Example #1
static void call_sum(struct v7 *v7) {
  v7_val_t func, result, args;

  func = v7_get(v7, v7_get_global_object(v7), "sum", 3);

  args = v7_create_array(v7);
  v7_array_push(v7, args, v7_create_number(123.0));
  v7_array_push(v7, args, v7_create_number(456.789));

  v7_apply(v7, &result, func, v7_create_undefined(), args);
  printf("Result: %g\n", v7_to_number(result));
Example #2
static v7_val_t OS_prof(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t this_obj, v7_val_t args) {
  v7_val_t result = v7_create_object(v7);
  v7_own(v7, &result);

  v7_set(v7, result, "sysfree", 7, 0,
  v7_set(v7, result, "used_by_js", 10, 0,
         v7_create_number(v7_heap_stat(v7, V7_HEAP_STAT_HEAP_USED)));
  v7_set(v7, result, "used_by_fs", 10, 0,

  v7_disown(v7, &result);
  return result;
Example #3
static v7_val_t js_sum(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t this_obj, v7_val_t args) {
  double arg0 = v7_to_number(v7_array_get(v7, args, 0));
  double arg1 = v7_to_number(v7_array_get(v7, args, 1));
  double result = sum(arg0, arg1);
  (void) this_obj;  /* unused */
  return v7_create_number(result);
Example #4
File: regex.c Project: CoryXie/v7
V7_PRIVATE val_t rx_exec(struct v7 *v7, val_t rx, val_t str, int lind) {
  if (v7_is_regexp(rx)) {
    val_t s = to_string(v7, str);
    size_t len;
    struct slre_loot sub;
    struct slre_cap *ptok = sub.caps;
    char *const str = (char *) v7_to_string(v7, &s, &len);
    const char *const end = str + len;
    const char *begin = str;
    struct v7_regexp *rp = v7_to_regexp(rx);
    int flag_g = slre_get_flags(rp->compiled_regexp) & SLRE_FLAG_G;
    if (rp->lastIndex < 0) rp->lastIndex = 0;
    if (flag_g || lind) begin = utfnshift(str, rp->lastIndex);

    if (!slre_exec(rp->compiled_regexp, 0, begin, end, &sub)) {
      int i;
      val_t arr = v7_create_array(v7);

      for (i = 0; i < sub.num_captures; i++, ptok++)
        v7_array_push(v7, arr, v7_create_string(v7, ptok->start,
                                                ptok->end - ptok->start, 1));
      if (flag_g) rp->lastIndex = utfnlen(str, sub.caps->end - str);
      v7_set_property(v7, arr, "index", 5, V7_PROPERTY_READ_ONLY,
                      v7_create_number(utfnlen(str, sub.caps->start - str)));
      return arr;
    } else
      rp->lastIndex = 0;
  return v7_create_null();
Example #5
File: regex.c Project: CoryXie/v7
static val_t Regex_set_lastIndex(struct v7 *v7, val_t this_obj, val_t args) {
  long lastIndex = 0;

  if (v7_is_regexp(this_obj))
    v7_to_regexp(this_obj)->lastIndex = lastIndex = arg_long(v7, args, 0, 0);

  return v7_create_number(lastIndex);
Example #6
 * Returns an object describing the free memory.
ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR static v7_val_t GC_stat(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t this_obj,
                                          v7_val_t args) {
  v7_val_t f = v7_create_object(v7);
  /* prevent the object from being potentially GCed */
  v7_set(v7, args, "_tmp", 4, 0, f);
  v7_set(v7, f, "sysfree", 7, 0, v7_create_number(system_get_free_heap_size()));
  return f;
Example #7
ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR void init_v7() {
  struct v7_create_opts opts;
  v7_val_t wifi, gpio, dht11, gc, debug;

  opts.object_arena_size = 94;
  opts.function_arena_size = 17;
  opts.property_arena_size = 340;

  v7 = v7_create_opt(opts);

  v7_set_method(v7, v7_get_global_object(v7), "usleep", usleep);
  v7_set_method(v7, v7_get_global_object(v7), "setTimeout", set_timeout);

  gpio = v7_create_object(v7);
  v7_set(v7, v7_get_global_object(v7), "GPIO", 4, 0, gpio);
  v7_set_method(v7, gpio, "in", GPIO_in);
  v7_set_method(v7, gpio, "out", GPIO_out);

  wifi = v7_create_object(v7);
  v7_set(v7, v7_get_global_object(v7), "Wifi", 4, 0, wifi);
  v7_set_method(v7, wifi, "setup", Wifi_setup);
  v7_set_method(v7, wifi, "disconnect", Wifi_disconnect);
  v7_set_method(v7, wifi, "connect", Wifi_connect);
  v7_set_method(v7, wifi, "status", Wifi_status);
  v7_set_method(v7, wifi, "ip", Wifi_ip);
  v7_set(v7, wifi, "STATION", 7, 0, v7_create_number(0));
  v7_set(v7, wifi, "SOFTAP", 6, 0, v7_create_number(1));

  dht11 = v7_create_object(v7);
  v7_set(v7, v7_get_global_object(v7), "DHT11", 5, 0, dht11);
  v7_set_method(v7, dht11, "read", DHT11_read);
#endif /* V7_ESP_ENABLE__DHT11 */

  gc = v7_create_object(v7);
  v7_set(v7, v7_get_global_object(v7), "GC", 2, 0, gc);
  v7_set_method(v7, gc, "stat", GC_stat);
  v7_set_method(v7, gc, "collect", GC_collect);

  debug = v7_create_object(v7);
  v7_set(v7, v7_get_global_object(v7), "Debug", 5, 0, debug);
  v7_set_method(v7, debug, "setOutput", Debug_set_output);
  v7_set_method(v7, debug, "print", Debug_print);

Example #8
File: regex.c Project: CoryXie/v7
static val_t Regex_get_lastIndex(struct v7 *v7, val_t this_obj, val_t args) {
  long lastIndex = 0;

  (void) v7;
  (void) args;
  if (v7_is_regexp(this_obj)) lastIndex = v7_to_regexp(this_obj)->lastIndex;

  return v7_create_number(lastIndex);
Example #9
static void gpio_intr_handler_proxy(int pin, int level) {
  char prop_name[15];
  int len;
  v7_val_t args;

  len = snprintf(prop_name, sizeof(prop_name), "_ih_%d", (int) pin);

  v7_val_t cb = v7_get(s_v7, v7_get_global_object(s_v7), prop_name, len);

  if (!v7_is_function(cb)) {

  args = v7_create_array(s_v7);
  v7_array_push(s_v7, args, v7_create_number(pin));
  v7_array_push(s_v7, args, v7_create_number(level));

  v7_apply(s_v7, cb, v7_create_undefined(), args);
Example #10
static v7_val_t GPIO_read(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t this_obj, v7_val_t args) {
  v7_val_t pinv = v7_array_get(v7, args, 0);
  int pin;

  if (!v7_is_number(pinv)) {
    printf("non-numeric pin\n");
    return v7_create_undefined();

  pin = v7_to_number(pinv);
  return v7_create_number(sj_gpio_read(pin));
Example #11
static v7_val_t DHT11_read(struct v7 *v7) {
  int pin, temp, rh;
  v7_val_t pinv = v7_arg(v7, 0), result;

  if (!v7_is_number(pinv)) {
    printf("non-numeric pin\n");
    return v7_create_undefined();
  pin = v7_to_number(pinv);

  if (!dht11_read(pin, &temp, &rh)) {
    return v7_create_null();

  result = v7_create_object(v7);
  v7_own(v7, &result);
  v7_set(v7, result, "temp", 4, 0, v7_create_number(temp));
  v7_set(v7, result, "rh", 2, 0, v7_create_number(rh));
  v7_disown(v7, &result);
  return result;
Example #12
static v7_val_t DHT11_read(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t this_obj, v7_val_t args) {
  int pin, temp, rh;
  v7_val_t pinv = v7_array_get(v7, args, 0), result;

  if (!v7_is_double(pinv)) {
    printf("non-numeric pin\n");
    return v7_create_undefined();
  pin = v7_to_double(pinv);

  if (!dht11_read(pin, &temp, &rh)) {
    return v7_create_null();

  result = v7_create_object(v7);
  v7_set(v7, result, "temp", 4, 0, v7_create_number(temp));
  v7_set(v7, result, "rh", 2, 0, v7_create_number(rh));
  /* prevent the object from being potentially GCed */
  v7_set(v7, args, "_tmp", 4, 0, result);
  return result;
Example #13
static void gpio_intr_handler_proxy(int pin, int level) {
  char prop_name[15];
  int len;
  v7_val_t res, args;

  len = snprintf(prop_name, sizeof(prop_name), "_ih_%d", (int) pin);

  v7_val_t cb = v7_get(s_v7, v7_get_global(s_v7), prop_name, len);

  if (!v7_is_function(cb)) {

  args = v7_create_array(s_v7);
  v7_array_push(s_v7, args, v7_create_number(pin));
  v7_array_push(s_v7, args, v7_create_number(level));

  if (v7_apply(s_v7, cb, v7_create_undefined(), args, &res) != V7_OK) {
    /* TODO(mkm): make it print stack trace */
    fprintf(stderr, "cb threw an exception\n");
Example #14
static v7_val_t gsm_call(struct v7* v7)
    v7_val_t numberv = v7_arg(v7, 0);
    const char* number;
    size_t len;

    if(!v7_is_string(numberv)) {
        return v7_create_undefined();

    number = v7_to_string(v7, &numberv, &len);

    return v7_create_number(_gsm_call(number));
Example #15
static enum v7_err GPIO_read(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t *res) {
  v7_val_t pinv = v7_arg(v7, 0);
  int pin;

  if (!v7_is_number(pinv)) {
    printf("non-numeric pin\n");
    *res = v7_create_undefined();
  } else {
    pin = v7_to_number(pinv);
    *res = v7_create_number(sj_gpio_read(pin));

  return V7_OK;
Example #16
static enum v7_err DHT11_read(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t *res) {
  enum v7_err rcode = V7_OK;
  int pin, temp, rh;
  v7_val_t pinv = v7_arg(v7, 0);

  if (!v7_is_number(pinv)) {
    printf("non-numeric pin\n");
    *res = v7_create_undefined();
    goto clean;
  pin = v7_to_number(pinv);

  if (!dht11_read(pin, &temp, &rh)) {
    *res = v7_create_null();
    goto clean;

  *res = v7_create_object(v7);
  v7_set(v7, *res, "temp", 4, 0, v7_create_number(temp));
  v7_set(v7, *res, "rh", 2, 0, v7_create_number(rh));

  return rcode;
Example #17
 * Sets output for debug messages.
 * Available modes are:
 * 0 - no debug output
 * 1 - print debug output to UART0 (V7's console)
 * 2 - print debug output to UART1
static v7_val_t Debug_mode(struct v7 *v7) {
  int mode, res;
  v7_val_t output_val = v7_arg(v7, 0);

  if (!v7_is_number(output_val)) {
    printf("Output is not a number\n");
    return v7_create_undefined();

  mode = v7_to_number(output_val);

  uart_debug_init(0, 0);
  res = uart_redirect_debug(mode);

  return v7_create_number(res < 0 ? res : mode);
Example #18
 * Sets output for debug messages.
 * Available modes are:
 * 0 - no debug output
 * 1 - print debug output to UART0 (V7's console)
 * 2 - print debug output to UART1
ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR static v7_val_t Debug_set_output(struct v7 *v7,
                                                   v7_val_t this_obj,
                                                   v7_val_t args) {
  int mode, res;
  v7_val_t output_val = v7_array_get(v7, args, 0);

  if (!v7_is_double(output_val)) {
    printf("Output is not a number\n");
    return v7_create_undefined();

  mode = v7_to_double(output_val);

  uart_debug_init(0, 0);
  res = uart_redirect_debug(mode);

  return v7_create_number(res < 0 ? res : mode);
Example #19
static v7_val_t gsm_answer(struct v7* v7)
    int result;
    vm_gsm_tel_single_call_action_request_t req;
    vm_gsm_tel_call_actions_data_t data;

    req.action_id.sim = g_uid_info.sim;
    req.action_id.call_id = g_uid_info.call_id;
    req.action_id.group_id = g_uid_info.group_id;

    data.action = VM_GSM_TEL_CALL_ACTION_ACCEPT;
    data.data_action = (void*)&req;
    data.user_data = NULL;
    data.callback = call_voiceCall_callback;

    result = vm_gsm_tel_call_actions(&data);

    return v7_create_number(result);
Example #20
int main(void) {
  struct v7 *v7 = v7_create();
  v7_val_t ctor_func, proto, eval_result;

  proto = v7_create_object(v7);
  ctor_func = v7_create_constructor(v7, proto, MyThing_ctor, 1);
  v7_set(v7, ctor_func, "MY_CONST", ~0,
  v7_set_method(v7, proto, "myMethod", &MyThing_myMethod);
  v7_set(v7, v7_get_global_object(v7), "MyThing", ~0, 0, ctor_func);

  v7_exec(v7, &eval_result, "\
      print('MyThing.MY_CONST = ', MyThing.MY_CONST); \
      var t = new MyThing(456); \
      print('t.MY_CONST = ', t.MY_CONST); \
      print('t.myMethod = ', t.myMethod); \
      print('t.myMethod() = ', t.myMethod());");
  return 0;
Example #21
 * Sets output for debug messages.
 * Available modes are:
 * 0 - no debug output
 * 1 - print debug output to UART0 (V7's console)
 * 2 - print debug output to UART1
static enum v7_err Debug_mode(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t *res) {
  enum v7_err rcode = V7_OK;
  int mode, ires;
  v7_val_t output_val = v7_arg(v7, 0);

  if (!v7_is_number(output_val)) {
    printf("Output is not a number\n");
    *res = v7_create_undefined();
    goto clean;

  mode = v7_to_number(output_val);

  uart_debug_init(0, 0);
  ires = uart_redirect_debug(mode);

  *res = v7_create_number(ires < 0 ? ires : mode);
  goto clean;

  return rcode;
Example #22
static v7_val_t gsm_text(struct v7* v7)
    VMWCHAR number[42];
    VMWCHAR content[100];
    v7_val_t numberv = v7_arg(v7, 0);
    v7_val_t messagev = v7_arg(v7, 1);
    const char* phone_number;
    const char* message;
    size_t len, message_len;

    if(!v7_is_string(numberv) || !v7_is_string(messagev)) {
        return v7_create_undefined();

    phone_number = v7_to_string(v7, &numberv, &len);
    message = v7_to_string(v7, &messagev, &message_len);

    vm_chset_ascii_to_ucs2(content, 100 * 2, message);
    vm_chset_ascii_to_ucs2(number, 42 * 2, phone_number);

    return v7_create_number(vm_gsm_sms_send(number, content, _gsm_text_callback, NULL));
Example #23
// JS: i2c.setup(address, speed)
static v7_val_t i2c_setup(struct v7 *v7)
    vm_dcl_i2c_control_config_t conf_data;
    int result;
    v7_val_t addressv = v7_arg(v7, 0);
    v7_val_t speedv = v7_arg(v7, 1);

    int address, speed;

    if(!v7_is_number(addressv) || !v7_is_number(speedv)) {
        printf("Invalid arguments\n");
        return v7_create_undefined();

    address = v7_to_number(addressv);
    speed = v7_to_number(speedv);

    if(speed >= 400) {
        conf_data.transaction_mode = VM_DCL_I2C_TRANSACTION_HIGH_SPEED_MODE;
    } else {
        conf_data.transaction_mode = VM_DCL_I2C_TRANSACTION_FAST_MODE;

    if(g_i2c_handle == VM_DCL_HANDLE_INVALID) {
        g_i2c_handle = vm_dcl_open(VM_DCL_I2C, 0);

    conf_data.reserved_0 = (VM_DCL_I2C_OWNER)0;
    conf_data.get_handle_wait = TRUE;
    conf_data.reserved_1 = 0;
    conf_data.delay_length = 0;
    conf_data.slave_address = (address << 1);
    conf_data.fast_mode_speed = speed;
    conf_data.high_mode_speed = 0;
    result = vm_dcl_control(g_i2c_handle, VM_DCL_I2C_CMD_CONFIG, &conf_data);

    return v7_create_number(result);
Example #24
static v7_val_t gsm_hang(struct v7* v7)
    int result = 0;
    vm_gsm_tel_single_call_action_request_t req;
    vm_gsm_tel_call_actions_data_t data;

    if(IDLE_CALL != g_call_status) {
        req.action_id.sim = g_uid_info.sim;
        req.action_id.call_id = g_uid_info.call_id;
        req.action_id.group_id = g_uid_info.group_id;
        // req.action_id.sim = 1;
        // req.action_id.call_id = 1;
        // req.action_id.group_id = 1;

        data.action = VM_GSM_TEL_CALL_ACTION_END_SINGLE;
        data.data_action = (void*)&req;
        data.user_data = NULL;
        data.callback = call_voiceCall_callback;

        result = vm_gsm_tel_call_actions(&data);

    return v7_create_number(result);
Example #25
void sj_wifi_on_change_callback(enum sj_wifi_status event) {
  struct v7 *v7 = s_v7;
  v7_val_t cb = v7_get(v7, s_wifi, "_ccb", ~0);
  if (v7_is_undefined(cb) || v7_is_null(cb)) return;
  sj_invoke_cb1(s_v7, cb, v7_create_number(event));
Example #26
 * Returns an object describing the free memory.
 * sysfree: free system heap bytes
 * jssize: size of JS heap in bytes
 * jsfree: free JS heap bytes
 * strres: size of reserved string heap in bytes
 * struse: portion of string heap with used data
 * objnfree: number of free object slots in js heap
 * propnfree: number of free property slots in js heap
 * funcnfree: number of free function slots in js heap
static v7_val_t GC_stat(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t this_obj, v7_val_t args) {
  /* take a snapshot of the stats that would change as we populate the result */
  size_t sysfree = sj_get_free_heap_size();
  size_t jssize = v7_heap_stat(v7, V7_HEAP_STAT_HEAP_SIZE);
  size_t jsfree = jssize - v7_heap_stat(v7, V7_HEAP_STAT_HEAP_USED);
  size_t strres = v7_heap_stat(v7, V7_HEAP_STAT_STRING_HEAP_RESERVED);
  size_t struse = v7_heap_stat(v7, V7_HEAP_STAT_STRING_HEAP_USED);
  size_t objfree = v7_heap_stat(v7, V7_HEAP_STAT_OBJ_HEAP_FREE);
  size_t propnfree = v7_heap_stat(v7, V7_HEAP_STAT_PROP_HEAP_FREE);
  v7_val_t f = v7_create_undefined();
  v7_own(v7, &f);
  f = v7_create_object(v7);

  v7_set(v7, f, "sysfree", ~0, 0, v7_create_number(sysfree));
  v7_set(v7, f, "jssize", ~0, 0, v7_create_number(jssize));
  v7_set(v7, f, "jsfree", ~0, 0, v7_create_number(jsfree));
  v7_set(v7, f, "strres", ~0, 0, v7_create_number(strres));
  v7_set(v7, f, "struse", ~0, 0, v7_create_number(struse));
  v7_set(v7, f, "objfree", ~0, 0, v7_create_number(objfree));
  v7_set(v7, f, "objncell", ~0, 0,
         v7_create_number(v7_heap_stat(v7, V7_HEAP_STAT_OBJ_HEAP_CELL_SIZE)));
  v7_set(v7, f, "propnfree", ~0, 0, v7_create_number(propnfree));
  v7_set(v7, f, "propncell", ~0, 0,
         v7_create_number(v7_heap_stat(v7, V7_HEAP_STAT_PROP_HEAP_CELL_SIZE)));
  v7_set(v7, f, "funcnfree", ~0, 0,
         v7_create_number(v7_heap_stat(v7, V7_HEAP_STAT_FUNC_HEAP_FREE)));
  v7_set(v7, f, "funcncell", ~0, 0,
         v7_create_number(v7_heap_stat(v7, V7_HEAP_STAT_FUNC_HEAP_CELL_SIZE)));
  v7_set(v7, f, "astsize", ~0, 0,
         v7_create_number(v7_heap_stat(v7, V7_HEAP_STAT_FUNC_AST_SIZE)));
  v7_set(v7, f, "owned", ~0, 0,
         v7_create_number(v7_heap_stat(v7, V7_HEAP_STAT_FUNC_OWNED)));
  v7_set(v7, f, "owned_max", ~0, 0,
         v7_create_number(v7_heap_stat(v7, V7_HEAP_STAT_FUNC_OWNED_MAX)));

  v7_disown(v7, &f);
  return f;
Example #27
v7_val_t v7_file_to_val(int fd) {
  return v7_create_number(fd);
Example #28
ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR v7_val_t v7_file_to_val(int fd) {
  return v7_create_number(fd);