Example #1
static void CheckRpcBindRequest(const RPC_BIND_REQUEST *const Request, const unsigned int len)
	uint_fast8_t i, HasTransferSyntaxNDR32 = FALSE;
	char guidBuffer1[GUID_STRING_LENGTH + 1], guidBuffer2[GUID_STRING_LENGTH + 1];

	uint32_t CapCtxItems = (len - sizeof(*Request) + sizeof(Request->CtxItems)) / sizeof(Request->CtxItems);
	DWORD NumCtxItems = LE32(Request->NumCtxItems);

	if (NumCtxItems < CapCtxItems) // Can't be too small because already handled by RpcBindSize
		logger("Warning: Excess bytes in RPC bind request.\n");

	for (i = 0; i < NumCtxItems; i++)
		struct CtxItem const* ctxItem = Request->CtxItems + i;
		if (!IsEqualGUID(&ctxItem->InterfaceUUID, InterfaceUuid))
			uuid2StringLE(&ctxItem->InterfaceUUID, guidBuffer1);
			uuid2StringLE((GUID*)InterfaceUuid, guidBuffer2);
			logger("Fatal: Interface UUID is %s but should be %s in Ctx item %u.\n", guidBuffer1, guidBuffer2, (unsigned int)i);

		if (ctxItem->NumTransItems != LE16(1))
			logger("Fatal: %u NDR32 transfer items detected in Ctx item %u, but only one is supported.\n",
			(unsigned int)LE16(ctxItem->NumTransItems), (unsigned int)i

		if (ctxItem->InterfaceVerMajor != LE16(1) || ctxItem->InterfaceVerMinor != 0)
			logger("Warning: Interface version is %u.%u but should be 1.0.\n",
				(unsigned int)LE16(ctxItem->InterfaceVerMajor),
				(unsigned int)LE16(ctxItem->InterfaceVerMinor)

		if (ctxItem->ContextId != LE16((WORD)i))
			logger("Warning: context id of Ctx item %u is %u.\n", (unsigned int)i, (unsigned int)ctxItem->ContextId);

		if (IsEqualGUID((GUID*)TransferSyntaxNDR32, &ctxItem->TransferSyntax))
			HasTransferSyntaxNDR32 = TRUE;

			if (ctxItem->SyntaxVersion != LE32(2))
				logger("NDR32 transfer syntax version is %u but should be 2.\n", LE32(ctxItem->SyntaxVersion));
		else if (IsEqualGUID((GUID*)TransferSyntaxNDR64, &ctxItem->TransferSyntax))
			if (ctxItem->SyntaxVersion != LE32(1))
				logger("NDR64 transfer syntax version is %u but should be 1.\n", LE32(ctxItem->SyntaxVersion));
		else if (!memcmp(BindTimeFeatureNegotiation, (BYTE*)(&ctxItem->TransferSyntax), 8))
			if (ctxItem->SyntaxVersion != LE32(1))
				logger("BTFN syntax version is %u but should be 1.\n", LE32(ctxItem->SyntaxVersion));

	if (!HasTransferSyntaxNDR32)
		logger("Warning: RPC bind request has no NDR32 CtxItem.\n");
Example #2
void logRequestVerbose(const REQUEST *const Request, const PRINTFUNC p)
	char guidBuffer[GUID_STRING_LENGTH + 1];
	char WorkstationBuffer[3 * WORKSTATION_NAME_BUFFER];
	const char *productName;
	ProdListIndex_t index;

	p("Protocol version                : %u.%u\n", LE16(Request->MajorVer), LE16(Request->MinorVer));
	p("Client is a virtual machine     : %s\n", LE32(Request->VMInfo) ? "Yes" : "No");
	p("Licensing status                : %u (%s)\n", (uint32_t)LE32(Request->LicenseStatus), LE32(Request->LicenseStatus) < _countof(LicenseStatusText) ? LicenseStatusText[LE32(Request->LicenseStatus)] : "Unknown");
	p("Remaining time (0 = forever)    : %i minutes\n", (uint32_t)LE32(Request->BindingExpiration));

	uuid2StringLE(&Request->AppID, guidBuffer);
	productName = getProductNameLE(&Request->AppID, AppList, getAppListSize(), &index);
	p("Application ID                  : %s (%s)\n", guidBuffer, productName);

	uuid2StringLE(&Request->ActID, guidBuffer);

	productName = getProductNameLE(&Request->ActID, ExtendedProductList, getExtendedProductListSize(), &index);
#	else
	productName = "Unknown";
#	endif

	p("SKU ID (aka Activation ID)      : %s (%s)\n", guidBuffer, productName);

	uuid2StringLE(&Request->KMSID, guidBuffer);
	productName = getProductNameLE(&Request->KMSID, ProductList, getProductListSize(), &index);
	p("KMS ID (aka KMS counted ID)     : %s (%s)\n", guidBuffer, productName);

	uuid2StringLE(&Request->CMID, guidBuffer);
	p("Client machine ID               : %s\n", guidBuffer);

	uuid2StringLE(&Request->CMID_prev, guidBuffer);
	p("Previous client machine ID      : %s\n", guidBuffer);

	char mbstr[64];
	time_t st;
	st = fileTimeToUnixTime(&Request->ClientTime);
	strftime(mbstr, sizeof(mbstr), "%Y-%m-%d %X", gmtime(&st));
	p("Client request timestamp (UTC)  : %s\n", mbstr);

	ucs2_to_utf8(Request->WorkstationName, WorkstationBuffer, WORKSTATION_NAME_BUFFER, sizeof(WorkstationBuffer));

	p("Workstation name                : %s\n", WorkstationBuffer);
	p("N count policy (minimum clients): %u\n", (uint32_t)LE32(Request->N_Policy));
Example #3
void logResponseVerbose(const char *const ePID, const BYTE *const hwid, const RESPONSE *const response, const PRINTFUNC p)
	char guidBuffer[GUID_STRING_LENGTH + 1];

	p("Protocol version                : %u.%u\n", (uint32_t)LE16(response->MajorVer), (uint32_t)LE16(response->MinorVer));
	p("KMS host extended PID           : %s\n", ePID);
	if (LE16(response->MajorVer) > 5)
#	ifndef _WIN32
		p("KMS host Hardware ID            : %016llX\n", (unsigned long long)BE64(*(uint64_t*)hwid));
#	else // _WIN32
		p("KMS host Hardware ID            : %016I64X\n", (unsigned long long)BE64(*(uint64_t*)hwid));
#	endif // WIN32

	uuid2StringLE(&response->CMID, guidBuffer);
	p("Client machine ID               : %s\n", guidBuffer);

	char mbstr[64];
	time_t st;

	st = fileTimeToUnixTime(&response->ClientTime);
	strftime(mbstr, sizeof(mbstr), "%Y-%m-%d %X", gmtime(&st));
	p("Client request timestamp (UTC)  : %s\n", mbstr);

	p("KMS host current active clients : %u\n", (uint32_t)LE32(response->Count));
	p("Renewal interval policy         : %u\n", (uint32_t)LE32(response->VLRenewalInterval));
	p("Activation interval policy      : %u\n", (uint32_t)LE32(response->VLActivationInterval));