Example #1
DWORD WINAPI prvWinPcapSendThread( void *pvParam )
size_t xLength;
uint8_t ucBuffer[ ipconfigNETWORK_MTU + ipSIZE_OF_ETH_HEADER ];
static char cErrorMessage[ 1024 ];
const DWORD xMaxMSToWait = 1000;


	/* Remove compiler warnings about unused parameters. */
	( void ) pvParam;

	for( ;; )
		/* Wait until notified of something to send. */
		WaitForSingleObject( pvSendEvent, xMaxMSToWait );

		/* Is there more than the length value stored in the circular buffer
		used to pass data from the FreeRTOS simulator into this Win32 thread? */
		while( uxStreamBufferGetSize( xSendBuffer ) > sizeof( xLength ) )
			uxStreamBufferGet( xSendBuffer, 0, ( uint8_t * ) &xLength, sizeof( xLength ), pdFALSE );
			uxStreamBufferGet( xSendBuffer, 0, ( uint8_t* ) ucBuffer, xLength, pdFALSE );
			if( pcap_sendpacket( pxOpenedInterfaceHandle, ucBuffer, xLength  ) != 0 )
 * uxStreamBufferGet( )
 * 'uxOffset' can be used to read data located at a certain offset from 'lTail'.
 * If 'pucData' equals NULL, the function is called to advance 'lTail' only.
 * if 'xPeek' is pdTRUE, or if 'uxOffset' is non-zero, the 'lTail' pointer will
 * not be advanced.
size_t uxStreamBufferGet( StreamBuffer_t *pxBuffer, size_t uxOffset, uint8_t *pucData, size_t uxMaxCount, BaseType_t xPeek )
size_t uxSize, uxCount, uxFirst, uxNextTail;

	/* How much data is available? */
	uxSize = uxStreamBufferGetSize( pxBuffer );

	if( uxSize > uxOffset )
		uxSize -= uxOffset;
		uxSize = 0u;

	/* Use the minimum of the wanted bytes and the available bytes. */
	uxCount = FreeRTOS_min_uint32( uxSize, uxMaxCount );

	if( uxCount > 0u )
		uxNextTail = pxBuffer->uxTail;

		if( uxOffset != 0u )
			uxNextTail += uxOffset;
			if( uxNextTail >= pxBuffer->LENGTH )
				uxNextTail -= pxBuffer->LENGTH;

		if( pucData != NULL )
			/* Calculate the number of bytes that can be read - which may be
			less than the number wanted if the data wraps around to the start of
			the buffer. */
			uxFirst = FreeRTOS_min_uint32( pxBuffer->LENGTH - uxNextTail, uxCount );

			/* Obtain the number of bytes it is possible to obtain in the first
			read. */
			memcpy( pucData, pxBuffer->ucArray + uxNextTail, uxFirst );

			/* If the total number of wanted bytes is greater than the number
			that could be read in the first read... */
			if( uxCount > uxFirst )
				/*...then read the remaining bytes from the start of the buffer. */
				memcpy( pucData + uxFirst, pxBuffer->ucArray, uxCount - uxFirst );

		if( ( xPeek == pdFALSE ) && ( uxOffset == 0UL ) )
			/* Move the tail pointer to effecively remove the data read from
			the buffer. */
			uxNextTail += uxCount;

			if( uxNextTail >= pxBuffer->LENGTH )
				uxNextTail -= pxBuffer->LENGTH;

			pxBuffer->uxTail = uxNextTail;

	return uxCount;
Example #3
static void prvInterruptSimulatorTask( void *pvParameters )
struct pcap_pkthdr xHeader;
static struct pcap_pkthdr *pxHeader;
const uint8_t *pucPacketData;
uint8_t ucRecvBuffer[ ipconfigNETWORK_MTU + ipSIZE_OF_ETH_HEADER ];
NetworkBufferDescriptor_t *pxNetworkBuffer;
IPStackEvent_t xRxEvent = { eNetworkRxEvent, NULL };
eFrameProcessingResult_t eResult;

	/* Remove compiler warnings about unused parameters. */
	( void ) pvParameters;

	for( ;; )
		/* Does the circular buffer used to pass data from the Win32 thread that
		handles WinPCAP Rx into the FreeRTOS simulator contain another packet? */
		if( uxStreamBufferGetSize( xRecvBuffer ) > sizeof( xHeader ) )
			/* Get the next packet. */
			uxStreamBufferGet( xRecvBuffer, 0, (uint8_t*)&xHeader, sizeof( xHeader ), pdFALSE );
			uxStreamBufferGet( xRecvBuffer, 0, (uint8_t*)ucRecvBuffer, ( size_t ) xHeader.len, pdFALSE );
			pucPacketData = ucRecvBuffer;
			pxHeader = &xHeader;


			eResult = ipCONSIDER_FRAME_FOR_PROCESSING( pucPacketData );
			if( eResult == eProcessBuffer )
				/* Will the data fit into the frame buffer? */
				if( pxHeader->len <= ipTOTAL_ETHERNET_FRAME_SIZE )
					/* Obtain a buffer into which the data can be placed.  This
					is only	an interrupt simulator, not a real interrupt, so it
					is ok to call the task level function here, but note that
					some buffer implementations cannot be called from a real
					interrupt. */
					pxNetworkBuffer = pxGetNetworkBufferWithDescriptor( pxHeader->len, 0 );

					if( pxNetworkBuffer != NULL )
						memcpy( pxNetworkBuffer->pucEthernetBuffer, pucPacketData, pxHeader->len );
						pxNetworkBuffer->xDataLength = ( size_t ) pxHeader->len;

						#if( niDISRUPT_PACKETS == 1 )
							pxNetworkBuffer = vRxFaultInjection( pxNetworkBuffer, pucPacketData );
						#endif /* niDISRUPT_PACKETS */

						if( pxNetworkBuffer != NULL )
							xRxEvent.pvData = ( void * ) pxNetworkBuffer;

							/* Data was received and stored.  Send a message to
							the IP task to let it know. */
							if( xSendEventStructToIPTask( &xRxEvent, ( TickType_t ) 0 ) == pdFAIL )
								/* The buffer could not be sent to the stack so
								must be released again.  This is only an
								interrupt simulator, not a real interrupt, so it
								is ok to use the task level function here, but
								note no all buffer implementations will allow
								this function to be executed from a real
								interrupt. */
								vReleaseNetworkBufferAndDescriptor( pxNetworkBuffer );
							/* The packet was already released or stored inside
							vRxFaultInjection().  Don't release it here. */
					/* Log that a packet was dropped because it would have
					overflowed the buffer, but there may be more buffers to
					process. */
			/* There is no real way of simulating an interrupt.  Make sure
			other tasks can run. */