void CSSParserImpl::consumeDeclarationValue(CSSParserTokenRange range, CSSPropertyID unresolvedProperty, bool important, StyleRule::Type ruleType)
    bool usesRemUnits;
    CSSParserValueList valueList(range, usesRemUnits);
    if (!valueList.size())
        return; // Parser error
    if (usesRemUnits && m_styleSheet)
    bool inViewport = ruleType == StyleRule::Viewport;
    CSSPropertyParser::parseValue(unresolvedProperty, important, &valueList, m_context, inViewport, m_parsedProperties, ruleType);
Example #2
size_t Convert::fromString(PVScalarArrayPtr const &pv, string from)
   if(from[0]=='[' && from[from.length()]==']') {
        size_t offset = from.rfind(']');
        from = from.substr(1, offset);
    std::vector<string> valueList(split(from));
    size_t length = valueList.size();
    size_t num = fromStringArray(pv,0,length,valueList,0);
    if(num<length) length = num;
    return length;
Example #3
static std::vector<string> split(string commaSeparatedList) {
    string::size_type numValues = 1;
    string::size_type index=0;
    while(true) {
        string::size_type pos = commaSeparatedList.find(',',index);
        if(pos==string::npos) break;
        index = pos +1;
    std::vector<string> valueList(numValues,"");
    for(size_t i=0; i<numValues; i++) {
        size_t pos = commaSeparatedList.find(',',index);
        string value = commaSeparatedList.substr(index,pos);
        valueList[i] = value;
        index = pos +1;
    return valueList;
// answers true if aValue is in the string list of white-space separated values aValueList
// a case-sensitive search is performed if aCaseSensitive is true
ChangeCSSInlineStyleTxn::ValueIncludes(const nsAString &aValueList, const nsAString &aValue, bool aCaseSensitive)
  nsAutoString  valueList(aValueList);
  bool result = false;

  valueList.Append(kNullCh);  // put an extra null at the end

  PRUnichar *value = ToNewUnicode(aValue);
  PRUnichar *start = valueList.BeginWriting();
  PRUnichar *end   = start;

  while (kNullCh != *start) {
    while ((kNullCh != *start) && nsCRT::IsAsciiSpace(*start)) {  // skip leading space
    end = start;

    while ((kNullCh != *end) && (false == nsCRT::IsAsciiSpace(*end))) { // look for space or end
    *end = kNullCh; // end string here

    if (start < end) {
      if (aCaseSensitive) {
        if (!nsCRT::strcmp(value, start)) {
          result = true;
      else {
        if (nsDependentString(value).Equals(nsDependentString(start),
                                            nsCaseInsensitiveStringComparator())) {
          result = true;
    start = ++end;
  return result;
// Answers true if aValue is in the string list of white-space separated values
// aValueList.
ChangeStyleTransaction::ValueIncludes(const nsAString& aValueList,
                                      const nsAString& aValue)
  nsAutoString valueList(aValueList);
  bool result = false;

  // put an extra null at the end

  char16_t* value = ToNewUnicode(aValue);
  char16_t* start = valueList.BeginWriting();
  char16_t* end = start;

  while (kNullCh != *start) {
    while (kNullCh != *start && nsCRT::IsAsciiSpace(*start)) {
      // skip leading space
    end = start;

    while (kNullCh != *end && !nsCRT::IsAsciiSpace(*end)) {
      // look for space or end
    // end string here
    *end = kNullCh;

    if (start < end) {
      if (nsDependentString(value).Equals(nsDependentString(start),
            nsCaseInsensitiveStringComparator())) {
        result = true;
    start = ++end;
  return result;
bool MCCacheWriter::preparePragmaList() {
  size_t pragmaCount = mpOwner->getPragmaCount();

  size_t listSize = sizeof(MCO_PragmaList) +
                    sizeof(MCO_Pragma) * pragmaCount;

  MCO_PragmaList *list = (MCO_PragmaList *)malloc(listSize);

  if (!list) {
    ALOGE("Unable to allocate for pragma list\n");
    return false;

  mpPragmaListSection = list;
  mpHeaderSection->pragma_list_size = listSize;

  list->count = pragmaCount;

  vector<char const *> keyList(pragmaCount);
  vector<char const *> valueList(pragmaCount);
  mpOwner->getPragmaList(pragmaCount, &*keyList.begin(), &*valueList.begin());

  for (size_t i = 0; i < pragmaCount; ++i) {
    char const *key = keyList[i];
    char const *value = valueList[i];

    size_t keyLen = strlen(key);
    size_t valueLen = strlen(value);

    MCO_Pragma *pragma = &list->list[i];
    pragma->key_strp_index = addString(key, keyLen);
    pragma->value_strp_index = addString(value, valueLen);

  return true;
Example #7
HyperbolicSolver< Mesh, SolverType >::
updateGhostValues ( typename MeshPartitioner<Mesh>::GhostEntityDataMap_Type& ghostDataMap )

    // fill send buffer
    buffer_Type sendBuffer;

    // TODO: move this to a const reference
    typename MeshPartitioner<Mesh>::GhostEntityDataMap_Type::const_iterator procIt  = ghostDataMap.begin();
    typename MeshPartitioner<Mesh>::GhostEntityDataMap_Type::const_iterator procEnd = ghostDataMap.end();
    typename MeshPartitioner<Mesh>::GhostEntityDataContainer_Type::const_iterator dataIt;
    typename MeshPartitioner<Mesh>::GhostEntityDataContainer_Type::const_iterator dataEnd;
    for ( ; procIt != procEnd; ++procIt )
        std::vector<Real> valueList ( sendBuffer[ procIt->first ] );

        dataEnd = procIt->second.end();
        for ( dataIt = procIt->second.begin(); dataIt != dataEnd; ++dataIt )
            ID elementId ( M_FESpace.mesh()->faceElement ( dataIt->localFacetId, 0 ) );

            VectorElemental ghostValue  ( M_FESpace.refFE().nbDof(), 1 );
            extract_vec ( *M_uOld, ghostValue, M_FESpace.refFE(), M_FESpace.dof(), elementId, 0 );
            // TODO: this works only for P0
            sendBuffer[ procIt->first ].push_back ( ghostValue[ 0 ] );

    // organize recvBuffer
    buffer_Type recvBuffer ( sendBuffer );

    // send data
    MPI_Status status;
    for ( Int proc = 0; proc < M_displayer.comm()->NumProc(); proc++ )
        if ( proc != M_displayer.comm()->MyPID() )
            MPI_Send ( &sendBuffer[ proc ][ 0 ], sendBuffer[ proc ].size(), MPI_DOUBLE, proc, M_displayer.comm()->MyPID() + 1000 * proc, ( boost::dynamic_pointer_cast <Epetra_MpiComm> (M_displayer.comm() ) )->Comm() );
            MPI_Recv ( &recvBuffer[ proc ][ 0 ], recvBuffer[ proc ].size(), MPI_DOUBLE, proc, proc + 1000 * M_displayer.comm()->MyPID(), ( boost::dynamic_pointer_cast <Epetra_MpiComm> (M_displayer.comm() ) )->Comm(), &status );


    // store data in the M_ghostDataMap member
    for ( buffer_Type::const_iterator procIt = recvBuffer.begin(); procIt != recvBuffer.end(); ++procIt )
        UInt count ( 0 );
        for ( ghostDataContainer_Type::const_iterator dataIt = procIt->second.begin(); dataIt != procIt->second.end(); ++dataIt, count++ )
            ID ghostFaceId = ghostDataMap[ procIt->first ][ count ].localFacetId;
            M_ghostDataMap[ ghostFaceId ] = *dataIt;

    // DEBUG
    //    std::ofstream outf ( ( "hype." + boost::lexical_cast<std::string> ( M_displayer.comm()->MyPID() ) + ".out" ).c_str() );
    //    outf << M_uOld->epetraVector() << std::endl << std::endl;
    //    for ( buffer_Type::const_iterator procIt = recvBuffer.begin(); procIt != recvBuffer.end(); ++procIt )
    //    {
    //        outf << "proc " << procIt->first << " size " << recvBuffer[ procIt->first ].size() << std::endl;
    //        UInt count ( 0 );
    //        for ( procData_Type::const_iterator dataIt = procIt->second.begin(); dataIt != procIt->second.end(); ++dataIt, count++ )
    //        {
    //            ID ghostFaceId = ghostDataMap[ procIt->first ][ count ].localFacetId;
    //            ID elementId ( M_FESpace.mesh()->faceElement( ghostFaceId, 0 ) );
    //            outf << "lid " << elementId << " " << "gid " << ghostDataMap[ procIt->first ][ count ].ghostElementLocalId << " " << *dataIt << std::endl;
    //        }
    //    }

} // updateGhostValues
Example #8
void Compiler::DefineValue( const yy::location& location, int type, ValueList* pValueList )
	std::auto_ptr < ValueList > valueList( pValueList );
	pValueList->ForEach( DefValue( this, type ) );