Example #1
bool CLTBModelFX::Update(float tmFrameTime)

	//Ok, what we are going to do is see if we are supposed to be sync'd to the
	//animation. If so, we are going to flat out ignore tmCur, and instead generate
	//our own. This way we can match the model exactly.
		//we need to find out where in the animation the model currently is
		ILTModel		*pLTModel = m_pLTClient->GetModelLT();
		if(pLTModel->GetMainTracker( m_hObject, nTracker ) == LT_OK)
			//we have the main tracker, see where in its timeline it is
			uint32 nCurrTime;
			uint32 nAnimTime;

			pLTModel->GetCurAnimTime(m_hObject, nTracker, nCurrTime);
			pLTModel->GetCurAnimLength(m_hObject, nTracker, nAnimTime);

				//handle wrapping
				nCurrTime %= nAnimTime;

				//ok, now convert cur time to a valid time
				m_tmElapsed = (nCurrTime * GetProps()->m_tmLifespan) / (float)nAnimTime;
				//zero length animation?
				m_tmElapsed = 0.0f;
	else if(GetProps()->m_bSyncToKey)
		//we need to find out where in the key we currently are
		ILTModel		*pLTModel = m_pLTClient->GetModelLT();
		if(pLTModel->GetMainTracker( m_hObject, nTracker ) == LT_OK)
			//we have the main tracker, see where in its timeline it is
			uint32 nAnimLength;
			m_pLTClient->GetModelLT()->ResetAnim( m_hObject, nTracker );
			pLTModel->GetCurAnimLength(m_hObject, nTracker, nAnimLength);

			if(nAnimLength > 0)

			float tmWrappedTime = fmodf(m_tmElapsed / GetProps()->m_tmLifespan, 1.0f);
			uint32 nAnimTime = (uint32)(tmWrappedTime * nAnimLength);
			pLTModel->SetCurAnimTime(m_hObject, nTracker, nAnimTime);
	// Base class update first	
	if (!CBaseFX::Update(tmFrameTime)) 
		return false;

	//see if we should reset our model animation
	if(!GetProps()->m_bSyncToKey && IsFinishedShuttingDown())
		//Reset the animation
		m_pLTClient->GetModelLT()->GetMainTracker( m_hObject, nTracker );
		m_pLTClient->GetModelLT()->ResetAnim( m_hObject, nTracker );

			m_pLTClient->GetModelLT()->SetAnimRate( m_hObject, nTracker, m_fAniRate);

	// Align if neccessary, to the rotation of our parent

	if ((m_hParent) && (GetProps()->m_nFacing == FACE_PARENTALIGN))
		LTRotation rParentRot;
		m_pLTClient->GetObjectRotation(m_hParent, &rParentRot);
		rParentRot = (GetProps()->m_bRotate ? rParentRot : rParentRot * m_rNormalRot);
		m_pLTClient->SetObjectRotation(m_hObject, &rParentRot);

	// If we want to add a rotation, make sure we are facing the correct way...
	if( GetProps()->m_bRotate )
		LTFLOAT		tmFrame = tmFrameTime;
		LTVector	vR( m_rRot.Right() );
		LTVector	vU( m_rRot.Up() );
		LTVector	vF( m_rRot.Forward() );

		LTRotation	rRotation;

		if( m_hCamera && (GetProps()->m_nFacing == FACE_CAMERAFACING))
			m_pLTClient->GetObjectRotation( m_hCamera, &rRotation );
			m_pLTClient->GetObjectRotation( m_hObject, &rRotation );

		m_rRot.Rotate( vR, MATH_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS( GetProps()->m_vRotAdd.x * tmFrame ));
		m_rRot.Rotate( vU, MATH_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS( GetProps()->m_vRotAdd.y * tmFrame ));
		m_rRot.Rotate( vF, MATH_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS( GetProps()->m_vRotAdd.z * tmFrame ));
		rRotation = rRotation * m_rRot;
		m_pLTClient->SetObjectRotation( m_hObject, &(rRotation * m_rNormalRot));
	else if( GetProps()->m_nFacing == FACE_CAMERAFACING )
		LTRotation rCamRot;

		m_pLTClient->GetObjectRotation( m_hCamera, &rCamRot );
		m_pLTClient->SetObjectRotation( m_hObject, &(rCamRot * m_rNormalRot) );

	// Success !!

	return true;
Example #2
void CLightningFX::PreRender( float tmFrameTime )
	LTVector vPulse;
	LTVector vF(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
	LTVector vU(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
	LTVector vR(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

	// Transform the bolt 

	LTMatrix mCam;
	if( m_bReallyClose )
		mCam = GetCamTransform(m_pLTClient, m_hCamera);
	CLightningBolt *pBolt = LTNULL;
	LightningBolts::iterator iter;
	for( iter = m_lstBolts.begin(); iter != m_lstBolts.end(); ++iter )
		pBolt = *iter;

		// Skip this bolt if there are not enough segments...

		if( pBolt->m_collPathPts.GetSize() < 2 || !pBolt->m_bActive )

		CLinkListNode<PT_TRAIL_SECTION> *pNode = pBolt->m_collPathPts.GetHead();

		//as long as some amount of time has passed, apply a pulse onto the bolt to make
		//it jitter
		if(tmFrameTime > 0.001f)
			while (pNode)
				vPulse = pNode->m_Data.m_vPos;
				vPulse += (vF * GetRandom( -GetProps()->m_fPulse, GetProps()->m_fPulse ));
				vPulse += (vU * GetRandom( -GetProps()->m_fPulse, GetProps()->m_fPulse ));
				vPulse += (vR * GetRandom( -GetProps()->m_fPulse, GetProps()->m_fPulse ));

				if( pNode == pBolt->m_collPathPts.GetHead() || !pNode->m_pNext )
					MatVMul(&pNode->m_Data.m_vTran, &mCam, &pNode->m_Data.m_vPos);
					MatVMul(&pNode->m_Data.m_vTran, &mCam, &vPulse);

				pNode = pNode->m_pNext;

		// Do some precalculations

		float fScale;
		CalcScale( pBolt->m_tmElapsed, pBolt->m_fLifetime, &fScale );
		float fWidth = pBolt->m_fWidth * fScale;

		// Setup the colour
		float r, g, b, a;			
		CalcColour( pBolt->m_tmElapsed, pBolt->m_fLifetime, &r, &g, &b, &a );			

		int ir = Clamp( (int)(r * 255.0f), 0, 255 );
		int ig = Clamp( (int)(g * 255.0f), 0, 255 );
		int ib = Clamp( (int)(b * 255.0f), 0, 255 );
		int ia = Clamp( (int)(a * 255.0f), 0, 255 );

		LTVector vStart, vEnd, vPrev, vBisector;
		vBisector.z = 0.0f;

		pNode = pBolt->m_collPathPts.GetHead();

		while( pNode )
			if( GetProps()->m_eAllignment == ePTA_Camera )
				// Compute the midpoint vectors

				if( pNode == pBolt->m_collPathPts.GetHead() )
					vStart = pNode->m_Data.m_vTran;
					vEnd   = pNode->m_pNext->m_Data.m_vTran;
					vBisector.x = vEnd.y - vStart.y;
					vBisector.y = -(vEnd.x - vStart.x);
				else if( pNode == pBolt->m_collPathPts.GetTail() )
					vEnd   = pNode->m_Data.m_vTran;
					vStart = pNode->m_pPrev->m_Data.m_vTran;
					vBisector.x = vEnd.y - vStart.y;
					vBisector.y = -(vEnd.x - vStart.x);
					vPrev  = pNode->m_pPrev->m_Data.m_vTran;
					vStart = pNode->m_Data.m_vTran;
					vEnd   = pNode->m_pNext->m_Data.m_vTran;

					float x1 = vEnd.y - vStart.y;
					float y1 = -(vEnd.x - vStart.x);
					float z1 = vStart.z - vEnd.z;

					float x2 = vStart.y - vPrev.y;
					float y2 = -(vStart.x - vPrev.x);
					float z2 = vPrev.z - vEnd.z;
					vBisector.x = (x1 + x2) / 2.0f;
					vBisector.y = (y1 + y2) / 2.0f;

				pNode->m_Data.m_vBisector = vBisector;
			// Set the width for this section...

			pNode->m_Data.m_vBisector.Norm( fWidth );
			// Set the color for this section...

			pNode->m_Data.m_red = ir;
			pNode->m_Data.m_green = ig;
			pNode->m_Data.m_blue = ib;
			pNode->m_Data.m_alpha = ia;
			pNode = pNode->m_pNext;
void LWRController::pubStatus()
    ros::Publisher pub_js = mNode.advertise<sensor_msgs::JointState>("/joint_states", 1);
    ros::Publisher pub_force_vis = mNode.advertise<visualization_msgs::Marker>("force_visual", 1);
    ros::Publisher pub_force = mNode.advertise<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>("force", 1);
    ros::Publisher pub_ptool = mNode.advertise<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>("pose_tool", 1);
    std::string joint_names;
    mNode.getParam("joint_names", joint_names);

    while (is_running) {
        boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(mFriClient.mMutex);
        mFriClient.mCondSend.timed_wait(lock, boost::posix_time::milliseconds(150));
        // TODO: Should check for condition=true; measure runtime here!
        if (mFriClient.mSendStatus) {
            mFriClient.mSendStatus = false;

            // ==== JOINT STATES
            sensor_msgs::JointState js;
            js.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
            for (uint i=0; i<7; i++) {
                char name[256];
                sprintf(name, joint_names.c_str(), i);
                js.name[i] = std::string(name);
                js.position[i] = mFriClient.mMeasuredJoint[i];

            // ==== Cartesian Pose
            float *pval = mFriClient.mMeasuredCart;
            geometry_msgs::PoseStamped p_cart;
            mFriClient.pose_kuka2ros(pval, p_cart.pose, NULL, 1);
            p_cart.header.frame_id = "/calib_lwr_arm_base_link";

            // ==== ESTIMATED FORCES
            // Looks like this pose is in the Base frame, and the z-axis is negated compared to ROS
            if (mFriClient.mForcesFrame > 0) {
                geometry_msgs::PoseStamped pF_base, pF_hand;
                pF_base.pose.position.x = mFriClient.mForces[0];
                pF_base.pose.position.y = mFriClient.mForces[1];
                pF_base.pose.position.z = mFriClient.mForces[2];
                // TODO: Quaternion!
                pF_base.pose.orientation.w = 1;
                pF_base.pose.orientation.x = 0;
                pF_base.pose.orientation.y = 0;
                pF_base.pose.orientation.z = 0;

                pF_base.header.stamp = ros::Time();
                if (mFriClient.mForcesFrame == 1) {
                    //pF_base.pose.position.z *= -1.0;
                    pF_base.header.frame_id = "/calib_lwr_arm_base_link";
                if (mFriClient.mForcesFrame == 2) {
                    pF_base.header.frame_id = "/lwr_arm_7_link";
                try {
                    mTF.transformPose("/lwr_arm_7_link", pF_base, pF_hand);

                    Eigen::Vector3d vF(pF_hand.pose.position.x, pF_hand.pose.position.y, pF_hand.pose.position.z);
                    Eigen::Vector3d v_s(0,0,0.1);
                    Eigen::Vector3d v_e = v_s + 0.1*vF;

                    visualization_msgs::Marker marker;
                    marker.header.frame_id = "/lwr_arm_7_link";
                    marker.header.stamp = ros::Time();
                    marker.ns = "my_namespace";
                    marker.id = 0;
                    marker.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::ARROW;
                    marker.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD;
                    marker.points[0].x = v_s[0];
                    marker.points[0].y = v_s[1];
                    marker.points[0].z = v_s[2];
                    marker.points[1].x = v_e[0];
                    marker.points[1].y = v_e[1];
                    marker.points[1].z = v_e[2];
                    marker.scale.x = 0.01;
                    marker.scale.y = 0.02;
                    marker.scale.z = 0.02;
                    marker.color.a = 1.0;
                    marker.color.r = 1.0;
                    marker.color.g = 0.0;
                    marker.color.b = 1.0;
                } catch (...) {
                    ROS_ERROR_STREAM("pubStatus: Failed to transform pose");

    ROS_INFO_STREAM("LWRController::pubStatus: Exit");