Example #1
static void setInputFileParametersCommon (inputFileInfo *finfo, vString *const fileName,
					  const langType language,
					  stringList *holder)
	if (finfo->name != NULL)
		vStringDelete (finfo->name);
	finfo->name = fileName;

	if (finfo->tagPath != NULL)
		if (holder)
			stringListAdd (holder, finfo->tagPath);
			vStringDelete (finfo->tagPath);

	if (0)
	else if (  Option.tagRelative == TREL_ALWAYS )
		finfo->tagPath =
			vStringNewOwn (relativeFilename (vStringValue (fileName),
							 getTagFileDirectory ()));
	else if ( Option.tagRelative == TREL_NEVER )
		finfo->tagPath =
			vStringNewOwn (absoluteFilename (vStringValue (fileName)));
	else if ( Option.tagRelative == TREL_NO || isAbsolutePath (vStringValue (fileName)) )
		finfo->tagPath = vStringNewCopy (fileName);
		finfo->tagPath =
			vStringNewOwn (relativeFilename (vStringValue (fileName),
							 getTagFileDirectory ()));

	finfo->isHeader = isIncludeFile (vStringValue (fileName));
Example #2
static void makeFunctionTag (tokenInfo *const token)
	vString *	fulltag;

	if ( ! token->ignoreTag )
		fulltag = vStringNew ();
		if (vStringLength (token->scope) > 0)
			vStringCopy(fulltag, token->scope);
			vStringCatS (fulltag, ".");
			vStringCatS (fulltag, vStringValue(token->string));
			vStringCopy(fulltag, token->string);
		if ( ! stringListHas(FunctionNames, vStringValue (fulltag)) )
			stringListAdd (FunctionNames, vStringNewCopy (fulltag));
			makeJsTag (token, JSTAG_FUNCTION);
		vStringDelete (fulltag);
Example #3
static void makeJsTag (tokenInfo *const token, const jsKind kind, vString *const signature)
	if (JsKinds [kind].enabled && ! token->ignoreTag )
		const char *name = vStringValue (token->string);
		vString *fullscope = vStringNewCopy (token->scope);
		const char *p;
		tagEntryInfo e;

		if ( (p = strrchr (name, '.')) != NULL )
			if (vStringLength (fullscope) > 0)
				vStringPut (fullscope, '.');
			vStringNCatS (fullscope, name, (size_t) (p - name));
			name = p + 1;

		initTagEntry (&e, name);

		e.lineNumber   = token->lineNumber;
		e.filePosition = token->filePosition;
		e.kindName	   = JsKinds [kind].name;
		e.kind		   = JsKinds [kind].letter;

		if ( vStringLength(fullscope) > 0 )
			jsKind parent_kind = JSTAG_CLASS;

			 * If we're creating a function (and not a method),
			 * guess we're inside another function
			if (kind == JSTAG_FUNCTION)
				parent_kind = JSTAG_FUNCTION;

			e.extensionFields.scope[0] = JsKinds [parent_kind].name;
			e.extensionFields.scope[1] = vStringValue (fullscope);

		if (signature && vStringLength(signature))
			size_t i;
			/* sanitize signature by replacing all control characters with a
			 * space (because it's simple).
			 * there should never be any junk in a valid signature, but who
			 * knows what the user wrote and CTags doesn't cope well with weird
			 * characters. */
			for (i = 0; i < signature->length; i++)
				unsigned char c = (unsigned char) signature->buffer[i];
				if (c < 0x20 /* below space */ || c == 0x7F /* DEL */)
					signature->buffer[i] = ' ';
			e.extensionFields.signature = vStringValue(signature);

		makeTagEntry (&e);
		vStringDelete (fullscope);
Example #4
static void makeClassTag (tokenInfo *const token, vString *const signature)
	vString *	fulltag;

	if ( ! token->ignoreTag )
		fulltag = vStringNew ();
		if (vStringLength (token->scope) > 0)
			vStringCopy(fulltag, token->scope);
			vStringCatS (fulltag, ".");
			vStringCatS (fulltag, vStringValue(token->string));
			vStringCopy(fulltag, token->string);
		if ( ! stringListHas(ClassNames, vStringValue (fulltag)) )
			stringListAdd (ClassNames, vStringNewCopy (fulltag));
			makeJsTag (token, JSTAG_CLASS, signature);
		vStringDelete (fulltag);
Example #5
* Emits a tag for the given 'name' of kind 'kind' at the current nesting.
static void emitRubyTag (vString* name, rubyKind kind)
	tagEntryInfo tag;
	vString* scope;

        if (!RubyKinds[kind].enabled) {

	vStringTerminate (name);
	scope = stringListToScope (nesting);

	initTagEntry (&tag, vStringValue (name));
	if (vStringLength (scope) > 0) {
	    tag.extensionFields.scope [0] = "class";
	    tag.extensionFields.scope [1] = vStringValue (scope);
	tag.kindName = RubyKinds [kind].name;
	tag.kind = RubyKinds [kind].letter;
	makeTagEntry (&tag);

	stringListAdd (nesting, vStringNewCopy (name));

	vStringClear (name);
	vStringDelete (scope);
Example #6
File: go.c Project: Dev0Null/ctags
static tokenInfo *copyToken (tokenInfo *other)
	tokenInfo *const token = xMalloc (1, tokenInfo);
	token->type = other->type;
	token->keyword = other->keyword;
	token->string = vStringNewCopy (other->string);
	token->lineNumber = other->lineNumber;
	token->filePosition = other->filePosition;
	return token;
Example #7
static void reportType (tokenInfo *const token)
    vStringUpper (token->string);
    if (vStringLength (token->string) > 0  && ! isGeneric (token)  &&
            (SelfReferences || strcmp (vStringValue (
                                           token->string), vStringValue (token->className)) != 0) &&
            ! stringListHas (ReferencedTypes, vStringValue (token->string)))
        printf ("%s\n", vStringValue (token->string));
        stringListAdd (ReferencedTypes, vStringNewCopy (token->string));
Example #8
File: read.c Project: ajitvin/v
static boolean setSourceFileName (vString *const fileName)
	boolean result = FALSE;
	if (getFileLanguage (vStringValue (fileName)) != LANG_IGNORE)
		vString *pathName;
		if (isAbsolutePath (vStringValue (fileName)) || File.path == NULL)
			pathName = vStringNewCopy (fileName);
			pathName = combinePathAndFile (
					vStringValue (File.path), vStringValue (fileName));
		setSourceFileParameters (pathName);
		result = TRUE;
	return result;
Example #9
static void makeJsTag (tokenInfo *const token, const jsKind kind)
	if (JsKinds [kind].enabled && ! token->ignoreTag )
		const char *name = vStringValue (token->string);
		vString *fullscope = vStringNewCopy (token->scope);
		const char *p;
		tagEntryInfo e;

		if ( (p = strrchr (name, '.')) != NULL )
			if (vStringLength (fullscope) > 0)
				vStringPut (fullscope, '.');
			vStringNCatS (fullscope, name, (size_t) (p - name));
			name = p + 1;

		initTagEntry (&e, name);

		e.lineNumber   = token->lineNumber;
		e.filePosition = token->filePosition;
		e.kindName	   = JsKinds [kind].name;
		e.kind		   = JsKinds [kind].letter;

		if ( vStringLength(fullscope) > 0 )
			jsKind parent_kind = JSTAG_CLASS;

			 * If we're creating a function (and not a method),
			 * guess we're inside another function
			if (kind == JSTAG_FUNCTION)
				parent_kind = JSTAG_FUNCTION;

			e.extensionFields.scope[0] = JsKinds [parent_kind].name;
			e.extensionFields.scope[1] = vStringValue (fullscope);

		makeTagEntry (&e);
		vStringDelete (fullscope);
Example #10
static bool setSourceFileName (vString *const fileName)
	const langType language = getLanguageForFilenameAndContents (vStringValue (fileName));
	bool result = false;
	if (language != LANG_IGNORE)
		vString *pathName;
		if (isAbsolutePath (vStringValue (fileName)) || File.path == NULL)
			pathName = vStringNewCopy (fileName);
			char *tmp = combinePathAndFile (
				vStringValue (File.path), vStringValue (fileName));
			pathName = vStringNewOwn (tmp);
		setSourceFileParameters (pathName, language);
		result = true;
	return result;
Example #11
static boolean setSourceFileName (vString *const fileName)
	const langType language = getFileLanguage (vStringValue (fileName));
	boolean result = FALSE;
	if (language != LANG_IGNORE)
		vString *pathName;
		if (isAbsolutePath (vStringValue (fileName)) || File.path == NULL)
			pathName = vStringNewCopy (fileName);
			char *tmp = combinePathAndFile (
				vStringValue (File.path), vStringValue (fileName));
			pathName = vStringNewOwn (tmp);
		setSourceFileParameters (pathName, language);
		result = TRUE;
	return result;
Example #12
static void setInputFileParametersCommon (inputFileInfo *finfo, vString *const fileName,
					  const langType language, stringList *holder)
	if (finfo->name != NULL)
		vStringDelete (finfo->name);
	finfo->name = fileName;

	if (finfo->tagPath != NULL)
		if (holder)
			stringListAdd (holder, finfo->tagPath);
			vStringDelete (finfo->tagPath);
	if (! Option.tagRelative || isAbsolutePath (vStringValue (fileName)))
		finfo->tagPath = vStringNewCopy (fileName);
		finfo->tagPath =
				vStringNewOwn (relativeFilename (vStringValue (fileName), TagFile.directory));

	finfo->isHeader = isIncludeFile (vStringValue (fileName));
	finfo->language = language;
Example #13
* Emits a tag for the given 'name' of kind 'kind' at the current nesting.
static void emitRubyTag (vString* name, rubyKind kind)
	tagEntryInfo tag;
	vString* scope;
	const char *this_name;

	vStringTerminate (name);
	scope = stringListToScope (nesting);

	/* extract scope and actual name from tag name in case of tags like
	 * "class Foo::Bar::Baz" which are parsed as a single name, "Foo.Bar.Baz" */
	this_name = strrchr (vStringValue (name), '.');
	if (this_name)
		if (vStringLength (scope) > 0)
			vStringPut (scope, '.');
		vStringNCat (scope, name, this_name - vStringValue (name));
		vStringTerminate (scope);
		this_name ++;
		this_name = vStringValue (name);

	initTagEntry (&tag, this_name);
	if (vStringLength (scope) > 0) {
	    tag.extensionFields.scope [0] = "class";
	    tag.extensionFields.scope [1] = vStringValue (scope);
	tag.kindName = RubyKinds [kind].name;
	tag.kind = RubyKinds [kind].letter;
	makeTagEntry (&tag);

	stringListAdd (nesting, vStringNewCopy (name));

	vStringClear (name);
	vStringDelete (scope);
Example #14
/* Function format:
 * "fn" <ident>[<type_bounds>] "(" [<args>] ")" ["->" <ret_type>] "{" [<body>] "}"*/
static void parseFn (lexerState *lexer, vString *scope, int parent_kind)
	int kind = (parent_kind == K_TRAIT || parent_kind == K_IMPL) ? K_METHOD : K_FN;
	vString *name;
	vString *arg_list;
	unsigned long line;
	fpos_t pos;
	int paren_level = 0;
	boolean found_paren = FALSE;
	boolean valid_signature = TRUE;

	advanceToken(lexer, TRUE);
	if (lexer->cur_token != TOKEN_IDENT)

	name = vStringNewCopy(lexer->token_str);
	arg_list = vStringNew();

	line = lexer->line;
	pos = lexer->pos;

	advanceToken(lexer, TRUE);

	/* HACK: This is a bit coarse as far as what tag entry means by
	 * 'arglist'... */
	while (lexer->cur_token != '{' && lexer->cur_token != ';')
		if (lexer->cur_token == '}')
			valid_signature = FALSE;
		else if (lexer->cur_token == '(')
			found_paren = TRUE;
		else if (lexer->cur_token == ')')
			if (paren_level < 0)
				valid_signature = FALSE;
		else if (lexer->cur_token == TOKEN_EOF)
			valid_signature = FALSE;
		writeCurTokenToStr(lexer, arg_list);
		advanceToken(lexer, FALSE);
	if (!found_paren || paren_level != 0)
		valid_signature = FALSE;

	if (valid_signature)
		addTag(name, arg_list->buffer, kind, line, pos, scope, parent_kind);
		addToScope(scope, name);
		parseBlock(lexer, TRUE, kind, scope);

Example #15
static void addGenericName (tokenInfo *const token)
    vStringUpper (token->string);
    if (vStringLength (token->string) > 0)
        stringListAdd (GenericNames, vStringNewCopy (token->string));