Example #1
File: lane.c Project: Neuvenen/nvml
 * lane_init -- (internal) initializes a single lane runtime variables
static int
lane_init(PMEMobjpool *pop, struct lane *lane, struct lane_layout *layout,
		pthread_mutex_t *mtx, pthread_mutexattr_t *attr)
	ASSERTne(lane, NULL);
	ASSERTne(mtx, NULL);
	ASSERTne(attr, NULL);

	int err;

	util_mutex_init(mtx, attr);

	lane->lock = mtx;

	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < MAX_LANE_SECTION; ++i) {
		lane->sections[i].runtime = NULL;
		lane->sections[i].layout = &layout->sections[i];
		err = Section_ops[i]->construct(pop, &lane->sections[i]);
		if (err != 0) {
			ERR("!lane_construct_ops %d", i);
			goto error_section_construct;

	return 0;

	for (i = i - 1; i >= 0; --i)
		Section_ops[i]->destruct(pop, &lane->sections[i]);

	return err;
Example #2
File: blk.c Project: xguo/nvml
 * pmemblk_runtime_init -- (internal) initialize block memory pool runtime data
static int
pmemblk_runtime_init(PMEMblkpool *pbp, size_t bsize, int rdonly, int is_pmem)
	LOG(3, "pbp %p bsize %zu rdonly %d is_pmem %d",
			pbp, bsize, rdonly, is_pmem);

	/* remove volatile part of header */
			sizeof (struct pmemblk) -
			sizeof (struct pool_hdr) -
			sizeof (pbp->bsize) -
			sizeof (pbp->is_zeroed));

	 * Use some of the memory pool area for run-time info.  This
	 * run-time state is never loaded from the file, it is always
	 * created here, so no need to worry about byte-order.
	pbp->rdonly = rdonly;
	pbp->is_pmem = is_pmem;
	pbp->data = (char *)pbp->addr +
			roundup(sizeof (*pbp), BLK_FORMAT_DATA_ALIGN);
	ASSERT(((char *)pbp->addr + pbp->size) >= (char *)pbp->data);
	pbp->datasize = (size_t)
			(((char *)pbp->addr + pbp->size) - (char *)pbp->data);

	LOG(4, "data area %p data size %zu bsize %zu",
		pbp->data, pbp->datasize, bsize);

	long ncpus = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN);
	if (ncpus < 1)
		ncpus = 1;

	ns_cb.ns_is_zeroed = pbp->is_zeroed;

	/* things free by "goto err" if not NULL */
	struct btt *bttp = NULL;
	pthread_mutex_t *locks = NULL;

	bttp = btt_init(pbp->datasize, (uint32_t)bsize, pbp->hdr.poolset_uuid,
			(unsigned)ncpus * 2, pbp, &ns_cb);

	if (bttp == NULL)
		goto err;	/* btt_init set errno, called LOG */

	pbp->bttp = bttp;

	pbp->nlane = btt_nlane(pbp->bttp);
	pbp->next_lane = 0;
	if ((locks = Malloc(pbp->nlane * sizeof (*locks))) == NULL) {
		ERR("!Malloc for lane locks");
		goto err;

	for (unsigned i = 0; i < pbp->nlane; i++)
		util_mutex_init(&locks[i], NULL);

	pbp->locks = locks;

#ifdef DEBUG
	/* initialize debug lock */
	util_mutex_init(&pbp->write_lock, NULL);

	 * If possible, turn off all permissions on the pool header page.
	 * The prototype PMFS doesn't allow this when large pages are in
	 * use. It is not considered an error if this fails.
	util_range_none(pbp->addr, sizeof (struct pool_hdr));

	/* the data area should be kept read-only for debug version */
	RANGE_RO(pbp->data, pbp->datasize);

	return 0;

	LOG(4, "error clean up");
	int oerrno = errno;
	if (locks)
		Free((void *)locks);
	if (bttp)
	errno = oerrno;
	return -1;
Example #3
 * heap_boot -- opens the heap region of the pmemobj pool
 * If successful function returns zero. Otherwise an error number is returned.
heap_boot(struct palloc_heap *heap, void *heap_start, uint64_t heap_size,
		uint64_t run_id, void *base, struct pmem_ops *p_ops)
	struct heap_rt *h = Malloc(sizeof(*h));
	int err;
	if (h == NULL) {
		err = ENOMEM;
		goto error_heap_malloc;

	h->alloc_classes = alloc_class_collection_new();
	if (h->alloc_classes == NULL) {
		err = ENOMEM;
		goto error_alloc_classes_new;

	h->ncaches = heap_get_ncaches();
	h->caches = Malloc(sizeof(struct bucket_cache) * h->ncaches);
	if (h->caches == NULL) {
		err = ENOMEM;
		goto error_heap_cache_malloc;

	h->max_zone = heap_max_zone(heap_size);
	h->zones_exhausted = 0;

	for (int i = 0; i < MAX_RUN_LOCKS; ++i)
		util_mutex_init(&h->run_locks[i], NULL);

	heap->run_id = run_id;
	heap->p_ops = *p_ops;
	heap->layout = heap_start;
	heap->rt = h;
	heap->size = heap_size;
	heap->base = base;
	VALGRIND_DO_CREATE_MEMPOOL(heap->layout, 0, 0);

	for (unsigned i = 0; i < h->ncaches; ++i)

	size_t rec_i;
	for (rec_i = 0; rec_i < MAX_ALLOCATION_CLASSES; ++rec_i) {
		if ((h->recyclers[rec_i] = recycler_new(heap)) == NULL) {
			err = ENOMEM;
			goto error_recycler_new;

	return 0;

	for (size_t i = 0; i < rec_i; ++i)
	heap->rt = NULL;
	return err;