Example #1
static bool util_addr2line_lookup__(const void * bt_addr , char ** func_name , char ** file_name , int * line_nr, bool subtract_base_adress) {
  *func_name = NULL;    // If dladdr() succeeds, but addr2line fails the func_name pointer will be set, but the function will return false anyway.
  *file_name = NULL;
  *line_nr   = 0;
    bool  address_found = false;
    Dl_info dl_info;
#if defined(__APPLE__)
    return false;
    if (dladdr(bt_addr , &dl_info)) {
      const char * executable = dl_info.dli_fname;
      *func_name = util_alloc_string_copy( dl_info.dli_sname );
      if (util_file_exists( executable )) {
        char *stdout_file = util_alloc_tmp_file("/tmp" , "addr2line" , true);
        /* 1: Run addr2line application */
          char ** argv = util_calloc(3 , sizeof * argv );
          argv[0] = util_alloc_string_copy("--functions");
          argv[1] = util_alloc_sprintf("--exe=%s" , executable );
            char * rel_address = (char *) bt_addr;
            if (subtract_base_adress)
              rel_address -= (size_t) dl_info.dli_fbase;
            argv[2] = util_alloc_sprintf("%p" , (void *) rel_address);
          util_spawn_blocking("addr2line", 3, (const char **) argv, stdout_file, NULL);
          util_free_stringlist(argv , 3);

        /* 2: Parse stdout output */
          bool at_eof;
          FILE * stream = util_fopen(stdout_file , "r");
          char * tmp_fname = util_fscanf_alloc_line(stream , &at_eof);

          if (strcmp(tmp_fname , UNDEFINED_FUNCTION) != 0) {
            char * stdout_file_name = util_fscanf_alloc_line(stream , &at_eof);
            char * line_string = NULL;
            util_binary_split_string( stdout_file_name , ":" , false , file_name , &line_string);
            if (line_string && util_sscanf_int( line_string , line_nr))
              address_found = true;

            free( stdout_file_name );
            util_safe_free( line_string );
          free( tmp_fname );
        free( stdout_file );
    return address_found;
Example #2
void test_copy( const char* argv0 ) {
   ERT::TestArea ta("test/copy");

   test_assert_throw( ta.copyFile( "does/not/exist" ) , std::invalid_argument );
   test_assert_throw( ta.copyDirectory( argv0 ) , std::invalid_argument );

   ta.copyFile( argv0 );
   test_assert_true( util_file_exists( LOCAL_ARGV0 ));

   util_unlink_existing( LOCAL_ARGV0 );
   test_assert_false( util_file_exists( LOCAL_ARGV0));

   ta.copyParentContent( argv0 );
   test_assert_true( util_file_exists( LOCAL_ARGV0));

       ERT::TestArea ta2("test2/copy");
       ta2.copyFile( LOCAL_ARGV0 );
       test_assert_true( util_file_exists( LOCAL_ARGV0));
Example #3
static void util_addr2line_lookup(const char * executable , const char * bt_symbol , char ** func_name , char ** file_line) {
  char *tmp_file = util_alloc_tmp_file("/tmp" , "addr2line" , true);
  char * adress;
    int start_pos = 0;
    int end_pos;   
    while ( bt_symbol[start_pos] != '[')
      end_pos = start_pos;
      while ( bt_symbol[end_pos] != ']') 
      adress = util_alloc_substring_copy( bt_symbol , start_pos + 1 , end_pos - start_pos - 1 );
    char ** argv;
    argv    = util_calloc(3 , sizeof * argv );
    argv[0] = util_alloc_string_copy("--functions");
    argv[1] = util_alloc_sprintf("--exe=%s" , executable);
    argv[2] = util_alloc_string_copy(adress);
    util_fork_exec("addr2line" , 3  , (const char **) argv , true , NULL , NULL , NULL , tmp_file , NULL);
    util_free_stringlist(argv , 3);
    bool at_eof;
    FILE * stream = util_fopen(tmp_file , "r");
    *func_name = util_fscanf_alloc_line(stream , &at_eof);
    *file_line = util_fscanf_alloc_line(stream , &at_eof);
Example #4
File: enkf_fs.c Project: shulNN/ert
static void enkf_fs_umount( enkf_fs_type * fs ) {
  if (!fs->read_only) {
    enkf_fs_fsync( fs );
    enkf_fs_fwrite_misfit( fs );

  if (fs->lock_fd > 0) {
    close( fs->lock_fd );  // Closing the lock_file file descriptor - and releasing the lock.
    util_unlink_existing( fs->lock_file );

    int refcount = fs->refcount;
    if (refcount == 0) {
      enkf_fs_free_driver( fs->dynamic_forecast );
      enkf_fs_free_driver( fs->dynamic_analyzed );
      enkf_fs_free_driver( fs->parameter );
      enkf_fs_free_driver( fs->eclipse_static );
      enkf_fs_free_driver( fs->index );
      util_safe_free( fs->case_name );
      util_safe_free( fs->root_path );
      util_safe_free( fs->mount_point );
      path_fmt_free( fs->case_fmt );
      path_fmt_free( fs->case_member_fmt );
      path_fmt_free( fs->case_tstep_fmt );
      path_fmt_free( fs->case_tstep_member_fmt );
      state_map_free( fs->state_map );
      time_map_free( fs->time_map );
      cases_config_free( fs->cases_config );
      free( fs );
    } else
      util_abort("%s: internal fuckup - tried to umount a filesystem with refcount:%d\n",__func__ , refcount);
Example #5
int main(int argc , char ** argv) {
  const char * root_path = argv[1];
  const char * config_file = argv[2];
  const char * forward_init_string = argv[3];
  test_work_area_type * work_area = test_work_area_alloc(config_file , false);
  test_work_area_copy_directory_content( work_area , root_path );
    bool forward_init;
    bool strict = true;
    enkf_main_type * enkf_main;
    test_assert_true( util_sscanf_bool( forward_init_string , &forward_init));

    util_clear_directory( "Storage" , true , true );
    enkf_main = enkf_main_bootstrap( NULL , config_file , strict , true );
      enkf_state_type * state   = enkf_main_iget_state( enkf_main , 0 );
      enkf_node_type * gen_param_node = enkf_state_get_node( state , "PARAM" );
        const enkf_config_node_type * gen_param_config_node = enkf_node_get_config( gen_param_node );
        char * init_file1 = enkf_config_node_alloc_initfile( gen_param_config_node , NULL , 0);
        char * init_file2 = enkf_config_node_alloc_initfile( gen_param_config_node , "/tmp", 0);

        test_assert_bool_equal( enkf_config_node_use_forward_init( gen_param_config_node ) , forward_init );
        test_assert_string_equal( init_file1 , "PARAM_INIT");
        test_assert_string_equal( init_file2 , "/tmp/PARAM_INIT");

        free( init_file1 );
        free( init_file2 );
      test_assert_bool_equal( enkf_node_use_forward_init( gen_param_node ) , forward_init );
      if (forward_init)
        test_assert_bool_not_equal( enkf_node_initialize( gen_param_node , 0 , enkf_state_get_rng( state )) , forward_init);
      // else hard_failure()
    test_assert_bool_equal( forward_init, ensemble_config_have_forward_init( enkf_main_get_ensemble_config( enkf_main )));
    if (forward_init) {
      enkf_state_type * state   = enkf_main_iget_state( enkf_main , 0 );
      enkf_fs_type * fs = enkf_main_get_fs( enkf_main );
      enkf_node_type * gen_param_node = enkf_state_get_node( state , "PARAM" );
      node_id_type node_id = {.report_step = 0 ,  
                              .iens = 0,
                              .state = ANALYZED };

      create_runpath( enkf_main );
      test_assert_true( util_is_directory( "simulations/run0" ));
        run_mode_type run_mode = ENSEMBLE_EXPERIMENT; 
        enkf_main_init_run(enkf_main , run_mode);     /* This is ugly */
        test_assert_false( enkf_node_has_data( gen_param_node , fs, node_id ));
        util_unlink_existing( "simulations/run0/PARAM_INIT" );

        FILE * stream = util_fopen("simulations/run0/PARAM_INIT" , "w");
        fprintf(stream , "0\n1\n2\n3\n" );
        fclose( stream );
        bool loadOK = true;
        stringlist_type * msg_list = stringlist_alloc_new();

          run_mode_type run_mode = ENSEMBLE_EXPERIMENT; 
          enkf_main_init_run(enkf_main , run_mode);     /* This is ugly */
        test_assert_true( enkf_node_forward_init( gen_param_node , "simulations/run0" , 0 ));
        enkf_state_forward_init( state , fs , &loadOK );
        test_assert_true( loadOK );
        enkf_state_load_from_forward_model( state , fs , &loadOK , false , msg_list );
        stringlist_free( msg_list );
        test_assert_true( loadOK );

          double value;
          test_assert_true( enkf_node_user_get( gen_param_node , fs , "0" , node_id , &value)); 
          test_assert_double_equal( 0 , value);

          test_assert_true( enkf_node_user_get( gen_param_node , fs , "1" , node_id , &value)); 
          test_assert_double_equal( 1 , value);

          test_assert_true( enkf_node_user_get( gen_param_node , fs , "2" , node_id , &value)); 
          test_assert_double_equal( 2 , value);
      util_clear_directory( "simulations" , true , true );
      create_runpath( enkf_main );
      test_assert_true( util_is_directory( "simulations/run0" ));
      test_assert_true( util_is_file( "simulations/run0/PARAM.INC" ));
        FILE * stream = util_fopen("simulations/run0/PARAM.INC" , "r");
        double v0,v1,v2,v3;
        fscanf(stream , "%lg %lg %lg %lg" , &v0,&v1,&v2,&v3);
        fclose( stream );                
        test_assert_double_equal( 0 , v0);
        test_assert_double_equal( 1 , v1);
        test_assert_double_equal( 2 , v2);
        test_assert_double_equal( 3 , v3);
      util_clear_directory( "simulations" , true , true );
    enkf_main_free( enkf_main );
  test_work_area_free( work_area );
int main(int argc , char ** argv) {
  const char * root_path = argv[1];
  const char * config_file = argv[2];
  const char * init_file = argv[3];
  const char * forward_init_string = argv[4];
  test_work_area_type * work_area = test_work_area_alloc(config_file );

  test_work_area_copy_directory_content( work_area , root_path );
  test_work_area_install_file( work_area , init_file );

    bool forward_init;
    bool strict = true;
    enkf_main_type * enkf_main;

    test_assert_true( util_sscanf_bool( forward_init_string , &forward_init));

    util_clear_directory( "Storage" , true , true );
    enkf_main = enkf_main_bootstrap( config_file , strict , true );
      enkf_state_type * state   = enkf_main_iget_state( enkf_main , 0 );
      enkf_node_type * surface_node = enkf_state_get_node( state , "SURFACE" );
        const enkf_config_node_type * surface_config_node = enkf_node_get_config( surface_node );
        char * init_file1 = enkf_config_node_alloc_initfile( surface_config_node , NULL , 0);
        char * init_file2 = enkf_config_node_alloc_initfile( surface_config_node , "/tmp", 0);

        test_assert_bool_equal( enkf_config_node_use_forward_init( surface_config_node ) , forward_init );
        test_assert_string_equal( init_file1 , "Surface.irap");
        test_assert_string_equal( init_file2 , "/tmp/Surface.irap");

        free( init_file1 );
        free( init_file2 );
      test_assert_bool_equal( enkf_node_use_forward_init( surface_node ) , forward_init );
      if (forward_init)
        test_assert_bool_not_equal( enkf_node_initialize( surface_node , 0 , enkf_state_get_rng( state )) , forward_init);
      // else hard_failure()
    test_assert_bool_equal( forward_init, ensemble_config_have_forward_init( enkf_main_get_ensemble_config( enkf_main )));
    if (forward_init) {
      enkf_state_type * state   = enkf_main_iget_state( enkf_main , 0 );
      enkf_fs_type * fs = enkf_main_get_fs( enkf_main );
      run_arg_type * run_arg = run_arg_alloc_ENSEMBLE_EXPERIMENT( fs , 0 ,0 , "simulations/run0");
      enkf_node_type * surface_node = enkf_state_get_node( state , "SURFACE" );
      node_id_type node_id = {.report_step = 0 ,  
                              .iens = 0,
                              .state = ANALYZED };

      create_runpath( enkf_main );
      test_assert_true( util_is_directory( "simulations/run0" ));
        int error = 0;
        stringlist_type * msg_list = stringlist_alloc_new();

        test_assert_false( enkf_node_has_data( surface_node , fs, node_id ));
        util_unlink_existing( "simulations/run0/Surface.irap" );
        test_assert_false( enkf_node_forward_init( surface_node , "simulations/run0" , 0 ));
        enkf_state_forward_init( state , run_arg , &error );
        test_assert_true(LOAD_FAILURE & error);

        error = 0;
          enkf_fs_type * fs = enkf_main_get_fs(enkf_main);
          state_map_type * state_map = enkf_fs_get_state_map(fs);
          state_map_iset(state_map, 0, STATE_INITIALIZED);
        enkf_state_load_from_forward_model(state, run_arg , &error, false, msg_list);

        stringlist_free( msg_list );
        test_assert_true(LOAD_FAILURE & error);

      util_copy_file( init_file , "simulations/run0/Surface.irap");
        int error = 0; 
        stringlist_type * msg_list = stringlist_alloc_new();

        test_assert_true( enkf_node_forward_init( surface_node , "simulations/run0" , 0 ));
        enkf_state_forward_init( state , run_arg , &error );
        test_assert_int_equal(0, error); 
        enkf_state_load_from_forward_model( state , run_arg , &error , false , msg_list );
        stringlist_free( msg_list );
        test_assert_int_equal(0, error); 

          double value;
          test_assert_true( enkf_node_user_get( surface_node , fs , "0" , node_id , &value)); 
          test_assert_double_equal( 2735.7461 , value);

          test_assert_true( enkf_node_user_get( surface_node , fs , "5" , node_id , &value)); 
          test_assert_double_equal( 2737.0122 , value);
      util_clear_directory( "simulations" , true , true );
      create_runpath( enkf_main );
      test_assert_true( util_is_directory( "simulations/run0" ));
      test_assert_true( util_is_file( "simulations/run0/SURFACE.INC" ));
      test_assert_true( enkf_node_fload( surface_node , "simulations/run0/SURFACE.INC"));
        double value;
        test_assert_true( enkf_node_user_get( surface_node , fs , "0" , node_id , &value)); 
        test_assert_double_equal( 2735.7461 , value);
        test_assert_true( enkf_node_user_get( surface_node , fs , "5" , node_id , &value)); 
        test_assert_double_equal( 2737.0122 , value);
      util_clear_directory( "simulations" , true , true );
    enkf_main_free( enkf_main );
int main(int argc , char ** argv) {
  const char * root_path = argv[1];
  const char * config_file = argv[2];
  const char * forward_init_string = argv[3];
  test_work_area_type * work_area = test_work_area_alloc(config_file );
  test_work_area_copy_directory_content( work_area , root_path );
    bool forward_init;
    bool strict = true;
    enkf_main_type * enkf_main;
    test_assert_true( util_sscanf_bool( forward_init_string , &forward_init));
    util_clear_directory( "Storage" , true , true );
    enkf_main = enkf_main_bootstrap( NULL , config_file , strict , true );
      enkf_state_type * state   = enkf_main_iget_state( enkf_main , 0 );
      enkf_node_type * gen_kw_node = enkf_state_get_node( state , "MULTFLT" );
        const enkf_config_node_type * gen_kw_config_node = enkf_node_get_config( gen_kw_node );
        char * init_file1 = enkf_config_node_alloc_initfile( gen_kw_config_node , NULL , 0);
        char * init_file2 = enkf_config_node_alloc_initfile( gen_kw_config_node , "/tmp", 0);
        test_assert_bool_equal( enkf_config_node_use_forward_init( gen_kw_config_node ) , forward_init );
        test_assert_string_equal( init_file1 , "MULTFLT_INIT");
        test_assert_string_equal( init_file2 , "/tmp/MULTFLT_INIT");
        free( init_file1 );
        free( init_file2 );
      test_assert_bool_equal( enkf_node_use_forward_init( gen_kw_node ) , forward_init );
      if (forward_init)
        test_assert_bool_not_equal( enkf_node_initialize( gen_kw_node , 0 , enkf_state_get_rng( state )) , forward_init);
      // else hard_failure()
    test_assert_bool_equal( forward_init, ensemble_config_have_forward_init( enkf_main_get_ensemble_config( enkf_main )));
    if (forward_init) {
      enkf_state_type * state   = enkf_main_iget_state( enkf_main , 0 );
      enkf_fs_type * fs = enkf_main_get_fs( enkf_main );
      run_arg_type * run_arg = run_arg_alloc_ENSEMBLE_EXPERIMENT( fs , 0 , 0 , "simulations/run0");
      enkf_node_type * gen_kw_node = enkf_state_get_node( state , "MULTFLT" );
      node_id_type node_id = {.report_step = 0 ,  
                              .iens = 0,
                              .state = ANALYZED };
      create_runpath( enkf_main );
      test_assert_true( util_is_directory( "simulations/run0" ));
        int error = 0;
        stringlist_type * msg_list = stringlist_alloc_new();
        bool_vector_type * iactive = bool_vector_alloc( enkf_main_get_ensemble_size( enkf_main ) , true);
        test_assert_false( enkf_node_has_data( gen_kw_node , fs, node_id ));
        util_unlink_existing( "simulations/run0/MULTFLT_INIT" );

        test_assert_false( enkf_node_forward_init( gen_kw_node , "simulations/run0" , 0 ));
        enkf_state_forward_init( state , run_arg ,  &error );
        test_assert_true(LOAD_FAILURE & error);
        error = 0;
          enkf_fs_type * fs = enkf_main_get_fs( enkf_main );
          state_map_type * state_map = enkf_fs_get_state_map(fs);
          state_map_iset(state_map , 0 , STATE_INITIALIZED);
        enkf_state_load_from_forward_model( state , run_arg ,  &error , false , msg_list );
        stringlist_free( msg_list );
        bool_vector_free( iactive );
        test_assert_true(LOAD_FAILURE & error);
        FILE * stream = util_fopen("simulations/run0/MULTFLT_INIT" , "w");
        fprintf(stream , "123456.0\n" );
        fclose( stream );
        int error = 0;
        stringlist_type * msg_list = stringlist_alloc_new();

        test_assert_true( enkf_node_forward_init( gen_kw_node , "simulations/run0" , 0 ));
        enkf_state_forward_init( state , run_arg ,  &error );
        test_assert_int_equal(0, error);
        enkf_state_load_from_forward_model( state , run_arg , &error , false , msg_list );
        stringlist_free( msg_list );
        test_assert_int_equal(0, error);

          double value;
          test_assert_true( enkf_node_user_get( gen_kw_node , fs , "MULTFLT" , node_id , &value)); 
          test_assert_double_equal( 123456.0 , value);

      test_assert_true( util_is_file ("simulations/run0/parameters.txt")); //Export of gen kw params

      util_clear_directory( "simulations" , true , true );
      create_runpath( enkf_main );
      test_assert_true( util_is_directory( "simulations/run0" ));
      test_assert_true( util_is_file( "simulations/run0/MULTFLT.INC" ));
        FILE * stream = util_fopen("simulations/run0/MULTFLT.INC" , "r");
        double value;
        fscanf(stream , "%lg" , &value);
        fclose( stream );
        test_assert_double_equal( 123456.0 , value);
      util_clear_directory( "simulations" , true , true );
      run_arg_free( run_arg );
    enkf_main_free( enkf_main );
  test_work_area_free( work_area );
int main(int argc , char ** argv) {
    const char * config_file = argv[1];
    const char * init_file = argv[2];
    const char * forward_init_string = argv[3];
    bool forward_init;
    bool strict = true;
    enkf_main_type * enkf_main;

    test_assert_true( util_sscanf_bool( forward_init_string , &forward_init));

    util_clear_directory( "/tmp/Storage" , true , true );
    enkf_main = enkf_main_bootstrap( NULL , config_file , strict , true );
      enkf_state_type * state   = enkf_main_iget_state( enkf_main , 0 );
      enkf_node_type * surface_node = enkf_state_get_node( state , "SURFACE" );
        const enkf_config_node_type * surface_config_node = enkf_node_get_config( surface_node );
        char * init_file1 = enkf_config_node_alloc_initfile( surface_config_node , NULL , 0);
        char * init_file2 = enkf_config_node_alloc_initfile( surface_config_node , "/tmp", 0);

        test_assert_bool_equal( enkf_config_node_use_forward_init( surface_config_node ) , forward_init );
        test_assert_string_equal( init_file1 , "Surface.irap");
        test_assert_string_equal( init_file2 , "/tmp/Surface.irap");

        free( init_file1 );
        free( init_file2 );
      test_assert_bool_equal( enkf_node_use_forward_init( surface_node ) , forward_init );
      if (forward_init)
        test_assert_bool_not_equal( enkf_node_initialize( surface_node , 0 , enkf_state_get_rng( state )) , forward_init);
      // else hard_failure()
    test_assert_bool_equal( forward_init, ensemble_config_have_forward_init( enkf_main_get_ensemble_config( enkf_main )));
    if (forward_init) {
      enkf_state_type * state   = enkf_main_iget_state( enkf_main , 0 );
      enkf_fs_type * fs = enkf_main_get_fs( enkf_main );
      enkf_node_type * surface_node = enkf_state_get_node( state , "SURFACE" );
      node_id_type node_id = {.report_step = 0 ,  
                              .iens = 0,
                              .state = ANALYZED };

      create_runpath( enkf_main );
      test_assert_true( util_is_directory( "/tmp/simulations/run0" ));
        bool loadOK = true;
        stringlist_type * msg_list = stringlist_alloc_new();

          run_mode_type run_mode = ENSEMBLE_EXPERIMENT; 
          enkf_main_init_run(enkf_main , run_mode);     /* This is ugly */
        test_assert_false( enkf_node_has_data( surface_node , fs, node_id ));
        util_unlink_existing( "/tmp/simulations/run0/Surface.irap" );
        test_assert_false( enkf_node_forward_init( surface_node , "/tmp/simulations/run0" , 0 ));
        enkf_state_forward_init( state , fs , &loadOK );
        test_assert_false( loadOK );

        loadOK = true;
        enkf_state_load_from_forward_model( state , fs , &loadOK , false , msg_list );
        stringlist_free( msg_list );
        test_assert_false( loadOK );

      util_copy_file( init_file , "/tmp/simulations/run0/Surface.irap");
        bool loadOK = true;
        stringlist_type * msg_list = stringlist_alloc_new();

          run_mode_type run_mode = ENSEMBLE_EXPERIMENT; 
          enkf_main_init_run(enkf_main , run_mode);     /* This is ugly */
        test_assert_true( enkf_node_forward_init( surface_node , "/tmp/simulations/run0" , 0 ));
        enkf_state_forward_init( state , fs , &loadOK );
        test_assert_true( loadOK );
        enkf_state_load_from_forward_model( state , fs , &loadOK , false , msg_list );
        stringlist_free( msg_list );
        test_assert_true( loadOK );

          double value;
          test_assert_true( enkf_node_user_get( surface_node , fs , "0" , node_id , &value)); 
          test_assert_double_equal( 2735.7461 , value);

          test_assert_true( enkf_node_user_get( surface_node , fs , "5" , node_id , &value)); 
          test_assert_double_equal( 2737.0122 , value);
      util_clear_directory( "/tmp/simulations" , true , true );
      create_runpath( enkf_main );
      test_assert_true( util_is_directory( "/tmp/simulations/run0" ));
      test_assert_true( util_is_file( "/tmp/simulations/run0/SURFACE.INC" ));
      test_assert_true( enkf_node_fload( surface_node , "/tmp/simulations/run0/SURFACE.INC"));
        double value;
        test_assert_true( enkf_node_user_get( surface_node , fs , "0" , node_id , &value)); 
        test_assert_double_equal( 2735.7461 , value);
        test_assert_true( enkf_node_user_get( surface_node , fs , "5" , node_id , &value)); 
        test_assert_double_equal( 2737.0122 , value);
      util_clear_directory( "/tmp/simulations" , true , true );
    enkf_main_free( enkf_main );