Example #1
/*Place the effect in a stack of effects.*/
static void place_effect_idx(int x_idx, int y, int x)

	/* Get this effect */
	effect_type *x_ptr = &x_list[x_idx];

	 * Handle next_x_idx.  Traps (and glyphs) always have first priority.
	if (cave_any_trap_bold(y, x))
		x_ptr->next_x_idx = x_list[cave_x_idx[y][x]].next_x_idx;
		x_list[cave_x_idx[y][x]].next_x_idx = x_idx;
 		x_ptr->next_x_idx = cave_x_idx[y][x];
 		cave_x_idx[y][x] = x_idx;

	/* Update some CAVE_* flags */
	update_los_proj_move(y, x);

	/* Redraw grid if necessary */
	if (character_dungeon && !(x_ptr->x_flags & (EF1_HIDDEN)))
		light_spot(y, x);

Example #2
 * Read the dungeon
 * The monsters/objects must be loaded in the same order
 * that they were stored, since the actual indexes matter.
 * Note that the size of the dungeon is now hard-coded to
 * DUNGEON_HGT by DUNGEON_WID, and any dungeon with another
 * size will be silently discarded by this routine.
 * Note that dungeon objects, including objects held by monsters, are
 * placed directly into the dungeon, using "object_copy()", which will
 * copy "iy", "ix", and "held_m_idx", leaving "next_o_idx" blank for
 * objects held by monsters, since it is not saved in the savefile.
 * After loading the monsters, the objects being held by monsters are
 * linked directly into those monsters.
static errr rd_dungeon(void)
	int i, y, x;

	s16b depth;
	s16b py, px;

	byte count;
	byte tmp8u;
	u16b tmp16u;

	u16b limit;

	/*** Basic info ***/

	/* Header info */
	/* Get dungeon capabilities */

	/* Paranoia */
	allow_altered_inventory = FALSE;


	/* Ignore illegal dungeons */
	if ((depth < 0) || (depth >= MAX_DEPTH))
		note(format("Ignoring illegal dungeon depth (%d)", depth));
		return (0);

	/* Ignore illegal dungeons */
	if ((p_ptr->cur_map_hgt > MAX_DUNGEON_HGT) || (p_ptr->cur_map_wid > MAX_DUNGEON_WID))
		/* XXX XXX XXX */
		note(format("Ignoring illegal dungeon size (%d,%d).", p_ptr->cur_map_hgt, p_ptr->cur_map_wid));
		return (0);

	/* Ignore illegal dungeons */
	if ((px < 0) || (px >= p_ptr->cur_map_wid) ||
		(py < 0) || (py >= p_ptr->cur_map_hgt))
		note(format("Ignoring illegal player location (%d,%d).", py, px));
		return (1);

	/*** Run length decoding ***/

	/* Load the dungeon data */
	for (x = y = 0; y < p_ptr->cur_map_hgt; )
		/* Grab RLE info */

		/* Apply the RLE info */
		for (i = count; i > 0; i--)
			/* Extract "info" */
			cave_info[y][x] = tmp8u;

			/* Advance/Wrap */
			if (++x >= p_ptr->cur_map_wid)
				/* Wrap */
				x = 0;

				/* Advance/Wrap */
				if (++y >= p_ptr->cur_map_hgt) break;

	/*** Run length decoding ***/

	/* Load the dungeon data */
	for (x = y = 0; y < p_ptr->cur_map_hgt; )
		/* Grab RLE info */

		/* Apply the RLE info */
		for (i = count; i > 0; i--)
			feature_type *f_ptr;

			/* Extract "feat" */
			cave_feat[y][x] = tmp8u;

			update_los_proj_move(y, x);

			/* Get fast access to feature */
			f_ptr = &f_info[tmp8u];

			/* Handle glowing grids */
			if (_feat_ff2_match(f_ptr, FF2_GLOW))
				int d;

				/* Turn on super glow */
				cave_info[y][x] |= (CAVE_HALO);

				/* Spread super glow through adjacent grids */
				for (d = 0; d < 8; d++)
					/* Get coordinates */
					int yy = y + ddy_ddd[d];
					int xx = x + ddx_ddd[d];

					/* Ignore annoying locations */
					if (!in_bounds_fully(yy, xx))

					/* Turn on super glow */
					cave_info[yy][xx] |= (CAVE_HALO);

			/* Register dynamic features */
			if (_feat_ff3_match(f_ptr, FF3_DYNAMIC))
				(void)add_dynamic_terrain(y, x);

			/* Update the flags of the current level */
			if (_feat_ff3_match(f_ptr, TERRAIN_MASK))
				level_flag |= get_level_flag((u16b)(f_ptr - f_info));

			/* Advance/Wrap */
			if (++x >= p_ptr->cur_map_wid)
				/* Wrap */
				x = 0;

				/* Advance/Wrap */
				if (++y >= p_ptr->cur_map_hgt) break;

	/*** Player ***/

	/* Load depth */
	p_ptr->depth = depth;

	/* Place player in dungeon */
	if (!player_place(py, px))
		note(format("Cannot place player (%d,%d)!", py, px));
		return (-1);

	/*** Objects ***/

	/* Read the item count */

	/* Verify maximum */
	if (limit > z_info->o_max)
		note(format("Too many (%d) object entries!", limit));
		return (-1);

	/* Read the dungeon items */
	for (i = 1; i < limit; i++)
		object_type *i_ptr;
		object_type object_type_body;

		s16b o_idx;
		object_type *o_ptr;

		/* Get the object */
		i_ptr = &object_type_body;

		/* Wipe the object */

		/* Read the item */
		if (rd_item(i_ptr))
			note("Error reading item");
			return (-1);

		/* Make an object */
		o_idx = o_pop();

		/* Paranoia */
		if (o_idx != i)
			note(format("Cannot place object %d!", i));
			return (-1);

		/* Get the object */
		o_ptr = &o_list[o_idx];

		/* Structure Copy */
		object_copy(o_ptr, i_ptr);

		/* Dungeon floor */
		if (!i_ptr->held_m_idx)
			int x = i_ptr->ix;
			int y = i_ptr->iy;

			/* ToDo: Verify coordinates */

			/* Link the object to the pile */
			o_ptr->next_o_idx = cave_o_idx[y][x];

			/* Link the floor to the object */
			cave_o_idx[y][x] = o_idx;

			/* Rearrange stack if needed */
			rearrange_stack(y, x);

	/*** Monsters ***/

	/* Read the monster count */

	/* Hack -- verify */
	if (limit > z_info->m_max)
		note(format("Too many (%d) monster entries!", limit));
		return (-1);

	/* Read the monsters */
	for (i = 1; i < limit; i++)
		monster_type *n_ptr;
		monster_type monster_type_body;
		monster_race *r_ptr;

		int r_idx;

		/* Get local monster */
		n_ptr = &monster_type_body;

		/* Clear the monster */
		(void)WIPE(n_ptr, monster_type);

		/* Read the monster */

		/* Access the "r_idx" of the chosen monster */
		r_idx = n_ptr->r_idx;

		/* Access the actual race */
		r_ptr = &r_info[r_idx];

		/* If a player ghost, some special features need to be added. */
		if (r_ptr->flags2 & (RF2_PLAYER_GHOST))

		/* Place monster in dungeon */
		if (monster_place(n_ptr->fy, n_ptr->fx, n_ptr) != i)
			note(format("Cannot place monster %d", i));
			return (-1);

	/*** Holding ***/

	/* Reacquire objects */
	for (i = 1; i < o_max; ++i)
		object_type *o_ptr;

		monster_type *m_ptr;

		/* Get the object */
		o_ptr = &o_list[i];

		/* Ignore dungeon objects */
		if (!o_ptr->held_m_idx) continue;

		/* Verify monster index */
		if (o_ptr->held_m_idx > z_info->m_max)
			note("Invalid monster index");
			return (-1);

		/* Get the monster */
		m_ptr = &mon_list[o_ptr->held_m_idx];

		/* Link the object to the pile */
		o_ptr->next_o_idx = m_ptr->hold_o_idx;

		/* Link the monster to the object */
		m_ptr->hold_o_idx = i;

	/*** Effects ***/
	/* Read the effect count */

	/* Verify maximum */
	if (limit > z_info->x_max)
		note(format("Too many (%d) effect entries!", limit));
		return (-1);

	/* Read the dungeon items */
	for (i = 1; i < limit; i++)

		/* Read the item */
		if (rd_effect())
			note("Error reading effect");
			return (-1);

	/*** Success ***/

	/* The dungeon is ready */
	character_dungeon = TRUE;

	/* Success */
	return (0);