Example #1
void Downloader::installUpdate() {
    if (useCustomInstallProcedures())

    QMessageBox box;
    box.setIcon (QMessageBox::Question);
    box.setDefaultButton   (QMessageBox::Ok);
    box.setStandardButtons (QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel);
    box.setInformativeText (tr ("Click \"OK\" to begin installing the update"));
    box.setText ("<h3>" +
                 tr ("In order to install the update, you may need to "
                     "quit the application.")
                 + "</h3>");

    if (box.exec() == QMessageBox::Ok) {
        if (!useCustomInstallProcedures())

    else {
        m_ui->openButton->setEnabled (true);
        m_ui->openButton->setVisible (true);
        m_ui->timeLabel->setText (tr ("Click the \"Open\" button to "
                                      "apply the update"));
 * Instructs the OS to open the downloaded file.
 * \note If \c useCustomInstallProcedures() returns \c true, the function will
 *       not instruct the OS to open the downloaded file. You can use the
 *       signals fired by the \c QSimpleUpdater to install the update with your
 *       own implementations/code.
void Downloader::installUpdate()
    if (useCustomInstallProcedures())

    /* Update labels */
    m_ui->stopButton->setText    (tr ("Close"));
    m_ui->downloadLabel->setText (tr ("Download complete!"));
    m_ui->timeLabel->setText     (tr ("The installer will open separately")
                                  + "...");

    /* Ask the user to install the download */
    QMessageBox box;
    box.setIcon (QMessageBox::Question);
    box.setDefaultButton   (QMessageBox::Ok);
    box.setStandardButtons (QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel);
    box.setInformativeText (tr ("Click \"OK\" to begin installing the update"));

    QString text = tr ("In order to install the update, you may need to "
                      "quit the application.");

        text = tr ("In order to install the update, you may need to "
                   "quit the application. This is a mandatory update, exiting now will close the application");

    box.setText ("<h3>" +
                 + "</h3>");

    /* User wants to install the download */
    if (box.exec() == QMessageBox::Ok) {
        if (!useCustomInstallProcedures())
    /* Wait */
    else {

        m_ui->openButton->setEnabled (true);
        m_ui->openButton->setVisible (true);
        m_ui->timeLabel->setText (tr ("Click the \"Open\" button to "
                                      "apply the update"));