuf (dr->neutral_bar); update_status (dr); update_icon (dr); g_signal_connect (dr->icon, "popup_menu", G_CALLBACK (popup_menu_cb), dr); }
static void handle_clipboard_owner_change(GtkClipboard *clipboard, GdkEvent *event, SeahorseApplet *sapplet) { SeahorseAppletPrivate *priv = SEAHORSE_APPLET_GET_PRIVATE (sapplet); priv->board = clipboard; if (seahorse_gconf_get_boolean (SHOW_CLIPBOARD_STATE_KEY)) gtk_clipboard_request_text (clipboard, (GtkClipboardTextReceivedFunc)detect_received, sapplet); else update_icon (sapplet); }
static void settings_changed_cb (GSettings *settings, const gchar *key, GpMenuButtonApplet *menu_button) { GpMenuButtonAppletPrivate *priv; priv = gp_menu_button_applet_get_instance_private (menu_button); if (g_strcmp0 (key, "custom-icon") == 0) { update_icon (menu_button); } else if (g_strcmp0 (key, "menu-path") == 0) { update_menu (menu_button); update_icon (menu_button); } else if (g_strcmp0 (key, "show-arrow") == 0) { gboolean show_arrow; show_arrow = g_settings_get_boolean (priv->settings, "show-arrow"); gtk_widget_set_visible (priv->image, show_arrow); } else if (g_strcmp0 (key, "tooltip") == 0) { gchar *tooltip; gboolean enable_tooltips; tooltip = g_settings_get_string (priv->settings, "tooltip"); gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text (priv->button, *tooltip != '\0' ? tooltip : NULL); g_free (tooltip); g_object_get (menu_button, "enable-tooltips", &enable_tooltips, NULL); gtk_widget_set_has_tooltip (priv->button, enable_tooltips); } }
static GtkWidget *volume_constructor(LXPanel *panel, config_setting_t *settings) { volume_t *vol; GtkWidget *p; GtkAdjustment *vol_adjustment; vol_before_mute = 1; curr_volume = 0; curr_image = NULL; skip_botton1_event = FALSE; ENTER; /* check if OSS mixer device could be open */ mixer_fd = open ("/dev/mixer", O_RDWR, 0); if (mixer_fd < 0) { RET(NULL); } /* try to obtain current volume */ p = create_volume_window(); /* use pointer */ if (! vol_spin) goto _error; vol_adjustment = gtk_spin_button_get_adjustment (vol_spin); if (! vol_adjustment) { _error: gtk_widget_destroy(p); RET(NULL); } curr_volume = gtk_adjustment_get_value (vol_adjustment); vol = g_new0(volume_t, 1); vol->dlg = p; /* it was reused */ p = gtk_event_box_new(); lxpanel_plugin_set_data(p, vol, volume_destructor); vol->panel = panel; gtk_widget_add_events(p, GDK_BUTTON_PRESS_MASK); g_signal_connect(p, "scroll-event", G_CALLBACK(on_mouse_scroll), vol); gtk_widget_set_size_request(p, panel_get_icon_size(panel), panel_get_icon_size(panel)); update_icon(p, vol); gtk_widget_destroy( vol->dlg ); vol->dlg = NULL; /* FIXME: display current level in tooltip. ex: "Volume Control: 80%" */ gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text(p, _("Volume control")); RET(p); }
static void break_window_postpone_cb (GtkWidget *window, DrWright *dr) { gtk_widget_destroy (dr->break_window); dr->state = STATE_WARN_TYPE; dr->break_window = NULL; g_timer_start (dr->timer); start_blinking (dr); update_icon (dr); update_tooltip (dr); }
static void update_gui(struct channel *c) { mixer_getmute(c); update_icon(c); if (c->mute) { gtk_toggle_button_set_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(c->mute), !c->muteval); } else { c->muteval = 1; } gtk_range_set_value(GTK_RANGE(c->vscale), mixer_get(c)); }
static void notify (GObject *object, GParamSpec *pspec) { if (!pspec || !pspec->name) return; if (!strcmp (pspec->name, NM_LIST_ITEM_STATUS)) update_icon (NM_ETHERNET_ITEM (object)); else if (!strcmp (pspec->name, NM_CONNECTION_ITEM_CONNECTION) && !nm_connection_item_get_connection (NM_CONNECTION_ITEM (object))) /* If the connection is removed from the item, request deletion */ nm_list_item_request_remove (NM_LIST_ITEM (object)); }
static void on_volume_focus (GtkWidget* dlg, GdkEventFocus *event, GtkWidget *p) { volume_t *vol = lxpanel_plugin_get_data(p); if (! vol_spin) return; GtkAdjustment *vol_adjustment = gtk_spin_button_get_adjustment (vol_spin); if (! vol_adjustment) return; curr_volume = gtk_adjustment_get_value (vol_adjustment); update_icon(p, vol); /* FIXME: use smarter method */ gtk_widget_destroy( dlg ); vol->dlg = NULL; }
static GtkImage *get_image(IndicatorObject *io) { IndicatorFitbit *self = INDICATOR_FITBIT(io); if (!self->priv->image) { self->priv->image = GTK_IMAGE(gtk_image_new()); load_all_pixbufs(self); update_icon(self); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(self->priv->image), "style-updated", G_CALLBACK(style_changed_cb), self); gtk_widget_show(GTK_WIDGET(self->priv->image)); } return self->priv->image; }
static void update_current_ap (NMWifiItem *self) { NMWifiItemPrivate *priv = GET_PRIVATE (self); GSList *iter; /* FIXME: If device is activated, use activation AP only */ for (iter = priv->ap_list; iter; iter = iter->next) { NMAccessPoint *ap = (NMAccessPoint *) iter->data; if (!priv->current_ap || nm_access_point_get_strength (priv->current_ap) < nm_access_point_get_strength (ap)) priv->current_ap = ap; } update_icon (self); }
static void tracker_cb(fitbitd_tracker_t *tracker, void *user) { IndicatorFitbit *self = user; GtkWidget *item = tracker->user; if (!item) { item = tracker_menuitem_new(); tracker->user = item; gtk_widget_show(item); gtk_menu_shell_prepend(GTK_MENU_SHELL(self->priv->menu), item); } self->priv->syncing |= tracker->sync_active; update_icon(self); tracker_menuitem_set_from_tracker(TRACKER_MENUITEM(item), tracker); }
/* * Initialise an icon structure * PARAMETERS: * s : Label structure to initialise * on_img : Path to the on_image picture * off_img : Path to the off_image picture * status : 0 for off_image, 1 for on_image * x : x coordinate of the top left corner of the label * y : y coordinate of the top left corner of the label * * RETURNS: * 0 : Success * 1 : Failure */ int init_icon(icon_t *s, char *on_img, char *off_img, int status, int x, int y) { //Load icon image on and image off s->surface_on = IMG_Load(on_img); s->surface_off = IMG_Load(off_img); // Return 1 if unable to load one of the image if (!(s->surface_on) || !(s->surface_off)) return 1; // Populate other variables from param s->status = status; s->x = x; s->y = y; update_icon(s, 1, 0); return 0; }