Example #1
checkDock::checkDock( QgisInterface* qIface, QWidget* parent )
    : QDockWidget( parent ), Ui::checkDock()
  mTest = new topolTest( qIface );

  setupUi( this );

  // hide the fix-related stuff, needs more work
  qgsInterface = qIface;

  mErrorListModel = new DockModel( mErrorList, parent );
  mErrorTableView->setModel( mErrorListModel );
  mErrorTableView->setSelectionBehavior( QAbstractItemView::SelectRows );
  mErrorTableView->verticalHeader()->setDefaultSectionSize( 20 );

  mLayerRegistry = QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance();
  mConfigureDialog = new rulesDialog( mLayerRegistry->mapLayers().keys(), mTest->testMap(), qIface, parent );
  mTestTable = mConfigureDialog->testTable();

  mValidateExtentButton->setIcon( QIcon( ":/topology/validateExtent.png" ) );
  mValidateAllButton->setIcon( QIcon( ":/topology/validateAll.png" ) );
  mConfigureButton->setIcon( QIcon( ":/topology/configureRules.png" ) );

// mQgisApp = QgisApp::instance();
  QgsMapCanvas* canvas = qIface->mapCanvas();// mQgisApp->mapCanvas();
  mRBFeature1 = new QgsRubberBand( canvas );
  mRBFeature2 = new QgsRubberBand( canvas );
  mRBConflict = new QgsRubberBand( canvas );

  mRBFeature1->setColor( "blue" );
  mRBFeature2->setColor( "green" );
  mRBConflict->setColor( "red" );

  mRBFeature1->setWidth( 5 );
  mRBFeature2->setWidth( 5 );
  mRBConflict->setWidth( 5 );

  mVMConflict = 0;
  mVMFeature1 = 0;
  mVMFeature2 = 0;

  connect( mConfigureButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( configure() ) );
  connect( mValidateAllButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( validateAll() ) );
  //connect( mValidateSelectedButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( validateSelected() ) );
  connect( mValidateExtentButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( validateExtent() ) );
  connect( mToggleRubberbands, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( toggleErrorMarkers() ) );

  connect( mFixButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( fix() ) );
  connect( mErrorTableView, SIGNAL( clicked( const QModelIndex & ) ), this, SLOT( errorListClicked( const QModelIndex & ) ) );

  connect( mLayerRegistry, SIGNAL( layerWasAdded( QgsMapLayer* ) ), mConfigureDialog, SLOT( addLayer( QgsMapLayer* ) ) );
  connect( mLayerRegistry, SIGNAL( layerWillBeRemoved( QString ) ), mConfigureDialog, SLOT( removeLayer( QString ) ) );
  connect( mLayerRegistry, SIGNAL( layerWillBeRemoved( QString ) ), this, SLOT( parseErrorListByLayer( QString ) ) );

  connect( this, SIGNAL( visibilityChanged( bool ) ), this, SLOT( updateRubberBands( bool ) ) );
int main(void){
	int puzzle[9][9];
	int duplicates = 1;

	FILE *fp = fopen(puzzleFile, "r");
	//Reads the sudoku numbers from puzzle.txt
	for (int i=0;i<9;i++){
		for (int j=0;j<9;j++){
			fscanf(fp, "%d", &puzzle[i][j]);


	sudoku_helper(puzzle, 0, 0);

	duplicates = validateAll(puzzle);

	if (duplicates == 1)
		printf("The puzzle is valid, there are no duplicates\n");
	else if (duplicates == 0)
		printf("The puzzle contains duplicates \n");

	FILE *solved = fopen("solved_puzzle.txt", "w");
	for(int i = 0; i <9; i++)
		for(int j = 0; j < 9; j++)
			fprintf(solved, "%d ", puzzle[i][j]);
			printf("%d ", puzzle[i][j]);
		fprintf(solved, "\n");

	return 0;