Example #1
void enkf_tui_util_scanf_ijk__(const field_config_type * config, int prompt_len , int *i , int *j , int *k) {
  int nx,ny,nz;

  field_config_get_dims(config , &nx , &ny , &nz);
  if (i != NULL) (*i) = util_scanf_int_with_limits("Give i-index" , prompt_len , 1 , nx) - 1;
  if (j != NULL) (*j) = util_scanf_int_with_limits("Give j-index" , prompt_len , 1 , ny) - 1;
  if (k != NULL) (*k) = util_scanf_int_with_limits("Give k-index" , prompt_len , 1 , nz) - 1;
Example #2
bool * enkf_tui_util_scanf_alloc_report_active(int last_step, int prompt_len) {
  bool * iactive = util_calloc((last_step + 1) , sizeof * iactive );
  int step1 = util_scanf_int_with_limits("First report step" , prompt_len , 0 , last_step);
  int step2 = util_scanf_int_with_limits("Last report step" , prompt_len , step1 , last_step);
  int step;

  for (step = 0; step <= last_step; step++) 
    iactive[step] = false;

  for (step = step1; step <= step2; step++) 
    iactive[step] = true;

  return iactive;
Example #3
void enkf_tui_fs_initialize_case_from_copy(void * arg) 
  int prompt_len =50;
  char * source_case;
  int ens_size;
  int last_report;
  int src_step;
  state_enum src_state;
  enkf_main_type   * enkf_main = enkf_main_safe_cast( arg );

  ens_size = enkf_main_get_ensemble_size( enkf_main );

  last_report  = enkf_main_get_history_length( enkf_main );

  source_case = enkf_tui_fs_alloc_existing_case( enkf_main , "Initialize from case" , prompt_len);
  if (source_case != NULL) {                                              
    src_step                 = util_scanf_int_with_limits("Source report step",prompt_len , 0 , last_report);
    src_state                = enkf_tui_util_scanf_state("Source analyzed/forecast [A|F]" , prompt_len , false);
    enkf_fs_type * source_fs = enkf_main_mount_alt_fs( enkf_main , source_case , false );
    enkf_main_init_current_case_from_existing(enkf_main, source_fs , src_step , src_state);
  util_safe_free( source_case );
Example #4
void enkf_tui_fs_initialize_case_from_copy(void * arg) 
  int prompt_len =50;
  char * source_case;
  int ens_size;
  int last_report;
  int src_step;
  state_enum src_state;
  enkf_main_type   * enkf_main = enkf_main_safe_cast( arg );

  ens_size = enkf_main_get_ensemble_size( enkf_main );

  last_report  = enkf_main_get_history_length( enkf_main );

  source_case = enkf_tui_fs_alloc_existing_case( enkf_main , "Initialize from case" , prompt_len);
  if (source_case != NULL) {                                              
    char * ranking_key  = NULL;
    bool_vector_type * iens_mask = bool_vector_alloc( 0 , true ); 
    src_step         = util_scanf_int_with_limits("Source report step",prompt_len , 0 , last_report);
    src_state        = enkf_tui_util_scanf_state("Source analyzed/forecast [A|F]" , prompt_len , false);
    enkf_main_initialize_from_existing( enkf_main , source_case , src_step , src_state , iens_mask , ranking_key );
    bool_vector_free( iens_mask );
  util_safe_free( source_case );
Example #5
bool * enkf_tui_util_scanf_alloc_iens_active(int ens_size, int prompt_len , int * _iens1 , int * _iens2) {
  bool * iactive = util_calloc(ens_size , sizeof * iactive );
  int iens1 = util_scanf_int_with_limits("First ensemble member" , prompt_len , 0 , ens_size - 1);
  int iens2 = util_scanf_int_with_limits("Last ensemble member" , prompt_len , iens1 , ens_size - 1);
  int iens;

  for (iens = 0; iens < ens_size; iens++) 
    iactive[iens] = false;

  for (iens = iens1; iens <= iens2; iens++) 
    iactive[iens] = true;

  *_iens1 = iens1;
  *_iens2 = iens2;
  return iactive;
Example #6
void enkf_tui_export_fieldP(void * arg) {
  enkf_main_type * enkf_main                   = enkf_main_safe_cast( arg );
  const ensemble_config_type * ensemble_config = enkf_main_get_ensemble_config(enkf_main);
  const enkf_config_node_type * config_node    = enkf_tui_util_scanf_key(ensemble_config , PROMPT_LEN ,  FIELD  , INVALID_VAR );
  int iens1                                    = 0;
  int iens2                                    = enkf_main_get_ensemble_size( enkf_main );
  const int last_report                        = enkf_main_get_history_length( enkf_main );
  int report_step                              = util_scanf_int_with_limits("Report step: ", PROMPT_LEN , 0 , last_report);
  double lower_limit                           = util_scanf_double("Lower limit", PROMPT_LEN);
  double upper_limit                           = util_scanf_double("Upper limit", PROMPT_LEN);
  char * export_file;
  util_printf_prompt("Filename to store file: " , PROMPT_LEN , '=' , "=> ");
  export_file = util_alloc_stdin_line();
    enkf_fs_type   * fs        = enkf_main_tui_get_fs(enkf_main);
    enkf_node_type ** ensemble = enkf_node_load_alloc_ensemble( config_node , fs , report_step , iens1 , iens2 );
    enkf_node_type *  sum      = enkf_node_alloc( config_node );
    int active_ens_size        = 0;
    int iens;

    enkf_node_clear( sum );
      /* OK going low level */
      field_type * sum_field = (field_type *) enkf_node_value_ptr( sum );

      for (iens = iens1; iens < iens2; iens++) {
        if (ensemble[iens - iens1] != NULL) {
          field_type * field     = (field_type *) enkf_node_value_ptr( ensemble[iens - iens1] );
          field_update_sum( sum_field , field , lower_limit , upper_limit);
      if (active_ens_size > 0) {
        field_scale( sum_field , 1.0 / active_ens_size );
          char * path;
          util_alloc_file_components( export_file , &path , NULL , NULL);
          if (path != NULL) {
            util_make_path( path );
            free( path );
        field_export(sum_field , export_file , NULL , RMS_ROFF_FILE , false, NULL);
      } else fprintf(stderr,"Warning: no data found \n");

    for (iens = iens1; iens < iens2; iens++) {
      if (ensemble[iens - iens1] != NULL)
        enkf_node_free( ensemble[iens - iens1] );

    free( ensemble );
    enkf_node_free( sum );
  free( export_file );
Example #7
void enkf_tui_run_one_more_iteration(void * arg){
  enkf_main_type * enkf_main  = enkf_main_safe_cast( arg );
  const ecl_config_type * ecl_config = enkf_main_get_ecl_config( enkf_main );
  const int last_report = enkf_main_get_history_length( enkf_main );
  int step2;
  if (ecl_config_has_schedule( ecl_config ))
    step2 = util_scanf_int_with_limits("Last report",PROMPT_LEN , 0 , last_report);  
    step2 = last_report;
  enkf_main_run_one_more_iteration(enkf_main, step2);
Example #8
void enkf_tui_export_gen_data(void * arg) {
  enkf_main_type * enkf_main = enkf_main_safe_cast( arg );
  const ensemble_config_type * ensemble_config = enkf_main_get_ensemble_config(enkf_main);
    int report_step;
    int iens1 , iens2;
    const int last_report = enkf_main_get_history_length( enkf_main );

    const enkf_config_node_type * config_node;
    path_fmt_type * file_fmt;

    config_node    = enkf_tui_util_scanf_key(ensemble_config , PROMPT_LEN ,  GEN_DATA , INVALID_VAR);

    report_step = util_scanf_int_with_limits("Report step: ", PROMPT_LEN , 0 , last_report);
    enkf_tui_util_scanf_iens_range("Realizations members to export(0 - %d)" , enkf_main_get_ensemble_size( enkf_main ) , PROMPT_LEN , &iens1 , &iens2);
      char path_fmt[512];
      util_printf_prompt("Filename to store files in (with %d) in: " , PROMPT_LEN , '=' , "=> ");
      scanf("%s" , path_fmt);
      file_fmt = path_fmt_alloc_path_fmt( path_fmt );

      enkf_fs_type   * fs   = enkf_main_tui_get_fs(enkf_main);
      enkf_node_type * node = enkf_node_alloc(config_node);
      gen_data_file_format_type export_type = gen_data_guess_export_type( (const gen_data_type *) enkf_node_value_ptr(node) );
      int iens;

      for (iens = iens1; iens <= iens2; iens++) {
        node_id_type node_id = {.report_step = report_step , .iens = iens};
        if (enkf_node_try_load(node , fs, node_id)) {
          char * full_path = path_fmt_alloc_path( file_fmt , false , iens);
          char * path;
          util_alloc_file_components(full_path , &path , NULL , NULL);
          if (path != NULL) util_make_path( path );

            const gen_data_type * gen_data = (const gen_data_type *) enkf_node_value_ptr(node);
            gen_data_export(gen_data , full_path , export_type);

Example #9
void enkf_tui_export_field(const enkf_main_type * enkf_main , field_file_format_type file_type) {
  const ensemble_config_type * ensemble_config = enkf_main_get_ensemble_config(enkf_main);
  const bool output_transform = true;
  const enkf_config_node_type * config_node;
  const int last_report = enkf_main_get_history_length( enkf_main );
  int        iens1 , iens2 , iens , report_step;
  path_fmt_type * export_path;

  config_node    = enkf_tui_util_scanf_key(ensemble_config , PROMPT_LEN ,  FIELD  , INVALID_VAR );

  report_step = util_scanf_int_with_limits("Report step: ", PROMPT_LEN , 0 , last_report);
  enkf_tui_util_scanf_iens_range("Realizations members to export(0 - %d)" , enkf_main_get_ensemble_size( enkf_main ) , PROMPT_LEN , &iens1 , &iens2);

    char * path_fmt;
    util_printf_prompt("Filename to store files in (with %d) in: " , PROMPT_LEN , '=' , "=> ");
    path_fmt = util_alloc_stdin_line();
    export_path = path_fmt_alloc_path_fmt( path_fmt );
    free( path_fmt );

    enkf_fs_type   * fs   = enkf_main_tui_get_fs(enkf_main);
    enkf_node_type * node = enkf_node_alloc(config_node);

    for (iens = iens1; iens <= iens2; iens++) {
      node_id_type node_id = {.report_step = report_step , .iens = iens };
      if (enkf_node_try_load(node , fs , node_id)) {
        char * filename = path_fmt_alloc_path( export_path , false , iens);
          char * path;
          util_alloc_file_components(filename , &path , NULL , NULL);
          if (path != NULL) {
            util_make_path( path );
            free( path );

          const field_type * field = (const field_type *) enkf_node_value_ptr(node);
          field_export(field , filename , NULL , file_type , output_transform, NULL);
      } else
        printf("Warning: could not load realization:%d \n", iens);