bool MergeInfillLines::isConvertible(unsigned int path_idx_first_move, Point& first_middle, Point& second_middle, int64_t& line_width, bool use_second_middle_as_first)
    int64_t max_line_width = nozzle_size * 3 / 2;
    unsigned int idx = path_idx_first_move;
    if (idx + 3 > paths.size()-1) return false;
    if (paths[idx+0].config != &travelConfig) return false;
    if (paths[idx+1].points.size() > 1) return false;
    if (paths[idx+1].config == &travelConfig) return false;
//                 if (paths[idx+2].points.size() > 1) return false;
    if (paths[idx+2].config != &travelConfig) return false;
    if (paths[idx+3].points.size() > 1) return false;
    if (paths[idx+3].config == &travelConfig) return false;
    Point& a = paths[idx+0].points.back(); // first extruded line from
    Point& b = paths[idx+1].points.back(); // first extruded line to
    Point& c = paths[idx+2].points.back(); // second extruded line from
    Point& d = paths[idx+3].points.back(); // second extruded line to
    Point ab = b - a;
    Point cd = d - c;
    int64_t prod = dot(ab,cd);
    if (std::abs(prod) + 400 < vSize(ab) * vSize(cd)) // 400 = 20*20, where 20 micron is the allowed inaccuracy in the dot product, introduced by the inaccurate point locations of a,b,c,d
        return false; // extrusion moves not in the same or opposite diraction
    if (prod < 0) { ab = ab * -1; }
    Point infill_vector = (cd + ab) / 2;
    if (!shorterThen(infill_vector, 5 * nozzle_size)) return false; // infill lines too far apart
    first_middle = (use_second_middle_as_first)?
                    second_middle :
                    (a + b) / 2;
    second_middle = (c + d) / 2;
    Point dir_vector_perp = crossZ(second_middle - first_middle);
    int64_t dir_vector_perp_length = vSize(dir_vector_perp); // == dir_vector_length
    if (dir_vector_perp_length == 0) return false;
    if (dir_vector_perp_length > 5 * nozzle_size) return false; // infill lines too far apart
    line_width = std::abs( dot(dir_vector_perp, infill_vector) / dir_vector_perp_length );
    if (line_width > max_line_width) return false; // combined lines would be too wide
    if (line_width == 0) return false; // dot is zero, so lines are in each others extension, not next to eachother
    { // check whether the two lines are adjacent
        Point ca = first_middle - c;
        double ca_size = vSizeMM(ca);
        double cd_size = vSizeMM(cd);
        double prod = INT2MM(dot(ca, cd));
        double fraction = prod / ( ca_size * cd_size );
        int64_t line2line_dist = MM2INT(cd_size * std::sqrt(1.0 - fraction * fraction));
        if (line2line_dist + 20 > paths[idx+1].config->getLineWidth()) return false; // there is a gap between the two lines
    return true;
Example #2
int64_t WallOverlapComputation::overlapEndingDistance(Point& a1, Point& a2, Point& b1, Point& b2, int a1b1_dist)
    int overlap = lineWidth - a1b1_dist;
    Point a = a2-a1;
    Point b = b2-b1;
    double cos_angle = INT2MM2(dot(a, b)) / vSizeMM(a) / vSizeMM(b);
    // result == .5*overlap / tan(.5*angle) == .5*overlap / tan(.5*acos(cos_angle)) 
    // [wolfram alpha] == 0.5*overlap * sqrt(cos_angle+1)/sqrt(1-cos_angle)
    // [assuming positive x] == 0.5*overlap / sqrt( 2 / (cos_angle + 1) - 1 ) 
    if (cos_angle <= 0)
        return 0;
        int64_t dist = overlap * double ( 1.0 / (2.0 * sqrt(2.0 / (cos_angle+1.0) - 1.0)) );
        if (dist * dist > vSize2(a) || dist * dist > vSize2(b)) 
            return 0;
            DEBUG_PRINTLN("ERROR! overlap end too long!! ");
        return dist;
Example #3
void GCodePlanner::forceMinimalLayerTime(double minTime, int minimalSpeed)
    Point p0 = gcode.getPositionXY();
    double travelTime = 0.0;
    double extrudeTime = 0.0;
    for(unsigned int n=0; n<paths.size(); n++)
        GCodePath* path = &paths[n];
        for(unsigned int i=0; i<path->points.size(); i++)
            double thisTime = vSizeMM(p0 - path->points[i]) / double(path->config->speed);
            if (path->config->lineWidth != 0)
                extrudeTime += thisTime;
                travelTime += thisTime;
            p0 = path->points[i];
    double totalTime = extrudeTime + travelTime;
    if (totalTime < minTime && extrudeTime > 0.0)
        double minExtrudeTime = minTime - travelTime;
        if (minExtrudeTime < 1)
            minExtrudeTime = 1;
        double factor = extrudeTime / minExtrudeTime;
        for(unsigned int n=0; n<paths.size(); n++)
            GCodePath* path = &paths[n];
            if (path->config->lineWidth == 0)
            int speed = path->config->speed * factor;
            if (speed < minimalSpeed)
                factor = double(minimalSpeed) / double(path->config->speed);
        //Only slow down with the minimal time if that will be slower then a factor already set. First layer slowdown also sets the speed factor.
        if (factor * 100 < getExtrudeSpeedFactor())
            setExtrudeSpeedFactor(factor * 100);
            factor = getExtrudeSpeedFactor() / 100.0;
        if (minTime - (extrudeTime / factor) - travelTime > 0.1)
            //TODO: Use up this extra time (circle around the print?)
            this->extraTime = minTime - (extrudeTime / factor) - travelTime;
        this->totalPrintTime = (extrudeTime / factor) + travelTime;
        this->totalPrintTime = totalTime;
Example #4
void GCodePlanner::getNaiveTimeEstimates(double& travelTime, double& extrudeTime)
    travelTime = 0.0;
    extrudeTime = 0.0;
    Point p0 = gcode.getPositionXY();
    for(unsigned int n=0; n<paths.size(); n++)
        GCodePath* path = &paths[n];
        for(unsigned int i=0; i<path->points.size(); i++)
            double thisTime = vSizeMM(p0 - path->points[i]) / path->config->getSpeed();
            if (path->getExtrusionMM3perMM() != 0)
                extrudeTime += thisTime;
                travelTime += thisTime;
            p0 = path->points[i];
Example #5
void GCodeExport::addMove(Point p, int speed, int lineWidth)
    if (lineWidth != 0)
        Point diff = p - getPositionXY();
        if (isRetracted)
            if (flavor == GCODE_FLAVOR_ULTIGCODE)
                fprintf(f, "G11\n");
                fprintf(f, "G1 F%i E%0.5lf\n", retractionSpeed * 60, extrusionAmount);
                currentSpeed = retractionSpeed;
            if (extrusionAmount > 10000.0) //According to having more then 21m of extrusion causes inaccuracies. So reset it every 10m, just to be sure.
            isRetracted = false;
        extrusionAmount += extrusionPerMM * double(lineWidth) / 1000.0 * vSizeMM(diff);
        fprintf(f, "G1");
        fprintf(f, "G0");
    if (currentSpeed != speed)
        fprintf(f, " F%i", speed * 60);
        currentSpeed = speed;
    fprintf(f, " X%0.2f Y%0.2f", float(p.X - extruderOffset[extruderNr].X)/1000, float(p.Y - extruderOffset[extruderNr].Y)/1000);
    if (zPos != currentPosition.z)
        fprintf(f, " Z%0.2f", float(zPos)/1000);
    if (lineWidth != 0)
        fprintf(f, " E%0.5lf", extrusionAmount);
    fprintf(f, "\n");
    currentPosition = Point3(p.X, p.Y, zPos);
Example #6
void GCodePlanner::writeGCode(bool liftHeadIfNeeded, int layerThickness)
    GCodePathConfig* lastConfig = NULL;
    int extruder = gcode.getExtruderNr();

    for(unsigned int n=0; n<paths.size(); n++)
        GCodePath* path = &paths[n];
        if (extruder != path->extruder)
            extruder = path->extruder;
        }else if (path->retract)
        if (path->config != &travelConfig && lastConfig != path->config)
            gcode.addComment("TYPE:%s", path->config->name);
            lastConfig = path->config;
        int speed = path->config->speed;
        if (path->config->lineWidth != 0)// Only apply the extrudeSpeedFactor to extrusion moves
            speed = speed * extrudeSpeedFactor / 100;
            speed = speed * travelSpeedFactor / 100;
        if (path->points.size() == 1 && path->config != &travelConfig && shorterThen(gcode.getPositionXY() - path->points[0], path->config->lineWidth * 2))
            //Check for lots of small moves and combine them into one large line
            Point p0 = path->points[0];
            unsigned int i = n + 1;
            while(i < paths.size() && paths[i].points.size() == 1 && shorterThen(p0 - paths[i].points[0], path->config->lineWidth * 2))
                p0 = paths[i].points[0];
                i ++;
            if (paths[i-1].config == &travelConfig)
                i --;
            if (i > n + 2)
                p0 = gcode.getPositionXY();
                for(unsigned int x=n; x<i-1; x+=2)
                    int64_t oldLen = vSize(p0 - paths[x].points[0]);
                    Point newPoint = (paths[x].points[0] + paths[x+1].points[0]) / 2;
                    int64_t newLen = vSize(gcode.getPositionXY() - newPoint);
                    if (newLen > 0)
                        gcode.addMove(newPoint, speed, path->config->lineWidth * oldLen / newLen);
                    p0 = paths[x+1].points[0];
                gcode.addMove(paths[i-1].points[0], speed, path->config->lineWidth);
                n = i - 1;
        if (path->config->spiralize)
            //If we need to spiralize then raise the head slowly by 1 layer as this path progresses.
            float totalLength = 0.0;
            int z = gcode.getPositionZ();
            Point p0 = gcode.getPositionXY();
            for(unsigned int i=0; i<path->points.size(); i++)
                Point p1 = path->points[i];
                totalLength += vSizeMM(p0 - p1);
                p0 = p1;
            float length = 0.0;
            p0 = gcode.getPositionXY();
            for(unsigned int i=0; i<path->points.size(); i++)
                Point p1 = path->points[i];
                length += vSizeMM(p0 - p1);
                p0 = p1;
                gcode.setZ(z + layerThickness * length / totalLength);
                gcode.addMove(path->points[i], speed, path->config->lineWidth);
            for(unsigned int i=0; i<path->points.size(); i++)
                gcode.addMove(path->points[i], speed, path->config->lineWidth);
    gcode.totalPrintTime += this->totalPrintTime;
    if (liftHeadIfNeeded && extraTime > 0.0)
        gcode.totalPrintTime += extraTime;
        gcode.addComment("Small layer, adding delay of %f", extraTime);
        gcode.setZ(gcode.getPositionZ() + 3000);
        gcode.addMove(gcode.getPositionXY(), travelConfig.speed, 0);
        gcode.addMove(gcode.getPositionXY() - Point(-20000, 0), travelConfig.speed, 0);
Example #7
void GCodePlanner::writeGCode(bool liftHeadIfNeeded, int layerThickness)
    GCodePathConfig* last_extrusion_config = nullptr;
    int extruder = gcode.getExtruderNr();

    for(unsigned int path_idx = 0; path_idx < paths.size(); path_idx++)
        GCodePath& path = paths[path_idx];
        if (extruder != path.extruder)
            extruder = path.extruder;
        }else if (path.retract)
        if (path.config != &travelConfig && last_extrusion_config != path.config)
            last_extrusion_config = path.config;
        double speed = path.config->getSpeed();

        if (path.getExtrusionMM3perMM() != 0)// Only apply the extrudeSpeed to extrusion moves
            speed *= getExtrudeSpeedFactor();
            speed *= getExtrudeSpeedFactor();

        int64_t nozzle_size = 400; // TODO allow the machine settings to be passed on everywhere :: depends on which nozzle!
        if (MergeInfillLines(gcode, paths, travelConfig, nozzle_size).mergeInfillLines(speed, path_idx)) // !! has effect on path_idx !!
        { // !! has effect on path_idx !!
            // works when path_idx is the index of the travel move BEFORE the infill lines to be merged
        if (path.config == &travelConfig)
        { // early comp for travel paths, which are handled more simply
            for(unsigned int point_idx = 0; point_idx < path.points.size(); point_idx++)
                gcode.writeMove(path.points[point_idx], speed, path.getExtrusionMM3perMM());
        bool spiralize = path.config->spiralize;
        if (spiralize)
            //Check if we are the last spiralize path in the list, if not, do not spiralize.
            for(unsigned int m=path_idx+1; m<paths.size(); m++)
                if (paths[m].config->spiralize)
                    spiralize = false;
        if (!spiralize) // normal (extrusion) move (with coasting
            CoastingConfig& coasting_config = storage.coasting_config[extruder];
            bool coasting = coasting_config.coasting_enable; 
            if (coasting)
                coasting = writePathWithCoasting(path_idx, layerThickness
                            , coasting_config.coasting_volume_move, coasting_config.coasting_speed_move, coasting_config.coasting_min_volume_move
                            , coasting_config.coasting_volume_retract, coasting_config.coasting_speed_retract, coasting_config.coasting_min_volume_retract);
            if (! coasting) // not same as 'else', cause we might have changed coasting in the line above...
            { // normal path to gcode algorithm
                if (  // change   ||||||   to  /\/\/\/\/ ...
                    false &&
                    path_idx + 2 < paths.size() // has a next move
                    && paths[path_idx+1].points.size() == 1 // is single extruded line
                    && paths[path_idx+1].config != &travelConfig // next move is extrusion
                    && paths[path_idx+2].config == &travelConfig // next next move is travel
                    && shorterThen(path.points.back() - gcode.getPositionXY(), 2 * nozzle_size) // preceding extrusion is close by
                    && shorterThen(paths[path_idx+1].points.back() - path.points.back(), 2 * nozzle_size) // extrusion move is small
                    && shorterThen(paths[path_idx+2].points.back() - paths[path_idx+1].points.back(), 2 * nozzle_size) // consecutive extrusion is close by
                    gcode.writeMove(paths[path_idx+2].points.back(), speed, paths[path_idx+1].getExtrusionMM3perMM());
                    path_idx += 2;
                    for(unsigned int point_idx = 0; point_idx < path.points.size(); point_idx++)
                        gcode.writeMove(path.points[point_idx], speed, path.getExtrusionMM3perMM());
        { // SPIRALIZE
            //If we need to spiralize then raise the head slowly by 1 layer as this path progresses.
            float totalLength = 0.0;
            int z = gcode.getPositionZ();
            Point p0 = gcode.getPositionXY();
            for(unsigned int i=0; i<path.points.size(); i++)
                Point p1 = path.points[i];
                totalLength += vSizeMM(p0 - p1);
                p0 = p1;

            float length = 0.0;
            p0 = gcode.getPositionXY();
            for(unsigned int point_idx = 0; point_idx < path.points.size(); point_idx++)
                Point p1 = path.points[point_idx];
                length += vSizeMM(p0 - p1);
                p0 = p1;
                gcode.setZ(z + layerThickness * length / totalLength);
                gcode.writeMove(path.points[point_idx], speed, path.getExtrusionMM3perMM());

    if (liftHeadIfNeeded && extraTime > 0.0)
        gcode.writeComment("Small layer, adding delay");
        if (last_extrusion_config)
            bool extruder_switch_retract = false;// TODO: check whether we should do a retractoin_extruderSwitch; is the next path with a different extruder?
            writeRetraction(extruder_switch_retract, last_extrusion_config->retraction_config);
        gcode.setZ(gcode.getPositionZ() + MM2INT(3.0));
        gcode.writeMove(gcode.getPositionXY(), travelConfig.getSpeed(), 0);
        gcode.writeMove(gcode.getPositionXY() - Point(-MM2INT(20.0), 0), travelConfig.getSpeed(), 0);
Example #8
void GCodeExport::writeMove(Point p, int speed, int lineWidth)
    if (flavor == GCODE_FLAVOR_BFB)
        //For Bits From Bytes machines, we need to handle this completely differently. As they do not use E values but RPM values.
        float fspeed = speed * 60;
        float rpm = (extrusionPerMM * double(lineWidth) / 1000.0) * speed * 60;
        const float mm_per_rpm = 4.0; //All BFB machines have 4mm per RPM extrusion.
        rpm /= mm_per_rpm;
        if (rpm > 0)
            if (isRetracted)
                if (currentSpeed != int(rpm * 10))
                    //fprintf(f, "; %f e-per-mm %d mm-width %d mm/s\n", extrusionPerMM, lineWidth, speed);
                    fprintf(f, "M108 S%0.1f\n", rpm * 10);
                    currentSpeed = int(rpm * 10);
                fprintf(f, "M101\n");
                isRetracted = false;
            //Fix the speed by the actual RPM we are asking, because of rounding errors we cannot get all RPM values, but we have a lot more resolution in the feedrate value.
            // (Trick copied from KISSlicer, thanks Jonathan)
            fspeed *= (rpm / (roundf(rpm * 100) / 100));
            //If we are not extruding, check if we still need to disable the extruder. This causes a retraction due to auto-retraction.
            if (!isRetracted)
                fprintf(f, "M103\n");
                isRetracted = true;
        fprintf(f, "G1 X%0.2f Y%0.2f Z%0.2f F%0.1f\n", INT2MM(p.X - extruderOffset[extruderNr].X), INT2MM(p.Y - extruderOffset[extruderNr].Y), INT2MM(zPos), fspeed);
        //Normal E handling.
        if (lineWidth != 0)
            Point diff = p - getPositionXY();
            if (isRetracted)
                if (retractionZHop > 0)
                    fprintf(f, "G1 Z%0.2f\n", float(currentPosition.z)/1000);
                if (flavor == GCODE_FLAVOR_ULTIGCODE)
                    fprintf(f, "G11\n");
                    fprintf(f, "G1 F%i %c%0.5lf\n", retractionSpeed * 60, extruderCharacter[extruderNr], extrusionAmount);
                    currentSpeed = retractionSpeed;
                    estimateCalculator.plan(TimeEstimateCalculator::Position(INT2MM(p.X), INT2MM(p.Y), INT2MM(zPos), extrusionAmount), currentSpeed);
                if (extrusionAmount > 10000.0) //According to having more then 21m of extrusion causes inaccuracies. So reset it every 10m, just to be sure.
                isRetracted = false;
            extrusionAmount += extrusionPerMM * INT2MM(lineWidth) * vSizeMM(diff);
            fprintf(f, "G1");
            fprintf(f, "G0");

        if (currentSpeed != speed)
            fprintf(f, " F%i", speed * 60);
            currentSpeed = speed;

        fprintf(f, " X%0.2f Y%0.2f", INT2MM(p.X - extruderOffset[extruderNr].X), INT2MM(p.Y - extruderOffset[extruderNr].Y));
        if (zPos != currentPosition.z)
            fprintf(f, " Z%0.2f", INT2MM(zPos));
        if (lineWidth != 0)
            fprintf(f, " %c%0.5lf", extruderCharacter[extruderNr], extrusionAmount);
        fprintf(f, "\n");
    currentPosition = Point3(p.X, p.Y, zPos);
    estimateCalculator.plan(TimeEstimateCalculator::Position(INT2MM(currentPosition.x), INT2MM(currentPosition.y), INT2MM(currentPosition.z), extrusionAmount), speed);