Example #1
void processNode(Knapsack* ks, Heap* h, Node* n) {
  //printf("Process: value=%d, weight=%d, total value %d\n", item->_value, item->_weight, n->_value);
  char* x = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*(n->_depth+2));
  int i;
  for (i=0; i<=n->_depth; i++) {
    x[i] = n->_x[i];
  Item* nextItem = ks->_items[n->_depth+1];
  x[n->_depth+1] = 0;
  double est = upperBound(ks, n->_depth+2, n->_capacity);
  // Following the convention that choosing (x_i = 0) means "branch to the right"
  // Rounding up.
  double rightUB = n->_value + est;
  Node* rightNode = initNode(n->_value, n->_depth+1, rightUB, n->_capacity, x);
  inspectNode(ks, h, rightNode);
  if (nextItem->_weight <= n->_capacity) {
    x = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*(n->_depth+2));
    for (i=0; i<=n->_depth; i++) {
      x[i] = n->_x[i];
    x[n->_depth+1] = 1;
    int leftValue = n->_value + nextItem->_value;
    int leftCapacity = n->_capacity - nextItem->_weight;
    est = upperBound(ks, n->_depth+2, leftCapacity);
    double leftUB = leftValue + est;
    Node* leftNode = initNode(leftValue, n->_depth+1, leftUB, leftCapacity, x);
    inspectNode(ks, h, leftNode);
bool EpidemicDataSet::copyVariableToNewTimeStep(std::string varName)
    if(variables_.count(varName) == 0)
        put_flog(LOG_ERROR, "no such variable %s", varName.c_str());
        return false;

    // get current shape of variable
    blitz::TinyVector<int, 2+NUM_STRATIFICATION_DIMENSIONS> shape = variables_[varName].shape();

    // add a time step
    shape(0) = shape(0) + 1;

    // resize variable for the new shape

    // copy data to the new time step

    // the full domain
    blitz::TinyVector<int, 2+NUM_STRATIFICATION_DIMENSIONS> lowerBound = variables_[varName].lbound();
    blitz::TinyVector<int, 2+NUM_STRATIFICATION_DIMENSIONS> upperBound = variables_[varName].ubound();

    // domain for previous time and new time
    lowerBound(0) = upperBound(0) = variables_[varName].extent(0) - 2;
    blitz::RectDomain<2+NUM_STRATIFICATION_DIMENSIONS> subdomain0(lowerBound, upperBound);

    lowerBound(0) = upperBound(0) = variables_[varName].extent(0) - 1;
    blitz::RectDomain<2+NUM_STRATIFICATION_DIMENSIONS> subdomain1(lowerBound, upperBound);

    // make the copy
    variables_[varName](subdomain1) = variables_[varName](subdomain0);

    return true;
float EpidemicDataSet::getValue(const std::string &varName, const int &time, const int &nodeId, const std::vector<int> &stratificationValues)
    // handle derived variables
    if(derivedVariables_.count(varName) > 0)
        return derivedVariables_[varName](time, nodeId, stratificationValues);

    if(variables_.count(varName) == 0)
        put_flog(LOG_ERROR, "no such variable %s (nodeId = %i)", varName.c_str(), nodeId);
        return 0.;
    else if(nodeId != NODES_ALL && nodeIdToIndex_.count(nodeId) == 0)
        put_flog(LOG_ERROR, "could not map nodeId %i to an index (varName = %s)", nodeId, varName.c_str());
        return 0.;

    // the variable we're getting
    blitz::Array<float, 2+NUM_STRATIFICATION_DIMENSIONS> variable = variables_[varName];

    // the full domain
    blitz::TinyVector<int, 2+NUM_STRATIFICATION_DIMENSIONS> lowerBound = variable.lbound();
    blitz::TinyVector<int, 2+NUM_STRATIFICATION_DIMENSIONS> upperBound = variable.ubound();

    // make sure this variable is valid for the specified time
    if(time < lowerBound(0) || time > upperBound(0))
        put_flog(LOG_WARN, "variable %s not valid for time %i", varName.c_str(), time);
        return 0.;

    // limit by time
    lowerBound(0) = upperBound(0) = time;

    // limit by node
    if(nodeId != NODES_ALL)
        lowerBound(1) = upperBound(1) = nodeIdToIndex_[nodeId];

    // limit by stratification values
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<stratificationValues.size(); i++)
        if(stratificationValues[i] != STRATIFICATIONS_ALL)
            lowerBound(2+i) = upperBound(2+i) = stratificationValues[i];

    // the subdomain
    blitz::RectDomain<2+NUM_STRATIFICATION_DIMENSIONS> subdomain(lowerBound, upperBound);

    // return the sum of the array over the subdomain
    return blitz::sum(variable(subdomain));
 int upperBound(int left, int right, const int value, vector<int> const& container) {
     if(left >= right) {
         return left;
     int mid = left + (right - left) / 2;
     if(value < container[mid]) {
         return upperBound(left, mid, value, container);
     } else if(value >= container[mid]) {
         return upperBound(mid + 1, right, value, container);
Example #5
File: master.cpp Project: ogdf/ogdf
double Master::guarantee() const
	double lb = lowerBound();

	if (fabs(lb) < machineEps()) {
		if (fabs(upperBound()) < machineEps())
			return 0.0;
		else {
			Logger::ifout() << "Master::guarantee(): cannot compute guarantee with lower bound 0\n";
			OGDF_THROW_PARAM(AlgorithmFailureException, ogdf::AlgorithmFailureCode::IllegalParameter);
	return fabs((upperBound() - lb)/lb * 100.0);
double QwtAbstractSlider::alignedValue( double value ) const
    if ( d_data->totalSteps == 0 )
        return value;

    double stepSize;

    if ( scaleMap().transformation() == NULL )
        stepSize = ( maximum() - minimum() ) / d_data->totalSteps;
        if ( stepSize > 0.0 )
            value = lowerBound() + 
                qRound( ( value - lowerBound() ) / stepSize ) * stepSize;
        stepSize = ( scaleMap().p2() - scaleMap().p1() ) / d_data->totalSteps;

        if ( stepSize > 0.0 )
            double v = scaleMap().transform( value );

            v = scaleMap().p1() +
                qRound( ( v - scaleMap().p1() ) / stepSize ) * stepSize;

            value = scaleMap().invTransform( v );

    if ( qAbs( stepSize ) > 1e-12 )
        if ( qFuzzyCompare( value + 1.0, 1.0 ) )
            // correct rounding error if value = 0
            value = 0.0;
            // correct rounding error at the border
            if ( qFuzzyCompare( value, upperBound() ) )
                value = upperBound();
            else if ( qFuzzyCompare( value, lowerBound() ) )
                value = lowerBound();

    return value;
Example #7
void AngleMap::getGmaIndexes(
    const Range& rgeGma, const std::vector<int>*& indexes, int& minIndex, int& maxIndex) const
    indexes = &gmaIndexes_;
    minIndex = lowerBound(gmas_, rgeGma.min, 0, gmas_.size());
    maxIndex = upperBound(gmas_, rgeGma.max, 0, gmas_.size());
Example #8
void Box<DATA>::adjust
  int a_rows,
  int a_cols
  INVARIANT((a_rows>=0) && (a_cols>=0),"non negative bbox size");

  int old_rows(lowerBound.rows());
  int old_cols(lowerBound.cols());
  if ((old_rows==a_rows) && (old_cols==a_cols)) return;

  // if size grows, set constants
  for (int r=0;r<lowerBound.rows();++r)
    for (int c=0;c<lowerBound.cols();++c)
      if ((r>=old_rows) || (c>=old_cols))
        lowerBound(r,c) = Constants<typename DATA::value_type>().max();
        upperBound(r,c) = Constants<typename DATA::value_type>().min();
    } // for r  
Example #9
int VeloList::nextVelo(int tick) const
      if (empty())
            return 80;
      VeloList::const_iterator i = upperBound(tick);
      return i.value().val;
int AbstractArray::isEqual( const Object& obj ) const
    PRECONDITION( isA() == obj.isA() );
    AbstractArray& test = (AbstractArray&)obj;
    if( lowerBound() != test.lowerBound() ||
        upperBound() != test.upperBound()
        return 0;

    ContainerIterator& iter1 = initIterator();
    ContainerIterator& iter2 = test.initIterator();
    while( iter1 && iter2 )
        if( iter1.current() != iter2.current() )
            delete &iter1;
            delete &iter2;
            return 0;

    delete &iter1;
    delete &iter2;
    return 1;
rocksdb::Iterator* RocksRecoveryUnit::NewIteratorNoSnapshot(rocksdb::DB* db, std::string prefix) {
    std::unique_ptr<rocksdb::Slice> upperBound(new rocksdb::Slice());
    rocksdb::ReadOptions options;
    options.iterate_upper_bound = upperBound.get();
    auto iterator = db->NewIterator(options);
    return new PrefixStrippingIterator(std::move(prefix), iterator, nullptr, std::move(upperBound));
Example #12
        double RTBSS<M>::simulate(const Belief & b, unsigned horizon) {
            if ( horizon == 0 ) return 0;

            std::vector<size_t> actionList(A);

            // Here we use no heuristic to sort the actions. If you want one
            // add it here!
            std::iota(std::begin(actionList), std::end(actionList), 0);

            double max = -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();

            for ( auto a : actionList ) {
                double rew = beliefExpectedReward(model_, b, a);

                double uBound = rew + upperBound(b, a, horizon - 1);
                if ( uBound > max ) {
                    for ( size_t o = 0; o < O; ++o ) {
                        double p = beliefObservationProbability(model_, b, a, o);
                        // Only work if it makes sense
                        if ( checkDifferentSmall(p, 0.0) ) rew += model_.getDiscount() * p * simulate(updateBelief(model_, b, a, o), horizon - 1);
                if ( rew > max ) {
                    max = rew;
                    if ( horizon == maxDepth_ ) maxA_ = a;
            return max;
Example #13
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// UnicodeTextUtil::ConvertASCIIInPlace
// Converts all ASCII *in-place* from either Half to Full-width or vice versa,
// depending on the direction specified by aDirection.
// Returns: The total number of characters converted.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt UnicodeTextUtil::ConvertASCIIInPlace( TConvDirection aDirection,
                                           TDes16& aUnicodeText )
    TInt totalConverted( 0 );
    TText lowerBound( ( aDirection == EHalfToFullWidth ) ?
                        KHalfWidthASCIILowerBound :
                        KFullWidthASCIILowerBound );
    TText upperBound( ( aDirection == EHalfToFullWidth ) ?
                        KHalfWidthASCIIUpperBound :
                        KFullWidthASCIIUpperBound );
    TInt offset( ( aDirection == EHalfToFullWidth ) ?
                   KHalfToFullWidthASCIIOffset :
                   -KHalfToFullWidthASCIIOffset );
    for( TInt i( 0 ); i < aUnicodeText.Length(); ++i )
        const TText uniChar( aUnicodeText[i] );
        if( uniChar >= lowerBound && uniChar <= upperBound )
            TText convertedChar( static_cast<TText>( uniChar + offset ) );
            aUnicodeText[i] = convertedChar;
    return totalConverted;
Example #14
void Box<DATA>::include
  const DATA& ar_DataVector
  // enlarge bbox if necessary

  typename DATA::value_type value;
  for (int r=0;r<ar_DataVector.rows();++r)
    for (int c=0;c<ar_DataVector.cols();++c)
      value = ar_DataVector(r,c);
      if (lowerBound(r,c) > value) { lowerBound(r,c) = value; }
      if (upperBound(r,c) < value) { upperBound(r,c) = value; }
      } // for c
    } // for r
Example #15
File: master.cpp Project: ogdf/ogdf
bool Master::guaranteed() const
	if (fabs(lowerBound()) < machineEps() && fabs(upperBound()) > machineEps())
		return false;

	if (guarantee() + machineEps() < requiredGuarantee_)
		return true;
		return false;
Example #16
ClefTypeList ClefList::clef(int tick) const
      if (empty())
            return ClefTypeList(CLEF_G, CLEF_G);
      ciClefEvent i = upperBound(tick);
      if (i == begin())
            return ClefTypeList(CLEF_G, CLEF_G);
      return i.value();
Example #17
File: master.cpp Project: ogdf/ogdf
void Master::printGuarantee() const // warning: this should only be called if it has already been ensured that logging allows this output!
	double lb = lowerBound();
	double ub = upperBound();

	if (lb == -infinity() || ub == infinity() ||
		((fabs(lb) < machineEps()) && (fabs(ub) > machineEps())))
		Logger::ifout() << "---";
		Logger::ifout() << guarantee() << '%';
Example #18
 vector<int> searchRange(vector<int>& nums, int target) {
     int n = nums.size();
     vector<int> vt(2,-1);
     if( n < 1 ) return vt;
     int low = lowerBound(nums, target);
     if( low >= 0 ){
         vt[0] = low;
         vt[1] = upperBound(nums, target);
     return vt;
Example #19
 void Inlet1D::
 save(XML_Node& o, doublereal* soln) {
     doublereal* s = soln + loc();
     XML_Node& inlt = o.addChild("domain");
     for (int k = 0; k < nComponents(); k++) {
         ctml::addFloat(inlt, componentName(k), s[k], "", "",lowerBound(k), upperBound(k));
Example #20
void Box<DATA>::enlarge_percent
  TData a_percent
  int r;
  for (r=0;r<lowerBound.rows();++r)
    lowerBound(r) -= length(r)*a_percent/100.0;
    upperBound(r) += length(r)*a_percent/100.0;
Example #21
void Box<DATA>::reset
  for (int r=0;r<lowerBound.rows();++r)
    for (int c=0;c<lowerBound.cols();++c)
      lowerBound(r,c) = Constants<typename DATA::value_type>().max();
      upperBound(r,c) = Constants<typename DATA::value_type>().min();
    } // for r  
Example #22
SEXP getMZ(SEXP mz, SEXP intensity, SEXP scanindex, SEXP mzrange, SEXP scanrange, SEXP lastscan) {
  double *pmz, *pintensity,*p_res, mzrangeFrom,mzrangeTo;
  int i,*pscanindex,scanrangeFrom, scanrangeTo,ilastScan,nmz,ctScan,buflength;
  SEXP res;
  pmz = REAL(mz);
  nmz = GET_LENGTH(mz);
  pintensity = REAL(intensity);
  pscanindex = INTEGER(scanindex);
  int firstScan = 1;   // is always 1
  ilastScan = INTEGER(lastscan)[0];
  mzrangeFrom = REAL(mzrange)[0];
  mzrangeTo =  REAL(mzrange)[1];
  scanrangeFrom = INTEGER(scanrange)[0];
  scanrangeTo = INTEGER(scanrange)[1];
  if ((scanrangeFrom <  firstScan) || (scanrangeFrom > ilastScan) || (scanrangeTo < firstScan) || (scanrangeTo > ilastScan))
     error("Error in scanrange \n");

  buflength = scanrangeTo - scanrangeFrom +1;
  PROTECT(res = NEW_NUMERIC(buflength));
  p_res = NUMERIC_POINTER(res);

  for (ctScan=scanrangeFrom;ctScan<=scanrangeTo;ctScan++)
        int idx,idx1,idx2;
        idx1 =  pscanindex[ctScan -1] +1;
        if (ctScan == ilastScan)  idx2 =  nmz-1;
            else idx2 =  pscanindex[ctScan];
        int idx1b = lowerBound(mzrangeFrom, pmz, idx1-1, idx2-idx1-1);
        int idx2b = upperBound(mzrangeTo, pmz, idx1b, idx2-idx1b-1);

        int pc=0;
        for (idx=idx1b;idx <= idx2b; idx++)
            double mzval = pmz[idx];
            if ((mzval <= mzrangeTo) && (mzval >= mzrangeFrom)) {
               if (pc==0)
                 p_res[i] = mzval;
                 p_res[i] = ((pc * p_res[i]) + mzval) / (pc+1);


Example #23
addRegion(trace::Call &call, unsigned long long address, void *buffer, unsigned long long size)
    if (retrace::verbosity >= 2) {
            << "region "
            << std::hex
            << "0x" << address << "-0x" << (address + size)
            << " -> "
            << "0x" << (uintptr_t)buffer << "-0x" << ((uintptr_t)buffer + size)
            << std::dec
            << "\n";

    if (!address) {
        // Ignore NULL pointer
        assert(buffer == nullptr);

    const bool debug =
#ifdef NDEBUG
    if (debug) {
        RegionMap::iterator start = lowerBound(address);
        RegionMap::iterator stop = upperBound(address + size - 1);
        if (0) {
            // Forget all regions that intersect this new one.
            regionMap.erase(start, stop);
        } else {
            for (RegionMap::iterator it = start; it != stop; ++it) {
                warning(call) << std::hex <<
                    "region 0x" << address << "-0x" << (address + size) << " "
                    "intersects existing region 0x" << it->first << "-0x" << (it->first + it->second.size) << "\n" << std::dec;
                assert(intersects(it, address, size));


    Region region;
    region.buffer = buffer;
    region.size = size;

    regionMap[address] = region;
Example #24
  \brief Calculate the filled rectangle of the pipe

  \param pipeRect Rectangle of the pipe
  \return Rectangle to be filled ( fill and alarm brush )

  \sa pipeRect(), alarmRect()
QRect QwtThermo::fillRect( const QRect &pipeRect ) const
    double origin;        
    if ( d_data->originMode == OriginMinimum )
        origin = qMin( lowerBound(), upperBound() );
    else if ( d_data->originMode == OriginMaximum )
        origin = qMax( lowerBound(), upperBound() );
    else // OriginCustom
        origin = d_data->origin;

    const QwtScaleMap scaleMap = scaleDraw()->scaleMap();

    int from = qRound( scaleMap.transform( d_data->value ) );
    int to = qRound( scaleMap.transform( origin ) );

    if ( to < from )
        qSwap( from, to );
    QRect fillRect = pipeRect;
    if ( d_data->orientation == Qt::Horizontal )
        fillRect.setLeft( from );
        fillRect.setRight( to );
    else // Qt::Vertical
        fillRect.setTop( from );
        fillRect.setBottom( to );

    return fillRect.normalized();
Example #25
void solve(Point p1, Point p2) {
    if (p1.y == p2.y) return;
    if (p1.y > p2.y) {
        Point tmp = p1;
        p1 = p2;
        p2 = tmp;
    for (int i = upperBound(p1.y); i <= lowerBound(p2.y); i++) 
        if (i > 0 && i < 100) {
            double v = findX(p1,i,p2);
            if (maxX[i] < v) maxX[i] = v;
            if (minX[i] > v) minX[i] = v;
rocksdb::Iterator* RocksRecoveryUnit::NewIterator(std::string prefix, bool isOplog) {
    std::unique_ptr<rocksdb::Slice> upperBound(new rocksdb::Slice());
    rocksdb::ReadOptions options;
    options.iterate_upper_bound = upperBound.get();
    options.snapshot = snapshot();
    auto iterator = _db->NewIterator(options);
    if (_writeBatch && _writeBatch->GetWriteBatch()->Count() > 0) {
        iterator = _writeBatch->NewIteratorWithBase(iterator);
    return new PrefixStrippingIterator(std::move(prefix),
                                       isOplog ? nullptr : _compactionScheduler,
Example #27
int VeloList::velo(int tick) const
      if (empty())
            return 80;
      VeloList::const_iterator i = upperBound(tick);
      if (i == constBegin())
            return 80;
      VeloList::const_iterator ii = i - 1;
      if (ii.value().type == VELO_FIX)
            return ii.value().val;
      int tickDelta = i.key() - ii.key();
      int veloDelta = i.value().val - ii.value().val;
      return ii.value().val + ((tick-ii.key()) * veloDelta) / tickDelta;
Example #28
bool Box<DATA>::encloses
  const DATA& ar_DataVector
  bool inside = true;
  for (int r=0;r<ar_DataVector.rows();++r)
    for (int c=0;c<ar_DataVector.cols();++c)
      inside &= (lowerBound(r,c) <= ar_DataVector(r,c));
      inside &= (upperBound(r,c) >= ar_DataVector(r,c));
    } // for r  
  return inside;         
Example #29
void Box<DATA>::enlarge_1_to_1
  typename DATA::value_type l(0);
  int r;
  for (r=0;r<lowerBound.rows();++r)
    l = max(l,length(r));
  for (r=0;r<lowerBound.rows();++r)
    lowerBound(r) -= (l-length(r))/2.0;
    upperBound(r) += (l-length(r))/2.0;
Example #30
  \brief Determine the value for a new position of the
         slider handle.

  \param pos Mouse position

  \return Value for the mouse position
  \sa isScrollPosition()
double QwtSlider::scrolledTo( const QPoint &pos ) const
    int p = ( orientation() == Qt::Horizontal ) 
        ? pos.x() : pos.y();

    p -= d_data->mouseOffset;

    int min = transform( lowerBound() );
    int max = transform( upperBound() );
    if ( min > max )
        qSwap( min, max );

    p = qBound( min, p, max );

    return scaleMap().invTransform( p );