/* * Returns true if a process exited (so, presumably, we can delete an input * file) */ static bool arch_analyzeSignal(honggfuzz_t * hfuzz, int status, fuzzer_t * fuzzer) { /* * Resumed by delivery of SIGCONT */ if (WIFCONTINUED(status)) { return false; } /* * Boring, the process just exited */ if (WIFEXITED(status)) { LOG_D("Process (pid %d) exited normally with status %d", fuzzer->pid, WEXITSTATUS(status)); return true; } /* * Shouldn't really happen, but, well.. */ if (!WIFSIGNALED(status)) { LOG_E("Process (pid %d) exited with the following status %d, please report that as a bug", fuzzer->pid, status); return true; } int termsig = WTERMSIG(status); LOG_D("Process (pid %d) killed by signal %d '%s'", fuzzer->pid, termsig, strsignal(termsig)); if (!arch_sigs[termsig].important) { LOG_D("It's not that important signal, skipping"); return true; } char localtmstr[PATH_MAX]; util_getLocalTime("%F.%H:%M:%S", localtmstr, sizeof(localtmstr), time(NULL)); char newname[PATH_MAX]; /* If dry run mode, copy file with same name into workspace */ if (hfuzz->flipRate == 0.0L && hfuzz->useVerifier) { snprintf(newname, sizeof(newname), "%s", fuzzer->origFileName); } else { snprintf(newname, sizeof(newname), "%s/%s.%d.%s.%s.%s", hfuzz->workDir, arch_sigs[termsig].descr, fuzzer->pid, localtmstr, fuzzer->origFileName, hfuzz->fileExtn); } LOG_I("Ok, that's interesting, saving the '%s' as '%s'", fuzzer->fileName, newname); /* * All crashes are marked as unique due to lack of information in POSIX arch */ __sync_fetch_and_add(&hfuzz->crashesCnt, 1UL); __sync_fetch_and_add(&hfuzz->uniqueCrashesCnt, 1UL); if (files_copyFile(fuzzer->fileName, newname, NULL) == false) { LOG_E("Couldn't save '%s' as '%s'", fuzzer->fileName, newname); } return true; }
void report_Report(run_t* run) { if (run->report[0] == '\0') { return; } MX_SCOPED_LOCK(&run->global->cfg.report_mutex); if (reportFD == -1) { char reportFName[PATH_MAX]; if (run->global->cfg.reportFile == NULL) { snprintf(reportFName, sizeof(reportFName), "%s/%s", run->global->io.workDir, _HF_REPORT_FILE); } else { snprintf(reportFName, sizeof(reportFName), "%s", run->global->cfg.reportFile); } reportFD = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(open(reportFName, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_APPEND | O_CLOEXEC, 0644)); if (reportFD == -1) { PLOG_F("Couldn't open('%s') for writing", reportFName); } } char localtmstr[PATH_MAX]; util_getLocalTime("%F.%H:%M:%S", localtmstr, sizeof(localtmstr), time(NULL)); dprintf(reportFD, "=====================================================================\n" "TIME: %s\n" "=====================================================================\n" "FUZZER ARGS:\n" " mutationsPerRun : %u\n" " externalCmd : %s\n" " fuzzStdin : %s\n" " timeout : %ld (sec)\n" #if defined(_HF_ARCH_LINUX) || defined(_HF_ARCH_NETBSD) " ignoreAddr : %p\n" #endif " ASLimit : %" PRIu64 " (MiB)\n" " RSSLimit : %" PRIu64 " (MiB)\n" " DATALimit : %" PRIu64 " (MiB)\n" " wordlistFile : %s\n", localtmstr, run->global->mutate.mutationsPerRun, run->global->exe.externalCommand == NULL ? "NULL" : run->global->exe.externalCommand, run->global->exe.fuzzStdin ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", run->global->timing.tmOut, #if defined(_HF_ARCH_LINUX) run->global->linux.ignoreAddr, #elif defined(_HF_ARCH_NETBSD) run->global->netbsd.ignoreAddr, #endif run->global->exe.asLimit, run->global->exe.rssLimit, run->global->exe.dataLimit, run->global->mutate.dictionaryFile == NULL ? "NULL" : run->global->mutate.dictionaryFile); #if defined(_HF_ARCH_LINUX) report_printdynFileMethod(run); #endif report_printTargetCmd(run); dprintf(reportFD, "%s" "=====================================================================\n", run->report); }
static void display_displayLocked(honggfuzz_t * hfuzz) { unsigned long elapsed = (unsigned long)(time(NULL) - hfuzz->timeStart); size_t curr_exec_cnt = __sync_fetch_and_add(&hfuzz->mutationsCnt, 0UL); /* * We increase the mutation counter unconditionally in threads, but if it's * above hfuzz->mutationsMax we don't really execute the fuzzing loop. * Therefore at the end of fuzzing, the mutation counter might be higher * than hfuzz->mutationsMax */ if (hfuzz->mutationsMax > 0 && curr_exec_cnt > hfuzz->mutationsMax) { curr_exec_cnt = hfuzz->mutationsMax; } static size_t prev_exec_cnt = 0UL; uintptr_t exec_per_sec = curr_exec_cnt - prev_exec_cnt; prev_exec_cnt = curr_exec_cnt; display_put("%s", ESC_CLEAR); display_put("============================== STAT ==============================\n"); display_put("Iterations: " ESC_BOLD "%zu" ESC_RESET, curr_exec_cnt); if (hfuzz->mutationsMax) { display_put(" (out of: " ESC_BOLD "%zu" ESC_RESET ")", hfuzz->mutationsMax); } display_put("\n"); char start_time_str[128]; util_getLocalTime("%F %T", start_time_str, sizeof(start_time_str), hfuzz->timeStart); display_put("Start time: " ESC_BOLD "%s" ESC_RESET " (" ESC_BOLD "%lu" ESC_RESET " seconds elapsed)\n", start_time_str, elapsed); display_put("Input file/dir: '" ESC_BOLD "%s" ESC_RESET "'\n", hfuzz->inputFile); display_put("Fuzzed cmd: '" ESC_BOLD "%s" ESC_RESET "'\n", hfuzz->cmdline_txt); display_put("Fuzzing threads: " ESC_BOLD "%zu" ESC_RESET "\n", hfuzz->threadsMax); display_put("Execs per second: " ESC_BOLD "%zu" ESC_RESET " (avg: " ESC_BOLD "%zu" ESC_RESET ")\n", exec_per_sec, elapsed ? (curr_exec_cnt / elapsed) : 0); /* If dry run, print also the input file count */ if (hfuzz->flipRate == 0.0L && hfuzz->useVerifier) { display_put("Input Files: '" ESC_BOLD "%zu" ESC_RESET "'\n", hfuzz->fileCnt); } display_put("Crashes: " ESC_BOLD "%zu" ESC_RESET " (unique: " ESC_BOLD "%zu" ESC_RESET ", blacklist: " ESC_BOLD "%zu" ESC_RESET ", verified: " ESC_BOLD "%zu" ESC_RESET ") \n", __sync_fetch_and_add(&hfuzz->crashesCnt, 0UL), __sync_fetch_and_add(&hfuzz->uniqueCrashesCnt, 0UL), __sync_fetch_and_add(&hfuzz->blCrashesCnt, 0UL), __sync_fetch_and_add(&hfuzz->verifiedCrashesCnt, 0UL)); display_put("Timeouts: " ESC_BOLD "%zu" ESC_RESET "\n", __sync_fetch_and_add(&hfuzz->timeoutedCnt, 0UL)); /* Feedback data sources are enabled. Start with common headers. */ if (hfuzz->dynFileMethod != _HF_DYNFILE_NONE || hfuzz->useSanCov) { display_put("Dynamic file size: " ESC_BOLD "%zu" ESC_RESET " (max: " ESC_BOLD "%zu" ESC_RESET ")\n", hfuzz->dynamicFileBestSz, hfuzz->maxFileSz); display_put("Dynamic file max iterations keep for chosen seed (" ESC_BOLD "%zu" ESC_RESET "/" ESC_BOLD "%zu" ESC_RESET ")\n", __sync_fetch_and_add(&hfuzz->dynFileIterExpire, 0UL), _HF_MAX_DYNFILE_ITER); display_put("Coverage (max):\n"); } /* HW perf specific counters */ if (hfuzz->dynFileMethod & _HF_DYNFILE_INSTR_COUNT) { display_put(" - cpu instructions: " ESC_BOLD "%" PRIu64 ESC_RESET "\n", __sync_fetch_and_add(&hfuzz->hwCnts.cpuInstrCnt, 0UL)); } if (hfuzz->dynFileMethod & _HF_DYNFILE_BRANCH_COUNT) { display_put(" - cpu branches: " ESC_BOLD "%" PRIu64 ESC_RESET "\n", __sync_fetch_and_add(&hfuzz->hwCnts.cpuBranchCnt, 0UL)); } if (hfuzz->dynFileMethod & _HF_DYNFILE_UNIQUE_BLOCK_COUNT) { display_put(" - unique branch targets: " ESC_BOLD "%" PRIu64 ESC_RESET "\n", __sync_fetch_and_add(&hfuzz->hwCnts.pcCnt, 0UL)); } if (hfuzz->dynFileMethod & _HF_DYNFILE_UNIQUE_EDGE_COUNT) { display_put(" - unique branch pairs: " ESC_BOLD "%" PRIu64 ESC_RESET "\n", __sync_fetch_and_add(&hfuzz->hwCnts.pathCnt, 0UL)); } if (hfuzz->dynFileMethod & _HF_DYNFILE_CUSTOM) { display_put(" - custom counter: " ESC_BOLD "%" PRIu64 ESC_RESET "\n", __sync_fetch_and_add(&hfuzz->hwCnts.customCnt, 0UL)); } /* Sanitizer coverage specific counters */ if (hfuzz->useSanCov) { uint64_t hitBB = __sync_fetch_and_add(&hfuzz->sanCovCnts.hitBBCnt, 0UL); uint64_t totalBB = __sync_fetch_and_add(&hfuzz->sanCovCnts.totalBBCnt, 0UL); uint8_t covPer = totalBB ? ((hitBB * 100) / totalBB) : 0; display_put(" - total hit #bb: " ESC_BOLD "%" PRIu64 ESC_RESET " (coverage %d%%)\n", hitBB, covPer); display_put(" - total #dso: " ESC_BOLD "%" PRIu64 ESC_RESET " (instrumented only)\n", __sync_fetch_and_add(&hfuzz->sanCovCnts.iDsoCnt, 0UL)); display_put(" - discovered #bb: " ESC_BOLD "%" PRIu64 ESC_RESET " (new from input seed)\n", __sync_fetch_and_add(&hfuzz->sanCovCnts.newBBCnt, 0UL)); display_put(" - crashes: " ESC_BOLD "%" PRIu64 ESC_RESET "\n", __sync_fetch_and_add(&hfuzz->sanCovCnts.crashesCnt, 0UL)); } display_put("============================== LOGS ==============================\n"); }
static void display_displayLocked(honggfuzz_t * hfuzz) { static bool firstDisplay = true; if (firstDisplay) { display_put(ESC_CLEAR_ALL); firstDisplay = false; } char *target; char *extern_fuzzer; char *time_elapsed_str; char *time_remain_str; unsigned long elapsed_second; unsigned long remain_second; float speed_second; unsigned int TITLE_LEN = 78; unsigned int LEFT_TITLE_LEN = 41; int remain_title_len; elapsed_second = (unsigned long)(time(NULL) - hfuzz->timeStart); time_elapsed_str = get_time_elapsed(hfuzz->timeStart); size_t curr_exec_cnt = ATOMIC_GET(hfuzz->mutationsCnt); /* * We increase the mutation counter unconditionally in threads, but if it's * above hfuzz->mutationsMax we don't really execute the fuzzing loop. * Therefore at the end of fuzzing, the mutation counter might be higher * than hfuzz->mutationsMax */ if (hfuzz->mutationsMax > 0 && curr_exec_cnt > hfuzz->mutationsMax) { curr_exec_cnt = hfuzz->mutationsMax; } float exeProgress = 0.0f; if (hfuzz->mutationsMax > 0) { exeProgress = ((float)curr_exec_cnt * 100 / hfuzz->mutationsMax); } static size_t prev_exec_cnt = 0UL; //uintptr_t exec_per_sec = curr_exec_cnt - prev_exec_cnt; prev_exec_cnt = curr_exec_cnt; /* The lock should be acquired before any output is printed on the screen */ MX_SCOPED_LOCK(logMutexGet()); target = files_get_filename_in_path(hfuzz->cmdline[0]); hfuzz->target = target; speed_second = elapsed_second ? ((float)curr_exec_cnt / elapsed_second) : ((float)ATOMIC_GET(hfuzz->tmOut)/hfuzz->threadsMax); LOG_D("speed_second: %f\n", speed_second); int remain_file_cnt = ATOMIC_GET(hfuzz->fileCnt) - curr_exec_cnt; remain_second = (remain_file_cnt>0? remain_file_cnt:1) / speed_second; time_remain_str = get_time_remain(remain_second); display_put(ESC_NAV(11, 1) ESC_CLEAR_ABOVE ESC_NAV(1, 1)); display_put("-------------------------[ " ESC_BOLD ESC_YELLOW "%s " ESC_RESET ESC_BOLD"v%s " ESC_PINK "(%s)" ESC_RESET" ]", PROG_NAME, PROG_VERSION, target ); remain_title_len = TITLE_LEN - LEFT_TITLE_LEN - strlen(target) - 3; if (remain_title_len) { for(int i=0;i<remain_title_len;i++){ printf("-"); } } else { LOG_W("target name very long!"); } printf("\n"); display_put(ESC_WHITE " Iterations : " ESC_RESET ESC_BOLD "%" _HF_MONETARY_MOD "zu" ESC_RESET, curr_exec_cnt); display_printKMG(curr_exec_cnt); if (hfuzz->mutationsMax) { display_put(" (out of: " ESC_BOLD "%" _HF_MONETARY_MOD "zu" ESC_RESET " [" ESC_BOLD "%.2f" ESC_RESET "%%])", hfuzz->mutationsMax, exeProgress); } switch (ATOMIC_GET(hfuzz->state)) { case _HF_STATE_STATIC: display_put(ESC_WHITE "\n Run Mode : " ESC_RESET ESC_GREEN ESC_BOLD "Dumb Fuzzing" ESC_RESET); break; case _HF_STATE_DRY_RUN: display_put(ESC_WHITE "\n Run Mode : " ESC_RESET ESC_GREEN ESC_BOLD "Dry Run" ESC_RESET); break; case _HF_STATE_DYNAMIC_PRE: display_put(ESC_WHITE "\n Run Mode : " ESC_RESET ESC_GREEN ESC_BOLD "Dynamic Fuzzing" ESC_RESET); break; case _HF_STATE_DYNAMIC_MAIN: display_put(ESC_WHITE "\n Run Mode : " ESC_RESET ESC_GREEN ESC_BOLD "Feedback-driven Fuzzing" ESC_RESET); break; case _HF_STATE_EXTERN: extern_fuzzer = files_get_filename_in_path(hfuzz->externalCommand); display_put(ESC_WHITE "\n Run Mode : " ESC_RESET ESC_GREEN ESC_BOLD "External (%s)" ESC_RESET, extern_fuzzer); break; default: display_put(ESC_WHITE "\n Run Mode : " ESC_RESET ESC_GREEN ESC_BOLD "Unknown" ESC_RESET); break; } char start_time_str[128]; util_getLocalTime("%F %T", start_time_str, sizeof(start_time_str), hfuzz->timeStart); if(ATOMIC_GET(hfuzz->state) == _HF_STATE_DRY_RUN){ display_put(ESC_WHITE "\n Run Time : " ESC_RESET ESC_BOLD "%s (" ESC_RESET ESC_WHITE "Remain: " ESC_RESET ESC_BOLD "%s)\n" ESC_RESET , time_elapsed_str, time_remain_str); }else{ display_put(ESC_WHITE "\n Run Time : " ESC_RESET ESC_BOLD "%s\n" ESC_RESET , time_elapsed_str); } static char tmpstr[1024] = {0}; size_t len = strlen(hfuzz->inputDir); if(len > 40){ snprintf(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), "%.32s...%s", hfuzz->inputDir, hfuzz->inputDir+len-18); }else{ snprintf(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), "%s", hfuzz->inputDir); } display_put(ESC_WHITE " Input Dir : " ESC_RESET ESC_RED "[% " _HF_MONETARY_MOD "zu] " ESC_RESET ESC_BOLD "'%s" ESC_RESET "'\n", ATOMIC_GET(hfuzz->fileCnt), tmpstr); /* display_put(ESC_WHITE " Fuzzed Cmd : " ESC_RESET ESC_BOLD "'%s" ESC_RESET "'\n", hfuzz->cmdline_txt); if (hfuzz->linux.pid > 0) { display_put(ESC_WHITE "Remote cmd [" ESC_BOLD "%d" ESC_RESET "]: '" ESC_RESET ESC_BOLD "%s" ESC_RESET "'\n", hfuzz->linux.pid, hfuzz->linux.pidCmd); } */ static long num_cpu = 0; if (num_cpu == 0) { num_cpu = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN); } double cpuUse = getCpuUse(num_cpu); display_put(ESC_WHITE " Threads : " ESC_RESET ESC_BOLD "%zu" ESC_RESET ", " ESC_WHITE "CPUs: " ESC_RESET ESC_BOLD "%ld" ESC_RESET ", " ESC_WHITE "CPU: " ESC_RESET ESC_BOLD "%.1lf" ESC_RESET "%%\n", hfuzz->threadsMax, num_cpu, cpuUse / num_cpu); display_put(ESC_WHITE " Speed : " ESC_RESET ESC_BOLD "%.2f" ESC_RESET ESC_WHITE "/sec" ESC_RESET"\n", elapsed_second ? ((float_t)curr_exec_cnt / elapsed_second) : 0); uint64_t crashesCnt = ATOMIC_GET(hfuzz->crashesCnt); /* colored the crash count as red when exist crash */ display_put(ESC_WHITE " Crashes : " ESC_RESET ESC_BOLD "%s" "%zu" ESC_RESET " (" ESC_WHITE "unique: " ESC_RESET "%s" ESC_BOLD "%zu" ESC_RESET ", " ESC_WHITE "blacklist: " ESC_RESET ESC_BOLD "%zu" ESC_RESET ", " ESC_WHITE "verified: " ESC_RESET ESC_BOLD "%s" "%zu" ESC_RESET ")\n", crashesCnt > 0 ? ESC_RED : "", hfuzz->crashesCnt, ATOMIC_GET(hfuzz->uniqueCrashesCnt) > 0 ? ESC_RED : "", ATOMIC_GET(hfuzz->uniqueCrashesCnt), ATOMIC_GET(hfuzz->blCrashesCnt), ATOMIC_GET(hfuzz->verifiedCrashesCnt) > 0 ? ESC_RED : "", ATOMIC_GET(hfuzz->verifiedCrashesCnt)); display_put(ESC_WHITE " Timeouts : " ESC_RESET ESC_BOLD "%" _HF_MONETARY_MOD "zu" ESC_RESET " [%" _HF_MONETARY_MOD "zu sec]\n", ATOMIC_GET(hfuzz->timeoutedCnt), hfuzz->tmOut); /* Feedback data sources are enabled. Start with common headers. */ if (hfuzz->dynFileMethod != _HF_DYNFILE_NONE || hfuzz->useSanCov) { /* display_put(ESC_WHITE " Corpus Size : " ESC_RESET ESC_BOLD "%" _HF_MONETARY_MOD "zu" ESC_RESET ", " ESC_WHITE "max size (bytes): " ESC_RESET ESC_BOLD "%" _HF_MONETARY_MOD "zu" ESC_RESET "\n", hfuzz->dynfileqCnt, hfuzz->maxFileSz); display_put(ESC_WHITE " Coverage :\n" ESC_RESET); */ }else{ display_put(ESC_WHITE " Coverage : N/A\n" ESC_RESET); } /* HW perf specific counters */ if (hfuzz->dynFileMethod & _HF_DYNFILE_INSTR_COUNT) { display_put(ESC_YELLOW " *** instructions: " ESC_RESET ESC_BOLD "%" _HF_MONETARY_MOD PRIu64 ESC_RESET "\n", ATOMIC_GET(hfuzz->linux.hwCnts.cpuInstrCnt)); } if (hfuzz->dynFileMethod & _HF_DYNFILE_BRANCH_COUNT) { display_put(ESC_YELLOW " *** branches: " ESC_RESET ESC_BOLD "%" _HF_MONETARY_MOD PRIu64 ESC_RESET "\n", ATOMIC_GET(hfuzz->linux.hwCnts.cpuBranchCnt)); } if (hfuzz->dynFileMethod & _HF_DYNFILE_BTS_BLOCK) { display_put(ESC_YELLOW " *** BTS blocks: " ESC_RESET ESC_BOLD "%" _HF_MONETARY_MOD PRIu64 ESC_RESET "\n", ATOMIC_GET(hfuzz->linux.hwCnts.bbCnt)); } if (hfuzz->dynFileMethod & _HF_DYNFILE_BTS_EDGE) { display_put(ESC_YELLOW " *** BTS edges: " ESC_RESET ESC_BOLD "%" _HF_MONETARY_MOD PRIu64 ESC_RESET "\n", ATOMIC_GET(hfuzz->linux.hwCnts.bbCnt)); } if (hfuzz->dynFileMethod & _HF_DYNFILE_IPT_BLOCK) { display_put(ESC_YELLOW " *** PT blocks: " ESC_RESET ESC_BOLD "%" _HF_MONETARY_MOD PRIu64 ESC_RESET "\n", ATOMIC_GET(hfuzz->linux.hwCnts.bbCnt)); } if (hfuzz->dynFileMethod & _HF_DYNFILE_SOFT) { uint64_t softCntPc = ATOMIC_GET(hfuzz->linux.hwCnts.softCntPc); uint64_t softCntCmp = ATOMIC_GET(hfuzz->linux.hwCnts.softCntCmp); display_put(ESC_YELLOW " *** blocks seen: " ESC_RESET ESC_BOLD "%" _HF_MONETARY_MOD PRIu64 ESC_RESET ", comparison map: " ESC_BOLD "%" _HF_MONETARY_MOD PRIu64 ESC_RESET "\n", softCntPc, softCntCmp); } /* Sanitizer coverage specific counters */ if (hfuzz->useSanCov) { uint64_t hitBB = ATOMIC_GET(hfuzz->sanCovCnts.hitBBCnt); uint64_t totalBB = ATOMIC_GET(hfuzz->sanCovCnts.totalBBCnt); float covPer = totalBB ? (((float)hitBB * 100) / totalBB) : 0.0; display_put(ESC_YELLOW " Coverage : " ESC_RESET ESC_BOLD "%.2f" ESC_RESET "%%" "(" ESC_BOLD "%" _HF_MONETARY_MOD PRIu64 ESC_RESET ESC_WHITE ", last update:" ESC_RESET ESC_BOLD " %s" ESC_RESET ")\n", covPer, hitBB, get_time_elapsed(ATOMIC_GET(hfuzz->sanCovCnts.lastBBTime))); /* display_put(ESC_YELLOW " *** hit #bb : " ESC_RESET ESC_BOLD "%" _HF_MONETARY_MOD PRIu64 ESC_RESET " (" ESC_WHITE "coverage: " ESC_RESET ESC_BOLD "%.2f" ESC_RESET "%%)\n", hitBB, covPer); display_put(ESC_YELLOW " *** total #dso : " ESC_RESET ESC_BOLD "%" _HF_MONETARY_MOD PRIu64 ESC_RESET " (" ESC_WHITE "Instrumented Dynamic Shared Object" ESC_RESET ")\n", ATOMIC_GET(hfuzz->sanCovCnts.iDsoCnt)); display_put(ESC_YELLOW " *** new #bb : " ESC_RESET ESC_BOLD "%" _HF_MONETARY_MOD PRIu64 ESC_RESET " (" ESC_WHITE "last update:" ESC_RESET ESC_BOLD " %s)\n" ESC_RESET, ATOMIC_GET(hfuzz->sanCovCnts.newBBCnt), get_time_elapsed(ATOMIC_GET(hfuzz->sanCovCnts.lastBBTime))); display_put(ESC_YELLOW " *** crashes : " ESC_RESET ESC_BOLD "%" _HF_MONETARY_MOD PRIu64 ESC_RESET "\n", ATOMIC_GET(hfuzz->sanCovCnts.crashesCnt)); */ } display_put("-----------------------------------[ " ESC_BOLD ESC_YELLOW "LOGS" ESC_RESET " ]-----------------------------------\n"); display_put(ESC_SCROLL(12, 999) ESC_NAV(999, 1)); }
static void display_displayLocked(honggfuzz_t * hfuzz) { unsigned long elapsed = (unsigned long)(time(NULL) - hfuzz->timeStart); size_t curr_exec_cnt = __sync_fetch_and_add(&hfuzz->mutationsCnt, 0UL); /* * We increase the mutation counter unconditionally in threads, but if it's * above hfuzz->mutationsMax we don't really execute the fuzzing loop. * Therefore at the end of fuzzing, the mutation counter might be higher * than hfuzz->mutationsMax */ if (hfuzz->mutationsMax > 0 && curr_exec_cnt > hfuzz->mutationsMax) { curr_exec_cnt = hfuzz->mutationsMax; } static size_t prev_exec_cnt = 0UL; uintptr_t exec_per_sec = curr_exec_cnt - prev_exec_cnt; prev_exec_cnt = curr_exec_cnt; display_put("%s", ESC_CLEAR); display_put("============================== STAT ==============================\n"); display_put("Iterations: " ESC_BOLD "%zu" ESC_RESET, curr_exec_cnt); if (hfuzz->mutationsMax) { display_put(" (out of: " ESC_BOLD "%zu" ESC_RESET ")", hfuzz->mutationsMax); } display_put("\n"); char start_time_str[128]; util_getLocalTime("%F %T", start_time_str, sizeof(start_time_str), hfuzz->timeStart); display_put("Start time: " ESC_BOLD "%s" ESC_RESET " (" ESC_BOLD "%lu" ESC_RESET " seconds elapsed)\n", start_time_str, elapsed); display_put("Input file/dir: '" ESC_BOLD "%s" ESC_RESET "'\n", hfuzz->inputFile); display_put("Fuzzed cmd: '" ESC_BOLD "%s" ESC_RESET "'\n", hfuzz->cmdline[0]); display_put("Fuzzing threads: " ESC_BOLD "%zu" ESC_RESET "\n", hfuzz->threadsMax); display_put("Execs per second: " ESC_BOLD "%zu" ESC_RESET " (avg: " ESC_BOLD "%zu" ESC_RESET ")\n", exec_per_sec, elapsed ? (curr_exec_cnt / elapsed) : 0); display_put("Crashes: " ESC_BOLD "%zu" ESC_RESET " (unique: " ESC_BOLD "%zu" ESC_RESET ") \n", __sync_fetch_and_add(&hfuzz->crashesCnt, 0UL), __sync_fetch_and_add(&hfuzz->uniqueCrashesCnt, 0UL)); display_put("Timeouts: " ESC_BOLD "%zu" ESC_RESET "\n", __sync_fetch_and_add(&hfuzz->timeoutedCnt, 0UL)); if (hfuzz->dynFileMethod != _HF_DYNFILE_NONE) { display_put("Dynamic file size: " ESC_BOLD "%zu" ESC_RESET " (max: " ESC_BOLD "%zu" ESC_RESET ")\n", hfuzz->dynamicFileBestSz, hfuzz->maxFileSz); display_put("Coverage (max):\n"); } if (hfuzz->dynFileMethod & _HF_DYNFILE_INSTR_COUNT) { display_put(" - cpu instructions: " ESC_BOLD "%zu" ESC_RESET "\n", __sync_fetch_and_add(&hfuzz->hwCnts.cpuInstrCnt, 0UL)); } if (hfuzz->dynFileMethod & _HF_DYNFILE_BRANCH_COUNT) { display_put(" - cpu branches: " ESC_BOLD "%zu" ESC_RESET "\n", __sync_fetch_and_add(&hfuzz->hwCnts.cpuBranchCnt, 0UL)); } if (hfuzz->dynFileMethod & _HF_DYNFILE_UNIQUE_BLOCK_COUNT) { display_put(" - unique branch targets: " ESC_BOLD "%zu" ESC_RESET "\n", __sync_fetch_and_add(&hfuzz->hwCnts.pcCnt, 0UL)); } if (hfuzz->dynFileMethod & _HF_DYNFILE_UNIQUE_EDGE_COUNT) { display_put(" - unique branch pairs: " ESC_BOLD "%zu" ESC_RESET "\n", __sync_fetch_and_add(&hfuzz->hwCnts.pathCnt, 0UL)); } if (hfuzz->dynFileMethod & _HF_DYNFILE_CUSTOM) { display_put(" - custom counter: " ESC_BOLD "%zu" ESC_RESET "\n", __sync_fetch_and_add(&hfuzz->hwCnts.customCnt, 0UL)); } display_put("============================== LOGS ==============================\n"); }
/* * Returns true if a process exited (so, presumably, we can delete an input * file) */ static bool arch_analyzeSignal(honggfuzz_t * hfuzz, int status, fuzzer_t * fuzzer) { /* * Resumed by delivery of SIGCONT */ if (WIFCONTINUED(status)) { return false; } if (WIFEXITED(status) || WIFSIGNALED(status)) { sancov_Analyze(hfuzz, fuzzer); } /* * Boring, the process just exited */ if (WIFEXITED(status)) { LOG_D("Process (pid %d) exited normally with status %d", fuzzer->pid, WEXITSTATUS(status)); return true; } /* * Shouldn't really happen, but, well.. */ if (!WIFSIGNALED(status)) { LOG_E("Process (pid %d) exited with the following status %d, please report that as a bug", fuzzer->pid, status); return true; } int termsig = WTERMSIG(status); LOG_D("Process (pid %d) killed by signal %d '%s'", fuzzer->pid, termsig, strsignal(termsig)); if (!arch_sigs[termsig].important) { LOG_D("It's not that important signal, skipping"); return true; } /* * Signal is interesting */ /* * Increase crashes counter presented by ASCII display */ ATOMIC_POST_INC(hfuzz->crashesCnt); /* * Get data from exception handler */ fuzzer->pc = g_fuzzer_crash_information[fuzzer->pid].pc; fuzzer->exception = g_fuzzer_crash_information[fuzzer->pid].exception; fuzzer->access = g_fuzzer_crash_information[fuzzer->pid].access; fuzzer->backtrace = g_fuzzer_crash_information[fuzzer->pid].backtrace; defer { if (g_fuzzer_crash_callstack[fuzzer->pid]) { free(g_fuzzer_crash_callstack[fuzzer->pid]); g_fuzzer_crash_callstack[fuzzer->pid] = NULL; } }; /* * Check if stackhash is blacklisted */ if (hfuzz->blacklist && (fastArray64Search(hfuzz->blacklist, hfuzz->blacklistCnt, fuzzer->backtrace) != -1)) { LOG_I("Blacklisted stack hash '%" PRIx64 "', skipping", fuzzer->backtrace); ATOMIC_POST_INC(hfuzz->blCrashesCnt); return true; } /* If dry run mode, copy file with same name into workspace */ if (hfuzz->origFlipRate == 0.0L && hfuzz->useVerifier) { snprintf(fuzzer->crashFileName, sizeof(fuzzer->crashFileName), "%s/%s", hfuzz->workDir, fuzzer->origFileName); } else if (hfuzz->saveUnique) { snprintf(fuzzer->crashFileName, sizeof(fuzzer->crashFileName), "%s/%s.%s.PC.%.16llx.STACK.%.16llx.ADDR.%.16llx.%s", hfuzz->workDir, arch_sigs[termsig].descr, exception_to_string(fuzzer->exception), fuzzer->pc, fuzzer->backtrace, fuzzer->access, hfuzz->fileExtn); } else { char localtmstr[PATH_MAX]; util_getLocalTime("%F.%H.%M.%S", localtmstr, sizeof(localtmstr), time(NULL)); snprintf(fuzzer->crashFileName, sizeof(fuzzer->crashFileName), "%s/%s.%s.PC.%.16llx.STACK.%.16llx.ADDR.%.16llx.TIME.%s.PID.%.5d.%s", hfuzz->workDir, arch_sigs[termsig].descr, exception_to_string(fuzzer->exception), fuzzer->pc, fuzzer->backtrace, fuzzer->access, localtmstr, fuzzer->pid, hfuzz->fileExtn); } if (files_exists(fuzzer->crashFileName)) { LOG_I("It seems that '%s' already exists, skipping", fuzzer->crashFileName); // Clear filename so that verifier can understand we hit a duplicate memset(fuzzer->crashFileName, 0, sizeof(fuzzer->crashFileName)); return true; } if (files_writeBufToFile (fuzzer->crashFileName, fuzzer->dynamicFile, fuzzer->dynamicFileSz, O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_WRONLY) == false) { LOG_E("Couldn't copy '%s' to '%s'", fuzzer->fileName, fuzzer->crashFileName); return true; } LOG_I("Ok, that's interesting, saved '%s' as '%s'", fuzzer->fileName, fuzzer->crashFileName); ATOMIC_POST_INC(hfuzz->uniqueCrashesCnt); /* If unique crash found, reset dynFile counter */ ATOMIC_CLEAR(hfuzz->dynFileIterExpire); arch_generateReport(fuzzer, termsig); return true; }
static void arch_ptraceSaveData(honggfuzz_t * hfuzz, pid_t pid, fuzzer_t * fuzzer) { REG_TYPE pc = 0; /* Local copy since flag is overridden for some crashes */ bool saveUnique = hfuzz->saveUnique; char instr[_HF_INSTR_SZ] = "\x00"; siginfo_t si; bzero(&si, sizeof(si)); if (ptrace(PTRACE_GETSIGINFO, pid, 0, &si) == -1) { PLOG_W("Couldn't get siginfo for pid %d", pid); } arch_getInstrStr(pid, &pc, instr); LOG_D("Pid: %d, signo: %d, errno: %d, code: %d, addr: %p, pc: %" REG_PM ", instr: '%s'", pid, si.si_signo, si.si_errno, si.si_code, si.si_addr, pc, instr); if (!SI_FROMUSER(&si) && pc && si.si_addr < hfuzz->linux.ignoreAddr) { LOG_I("'%s' is interesting (%s), but the si.si_addr is %p (below %p), skipping", fuzzer->fileName, arch_sigs[si.si_signo].descr, si.si_addr, hfuzz->linux.ignoreAddr); return; } /* * Unwind and resolve symbols */ /* *INDENT-OFF* */ funcs_t funcs[_HF_MAX_FUNCS] = { [0 ... (_HF_MAX_FUNCS - 1)].pc = NULL, [0 ... (_HF_MAX_FUNCS - 1)].line = 0, [0 ... (_HF_MAX_FUNCS - 1)].func = {'\0'} , }; /* *INDENT-ON* */ #if !defined(__ANDROID__) size_t funcCnt = arch_unwindStack(pid, funcs); arch_bfdResolveSyms(pid, funcs, funcCnt); #else size_t funcCnt = arch_unwindStack(pid, funcs); #endif /* * If unwinder failed (zero frames), use PC from ptrace GETREGS if not zero. * If PC reg zero, temporarily disable uniqueness flag since callstack * hash will be also zero, thus not safe for unique decisions. */ if (funcCnt == 0) { if (pc) { /* Manually update major frame PC & frames counter */ funcs[0].pc = (void *)(uintptr_t) pc; funcCnt = 1; } else { saveUnique = false; } } /* * Temp local copy of previous backtrace value in case worker hit crashes into multiple * tids for same target master thread. Will be 0 for first crash against target. */ uint64_t oldBacktrace = fuzzer->backtrace; /* * Calculate backtrace callstack hash signature */ arch_hashCallstack(hfuzz, fuzzer, funcs, funcCnt, saveUnique); /* * If fuzzing with sanitizer coverage feedback increase crashes counter used * as metric for dynFile evolution */ if (hfuzz->useSanCov) { fuzzer->sanCovCnts.crashesCnt++; } /* * If unique flag is set and single frame crash, disable uniqueness for this crash * to always save (timestamp will be added to the filename) */ if (saveUnique && (funcCnt == 1)) { saveUnique = false; } /* * If worker crashFileName member is set, it means that a tid has already crashed * from target master thread. */ if (fuzzer->crashFileName[0] != '\0') { LOG_D("Multiple crashes detected from worker against attached tids group"); /* * If stackhashes match, don't re-analyze. This will avoid duplicates * and prevent verifier from running multiple passes. Depth of check is * always 1 (last backtrace saved only per target iteration). */ if (oldBacktrace == fuzzer->backtrace) { return; } } /* Increase global crashes counter */ ATOMIC_POST_INC(hfuzz->crashesCnt); /* * Check if stackhash is blacklisted */ if (hfuzz->blacklist && (fastArray64Search(hfuzz->blacklist, hfuzz->blacklistCnt, fuzzer->backtrace) != -1)) { LOG_I("Blacklisted stack hash '%" PRIx64 "', skipping", fuzzer->backtrace); ATOMIC_POST_INC(hfuzz->blCrashesCnt); return; } /* If non-blacklisted crash detected, zero set two MSB */ ATOMIC_POST_ADD(hfuzz->dynFileIterExpire, _HF_DYNFILE_SUB_MASK); void *sig_addr = si.si_addr; if (hfuzz->linux.disableRandomization == false) { pc = 0UL; sig_addr = NULL; } /* User-induced signals don't set si.si_addr */ if (SI_FROMUSER(&si)) { sig_addr = NULL; } /* If dry run mode, copy file with same name into workspace */ if (hfuzz->origFlipRate == 0.0L && hfuzz->useVerifier) { snprintf(fuzzer->crashFileName, sizeof(fuzzer->crashFileName), "%s/%s", hfuzz->workDir, fuzzer->origFileName); } else if (saveUnique) { snprintf(fuzzer->crashFileName, sizeof(fuzzer->crashFileName), "%s/%s.PC.%" REG_PM ".STACK.%" PRIx64 ".CODE.%d.ADDR.%p.INSTR.%s.%s", hfuzz->workDir, arch_sigs[si.si_signo].descr, pc, fuzzer->backtrace, si.si_code, sig_addr, instr, hfuzz->fileExtn); } else { char localtmstr[PATH_MAX]; util_getLocalTime("%F.%H:%M:%S", localtmstr, sizeof(localtmstr), time(NULL)); snprintf(fuzzer->crashFileName, sizeof(fuzzer->crashFileName), "%s/%s.PC.%" REG_PM ".STACK.%" PRIx64 ".CODE.%d.ADDR.%p.INSTR.%s.%s.%d.%s", hfuzz->workDir, arch_sigs[si.si_signo].descr, pc, fuzzer->backtrace, si.si_code, sig_addr, instr, localtmstr, pid, hfuzz->fileExtn); } if (files_exists(fuzzer->crashFileName)) { LOG_I("It seems that '%s' already exists, skipping", fuzzer->crashFileName); // Clear filename so that verifier can understand we hit a duplicate memset(fuzzer->crashFileName, 0, sizeof(fuzzer->crashFileName)); return; } if (files_writeBufToFile (fuzzer->crashFileName, fuzzer->dynamicFile, fuzzer->dynamicFileSz, O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_WRONLY | O_CLOEXEC) == false) { LOG_E("Couldn't copy '%s' to '%s'", fuzzer->fileName, fuzzer->crashFileName); return; } LOG_I("Ok, that's interesting, saved '%s' as '%s'", fuzzer->fileName, fuzzer->crashFileName); ATOMIC_POST_INC(hfuzz->uniqueCrashesCnt); /* If unique crash found, reset dynFile counter */ ATOMIC_CLEAR(hfuzz->dynFileIterExpire); arch_ptraceGenerateReport(pid, fuzzer, funcs, funcCnt, &si, instr); }
/* * Special book keeping for cases where crashes are detected based on exitcode and not * a raised signal. Such case is the ASan fuzzing for Android. Crash file name maintains * the same format for compatibility with post campaign tools. */ static void arch_ptraceExitSaveData(honggfuzz_t * hfuzz, pid_t pid, fuzzer_t * fuzzer, int exitCode) { REG_TYPE pc = 0; void *crashAddr = 0; char *op = "UNKNOWN"; pid_t targetPid = (hfuzz->linux.pid > 0) ? hfuzz->linux.pid : fuzzer->pid; /* Save only the first hit for each worker */ if (fuzzer->crashFileName[0] != '\0') { return; } /* Increase global crashes counter */ ATOMIC_POST_INC(hfuzz->crashesCnt); ATOMIC_POST_AND(hfuzz->dynFileIterExpire, _HF_DYNFILE_SUB_MASK); /* * If fuzzing with sanitizer coverage feedback increase crashes counter used * as metric for dynFile evolution */ if (hfuzz->useSanCov) { fuzzer->sanCovCnts.crashesCnt++; } /* Get sanitizer string tag based on exitcode */ const char *sanStr = arch_sanCodeToStr(exitCode); /* If sanitizer produces reports with stack traces (e.g. ASan), they're parsed manually */ int funcCnt = 0; /* *INDENT-OFF* */ funcs_t funcs[_HF_MAX_FUNCS] = { [0 ... (_HF_MAX_FUNCS - 1)].pc = NULL, [0 ... (_HF_MAX_FUNCS - 1)].line = 0, [0 ... (_HF_MAX_FUNCS - 1)].func = {'\0'} , }; /* *INDENT-ON* */ /* If ASan crash, parse report */ if (exitCode == HF_ASAN_EXIT_CODE) { /* ASan is saving reports against parent PID */ if (targetPid != pid) { return; } funcCnt = arch_parseAsanReport(hfuzz, pid, funcs, &crashAddr, &op); /* * -1 error indicates a file not found for report. This is expected to happen often since * ASan report is generated once for crashing TID. Ptrace arch is not guaranteed to parse * that TID first. Not setting the 'crashFileName' variable will ensure that this branch * is executed again for all TIDs until the matching report is found */ if (funcCnt == -1) { return; } /* Since crash address is available, apply ignoreAddr filters */ if (crashAddr < hfuzz->linux.ignoreAddr) { LOG_I("'%s' is interesting, but the crash addr is %p (below %p), skipping", fuzzer->fileName, crashAddr, hfuzz->linux.ignoreAddr); return; } /* If frames successfully recovered, calculate stack hash & populate crash PC */ arch_hashCallstack(hfuzz, fuzzer, funcs, funcCnt, false); pc = (uintptr_t) funcs[0].pc; /* Since stack hash is available apply blacklist filters */ if (hfuzz->blacklist && (fastArray64Search(hfuzz->blacklist, hfuzz->blacklistCnt, fuzzer->backtrace) != -1)) { LOG_I("Blacklisted stack hash '%" PRIx64 "', skipping", fuzzer->backtrace); ATOMIC_POST_INC(hfuzz->blCrashesCnt); return; } } /* If dry run mode, copy file with same name into workspace */ if (hfuzz->origFlipRate == 0.0L && hfuzz->useVerifier) { snprintf(fuzzer->crashFileName, sizeof(fuzzer->crashFileName), "%s/%s", hfuzz->workDir, fuzzer->origFileName); } else { /* Keep the crashes file name format identical */ if (fuzzer->backtrace != 0ULL && hfuzz->saveUnique) { snprintf(fuzzer->crashFileName, sizeof(fuzzer->crashFileName), "%s/%s.PC.%" REG_PM ".STACK.%" PRIx64 ".CODE.%s.ADDR.%p.INSTR.%s.%s", hfuzz->workDir, sanStr, pc, fuzzer->backtrace, op, crashAddr, "[UNKNOWN]", hfuzz->fileExtn); } else { /* If no stack hash available, all crashes treated as unique */ char localtmstr[PATH_MAX]; util_getLocalTime("%F.%H:%M:%S", localtmstr, sizeof(localtmstr), time(NULL)); snprintf(fuzzer->crashFileName, sizeof(fuzzer->crashFileName), "%s/%s.PC.%" REG_PM ".STACK.%" PRIx64 ".CODE.%s.ADDR.%p.INSTR.%s.%s.%s", hfuzz->workDir, sanStr, pc, fuzzer->backtrace, op, crashAddr, "[UNKNOWN]", localtmstr, hfuzz->fileExtn); } } bool dstFileExists = false; if (files_copyFile(fuzzer->fileName, fuzzer->crashFileName, &dstFileExists)) { LOG_I("Ok, that's interesting, saved '%s' as '%s'", fuzzer->fileName, fuzzer->crashFileName); /* Increase unique crashes counters */ ATOMIC_POST_INC(hfuzz->uniqueCrashesCnt); ATOMIC_CLEAR(hfuzz->dynFileIterExpire); } else { if (dstFileExists) { LOG_I("It seems that '%s' already exists, skipping", fuzzer->crashFileName); /* Clear stack hash so that verifier can understand we hit a duplicate */ fuzzer->backtrace = 0ULL; } else { LOG_E("Couldn't copy '%s' to '%s'", fuzzer->fileName, fuzzer->crashFileName); /* In case of write error, clear crashFileName to so that other monitored TIDs can retry */ memset(fuzzer->crashFileName, 0, sizeof(fuzzer->crashFileName)); } /* Don't bother generating reports for duplicate or non-saved crashes */ return; } /* Generate report */ fuzzer->report[0] = '\0'; util_ssnprintf(fuzzer->report, sizeof(fuzzer->report), "ORIG_FNAME: %s\n", fuzzer->origFileName); util_ssnprintf(fuzzer->report, sizeof(fuzzer->report), "FUZZ_FNAME: %s\n", fuzzer->crashFileName); util_ssnprintf(fuzzer->report, sizeof(fuzzer->report), "PID: %d\n", pid); util_ssnprintf(fuzzer->report, sizeof(fuzzer->report), "EXIT CODE: %d (%s)\n", exitCode, sanStr); util_ssnprintf(fuzzer->report, sizeof(fuzzer->report), "OPERATION: %s\n", op); util_ssnprintf(fuzzer->report, sizeof(fuzzer->report), "FAULT ADDRESS: %p\n", crashAddr); if (funcCnt > 0) { util_ssnprintf(fuzzer->report, sizeof(fuzzer->report), "STACK HASH: %016llx\n", fuzzer->backtrace); util_ssnprintf(fuzzer->report, sizeof(fuzzer->report), "STACK:\n"); for (int i = 0; i < funcCnt; i++) { util_ssnprintf(fuzzer->report, sizeof(fuzzer->report), " <" REG_PD REG_PM "> ", (REG_TYPE) (long)funcs[i].pc, funcs[i].func, funcs[i].line); if (funcs[i].func[0] != '\0') { util_ssnprintf(fuzzer->report, sizeof(fuzzer->report), "[%s + 0x%x]\n", funcs[i].func, funcs[i].line); } else { util_ssnprintf(fuzzer->report, sizeof(fuzzer->report), "[]\n"); } } } }
static void arch_ptraceSaveData(honggfuzz_t * hfuzz, pid_t pid, fuzzer_t * fuzzer) { __sync_fetch_and_add(&hfuzz->crashesCnt, 1UL); REG_TYPE pc = 0; char instr[_HF_INSTR_SZ] = "\x00"; siginfo_t si; bzero(&si, sizeof(si)); if (ptrace(PT_GETSIGINFO, pid, 0, &si) == -1) { LOGMSG_P(l_WARN, "Couldn't get siginfo for pid %d", pid); } arch_getInstrStr(pid, &pc, instr); LOGMSG(l_DEBUG, "Pid: %d, signo: %d, errno: %d, code: %d, addr: %p, pc: %" REG_PM ", instr: '%s'", pid, si.si_signo, si.si_errno, si.si_code, si.si_addr, pc, instr); if (si.si_addr < hfuzz->ignoreAddr) { LOGMSG(l_INFO, "'%s' is interesting (%s), but the si.si_addr is %p (below %p), skipping", fuzzer->fileName, arch_sigs[si.si_signo].descr, si.si_addr, hfuzz->ignoreAddr); return; } char newname[PATH_MAX]; if (hfuzz->saveUnique) { snprintf(newname, sizeof(newname), "%s.PC.%" REG_PM ".CODE.%d.ADDR.%p.INSTR.%s.%s", arch_sigs[si.si_signo].descr, pc, si.si_code, si.si_addr, instr, hfuzz->fileExtn); } else { char localtmstr[PATH_MAX]; util_getLocalTime("%F.%H:%M:%S", localtmstr, sizeof(localtmstr), time(NULL)); snprintf(newname, sizeof(newname), "%s.PC.%" REG_PM ".CODE.%d.ADDR.%p.INSTR.%s.%s.%d.%s", arch_sigs[si.si_signo].descr, pc, si.si_code, si.si_addr, instr, localtmstr, pid, hfuzz->fileExtn); } if (link(fuzzer->fileName, newname) == 0) { LOGMSG(l_INFO, "Ok, that's interesting, saved '%s' as '%s'", fuzzer->fileName, newname); } else { if (errno == EEXIST) { LOGMSG(l_INFO, "It seems that '%s' already exists, skipping", newname); // Don't bother unwinding & generating reports for duplicate crashes return; } else { LOGMSG_P(l_ERROR, "Couldn't link '%s' to '%s'", fuzzer->fileName, newname); } } funcs_t funcs[_HF_MAX_FUNCS] = { [0 ... (_HF_MAX_FUNCS - 1)].pc = NULL, [0 ... (_HF_MAX_FUNCS - 1)].line = 0, [0 ... (_HF_MAX_FUNCS - 1)].func = {'\0'} , }; #if !defined(__ANDROID__) size_t funcCnt = arch_unwindStack(pid, funcs); arch_bfdResolveSyms(pid, funcs, funcCnt); #else size_t funcCnt = arch_unwindStack(pid, funcs); #endif arch_ptraceGenerateReport(pid, fuzzer, funcs, funcCnt, &si, instr); }
static void display_displayLocked(honggfuzz_t * hfuzz) { unsigned long elapsed_second = (unsigned long)(time(NULL) - hfuzz->timeStart); unsigned int day, hour, min, second; char time_elapsed_str[64]; if (elapsed_second < 24 * 3600) { hour = elapsed_second / 3600; min = (elapsed_second - 3600 * hour) / 60; second = elapsed_second - hour * 3600 - min * 60; snprintf(time_elapsed_str, sizeof(time_elapsed_str), "%u hrs %u min %u sec", hour, min, second); } else { day = elapsed_second / 24 / 3600; elapsed_second = elapsed_second - day * 24 * 3600; hour = elapsed_second / 3600; min = (elapsed_second - 3600 * hour) / 60; second = elapsed_second - hour * 3600 - min * 60; snprintf(time_elapsed_str, sizeof(time_elapsed_str), "%u days %u hrs %u min %u sec", day, hour, min, second); } size_t curr_exec_cnt = ATOMIC_GET(hfuzz->mutationsCnt); /* * We increase the mutation counter unconditionally in threads, but if it's * above hfuzz->mutationsMax we don't really execute the fuzzing loop. * Therefore at the end of fuzzing, the mutation counter might be higher * than hfuzz->mutationsMax */ if (hfuzz->mutationsMax > 0 && curr_exec_cnt > hfuzz->mutationsMax) { curr_exec_cnt = hfuzz->mutationsMax; } float exeProgress = 0.0f; if (hfuzz->mutationsMax > 0) { exeProgress = ((float)curr_exec_cnt * 100 / hfuzz->mutationsMax); } static size_t prev_exec_cnt = 0UL; uintptr_t exec_per_sec = curr_exec_cnt - prev_exec_cnt; prev_exec_cnt = curr_exec_cnt; /* The lock should be acquired before any output is printed on the screen */ MX_SCOPED_LOCK(logMutexGet()); display_put("%s", ESC_CLEAR); display_put("----------------------------[ %s v%s ]---------------------------\n", PROG_NAME, PROG_VERSION); display_put(" Iterations : " ESC_BOLD "%" _HF_MONETARY_MOD "zu" ESC_RESET, curr_exec_cnt); display_printKMG(curr_exec_cnt); if (hfuzz->mutationsMax) { display_put(" (out of: " ESC_BOLD "%zu" ESC_RESET " [" ESC_BOLD "%.2f" ESC_RESET "%%])", hfuzz->mutationsMax, exeProgress); } switch (ATOMIC_GET(hfuzz->state)) { case _HF_STATE_STATIC: display_put("\n Phase : " ESC_BOLD "Static Main" ESC_RESET); break; case _HF_STATE_DYNAMIC_PRE: display_put("\n Phase : " ESC_BOLD "Dynamic Pre" ESC_RESET); break; case _HF_STATE_DYNAMIC_MAIN: display_put("\n Phase : " ESC_BOLD "Dynamic Main" ESC_RESET); break; default: display_put("\n Phase : " ESC_BOLD "Unknown" ESC_RESET); break; } char start_time_str[128]; util_getLocalTime("%F %T", start_time_str, sizeof(start_time_str), hfuzz->timeStart); display_put("\n Run Time : " ESC_BOLD "%s" ESC_RESET " (since: " ESC_BOLD "%s" ESC_RESET ")\n", time_elapsed_str, start_time_str); display_put(" Input Dir : '" ESC_BOLD "%s" ESC_RESET "'\n", hfuzz->inputDir != NULL ? hfuzz->inputDir : "[NONE]"); display_put(" Fuzzed Cmd : '" ESC_BOLD "%s" ESC_RESET "'\n", hfuzz->cmdline_txt); if (hfuzz->linux.pid > 0) { display_put("Remote cmd [" ESC_BOLD "%d" ESC_RESET "]: '" ESC_BOLD "%s" ESC_RESET "'\n", hfuzz->linux.pid, hfuzz->linux.pidCmd); } static long num_cpu = 0; if (num_cpu == 0) { num_cpu = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN); } double cpuUse = getCpuUse(num_cpu); display_put(" Threads : " ESC_BOLD "%zu" ESC_RESET ", CPUs: " ESC_BOLD "%ld" ESC_RESET ", CPU: " ESC_BOLD "%.1lf" ESC_RESET "%% (" ESC_BOLD "%.1lf" ESC_RESET "%%/CPU)\n", hfuzz->threadsMax, num_cpu, cpuUse, cpuUse / num_cpu); display_put(" Speed : " ESC_BOLD "% " _HF_MONETARY_MOD "zu" ESC_RESET "/sec" " (avg: " ESC_BOLD "%" _HF_MONETARY_MOD "zu" ESC_RESET ")\n", exec_per_sec, elapsed_second ? (curr_exec_cnt / elapsed_second) : 0); /* If dry run, print also the input file count */ if (hfuzz->origFlipRate == 0.0L && hfuzz->useVerifier) { display_put(" Input Files : '" ESC_BOLD "%" _HF_MONETARY_MOD "zu" ESC_RESET "'\n", hfuzz->fileCnt); } uint64_t crashesCnt = ATOMIC_GET(hfuzz->crashesCnt); /* colored the crash count as red when exist crash */ display_put(" Crashes : " ESC_BOLD "%s" "%zu" ESC_RESET " (unique: %s" ESC_BOLD "%zu" ESC_RESET ", blacklist: " ESC_BOLD "%zu" ESC_RESET ", verified: " ESC_BOLD "%zu" ESC_RESET ")\n", crashesCnt > 0 ? ESC_RED : "", hfuzz->crashesCnt, crashesCnt > 0 ? ESC_RED : "", ATOMIC_GET(hfuzz->uniqueCrashesCnt), ATOMIC_GET(hfuzz->blCrashesCnt), ATOMIC_GET(hfuzz->verifiedCrashesCnt)); display_put(" Timeouts : " ESC_BOLD "%" _HF_MONETARY_MOD "zu" ESC_RESET " [%" _HF_MONETARY_MOD "zu sec.]\n", ATOMIC_GET(hfuzz->timeoutedCnt), hfuzz->tmOut); /* Feedback data sources are enabled. Start with common headers. */ if (hfuzz->dynFileMethod != _HF_DYNFILE_NONE || hfuzz->useSanCov) { display_put(" Corpus Size : " ESC_BOLD "%" _HF_MONETARY_MOD "zu" ESC_RESET ", max size (bytes): " ESC_BOLD "%" _HF_MONETARY_MOD "zu" ESC_RESET "\n", hfuzz->dynfileqCnt, hfuzz->maxFileSz); display_put(" Coverage :\n"); } /* HW perf specific counters */ if (hfuzz->dynFileMethod & _HF_DYNFILE_INSTR_COUNT) { display_put(" *** instructions: " ESC_BOLD "%" _HF_MONETARY_MOD PRIu64 ESC_RESET "\n", ATOMIC_GET(hfuzz->linux.hwCnts.cpuInstrCnt)); } if (hfuzz->dynFileMethod & _HF_DYNFILE_BRANCH_COUNT) { display_put(" *** branches: " ESC_BOLD "%" _HF_MONETARY_MOD PRIu64 ESC_RESET "\n", ATOMIC_GET(hfuzz->linux.hwCnts.cpuBranchCnt)); } if (hfuzz->dynFileMethod & _HF_DYNFILE_BTS_BLOCK) { display_put(" *** BTS blocks: " ESC_BOLD "%" _HF_MONETARY_MOD PRIu64 ESC_RESET "\n", ATOMIC_GET(hfuzz->linux.hwCnts.bbCnt)); } if (hfuzz->dynFileMethod & _HF_DYNFILE_BTS_EDGE) { display_put(" *** BTS edges: " ESC_BOLD "%" _HF_MONETARY_MOD PRIu64 ESC_RESET "\n", ATOMIC_GET(hfuzz->linux.hwCnts.bbCnt)); } if (hfuzz->dynFileMethod & _HF_DYNFILE_IPT_BLOCK) { display_put(" *** PT blocks: " ESC_BOLD "%" _HF_MONETARY_MOD PRIu64 ESC_RESET "\n", ATOMIC_GET(hfuzz->linux.hwCnts.bbCnt)); } if (hfuzz->dynFileMethod & _HF_DYNFILE_CUSTOM) { display_put(" *** custom counter: " ESC_BOLD "%" _HF_MONETARY_MOD PRIu64 ESC_RESET "\n", ATOMIC_GET(hfuzz->linux.hwCnts.customCnt)); } if (hfuzz->dynFileMethod & _HF_DYNFILE_SOFT) { uint64_t softCntPc = ATOMIC_GET(hfuzz->linux.hwCnts.softCntPc); uint64_t softCntCmp = ATOMIC_GET(hfuzz->linux.hwCnts.softCntCmp); display_put(" *** blocks seen: " ESC_BOLD "%" _HF_MONETARY_MOD PRIu64 ESC_RESET ", comparison map: " ESC_BOLD "%" _HF_MONETARY_MOD PRIu64 ESC_RESET "\n", softCntPc, softCntCmp); } /* Sanitizer coverage specific counters */ if (hfuzz->useSanCov) { uint64_t hitBB = ATOMIC_GET(hfuzz->sanCovCnts.hitBBCnt); uint64_t totalBB = ATOMIC_GET(hfuzz->sanCovCnts.totalBBCnt); float covPer = totalBB ? (((float)hitBB * 100) / totalBB) : 0.0; display_put(" *** total hit #bb: " ESC_BOLD "%" _HF_MONETARY_MOD PRIu64 ESC_RESET " (coverage " ESC_BOLD "%.2f" ESC_RESET "%%)\n", hitBB, covPer); display_put(" *** total #dso: " ESC_BOLD "%" _HF_MONETARY_MOD PRIu64 ESC_RESET " (instrumented only)\n", ATOMIC_GET(hfuzz->sanCovCnts.iDsoCnt)); display_put(" *** discovered #bb: " ESC_BOLD "%" _HF_MONETARY_MOD PRIu64 ESC_RESET " (new from input seed)\n", ATOMIC_GET(hfuzz->sanCovCnts.newBBCnt)); display_put(" *** crashes: " ESC_BOLD "%" _HF_MONETARY_MOD PRIu64 ESC_RESET "\n", ATOMIC_GET(hfuzz->sanCovCnts.crashesCnt)); } display_put("-----------------------------------[ LOGS ]-----------------------------------\n"); }
static void arch_savePtraceData(honggfuzz_t * hfuzz, pid_t pid, int status) { void *pc = NULL; char instr[MAX_OP_STRING] = "[UNKNOWN]"; siginfo_t si; if (ptrace(PT_GETSIGINFO, pid, 0, &si) == -1) { LOGMSG_P(l_WARN, "Couldn't get siginfo for pid %d", pid); return; } struct user_regs_struct regs; if (ptrace(PT_GETREGS, pid, NULL, ®s) == -1) { LOGMSG(l_ERROR, "Couldn't get CPU registers"); } #ifdef __i386__ pc = (void *)regs.eip; arch_getX86InstrStr(pid, instr, pc); #endif /* __i386__ */ #ifdef __x86_64__ pc = (void *)regs.rip; arch_getX86InstrStr(pid, instr, pc); #endif /* __x86_64__ */ LOGMSG(l_DEBUG, "Pid: %d, signo: %d, errno: %d, code: %d, addr: %p, pc: %p, instr: '%s'", pid, si.si_signo, si.si_errno, si.si_code, si.si_addr, pc, instr); int idx = HF_SLOT(hfuzz, pid); // If we're checkign state of an external process, then the idx is 0 (cause // there's no concurrency) if (hfuzz->pid) { idx = 0; } if (si.si_addr < hfuzz->ignoreAddr) { LOGMSG(l_INFO, "'%s' is interesting (%s), but the si.si_addr is %p (below %p), skipping", hfuzz->fuzzers[idx].fileName, arch_sigs[si.si_signo].descr, si.si_addr, hfuzz->ignoreAddr); return; } char newname[PATH_MAX]; if (hfuzz->saveUnique) { snprintf(newname, sizeof(newname), "%s.PC.%p.CODE.%d.ADDR.%p.INSTR.%s.%s.%s", arch_sigs[si.si_signo].descr, pc, si.si_code, si.si_addr, instr, hfuzz->fuzzers[idx].origFileName, hfuzz->fileExtn); } else { char localtmstr[PATH_MAX]; util_getLocalTime("%F.%H.%M.%S", localtmstr, sizeof(localtmstr)); snprintf(newname, sizeof(newname), "%s.PC.%p.CODE.%d.ADDR.%p.INSTR.%s.%s.%d.%s.%s", arch_sigs[si.si_signo].descr, pc, si.si_code, si.si_addr, instr, localtmstr, pid, hfuzz->fuzzers[idx].origFileName, hfuzz->fileExtn); } if (link(hfuzz->fuzzers[idx].fileName, newname) == 0) { LOGMSG(l_INFO, "Ok, that's interesting, saved '%s' as '%s'", hfuzz->fuzzers[idx].fileName, newname); } else { if (errno == EEXIST) { LOGMSG(l_INFO, "It seems that '%s' already exists, skipping", newname); } else { LOGMSG_P(l_ERROR, "Couldn't link '%s' to '%s'", hfuzz->fuzzers[idx].fileName, newname); } } }