Example #1
static void U_CALLCONV initAvailableMetaZoneIDs () {
    U_ASSERT(gMetaZoneIDs == NULL);
    U_ASSERT(gMetaZoneIDTable == NULL);
    ucln_i18n_registerCleanup(UCLN_I18N_ZONEMETA, zoneMeta_cleanup);

    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    gMetaZoneIDTable = uhash_open(uhash_hashUnicodeString, uhash_compareUnicodeString, NULL, &status);
    if (U_FAILURE(status) || gMetaZoneIDTable == NULL) {
        gMetaZoneIDTable = NULL;
    uhash_setKeyDeleter(gMetaZoneIDTable, uprv_deleteUObject);
    // No valueDeleter, because the vector maintain the value objects
    gMetaZoneIDs = new UVector(NULL, uhash_compareUChars, status);
    if (U_FAILURE(status) || gMetaZoneIDs == NULL) {
        gMetaZoneIDs = NULL;
        gMetaZoneIDTable = NULL;

    UResourceBundle *rb = ures_openDirect(NULL, gMetaZones, &status);
    UResourceBundle *bundle = ures_getByKey(rb, gMapTimezonesTag, NULL, &status);
    UResourceBundle res;
    while (U_SUCCESS(status) && ures_hasNext(bundle)) {
        ures_getNextResource(bundle, &res, &status);
        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        const char *mzID = ures_getKey(&res);
        int32_t len = uprv_strlen(mzID);
        UChar *uMzID = (UChar*)uprv_malloc(sizeof(UChar) * (len + 1));
        if (uMzID == NULL) {
            status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
        u_charsToUChars(mzID, uMzID, len);
        uMzID[len] = 0;
        UnicodeString *usMzID = new UnicodeString(uMzID);
        if (uhash_get(gMetaZoneIDTable, usMzID) == NULL) {
            gMetaZoneIDs->addElement((void *)uMzID, status);
            uhash_put(gMetaZoneIDTable, (void *)usMzID, (void *)uMzID, &status);
        } else {
            delete usMzID;

    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        delete gMetaZoneIDs;
        gMetaZoneIDTable = NULL;
        gMetaZoneIDs = NULL;
ResourceBundle ResourceBundle::getNext(UErrorCode& status) {
    UResourceBundle r;

    ures_getNextResource(fResource, &r, &status);
    ResourceBundle res(&r, status);
    if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
    return res;
Example #3
StringEnumeration* NumberingSystem::getAvailableNames(UErrorCode &status) {
    // TODO(ticket #11908): Init-once static cache, with u_cleanup() callback.
    static StringEnumeration* availableNames = NULL;

    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        return NULL;

    if ( availableNames == NULL ) {
        // TODO: Simple array of UnicodeString objects, based on length of table resource?
        LocalPointer<UVector> numsysNames(new UVector(uprv_deleteUObject, NULL, status), status);
        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
            return NULL;
        UErrorCode rbstatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        UResourceBundle *numberingSystemsInfo = ures_openDirect(NULL, "numberingSystems", &rbstatus);
        numberingSystemsInfo = ures_getByKey(numberingSystemsInfo,"numberingSystems",numberingSystemsInfo,&rbstatus);
        if(U_FAILURE(rbstatus)) {
            status = U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR;
            return NULL;

        while ( ures_hasNext(numberingSystemsInfo) ) {
            UResourceBundle *nsCurrent = ures_getNextResource(numberingSystemsInfo,NULL,&rbstatus);
            const char *nsName = ures_getKey(nsCurrent);
            numsysNames->addElement(new UnicodeString(nsName, -1, US_INV),status);

        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
            return NULL;
        availableNames = new NumsysNameEnumeration(numsysNames.getAlias(), status);
        if (availableNames == NULL) {
            status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
            return NULL;
        numsysNames.orphan();  // The names got adopted.

    return availableNames;
Example #4
LocaleDisplayNamesImpl::initialize(void) {
    LocaleDisplayNamesImpl *nonConstThis = (LocaleDisplayNamesImpl *)this;
    nonConstThis->locale = langData.getLocale() == Locale::getRoot()
        ? regionData.getLocale()
        : langData.getLocale();

    UnicodeString sep;
    langData.getNoFallback("localeDisplayPattern", "separator", sep);
    if (sep.isBogus()) {
        sep = UnicodeString("{0}, {1}", -1, US_INV);
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    separatorFormat.applyPatternMinMaxArguments(sep, 2, 2, status);

    UnicodeString pattern;
    langData.getNoFallback("localeDisplayPattern", "pattern", pattern);
    if (pattern.isBogus()) {
        pattern = UnicodeString("{0} ({1})", -1, US_INV);
    format.applyPatternMinMaxArguments(pattern, 2, 2, status);
    if (pattern.indexOf((UChar)0xFF08) >= 0) {
        formatOpenParen.setTo((UChar)0xFF08);         // fullwidth (
        formatReplaceOpenParen.setTo((UChar)0xFF3B);  // fullwidth [
        formatCloseParen.setTo((UChar)0xFF09);        // fullwidth )
        formatReplaceCloseParen.setTo((UChar)0xFF3D); // fullwidth ]
    } else {
        formatOpenParen.setTo((UChar)0x0028);         // (
        formatReplaceOpenParen.setTo((UChar)0x005B);  // [
        formatCloseParen.setTo((UChar)0x0029);        // )
        formatReplaceCloseParen.setTo((UChar)0x005D); // ]

    UnicodeString ktPattern;
    langData.get("localeDisplayPattern", "keyTypePattern", ktPattern);
    if (ktPattern.isBogus()) {
        ktPattern = UnicodeString("{0}={1}", -1, US_INV);
    keyTypeFormat.applyPatternMinMaxArguments(ktPattern, 2, 2, status);

    uprv_memset(fCapitalization, 0, sizeof(fCapitalization));
    // The following is basically copied from DateFormatSymbols::initializeData
    typedef struct {
        const char * usageName;
        LocaleDisplayNamesImpl::CapContextUsage usageEnum;
    } ContextUsageNameToEnum;
    const ContextUsageNameToEnum contextUsageTypeMap[] = {
       // Entries must be sorted by usageTypeName; entry with NULL name terminates list.
        { "key",        kCapContextUsageKey },
        { "keyValue",   kCapContextUsageKeyValue },
        { "languages",  kCapContextUsageLanguage },
        { "script",     kCapContextUsageScript },
        { "territory",  kCapContextUsageTerritory },
        { "variant",    kCapContextUsageVariant },
        { NULL,         (CapContextUsage)0 },
    // Only get the context data if we need it! This is a const object so we know now...
    // Also check whether we will need a break iterator (depends on the data)
    UBool needBrkIter = FALSE;
        int32_t len = 0;
        UResourceBundle *localeBundle = ures_open(NULL, locale.getName(), &status);
        if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
            UResourceBundle *contextTransforms = ures_getByKeyWithFallback(localeBundle, "contextTransforms", NULL, &status);
            if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
                UResourceBundle *contextTransformUsage;
                while ( (contextTransformUsage = ures_getNextResource(contextTransforms, NULL, &status)) != NULL ) {
                    const int32_t * intVector = ures_getIntVector(contextTransformUsage, &len, &status);
                    if (U_SUCCESS(status) && intVector != NULL && len >= 2) {
                        const char* usageKey = ures_getKey(contextTransformUsage);
                        if (usageKey != NULL) {
                            const ContextUsageNameToEnum * typeMapPtr = contextUsageTypeMap;
                            int32_t compResult = 0;
                            // linear search; list is short and we cannot be sure that bsearch is available
                            while ( typeMapPtr->usageName != NULL && (compResult = uprv_strcmp(usageKey, typeMapPtr->usageName)) > 0 ) {
                            if (typeMapPtr->usageName != NULL && compResult == 0) {
                                int32_t titlecaseInt = (capitalizationContext == UDISPCTX_CAPITALIZATION_FOR_UI_LIST_OR_MENU)? intVector[0]: intVector[1];
                                if (titlecaseInt != 0) {
                                    fCapitalization[typeMapPtr->usageEnum] = TRUE;;
                                    needBrkIter = TRUE;
                    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    // Get a sentence break iterator if we will need it
    if (needBrkIter || capitalizationContext == UDISPCTX_CAPITALIZATION_FOR_BEGINNING_OF_SENTENCE) {
        status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        capitalizationBrkIter = BreakIterator::createSentenceInstance(locale, status);
        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
            delete capitalizationBrkIter;
            capitalizationBrkIter = NULL;
Example #5
void printOutBundle(UFILE *out, UResourceBundle *resource, int32_t indent, UErrorCode *status) {
    int32_t i = 0;
    const char *key = ures_getKey(resource);

    switch(ures_getType(resource)) {
    case URES_STRING :
            int32_t len=0;
            const UChar*thestr = ures_getString(resource, &len, status);
            UChar *string = quotedString(thestr);

            /* TODO: String truncation */
            if(trunc && len > truncsize) {
                printIndent(out, indent);
                u_fprintf(out, "// WARNING: this string, size %d is truncated to %d\n", len, truncsize/2);
                len = truncsize/2;
            printIndent(out, indent);
            if(key != NULL) {
                u_fprintf(out, "%s { \"%S\" } ", key, string);
            } else {
                u_fprintf(out, "\"%S\",", string);
            if(VERBOSE) {
                u_fprintf(out, " // STRING");
            u_fprintf(out, "\n");
    case URES_INT :
        printIndent(out, indent);
        if(key != NULL) {
            u_fprintf(out, "%s", key);
        u_fprintf(out, ":int { %li } ", ures_getInt(resource, status));
        if(VERBOSE) {
            u_fprintf(out, " // INT");
        u_fprintf(out, "\n");
    case URES_BINARY :
            int32_t len = 0;
            const int8_t *data = (const int8_t *)ures_getBinary(resource, &len, status);
            if(trunc && len > truncsize) {
                printIndent(out, indent);
                u_fprintf(out, "// WARNING: this resource, size %li is truncated to %li\n", len, truncsize/2);
                len = truncsize/2;
            if(U_SUCCESS(*status)) {
                printIndent(out, indent);
                if(key != NULL) {
                    u_fprintf(out, "%s", key);
                u_fprintf(out, ":binary { ");
                for(i = 0; i<len; i++) {
                    printHex(out, data++);
                u_fprintf(out, " }");
                if(VERBOSE) {
                    u_fprintf(out, " // BINARY");
                u_fprintf(out, "\n");
            } else {
    case URES_INT_VECTOR :
          int32_t len = 0;
          const int32_t *data = ures_getIntVector(resource, &len, status);
          if(U_SUCCESS(*status)) {
              printIndent(out, indent);
              if(key != NULL) {
                  u_fprintf(out, "%s", key);
              u_fprintf(out, ":intvector { ");
              for(i = 0; i<len-1; i++) {
                  u_fprintf(out, "%d, ", data[i]);
              if(len > 0) {
                  u_fprintf(out, "%d ", data[len-1]);
              u_fprintf(out, "}");
              if(VERBOSE) {
                  u_fprintf(out, " // INTVECTOR");
              u_fprintf(out, "\n");
          } else {
    case URES_TABLE :
    case URES_ARRAY :
            UResourceBundle *t = NULL;
            printIndent(out, indent);
            if(key != NULL) {
                u_fprintf(out, "%s ", key);
            u_fprintf(out, "{");
            if(VERBOSE) {
                if(ures_getType(resource) == URES_TABLE) {
                    u_fprintf(out, " // TABLE");
                } else {
                    u_fprintf(out, " // ARRAY");
            u_fprintf(out, "\n");

            while(ures_hasNext(resource)) {
                t = ures_getNextResource(resource, t, status);
                printOutBundle(out, t, indent+indentsize, status);

            printIndent(out, indent);
            u_fprintf(out, "}\n");

Example #6
ZoneMeta::createMetazoneMappings(const UnicodeString &tzid) {
    UVector *mzMappings = NULL;
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;

    UnicodeString canonicalID;
    UResourceBundle *rb = ures_openDirect(NULL, gMetaZones, &status);
    ures_getByKey(rb, gMetazoneInfo, rb, &status);
    TimeZone::getCanonicalID(tzid, canonicalID, status);

    if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
        char tzKey[ZID_KEY_MAX];
        canonicalID.extract(0, canonicalID.length(), tzKey, sizeof(tzKey), US_INV);

        // tzid keys are using ':' as separators
        char *p = tzKey;
        while (*p) {
            if (*p == '/') {
                *p = ':';

        ures_getByKey(rb, tzKey, rb, &status);

        if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
            UResourceBundle *mz = NULL;
            while (ures_hasNext(rb)) {
                mz = ures_getNextResource(rb, mz, &status);

                const UChar *mz_name = ures_getStringByIndex(mz, 0, NULL, &status);
                const UChar *mz_from = gDefaultFrom;
                const UChar *mz_to = gDefaultTo;

                if (ures_getSize(mz) == 3) {
                    mz_from = ures_getStringByIndex(mz, 1, NULL, &status);
                    mz_to   = ures_getStringByIndex(mz, 2, NULL, &status);

                    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
                // We do not want to use SimpleDateformat to parse boundary dates,
                // because this code could be triggered by the initialization code
                // used by SimpleDateFormat.
                UDate from = parseDate(mz_from, status);
                UDate to = parseDate(mz_to, status);
                if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
                    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;

                OlsonToMetaMappingEntry *entry = (OlsonToMetaMappingEntry*)uprv_malloc(sizeof(OlsonToMetaMappingEntry));
                if (entry == NULL) {
                    status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
                entry->mzid = mz_name;
                entry->from = from;
                entry->to = to;

                if (mzMappings == NULL) {
                    mzMappings = new UVector(deleteOlsonToMetaMappingEntry, NULL, status);
                    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
                        delete mzMappings;

                mzMappings->addElement(entry, status);
                if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
            if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
                if (mzMappings != NULL) {
                    delete mzMappings;
                    mzMappings = NULL;
    return mzMappings;
Example #7
 * Main Windows time zone detection function.  Returns the Windows
 * time zone, translated to an ICU time zone, or NULL upon failure.
U_CFUNC const char* U_EXPORT2
uprv_detectWindowsTimeZone() {
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UResourceBundle* bundle = NULL;
    char* icuid = NULL;
    UChar apiStd[MAX_LENGTH_ID];
    char apiStdName[MAX_LENGTH_ID];
    char regStdName[MAX_LENGTH_ID];
    char tmpid[MAX_LENGTH_ID];
    int32_t len;
    int id;
    int errorCode;
    char ISOcode[3]; /* 2 letter iso code */

    LONG result;
    TZI tziKey;
    TZI tziReg;

    /* Obtain TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION from the API, and then convert it
       to TZI.  We could also interrogate the registry directly; we do
       this below if needed. */
    uprv_memset(&apiTZI, 0, sizeof(apiTZI));
    uprv_memset(&tziKey, 0, sizeof(tziKey));
    uprv_memset(&tziReg, 0, sizeof(tziReg));
    tziKey.bias = apiTZI.Bias;
    uprv_memcpy((char *)&tziKey.standardDate, (char*)&apiTZI.StandardDate,
    uprv_memcpy((char *)&tziKey.daylightDate, (char*)&apiTZI.DaylightDate,

    /* Convert the wchar_t* standard name to char* */
    uprv_memset(apiStdName, 0, sizeof(apiStdName));
    u_strFromWCS(apiStd, MAX_LENGTH_ID, NULL, apiTZI.StandardName, -1, &status);
    u_austrncpy(apiStdName, apiStd, sizeof(apiStdName) - 1);

    tmpid[0] = 0;

    id = GetUserGeoID(GEOCLASS_NATION);
    errorCode = GetGeoInfoA(id,GEO_ISO2,ISOcode,3,0);

    bundle = ures_openDirect(NULL, "windowsZones", &status);
    ures_getByKey(bundle, "mapTimezones", bundle, &status);

    /* Note: We get the winid not from static tables but from resource bundle. */
    while (U_SUCCESS(status) && ures_hasNext(bundle)) {
        UBool idFound = FALSE;
        const char* winid;
        UResourceBundle* winTZ = ures_getNextResource(bundle, NULL, &status);
        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        winid = ures_getKey(winTZ);
        result = getTZI(winid, &tziReg);

        if (result == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
            /* Windows alters the DaylightBias in some situations.
               Using the bias and the rules suffices, so overwrite
               these unreliable fields. */
            tziKey.standardBias = tziReg.standardBias;
            tziKey.daylightBias = tziReg.daylightBias;

            if (uprv_memcmp((char *)&tziKey, (char*)&tziReg, sizeof(tziKey)) == 0) {
                const UChar* icuTZ = NULL;
                if (errorCode != 0) {
                    icuTZ = ures_getStringByKey(winTZ, ISOcode, &len, &status);
                if (errorCode==0 || icuTZ==NULL) {
                    /* fallback to default "001" and reset status */
                    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
                    icuTZ = ures_getStringByKey(winTZ, "001", &len, &status);

                if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
                    /* Get the standard name from the registry key to compare with
                       the one from Windows API call. */
                    uprv_memset(regStdName, 0, sizeof(regStdName));
                    result = getSTDName(winid, regStdName, sizeof(regStdName));
                    if (result == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
                        if (uprv_strcmp(apiStdName, regStdName) == 0) {
                            idFound = TRUE;

                    /* tmpid buffer holds the ICU timezone ID corresponding to the timezone ID from Windows.
                     * If none is found, tmpid buffer will contain a fallback ID (i.e. the time zone ID matching
                     * the current time zone information)
                    if (idFound || tmpid[0] == 0) {
                        /* if icuTZ has more than one city, take only the first (i.e. terminate icuTZ at first space) */
                        int index=0;
                        while (! (*icuTZ == '\0' || *icuTZ ==' ')) {
                            tmpid[index++]=(char)(*icuTZ++);  /* safe to assume 'char' is ASCII compatible on windows */
        if (idFound) {

     * Copy the timezone ID to icuid to be returned.
    if (tmpid[0] != 0) {
        len = uprv_strlen(tmpid);
        icuid = (char*)uprv_calloc(len + 1, sizeof(char));
        if (icuid != NULL) {
            uprv_strcpy(icuid, tmpid);

    return icuid;
Example #8
ZoneMeta::initAvailableMetaZoneIDs () {
    UBool initialized;
    UMTX_CHECK(&gZoneMetaLock, gMetaZoneIDsInitialized, initialized);
    if (!initialized) {
            if (!gMetaZoneIDsInitialized) {
                UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
                UHashtable *metaZoneIDTable = uhash_open(uhash_hashUnicodeString, uhash_compareUnicodeString, NULL, &status);
                uhash_setKeyDeleter(metaZoneIDTable, uprv_deleteUObject);
                // No valueDeleter, because the vector maintain the value objects
                UVector *metaZoneIDs = NULL;
                if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
                    metaZoneIDs = new UVector(NULL, uhash_compareUChars, status);
                    if (metaZoneIDs == NULL) {
                        status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
                } else {
                if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
                    U_ASSERT(metaZoneIDs != NULL);

                    UResourceBundle *rb = ures_openDirect(NULL, gMetaZones, &status);
                    UResourceBundle *bundle = ures_getByKey(rb, gMapTimezonesTag, NULL, &status);
                    UResourceBundle res;
                    while (U_SUCCESS(status) && ures_hasNext(bundle)) {
                        ures_getNextResource(bundle, &res, &status);
                        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
                        const char *mzID = ures_getKey(&res);
                        int32_t len = uprv_strlen(mzID);
                        UChar *uMzID = (UChar*)uprv_malloc(sizeof(UChar) * (len + 1));
                        if (uMzID == NULL) {
                            status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
                        u_charsToUChars(mzID, uMzID, len);
                        uMzID[len] = 0;
                        UnicodeString *usMzID = new UnicodeString(uMzID);
                        if (uhash_get(metaZoneIDTable, usMzID) == NULL) {
                            metaZoneIDs->addElement((void *)uMzID, status);
                            uhash_put(metaZoneIDTable, (void *)usMzID, (void *)uMzID, &status);
                        } else {
                            delete usMzID;
                    if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
                        gMetaZoneIDs = metaZoneIDs;
                        gMetaZoneIDTable = metaZoneIDTable;
                        gMetaZoneIDsInitialized = TRUE;
                    } else {
                        delete metaZoneIDs;
Example #9
static void printOutBundle(FILE *out, UConverter *converter, UResourceBundle *resource, int32_t indent, const char *pname, UErrorCode *status)
    static const UChar cr[] = { '\n' };

/*    int32_t noOfElements = ures_getSize(resource);*/
    int32_t i = 0;
    const char *key = ures_getKey(resource);

    switch(ures_getType(resource)) {
    case RES_STRING :
            int32_t len=0;
            const UChar* thestr = ures_getString(resource, &len, status);
            UChar *string = quotedString(thestr);

            /* TODO: String truncation */
            if(trunc && len > truncsize) {
                char msg[128];
                printIndent(out, converter, indent);
                sprintf(msg, "// WARNING: this resource, size %li is truncated to %li\n",
                        (long)len, (long)(truncsize/2));
                printCString(out, converter, msg, -1);
                len = truncsize/2;
            printIndent(out, converter, indent);
            if(key != NULL) {
                static const UChar openStr[] = { 0x0020, 0x007B, 0x0020, 0x0022 }; /* " { \"" */
                static const UChar closeStr[] = { 0x0022, 0x0020, 0x007D }; /* "\" }" */
                printCString(out, converter, key, (int32_t)uprv_strlen(key));
                printString(out, converter, openStr, (int32_t)(sizeof(openStr)/sizeof(*openStr)));
                printString(out, converter, string, len);
                printString(out, converter, closeStr, (int32_t)(sizeof(closeStr) / sizeof(*closeStr)));
            } else {
                static const UChar openStr[] = { 0x0022 }; /* "\"" */
                static const UChar closeStr[] = { 0x0022, 0x002C }; /* "\"," */

                printString(out, converter, openStr, (int32_t)(sizeof(openStr) / sizeof(*openStr)));
                printString(out, converter, string, (int32_t)(u_strlen(string)));
                printString(out, converter, closeStr, (int32_t)(sizeof(closeStr) / sizeof(*closeStr)));

            if(verbose) {
                printCString(out, converter, "// STRING", -1);
            printString(out, converter, cr, (int32_t)(sizeof(cr) / sizeof(*cr)));


    case RES_INT :
            static const UChar openStr[] = { 0x003A, 0x0069, 0x006E, 0x0074, 0x0020, 0x007B, 0x0020 }; /* ":int { " */
            static const UChar closeStr[] = { 0x0020, 0x007D }; /* " }" */
            UChar num[20];

            printIndent(out, converter, indent);
            if(key != NULL) {
                printCString(out, converter, key, -1);
            printString(out, converter, openStr, (int32_t)(sizeof(openStr) / sizeof(*openStr)));
            uprv_itou(num, 20, ures_getInt(resource, status), 10, 0);
            printString(out, converter, num, u_strlen(num));
            printString(out, converter, closeStr, (int32_t)(sizeof(closeStr) / sizeof(*closeStr)));

            if(verbose) {
                printCString(out, converter, "// INT", -1);
            printString(out, converter, cr, (int32_t)(sizeof(cr) / sizeof(*cr)));
    case RES_BINARY :
            int32_t len = 0;
            const int8_t *data = (const int8_t *)ures_getBinary(resource, &len, status);
            if(trunc && len > truncsize) {
                char msg[128];
                printIndent(out, converter, indent);
                sprintf(msg, "// WARNING: this resource, size %li is truncated to %li\n",
                        (long)len, (long)(truncsize/2));
                printCString(out, converter, msg, -1);
                len = truncsize;
            if(U_SUCCESS(*status)) {
                static const UChar openStr[] = { 0x003A, 0x0062, 0x0069, 0x006E, 0x0061, 0x0072, 0x0079, 0x0020, 0x007B, 0x0020 }; /* ":binary { " */
                static const UChar closeStr[] = { 0x0020, 0x007D, 0x0020 }; /* " } " */
                printIndent(out, converter, indent);
                if(key != NULL) {
                    printCString(out, converter, key, -1);
                printString(out, converter, openStr, (int32_t)(sizeof(openStr) / sizeof(*openStr)));
                for(i = 0; i<len; i++) {
                    printHex(out, converter, *data++);
                printString(out, converter, closeStr, (int32_t)(sizeof(closeStr) / sizeof(*closeStr)));
                if(verbose) {
                    printCString(out, converter, " // BINARY", -1);
                printString(out, converter, cr, (int32_t)(sizeof(cr) / sizeof(*cr)));
            } else {
                reportError(pname, status, "getting binary value");
    case RES_INT_VECTOR :
            int32_t len = 0;
            const int32_t *data = ures_getIntVector(resource, &len, status);
            if(U_SUCCESS(*status)) {
                static const UChar openStr[] = { 0x003A, 0x0069, 0x006E, 0x0074, 0x0076, 0x0065, 0x0063, 0x0074, 0x006F, 0x0072, 0x0020, 0x007B, 0x0020 }; /* ":intvector { " */
                static const UChar closeStr[] = { 0x0020, 0x007D, 0x0020 }; /* " } " */
                UChar num[20];

                printIndent(out, converter, indent);
                if(key != NULL) {
                    printCString(out, converter, key, -1);
                printString(out, converter, openStr, (int32_t)(sizeof(openStr) / sizeof(*openStr)));
                for(i = 0; i < len - 1; i++) {
                    int32_t numLen =  uprv_itou(num, 20, data[i], 10, 0);
                    num[numLen++] = 0x002C; /* ',' */
                    num[numLen++] = 0x0020; /* ' ' */
                    num[numLen] = 0;
                    printString(out, converter, num, u_strlen(num));
                if(len > 0) {
                    uprv_itou(num, 20, data[len - 1], 10, 0);
                    printString(out, converter, num, u_strlen(num));
                printString(out, converter, closeStr, (int32_t)(sizeof(closeStr) / sizeof(*closeStr)));
                if(verbose) {
                    printCString(out, converter, "// INTVECTOR", -1);
                printString(out, converter, cr, (int32_t)(sizeof(cr) / sizeof(*cr)));
            } else {
                reportError(pname, status, "getting int vector");
    case RES_TABLE :
    case RES_ARRAY :
            static const UChar openStr[] = { 0x007B }; /* "{" */
            static const UChar closeStr[] = { 0x007D, '\n' }; /* "}\n" */

            UResourceBundle *t = NULL;
            printIndent(out, converter, indent);
            if(key != NULL) {
                printCString(out, converter, key, -1);
            printString(out, converter, openStr, (int32_t)(sizeof(openStr) / sizeof(*openStr)));
            if(verbose) {
                if(ures_getType(resource) == RES_TABLE) {
                    printCString(out, converter, "// TABLE", -1);
                } else {
                    printCString(out, converter, "// ARRAY", -1);
            printString(out, converter, cr, (int32_t)(sizeof(cr) / sizeof(*cr)));

            if(suppressAliases == FALSE) {
              while(U_SUCCESS(*status) && ures_hasNext(resource)) {
                  t = ures_getNextResource(resource, t, status);
                  if(U_SUCCESS(*status)) {
                    printOutBundle(out, converter, t, indent+indentsize, pname, status);
                  } else {
                    reportError(pname, status, "While processing table");
                    *status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
            } else { /* we have to use low level access to do this */
              Resource r = RES_BOGUS;
              for(i = 0; i < ures_getSize(resource); i++) {
                /* need to know if it's an alias */
                if(ures_getType(resource) == RES_TABLE) {
                  r = derb_getTableItem(resource->fResData.pRoot, resource->fRes, (int16_t)i);
                  key = derb_getTableKey(resource->fResData.pRoot, resource->fRes, (int16_t)i);
                } else {
                  r = derb_getArrayItem(resource->fResData.pRoot, resource->fRes, i);
                if(U_SUCCESS(*status)) {
                  if(RES_GET_TYPE(r) == RES_ALIAS) {
                    printOutAlias(out, converter, resource, r, key, indent+indentsize, pname, status);
                  } else {
                    t = ures_getByIndex(resource, i, t, status);
                    printOutBundle(out, converter, t, indent+indentsize, pname, status);
                } else {
                  reportError(pname, status, "While processing table");
                  *status = U_ZERO_ERROR;

            printIndent(out, converter, indent);
            printString(out, converter, closeStr, (int32_t)(sizeof(closeStr) / sizeof(*closeStr)));

Example #10
 * Initializes the region data from the ICU resource bundles.  The region data
 * contains the basic relationships such as which regions are known, what the numeric
 * codes are, any known aliases, and the territory containment data.
 * If the region data has already loaded, then this method simply returns without doing
 * anything meaningful.
void Region::loadRegionData() {

    if (regionDataIsLoaded) {


    if (regionDataIsLoaded) { // In case another thread gets to it before we do...

    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;

    UResourceBundle* regionCodes = NULL;
    UResourceBundle* territoryAlias = NULL;
    UResourceBundle* codeMappings = NULL;
    UResourceBundle* worldContainment = NULL;
    UResourceBundle* territoryContainment = NULL;
    UResourceBundle* groupingContainment = NULL;

    DecimalFormat *df = new DecimalFormat(status);

    regionIDMap = uhash_open(uhash_hashUnicodeString,uhash_compareUnicodeString,NULL,&status);
    uhash_setValueDeleter(regionIDMap, deleteRegion);

    numericCodeMap = uhash_open(uhash_hashLong,uhash_compareLong,NULL,&status);

    regionAliases = uhash_open(uhash_hashUnicodeString,uhash_compareUnicodeString,NULL,&status);

    UResourceBundle *rb = ures_openDirect(NULL,"metadata",&status);
    regionCodes = ures_getByKey(rb,"regionCodes",NULL,&status);
    territoryAlias = ures_getByKey(rb,"territoryAlias",NULL,&status);
    UResourceBundle *rb2 = ures_openDirect(NULL,"supplementalData",&status);
    codeMappings = ures_getByKey(rb2,"codeMappings",NULL,&status);

    territoryContainment = ures_getByKey(rb2,"territoryContainment",NULL,&status);
    worldContainment = ures_getByKey(territoryContainment,"001",NULL,&status);
    groupingContainment = ures_getByKey(territoryContainment,"grouping",NULL,&status);

    UVector *continents = new UVector(uprv_deleteUObject, uhash_compareUnicodeString, status);

    while ( ures_hasNext(worldContainment) ) {
        UnicodeString *continentName = new UnicodeString(ures_getNextUnicodeString(worldContainment,NULL,&status));

    UVector *groupings = new UVector(uprv_deleteUObject, uhash_compareUnicodeString, status);
    while ( ures_hasNext(groupingContainment) ) {
        UnicodeString *groupingName = new UnicodeString(ures_getNextUnicodeString(groupingContainment,NULL,&status));

    while ( ures_hasNext(regionCodes) ) {
        UnicodeString regionID = ures_getNextUnicodeString(regionCodes,NULL,&status);
        Region *r = new Region();
        r->idStr = regionID;
        r->type = URGN_TERRITORY; // Only temporary - figure out the real type later once the aliases are known.

        uhash_put(regionIDMap,(void *)&(r->idStr),(void *)r,&status);
        Formattable result;
        UErrorCode ps = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        if ( U_SUCCESS(ps) ) {
            r->code = result.getLong(); // Convert string to number
            uhash_iput(numericCodeMap,r->code,(void *)r,&status);
            r->type = URGN_SUBCONTINENT;
        } else {
            r->code = Region::UNDEFINED_NUMERIC_CODE;

    // Process the territory aliases
    while ( ures_hasNext(territoryAlias) ) {
        UResourceBundle *res = ures_getNextResource(territoryAlias,NULL,&status);
        const char *aliasFrom = ures_getKey(res);
        UnicodeString* aliasFromStr = new UnicodeString(aliasFrom);
        UnicodeString aliasTo = ures_getUnicodeString(res,&status);

        Region *aliasToRegion = (Region *) uhash_get(regionIDMap,&aliasTo);
        Region *aliasFromRegion = (Region *)uhash_get(regionIDMap,aliasFromStr);

        if ( aliasToRegion != NULL && aliasFromRegion == NULL ) { // This is just an alias from some string to a region
            uhash_put(regionAliases,(void *)aliasFromStr, (void *)aliasToRegion,&status);
        } else {
            if ( aliasFromRegion == NULL ) { // Deprecated region code not in the master codes list - so need to create a deprecated region for it.
                aliasFromRegion = new Region();
                uhash_put(regionIDMap,(void *)&(aliasFromRegion->idStr),(void *)aliasFromRegion,&status);
                Formattable result;
                UErrorCode ps = U_ZERO_ERROR;
                if ( U_SUCCESS(ps) ) {
                    aliasFromRegion->code = result.getLong(); // Convert string to number
                    uhash_iput(numericCodeMap,aliasFromRegion->code,(void *)aliasFromRegion,&status);
                } else {
                    aliasFromRegion->code = Region::UNDEFINED_NUMERIC_CODE;
                aliasFromRegion->type = URGN_DEPRECATED;
            } else {
                aliasFromRegion->type = URGN_DEPRECATED;
            delete aliasFromStr;

            aliasFromRegion->preferredValues = new UVector(uprv_deleteUObject, uhash_compareUnicodeString, status);
            UnicodeString currentRegion;
            for (int32_t i = 0 ; i < aliasTo.length() ; i++ ) {
                if ( aliasTo.charAt(i) != 0x0020 ) {
                if ( aliasTo.charAt(i) == 0x0020 || i+1 == aliasTo.length() ) {
                    Region *target = (Region *)uhash_get(regionIDMap,(void *)&currentRegion);
                    if (target) {
                        UnicodeString *preferredValue = new UnicodeString(target->idStr);
                        aliasFromRegion->preferredValues->addElement((void *)preferredValue,status);

    // Process the code mappings - This will allow us to assign numeric codes to most of the territories.
    while ( ures_hasNext(codeMappings) ) {
        UResourceBundle *mapping = ures_getNextResource(codeMappings,NULL,&status);
        if ( ures_getType(mapping) == URES_ARRAY && ures_getSize(mapping) == 3) {
            UnicodeString codeMappingID = ures_getUnicodeStringByIndex(mapping,0,&status);
            UnicodeString codeMappingNumber = ures_getUnicodeStringByIndex(mapping,1,&status);
            UnicodeString codeMapping3Letter = ures_getUnicodeStringByIndex(mapping,2,&status);

            Region *r = (Region *)uhash_get(regionIDMap,(void *)&codeMappingID);
            if ( r ) {
                Formattable result;
                UErrorCode ps = U_ZERO_ERROR;
                if ( U_SUCCESS(ps) ) {
                    r->code = result.getLong(); // Convert string to number
                    uhash_iput(numericCodeMap,r->code,(void *)r,&status);
                UnicodeString *code3 = new UnicodeString(codeMapping3Letter);
                uhash_put(regionAliases,(void *)code3, (void *)r,&status);

    // Now fill in the special cases for WORLD, UNKNOWN, CONTINENTS, and GROUPINGS
    Region *r;
    r = (Region *) uhash_get(regionIDMap,(void *)&WORLD_ID);
    if ( r ) {
        r->type = URGN_WORLD;

    r = (Region *) uhash_get(regionIDMap,(void *)&UNKNOWN_REGION_ID);
    if ( r ) {
        r->type = URGN_UNKNOWN;

    for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < continents->size() ; i++ ) {
        r = (Region *) uhash_get(regionIDMap,(void *)continents->elementAt(i));
        if ( r ) {
            r->type = URGN_CONTINENT;
    delete continents;

    for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < groupings->size() ; i++ ) {
        r = (Region *) uhash_get(regionIDMap,(void *)groupings->elementAt(i));
        if ( r ) {
            r->type = URGN_GROUPING;
    delete groupings;

    // Special case: The region code "QO" (Outlying Oceania) is a subcontinent code added by CLDR
    // even though it looks like a territory code.  Need to handle it here.

    r = (Region *) uhash_get(regionIDMap,(void *)&OUTLYING_OCEANIA_REGION_ID);
    if ( r ) {
        r->type = URGN_SUBCONTINENT;

    // Load territory containment info from the supplemental data.
    while ( ures_hasNext(territoryContainment) ) {
        UResourceBundle *mapping = ures_getNextResource(territoryContainment,NULL,&status);
        const char *parent = ures_getKey(mapping);
        UnicodeString parentStr = UnicodeString(parent);
        Region *parentRegion = (Region *) uhash_get(regionIDMap,(void *)&parentStr);

        for ( int j = 0 ; j < ures_getSize(mapping); j++ ) {
            UnicodeString child = ures_getUnicodeStringByIndex(mapping,j,&status);
            Region *childRegion = (Region *) uhash_get(regionIDMap,(void *)&child);
            if ( parentRegion != NULL && childRegion != NULL ) {                    

                // Add the child region to the set of regions contained by the parent
                if (parentRegion->containedRegions == NULL) {
                    parentRegion->containedRegions = new UVector(uprv_deleteUObject, uhash_compareUnicodeString, status);

                UnicodeString *childStr = new UnicodeString(status);
                parentRegion->containedRegions->addElement((void *)childStr,status);

                // Set the parent region to be the containing region of the child.
                // Regions of type GROUPING can't be set as the parent, since another region
                // such as a SUBCONTINENT, CONTINENT, or WORLD must always be the parent.
                if ( parentRegion->type != URGN_GROUPING) {
                    childRegion->containingRegion = parentRegion;

    // Create the availableRegions lists
    int32_t pos = -1;
    while ( const UHashElement* element = uhash_nextElement(regionIDMap,&pos)) {
        Region *ar = (Region *)element->value.pointer;
        if ( availableRegions[ar->type] == NULL ) {
            availableRegions[ar->type] = new UVector(uprv_deleteUObject, uhash_compareUnicodeString, status);
        UnicodeString *arString = new UnicodeString(ar->idStr);
        availableRegions[ar->type]->addElement((void *)arString,status);



    delete df;

    ucln_i18n_registerCleanup(UCLN_I18N_REGION, region_cleanup);

    regionDataIsLoaded = true;

Example #11
 * Initializes the region data from the ICU resource bundles.  The region data
 * contains the basic relationships such as which regions are known, what the numeric
 * codes are, any known aliases, and the territory containment data.
 * If the region data has already loaded, then this method simply returns without doing
 * anything meaningful.
void Region::loadRegionData(UErrorCode &status) {

    // Construct service objs first
    LocalUHashtablePointer newRegionIDMap(uhash_open(uhash_hashUnicodeString, uhash_compareUnicodeString, NULL, &status));
    LocalUHashtablePointer newNumericCodeMap(uhash_open(uhash_hashLong,uhash_compareLong,NULL,&status));
    LocalUHashtablePointer newRegionAliases(uhash_open(uhash_hashUnicodeString,uhash_compareUnicodeString,NULL,&status));
    LocalPointer<DecimalFormat> df(new DecimalFormat(status), status);

    LocalPointer<UVector> continents(new UVector(uprv_deleteUObject, uhash_compareUnicodeString, status), status);
    LocalPointer<UVector> groupings(new UVector(uprv_deleteUObject, uhash_compareUnicodeString, status), status);
    allRegions = new UVector(uprv_deleteUObject, uhash_compareUnicodeString, status);

    LocalUResourceBundlePointer metadata(ures_openDirect(NULL,"metadata",&status));
    LocalUResourceBundlePointer metadataAlias(ures_getByKey(metadata.getAlias(),"alias",NULL,&status));
    LocalUResourceBundlePointer territoryAlias(ures_getByKey(metadataAlias.getAlias(),"territory",NULL,&status));

    LocalUResourceBundlePointer supplementalData(ures_openDirect(NULL,"supplementalData",&status));
    LocalUResourceBundlePointer codeMappings(ures_getByKey(supplementalData.getAlias(),"codeMappings",NULL,&status));

    LocalUResourceBundlePointer idValidity(ures_getByKey(supplementalData.getAlias(),"idValidity",NULL,&status));
    LocalUResourceBundlePointer regionList(ures_getByKey(idValidity.getAlias(),"region",NULL,&status));
    LocalUResourceBundlePointer regionRegular(ures_getByKey(regionList.getAlias(),"regular",NULL,&status));
    LocalUResourceBundlePointer regionMacro(ures_getByKey(regionList.getAlias(),"macroregion",NULL,&status));
    LocalUResourceBundlePointer regionUnknown(ures_getByKey(regionList.getAlias(),"unknown",NULL,&status));

    LocalUResourceBundlePointer territoryContainment(ures_getByKey(supplementalData.getAlias(),"territoryContainment",NULL,&status));
    LocalUResourceBundlePointer worldContainment(ures_getByKey(territoryContainment.getAlias(),"001",NULL,&status));
    LocalUResourceBundlePointer groupingContainment(ures_getByKey(territoryContainment.getAlias(),"grouping",NULL,&status));

    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {

    // now, initialize
    uhash_setValueDeleter(newRegionIDMap.getAlias(), deleteRegion);  // regionIDMap owns objs
    uhash_setKeyDeleter(newRegionAliases.getAlias(), uprv_deleteUObject); // regionAliases owns the string keys

    while ( ures_hasNext(regionRegular.getAlias()) ) {
        UnicodeString regionName = ures_getNextUnicodeString(regionRegular.getAlias(),NULL,&status);
        int32_t rangeMarkerLocation = regionName.indexOf(RANGE_MARKER);
        UChar buf[6];
        if ( rangeMarkerLocation > 0 ) {
            UChar endRange = regionName.charAt(rangeMarkerLocation+1);
            buf[rangeMarkerLocation] = 0;
            while ( buf[rangeMarkerLocation-1] <= endRange ) {
                LocalPointer<UnicodeString> newRegion(new UnicodeString(buf), status);
        } else {
            LocalPointer<UnicodeString> newRegion(new UnicodeString(regionName), status);

    while ( ures_hasNext(regionMacro.getAlias()) ) {
        UnicodeString regionName = ures_getNextUnicodeString(regionMacro.getAlias(),NULL,&status);
        int32_t rangeMarkerLocation = regionName.indexOf(RANGE_MARKER);
        UChar buf[6];
        if ( rangeMarkerLocation > 0 ) {
            UChar endRange = regionName.charAt(rangeMarkerLocation+1);
            buf[rangeMarkerLocation] = 0;
            while ( buf[rangeMarkerLocation-1] <= endRange ) {
                LocalPointer<UnicodeString> newRegion(new UnicodeString(buf), status);
        } else {
            LocalPointer<UnicodeString> newRegion(new UnicodeString(regionName), status);

    while ( ures_hasNext(regionUnknown.getAlias()) ) {
        LocalPointer<UnicodeString> regionName (new UnicodeString(ures_getNextUnicodeString(regionUnknown.getAlias(),NULL,&status),status));

    while ( ures_hasNext(worldContainment.getAlias()) ) {
        UnicodeString *continentName = new UnicodeString(ures_getNextUnicodeString(worldContainment.getAlias(),NULL,&status));

    while ( ures_hasNext(groupingContainment.getAlias()) ) {
        UnicodeString *groupingName = new UnicodeString(ures_getNextUnicodeString(groupingContainment.getAlias(),NULL,&status));

    for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < allRegions->size() ; i++ ) {
        LocalPointer<Region> r(new Region(), status);
        if ( U_FAILURE(status) ) {
        UnicodeString *regionName = (UnicodeString *)allRegions->elementAt(i);
        r->idStr = *regionName;

        r->type = URGN_TERRITORY; // Only temporary - figure out the real type later once the aliases are known.

        Formattable result;
        UErrorCode ps = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        if ( U_SUCCESS(ps) ) {
            r->code = result.getLong(); // Convert string to number
            uhash_iput(newNumericCodeMap.getAlias(),r->code,(void *)(r.getAlias()),&status);
            r->type = URGN_SUBCONTINENT;
        } else {
            r->code = -1;
        void* idStrAlias = (void*)&(r->idStr); // about to orphan 'r'. Save this off.
        uhash_put(newRegionIDMap.getAlias(),idStrAlias,(void *)(r.orphan()),&status); // regionIDMap takes ownership

    // Process the territory aliases
    while ( ures_hasNext(territoryAlias.getAlias()) ) {
        LocalUResourceBundlePointer res(ures_getNextResource(territoryAlias.getAlias(),NULL,&status));
        const char *aliasFrom = ures_getKey(res.getAlias());
        LocalPointer<UnicodeString> aliasFromStr(new UnicodeString(aliasFrom, -1, US_INV), status);
        UnicodeString aliasTo = ures_getUnicodeStringByKey(res.getAlias(),"replacement",&status);

        const Region *aliasToRegion = (Region *) uhash_get(newRegionIDMap.getAlias(),&aliasTo);
        Region *aliasFromRegion = (Region *)uhash_get(newRegionIDMap.getAlias(),aliasFromStr.getAlias());

        if ( aliasToRegion != NULL && aliasFromRegion == NULL ) { // This is just an alias from some string to a region
            uhash_put(newRegionAliases.getAlias(),(void *)aliasFromStr.orphan(), (void *)aliasToRegion,&status);
        } else {
            if ( aliasFromRegion == NULL ) { // Deprecated region code not in the master codes list - so need to create a deprecated region for it.
                LocalPointer<Region> newRgn(new Region, status); 
                if ( U_SUCCESS(status) ) {
                    aliasFromRegion = newRgn.orphan();
                } else {
                    return; // error out
                uhash_put(newRegionIDMap.getAlias(),(void *)&(aliasFromRegion->idStr),(void *)aliasFromRegion,&status);
                Formattable result;
                UErrorCode ps = U_ZERO_ERROR;
                if ( U_SUCCESS(ps) ) {
                    aliasFromRegion->code = result.getLong(); // Convert string to number
                    uhash_iput(newNumericCodeMap.getAlias(),aliasFromRegion->code,(void *)aliasFromRegion,&status);
                } else {
                    aliasFromRegion->code = -1;
                aliasFromRegion->type = URGN_DEPRECATED;
            } else {
                aliasFromRegion->type = URGN_DEPRECATED;

                LocalPointer<UVector> newPreferredValues(new UVector(uprv_deleteUObject, uhash_compareUnicodeString, status), status);
                aliasFromRegion->preferredValues = newPreferredValues.orphan();
            if( U_FAILURE(status)) {
            UnicodeString currentRegion;
            //currentRegion.remove();   TODO: was already 0 length?
            for (int32_t i = 0 ; i < aliasTo.length() ; i++ ) {
                if ( aliasTo.charAt(i) != 0x0020 ) {
                if ( aliasTo.charAt(i) == 0x0020 || i+1 == aliasTo.length() ) {
                    Region *target = (Region *)uhash_get(newRegionIDMap.getAlias(),(void *)&currentRegion);
                    if (target) {
                        LocalPointer<UnicodeString> preferredValue(new UnicodeString(target->idStr), status);
                        aliasFromRegion->preferredValues->addElement((void *)preferredValue.orphan(),status);  // may add null if err

    // Process the code mappings - This will allow us to assign numeric codes to most of the territories.
    while ( ures_hasNext(codeMappings.getAlias()) ) {
        UResourceBundle *mapping = ures_getNextResource(codeMappings.getAlias(),NULL,&status);
        if ( ures_getType(mapping) == URES_ARRAY && ures_getSize(mapping) == 3) {
            UnicodeString codeMappingID = ures_getUnicodeStringByIndex(mapping,0,&status);
            UnicodeString codeMappingNumber = ures_getUnicodeStringByIndex(mapping,1,&status);
            UnicodeString codeMapping3Letter = ures_getUnicodeStringByIndex(mapping,2,&status);

            Region *r = (Region *)uhash_get(newRegionIDMap.getAlias(),(void *)&codeMappingID);
            if ( r ) {
                Formattable result;
                UErrorCode ps = U_ZERO_ERROR;
                if ( U_SUCCESS(ps) ) {
                    r->code = result.getLong(); // Convert string to number
                    uhash_iput(newNumericCodeMap.getAlias(),r->code,(void *)r,&status);
                LocalPointer<UnicodeString> code3(new UnicodeString(codeMapping3Letter), status);
                uhash_put(newRegionAliases.getAlias(),(void *)code3.orphan(), (void *)r,&status);

    // Now fill in the special cases for WORLD, UNKNOWN, CONTINENTS, and GROUPINGS
    Region *r;
    UnicodeString WORLD_ID_STRING(WORLD_ID);
    r = (Region *) uhash_get(newRegionIDMap.getAlias(),(void *)&WORLD_ID_STRING);
    if ( r ) {
        r->type = URGN_WORLD;

    r = (Region *) uhash_get(newRegionIDMap.getAlias(),(void *)&UNKNOWN_REGION_ID_STRING);
    if ( r ) {
        r->type = URGN_UNKNOWN;

    for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < continents->size() ; i++ ) {
        r = (Region *) uhash_get(newRegionIDMap.getAlias(),(void *)continents->elementAt(i));
        if ( r ) {
            r->type = URGN_CONTINENT;

    for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < groupings->size() ; i++ ) {
        r = (Region *) uhash_get(newRegionIDMap.getAlias(),(void *)groupings->elementAt(i));
        if ( r ) {
            r->type = URGN_GROUPING;

    // Special case: The region code "QO" (Outlying Oceania) is a subcontinent code added by CLDR
    // even though it looks like a territory code.  Need to handle it here.

    r = (Region *) uhash_get(newRegionIDMap.getAlias(),(void *)&OUTLYING_OCEANIA_REGION_ID_STRING);
    if ( r ) {
        r->type = URGN_SUBCONTINENT;

    // Load territory containment info from the supplemental data.
    while ( ures_hasNext(territoryContainment.getAlias()) ) {
        LocalUResourceBundlePointer mapping(ures_getNextResource(territoryContainment.getAlias(),NULL,&status));
        if( U_FAILURE(status) ) {
            return;  // error out
        const char *parent = ures_getKey(mapping.getAlias());
        if (uprv_strcmp(parent, "containedGroupings") == 0 || uprv_strcmp(parent, "deprecated") == 0) {
            continue; // handle new pseudo-parent types added in ICU data per cldrbug 7808; for now just skip.
            // #11232 is to do something useful with these.
        UnicodeString parentStr = UnicodeString(parent, -1 , US_INV);
        Region *parentRegion = (Region *) uhash_get(newRegionIDMap.getAlias(),(void *)&parentStr);

        for ( int j = 0 ; j < ures_getSize(mapping.getAlias()); j++ ) {
            UnicodeString child = ures_getUnicodeStringByIndex(mapping.getAlias(),j,&status);
            Region *childRegion = (Region *) uhash_get(newRegionIDMap.getAlias(),(void *)&child);
            if ( parentRegion != NULL && childRegion != NULL ) {

                // Add the child region to the set of regions contained by the parent
                if (parentRegion->containedRegions == NULL) {
                    parentRegion->containedRegions = new UVector(uprv_deleteUObject, uhash_compareUnicodeString, status);

                LocalPointer<UnicodeString> childStr(new UnicodeString(), status);
                if( U_FAILURE(status) ) {
                    return;  // error out
                parentRegion->containedRegions->addElement((void *)childStr.orphan(),status);

                // Set the parent region to be the containing region of the child.
                // Regions of type GROUPING can't be set as the parent, since another region
                // such as a SUBCONTINENT, CONTINENT, or WORLD must always be the parent.
                if ( parentRegion->type != URGN_GROUPING) {
                    childRegion->containingRegion = parentRegion;

    // Create the availableRegions lists
    int32_t pos = UHASH_FIRST;
    while ( const UHashElement* element = uhash_nextElement(newRegionIDMap.getAlias(),&pos)) {
        Region *ar = (Region *)element->value.pointer;
        if ( availableRegions[ar->type] == NULL ) {
            LocalPointer<UVector> newAr(new UVector(uprv_deleteUObject, uhash_compareUnicodeString, status), status);
            availableRegions[ar->type] = newAr.orphan();
        LocalPointer<UnicodeString> arString(new UnicodeString(ar->idStr), status);
        if( U_FAILURE(status) ) {
            return;  // error out
        availableRegions[ar->type]->addElement((void *)arString.orphan(),status);
    ucln_i18n_registerCleanup(UCLN_I18N_REGION, region_cleanup);
    // copy hashtables
    numericCodeMap = newNumericCodeMap.orphan();
    regionIDMap = newRegionIDMap.orphan();
    regionAliases = newRegionAliases.orphan();
ZoneMeta::createMetaToOlsonMap(void) {
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;

    UHashtable *metaToOlson = NULL;
    UResourceBundle *metazones = NULL;
    UResourceBundle *mz = NULL;

    metaToOlson = uhash_open(uhash_hashUChars, uhash_compareUChars, NULL, &status);
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        return NULL;
    uhash_setKeyDeleter(metaToOlson, deleteUCharString);
    uhash_setValueDeleter(metaToOlson, deleteUVector);

    metazones = ures_openDirect(NULL, gSupplementalData, &status);
    metazones = ures_getByKey(metazones, gMapTimezonesTag, metazones, &status);
    metazones = ures_getByKey(metazones, gMetazonesTag, metazones, &status);
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        goto error_cleanup;

    while (ures_hasNext(metazones)) {
        mz = ures_getNextResource(metazones, mz, &status);
        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
            status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        const char *mzkey = ures_getKey(mz);
        if (uprv_strncmp(mzkey, gMetazoneIdPrefix, MZID_PREFIX_LEN) == 0) {
            const char *mzid = mzkey + MZID_PREFIX_LEN;
            const char *territory = uprv_strrchr(mzid, '_');
            int32_t mzidLen = 0;
            int32_t territoryLen = 0;
            if (territory) {
                mzidLen = territory - mzid;
                territoryLen = uprv_strlen(territory);
            if (mzidLen > 0 && territoryLen > 0) {
                int32_t tzidLen;
                const UChar *tzid = ures_getStringByIndex(mz, 0, &tzidLen, &status);
                if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
                    // Create MetaToOlsonMappingEntry
                    MetaToOlsonMappingEntry *entry = (MetaToOlsonMappingEntry*)uprv_malloc(sizeof(MetaToOlsonMappingEntry));
                    if (entry == NULL) {
                        status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
                        goto error_cleanup;
                    entry->id = tzid;
                    entry->territory = (UChar*)uprv_malloc((territoryLen + 1) * sizeof(UChar));
                    if (entry->territory == NULL) {
                        status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
                        goto error_cleanup;
                    u_charsToUChars(territory, entry->territory, territoryLen + 1);

                    // Check if mapping entries for metazone is already available
                    if (mzidLen < ZID_KEY_MAX) {
                        UChar mzidUChars[ZID_KEY_MAX];
                        u_charsToUChars(mzid, mzidUChars, mzidLen);
                        mzidUChars[mzidLen++] = 0; // Add NUL terminator
                        UVector *tzMappings = (UVector*)uhash_get(metaToOlson, mzidUChars);
                        if (tzMappings == NULL) {
                            // Create new UVector and put it into the hashtable
                            tzMappings = new UVector(deleteMetaToOlsonMappingEntry, NULL, status);
                            if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
                                goto error_cleanup;
                            UChar *key = (UChar*)uprv_malloc(mzidLen * sizeof(UChar));
                            if (key == NULL) {
                                status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
                                delete tzMappings;
                                goto error_cleanup;
                            u_strncpy(key, mzidUChars, mzidLen);
                            uhash_put(metaToOlson, key, tzMappings, &status);
                            if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
                                goto error_cleanup;
                        tzMappings->addElement(entry, status);
                        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
                            goto error_cleanup;
                    } else {
                } else {
                    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;

    return metaToOlson;

    if (metaToOlson != NULL) {
        metaToOlson = NULL;
    goto normal_cleanup;
 * Creating Olson tzid to metazone mappings from resource (3.8.1 and beyond)
ZoneMeta::createOlsonToMetaMap(void) {
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;

    UHashtable *olsonToMeta = NULL;
    UResourceBundle *metazoneMappings = NULL;
    UResourceBundle *zoneItem = NULL;
    UResourceBundle *mz = NULL;
    StringEnumeration *tzids = NULL;

    olsonToMeta = uhash_open(uhash_hashUChars, uhash_compareUChars, NULL, &status);
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        return NULL;
    uhash_setKeyDeleter(olsonToMeta, deleteUCharString);
    uhash_setValueDeleter(olsonToMeta, deleteUVector);

    // Read metazone mappings from metazoneInfo bundle
    metazoneMappings = ures_openDirect(NULL, gMetazoneInfo, &status);
    metazoneMappings = ures_getByKey(metazoneMappings, gMetazoneMappings, metazoneMappings, &status);
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        goto error_cleanup;

    // Walk through all canonical tzids
    char zidkey[ZID_KEY_MAX];

    tzids = TimeZone::createEnumeration();
    const UnicodeString *tzid;
    while ((tzid = tzids->snext(status))) {
        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
            goto error_cleanup;
        // We may skip aliases, because the bundle
        // contains only canonical IDs.  For now, try
        // all of them.
        tzid->extract(0, tzid->length(), zidkey, sizeof(zidkey), US_INV);
        zidkey[sizeof(zidkey)-1] = 0; // NULL terminate just in case.

        // Replace '/' with ':'
        UBool foundSep = FALSE;
        char *p = zidkey;
        while (*p) {
            if (*p == '/') {
                *p = ':';
                foundSep = TRUE;
        if (!foundSep) {
            // A valid time zone key has at least one separator

        zoneItem = ures_getByKey(metazoneMappings, zidkey, zoneItem, &status);
        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
            status = U_ZERO_ERROR;

        UVector *mzMappings = NULL;
        while (ures_hasNext(zoneItem)) {
            mz = ures_getNextResource(zoneItem, mz, &status);
            const UChar *mz_name = ures_getStringByIndex(mz, 0, NULL, &status);
            const UChar *mz_from = ures_getStringByIndex(mz, 1, NULL, &status);
            const UChar *mz_to   = ures_getStringByIndex(mz, 2, NULL, &status);

                status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
            // We do not want to use SimpleDateformat to parse boundary dates,
            // because this code could be triggered by the initialization code
            // used by SimpleDateFormat.
            UDate from = parseDate(mz_from, status);
            UDate to = parseDate(mz_to, status);
            if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
                status = U_ZERO_ERROR;

            OlsonToMetaMappingEntry *entry = (OlsonToMetaMappingEntry*)uprv_malloc(sizeof(OlsonToMetaMappingEntry));
            if (entry == NULL) {
                status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
            entry->mzid = mz_name;
            entry->from = from;
            entry->to = to;

            if (mzMappings == NULL) {
                mzMappings = new UVector(deleteOlsonToMetaMappingEntry, NULL, status);
                if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
                    delete mzMappings;

            mzMappings->addElement(entry, status);
            if (U_FAILURE(status)) {

        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
            if (mzMappings != NULL) {
                delete mzMappings;
            goto error_cleanup;
        if (mzMappings != NULL) {
            // Add to hashtable
            int32_t tzidLen = tzid->length() + 1; // Add one for NUL terminator
            UChar *key = (UChar*)uprv_malloc(tzidLen * sizeof(UChar));
            if (key == NULL) {
                status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
                delete mzMappings;
                goto error_cleanup;
            tzid->extract(key, tzidLen, status);
            uhash_put(olsonToMeta, key, mzMappings, &status);
            if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
                goto error_cleanup;

    if (tzids != NULL) {
        delete tzids;
    return olsonToMeta;

    if (olsonToMeta != NULL) {
        olsonToMeta = NULL;
    goto normal_cleanup;
ZoneMeta::createCanonicalMap(void) {
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;

    UHashtable *canonicalMap = NULL;
    UResourceBundle *zoneFormatting = NULL;
    UResourceBundle *tzitem = NULL;
    UResourceBundle *aliases = NULL;

    StringEnumeration* tzenum = NULL;
    int32_t numZones;

    canonicalMap = uhash_open(uhash_hashUChars, uhash_compareUChars, NULL, &status);
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        return NULL;
    // no key deleter
    uhash_setValueDeleter(canonicalMap, deleteCanonicalMapEntry);

    zoneFormatting = ures_openDirect(NULL, gSupplementalData, &status);
    zoneFormatting = ures_getByKey(zoneFormatting, gZoneFormattingTag, zoneFormatting, &status);
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        goto error_cleanup;

    while (ures_hasNext(zoneFormatting)) {
        tzitem = ures_getNextResource(zoneFormatting, tzitem, &status);
        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
            status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        if (ures_getType(tzitem) != URES_TABLE) {

        int32_t canonicalLen;
        const UChar *canonical = ures_getStringByKey(tzitem, gCanonicalTag, &canonicalLen, &status);
        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
            status = U_ZERO_ERROR;

        int32_t territoryLen;
        const UChar *territory = ures_getStringByKey(tzitem, gTerritoryTag, &territoryLen, &status);
        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
            territory = NULL;
            status = U_ZERO_ERROR;

        // Create canonical map entry
        CanonicalMapEntry *entry = (CanonicalMapEntry*)uprv_malloc(sizeof(CanonicalMapEntry));
        if (entry == NULL) {
            status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
            goto error_cleanup;
        entry->id = canonical;
        if (territory == NULL || u_strcmp(territory, gWorld) == 0) {
            entry->country = NULL;
        } else {
            entry->country = territory;

        // Put this entry in the hashtable. Since this hashtable has no key deleter,
        // key is treated as const, but must be passed as non-const.
        uhash_put(canonicalMap, (UChar*)canonical, entry, &status);
        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
            goto error_cleanup;

        // Get aliases
        aliases = ures_getByKey(tzitem, gAliasesTag, aliases, &status);
        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
            // No aliases
            status = U_ZERO_ERROR;

        while (ures_hasNext(aliases)) {
            const UChar* alias = ures_getNextString(aliases, NULL, NULL, &status);
            if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
                status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
            // Create canonical map entry for this alias
            entry = (CanonicalMapEntry*)uprv_malloc(sizeof(CanonicalMapEntry));
            if (entry == NULL) {
                status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
                goto error_cleanup;
            entry->id = canonical;
            if (territory  == NULL || u_strcmp(territory, gWorld) == 0) {
                entry->country = NULL;
            } else {
                entry->country = territory;

            // Put this entry in the hashtable. Since this hashtable has no key deleter,
            // key is treated as const, but must be passed as non-const.
            uhash_put(canonicalMap, (UChar*)alias, entry, &status);
            if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
                goto error_cleanup;

    // Some available Olson zones are not included in CLDR data (such as Asia/Riyadh87).
    // Also, when we update Olson tzdata, new zones may be added.
    // This code scans all available zones in zoneinfo.res, and if any of them are
    // missing, add them to the map.
    tzenum = TimeZone::createEnumeration();
    numZones = tzenum->count(status);
    if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
        int32_t i;
        for (i = 0; i < numZones; i++) {
            const UnicodeString *zone = tzenum->snext(status);
            if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
                // We should not get here.
                status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
            UChar zoneUChars[ZID_KEY_MAX];
            int32_t zoneUCharsLen = zone->extract(zoneUChars, ZID_KEY_MAX, status) + 1; // Add one for NUL termination
            if (U_FAILURE(status) || status==U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING) {
                status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
                continue; // zone id is too long to extract
            CanonicalMapEntry *entry = (CanonicalMapEntry*)uhash_get(canonicalMap, zoneUChars);
            if (entry) {
                // Already included in CLDR data
            // Not in CLDR data, but it could be new one whose alias is available
            // in CLDR.
            int32_t nTzdataEquivalent = TimeZone::countEquivalentIDs(*zone);
            int32_t j;
            for (j = 0; j < nTzdataEquivalent; j++) {
                UnicodeString alias = TimeZone::getEquivalentID(*zone, j);
                if (alias == *zone) {
                UChar aliasUChars[ZID_KEY_MAX];
                alias.extract(aliasUChars, ZID_KEY_MAX, status);
                if (U_FAILURE(status) || status==U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING) {
                    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
                    continue; // zone id is too long to extract
                entry = (CanonicalMapEntry*)uhash_get(canonicalMap, aliasUChars);
                if (entry != NULL) {
            // Create a new map entry
            CanonicalMapEntry* newEntry = (CanonicalMapEntry*)uprv_malloc(sizeof(CanonicalMapEntry));
            int32_t idLen;
            if (newEntry == NULL) {
                status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
                goto error_cleanup;
            if (entry == NULL) {
                // Set dereferenced zone ID as the canonical ID
                UnicodeString derefZone;
                TimeZone::dereferOlsonLink(*zone, derefZone);
                if (derefZone.length() == 0) {
                    // It should never happen.. but just in case
                    derefZone = *zone;
                idLen = derefZone.length() + 1;
                newEntry->id = allocUStringInTable(idLen);
                if (newEntry->id == NULL) {
                    status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
                    goto error_cleanup;
                // Copy NULL terminated string
                derefZone.extract((UChar*)(newEntry->id), idLen, status);
                if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
                    goto error_cleanup;
                // No territory information available
                newEntry->country = NULL;
            } else {
                // Duplicate the entry
                newEntry->id = entry->id;
                newEntry->country = entry->country;

            // Put this entry in the hashtable
            UChar *key = allocUStringInTable(zoneUCharsLen);
            if (key == NULL) {
                status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
                goto error_cleanup;
            u_strncpy(key, zoneUChars, zoneUCharsLen);
            uhash_put(canonicalMap, key, newEntry, &status);
            if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
                goto error_cleanup;

    delete tzenum;
    return canonicalMap;

    if (canonicalMap != NULL) {
        canonicalMap = NULL;
    goto normal_cleanup;
Example #15
UBool Transliterator::initializeRegistry(UErrorCode &status) {
    if (registry != 0) {
        return TRUE;

    registry = new TransliteratorRegistry(status);
    if (registry == 0 || U_FAILURE(status)) {
        delete registry;
        registry = 0;
        return FALSE; // can't create registry, no recovery

    /* The following code parses the index table located in
     * icu/data/translit/root.txt.  The index is an n x 4 table
     * that follows this format:
     *  <id>{
     *      file{
     *          resource{"<resource>"}
     *          direction{"<direction>"}
     *      }
     *  }
     *  <id>{
     *      internal{
     *          resource{"<resource>"}
     *          direction{"<direction"}
     *       }
     *  }
     *  <id>{
     *      alias{"<getInstanceArg"}
     *  }
     * <id> is the ID of the system transliterator being defined.  These
     * are public IDs enumerated by Transliterator.getAvailableIDs(),
     * unless the second field is "internal".
     * <resource> is a ResourceReader resource name.  Currently these refer
     * to file names under com/ibm/text/resources.  This string is passed
     * directly to ResourceReader, together with <encoding>.
     * <direction> is either "FORWARD" or "REVERSE".
     * <getInstanceArg> is a string to be passed directly to
     * Transliterator.getInstance().  The returned Transliterator object
     * then has its ID changed to <id> and is returned.
     * The extra blank field on "alias" lines is to make the array square.
    //static const char translit_index[] = "translit_index";

    UResourceBundle *bundle, *transIDs, *colBund;
    bundle = ures_open(U_ICUDATA_TRANSLIT, NULL/*open default locale*/, &status);
    transIDs = ures_getByKey(bundle, RB_RULE_BASED_IDS, 0, &status);

    int32_t row, maxRows;
    if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
        maxRows = ures_getSize(transIDs);
        for (row = 0; row < maxRows; row++) {
            colBund = ures_getByIndex(transIDs, row, 0, &status);
            if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
                UnicodeString id(ures_getKey(colBund), -1, US_INV);
                UResourceBundle* res = ures_getNextResource(colBund, NULL, &status);
                const char* typeStr = ures_getKey(res);
                UChar type;
                u_charsToUChars(typeStr, &type, 1);

                if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
                    int32_t len = 0;
                    const UChar *resString;
                    switch (type) {
                    case 0x66: // 'f'
                    case 0x69: // 'i'
                        // 'file' or 'internal';
                        // row[2]=resource, row[3]=direction
                            resString = ures_getStringByKey(res, "resource", &len, &status);
                            UBool visible = (type == 0x0066 /*f*/);
                            UTransDirection dir = 
                                (ures_getUnicodeStringByKey(res, "direction", &status).charAt(0) ==
                                 0x0046 /*F*/) ?
                                UTRANS_FORWARD : UTRANS_REVERSE;
                            registry->put(id, UnicodeString(TRUE, resString, len), dir, TRUE, visible, status);
                    case 0x61: // 'a'
                        // 'alias'; row[2]=createInstance argument
                        resString = ures_getString(res, &len, &status);
                        registry->put(id, UnicodeString(TRUE, resString, len), TRUE, TRUE, status);


    // Manually add prototypes that the system knows about to the
    // cache.  This is how new non-rule-based transliterators are
    // added to the system.
    // This is to allow for null pointer check
    NullTransliterator* tempNullTranslit = new NullTransliterator();
    LowercaseTransliterator* tempLowercaseTranslit = new LowercaseTransliterator();
    UppercaseTransliterator* tempUppercaseTranslit = new UppercaseTransliterator();
    TitlecaseTransliterator* tempTitlecaseTranslit = new TitlecaseTransliterator();
    UnicodeNameTransliterator* tempUnicodeTranslit = new UnicodeNameTransliterator();
    NameUnicodeTransliterator* tempNameUnicodeTranslit = new NameUnicodeTransliterator();
     // TODO: could or should these transliterators be referenced polymorphically once constructed?
     BreakTransliterator* tempBreakTranslit         = new BreakTransliterator();
    // Check for null pointers
    if (tempNullTranslit == NULL || tempLowercaseTranslit == NULL || tempUppercaseTranslit == NULL ||
        tempTitlecaseTranslit == NULL || tempUnicodeTranslit == NULL || 
        tempBreakTranslit == NULL ||
        tempNameUnicodeTranslit == NULL )
        delete tempNullTranslit;
        delete tempLowercaseTranslit;
        delete tempUppercaseTranslit;
        delete tempTitlecaseTranslit;
        delete tempUnicodeTranslit;
        delete tempNameUnicodeTranslit;
        delete tempBreakTranslit;
        // Since there was an error, remove registry
        delete registry;
        registry = NULL;

        return 0;

    registry->put(tempNullTranslit, TRUE, status);
    registry->put(tempLowercaseTranslit, TRUE, status);
    registry->put(tempUppercaseTranslit, TRUE, status);
    registry->put(tempTitlecaseTranslit, TRUE, status);
    registry->put(tempUnicodeTranslit, TRUE, status);
    registry->put(tempNameUnicodeTranslit, TRUE, status);
    registry->put(tempBreakTranslit, FALSE, status);   // FALSE means invisible.

    RemoveTransliterator::registerIDs(); // Must be within mutex

                            UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("Null"), FALSE);
                            UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("Lower"), TRUE);
                            UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("Lower"), FALSE);

    ucln_i18n_registerCleanup(UCLN_I18N_TRANSLITERATOR, utrans_transliterator_cleanup);

    return TRUE;
Example #16
U_CFUNC const char* U_EXPORT2
uprv_detectWindowsTimeZone() {
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UResourceBundle* bundle = NULL;
    char* icuid = NULL;

    LONG result;
    TZI tziKey;
    TZI tziReg;

    /* Obtain TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION from the API, and then convert it
       to TZI.  We could also interrogate the registry directly; we do
       this below if needed. */
    uprv_memset(&apiTZI, 0, sizeof(apiTZI));
    uprv_memset(&tziKey, 0, sizeof(tziKey));
    uprv_memset(&tziReg, 0, sizeof(tziReg));
    tziKey.bias = apiTZI.Bias;
    uprv_memcpy((char *)&tziKey.standardDate, (char*)&apiTZI.StandardDate,
    uprv_memcpy((char *)&tziKey.daylightDate, (char*)&apiTZI.DaylightDate,

    bundle = ures_openDirect(NULL, "windowsZones", &status);
    ures_getByKey(bundle, "mapTimezones", bundle, &status);

    /* Note: We get the winid not from static tables but from resource bundle. */
    while (U_SUCCESS(status) && ures_hasNext(bundle)) {
        const char* winid;
        int32_t len;
        UResourceBundle* winTZ = ures_getNextResource(bundle, NULL, &status);
        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        winid = ures_getKey(winTZ);
        result = getTZI(winid, &tziReg);

        if (result == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
            /* Windows alters the DaylightBias in some situations.
               Using the bias and the rules suffices, so overwrite
               these unreliable fields. */
            tziKey.standardBias = tziReg.standardBias;
            tziKey.daylightBias = tziReg.daylightBias;

            if (uprv_memcmp((char *)&tziKey, (char*)&tziReg, sizeof(tziKey)) == 0) {
                const UChar* icuTZ = ures_getStringByKey(winTZ, "001", &len, &status);
                if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
                    icuid = (char*)uprv_malloc(sizeof(char) * (len + 1));
                    uprv_memset(icuid, 0, len + 1);
                    u_austrncpy(icuid, icuTZ, len);
        if (icuid != NULL) {


    return icuid;
void RelativeDateFormat::loadDates(UErrorCode &status) {
    CalendarData calData(fLocale, "gregorian", status);

    UErrorCode tempStatus = status;
    UResourceBundle *dateTimePatterns = calData.getByKey(DT_DateTimePatternsTag, tempStatus);
    if(U_SUCCESS(tempStatus)) {
        int32_t patternsSize = ures_getSize(dateTimePatterns);
        if (patternsSize > kDateTime) {
            int32_t resStrLen = 0;

            int32_t glueIndex = kDateTime;
            if (patternsSize >= (DateFormat::kDateTimeOffset + DateFormat::kShort + 1)) {
                // Get proper date time format
                switch (fDateStyle) {
                case kFullRelative:
                case kFull:
                    glueIndex = kDateTimeOffset + kFull;
                case kLongRelative:
                case kLong:
                    glueIndex = kDateTimeOffset + kLong;
                case kMediumRelative:
                case kMedium:
                    glueIndex = kDateTimeOffset + kMedium;
                case kShortRelative:
                case kShort:
                    glueIndex = kDateTimeOffset + kShort;

            const UChar *resStr = ures_getStringByIndex(dateTimePatterns, glueIndex, &resStrLen, &tempStatus);
            fCombinedFormat = new MessageFormat(UnicodeString(TRUE, resStr, resStrLen), fLocale, tempStatus);

    UResourceBundle *strings = calData.getByKey3("fields", "day", "relative", status);
    // set up min/max

    if(U_FAILURE(status)) {

    fDatesLen = ures_getSize(strings);
    fDates = (URelativeString*) uprv_malloc(sizeof(fDates[0])*fDatesLen);

    // Load in each item into the array...
    int n = 0;

    UResourceBundle *subString = NULL;

    while(ures_hasNext(strings) && U_SUCCESS(status)) {  // iterate over items
        subString = ures_getNextResource(strings, subString, &status);

        if(U_FAILURE(status) || (subString==NULL)) break;

        // key = offset #
        const char *key = ures_getKey(subString);

        // load the string and length
        int32_t aLen;
        const UChar* aString = ures_getString(subString, &aLen, &status);

        if(U_FAILURE(status) || aString == NULL) break;

        // calculate the offset
        int32_t offset = atoi(key);

        // set min/max
        if(offset < fDayMin) {
            fDayMin = offset;
        if(offset > fDayMax) {
            fDayMax = offset;

        // copy the string pointer
        fDates[n].offset = offset;
        fDates[n].string = aString;
        fDates[n].len = aLen;


    // the fDates[] array could be sorted here, for direct access.

static void U_CALLCONV
initFromResourceBundle(UErrorCode& sts) {
    ucln_common_registerCleanup(UCLN_COMMON_LOCALE_KEY_TYPE, uloc_key_type_cleanup);

    gLocExtKeyMap = uhash_open(uhash_hashIChars, uhash_compareIChars, NULL, &sts);

    LocalUResourceBundlePointer keyTypeDataRes(ures_openDirect(NULL, "keyTypeData", &sts));
    LocalUResourceBundlePointer keyMapRes(ures_getByKey(keyTypeDataRes.getAlias(), "keyMap", NULL, &sts));
    LocalUResourceBundlePointer typeMapRes(ures_getByKey(keyTypeDataRes.getAlias(), "typeMap", NULL, &sts));

    if (U_FAILURE(sts)) {

    UErrorCode tmpSts = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    LocalUResourceBundlePointer typeAliasRes(ures_getByKey(keyTypeDataRes.getAlias(), "typeAlias", NULL, &tmpSts));
    tmpSts = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    LocalUResourceBundlePointer bcpTypeAliasRes(ures_getByKey(keyTypeDataRes.getAlias(), "bcpTypeAlias", NULL, &tmpSts));

    // initialize vectors storing dynamically allocated objects
    gKeyTypeStringPool = new UVector(uloc_deleteKeyTypeStringPoolEntry, NULL, sts);
    if (gKeyTypeStringPool == NULL) {
        if (U_SUCCESS(sts)) {
            sts = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
    if (U_FAILURE(sts)) {
    gLocExtKeyDataEntries = new UVector(uloc_deleteKeyDataEntry, NULL, sts);
    if (gLocExtKeyDataEntries == NULL) {
        if (U_SUCCESS(sts)) {
            sts = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
    if (U_FAILURE(sts)) {
    gLocExtTypeEntries = new UVector(uloc_deleteTypeEntry, NULL, sts);
    if (gLocExtTypeEntries == NULL) {
        if (U_SUCCESS(sts)) {
            sts = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
    if (U_FAILURE(sts)) {

    // iterate through keyMap resource
    LocalUResourceBundlePointer keyMapEntry;

    while (ures_hasNext(keyMapRes.getAlias())) {
        keyMapEntry.adoptInstead(ures_getNextResource(keyMapRes.getAlias(), keyMapEntry.orphan(), &sts));
        if (U_FAILURE(sts)) {
        const char* legacyKeyId = ures_getKey(keyMapEntry.getAlias());
        int32_t bcpKeyIdLen = 0;
        const UChar* uBcpKeyId = ures_getString(keyMapEntry.getAlias(), &bcpKeyIdLen, &sts);
        if (U_FAILURE(sts)) {

        // empty value indicates that BCP key is same with the legacy key.
        const char* bcpKeyId = legacyKeyId;
        if (bcpKeyIdLen > 0) {
            char* bcpKeyIdBuf = (char*)uprv_malloc(bcpKeyIdLen + 1);
            if (bcpKeyIdBuf == NULL) {
                sts = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
            u_UCharsToChars(uBcpKeyId, bcpKeyIdBuf, bcpKeyIdLen);
            bcpKeyIdBuf[bcpKeyIdLen] = 0;
            gKeyTypeStringPool->addElement(bcpKeyIdBuf, sts);
            if (U_FAILURE(sts)) {
            bcpKeyId = bcpKeyIdBuf;

        UBool isTZ = uprv_strcmp(legacyKeyId, "timezone") == 0;

        UHashtable* typeDataMap = uhash_open(uhash_hashIChars, uhash_compareIChars, NULL, &sts);
        if (U_FAILURE(sts)) {
        uint32_t specialTypes = SPECIALTYPE_NONE;

        LocalUResourceBundlePointer typeAliasResByKey;
        LocalUResourceBundlePointer bcpTypeAliasResByKey;

        if (typeAliasRes.isValid()) {
            tmpSts = U_ZERO_ERROR;
            typeAliasResByKey.adoptInstead(ures_getByKey(typeAliasRes.getAlias(), legacyKeyId, NULL, &tmpSts));
            if (U_FAILURE(tmpSts)) {
        if (bcpTypeAliasRes.isValid()) {
            tmpSts = U_ZERO_ERROR;
            bcpTypeAliasResByKey.adoptInstead(ures_getByKey(bcpTypeAliasRes.getAlias(), bcpKeyId, NULL, &tmpSts));
            if (U_FAILURE(tmpSts)) {

        // look up type map for the key, and walk through the mapping data
        tmpSts = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        LocalUResourceBundlePointer typeMapResByKey(ures_getByKey(typeMapRes.getAlias(), legacyKeyId, NULL, &tmpSts));
        if (U_FAILURE(tmpSts)) {
            // type map for each key must exist
        } else {
            LocalUResourceBundlePointer typeMapEntry;

            while (ures_hasNext(typeMapResByKey.getAlias())) {
                typeMapEntry.adoptInstead(ures_getNextResource(typeMapResByKey.getAlias(), typeMapEntry.orphan(), &sts));
                if (U_FAILURE(sts)) {
                const char* legacyTypeId = ures_getKey(typeMapEntry.getAlias());

                // special types
                if (uprv_strcmp(legacyTypeId, "CODEPOINTS") == 0) {
                    specialTypes |= SPECIALTYPE_CODEPOINTS;
                if (uprv_strcmp(legacyTypeId, "REORDER_CODE") == 0) {
                    specialTypes |= SPECIALTYPE_REORDER_CODE;
                if (uprv_strcmp(legacyTypeId, "RG_KEY_VALUE") == 0) {
                    specialTypes |= SPECIALTYPE_RG_KEY_VALUE;

                if (isTZ) {
                    // a timezone key uses a colon instead of a slash in the resource.
                    // e.g. America:Los_Angeles
                    if (uprv_strchr(legacyTypeId, ':') != NULL) {
                        int32_t legacyTypeIdLen = uprv_strlen(legacyTypeId);
                        char* legacyTypeIdBuf = (char*)uprv_malloc(legacyTypeIdLen + 1);
                        if (legacyTypeIdBuf == NULL) {
                            sts = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
                        const char* p = legacyTypeId;
                        char* q = legacyTypeIdBuf;
                        while (*p) {
                            if (*p == ':') {
                                *q++ = '/';
                            } else {
                                *q++ = *p;
                        *q = 0;

                        gKeyTypeStringPool->addElement(legacyTypeIdBuf, sts);
                        if (U_FAILURE(sts)) {
                        legacyTypeId = legacyTypeIdBuf;

                int32_t bcpTypeIdLen = 0;
                const UChar* uBcpTypeId = ures_getString(typeMapEntry.getAlias(), &bcpTypeIdLen, &sts);
                if (U_FAILURE(sts)) {

                // empty value indicates that BCP type is same with the legacy type.
                const char* bcpTypeId = legacyTypeId;
                if (bcpTypeIdLen > 0) {
                    char* bcpTypeIdBuf = (char*)uprv_malloc(bcpTypeIdLen + 1);
                    if (bcpTypeIdBuf == NULL) {
                        sts = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
                    u_UCharsToChars(uBcpTypeId, bcpTypeIdBuf, bcpTypeIdLen);
                    bcpTypeIdBuf[bcpTypeIdLen] = 0;
                    gKeyTypeStringPool->addElement(bcpTypeIdBuf, sts);
                    if (U_FAILURE(sts)) {
                    bcpTypeId = bcpTypeIdBuf;

                // Note: legacy type value should never be
                // equivalent to bcp type value of a different
                // type under the same key. So we use a single
                // map for lookup.
                LocExtType* t = (LocExtType*)uprv_malloc(sizeof(LocExtType));
                if (t == NULL) {
                    sts = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
                t->bcpId = bcpTypeId;
                t->legacyId = legacyTypeId;
                gLocExtTypeEntries->addElement((void*)t, sts);
                if (U_FAILURE(sts)) {

                uhash_put(typeDataMap, (void*)legacyTypeId, t, &sts);
                if (bcpTypeId != legacyTypeId) {
                    // different type value
                    uhash_put(typeDataMap, (void*)bcpTypeId, t, &sts);
                if (U_FAILURE(sts)) {

                // also put aliases in the map
                if (typeAliasResByKey.isValid()) {
                    LocalUResourceBundlePointer typeAliasDataEntry;

                    while (ures_hasNext(typeAliasResByKey.getAlias()) && U_SUCCESS(sts)) {
                        int32_t toLen;
                        typeAliasDataEntry.adoptInstead(ures_getNextResource(typeAliasResByKey.getAlias(), typeAliasDataEntry.orphan(), &sts));
                        const UChar* to = ures_getString(typeAliasDataEntry.getAlias(), &toLen, &sts);
                        if (U_FAILURE(sts)) {
                        // check if this is an alias of canoncal legacy type
                        if (uprv_compareInvWithUChar(NULL, legacyTypeId, -1, to, toLen) == 0) {
                            const char* from = ures_getKey(typeAliasDataEntry.getAlias());
                            if (isTZ) {
                                // replace colon with slash if necessary
                                if (uprv_strchr(from, ':') != NULL) {
                                    int32_t fromLen = uprv_strlen(from);
                                    char* fromBuf = (char*)uprv_malloc(fromLen + 1);
                                    if (fromBuf == NULL) {
                                        sts = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
                                    const char* p = from;
                                    char* q = fromBuf;
                                    while (*p) {
                                        if (*p == ':') {
                                            *q++ = '/';
                                        } else {
                                            *q++ = *p;
                                    *q = 0;

                                    gKeyTypeStringPool->addElement(fromBuf, sts);
                                    if (U_FAILURE(sts)) {
                                    from = fromBuf;
                            uhash_put(typeDataMap, (void*)from, t, &sts);
                    if (U_FAILURE(sts)) {

                if (bcpTypeAliasResByKey.isValid()) {
                    LocalUResourceBundlePointer bcpTypeAliasDataEntry;

                    while (ures_hasNext(bcpTypeAliasResByKey.getAlias()) && U_SUCCESS(sts)) {
                        int32_t toLen;
                        bcpTypeAliasDataEntry.adoptInstead(ures_getNextResource(bcpTypeAliasResByKey.getAlias(), bcpTypeAliasDataEntry.orphan(), &sts));
                        const UChar* to = ures_getString(bcpTypeAliasDataEntry.getAlias(), &toLen, &sts);
                        if (U_FAILURE(sts)) {
                        // check if this is an alias of bcp type
                        if (uprv_compareInvWithUChar(NULL, bcpTypeId, -1, to, toLen) == 0) {
                            const char* from = ures_getKey(bcpTypeAliasDataEntry.getAlias());
                            uhash_put(typeDataMap, (void*)from, t, &sts);
                    if (U_FAILURE(sts)) {
        if (U_FAILURE(sts)) {

        LocExtKeyData* keyData = (LocExtKeyData*)uprv_malloc(sizeof(LocExtKeyData));
        if (keyData == NULL) {
            sts = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
        keyData->bcpId = bcpKeyId;
        keyData->legacyId = legacyKeyId;
        keyData->specialTypes = specialTypes;
        keyData->typeMap = typeDataMap;

        gLocExtKeyDataEntries->addElement((void*)keyData, sts);
        if (U_FAILURE(sts)) {

        uhash_put(gLocExtKeyMap, (void*)legacyKeyId, keyData, &sts);
        if (legacyKeyId != bcpKeyId) {
            // different key value
            uhash_put(gLocExtKeyMap, (void*)bcpKeyId, keyData, &sts);
        if (U_FAILURE(sts)) {
Example #19
 * Main Windows time zone detection function.  Returns the Windows
 * time zone, translated to an ICU time zone, or NULL upon failure.
U_CFUNC const char* U_EXPORT2
uprv_detectWindowsTimeZone() {
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UResourceBundle* bundle = NULL;
    char* icuid = NULL;
    char apiStdName[MAX_LENGTH_ID];
    char regStdName[MAX_LENGTH_ID];
    char tmpid[MAX_LENGTH_ID];
    int32_t len;
    int id;
    int errorCode;
    UChar ISOcodeW[3]; /* 2 letter iso code in UTF-16*/
    char  ISOcodeA[3]; /* 2 letter iso code in ansi */

    LONG result;
    TZI tziKey;
    TZI tziReg;

    BOOL isVistaOrHigher;
    BOOL tryPreVistaFallback;

    /* Obtain TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION from the API, and then convert it
       to TZI.  We could also interrogate the registry directly; we do
       this below if needed. */
    uprv_memset(&apiTZI, 0, sizeof(apiTZI));
    uprv_memset(&tziKey, 0, sizeof(tziKey));
    uprv_memset(&tziReg, 0, sizeof(tziReg));
    tziKey.bias = apiTZI.Bias;
    uprv_memcpy((char *)&tziKey.standardDate, (char*)&apiTZI.StandardDate,
    uprv_memcpy((char *)&tziKey.daylightDate, (char*)&apiTZI.DaylightDate,

    /* Convert the wchar_t* standard name to char* */
    uprv_memset(apiStdName, 0, sizeof(apiStdName));
    wcstombs(apiStdName, apiTZI.StandardName, MAX_LENGTH_ID);

    tmpid[0] = 0;

    id = GetUserGeoID(GEOCLASS_NATION);
    errorCode = GetGeoInfoW(id,GEO_ISO2,ISOcodeW,3,0);
    u_strToUTF8(ISOcodeA, 3, NULL, ISOcodeW, 3, &status);

    bundle = ures_openDirect(NULL, "windowsZones", &status);
    ures_getByKey(bundle, "mapTimezones", bundle, &status);

        Windows Vista+ provides us with a "TimeZoneKeyName" that is not localized
        and can be used to directly map a name in our bundle. Try to use that first
        if we're on Vista or higher
    uprv_memset(&osVerInfo, 0, sizeof(osVerInfo));
    osVerInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(osVerInfo);
    isVistaOrHigher = osVerInfo.dwMajorVersion >= 6;	/* actually includes Windows Server 2008 as well, but don't worry about it */
    tryPreVistaFallback = TRUE;
    if(isVistaOrHigher) {
        result = getTZKeyName(regStdName, sizeof(regStdName));
        if(ERROR_SUCCESS == result) {
            UResourceBundle* winTZ = ures_getByKey(bundle, regStdName, NULL, &status);
            if(U_SUCCESS(status)) {
                const UChar* icuTZ = NULL;
                if (errorCode != 0) {
                    icuTZ = ures_getStringByKey(winTZ, ISOcodeA, &len, &status);
                if (errorCode==0 || icuTZ==NULL) {
                    /* fallback to default "001" and reset status */
                    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
                    icuTZ = ures_getStringByKey(winTZ, "001", &len, &status);

                if(U_SUCCESS(status)) {
                    int index=0;
                    while (! (*icuTZ == '\0' || *icuTZ ==' ')) {
                        tmpid[index++]=(char)(*icuTZ++);  /* safe to assume 'char' is ASCII compatible on windows */
                    tryPreVistaFallback = FALSE;

    if(tryPreVistaFallback) {

        /* Note: We get the winid not from static tables but from resource bundle. */
        while (U_SUCCESS(status) && ures_hasNext(bundle)) {
            UBool idFound = FALSE;
            const char* winid;
            UResourceBundle* winTZ = ures_getNextResource(bundle, NULL, &status);
            if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
            winid = ures_getKey(winTZ);
            result = getTZI(winid, &tziReg);

            if (result == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
                /* Windows alters the DaylightBias in some situations.
                   Using the bias and the rules suffices, so overwrite
                   these unreliable fields. */
                tziKey.standardBias = tziReg.standardBias;
                tziKey.daylightBias = tziReg.daylightBias;

                if (uprv_memcmp((char *)&tziKey, (char*)&tziReg, sizeof(tziKey)) == 0) {
                    const UChar* icuTZ = NULL;
                    if (errorCode != 0) {
                        icuTZ = ures_getStringByKey(winTZ, ISOcodeA, &len, &status);
                    if (errorCode==0 || icuTZ==NULL) {
                        /* fallback to default "001" and reset status */
                        status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
                        icuTZ = ures_getStringByKey(winTZ, "001", &len, &status);

                    if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
                        /* Get the standard name from the registry key to compare with
                           the one from Windows API call. */
                        uprv_memset(regStdName, 0, sizeof(regStdName));
                        result = getSTDName(winid, regStdName, sizeof(regStdName));
                        if (result == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
                            if (uprv_strcmp(apiStdName, regStdName) == 0) {
                                idFound = TRUE;

                        /* tmpid buffer holds the ICU timezone ID corresponding to the timezone ID from Windows.
                         * If none is found, tmpid buffer will contain a fallback ID (i.e. the time zone ID matching
                         * the current time zone information)
                        if (idFound || tmpid[0] == 0) {
                            /* if icuTZ has more than one city, take only the first (i.e. terminate icuTZ at first space) */
                            int index=0;
                            while (! (*icuTZ == '\0' || *icuTZ ==' ')) {
                                tmpid[index++]=(char)(*icuTZ++);  /* safe to assume 'char' is ASCII compatible on windows */
            if (idFound) {

     * Copy the timezone ID to icuid to be returned.
    if (tmpid[0] != 0) {
        len = uprv_strlen(tmpid);
        icuid = (char*)uprv_calloc(len + 1, sizeof(char));
        if (icuid != NULL) {
            uprv_strcpy(icuid, tmpid);

    return icuid;
Example #20
EraRules* EraRules::createInstance(const char *calType, UBool includeTentativeEra, UErrorCode& status) {
    if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
        return nullptr;
    LocalUResourceBundlePointer rb(ures_openDirect(nullptr, "supplementalData", &status));
    ures_getByKey(rb.getAlias(), "calendarData", rb.getAlias(), &status);
    ures_getByKey(rb.getAlias(), calType, rb.getAlias(), &status);
    ures_getByKey(rb.getAlias(), "eras", rb.getAlias(), &status);

    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        return nullptr;

    int32_t numEras = ures_getSize(rb.getAlias());
    int32_t firstTentativeIdx = MAX_INT32;

    LocalMemory<int32_t> startDates(static_cast<int32_t *>(uprv_malloc(numEras * sizeof(int32_t))));
    if (startDates.isNull()) {
        return nullptr;
    uprv_memset(startDates.getAlias(), 0 , numEras * sizeof(int32_t));

    while (ures_hasNext(rb.getAlias())) {
        LocalUResourceBundlePointer eraRuleRes(ures_getNextResource(rb.getAlias(), nullptr, &status));
        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
            return nullptr;
        const char *eraIdxStr = ures_getKey(eraRuleRes.getAlias());
        char *endp;
        int32_t eraIdx = (int32_t)strtol(eraIdxStr, &endp, 10);
        if ((size_t)(endp - eraIdxStr) != uprv_strlen(eraIdxStr)) {
            status = U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR;
            return nullptr;
        if (eraIdx < 0 || eraIdx >= numEras) {
            status = U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR;
            return nullptr;
        if (isSet(startDates[eraIdx])) {
            // start date of the index was already set
            status = U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR;
            return nullptr;

        UBool hasName = TRUE;
        UBool hasEnd = TRUE;
        int32_t len;
        while (ures_hasNext(eraRuleRes.getAlias())) {
            LocalUResourceBundlePointer res(ures_getNextResource(eraRuleRes.getAlias(), nullptr, &status));
            if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
                return nullptr;
            const char *key = ures_getKey(res.getAlias());
            if (uprv_strcmp(key, "start") == 0) {
                const int32_t *fields = ures_getIntVector(res.getAlias(), &len, &status);
                if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
                    return nullptr;
                if (len != 3 || !isValidRuleStartDate(fields[0], fields[1], fields[2])) {
                    status = U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR;
                    return nullptr;
                startDates[eraIdx] = encodeDate(fields[0], fields[1], fields[2]);
            } else if (uprv_strcmp(key, "named") == 0) {
                const UChar *val = ures_getString(res.getAlias(), &len, &status);
                if (u_strncmp(val, VAL_FALSE, VAL_FALSE_LEN) == 0) {
                    hasName = FALSE;
            } else if (uprv_strcmp(key, "end") == 0) {
                hasEnd = TRUE;

        if (isSet(startDates[eraIdx])) {
            if (hasEnd) {
                // This implementation assumes either start or end is available, not both.
                // For now, just ignore the end rule.
        } else {
            if (hasEnd) {
                if (eraIdx != 0) {
                    // This implementation does not support end only rule for eras other than
                    // the first one.
                    status = U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR;
                    return nullptr;
                U_ASSERT(eraIdx == 0);
                startDates[eraIdx] = MIN_ENCODED_START;
            } else {
                status = U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR;
                return nullptr;

        if (hasName) {
            if (eraIdx >= firstTentativeIdx) {
                status = U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR;
                return nullptr;
        } else {
            if (eraIdx < firstTentativeIdx) {
                firstTentativeIdx = eraIdx;

    EraRules *result;
    if (firstTentativeIdx < MAX_INT32 && !includeTentativeEra) {
        result = new EraRules(startDates, firstTentativeIdx);
    } else {
        result = new EraRules(startDates, numEras);

    if (result == nullptr) {
    return result;