Example #1
void ensemble_config_init_SUMMARY( ensemble_config_type * ensemble_config , const config_type * config , const ecl_sum_type * refcase) {
  const config_content_item_type * item = config_get_content_item( config , SUMMARY_KEY );

  if (item != NULL) {
    int i;
    for (i=0; i < config_content_item_get_size( item ); i++) {
      const config_content_node_type * node = config_content_item_iget_node( item , i );
      int j;
      for (j= 0; j < config_content_node_get_size( node ); j++) {
        const char * key = config_content_node_iget( node , j );
        if (util_string_has_wildcard( key )) {
          if (ensemble_config->refcase != NULL) {
            int k;
            stringlist_type * keys = stringlist_alloc_new ( );

            ecl_sum_select_matching_general_var_list( ensemble_config->refcase , key , keys );   /* expanding the wildcard notatition with help of the refcase. */
            for (k=0; k < stringlist_get_size( keys ); k++) 
              ensemble_config_add_summary(ensemble_config , stringlist_iget(keys , k) , LOAD_FAIL_SILENT );

            stringlist_free( keys );
          } else
            util_exit("error: when using summary wildcards like: \"%s\" you must supply a valid refcase.\n",key);
        } else 
          ensemble_config_add_summary(ensemble_config , key , LOAD_FAIL_SILENT);
Example #2
void ensemble_config_init_SUMMARY( ensemble_config_type * ensemble_config , const config_content_type * config , const ecl_sum_type * refcase) {
  if (config_content_has_item(config , SUMMARY_KEY)) {
    const config_content_item_type * item = config_content_get_item( config , SUMMARY_KEY );
    int i;
    for (i=0; i < config_content_item_get_size( item ); i++) {
      const config_content_node_type * node = config_content_item_iget_node( item , i );
      int j;
      for (j= 0; j < config_content_node_get_size( node ); j++) {
        const char * key = config_content_node_iget( node , j );
        summary_key_matcher_add_summary_key(ensemble_config->summary_key_matcher, key);

        if (util_string_has_wildcard( key )) {
            //todo: DEPRECATED. In the Future the matcher should take care of this.
          if (ensemble_config->refcase != NULL) {
            int k;
            stringlist_type * keys = stringlist_alloc_new ( );

            ecl_sum_select_matching_general_var_list( ensemble_config->refcase , key , keys );   /* expanding the wildcard notation with help of the refcase. */
            for (k=0; k < stringlist_get_size( keys ); k++)
              ensemble_config_add_summary(ensemble_config , stringlist_iget(keys , k) , LOAD_FAIL_SILENT );

            stringlist_free( keys );
        } else
          ensemble_config_add_summary(ensemble_config , key , LOAD_FAIL_SILENT);
Example #3
bool summary_key_matcher_summary_key_is_required(const summary_key_matcher_type * matcher, const char * summary_key) {
    bool is_required = false;

    if(!util_string_has_wildcard(summary_key) && hash_has_key(matcher->key_set, summary_key)) {
        is_required = (bool) hash_get_int(matcher->key_set, summary_key);

    return is_required;
Example #4
static void build_key_list( const ecl_sum_type * ecl_sum , stringlist_type * key_list , int argc , const char ** argv) {
  int iarg;
  for (iarg = 0; iarg < argc; iarg++) {
       If the string does not contain wildcards we add it
       unconditionally; and then subsequently let the
       ecl_sum_fprintf() function print a message on stderr about
       missing keys.

    if (util_string_has_wildcard( argv[iarg] ))
      ecl_sum_select_matching_general_var_list( ecl_sum , argv[iarg] , key_list);
      stringlist_append_copy( key_list , argv[iarg] );
Example #5
void summary_key_matcher_add_summary_key(summary_key_matcher_type * matcher, const char * summary_key) {
    if(!hash_has_key(matcher->key_set, summary_key)) {
        hash_insert_int(matcher->key_set, summary_key, !util_string_has_wildcard(summary_key));