Example #1
String SVGElement::title() const
    // According to spec, we should not return titles when hovering over root <svg> elements (those
    // <title> elements are the title of the document, not a tooltip) so we instantly return.
    if (isOutermostSVGSVGElement())
        return String();

    // Walk up the tree, to find out whether we're inside a <use> shadow tree, to find the right title.
    if (isInShadowTree()) {
        Element* shadowHostElement = toShadowRoot(treeScope().rootNode()).host();
        // At this time, SVG nodes are not allowed in non-<use> shadow trees, so any shadow root we do
        // have should be a use. The assert and following test is here to catch future shadow DOM changes
        // that do enable SVG in a shadow tree.
        ASSERT(!shadowHostElement || isSVGUseElement(*shadowHostElement));
        if (isSVGUseElement(shadowHostElement)) {
            SVGUseElement& useElement = toSVGUseElement(*shadowHostElement);

            // If the <use> title is not empty we found the title to use.
            String useTitle(useElement.title());
            if (!useTitle.isEmpty())
                return useTitle;

    // If we aren't an instance in a <use> or the <use> title was not found, then find the first
    // <title> child of this element.
    // If a title child was found, return the text contents.
    if (Element* titleElement = Traversal<SVGTitleElement>::firstChild(*this))
        return titleElement->innerText();

    // Otherwise return a null/empty string.
    return String();
String SVGElement::title() const
    // According to spec, we should not return titles when hovering over root <svg> elements (those
    // <title> elements are the title of the document, not a tooltip) so we instantly return.
    if (isOutermostSVGSVGElement())
        return String();

    if (inUseShadowTree()) {
        String useTitle(shadowHost()->title());
        if (!useTitle.isEmpty())
            return useTitle;

    // If we aren't an instance in a <use> or the <use> title was not found, then find the first
    // <title> child of this element.
    // If a title child was found, return the text contents.
    if (Element* titleElement = Traversal<SVGTitleElement>::firstChild(*this))
        return titleElement->innerText();

    // Otherwise return a null/empty string.
    return String();