Example #1
/* get_config_gfx_driver:
 *  Helper function for set_gfx_mode: it reads the gfx_card* config variables and
 *  tries to set the graphics mode if a matching driver is found. Returns TRUE if
 *  at least one matching driver was found, FALSE otherwise.
static int get_config_gfx_driver(char *gfx_card, int w, int h, int v_w, int v_h, int flags, _DRIVER_INFO *driver_list)
   char buf[512], tmp[64];
   GFX_DRIVER *drv;
   int found = FALSE;
   int card, n;

   /* try the drivers that are listed in the config file */
   for (n=-2; n<255; n++) {
      switch (n) {

	 case -2:
	    /* example: gfx_card_640x480x16 = */
	    uszprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), uconvert_ascii("%s_%dx%dx%d", tmp), gfx_card, w, h, _color_depth);

	 case -1:
	    /* example: gfx_card_24bpp = */
	    uszprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), uconvert_ascii("%s_%dbpp", tmp), gfx_card, _color_depth);

	 case 0:
	    /* example: gfx_card = */
	    uszprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), uconvert_ascii("%s", tmp), gfx_card);

	    /* example: gfx_card1 = */
	    uszprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), uconvert_ascii("%s%d", tmp), gfx_card, n);

      card = get_config_id(uconvert_ascii("graphics", tmp), buf, 0);

      if (card) {
	 drv = get_gfx_driver_from_id(card, driver_list);

	 if (drv && gfx_driver_is_valid(drv, flags)) {
	    found = TRUE;
	    screen = init_gfx_driver(drv, w, h, v_w, v_h);

	    if (screen)
      else {
	 /* Stop searching the gfx_card#n (n>0) family at the first missing member,
	  * except gfx_card1 which could have been identified with gfx_card.
	 if (n > 1)

   return found;
Example #2
/* mouse_init:
 *  Here we open the mouse device, initialise anything that needs it, 
 *  and chain to the framework init routine.
static int mouse_init (void)
   char tmp1[128], tmp2[128];
   AL_CONST char *udevice;

   /* Set the current tool */
   current_tool = default_tool;

   /* Find the device filename */
   udevice = get_config_string (uconvert_ascii ("mouse", tmp1),
                                uconvert_ascii ("mouse_device", tmp2),

   /* Open mouse device.  Devices are cool. */
   if (udevice) {
      TRACE(PREFIX_I "Trying %s device\n", udevice);
      intdrv.device = open_mouse_device (uconvert_toascii (udevice, tmp1));
      if (intdrv.device < 0) {
         uszprintf (allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE, get_config_text ("Unable to open %s: %s"),
                    udevice, ustrerror (errno));
         return -1;
   else {
      /* If not specified in the config file, try several /dev/input/event<n>
       * devices. */
      const char *device_name[] = { "/dev/input/event0",
                                    NULL };
      int i;

      TRACE(PREFIX_I "Trying /dev/input/event[0-3] devices\n");

      for (i=0; device_name[i]; i++) {
         intdrv.device = open_mouse_device (device_name[i]);
         if (intdrv.device >= 0) {

      if (!device_name[i]) {
	 uszprintf (allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE, get_config_text ("Unable to open a mouse device: %s"),
		    ustrerror (errno));
	 return -1;

   intdrv.num_buttons = get_num_buttons(intdrv.device);
   /* Init the tablet data */

   return __al_linux_mouse_init (&intdrv);
Example #3
static int logg_open_file_for_streaming(LOGG_Stream* s)
	FILE* file;
	vorbis_info* vi;

	file = fopen(s->filename, "rb");
	if (!file) {
		uszprintf(allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE, "Unable to open file: %s", s->filename);
		return 1;

	if (ov_open_callbacks(file, &s->ovf, 0, 0, OV_CALLBACKS_DEFAULT) != 0) {
		strncpy(allegro_error, "ov_open_callbacks failed.", ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE);
		return 1;

	vi = ov_info(&s->ovf, -1);

	s->bits = 16;
	s->stereo = vi->channels > 1 ? 1 : 0;
	s->freq = vi->rate;
	s->len = ov_pcm_total(&s->ovf, -1);

	return 0;
Example #4
int info2(void)
   char buf[256];

   /* query the textlist proc */
   uszprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "Item number %i is selected!",
   alert("Info about the text list:", NULL, buf, "Ok", NULL, 0, 0);
   return D_O_K;
Example #5
int info3(void)
   char buf[256];

   /* query the slider proc */
   uszprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "Slider position is %i!",
   alert("Info about the slider:", NULL, buf, "Ok", NULL, 0, 0);
   return D_O_K;
Example #6
SAMPLE* logg_load(const char* filename)
	OggVorbis_File ovf;
	FILE* file;
	vorbis_info* vi;
	SAMPLE* samp;
	int numRead;
	int offset = 0;
	int bitstream;
	char *buf = malloc(logg_bufsize);

	file = fopen(filename, "rb");
	if (!file) {
		uszprintf(allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE, "Unable to open file: %s", filename);
		return 0;

	if (ov_open_callbacks(file, &ovf, 0, 0, OV_CALLBACKS_DEFAULT) != 0) {
		strncpy(allegro_error, "ov_open_callbacks failed.", ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE);
		return 0;

	vi = ov_info(&ovf, -1);

	samp = (SAMPLE*)_al_malloc(sizeof(SAMPLE));
	if (!samp) {
		return 0;

	samp->bits = 16;
	samp->stereo = vi->channels > 1 ? 1 : 0;
	samp->freq = vi->rate;
	samp->priority = 128;
	samp->len = ov_pcm_total(&ovf, -1);
	samp->loop_start = 0;
	samp->loop_end = samp->len;
	samp->data = _al_malloc(sizeof(unsigned short) * samp->len * 2);

	while ((numRead = ov_read(&ovf, buf, logg_bufsize,
				ENDIANNESS, 2, 0, &bitstream)) != 0) {
		memcpy((unsigned char*)samp->data+offset, buf, numRead);
		offset += numRead;


	return samp;
Example #7
/* used to probe and to configure the device.  don't use sio_start() here. */
static int
open_sndio_device(int input)
	hdl = sio_open(NULL, (input ? SIO_REC : SIO_PLAY), 0);
	if (hdl == NULL) {
		uszprintf(allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE,
		    get_config_text("sio_opn failed"));
		return -1;

	par.bits = (_sound_bits == 8) ? 8 : 16;
	par.sig = (_sound_bits == 8) ? 0 : 1;
	if (input)
		par.rchan = (_sound_stereo) ? 2 : 1;
		par.pchan = (_sound_stereo) ? 2 : 1;
	par.rate = (_sound_freq > 0) ? _sound_freq : 48000;
	par.le = SIO_LE_NATIVE;
	/* allegro wants small blocks */
	par.round = 512;
	par.appbufsz = par.rate / 10;

	if (!sio_setpar(hdl, &par) || !sio_getpar(hdl, &par) ||
	    (par.bits != 8 && par.bits != 16) ||
	    (par.bits == 8 && par.sig) ||
	    (par.bits == 16 && !par.sig) ||
	    (par.bits == 16 && par.le != SIO_LE_NATIVE) ||
	    (input && (par.rchan != 1 && par.rchan != 2)) ||
	    (!input && (par.pchan != 1 && par.pchan != 2))) {
		ustrzcpy(allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE,
		    get_config_text("could not set sndio parameters"));
		return -1;

	_sound_bits = par.bits;
	_sound_stereo = input ? par.rchan == 2 : par.pchan == 2;
	_sound_freq = par.rate;

	if (input) {
		sndio_rec_round = par.round; 
		sndio_rec_appbufsz = par.appbufsz;
		sndio_rec_bufsize = par.round * par.bps * par.rchan;
	} else {
		sndio_play_round = par.round;
		sndio_play_appbufsz = par.appbufsz;
		sndio_play_bufsize = sndio_play_round * par.bps * par.pchan;
	sndio_signed = par.sig ? 1 : 0;

	return 0;
Example #8
/* read_key_table:
 *  Reads a specific keymapping table from the config file.
static void read_key_table(unsigned short *out, unsigned short *in, char *section)
   char tmp1[64], tmp2[128], name[128];
   char *fmt = uconvert_ascii("key%d", tmp1);
   char *sec = uconvert_ascii(section, tmp2);
   int i;

   for (i=0; i<KEY_MAX; i++) {
      uszprintf(name, sizeof(name), fmt, i);
      out[i] = get_config_int(sec, name, in[i]);
Example #9
/* init_axis:
 *  initialize an AXIS structure, from the device and the config file
static void init_axis(int fd, AXIS *axis, AL_CONST char *name, AL_CONST char *section, int type)
   char tmp1[256]; /* config string */
   char tmp2[256]; /* format string */
   char tmp3[256]; /* Converted 'name' */
   int abs[5]; /* values given by the input */
   int config_speed;

   uszprintf(tmp1, sizeof(tmp1), uconvert_ascii("ev_min_%s", tmp2), uconvert_ascii(name, tmp3));
   axis->in_min = get_config_int(section, tmp1, 0);
   uszprintf(tmp1, sizeof(tmp1), uconvert_ascii("ev_max_%s", tmp2), uconvert_ascii(name, tmp3));
   axis->in_max = get_config_int(section, tmp1, 0);

   uszprintf(tmp1, sizeof(tmp1), uconvert_ascii("ev_abs_to_rel_%s", tmp2), uconvert_ascii(name, tmp3));
   config_speed = get_config_int(section, tmp1, 1);
   if (config_speed<=0) config_speed = 1;
   axis->scale = 1;

   /* Ask the input */
   if (ioctl(fd, EVIOCGABS(type), abs)>=0) {
      if (axis->in_min==0) axis->in_min=abs[1];
      if (axis->in_max==0) axis->in_max=abs[2];
      axis->in_abs = abs[0];
      axis->scale = 320.0*config_speed/IN_RANGE(*axis);
   if (axis->in_min>axis->in_max) {
      axis->in_min = axis->in_max = 0;
      axis->scale = 1;

   axis->out_min = 0;
   axis->out_max = 0;

   axis->speed = 1;
   axis->mickeys = 0;
Example #10
/* These three functions demonstrate how to query dialog elements.
int info1(void)
   char buf1[256];
   char buf2[256] = "";
   int i, s = 0, n;

   listbox_getter(-1, &n);
   /* query the list proc */
   for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      if (sel[i]) {
         uszprintf(buf1, sizeof buf1, "%i ", i);
         ustrzcat(buf2, sizeof buf2, buf1);
         s = 1;
   if (s)
      ustrzcat(buf2, sizeof buf2, "are in the multiple selection!");
      ustrzcat(buf2, sizeof buf2, "There is no multiple selection!");
   uszprintf(buf1, sizeof buf1, "Item number %i is selected!",
   alert("Info about the list:", buf1, buf2, "Ok", NULL, 0, 0);
   return D_O_K;
Example #11
/* handle the save command */
static void save_key_map(void)
   int i;
   char *section, *option_format, option[80], tmp1[80], tmp2[80];

   section = uconvert_ascii("xkeymap", tmp1);
   option_format = uconvert_ascii("keycode%d", tmp2);

   for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
      if (keycode_to_scancode[i] > 0) {
	 uszprintf(option, sizeof(option), option_format, i);
	 set_config_int(section, option, keycode_to_scancode[i]);
Example #12
/* Updates the key descriptions from the ASCII values. */
static void update_key_descriptions(void)
   char str[64];
   int i;
   for (i = 0; i < KEY_MAX; i++)
      int ascii = scancode_to_ascii (i);
      if (_pckeys_names[i])
      if (ascii > ' ') {
         uszprintf(str, sizeof str, "%c", ascii);
         _pckeys_names[i] = strdup (str);
      else {
         _pckeys_names[i] = strdup(_keyboard_common_names[i]);
Example #13
/* mouse_init:
 *  Here we open the mouse device, initialise anything that needs it, 
 *  and chain to the framework init routine.
static int mouse_init (void)
	char tmp1[128], tmp2[128], tmp3[128];
	AL_CONST char *udevice;

	/* Find the device filename */
	udevice = get_config_string (uconvert_ascii ("mouse", tmp1),
				     uconvert_ascii ("mouse_device", tmp2),
				     uconvert_ascii (DEVICE_FILENAME, tmp3));

	/* Open mouse device.  Devices are cool. */
	intdrv.device = open (uconvert_toascii (udevice, tmp1), O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK);
	if (intdrv.device < 0) {
		uszprintf (allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE, get_config_text ("Unable to open %s: %s"),
			   udevice, ustrerror (errno));
		return -1;

	/* Discard any garbage, so the next thing we read is a packet header */
	sync_mouse (intdrv.device);

	return __al_linux_mouse_init (&intdrv);
Example #14
/* _xdga2_gfxdrv_init_drv:
 *  Initializes driver and creates screen bitmap.
static BITMAP *_xdga2_private_gfxdrv_init_drv(GFX_DRIVER *drv, int w, int h, int vw, int vh, int depth, int accel)
   int dga_error_base, dga_major_version, dga_minor_version;
   int mode, mask, red_shift = 0, green_shift = 0, blue_shift = 0;
   long input_mask;
   char tmp1[128], tmp2[128];
   BITMAP *bmp;

   /* This is just to test if the system driver has been installed properly */
   if (_xwin.window == None)
      return NULL;

   /* Test that display is local.  */
   if (!_xdga2_private_display_is_local()) {
      ustrzcpy(allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE, get_config_text("This driver needs local display"));
      return NULL;

   /* Choose convenient size.  */
   if ((w == 0) && (h == 0)) {
      w = 640;
      h = 480;

   if ((w < 80) || (h < 80) || (w > 4096) || (h > 4096)) {
      ustrzcpy(allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE, get_config_text("Unsupported screen size"));
      return NULL;

   if (vw < w)
      vw = w;
   if (vh < h)
      vh = h;

   if (1
       && (depth != 8)
       && (depth != 15)
       && (depth != 16)
       && (depth != 24)
       && (depth != 32)
       ) {
      ustrzcpy(allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE, get_config_text("Unsupported color depth"));
      return NULL;

   /* Checks presence of DGA extension */
   if (!XDGAQueryExtension(_xwin.display, &dga_event_base, &dga_error_base) ||
       !XDGAQueryVersion(_xwin.display, &dga_major_version, &dga_minor_version)) {
      ustrzcpy(allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE, get_config_text("DGA extension is not supported"));
      return NULL;

   /* Works only with DGA 2.0 or newer */
   if (dga_major_version < 2) {
      ustrzcpy(allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE, get_config_text("DGA 2.0 or newer is required"));
      return NULL;

   /* Attempts to access the framebuffer */
   if (!XDGAOpenFramebuffer(_xwin.display, _xwin.screen)) {
      ustrzcpy(allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE, get_config_text("Can not open framebuffer"));
      return NULL;

   /* Finds suitable video mode number */
   mode = _xdga2_find_mode(w, h, vw, vh, depth);
   if (!mode) {
      ustrzcpy(allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE, get_config_text("Resolution not supported"));
      return NULL;

   /* Sets DGA video mode */
   dga_device = XDGASetMode(_xwin.display, _xwin.screen, mode);
   if (dga_device == NULL) {
      ustrzcpy(allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE, get_config_text("Can not switch to DGA mode"));
      return NULL;
   _xwin.in_dga_mode = 2;

   /* Installs DGA color map */
   if (_dga_cmap) {
      XFreeColormap(_xwin.display, _dga_cmap);
      _dga_cmap = 0;
   if ((dga_device->mode.visualClass == PseudoColor)
       || (dga_device->mode.visualClass == GrayScale)
       || (dga_device->mode.visualClass == DirectColor))
      _dga_cmap = XDGACreateColormap(_xwin.display, _xwin.screen, dga_device, AllocAll);
      _dga_cmap = XDGACreateColormap(_xwin.display, _xwin.screen, dga_device, AllocNone);
   XDGAInstallColormap(_xwin.display, _xwin.screen, _dga_cmap);

   /* Sets up direct color shifts */
   if (depth != 8) {
      for (mask = dga_device->mode.redMask, red_shift = 0; (mask & 1) == 0;
         mask >>= 1, red_shift++);
      for (mask = dga_device->mode.greenMask, green_shift = 0; (mask & 1) == 0;
         mask >>= 1, green_shift++);
      for (mask = dga_device->mode.blueMask, blue_shift = 0; (mask & 1) == 0;
         mask >>= 1, blue_shift++);
   switch (depth) {

      case 15:
         _rgb_r_shift_15 = red_shift;
         _rgb_g_shift_15 = green_shift;
         _rgb_b_shift_15 = blue_shift;

      case 16:
         _rgb_r_shift_16 = red_shift;
         _rgb_g_shift_16 = green_shift;
         _rgb_b_shift_16 = blue_shift;

      case 24:
         _rgb_r_shift_24 = red_shift;
         _rgb_g_shift_24 = green_shift;
         _rgb_b_shift_24 = blue_shift;

      case 32:
         _rgb_r_shift_32 = red_shift;
         _rgb_g_shift_32 = green_shift;
         _rgb_b_shift_32 = blue_shift;

   /* Enables input */
   XSync(_xwin.display, True);
   input_mask = KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask | ButtonPressMask
              | ButtonReleaseMask | PointerMotionMask;
   XDGASelectInput(_xwin.display, _xwin.screen, input_mask);
   if (_xwin_keyboard_focused) {
      (*_xwin_keyboard_focused)(FALSE, 0);
      keyboard_got_focus = TRUE;
   _mouse_on = TRUE;

   /* Creates screen bitmap */
   drv->linear = TRUE;
   bmp = _make_bitmap(dga_device->mode.imageWidth, dga_device->mode.imageHeight,
         (uintptr_t)dga_device->data, drv, depth,
   if (!bmp) {
      ustrzcpy(allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE, get_config_text("Not enough memory"));
      return NULL;
   drv->w = bmp->cr = w;
   drv->h = bmp->cb = h;
   drv->vid_mem = dga_device->mode.imageWidth * dga_device->mode.imageHeight
                * BYTES_PER_PIXEL(depth);

   if (accel) {
      /* Hardware acceleration has been requested */
      /* Updates line switcher to accommodate framebuffer synchronization */
      bmp->write_bank = _xdga2_write_line;
      bmp->read_bank = _xdga2_write_line;
      bmp->write_bank = _xdga2_write_line_asm;
      bmp->read_bank = _xdga2_write_line_asm;

      _screen_vtable.acquire = _xdga2_acquire;

      /* Checks for hardware acceleration support */
      if (dga_device->mode.flags & XDGASolidFillRect) {
         /* XDGAFillRectangle is available */
         _orig_hline = _screen_vtable.hline;
         _orig_vline = _screen_vtable.vline;
         _orig_rectfill = _screen_vtable.rectfill;
         _screen_vtable.hline = _xaccel_hline;
         _screen_vtable.vline = _xaccel_vline;
         _screen_vtable.rectfill = _xaccel_rectfill;
         _screen_vtable.clear_to_color = _xaccel_clear_to_color;
         gfx_capabilities |= (GFX_HW_HLINE | GFX_HW_FILL);
      if (dga_device->mode.flags & XDGABlitRect) {
         /* XDGACopyArea is available */
         _screen_vtable.blit_to_self = _xaccel_blit_to_self;
         _screen_vtable.blit_to_self_forward = _xaccel_blit_to_self;
         _screen_vtable.blit_to_self_backward = _xaccel_blit_to_self;
         gfx_capabilities |= GFX_HW_VRAM_BLIT;
      if (dga_device->mode.flags & XDGABlitTransRect) {
         /* XDGACopyTransparentArea is available */
         _orig_draw_sprite = _screen_vtable.draw_sprite;
         _orig_masked_blit = _screen_vtable.masked_blit;
         _screen_vtable.masked_blit = _xaccel_masked_blit;
         _screen_vtable.draw_sprite = _xaccel_draw_sprite;
         if (_screen_vtable.color_depth == 8)
            _screen_vtable.draw_256_sprite = _xaccel_draw_sprite;
         gfx_capabilities |= GFX_HW_VRAM_BLIT_MASKED;


   /* Checks for triple buffering */
   if (dga_device->mode.viewportFlags & XDGAFlipRetrace)
      gfx_capabilities |= GFX_CAN_TRIPLE_BUFFER;

   /* Sets up driver description */
   uszprintf(_xdga2_driver_desc, sizeof(_xdga2_driver_desc),
             uconvert_ascii("X-Windows DGA 2.0 graphics%s", tmp1),
             uconvert_ascii(accel ? (gfx_capabilities ? " (accelerated)" : "") : " (software only)", tmp2));
   drv->desc = _xdga2_driver_desc;

   return bmp;
Example #15
/* jack_init:
 *  JACK init routine.
static int jack_init(int input, int voices)
   const char **ports;
   char tmp[128];

   if (!jack_detect(input))
      return -1;

   jack_bufsize = get_config_int("sound", "jack_buffer_size",

   if (jack_bufsize == -1)
      jack_bufsize = jack_get_buffer_size (jack_client);

   /* Those are already read in from the config file by Allegro. */
   jack_16bit = (_sound_bits == 16 ? 1 : 0);
   jack_stereo = (_sound_stereo ? 1 : 0);

   /* Let Allegro mix in its native unsigned format. */
   jack_signed = 0;

   jack_set_process_callback (jack_client, jack_process, NULL);

   output_left = jack_port_register (jack_client, jack_stereo ? "left" : "mono",
      JACK_DEFAULT_AUDIO_TYPE, JackPortIsOutput, 0);

   if (jack_stereo)
      output_right = jack_port_register (jack_client, "right",
         JACK_DEFAULT_AUDIO_TYPE, JackPortIsOutput, 0);

   jack_rate = jack_get_sample_rate (jack_client);

   jack_buffer = _AL_MALLOC_ATOMIC(jack_bufsize * (1 + jack_16bit) * (1 + jack_stereo));
   if (!jack_buffer) {
      ustrzcpy(allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE, get_config_text(
         "Cannot allocate audio buffer"));
      jack_exit (input);
      return -1;

   digi_jack.voices = voices;

   if (_mixer_init(jack_bufsize *  (1 + jack_stereo), jack_rate,
      jack_stereo, jack_16bit, &digi_jack.voices)) {
      ustrzcpy(allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE, get_config_text(
         "Cannot init software mixer"));
      jack_exit (input);
      return -1;

   _mix_some_samples((uintptr_t) jack_buffer, 0, jack_signed);

   if (jack_activate (jack_client)) {
      ustrzcpy(allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE, get_config_text(
         "Cannot activate Jack client"));
      jack_exit (input);
      return 1;

   /* Try to connect the ports. Failure to connect is not critical, since with
    * JACK, users may connect/disconnect ports anytime, without Allegro caring.
   if ((ports = jack_get_ports (jack_client, NULL, NULL,
      JackPortIsPhysical|JackPortIsInput)) == NULL) {
      TRACE (PREFIX_I "Cannot find any physical playback ports");

   if (ports) {
      if (ports[0]) {
	 if (jack_connect (jack_client, jack_port_name (output_left), ports[0]) == 0)
	    TRACE (PREFIX_I "Connected left playback port to %s", ports[0]);
      if (jack_stereo && ports[1]) {
	 if (jack_connect (jack_client, jack_port_name (output_right), ports[1]) == 0)
	    TRACE (PREFIX_I "Connected right playback port to %s", ports[1]);
      _AL_FREE (ports);

   uszprintf(jack_desc, sizeof(jack_desc),
      get_config_text ("Jack, client '%s': %d bits, %s, %d bps, %s"),
      jack_client_name, jack_16bit ? 16 : 8,
      uconvert_ascii((jack_signed ? "signed" : "unsigned"), tmp),
      jack_rate, uconvert_ascii((jack_stereo ? "stereo" : "mono"), tmp));

   return 0;
Example #16
int eof_add_silence_recode_mp3(char * oggfn, unsigned long ms)
	char sys_command[1024] = {0};
	char backupfn[1024] = {0};
	char wavfn[1024] = {0};
	char soggfn[1024] = {0};
	char mp3fn[1024] = {0};
	SAMPLE * decoded = NULL;
	SAMPLE * combined = NULL;
	int bits;
	int stereo;
	int freq;
	unsigned long samples;
	int channels;
	unsigned long ctr,index;

 	eof_log("eof_add_silence_recode_mp3() entered", 1);

	if(!oggfn || (ms == 0) || eof_silence_loaded)
		return 21;	//Return error:  Invalid parameters
	set_window_title("Adjusting Silence...");

	/* back up original file */
	(void) snprintf(backupfn, sizeof(backupfn) - 1, "%s.backup", oggfn);
		(void) eof_copy_file(oggfn, backupfn);

	/* decode MP3 */
	(void) replace_filename(wavfn, eof_song_path, "decode.wav", 1024);
	(void) replace_filename(mp3fn, eof_song_path, "original.mp3", 1024);
	(void) uszprintf(sys_command, (int) sizeof(sys_command) - 1, "lame --decode \"%s\" \"%s\"", mp3fn, wavfn);
	(void) eof_system(sys_command);

	/* insert silence */
	decoded = load_sample(wavfn);
		allegro_message("Error opening file.\nMake sure there are no Unicode or extended ASCII characters in this chart's file path.");
		return 22;	//Return failure:  Could not load decoded MP3 file
	bits = decoded->bits;
	stereo = decoded->stereo;
	freq = decoded->freq;
	samples = (decoded->freq * ms) / 1000;	//Calculate this manually instead of using msec_to_samples() because that function assumes the sample rate matches the current chart audio, and this may not be the case with the original MP3 file the user provided
	channels = stereo ? 2 : 1;
	combined = create_sample(bits,stereo,freq,samples+decoded->len);	//Create a sample array long enough for the silence and the OGG file
	if(combined == NULL)
		return 23;	//Return failure:  Could not create a sample array for the combined audio
	/* Add the PCM data for the silence */
	if(bits == 8)
	{	//Create 8 bit PCM data
		for(ctr=0,index=0;ctr < samples * channels;ctr++)
			((unsigned char *)(combined->data))[index++] = 0x80;
	{	//Create 16 bit PCM data
		for(ctr=0,index=0;ctr < samples * channels;ctr++)
			((unsigned short *)(combined->data))[index++] = 0x8000;
	/* Add the decoded OGG PCM data*/
	if(bits == 8)
	{	//Copy 8 bit PCM data
		for(ctr=0;ctr < decoded->len * channels;ctr++)
			((unsigned char *)(combined->data))[index++] = ((unsigned char *)(decoded->data))[ctr];
	{	//Copy 16 bit PCM data
		for(ctr=0;ctr < decoded->len * channels;ctr++)
			((unsigned short *)(combined->data))[index++] = ((unsigned short *)(decoded->data))[ctr];

	/* save combined WAV */
	(void) replace_filename(wavfn, eof_song_path, "encode.wav", 1024);
	if(!save_wav(wavfn, combined))
		destroy_sample(decoded);	//This is no longer needed
		destroy_sample(combined);	//This is no longer needed
		return 24;	//Return failure:  Could not create the combined audio WAV file

	/* destroy samples */
	destroy_sample(decoded);	//This is no longer needed
	destroy_sample(combined);	//This is no longer needed

	/* encode the audio */
	printf("%s\n%s\n", eof_song_path, wavfn);
	(void) replace_filename(soggfn, eof_song_path, "encode.ogg", 1024);
		(void) uszprintf(sys_command, (int) sizeof(sys_command) - 1, "oggenc2 -o \"%s\" -b %d \"%s\"", soggfn, alogg_get_bitrate_ogg(eof_music_track) / 1000, wavfn);
		(void) uszprintf(sys_command, (int) sizeof(sys_command) - 1, "oggenc -o \"%s\" -b %d \"%s\"", soggfn, alogg_get_bitrate_ogg(eof_music_track) / 1000, wavfn);

	(void) snprintf(eof_log_string, sizeof(eof_log_string) - 1, "\tCalling oggenc as follows:  %s", sys_command);
	eof_log(eof_log_string, 1);
	{	//If oggenc failed, retry again by specifying a quality level (specifying bitrate can fail in some circumstances)
		eof_log("\t\toggenc failed.  Retrying by specifying a quality level instead of a target bitrate", 1);
			(void) uszprintf(sys_command, (int) sizeof(sys_command) - 1, "oggenc2 -o \"%s\" -q 9 \"%s\"", soggfn, wavfn);
			(void) uszprintf(sys_command, (int) sizeof(sys_command) - 1, "oggenc -o \"%s\" -q 9 \"%s\"", soggfn, wavfn);
		(void) snprintf(eof_log_string, sizeof(eof_log_string) - 1, "\tCalling oggenc as follows:  %s", sys_command);
		eof_log(eof_log_string, 1);
		{	//If oggenc failed again
			char tempfname[30] = {0};
			char redirect[35] = {0};

			{	//Ensure the correct working directory and presence of the temporary folder
				eof_log("\tCould not validate working directory and temp folder", 1);
				return 25;	//Return failure:  Could not validate cwd and temp folder

			(void) snprintf(tempfname, sizeof(tempfname) - 1, "%soggenc.log", eof_temp_path_s);
			(void) snprintf(redirect, sizeof(redirect) - 1, " 2> %s", tempfname);
			(void) ustrzcat(sys_command, (int) sizeof(sys_command) - 1, redirect);	//Append a redirection to the command to capture the output of oggenc
			{	//Run one last time to catch the error output
				(void) snprintf(eof_log_string, sizeof(eof_log_string) - 1, "\tOggenc failed.  Please see %s for any errors it gave.", tempfname);
				eof_log(eof_log_string, 1);
				return 26;	//Return failure:  Could not encode combined audio

	/* replace the current OGG file with the new file */
	(void) eof_copy_file(soggfn, oggfn);	//Copy encode.ogg to the filename of the original OGG

	/* clean up */
	(void) replace_filename(wavfn, eof_song_path, "decode.wav", 1024);
	(void) delete_file(wavfn);		//Delete decode.wav
	(void) replace_filename(wavfn, eof_song_path, "encode.wav", 1024);
	(void) delete_file(wavfn);		//Delete encode.wav
	(void) delete_file(soggfn);	//Delete encode.ogg
	if(eof_load_ogg(oggfn, 0))
	{	//If the combined audio was loaded
		eof_chart_length = eof_music_length;
		return 0;	//Return success

	return 27;	//Return error:  Could not load new audio
Example #17
int eof_add_silence_recode(char * oggfn, unsigned long ms)
	char sys_command[1024] = {0};
	char backupfn[1024] = {0};
	char wavfn[1024] = {0};
	char soggfn[1024] = {0};
	ALOGG_OGG *oggfile = NULL;
	SAMPLE *decoded = NULL, *combined = NULL;
	int bits;
	int stereo;
	int freq;
	unsigned long samples;
	int channels;
	unsigned long ctr,index;
	void * oggbuffer = NULL;
	int bitrate;

 	eof_log("eof_add_silence_recode() entered", 1);

	if(!oggfn || (ms == 0) || eof_silence_loaded)
		return 41;	//Return failure:  Invalid parameters
	set_window_title("Adjusting Silence...");

	/* back up original file */
	(void) snprintf(backupfn, sizeof(backupfn) - 1, "%s.backup", oggfn);
		(void) eof_copy_file(oggfn, backupfn);

	/* Decode the OGG file into memory */
	//Load OGG file into memory
	oggbuffer = eof_buffer_file(oggfn, 0);	//Decode the OGG from buffer instead of from file because the latter cannot support special characters in the file path due to limitations with fopen()
		(void) snprintf(eof_log_string, sizeof(eof_log_string) - 1, "\tError reading OGG:  \"%s\"", strerror(errno));	//Get the Operating System's reason for the failure
		eof_log(eof_log_string, 1);
		return 42;	//Return failure:  Could not buffer chart audio into memory
	oggfile=alogg_create_ogg_from_buffer(oggbuffer, (int)file_size_ex(oggfn));
	if(oggfile == NULL)
		eof_log("ALOGG failed to open input audio file", 1);
		return 43;	//Return failure:  Could not process buffered chart audio

	//Decode OGG into memory
	if(decoded == NULL)
		return 44;	//Return failure:  Could not decode chart audio to memory

	/* Create a SAMPLE array large enough for the leading silence and the decoded OGG */
	bits = alogg_get_wave_bits_ogg(oggfile);
	stereo = alogg_get_wave_is_stereo_ogg(oggfile);
	freq = alogg_get_wave_freq_ogg(oggfile);
	alogg_destroy_ogg(oggfile);	//This is no longer needed
	oggfile = NULL;
	samples = msec_to_samples(ms);
	channels = stereo ? 2 : 1;
	combined = create_sample(bits,stereo,freq,samples+decoded->len);	//Create a sample array long enough for the silence and the OGG file
	if(combined == NULL)
		return 45;	//Return failure:  Could not create a sample array for the combined audio

	/* Add the PCM data for the silence */
	if(bits == 8)
	{	//Create 8 bit PCM data
		for(ctr=0,index=0;ctr < samples * channels;ctr++)
			((unsigned char *)(combined->data))[index++] = 0x80;
	{	//Create 16 bit PCM data
		for(ctr=0,index=0;ctr < samples * channels;ctr++)
			((unsigned short *)(combined->data))[index++] = 0x8000;

	/* Add the decoded OGG PCM data*/
	if(bits == 8)
	{	//Copy 8 bit PCM data
		for(ctr=0;ctr < decoded->len * channels;ctr++)
			((unsigned char *)(combined->data))[index++] = ((unsigned char *)(decoded->data))[ctr];
	{	//Copy 16 bit PCM data
		for(ctr=0;ctr < decoded->len * channels;ctr++)
			((unsigned short *)(combined->data))[index++] = ((unsigned short *)(decoded->data))[ctr];

	/* encode the audio */
	destroy_sample(decoded);	//This is no longer needed
	(void) replace_filename(wavfn, eof_song_path, "encode.wav", 1024);
	(void) save_wav(wavfn, combined);
	destroy_sample(combined);	//This is no longer needed
	(void) replace_filename(soggfn, eof_song_path, "encode.ogg", 1024);
	bitrate = alogg_get_bitrate_ogg(eof_music_track) / 1000;
	{	//A user found that in an audio file with a really high sample rate (ie. 96KHz), alogg_get_bitrate_ogg() may return zero instead of an expected value
		bitrate = 256;	//In case this happens, use a bitrate of 256Kbps, which should be good enough for a very high quality file
		(void) uszprintf(sys_command, (int) sizeof(sys_command) - 1, "oggenc2 -o \"%s\" -b %d \"%s\"", soggfn, bitrate, wavfn);
		(void) uszprintf(sys_command, (int) sizeof(sys_command) - 1, "oggenc -o \"%s\" -b %d \"%s\"", soggfn, bitrate, wavfn);

	(void) snprintf(eof_log_string, sizeof(eof_log_string) - 1, "\tCalling oggenc as follows:  %s", sys_command);
	eof_log(eof_log_string, 1);
	{	//If oggenc failed, retry again by specifying a quality level (specifying bitrate can fail in some circumstances)
		eof_log("\t\toggenc failed.  Retrying by specifying a quality level instead of a target bitrate", 1);
			(void) uszprintf(sys_command, (int) sizeof(sys_command) - 1, "oggenc2 -o \"%s\" -q 9 \"%s\"", soggfn, wavfn);
			(void) uszprintf(sys_command, (int) sizeof(sys_command) - 1, "oggenc -o \"%s\" -q 9 \"%s\"", soggfn, wavfn);
		(void) snprintf(eof_log_string, sizeof(eof_log_string) - 1, "\tCalling oggenc as follows:  %s", sys_command);
		eof_log(eof_log_string, 1);
		{	//If oggenc failed again
			char tempfname[30] = {0};
			char redirect[35] = {0};

			{	//Ensure the correct working directory and presence of the temporary folder
				eof_log("\tCould not validate working directory and temp folder", 1);
				return 46;	//Return failure:  Could not validate cwd and temp folder

			(void) snprintf(tempfname, sizeof(tempfname) - 1, "%soggenc.log", eof_temp_path_s);
			(void) snprintf(redirect, sizeof(redirect) - 1, " 2> %s", tempfname);
			(void) ustrzcat(sys_command, (int) sizeof(sys_command) - 1, redirect);	//Append a redirection to the command to capture the output of oggenc
			{	//Run one last time to catch the error output
				(void) snprintf(eof_log_string, sizeof(eof_log_string) - 1, "\tOggenc failed.  Please see %s for any errors it gave.", tempfname);
				eof_log(eof_log_string, 1);
				return 47;	//Return failure:  Could not encode combined audio

	/* replace the current OGG file with the new file */
	(void) eof_copy_file(soggfn, oggfn);	//Copy encode.ogg to the filename of the original OGG

	/* clean up */
	(void) delete_file(soggfn);	//Delete encode.ogg
	(void) delete_file(wavfn);		//Delete encode.wav
	if(eof_load_ogg(oggfn, 0))
	{	//If the combined audio was loaded
		eof_chart_length = eof_music_length;
		return 0;	//Return success

	return 48;	//Return error:  Could not load new audio
Example #18
int eof_add_silence(char * oggfn, unsigned long ms)
	char sys_command[1024] = {0};
	char backupfn[1024] = {0};	//The file path of the backup of the target audio file
	char wavfn[1024] = {0};		//The file path of the silent WAV file created
	char soggfn[1024] = {0};	//The file path of the silent OGG file created
	char oggcfn[1024] = {0};	//The file path to the oggCat utility
	char old_wd[1024] = {0};	//Store working directory before changing it so we can get back
	char *rel_oggfn;			//Relative file path to the target audio file
	char *rel_backupfn;			//Relative file path to the backup of the target audio file
	SAMPLE * silence_sample;
	int retval;

	if(!oggfn || (ms == 0) || eof_silence_loaded)
		return 1;	//Return error:  Invalid parameters

 	eof_log("eof_add_silence() entered", 1);

	set_window_title("Adjusting Silence...");

	/* back up original file */
	(void) snprintf(backupfn, sizeof(backupfn) - 1, "%s.backup", oggfn);
		(void) eof_copy_file(oggfn, backupfn);
	(void) delete_file(oggfn);

	silence_sample = create_silence_sample(ms);
		return 2;	//Return error:  Couldn't create silent audio
	(void) replace_filename(wavfn, eof_song_path, "silence.wav", 1024);
	(void) save_wav(wavfn, silence_sample);
	(void) replace_filename(soggfn, eof_song_path, "silence.ogg", 1024);
		(void) uszprintf(sys_command, (int) sizeof(sys_command) - 1, "oggenc2 -o \"%s\" -b %d \"%s\"", soggfn, alogg_get_bitrate_ogg(eof_music_track) / 1000, wavfn);
		(void) uszprintf(sys_command, (int) sizeof(sys_command) - 1, "oggenc -o \"%s\" -b %d \"%s\"", soggfn, alogg_get_bitrate_ogg(eof_music_track) / 1000, wavfn);
		return 3;	//Return error:  Could not encode silent audio

	/* stitch the original file to the silence file */
	if(!getcwd(old_wd, 1024))
	{	//If the current working directory could not be obtained
		return 4;	//Return error:  Could not obtain current working directory

	(void) eof_chdir(eof_song_path);	//Change directory to the project's folder, since oggCat does not support paths that have any Unicode/extended ASCII, relative paths will be given
		get_executable_name(oggcfn, 1024);
		(void) replace_filename(oggcfn, oggcfn, "oggCat.exe", 1024);	//Build the full path to oggCat
		ustrzcpy(oggcfn, 1024, "oggCat");
	rel_oggfn = get_filename(oggfn);		//Get the relative path to the target OGG file
	rel_backupfn = get_filename(backupfn);	//Get the relative path to the backup of the target OGG file
	//Call oggCat while the current working directory is the project folder.  This way, if the project folder's path contains any Unicode or extended ASCII, oggCat won't fail
		//For some reason, the Windows build needs extra quotation marks to enclose the entire command if the command begins with a full executable path in quote marks
		(void) uszprintf(sys_command, (int) sizeof(sys_command) - 1, "\"\"%s\" \"%s\" \"silence.ogg\" \"%s\"\"", oggcfn, rel_oggfn, rel_backupfn);
		(void) uszprintf(sys_command, (int) sizeof(sys_command) - 1, "\"%s\" \"%s\" \"silence.ogg\" \"%s\"", oggcfn, rel_oggfn, rel_backupfn);	//Use oggCat to overwrite the target OGG file with the silent audio concatenated with the backup of the target OGG file
	retval = eof_system(sys_command);

	/* change back to the program folder */
		allegro_message("Could not change directory to EOF's program folder!\n%s", backupfn);
		return 5;	//Return error:  Could not set working directory

	{	//If the command failed
		(void) snprintf(eof_log_string, sizeof(eof_log_string) - 1, "\tError issuing command \"%s\" from path \"%s\"", sys_command, eof_song_path);
		eof_log(eof_log_string, 1);
		(void) eof_copy_file(backupfn, oggfn);	//Restore the original OGG file
		return 6;	//Return error:  oggCat failed

	/* clean up */
	(void) delete_file(wavfn);	//Delete silence.wav
	(void) delete_file(soggfn);	//Delete silence.ogg
	if(eof_load_ogg(oggfn, 0))
	{	//If the combined audio was loaded
		eof_chart_length = eof_music_length;
		return 0;	//Return success

	//If this part of the function is reached, the OGG failed to load
		return 7;	//Return error:  Could not load new audio, but audio file exists

	return 8;	//Return error:  Could not load new audio, file does not exist
Example #19
/* mpu_detect:
 *  Detects the presence of an MPU-401 compatible midi interface.
static int mpu_detect(int input)
   char *blaster = getenv("BLASTER");
   char tmp1[64], tmp2[64];
   int i;

   _mpu_port = get_config_hex(uconvert_ascii("sound", tmp1), uconvert_ascii("mpu_port", tmp2), -1);
   _mpu_irq = get_config_hex(uconvert_ascii("sound", tmp1), uconvert_ascii("mpu_irq", tmp2), -1);

   /* only bother with the detection if we aren't already active */
   if (!mpu_output_mode) {

      /* parse BLASTER env */
      if ((blaster) && (_mpu_port < 0)) { 
	 while (*blaster) {
	    while ((*blaster == ' ') || (*blaster == '\t'))

	    if (((*blaster == 'p') || (*blaster == 'P')) && (_mpu_port < 0))
	       _mpu_port = strtol(blaster+1, NULL, 16);

	    if (((*blaster == 'i') || (*blaster == 'I')) && (_mpu_irq < 0))
	       _mpu_irq = strtol(blaster+1, NULL, 10);

	    while ((*blaster) && (*blaster != ' ') && (*blaster != '\t'))

      /* if that didn't work, guess :-) */
      if (_mpu_port < 0)
	 _mpu_port = 0x330;

      if (_mpu_irq < 0) {
	 if (_sound_irq > 0)
	    _mpu_irq = _sound_irq;
	    _mpu_irq = 7;

      mpu_int = _map_irq(_mpu_irq);

      /* check whether the MPU is there */
      outportb(_mpu_port+1, 0xFF); 

      if (wait_for_mpu(0x40, _mpu_port+1) != 0) {
	 ustrzcpy(allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE, get_config_text("MPU-401 not found"));
	 return FALSE;

      uszprintf(mpu_desc, sizeof(mpu_desc), get_config_text("MPU-401 MIDI interface on port %X, using IRQ %d"),
		_mpu_port, _mpu_irq);
      midi_mpu401.desc = mpu_desc;

   /* can we handle input? */
   if (input) {
      static int conflicts[] =

      mpu_piggyback = FALSE;

      for (i=0; conflicts[i]; i++) {
	 if (digi_card == conflicts[i]) {
	    if (_sound_irq == _mpu_irq) {
	       mpu_piggyback = TRUE;
	       if (digi_card != DIGI_SB16) {
		  uszprintf(allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE, get_config_text("MPU-401 and %s conflict over IRQ %d"),
			    digi_driver->name, _mpu_irq);
		  return FALSE;

   return TRUE;
Example #20
/* be_gfx_bwindow_init:
 *  Initializes specified video mode.
extern "C" struct BITMAP *be_gfx_bwindow_init(int w, int h, int v_w, int v_h, int color_depth)
   BITMAP *bmp;
   if (1
       && (color_depth != 8)
       && (color_depth != 15)
       && (color_depth != 16)
       && (color_depth != 32)
       ) {
      ustrzcpy(allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE, get_config_text("Unsupported color depth"));
      return NULL;

   if ((!v_w) && (!v_h)) {
      v_w = w;
      v_h = h;

   if ((w != v_w) || (h != v_h)) {
      ustrzcpy(allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE, get_config_text("Unsupported virtual resolution"));
      return NULL;

   _be_allegro_window = new BeAllegroWindow(BRect(0, 0, w-1, h-1), wnd_title,
			      B_CURRENT_WORKSPACE, v_w, v_h, color_depth);
   _be_window = _be_allegro_window;
   if (!_be_allegro_window->buffer->IsValid() ||
       ((color_depth == 8) && (!_be_allegro_window->aux_buffer->IsValid()))) {
      ustrzcpy(allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE, get_config_text("Not enough memory"));
      goto cleanup;
   _be_mouse_view = new BView(_be_allegro_window->Bounds(),
			     "allegro mouse view", B_FOLLOW_ALL_SIDES, 0);

   _be_mouse_window = _be_allegro_window;
   _be_mouse_window_mode = true;

   _be_allegro_window->MoveTo(6, 25);

   gfx_beos_bwindow.w       = w;
   gfx_beos_bwindow.h       = h;
   gfx_beos_bwindow.linear  = TRUE;
   gfx_beos_bwindow.vid_mem = _be_allegro_window->buffer->BitsLength();
   bmp = _make_bitmap(v_w, v_h, (unsigned long)_be_allegro_window->buffer->Bits(),
              &gfx_beos_bwindow, color_depth,
   if (!bmp) {
      ustrzcpy(allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE, get_config_text("Not enough memory"));
      goto cleanup;
   bmp->read_bank = (void *)_be_gfx_bwindow_read_write_bank;
   bmp->write_bank = (void *)_be_gfx_bwindow_read_write_bank;
   _screen_vtable.unwrite_bank = (void *)_be_gfx_bwindow_unwrite_bank;
   bmp->read_bank = _be_gfx_bwindow_read_write_bank_asm;
   bmp->write_bank = _be_gfx_bwindow_read_write_bank_asm;
   _screen_vtable.unwrite_bank = _be_gfx_bwindow_unwrite_bank_asm;
   _screen_vtable.acquire = be_gfx_bwindow_acquire;
   _screen_vtable.release = be_gfx_bwindow_release;

   uszprintf(driver_desc, sizeof(driver_desc), get_config_text("BWindow object, %d bit BBitmap framebuffer"),
   gfx_beos_bwindow.desc = driver_desc;
   _be_gfx_initialized = true;
   return bmp;

   return NULL;
Example #21
/* x_get_keyboard_mapping:
 *  Generate a mapping from X11 keycodes to Allegro KEY_* codes. We have
 *  two goals: Every keypress should be mapped to a distinct Allegro KEY_*
 *  code. And we want the KEY_* codes to match the pressed
 *  key to some extent. To do the latter, the X11 KeySyms produced by a key
 *  are examined. If a match is found in the table above, the mapping is
 *  added to the mapping table. If no known KeySym is found for a key (or
 *  the same KeySym is found for more keys) - the remaining keys are
 *  distributed arbitrarily to the remaining KEY_* codes.
 *  In a future version, this could be simplified by mapping *all* the X11
 *  KeySyms to KEY_* codes.
void _xwin_get_keyboard_mapping(void)
   int i;
   int count;
   int missing = 0;

   memset(used, 0, sizeof used);
   memset(_xwin.keycode_to_scancode, 0, sizeof _xwin.keycode_to_scancode);


   XDisplayKeycodes(_xwin.display, &min_keycode, &max_keycode);
   count = 1 + max_keycode - min_keycode;

   if (keysyms) {
   keysyms = XGetKeyboardMapping(_xwin.display, min_keycode,
      count, &sym_per_key);

   TRACE (PREFIX_I "%i keys, %i symbols per key.\n", count, sym_per_key);

   missing = 0;

   for (i = min_keycode; i <= max_keycode; i++) {
      KeySym sym = keysyms[sym_per_key * (i - min_keycode)];
      KeySym sym2 =  keysyms[sym_per_key * (i - min_keycode) + 1];
      char *sym_str, *sym2_str;
      int allegro_key = 0;

      sym_str = XKeysymToString(sym);
      sym2_str = XKeysymToString(sym2);

      TRACE (PREFIX_I "key [%i: %s %s]", i, sym_str ? sym_str : "NULL", sym2_str ?
         sym2_str : "NULL");

      /* Hack for French keyboards, to correctly map KEY_0 to KEY_9. */
      if (sym2 >= XK_0 && sym2 <= XK_9) {
	 allegro_key = find_allegro_key(sym2);

      if (!allegro_key) {
	 if (sym != NoSymbol) {
	    allegro_key = find_allegro_key(sym);

	    if (allegro_key == 0) {
	       TRACE (" defering.\n");
	 else {
	    /* No KeySym for this key - ignore it. */
	    _xwin.keycode_to_scancode[i] = -1;
	    TRACE (" not assigned.\n");

      if (allegro_key) {
	 if (used[allegro_key]) {
	    TRACE(" *double*");
	 _xwin.keycode_to_scancode[i] = allegro_key;
	 key_names[allegro_key] =
	    XKeysymToString(keysyms[sym_per_key * (i - min_keycode)]);
	 used[allegro_key] = 1;
	 TRACE(" assigned to %i.\n", allegro_key);

   if (missing) {
      /* The keys still not assigned are just assigned arbitrarily now. */
      for (i = min_keycode; i <= max_keycode; i++) {
	 if (_xwin.keycode_to_scancode[i] == 0) {

   if (xmodmap)
   xmodmap = XGetModifierMapping(_xwin.display);
   for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
      int j;

      TRACE (PREFIX_I "Modifier %d:", i + 1);
      for (j = 0; j < xmodmap->max_keypermod; j++) {
	 KeySym sym = XKeycodeToKeysym(_xwin.display,
	    xmodmap->modifiermap[i * xmodmap->max_keypermod + j], 0);
         char *sym_str = XKeysymToString(sym);
         TRACE(" %s", sym_str ? sym_str : "NULL");

   /* The [xkeymap] section can be useful, e.g. if trying to play a
    * game which has X and Y hardcoded as KEY_X and KEY_Y to mean
    * left/right movement, but on the X11 keyboard X and Y are far apart.
    * For normal use, a user never should have to touch [xkeymap] anymore
    * though, and proper written programs will not hardcode such mappings.
      char *section, *option_format;
      char option[128], tmp1[128], tmp2[128];

      section = uconvert_ascii("xkeymap", tmp1);
      option_format = uconvert_ascii("keycode%d", tmp2);

      for (i = min_keycode; i <= max_keycode; i++) {
	 int scancode;

	 uszprintf(option, sizeof(option), option_format, i);
	 scancode = get_config_int(section, option, -1);
	 if (scancode > 0) {
	    _xwin.keycode_to_scancode[i] = scancode;
	    TRACE(PREFIX_I "User override: KeySym %i assigned to %i.\n", i, scancode);

Example #22
/* alsa_init:
 *  ALSA init routine.
static int alsa_init(int input, int voices)
   int ret = 0;
   char tmp1[128], tmp2[128];
   int format = 0;
   unsigned int numfrags = 0;
   snd_pcm_uframes_t fragsize;

   if (input) {
      ustrzcpy(allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE, get_config_text("Input is not supported"));
      return -1;

   ALSA9_CHECK(snd_output_stdio_attach(&snd_output, stdout, 0));

   alsa_device = get_config_string(uconvert_ascii("sound", tmp1),
				   uconvert_ascii("alsa_device", tmp2),

   alsa_mixer_device = get_config_string(uconvert_ascii("sound", tmp1),
				   uconvert_ascii("alsa_mixer_device", tmp2),

   fragsize = get_config_int(uconvert_ascii("sound", tmp1),
			     uconvert_ascii("alsa_fragsize", tmp2), 0);

   numfrags = get_config_int(uconvert_ascii("sound", tmp1),
			     uconvert_ascii("alsa_numfrags", tmp2),

   ret = snd_pcm_open(&pcm_handle, alsa_device, SND_PCM_STREAM_PLAYBACK, SND_PCM_NONBLOCK);
   if (ret < 0) {
      ustrzcpy(allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE, get_config_text("Can not open card/pcm device"));
      return -1;

   snd_mixer_open(&alsa_mixer, 0);

   if (alsa_mixer
       && snd_mixer_attach(alsa_mixer, alsa_mixer_device) >= 0
       && snd_mixer_selem_register (alsa_mixer, NULL, NULL) >= 0
       && snd_mixer_load(alsa_mixer) >= 0) {
      const char *alsa_mixer_elem_name = get_config_string(uconvert_ascii("sound", tmp1),
							   uconvert_ascii("alsa_mixer_elem", tmp2),

      alsa_mixer_elem = snd_mixer_first_elem(alsa_mixer);

      while (alsa_mixer_elem) {
	 const char *name = snd_mixer_selem_get_name(alsa_mixer_elem);

	 if (strcasecmp(name, alsa_mixer_elem_name) == 0) {
	    snd_mixer_selem_get_playback_volume_range(alsa_mixer_elem, &alsa_mixer_elem_min, &alsa_mixer_elem_max);
	    alsa_mixer_allegro_ratio = (double) (alsa_mixer_elem_max - alsa_mixer_elem_min) / (double) 255;

	 alsa_mixer_elem = snd_mixer_elem_next(alsa_mixer_elem);

   /* Set format variables. */
   alsa_bits = (_sound_bits == 8) ? 8 : 16;
   alsa_stereo = (_sound_stereo) ? 1 : 0;
   alsa_rate = (_sound_freq > 0) ? _sound_freq : 44100;
   alsa_signed = 0;

   format = ((alsa_bits == 16) ? SND_PCM_FORMAT_U16_NE : SND_PCM_FORMAT_U8);

   switch (format) {

      case SND_PCM_FORMAT_U8:
	 alsa_bits = 8;

      case SND_PCM_FORMAT_U16_NE:
	 if (sizeof(short) != 2) {
	    ustrzcpy(allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE, get_config_text("Unsupported sample format"));
	    goto Error;

	 ustrzcpy(allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE, get_config_text("Unsupported sample format"));
	 goto Error;

   alsa_sample_size = (alsa_bits / 8) * (alsa_stereo ? 2 : 1);

   if (fragsize == 0) {
      unsigned int size = alsa_rate * ALSA_DEFAULT_BUFFER_MS / 1000 / numfrags;
      fragsize = 1;
      while (fragsize < size)
	 fragsize <<= 1;


   ALSA9_CHECK(snd_pcm_hw_params_any(pcm_handle, hwparams));
   ALSA9_CHECK(snd_pcm_hw_params_set_access(pcm_handle, hwparams, SND_PCM_ACCESS_RW_INTERLEAVED));
   ALSA9_CHECK(snd_pcm_hw_params_set_format(pcm_handle, hwparams, format));
   ALSA9_CHECK(snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(pcm_handle, hwparams, alsa_stereo + 1));

   ALSA9_CHECK(snd_pcm_hw_params_set_rate_near(pcm_handle, hwparams, &alsa_rate, NULL));
   ALSA9_CHECK(snd_pcm_hw_params_set_period_size_near(pcm_handle, hwparams, &fragsize, NULL));
   ALSA9_CHECK(snd_pcm_hw_params_set_periods_near(pcm_handle, hwparams, &numfrags, NULL)); 

   ALSA9_CHECK(snd_pcm_hw_params(pcm_handle, hwparams));

   ALSA9_CHECK(snd_pcm_hw_params_get_period_size(hwparams, &alsa_bufsize, NULL));
   ALSA9_CHECK(snd_pcm_hw_params_get_periods(hwparams, &alsa_fragments, NULL));

   TRACE (PREFIX_I "alsa_bufsize = %ld, alsa_fragments = %d\n", alsa_bufsize, alsa_fragments);

   ALSA9_CHECK(snd_pcm_sw_params_current(pcm_handle, swparams));
   ALSA9_CHECK(snd_pcm_sw_params_set_start_threshold(pcm_handle, swparams, alsa_bufsize));
   ALSA9_CHECK(snd_pcm_sw_params_set_avail_min(pcm_handle, swparams, fragsize));
   ALSA9_CHECK(snd_pcm_sw_params_set_xfer_align(pcm_handle, swparams, 1));
   ALSA9_CHECK(snd_pcm_sw_params(pcm_handle, swparams));

   /* Allocate mixing buffer. */
   alsa_bufdata = _AL_MALLOC_ATOMIC(alsa_bufsize * alsa_sample_size);
   if (!alsa_bufdata) {
      ustrzcpy(allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE, get_config_text("Can not allocate audio buffer"));
      goto Error;

   /* Initialise mixer. */
   digi_alsa.voices = voices;

   if (_mixer_init(alsa_bufsize * (alsa_stereo ? 2 : 1), alsa_rate,
		   alsa_stereo, ((alsa_bits == 16) ? 1 : 0),
		   &digi_alsa.voices) != 0) {
      ustrzcpy(allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE, get_config_text("Can not init software mixer"));
      goto Error;

   pdc = snd_pcm_poll_descriptors_count (pcm_handle);
   if (pdc <= 0) {
      ustrzcpy(allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE, get_config_text("Invalid poll descriptors count"));
      goto Error;

   ufds = _AL_MALLOC(sizeof(struct pollfd) * pdc);
   if (ufds == NULL) {
      ustrzcpy(allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE, get_config_text("Not enough memory for poll descriptors"));
      goto Error;
   ALSA9_CHECK(snd_pcm_poll_descriptors(pcm_handle, ufds, pdc));

   poll_next = 0;

   _mix_some_samples((uintptr_t) alsa_bufdata, 0, alsa_signed);

   /* Add audio interrupt. */

   uszprintf(alsa_desc, sizeof(alsa_desc),
	     ("Alsa 0.9, Device '%s': %d bits, %s, %d bps, %s"),
	     alsa_device, alsa_bits,
	     uconvert_ascii((alsa_signed ? "signed" : "unsigned"), tmp1),
	     alsa_rate, uconvert_ascii((alsa_stereo ? "stereo" : "mono"), tmp2));

   digi_driver->desc = alsa_desc;
   return 0;

   if (pcm_handle) {
      pcm_handle = NULL;

   return -1;
Example #23
void initialize()
    char buf[1024];
    int i;

    // Do the libxml binary compatibility check

    // Initialise Allegro

    int grph_drv = (get_config_int("video", "fullscreen", 1)) ?
    int screen_w = get_config_int("video", "width", 800);
    int screen_h = get_config_int("video", "height", 600);

    if (get_config_int("tile_zoom", "grid", 1)) {
        showTileGrid = true;

            (COLORCONV_TOTAL &
                 COLORCONV_32A_TO_8  |
                 COLORCONV_32A_TO_15 |
                 COLORCONV_32A_TO_16 |

    int colordepth = 0;
    if (grph_drv == GFX_AUTODETECT_WINDOWED) {
        colordepth = desktop_color_depth();
    if (colordepth == 0) {
        colordepth = 16;

    if (set_gfx_mode(grph_drv, screen_w, screen_h, 0, 0) != 0) {
        if (set_gfx_mode(grph_drv, screen_w, screen_h, 0, 0) != 0) {
            set_gfx_mode(GFX_TEXT, 0, 0, 0, 0);
            allegro_message("Unable to set graphic mode\n%s\n", allegro_error);

    buffer = create_bitmap(SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H);

    // Initialize GUI look and feel stuff
    gui_fg_color = agup_fg_color;
    gui_bg_color = agup_bg_color;
    gui_shadow_box_proc = d_agup_shadow_box_proc;
    gui_button_proc = d_agup_button_proc;
    gui_edit_proc = d_agup_edit_proc;
    gui_text_list_proc = d_agup_text_list_proc;

    engine_data = load_datafile("gui.dat");

    DATAFILE* font_data = find_datafile_object(engine_data, "SmallFont");
    if (font_data) font = (FONT*)font_data->dat;

    engine_font = font;

    DATAFILE* mouse_pointer = find_datafile_object(engine_data, "_MS_STD_BMP");
    if (mouse_pointer) set_mouse_sprite((BITMAP*)mouse_pointer->dat);

    DATAFILE* logo = find_datafile_object(engine_data, "MoonlightLogo");
    if (logo) about_dlg[1].dp = (BITMAP*)logo->dat;
    else console.log(CON_QUIT, CON_ALWAYS, "Error loading MoonlightLogo");

    console.log(CON_LOG, CON_ALWAYS, "Loading module \"data\"...");
    module = new Module("data");

    // Lua initialisation
    console.log(CON_LOG, CON_ALWAYS, "Initialising scripting environment...");

    D_AUTOTEXT_STATUS.dp2 = status_message;
    D_AUTOTEXT_MAPINFO.dp2 = status_mapinfo;

    set_dialog_color(main_dlg, agup_fg_color, agup_bg_color);
    set_dialog_color(newmap_dlg, agup_fg_color, agup_bg_color);
    set_dialog_color(import_tileset_dlg, agup_fg_color, agup_bg_color);
    set_dialog_color(export_tileset_dlg, agup_fg_color, agup_bg_color);
    set_dialog_color(resizemap_dlg, agup_fg_color, agup_bg_color);
    set_dialog_color(about_dlg, agup_fg_color, agup_bg_color);

    // Position the dialogs on the screen
    int margin = 6;
    int zoom_w = get_config_int("tile_zoom", "zoom_width", 120) - 1;
    int zoom_h = get_config_int("tile_zoom", "zoom_height", 120) - 1;
    int x, y, w, h;

    // Main (back + menu)
    set_dialog_size(&main_dlg[0],          -2,                -2,              SCREEN_W + 4,          SCREEN_H + 4);
    set_dialog_size(&main_dlg[1],          0,                 0,               SCREEN_W,              15);

    // Status bars
    set_dialog_size(&main_dlg[6],          0,                 SCREEN_H - 17,   SCREEN_W - 256,        17);
    set_dialog_size(&main_dlg[7],          SCREEN_W - 256,    SCREEN_H - 17,   256,                   17);
    set_dialog_size(&main_dlg[8],          3,                 SCREEN_H - 14,   SCREEN_W - 262,        11);
    set_dialog_size(&main_dlg[9],          SCREEN_W - 253,    SCREEN_H - 14,   250,                   11);

    // Edit tile area
    w = zoom_w + 4;
    h = zoom_h + 4;
    x = margin;
    y = main_dlg[6].y - margin - h;
    set_dialog_size(&edit_tile_layer[0],   x,                 y,               w,                     h);
    set_dialog_size(&edit_tile_layer[1],   x + 2,             y + 2,           w - 4,                 h - 4);
    set_dialog_size(&edit_tile_layer[2],   x + margin + w,    y + h - 14,      50,                    14);

    // Color sliders
    x += w + margin;
    w = 128;
    set_dialog_size(&edit_tile_layer[8],   x,                 y,               16,                    8);
    set_dialog_size(&edit_tile_layer[9],   x,                 y + 16,          16,                    8);
    set_dialog_size(&edit_tile_layer[10],  x,                 y + 32,          16,                    8);
    set_dialog_size(&edit_tile_layer[11],  x,                 y + 48 + 8,      16,                    8);
    set_dialog_size(&edit_tile_layer[12],  x,                 y + 64 + 8,      16,                    8);
    set_dialog_size(&edit_tile_layer[3],   x + 16,            y,               w,                     8);
    set_dialog_size(&edit_tile_layer[4],   x + 16,            y + 16,          w,                     8);
    set_dialog_size(&edit_tile_layer[5],   x + 16,            y + 32,          w,                     8);
    set_dialog_size(&edit_tile_layer[6],   x + 16,            y + 48 + 8,      w,                     8);
    set_dialog_size(&edit_tile_layer[7],   x + 16,            y + 64 + 8,      w,                     8);
    set_dialog_size(&edit_tile_layer[13],  x + 16 + w + 4,    y - 1,           11,                    10);
    set_dialog_size(&edit_tile_layer[14],  x + 16 + w + 4,    y + 16 - 1,      11,                    10);
    set_dialog_size(&edit_tile_layer[15],  x + 16 + w + 4,    y + 32 - 1,      11,                    10);
    set_dialog_size(&edit_tile_layer[20],  x + 16 + w + 18,   y + 4,           18,                    32);

    // Select tile area
    x = edit_tile_layer[20].x + edit_tile_layer[20].w + margin;
    w = SCREEN_W - x - margin;
    set_dialog_size(&edit_tile_layer[16],  x,                 y,               104,                   h);
    set_dialog_size(&edit_tile_layer[17],  x + 104,           y,               w - 104,               h);
    set_dialog_size(&edit_tile_layer[18],  x + 104 + 2,       y + 2,           w - 104 - 4 - 11,      h - 4);
    set_dialog_size(&edit_tile_layer[19],  x + w - 14,        y,               14,                    h);

    // Obstacle edit stuff
    w = 24;
    h = 24;
    x = margin;
    y = main_dlg[6].y - margin - h;
    for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        set_dialog_size(&edit_obstacle_layer[i],   x + i*(w+margin),     y,     w,     h);
        set_dialog_size(&edit_obstacle_layer[i+5], x + i*(w+margin) + 2, y + 2, w - 4, h - 4);

    // Edit map area
    x = margin;
    y = 16 + margin;
    w = SCREEN_W - 2 * margin;
    h = edit_obstacle_layer[0].y - margin - y;
    set_dialog_size(&main_dlg[2],          x,                 y,               w,                     h);
    set_dialog_size(&main_dlg[3],          x + 2,             y + 2,           w - 15,                h - 15);
    set_dialog_size(&main_dlg[4],          x + w - 14,        y,               14,                    h - 11);
    set_dialog_size(&main_dlg[5],          x,                 y + h - 14,      w - 11,                14);
    set_dialog_size(&main_dlg[10],         x + w - 12,        y + h - 12,      10,                    10);

    // Edit objects area
    w = 160;
    h = 120;
    x = margin;
    y = main_dlg[6].y - margin - h;
    set_dialog_size(&edit_objects_layer[0], x,                y,               w,                     h);
    set_dialog_size(&edit_objects_layer[1], w + margin * 2, main_dlg[6].y - margin - 14,  97,                    14);

    // Initialize map and tile stuff
    tileRepository = new TileRepository();

    // Import tilesets specified in rpgedit.cfg
    i = 1;
    while (i > 0) 
        uszprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "tileset%d", i);

        const char* filename = get_config_string(buf, "filename", NULL);
        int tile_w = get_config_int(buf, "tile_w", 16);
        int tile_h = get_config_int(buf, "tile_h", 16);
        int tile_spacing = get_config_int(buf, "tile_spacing", 0);

        if (filename) {
            if (tile_w > 0 && tile_h > 0 && tile_spacing >= 0) {
                import_tile_bitmap(filename, tile_w, tile_h, tile_spacing);
            } else {
                allegro_message("Error, incorrect parameters for automatic tile import (%s)!", filename);
                // Print warning in log file
        } else  {
            i = -1;

    currentMap = new SquareMap(TILES_W, TILES_H);
    ustrcpy(map_filename, "untitled.tmx");

    // Load map specified in rpgedit.cfg
    const char* filename = get_config_string("startup", "load_map", NULL);
    if (filename) {
        if (!currentMap->loadMap(filename)) {
            ustrcpy(map_filename, filename);
            object_message(&D_MAP, MSG_NEW_MAP, 0);
        } else {
            console.log(CON_LOG, CON_ALWAYS,
                    "Error while loading default map (%s)!\n", filename);


    map_edit_mode = EM_TILE;
Example #24
static int joy_init(void)
   AL_CONST char *device_name = NULL;
   char tmp[128], tmp1[128], tmp2[128];
   unsigned int raw_version;
   struct {
      unsigned char build, minor, major;
   } version;
   char num_axes, num_buttons;
   int throttle;
   int i, s, a, b;

   for (i = 0; i < MAX_JOYSTICKS; i++) {
      /* Check for a user override on the device to use. */
      uszprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), uconvert_ascii("joystick_device_%d", tmp1), i);
      device_name = get_config_string(uconvert_ascii("joystick", tmp1), tmp, NULL);

      /* Special case for the first joystick. */
      if (!device_name && (i == 0))
	 device_name = get_config_string(uconvert_ascii("joystick", tmp1),
					 uconvert_ascii("joystick_device", tmp2),

      if (device_name) {
	 joy_fd[i] = open(uconvert_toascii(device_name, tmp), O_RDONLY|O_NONBLOCK);
	 if (joy_fd[i] == -1)
      else {
	 snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "/dev/input/js%d", i);
	 tmp[sizeof(tmp)-1] = 0;

	 joy_fd[i] = open(tmp, O_RDONLY|O_NONBLOCK);
	 if (joy_fd[i] == -1) {
	    snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "/dev/js%d", i);
	    tmp[sizeof(tmp)-1] = 0;

	    joy_fd[i] = open(tmp, O_RDONLY|O_NONBLOCK);
	    if (joy_fd[i] == -1) 

      if (ioctl(joy_fd[i], JSIOCGVERSION, &raw_version) < 0) {
         /* NOTE: IOCTL fails if the joystick API is version 0.x */
         uszprintf(allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE, get_config_text("Your Linux joystick API is version 0.x which is unsupported."));
         return -1; 
      version.major = (raw_version & 0xFF0000) >> 16;
      version.minor = (raw_version & 0xFF00) >> 8;
      version.build = (raw_version & 0xFF);
      ioctl(joy_fd[i], JSIOCGAXES, &num_axes);
      ioctl(joy_fd[i], JSIOCGBUTTONS, &num_buttons);

      if (num_axes > TOTAL_JOYSTICK_AXES)

      if (num_buttons > MAX_JOYSTICK_BUTTONS)
	 num_buttons = MAX_JOYSTICK_BUTTONS;

      /* User is allowed to override our simple assumption of which
       * axis number (kernel) the throttle is located at. */
      uszprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), uconvert_ascii("throttle_axis_%d", tmp1), i);
      throttle = get_config_int(uconvert_ascii("joystick", tmp1), tmp, -1);
      if (throttle == -1) {
	 throttle = get_config_int(uconvert_ascii("joystick", tmp1), 
				   uconvert_ascii("throttle_axis", tmp2), -1);

      /* Each pair of axes is assumed to make up a stick unless it 
       * is the sole remaining axis, or has been user specified, in 
       * which case it is a throttle. */

      j = &joy[i];
      j->flags = JOYFLAG_ANALOGUE;

      for (s = 0, a = 0; (s < MAX_JOYSTICK_STICKS) && (a < num_axes); s++) {
	 if ((a == throttle) || (a == num_axes-1)) {
	    /* One axis throttle */
	    j->stick[s].flags = JOYFLAG_ANALOGUE | JOYFLAG_UNSIGNED;
	    j->stick[s].num_axis = 1;
	    j->stick[s].axis[0].name = get_config_text("Throttle");
	    j->stick[s].name = ustrdup(j->stick[s].axis[0].name);
	    axis[i][a++] = &j->stick[s].axis[0];
	 else {
	    /* Two axis stick. */
	    j->stick[s].flags = JOYFLAG_ANALOGUE | JOYFLAG_SIGNED;
	    j->stick[s].num_axis = 2;
	    j->stick[s].axis[0].name = get_config_text("X");
	    j->stick[s].axis[1].name = get_config_text("Y");
	    j->stick[s].name = _AL_MALLOC_ATOMIC(32);
	    uszprintf((char *)j->stick[s].name, 32, get_config_text("Stick %d"), s+1);
	    axis[i][a++] = &j->stick[s].axis[0];
	    axis[i][a++] = &j->stick[s].axis[1];

      j->num_sticks = s;

      for (b = 0; b < num_buttons; b++) {
	 j->button[b].name = _AL_MALLOC_ATOMIC(16);
	 uszprintf((char *)j->button[b].name, 16, uconvert_ascii("%c", tmp), 'A' + b);

      j->num_buttons = num_buttons;

   num_joysticks = i;
   if (num_joysticks == 0) {
      uszprintf(allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE, get_config_text("Unable to open %s: %s"),
		device_name ? device_name : uconvert_ascii("/dev/js0", tmp), ustrerror(errno));
      return -1;

   return 0;
Example #25
/* _unix_get_executable_name:
 *  Return full path to the current executable, use proc fs if available.
void _unix_get_executable_name(char *output, int size)
      struct prpsinfo psinfo;
      int fd;
   char linkname[1024];
   char filename[1024];
   struct stat finfo;
   FILE *pipe;
   pid_t pid;
   int len;
      const char *s = getexecname();
      if (s) {
         if (s[0] == '/') {   /* Absolute path */
            do_uconvert (s, U_ASCII, output, U_CURRENT, size);
         else {               /* Not an absolute path */
            if (_find_executable_file(s, output, size))

   /* We need the PID in order to query procfs */
   pid = getpid();

   /* Try a Linux-like procfs */   
   /* get symolic link to executable from proc fs */
   sprintf (linkname, "/proc/%d/exe", (int)pid);
   if (stat (linkname, &finfo) == 0) {
      len = readlink (linkname, filename, sizeof(filename)-1);
      if (len>-1) {
	 filename[len] = '\0';
	 do_uconvert (filename, U_ASCII, output, U_CURRENT, size);
   /* Use System V procfs calls if available */
      sprintf (linkname, "/proc/%d/exe", (int)pid);
      fd = open(linkname, O_RDONLY);
      if (!fd == -1) {
         ioctl(fd, PIOCPSINFO, &psinfo);
         /* Use argv[0] directly if we can */
	 if (psinfo.pr_argv && psinfo.pr_argc) {
	    if (_find_executable_file(psinfo.pr_argv[0], output, size))
	    /* Emulate it */
	    /* We use the pr_psargs field to find argv[0]
	     * This is better than using the pr_fname field because we need
	     * the additional path information that may be present in argv[0]
	    /* Skip other args */
	    char *s = strchr(psinfo.pr_psargs, ' ');
	    if (s) s[0] = '\0';
	    if (_find_executable_file(psinfo.pr_psargs, output, size))

         /* Try the pr_fname just for completeness' sake if argv[0] fails */
         if (_find_executable_file(psinfo.pr_fname, output, size))
   /* Last resort: try using the output of the ps command to at least find */
   /* the name of the file if not the full path */
   uszprintf (linkname, sizeof(linkname), "ps -p %d", (int)pid);
   do_uconvert (linkname, U_CURRENT, filename, U_ASCII, size);
   pipe = popen(filename, "r");
   if (pipe) {
      /* The first line of output is a header */
      fgets(linkname, sizeof(linkname), pipe);
      /* The information we want is in the last column; find it */
      len = strlen(linkname);
      while (linkname[len] != ' ' && linkname[len] != '\t')
      /* The second line contains the info we want */
      fgets(linkname, sizeof(linkname), pipe);
      /* Treat special cases: filename between [] and - for login shell */
      if (linkname[len] == '-')

      if (linkname[len] == '[' && linkname[strlen(linkname)] == ']') {
         linkname[strlen(linkname)] = '\0';
      /* Now, the filename should be in the last column */
      _al_sane_strncpy (filename, linkname+len+1, strlen(linkname)-len+1);
      if (_find_executable_file(filename, output, size))

      /* Just return the output from ps... */         
      do_uconvert (filename, U_ASCII, output, U_CURRENT, size);

   /* Try the captured argv[0] */   
   if (_find_executable_file(__crt0_argv[0], output, size))

   /* Give up; return empty string */
   do_uconvert ("", U_ASCII, output, U_CURRENT, size);
Example #26
/* init_console:
 *  Initialises this subsystem.
static int init_console(void)
   char tmp[256];

   /* Find our tty's VT number */
   __al_linux_vt = get_tty(STDIN_FILENO);

   if (__al_linux_vt < 0) {
      uszprintf (allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE, get_config_text("Error finding our VT: %s"), ustrerror(errno));
      return 1;

   if (__al_linux_vt != 0) {
      /* Open our current console */
      if ((__al_linux_console_fd = open("/dev/tty", O_RDWR)) < 0) {
	 uszprintf (allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE, get_config_text("Unable to open %s: %s"),
		    uconvert_ascii("/dev/tty", tmp), ustrerror(errno));
	 return 1;
   } else {
      int tty, console_fd, fd, child;
      unsigned short mask;
      char tty_name[16];
      struct vt_stat vts; 

      /* Now we need to find a VT we can use.  It must be readable and
       * writable by us, if we're not setuid root.  VT_OPENQRY itself
       * isn't too useful because it'll only ever come up with one 
       * suggestion, with no guarrantee that we actually have access 
       * to it.
       * At some stage I think this is a candidate for config
       * file overriding, but for now we'll stat the first N consoles
       * to see which ones we can write to (hopefully at least one!),
       * so that we can use that one to do ioctls.  We used to use 
       * /dev/console for that purpose but it looks like it's not 
       * always writable by enough people.
       * Having found and opened a writable device, we query the state
       * of the first sixteen (fifteen really) consoles, and try 
       * opening each unused one in turn.

      if ((console_fd = open ("/dev/console", O_WRONLY)) < 0) {
	 int n;
	 uszprintf (allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE, uconvert_ascii("%s /dev/console: %s", tmp),
		    get_config_text("Unable to open"), ustrerror (errno));
	 /* Try some ttys instead... */
	 for (n = 1; n <= 24; n++) {
	     snprintf (tty_name, sizeof(tty_name), "/dev/tty%d", n);
	     tty_name[sizeof(tty_name)-1] = 0;
	     if ((console_fd = open (tty_name, O_WRONLY)) >= 0) break;
	 if (n > 24) return 1; /* leave the error message about /dev/console */

      /* Get the state of the console -- in particular, the free VT field */
      if (ioctl (console_fd, VT_GETSTATE, &vts)) {
	 uszprintf (allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE, uconvert_ascii("VT_GETSTATE: %s", tmp), ustrerror (errno));
	 close (console_fd);
	 return 1;

      __al_linux_prev_vt = vts.v_active;

      /* We attempt to set our euid to 0; if we were run with euid 0 to
       * start with, we'll be able to do this now.  Otherwise, we'll just
       * ignore the error returned since it might not be a problem if the
       * ttys we look at are owned by the user running the program. */

      /* tty0 is not really a console, so start counting at 2. */
      fd = -1;
      for (tty = 1, mask = 2; mask; tty++, mask <<= 1) {
	 if (!(vts.v_state & mask)) {
	    snprintf (tty_name, sizeof(tty_name), "/dev/tty%d", tty);
	    tty_name[sizeof(tty_name)-1] = 0;
	    if ((fd = open (tty_name, O_RDWR)) != -1) {
	       close (fd);

      seteuid (getuid());

      if (!mask) {
	 ustrzcpy (allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE, get_config_text ("Unable to find a usable VT"));
	 close (console_fd);
	 return 1;

      /* OK, now fork into the background, detach from the current console,
       * and attach to the new one. */
      child = fork();

      if (child < 0) {
	 /* fork failed */
	 uszprintf (allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE, uconvert_ascii ("fork: %s", tmp), ustrerror (errno));
	 close (console_fd);
	 return 1;

      if (child) {
	 /* We're the parent -- write a note to the user saying where the
	  * app went, then quit */
	 fprintf (stderr, "Allegro application is running on VT %d\n", tty);
	 exit (0);

      /* We're the child.  Detach from our controlling terminal, and start
       * a new session. */
      close (console_fd);
      ioctl (0, TIOCNOTTY, 0);

      /* Open the new one again.  It becomes our ctty, because we started a
       * new session above. */
      fd = open (tty_name, O_RDWR);

      if (fd == -1) {
	 ustrzcpy (allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE, get_config_text ("Unable to reopen new console"));
	 return 1;

      /* Try to switch to it -- should succeed, since it's our ctty */
      ioctl (fd, VT_ACTIVATE, tty);

      __al_linux_vt = tty;
      __al_linux_console_fd = fd;

      /* Check we can reliably wait until we have the display */
      if (__al_linux_wait_for_display()) {
	 close (fd);
	 ustrzcpy (allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE, get_config_text ("VT_WAITACTIVE failure"));
	 return 1;

      /* dup2 it to stdin, stdout and stderr if necessary */
      if (isatty(0)) dup2 (fd, 0);
      if (isatty(1)) dup2 (fd, 1);
      if (isatty(2)) dup2 (fd, 2);

   /* Get termio settings and make a working copy */
   tcgetattr(__al_linux_console_fd, &__al_linux_startup_termio);
   __al_linux_work_termio = __al_linux_startup_termio;

   return 0;
Example #27
static int
sndio_init(int input, int voices)
	char tmp1[128], tmp2[128];

	if (input) {
		digi_driver->rec_cap_bits = 16;
		digi_driver->rec_cap_stereo = TRUE;
		return 0;

	if (open_sndio_device(0) != 0)
		return -1;

	sndio_play_bufdata = _AL_MALLOC_ATOMIC(sndio_play_bufsize);
	if (sndio_play_bufdata == 0) {
		ustrzcpy(allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE,
		    get_config_text("Can not allocate audio buffer"));
		return -1;

	sndio_realpos = sndio_playpos = 0;
	sio_onmove(hdl, movecb, NULL);

	sndio_volume = 127;
	sio_onvol(hdl, volcb, NULL);

	if (!sio_start(hdl)) {
		ustrzcpy(allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE,
		    get_config_text("Can not start sndio"));
		return -1;

	digi_sndio.voices = voices;

	/* first arg is total number of samples */
	if (_mixer_init(sndio_play_round * (_sound_stereo ? 2 : 1),
	    _sound_freq, _sound_stereo, ((_sound_bits == 16) ? 1 : 0),
	    &digi_sndio.voices) != 0) {
		ustrzcpy(allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE,
		    get_config_text("Can not init software mixer"));
		return -1;

	_mix_some_samples((uintptr_t) sndio_play_bufdata, 0, sndio_signed);

	/* Add audio interrupt.  */

	uszprintf(sndio_desc, sizeof(sndio_desc),
	    get_config_text("%s: %d bits, %s, %d Hz, %s"),
	    "sndio device",
	    uconvert_ascii((sndio_signed ? "signed" : "unsigned"), tmp1),
	    uconvert_ascii((par.pchan == 2 ? "stereo" : "mono"), tmp2));

	digi_driver->desc = sndio_desc;

	return 0;
Example #28
/* be_midi_init:
 *  Initializes the BeOS MIDI driver.
extern "C" int be_midi_init(int input, int voices)
   char tmp[256], tmp2[128], tmp3[128] = EMPTY_STRING;
   char *sound = uconvert_ascii("sound", tmp);
   int mode, freq, quality, reverb;
   synth_mode sm = B_BIG_SYNTH;
   interpolation_mode im = B_2_POINT_INTERPOLATION;
   char *reverb_name[] =
      { "no", "closet", "garage", "ballroom", "cavern", "dungeon" };
   if (input) {
      ustrzcpy(allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE, get_config_text("Input is not supported"));
      return -1;
   _be_midisynth = new BMidiSynth();
   if (!_be_midisynth) {
      ustrzcpy(allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE, get_config_text("Not enough memory"));
      return -1;
   /* Checks if instruments are available */
   mode = CLAMP(0, get_config_int(sound, uconvert_ascii("be_midi_quality", tmp), 1), 1);
   if (mode)
      sm = B_BIG_SYNTH;
      sm = B_LITTLE_SYNTH;
   if ((be_synth->LoadSynthData(sm) != B_OK) ||
       (!be_synth->IsLoaded())) {
      delete _be_midisynth;
      _be_midisynth = NULL;
      ustrzcpy(allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE, get_config_text("Can not load MIDI instruments data file"));
      return -1;
   /* Sets up synthetizer and loads instruments */
   _be_midisynth->EnableInput(true, true);
   /* Prevents other apps from changing instruments on the fly */
   /* Reverberation is cool */
   reverb = CLAMP(0, get_config_int(sound, uconvert_ascii("be_midi_reverb", tmp), 0), 5);
   if (reverb) {
   /* Sets sampling rate and sample interpolation method */
   freq = get_config_int(sound, uconvert_ascii("be_midi_freq", tmp), 22050);
   quality = CLAMP(0, get_config_int(sound, uconvert_ascii("be_midi_interpolation", tmp), 1), 2);
   switch (quality) {
      case 0:
         im = B_DROP_SAMPLE;
      case 1:
         im = B_2_POINT_INTERPOLATION;
         do_uconvert("fast", U_ASCII, tmp3, U_CURRENT, sizeof(tmp3));
      case 2:
         do_uconvert("linear", U_ASCII, tmp3, U_CURRENT, sizeof(tmp3));
   /* Sets up driver description */
   uszprintf(be_midi_driver_desc, sizeof(be_midi_driver_desc),
             uconvert_ascii("BeOS %s quality synth, %s %d kHz, %s reverberation", tmp),
             uconvert_ascii(mode ? "high" : "low", tmp2), tmp3,
             (be_synth->SamplingRate() / 1000), reverb_name[reverb]);
   midi_beos.desc = be_midi_driver_desc;

   return 0;
Example #29
/* digi_psp_init:
 *  Initializes the PSP digital sound driver.
static int digi_psp_init(int input, int voices)
   char digi_psp_desc[512] = EMPTY_STRING;
   char tmp1[256];

   if (input) {
      ustrzcpy(allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE,
         get_config_text("Input is not supported"));
      return -1;

   hw_channel = sceAudioChReserve(PSP_AUDIO_NEXT_CHANNEL, SAMPLES_PER_BUFFER,
   if (hw_channel < 0) {
      ustrzcpy(allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE,
         get_config_text("Failed reserving hardware sound channel"));
      return -1;

   psp_audio_on = TRUE;

   audio_thread_UID = sceKernelCreateThread("psp_audio_thread",
      (void *)&psp_audio_channel_thread, 0x19, 0x10000, 0, NULL);

   if (audio_thread_UID < 0) {
      ustrzcpy(allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE,
         get_config_text("Cannot create audio thread"));
      return -1;

   if (sceKernelStartThread(audio_thread_UID, 0, NULL) != 0) {
      ustrzcpy(allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE,
         get_config_text("Cannot start audio thread"));
      return -1;

   /* Allegro sound state variables */
   _sound_bits = 16;
   _sound_stereo = TRUE;
   _sound_freq = 44100;

   digi_psp.voices = voices;
   if (_mixer_init(SAMPLES_PER_BUFFER * 2, _sound_freq, _sound_stereo,
         (_sound_bits == 16), &digi_psp.voices))
      ustrzcpy(allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE,
         get_config_text("Error initializing mixer"));
      return -1;

   uszprintf(digi_psp_desc, sizeof(digi_psp_desc),
      get_config_text("%d bits, %d bps, %s"), _sound_bits,
      _sound_freq, uconvert_ascii(_sound_stereo ? "stereo" : "mono", tmp1));

   digi_psp.desc = digi_psp_desc;

   return 0;