bool AudioEncoderFAAC::setup(AudioSettings s) { if(!validateSettings(s)) { return false; } settings = s; return true; }
int BabelConnectionSettings::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a) { _id = QDialog::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a); if (_id < 0) return _id; if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) { switch (_id) { case 0: validateSettings(); break; default: ; } _id -= 1; } return _id; }
void AmigaUAE::runExecutable(const QString& filename) { if (!validateSettings()) { return; } if (!m_skipUAELaunch) { launchUAE(); } QFileInfo info(filename); m_amigaExePath = info.path(); writeSettings(); }
SettingsMigrator() : mSettings("QSyncthingTray", "qst") { validateSettings(); }
bool AudioEncoderFAAC::initialize() { if(encoder) { STREAMER_ERROR("It seems that you already initialized the AudioEncoderFAAC. I'm not initializing again. First shutdown()."); return false; } if(!validateSettings(settings)) { return false; } encoder = faacEncOpen(settings.samplerate, getNumChannels(), &nsamples_needed, &nbytes_out); if(!encoder) { STREAMER_ERROR("Error while trying to open the FAAC encoder.\n"); return false; } faac_buffer = new unsigned char[nbytes_out]; if(!faac_buffer) { STREAMER_ERROR("Erorr while allocating the buffer for the encoded faac data.\n"); shutdown(); return false; } STREAMER_STATUS("FAAC, nsamples_needed: %ld, nbytes_out: %ld\n", nsamples_needed, nbytes_out); // configure faac faacEncConfigurationPtr config = faacEncGetCurrentConfiguration(encoder); config->mpegVersion = MPEG4; config->aacObjectType = LOW; config->useLfe = 0; config->quantqual = 100; config->bitRate = settings.bitrate * 1000 / getNumChannels(); config->outputFormat = 0; // 0 = Raw, 1 = ADTS if(settings.in_bitsize == AV_AUDIO_BITSIZE_S16) { config->inputFormat = FAAC_INPUT_16BIT; } else if(settings.in_bitsize == AV_AUDIO_BITSIZE_F32) { config->inputFormat = FAAC_INPUT_FLOAT; } else { STREAMER_ERROR("Cannot initialize the AudioEncoderFAAC because the in_bitsize is invalid. we only support S16 of F32.\n"); ::exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } int r = faacEncSetConfiguration(encoder, config); if(!r) { STREAMER_ERROR("Error while setting the configuration for faac.\n"); shutdown(); return false; } // get the decoder specific config unsigned char* header; unsigned long header_size = 0; r = faacEncGetDecoderSpecificInfo(encoder, &header, &header_size); if(r < 0) { STREAMER_ERROR("Error while trying to get the decoder specific info from libfaac.\n"); shutdown(); return false; } std::copy(header, header + header_size, std::back_inserter(audio_specific_config)); free(header); header = NULL; // write data to file if output file has been specified if(output_file.size()) {, std::ios::out | std::ios::binary); if(!ofs.is_open()) { STREAMER_ERROR("Cannot open the output file for the AudioEncoderFAAC: %s\n", output_file.c_str()); ::exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } ofs.write((char*)header, header_size); } STREAMER_STATUS("Bitrate in bits per channel: %d, decoder size: %ld\n", config->bitRate, header_size); return true; }
void MaraSettingsDialog::validateAndAccept() { if(validateSettings()) accept(); }