Example #1
static void emit_points(struct brw_clip_compile *c,
			bool do_offset )
   struct brw_compile *p = &c->func;

   struct brw_indirect v0 = brw_indirect(0, 0);
   struct brw_indirect v0ptr = brw_indirect(2, 0);

   brw_MOV(p, c->reg.loopcount, c->reg.nr_verts);
   brw_MOV(p, get_addr_reg(v0ptr), brw_address(c->reg.inlist));

   brw_DO(p, BRW_EXECUTE_1);
      brw_MOV(p, get_addr_reg(v0), deref_1uw(v0ptr, 0));
      brw_ADD(p, get_addr_reg(v0ptr), get_addr_reg(v0ptr), brw_imm_uw(2));

      /* draw if edgeflag != 0 
	      vec1(brw_null_reg()), BRW_CONDITIONAL_NZ, 
	      deref_1f(v0, brw_varying_to_offset(&c->vue_map,
      brw_IF(p, BRW_EXECUTE_1);
	 if (do_offset)
	    apply_one_offset(c, v0);

	 brw_clip_emit_vue(c, v0, BRW_URB_WRITE_ALLOCATE_COMPLETE,
                           (_3DPRIM_POINTLIST << URB_WRITE_PRIM_TYPE_SHIFT)
                           | URB_WRITE_PRIM_START | URB_WRITE_PRIM_END);

      brw_set_conditionalmod(p, BRW_CONDITIONAL_NZ);
      brw_ADD(p, c->reg.loopcount, c->reg.loopcount, brw_imm_d(-1));
Example #2
void brw_clip_init_clipmask( struct brw_clip_compile *c )
   struct brw_compile *p = &c->func;
   struct brw_reg incoming = get_element_ud(c->reg.R0, 2);
   /* Shift so that lowest outcode bit is rightmost: 
   brw_SHR(p, c->reg.planemask, incoming, brw_imm_ud(26));

   if (c->key.nr_userclip) {
      struct brw_reg tmp = retype(vec1(get_tmp(c)), BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_UD);

      /* Rearrange userclip outcodes so that they come directly after
       * the fixed plane bits.
      brw_AND(p, tmp, incoming, brw_imm_ud(0x3f<<14));
      brw_SHR(p, tmp, tmp, brw_imm_ud(8));
      brw_OR(p, c->reg.planemask, c->reg.planemask, tmp);
      release_tmp(c, tmp);
Example #3
void TestVector() {
    SpacePoint vec1(10), vec2, tmp;
    //	DataVector<double> vec1(10),vec2,tmp;
    vec1 = 5;
    //	(SavableClass&)vec2=(SavableClass&)vec1;
    vec1[5] = 55;
    vec2 = vec1 = 10;
    fcout << vec2 << "\n" << vec1 << "\n";
    fcout << "vec1 " << vec1 << "\n vec2 " << vec2 << "\n";
    tmp = vec1 + vec2;
    //	DataVector<double> tmp=vec1+vec2;
    fcout << tmp << "\n";
    fcout << "sum " << vec1 + vec2 << " \n min " << vec2 - vec1 << " \n mul "
          << vec1 * vec2 << "\n";
        FilterTextOut fo("Test1", DataSource::Memory);
        vec2 = 100;
        fo << vec2;
        FilterTextIn fi("Test1", DataSource::Memory);
        fi >> vec1;
    fcout << "vec1" << vec1 << "\n vec2" << vec2 << "\n";
    DataVector<SpacePoint> dat(10);
    dat[0] = 5;
    for(int k = 1; k < 9; k++)
        dat[k] = dat[0];
    fcout << dat << "\n" << (void *)&vec2 << "\n";
    void *tmpv = NULL;
    FilterTextOut fo("Test1", DataSource::Disk);
    fo << (void *)&vec1 << 10;
    FilterTextIn fi("Test1", DataSource::Disk);
    int tmp_int;   //fi>>tmp_int;fcout<<tmp_int;
    fi >> tmpv >> tmp_int;
    fcout << tmpv << tmp_int;
Example #4
static void test_scans(unsigned int sz)
  viennacl::vector<ScalarType> vec1(sz), vec2(sz);

  std::cout << "Initialize vector..." << std::endl;

  std::cout << " --- Inclusive scan ---" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Separate vectors: ";
  viennacl::linalg::inclusive_scan(vec1, vec2);
  test_scan_values(vec1, vec2, true);

  std::cout << "In-place: ";
  vec2 = vec1;
  test_scan_values(vec1, vec2, true);
  std::cout << "Inclusive scan tested successfully!" << std::endl << std::endl;

  std::cout << "Initialize vector..." << std::endl;

  std::cout << " --- Exclusive scan ---" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Separate vectors: ";
  viennacl::linalg::exclusive_scan(vec1, vec2);
  test_scan_values(vec1, vec2, false);

  std::cout << "In-place: ";
  vec2 = vec1;
  test_scan_values(vec1, vec2, false);
  std::cout << "Exclusive scan tested successfully!" << std::endl << std::endl;

static void emit_points(struct brw_clip_compile *c,
			GLboolean do_offset )
   struct brw_compile *p = &c->func;
   struct brw_instruction *loop;
   struct brw_instruction *draw_point;

   struct brw_indirect v0 = brw_indirect(0, 0);
   struct brw_indirect v0ptr = brw_indirect(2, 0);

   brw_MOV(p, c->reg.loopcount, c->reg.nr_verts);
   brw_MOV(p, get_addr_reg(v0ptr), brw_address(c->reg.inlist));

   loop = brw_DO(p, BRW_EXECUTE_1);
      brw_MOV(p, get_addr_reg(v0), deref_1uw(v0ptr, 0));
      brw_ADD(p, get_addr_reg(v0ptr), get_addr_reg(v0ptr), brw_imm_uw(2));

      /* draw if edgeflag != 0 
	      vec1(brw_null_reg()), BRW_CONDITIONAL_NZ, 
	      deref_1f(v0, c->offset[VERT_RESULT_EDGE]),
      draw_point = brw_IF(p, BRW_EXECUTE_1);
	 if (do_offset)
	    apply_one_offset(c, v0);

	 brw_clip_emit_vue(c, v0, 1, 0, (_3DPRIM_POINTLIST << 2) | R02_PRIM_START | R02_PRIM_END);
      brw_ENDIF(p, draw_point);

      brw_set_conditionalmod(p, BRW_CONDITIONAL_NZ);
      brw_ADD(p, c->reg.loopcount, c->reg.loopcount, brw_imm_d(-1));
   brw_WHILE(p, loop);
void brw_clip_tri_init_vertices( struct brw_clip_compile *c )
   struct brw_compile *p = &c->func;
   struct brw_reg tmp0 = c->reg.loopcount; /* handy temporary */
   struct brw_instruction *is_rev;

   /* Initial list of indices for incoming vertexes:
   brw_AND(p, tmp0, get_element_ud(c->reg.R0, 2), brw_imm_ud(PRIM_MASK)); 

   /* XXX: Is there an easier way to do this?  Need to reverse every
    * second tristrip element:  Can ignore sometimes?
   is_rev = brw_IF(p, BRW_EXECUTE_1);
      brw_MOV(p, get_element(c->reg.inlist, 0),  brw_address(c->reg.vertex[1]) );
      brw_MOV(p, get_element(c->reg.inlist, 1),  brw_address(c->reg.vertex[0]) );
      if (c->need_direction)
	 brw_MOV(p, c->reg.dir, brw_imm_f(-1));
   is_rev = brw_ELSE(p, is_rev);
      brw_MOV(p, get_element(c->reg.inlist, 0),  brw_address(c->reg.vertex[0]) );
      brw_MOV(p, get_element(c->reg.inlist, 1),  brw_address(c->reg.vertex[1]) );
      if (c->need_direction)
	 brw_MOV(p, c->reg.dir, brw_imm_f(1));
   brw_ENDIF(p, is_rev);

   brw_MOV(p, get_element(c->reg.inlist, 2),  brw_address(c->reg.vertex[2]) );
   brw_MOV(p, brw_vec8_grf(c->reg.outlist.nr, 0), brw_imm_f(0));
   brw_MOV(p, c->reg.nr_verts, brw_imm_ud(3));
Example #7
	void namevalue_object_t::test<20>()
		LLNameValue nValue1(" SecondLife S32 RW SIM 22222");
		LLNameValue nValue2(" Virtual S32 RW SIM 33333");
		LLNameValue nValue3(" SecondLife S32");
 		nValue3 = nValue1 % nValue2;
		ensure_equals("1:operator% failed",*nValue3.getS32(),22222);

		LLNameValue nValue4(" SecondLife U32 RW SIM 3");
		LLNameValue nValue5(" SecondLife S32 RW SIM 2");
		LLNameValue nValue6(" SecondLife S32");
		nValue6 = nValue4 % nValue5;
		ensure_equals("2:operator% failed",*nValue6.getS32(),1);

		LLNameValue nValue10(" SecondLife VEC3 RW SIM <4, 5, 6>");
		LLNameValue nValue11(" SecondLife VEC3 RW SIM <1, 2, 3>");
		LLNameValue nValue12(" SecondLife VEC3");
		LLVector3 vec1(4,5,6);
		LLVector3 vec2(1,2,3);
		LLVector3 vec3(vec1 % vec2);
		nValue12 = nValue10 % nValue11;
		ensure_equals("5:operator% failed",*nValue12.getVec3(), vec3);
Example #8
	void namevalue_object_t::test<18>()

		LLNameValue nValue1(" SecondLife F32 RW SIM 22222");
		LLNameValue nValue2(" SecondLife F32 RW SIM 33333");
		LLNameValue nValue3(" SecondLife F32");
		nValue3 = nValue1 * nValue2;
		ensure_equals("1:operator* failed",*nValue3.getF32(),740725926.f);
		LLNameValue nValue4(" SecondLife S32 RW SIM 22222");
		LLNameValue nValue5(" SecondLife  F32 RW SIM 33333");
		LLNameValue nValue6(" SecondLife F32");
		nValue6 = nValue4 * nValue5;
		ensure_equals("2:operator* failed",*nValue6.getF32(),740725926.f);

		LLNameValue nValue10(" SecondLife VEC3 RW SIM <2, 2, 2>");
		LLNameValue nValue11(" SecondLife VEC3 RW SIM <3, 3, 3>");
		LLNameValue nValue12(" SecondLife F32");
		LLVector3 vec1(2,2,2);
		LLVector3 vec2(3,3,3);
		nValue12 = nValue10 * nValue11;
		ensure_equals("2:operator* failed",*nValue12.getF32(), (vec1 * vec2));
Example #9
// see http://llvm.org/docs/LibFuzzer.html
extern "C" int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t* data, size_t size)
        // step 1: parse input
        std::vector<uint8_t> vec1(data, data + size);
        json j1 = json::from_cbor(vec1);

            // step 2: round trip
            std::vector<uint8_t> vec2 = json::to_cbor(j1);

            // parse serialization
            json j2 = json::from_cbor(vec2);

            // serializations must match
            assert(json::to_cbor(j2) == vec2);
        catch (const json::parse_error&)
            // parsing a CBOR serialization must not fail
    catch (const json::parse_error&)
        // parse errors are ok, because input may be random bytes
    catch (const json::type_error&)
        // type errors can occur during parsing, too

    // return 0 - non-zero return values are reserved for future use
    return 0;
Example #10
TEST_F(UUIDTest, test6)
    std::list<UUID> vec1(20);

    const fs::path tmpfile(FileUtils::create_temp_file(FileUtils::temp_path(),



        fs::ofstream ofs(tmpfile);
        boost::archive::xml_oarchive oa(ofs);
        oa << BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(vec1);

    std::list<UUID> vec2;

    fs::ifstream ifs(tmpfile);
    boost::archive::xml_iarchive ia(ifs);

    ASSERT_TRUE(vec1 == vec2);
void TestVectorManipulation(size_t n)
    typedef typename Vector::value_type T;

    thrust::host_vector<T> src = unittest::random_samples<T>(n);
    ASSERT_EQUAL(src.size(), n);

    // basic initialization
    Vector test0(n);
    Vector test1(n, (T) 3);
    ASSERT_EQUAL(test0.size(), n);
    ASSERT_EQUAL(test1.size(), n);
    ASSERT_EQUAL((test1 == std::vector<T>(n, (T) 3)), true);
    // initializing from other vector
    std::vector<T> stl_vector(src.begin(), src.end());
    Vector cpy0 = src;
    Vector cpy1(stl_vector);
    Vector cpy2(stl_vector.begin(), stl_vector.end());
    ASSERT_EQUAL(cpy0, src);
    ASSERT_EQUAL(cpy1, src);
    ASSERT_EQUAL(cpy2, src);

    // resizing
    Vector vec1(src);
    vec1.resize(n + 3);
    ASSERT_EQUAL(vec1.size(), n + 3);
    ASSERT_EQUAL(vec1.size(), n);
    ASSERT_EQUAL(vec1, src); 
    vec1.resize(n + 20, (T) 11);
    Vector tail(vec1.begin() + n, vec1.end());
    ASSERT_EQUAL( (tail == std::vector<T>(20, (T) 11)), true);

    ASSERT_EQUAL(vec1.size(), 0);
    ASSERT_EQUAL(vec1.empty(), true);
    ASSERT_EQUAL(vec1.size(), 10);
    ASSERT_EQUAL(vec1.size(), 0);
    ASSERT_EQUAL(vec1.size(), 5);

    // push_back
    Vector vec2;
    for(size_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i){
        ASSERT_EQUAL(vec2.size(), i);
        vec2.push_back( (T) i );
        ASSERT_EQUAL(vec2.size(), i + 1);
        for(size_t j = 0; j <= i; j++)
            ASSERT_EQUAL(vec2[j],     j);
        ASSERT_EQUAL(vec2.back(), i);

    // pop_back
    for(size_t i = 10; i > 0; --i){
        ASSERT_EQUAL(vec2.size(), i);
        ASSERT_EQUAL(vec2.back(), i-1);
        ASSERT_EQUAL(vec2.size(), i-1);
        for(size_t j = 0; j < i; j++)
            ASSERT_EQUAL(vec2[j], j);

    //TODO test swap, erase(pos), erase(begin, end)
Example #12
int main()
  typedef float       ScalarType;

  // Initialize OpenCL vectors:
  unsigned int vector_size = 10;
  viennacl::scalar<ScalarType>  s = 1.0; //dummy
  viennacl::vector<ScalarType>  vec1(vector_size);
  viennacl::vector<ScalarType>  vec2(vector_size);
  viennacl::vector<ScalarType>  result_mul(vector_size);
  viennacl::vector<ScalarType>  result_div(vector_size);

  // fill the operands vec1 and vec2:
  for (unsigned int i=0; i<vector_size; ++i)
    vec1[i] = static_cast<ScalarType>(i);
    vec2[i] = static_cast<ScalarType>(vector_size-i);

  // Set up the OpenCL program given in my_compute_kernel:
  // A program is one compilation unit and can hold many different compute kernels.
  viennacl::ocl::program & my_prog = viennacl::ocl::current_context().add_program(my_compute_program, "my_compute_program");
  my_prog.add_kernel("elementwise_prod");  //register elementwise product kernel
  my_prog.add_kernel("elementwise_div");   //register elementwise division kernel
  // Now we can get the kernels from the program 'my_program'.
  // (Note that first all kernels need to be registered via add_kernel() before get_kernel() can be called,
  // otherwise existing references might be invalidated)
  viennacl::ocl::kernel & my_kernel_mul = my_prog.get_kernel("elementwise_prod");
  viennacl::ocl::kernel & my_kernel_div = my_prog.get_kernel("elementwise_div");
  // Launch the kernel with 'vector_size' threads in one work group
  // Note that size_t might differ between host and device. Thus, a cast to cl_uint is necessary for the forth argument.
  viennacl::ocl::enqueue(my_kernel_mul(vec1, vec2, result_mul, static_cast<cl_uint>(vec1.size())));  
  viennacl::ocl::enqueue(my_kernel_div(vec1, vec2, result_div, static_cast<cl_uint>(vec1.size())));
  // Print the result:
  std::cout << "        vec1: " << vec1 << std::endl;
  std::cout << "        vec2: " << vec2 << std::endl;
  std::cout << "vec1 .* vec2: " << result_mul << std::endl;
  std::cout << "vec1 /* vec2: " << result_div << std::endl;
  std::cout << "norm_2(vec1 .* vec2): " << viennacl::linalg::norm_2(result_mul) << std::endl;
  std::cout << "norm_2(vec1 /* vec2): " << viennacl::linalg::norm_2(result_div) << std::endl;
  //  That's it.
  std::cout << "!!!! TUTORIAL COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY !!!!" << std::endl;
  return 0;
Example #13
/* Post-fragment-program processing.  Send the results to the
 * framebuffer.
 * \param arg0  the fragment color
 * \param arg1  the pass-through depth value
 * \param arg2  the shader-computed depth value
void emit_fb_write(struct brw_wm_compile *c,
		   struct brw_reg *arg0,
		   struct brw_reg *arg1,
		   struct brw_reg *arg2,
		   GLuint target,
		   GLuint eot)
   struct brw_compile *p = &c->func;
   struct brw_context *brw = p->brw;
   struct intel_context *intel = &brw->intel;
   GLuint nr = 2;
   GLuint channel;

   /* Reserve a space for AA - may not be needed:
   if (c->aa_dest_stencil_reg)
      nr += 1;

   /* I don't really understand how this achieves the color interleave
    * (ie RGBARGBA) in the result:  [Do the saturation here]

   if (c->key.clamp_fragment_color)
      brw_set_saturate(p, 1);

   for (channel = 0; channel < 4; channel++) {
      if (intel->gen >= 6) {
	 /* gen6 SIMD16 single source DP write looks like:
	  * m + 0: r0
	  * m + 1: r1
	  * m + 2: g0
	  * m + 3: g1
	  * m + 4: b0
	  * m + 5: b1
	  * m + 6: a0
	  * m + 7: a1
	 if (c->dispatch_width == 16) {
	    brw_MOV(p, brw_message_reg(nr + channel * 2), arg0[channel]);
	 } else {
	    brw_MOV(p, brw_message_reg(nr + channel), arg0[channel]);
      } else if (c->dispatch_width == 16 && brw->has_compr4) {
	 /* pre-gen6 SIMD16 single source DP write looks like:
	  * m + 0: r0
	  * m + 1: g0
	  * m + 2: b0
	  * m + 3: a0
	  * m + 4: r1
	  * m + 5: g1
	  * m + 6: b1
	  * m + 7: a1
	  * By setting the high bit of the MRF register number, we indicate
	  * that we want COMPR4 mode - instead of doing the usual destination
	  * + 1 for the second half we get destination + 4.
		 brw_message_reg(nr + channel + BRW_MRF_COMPR4),
      } else {
	 /*  mov (8) m2.0<1>:ud   r28.0<8;8,1>:ud  { Align1 } */
	 /*  mov (8) m6.0<1>:ud   r29.0<8;8,1>:ud  { Align1 SecHalf } */
	 brw_set_compression_control(p, BRW_COMPRESSION_NONE);
		 brw_message_reg(nr + channel),

	 if (c->dispatch_width == 16) {
	    brw_set_compression_control(p, BRW_COMPRESSION_2NDHALF);
		    brw_message_reg(nr + channel + 4),

   brw_set_saturate(p, 0);

   /* skip over the regs populated above:
   if (c->dispatch_width == 16)
      nr += 8;
      nr += 4;


   if (c->source_depth_to_render_target)
      if (c->computes_depth)
	 brw_MOV(p, brw_message_reg(nr), arg2[2]);
	 brw_MOV(p, brw_message_reg(nr), arg1[1]); /* ? */

      nr += 2;

   if (c->dest_depth_reg)
      GLuint comp = c->dest_depth_reg / 2;
      GLuint off = c->dest_depth_reg % 2;

      if (off != 0) {
         brw_set_compression_control(p, BRW_COMPRESSION_NONE);

         brw_MOV(p, brw_message_reg(nr), offset(arg1[comp],1));
         /* 2nd half? */
         brw_MOV(p, brw_message_reg(nr+1), arg1[comp+1]);
      else {
         brw_MOV(p, brw_message_reg(nr), arg1[comp]);
      nr += 2;

   if (intel->gen >= 6) {
      /* Load the message header.  There's no implied move from src0
       * to the base mrf on gen6.
      brw_set_mask_control(p, BRW_MASK_DISABLE);
      brw_MOV(p, retype(brw_message_reg(0), BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_UD),
	      retype(brw_vec8_grf(0, 0), BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_UD));

      if (target != 0) {
	 brw_MOV(p, retype(brw_vec1_reg(BRW_MESSAGE_REGISTER_FILE,

   if (!c->runtime_check_aads_emit) {
      if (c->aa_dest_stencil_reg)
	 emit_aa(c, arg1, 2);

      fire_fb_write(c, 0, nr, target, eot);
   else {
      struct brw_reg v1_null_ud = vec1(retype(brw_null_reg(), BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_UD));
      struct brw_reg ip = brw_ip_reg();
      struct brw_instruction *jmp;
      brw_set_compression_control(p, BRW_COMPRESSION_NONE);
      brw_set_conditionalmod(p, BRW_CONDITIONAL_Z);
	      get_element_ud(brw_vec8_grf(1,0), 6), 

      jmp = brw_JMPI(p, ip, ip, brw_imm_w(0));
	 emit_aa(c, arg1, 2);
	 fire_fb_write(c, 0, nr, target, eot);
	 /* note - thread killed in subroutine */
      brw_land_fwd_jump(p, jmp);

      /* ELSE: Shuffle up one register to fill in the hole left for AA:
      fire_fb_write(c, 1, nr-1, target, eot);
Example #14
void nuiGLDrawContext::DrawGradient(const nuiGradient& rGradient, const nuiRect& rEnclosingRect, nuiSize x1, nuiSize y1, nuiSize x2, nuiSize y2)
  nglVector2f vec(x2 - x1, y2 - y1);
  nglVector2f para(-vec[1], vec[0]);
  nglVector2f vec1(vec);
  nglVector2f para1(para);

  // What Quadrant are we in?:
  //         |
  //     a   |   b
  //         |
  //  ----------------
  //         |
  //     c   |   d
  //         |
  float xa, xb, xc, xd;
  float ya, yb, yc, yd;
  float x, y;
  float xp, yp;
  float xx, yy;
  float xxp, yyp;

  xa = xc = rEnclosingRect.Left();
  xb = xd = rEnclosingRect.Right();
  ya = yb = rEnclosingRect.Top();
  yc = yd = rEnclosingRect.Bottom();

  if (x1 < x2)
    // Go from a to d or c to b
    if (y1 == y2)
      x  = xa; y  = ya;
      xp = xc; yp = yc;
      xx = xd; yy = yd;
      xxp= xb; yyp= yb;
    else if (y1 < y2)
      // a to d
      IntersectLines(xa,ya, para1[0], para1[1], xb, yb, vec1[0], vec1[1], x, y);
      IntersectLines(xa,ya, para1[0], para1[1], xc, yc, vec1[0], vec1[1], xp, yp);
      IntersectLines(xd,yd, para1[0], para1[1], xc, yc, vec1[0], vec1[1], xx, yy);
      IntersectLines(xd,yd, para1[0], para1[1], xb, yb, vec1[0], vec1[1], xxp, yyp);
      // c to d
      IntersectLines(xc,yc, para1[0], para1[1], xa, ya, vec1[0], vec1[1], x, y);
      IntersectLines(xc,yc, para1[0], para1[1], xd, yd, vec1[0], vec1[1], xp, yp);
      IntersectLines(xb,yb, para1[0], para1[1], xd, yd, vec1[0], vec1[1], xx, yy);
      IntersectLines(xb,yb, para1[0], para1[1], xa, ya, vec1[0], vec1[1], xxp, yyp);
    if (y1 == y2)
      x  = xd; y  = yd;
      xp = xb; yp = yb;
      xx = xa; yy = ya;
      xxp= xc; yyp= yc;
    else if (y1 < y2)
      // b to c
      IntersectLines(xb,yb, para1[0], para1[1], xd, yd, vec1[0], vec1[1], x, y);
      IntersectLines(xb,yb, para1[0], para1[1], xa, ya, vec1[0], vec1[1], xp, yp);
      IntersectLines(xc,yc, para1[0], para1[1], xa, ya, vec1[0], vec1[1], xx, yy);
      IntersectLines(xc,yc, para1[0], para1[1], xd, yd, vec1[0], vec1[1], xxp, yyp);
      // d to a
      IntersectLines(xd,yd, para1[0], para1[1], xc, yc, vec1[0], vec1[1], x, y);
      IntersectLines(xd,yd, para1[0], para1[1], xb, yb, vec1[0], vec1[1], xp, yp);
      IntersectLines(xa,ya, para1[0], para1[1], xb, yb, vec1[0], vec1[1], xx, yy);
      IntersectLines(xa,ya, para1[0], para1[1], xc, yc, vec1[0], vec1[1], xxp, yyp);

  float startx,starty;
  float startxp,startyp;
  float stopx,stopy;
  float stopxp,stopyp;

  if (y1 != y2)
    IntersectLines(x1, y1, para1[0], para1[1], x,  y,  vec1[0], vec1[1], startx,  starty);
    IntersectLines(x1, y1, para1[0], para1[1], xp, yp, vec1[0], vec1[1], startxp, startyp);
    IntersectLines(x2, y2, para1[0], para1[1], x,  y,  vec1[0], vec1[1], stopx,   stopy);
    IntersectLines(x2, y2, para1[0], para1[1], xp, yp, vec1[0], vec1[1], stopxp,  stopyp);
    startx  = x1; starty  = y;
    startxp = x1; startyp = yp;
    stopx   = x2; stopy   = y;
    stopxp  = x2; stopyp  = yp;

  nuiGradientStopList::const_iterator it = rGradient.GetStopList().begin();
  nuiGradientStopList::const_iterator end = rGradient.GetStopList().end();

  float px1, py1;
  float px2, py2;

  nuiRect r = rEnclosingRect;
  nglMatrixf m(GetMatrix());
  nglVectorf v1(r.Left(), r.Top(), 0);
  v1 = m * v1;
  nglVectorf v2 = nglVectorf(r.Right(), r.Bottom(), 0);
  v2 = m * v2;
  r.Set(v1[0], v1[1], v2[0], v2[1], false);


  std::vector<nuiShape::CacheElement::Vertex> vertices;

  nuiColor col = it->second;
  vertices.push_back(nuiShape::CacheElement::Vertex(x, y, col));
  vertices.push_back(nuiShape::CacheElement::Vertex(xp, yp, col));

  for ( ; it != end; ++it)
    float r = it->first;
    float rm = 1.0f - r;
    px1 = startx * rm + stopx * r;
    py1 = starty * rm + stopy * r;
    px2 = startxp * rm + stopxp * r;
    py2 = startyp * rm + stopyp * r;

    col = it->second;
    vertices.push_back(nuiShape::CacheElement::Vertex(px1, py1, col));
    vertices.push_back(nuiShape::CacheElement::Vertex(px2, py2, col));

  vertices.push_back(nuiShape::CacheElement::Vertex(xxp, yyp, col));
  vertices.push_back(nuiShape::CacheElement::Vertex(xx, yy, col));

  glColorPointer(4,  GL_FLOAT, sizeof(nuiShape::CacheElement::Vertex), vertices[0].mColor);
  glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(nuiShape::CacheElement::Vertex), vertices[0].mCoord);

  glDrawArrays(GL_QUAD_STRIP, 0, vertices.size());


/* Interpolate between two vertices and put the result into a0.0.
 * Increment a0.0 accordingly.
 * Beware that dest_ptr can be equal to v0_ptr!
void brw_clip_interp_vertex( struct brw_clip_compile *c,
			     struct brw_indirect dest_ptr,
			     struct brw_indirect v0_ptr, /* from */
			     struct brw_indirect v1_ptr, /* to */
			     struct brw_reg t0,
			     bool force_edgeflag)
   struct brw_codegen *p = &c->func;
   struct brw_reg t_nopersp, v0_ndc_copy;
   GLuint slot;

   /* Just copy the vertex header:
    * After CLIP stage, only first 256 bits of the VUE are read
    * back on Ironlake, so needn't change it
   brw_copy_indirect_to_indirect(p, dest_ptr, v0_ptr, 1);

   /* First handle the 3D and NDC interpolation, in case we
    * need noperspective interpolation. Doing it early has no
    * performance impact in any case.

   /* Take a copy of the v0 NDC coordinates, in case dest == v0. */
   if (c->has_noperspective_shading) {
      GLuint offset = brw_varying_to_offset(&c->vue_map,
      v0_ndc_copy = get_tmp(c);
      brw_MOV(p, v0_ndc_copy, deref_4f(v0_ptr, offset));

   /* Compute the new 3D position
    * dest_hpos = v0_hpos * (1 - t0) + v1_hpos * t0
      GLuint delta = brw_varying_to_offset(&c->vue_map, VARYING_SLOT_POS);
      struct brw_reg tmp = get_tmp(c);
      brw_MUL(p, vec4(brw_null_reg()), deref_4f(v1_ptr, delta), t0);
      brw_MAC(p, tmp, negate(deref_4f(v0_ptr, delta)), t0);
      brw_ADD(p, deref_4f(dest_ptr, delta), deref_4f(v0_ptr, delta), tmp);
      release_tmp(c, tmp);

   /* Recreate the projected (NDC) coordinate in the new vertex header */
   brw_clip_project_vertex(c, dest_ptr);

   /* If we have noperspective attributes,
    * we need to compute the screen-space t
   if (c->has_noperspective_shading) {
      GLuint delta = brw_varying_to_offset(&c->vue_map,
      struct brw_reg tmp = get_tmp(c);
      t_nopersp = get_tmp(c);

      /* t_nopersp = vec4(v1.xy, dest.xy) */
      brw_MOV(p, t_nopersp, deref_4f(v1_ptr, delta));
      brw_MOV(p, tmp, deref_4f(dest_ptr, delta));
      brw_set_default_access_mode(p, BRW_ALIGN_16);
              brw_writemask(t_nopersp, WRITEMASK_ZW),
              brw_swizzle(tmp, 0, 1, 0, 1));

      /* t_nopersp = vec4(v1.xy, dest.xy) - v0.xyxy */
      brw_ADD(p, t_nopersp, t_nopersp,
              negate(brw_swizzle(v0_ndc_copy, 0, 1, 0, 1)));

      /* Add the absolute values of the X and Y deltas so that if
       * the points aren't in the same place on the screen we get
       * nonzero values to divide.
       * After that, we have vert1 - vert0 in t_nopersp.x and
       * vertnew - vert0 in t_nopersp.y
       * t_nopersp = vec2(|v1.x  -v0.x| + |v1.y  -v0.y|,
       *                  |dest.x-v0.x| + |dest.y-v0.y|)
              brw_writemask(t_nopersp, WRITEMASK_XY),
              brw_abs(brw_swizzle(t_nopersp, 0, 2, 0, 0)),
              brw_abs(brw_swizzle(t_nopersp, 1, 3, 0, 0)));
      brw_set_default_access_mode(p, BRW_ALIGN_1);

      /* If the points are in the same place, just substitute a
       * value to avoid divide-by-zero
      brw_CMP(p, vec1(brw_null_reg()), BRW_CONDITIONAL_EQ,
      brw_IF(p, BRW_EXECUTE_1);
      brw_MOV(p, t_nopersp, brw_imm_vf4(brw_float_to_vf(1.0),

      /* Now compute t_nopersp = t_nopersp.y/t_nopersp.x and broadcast it. */
      brw_math_invert(p, get_element(t_nopersp, 0), get_element(t_nopersp, 0));
      brw_MUL(p, vec1(t_nopersp), vec1(t_nopersp),
            vec1(suboffset(t_nopersp, 1)));
      brw_set_default_access_mode(p, BRW_ALIGN_16);
      brw_MOV(p, t_nopersp, brw_swizzle(t_nopersp, 0, 0, 0, 0));
      brw_set_default_access_mode(p, BRW_ALIGN_1);

      release_tmp(c, tmp);
      release_tmp(c, v0_ndc_copy);

   /* Now we can iterate over each attribute
    * (could be done in pairs?)
   for (slot = 0; slot < c->vue_map.num_slots; slot++) {
      int varying = c->vue_map.slot_to_varying[slot];
      GLuint delta = brw_vue_slot_to_offset(slot);

      /* HPOS, NDC already handled above */
      if (varying == VARYING_SLOT_POS || varying == BRW_VARYING_SLOT_NDC)

      if (varying == VARYING_SLOT_EDGE) {
	 if (force_edgeflag)
	    brw_MOV(p, deref_4f(dest_ptr, delta), brw_imm_f(1));
	    brw_MOV(p, deref_4f(dest_ptr, delta), deref_4f(v0_ptr, delta));
      } else if (varying == VARYING_SLOT_PSIZ) {
         /* PSIZ doesn't need interpolation because it isn't used by the
          * fragment shader.
      } else if (varying < VARYING_SLOT_MAX) {
	 /* This is a true vertex result (and not a special value for the VUE
	  * header), so interpolate:
	  *        New = attr0 + t*attr1 - t*attr0
          * Unless the attribute is flat shaded -- in which case just copy
          * from one of the sources (doesn't matter which; already copied from pv)
         GLuint interp = c->key.interpolation_mode.mode[slot];

         if (interp != INTERP_QUALIFIER_FLAT) {
            struct brw_reg tmp = get_tmp(c);
            struct brw_reg t =
               interp == INTERP_QUALIFIER_NOPERSPECTIVE ? t_nopersp : t0;

                  deref_4f(v1_ptr, delta),

                  negate(deref_4f(v0_ptr, delta)),

                  deref_4f(dest_ptr, delta),
                  deref_4f(v0_ptr, delta),

            release_tmp(c, tmp);
         else {
                  deref_4f(dest_ptr, delta),
                  deref_4f(v0_ptr, delta));

   if (c->vue_map.num_slots % 2) {
      GLuint delta = brw_vue_slot_to_offset(c->vue_map.num_slots);

      brw_MOV(p, deref_4f(dest_ptr, delta), brw_imm_f(0));

   if (c->has_noperspective_shading)
      release_tmp(c, t_nopersp);
Example #16
* Example using STL adaptors
void STLMoblet::STL_adaptors()
	LOG("========================= STL adaptors ==========================================================================");

	LOG("* Function object adaptors are used to create a function object from another function object."				);
	LOG("* The created function object, is not the same as the original functor, but is adapted to a certain need."	);
	LOG("* For example if we have a function object like std::less, and we want to compare all the elements"		);
	LOG("* in a range against 10, then be can use an STL adaptor (bind2nd), that bounds the second argument"		);
	LOG("* of std::less to 10. Then we can use std::less with algorithms like remove_copy_if,"						);
	LOG("* that need a unary predicate."																			);
	LOG("*"																											);
	LOG("* STL provides two functor adaptors: bind1st and bind2nd."													);
	LOG("*"																											);
	LOG("* 	bind1st: constructs an unary function object from a binary function object, by binding"					);
	LOG("* 	the first argument to a fixed value."																	);
	LOG("*"																											);
	LOG("* 	bind1st template function is defined like this:"														);
	LOG("*"																											);
	LOG("*   binder1st<SomeFunctor> bind1st (const SomeFunctor& fun, const T& fixedValue"							);
	LOG("*	{"																										);
	LOG("*		return binder1st<SomeFunctor>(fun, x);"																);
	LOG("*	}"																										);
	LOG("*"																											);
	LOG("*	bind1st returns an binder1st object, which is actually a functor that forwards the function calls"		);
	LOG("*	to the \"fun\" argument it takes as a parameter, when constructed:"										);
	LOG("*"																											);
	LOG("*	template <class Functor> class binder1st {"																);
	LOG("*"																											);
	LOG("*		binder1st(const Functor &fun, Functor::first_argument_type &fixed)"									);
	LOG("*		{"																									);
	LOG("*			mFun = fun;"																					);
	LOG("*			mFixedValue = fixed;"																			);
	LOG("*		}"																									);
	LOG("*"																											);
	LOG("*		Functor::result_type operator()(Functor::second_argument_type &someValue){"							);
	LOG("*			return mFun(mFixedValue, someValue);"															);
	LOG("*		}"																									);
	LOG("*	};"																										);
	LOG("*"																											);
	LOG("*	bind2nd is implemented in a similar way, but instead of binding the first argument,"					);
	LOG("*	bind2nd it will bind the second one to a fixed value."													);
	LOG("*"																											);
	LOG("*	bind1st and bind2nd function templates are defined in the <functional> header."							);

	LOG("				Example using adaptors 							  ");

	LOG("\n																				   ");
	LOG("/**"																				);
	LOG("*  bind1st function template: constructs an unary function object from a"			);
	LOG("*  binary function object, by binding the first parameter to a certain value."		);
	LOG("\n    */"																			);

	log_to_console("\n     Example using std::bind1st:\n");

	int array[] = { 1, -99, 2, -100 };
	int arraySize = sizeof(array)/sizeof(array[0]);

	std::vector<int> vec1(array, array + arraySize);
	log_to_console(vec1, "vec1 contains: ");

	LOG("\n"																		);
	LOG("/**std::remove_if calls std::less(0, element). If less(0,element) returns"	);
	LOG("*  true => removes that element."											);
	LOG("*  less(0,element) is equivalent to 0<element."							);
	LOG("*/"																		);
	LOG("\n"																		);

	TRACE(std::vector<int>::iterator newEnd = std::remove_if(vec1.begin(),
			vec1.end(), bind1st(std::less<int>(), 1)));

	log_to_console("vec1 after calling std::remove_if(vec1.begin(), vec1.end(), "
			"bind1st(std::less<int>(), 0)): ");
	for(std::vector<int>::iterator it = vec1.begin(); it != newEnd; ++it)

	LOG("\n"															      	  );
	LOG("/**"																  	  );
	LOG("*  bind2nd function template: constructs an unary function object from a");
	LOG("*  binary function object, by binding the second parameter to a certain" );
	LOG("*  value."															 	  );
	LOG("*/"																	  );

	log_to_console("\n     Example using std::bind2nd:\n");

	std::vector<int> vec2(array, array + arraySize);
	log_to_console(vec2, "vec2 contains: ");

	LOG("\n"																	  );
	LOG("/**  std::remove_if calls std::greater(element, 0)."					  );
	LOG("*  If std::greater(element, 0) returns true => removes that element."	  );
	LOG("*  std::greater(element, 0) is equivalent to element > 0"				  );
	LOG("*/"																	  );

	TRACE(newEnd = std::remove_if(vec2.begin(), vec2.end(),
			bind2nd(std::greater<int>(), 0)));

	log_to_console("vec2 after calling: std::remove_if(vec2.begin(), vec2.end(), "
			"bind2nd(std::greater<int>(), 0));");

	for(std::vector<int>::iterator it = vec2.begin(); it != newEnd; ++it)
void planning_environment::setMarkerShapeFromShape(const shapes::Shape *obj, visualization_msgs::Marker &mk, double padding)
  switch (obj->type)
  case shapes::SPHERE:
    mk.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::SPHERE;
    mk.scale.x = mk.scale.y = mk.scale.z = static_cast<const shapes::Sphere*>(obj)->radius * 2.0 + padding;
  case shapes::BOX:
    mk.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::CUBE;
      const double *size = static_cast<const shapes::Box*>(obj)->size;
      mk.scale.x = size[0] + padding*2.0;
      mk.scale.y = size[1] + padding*2.0;
      mk.scale.z = size[2] + padding*2.0;
  case shapes::CYLINDER:
    mk.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::CYLINDER;
    mk.scale.x = static_cast<const shapes::Cylinder*>(obj)->radius * 2.0 + padding;
    mk.scale.y = mk.scale.x;
    mk.scale.z = static_cast<const shapes::Cylinder*>(obj)->length + padding*2.0;
  case shapes::MESH:
    mk.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::LINE_LIST;
    mk.scale.x = mk.scale.y = mk.scale.z = 0.001;
      const shapes::Mesh *mesh = static_cast<const shapes::Mesh*>(obj);
      double* vertices = new double[mesh->vertexCount * 3];
      double sx = 0.0, sy = 0.0, sz = 0.0;
      for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mesh->vertexCount; ++i) {
        unsigned int i3 = i * 3;
        vertices[i3] = mesh->vertices[i3];
        vertices[i3 + 1] = mesh->vertices[i3 + 1];
        vertices[i3 + 2] = mesh->vertices[i3 + 2];
        sx += vertices[i3];
        sy += vertices[i3 + 1];
        sz += vertices[i3 + 2];
      // the center of the mesh
      sx /= (double)mesh->vertexCount;
      sy /= (double)mesh->vertexCount;
      sz /= (double)mesh->vertexCount;
      for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < mesh->vertexCount ; ++i)
        unsigned int i3 = i * 3;
        // vector from center to the vertex
        double dx = vertices[i3] - sx;
        double dy = vertices[i3 + 1] - sy;
        double dz = vertices[i3 + 2] - sz;
        // length of vector
        //double norm = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz);
        double ndx = ((dx > 0) ? dx+padding : dx-padding);
        double ndy = ((dy > 0) ? dy+padding : dy-padding);
        double ndz = ((dz > 0) ? dz+padding : dz-padding);
        // the new distance of the vertex from the center
        //double fact = scale + padding/norm;
        vertices[i3] = sx + ndx; //dx * fact;
        vertices[i3 + 1] = sy + ndy; //dy * fact;
        vertices[i3 + 2] = sz + ndz; //dz * fact;		    
      tf::Transform trans;
      tf::poseMsgToTF(mk.pose, trans);

      for (unsigned int j = 0 ; j < mesh->triangleCount; ++j) {
        unsigned int t1ind = mesh->triangles[3*j];
        unsigned int t2ind = mesh->triangles[3*j + 1];
        unsigned int t3ind = mesh->triangles[3*j + 2];
        tf::Vector3 vec1(vertices[t1ind*3],
        tf::Vector3 vec2(vertices[t2ind*3],
        tf::Vector3 vec3(vertices[t3ind*3],
        //vec1 = trans*vec1;
        //vec2 = trans*vec2;
        //vec3 = trans*vec3;
        geometry_msgs::Point pt1;
        pt1.x = vec1.x();
        pt1.y = vec1.y();
        pt1.z = vec1.z();

        geometry_msgs::Point pt2;
        pt2.x = vec2.x();
        pt2.y = vec2.y();
        pt2.z = vec2.z();
        geometry_msgs::Point pt3;
        pt3.x = vec3.x();
        pt3.y = vec3.y();
        pt3.z = vec3.z();
      delete[] vertices;
    ROS_ERROR("Unknown object type: %d", (int)obj->type);
Example #18
 * Generate the geometry shader program used on Gen6 to perform stream output
 * (transform feedback).
gen6_sol_program(struct brw_gs_compile *c, struct brw_gs_prog_key *key,
	         unsigned num_verts, bool check_edge_flags)
   struct brw_compile *p = &c->func;
   c->prog_data.svbi_postincrement_value = num_verts;

   brw_gs_alloc_regs(c, num_verts, true);

   if (key->num_transform_feedback_bindings > 0) {
      unsigned vertex, binding;
      struct brw_reg destination_indices_uw =
         vec8(retype(c->reg.destination_indices, BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_UW));

      /* Note: since we use the binding table to keep track of buffer offsets
       * and stride, the GS doesn't need to keep track of a separate pointer
       * into each buffer; it uses a single pointer which increments by 1 for
       * each vertex.  So we use SVBI0 for this pointer, regardless of whether
       * transform feedback is in interleaved or separate attribs mode.
       * Make sure that the buffers have enough room for all the vertices.
      brw_ADD(p, get_element_ud(c->reg.temp, 0),
	         get_element_ud(c->reg.SVBI, 0), brw_imm_ud(num_verts));
      brw_CMP(p, vec1(brw_null_reg()), BRW_CONDITIONAL_LE,
	         get_element_ud(c->reg.temp, 0),
	         get_element_ud(c->reg.SVBI, 4));
      brw_IF(p, BRW_EXECUTE_1);

      /* Compute the destination indices to write to.  Usually we use SVBI[0]
       * + (0, 1, 2).  However, for odd-numbered triangles in tristrips, the
       * vertices come down the pipeline in reversed winding order, so we need
       * to flip the order when writing to the transform feedback buffer.  To
       * ensure that flatshading accuracy is preserved, we need to write them
       * in order SVBI[0] + (0, 2, 1) if we're using the first provoking
       * vertex convention, and in order SVBI[0] + (1, 0, 2) if we're using
       * the last provoking vertex convention.
       * Note: since brw_imm_v can only be used in instructions in
       * packed-word execution mode, and SVBI is a double-word, we need to
       * first move the appropriate immediate constant ((0, 1, 2), (0, 2, 1),
       * or (1, 0, 2)) to the destination_indices register, and then add SVBI
       * using a separate instruction.  Also, since the immediate constant is
       * expressed as packed words, and we need to load double-words into
       * destination_indices, we need to intersperse zeros to fill the upper
       * halves of each double-word.
      brw_MOV(p, destination_indices_uw,
              brw_imm_v(0x00020100)); /* (0, 1, 2) */
      if (num_verts == 3) {
         /* Get primitive type into temp register. */
         brw_AND(p, get_element_ud(c->reg.temp, 0),
                 get_element_ud(c->reg.R0, 2), brw_imm_ud(0x1f));

         /* Test if primitive type is TRISTRIP_REVERSE.  We need to do this as
          * an 8-wide comparison so that the conditional MOV that follows
          * moves all 8 words correctly.
         brw_CMP(p, vec8(brw_null_reg()), BRW_CONDITIONAL_EQ,
                 get_element_ud(c->reg.temp, 0),

         /* If so, then overwrite destination_indices_uw with the appropriate
          * reordering.
         brw_MOV(p, destination_indices_uw,
                 brw_imm_v(key->pv_first ? 0x00010200    /* (0, 2, 1) */
                                         : 0x00020001)); /* (1, 0, 2) */
         brw_set_predicate_control(p, BRW_PREDICATE_NONE);
      brw_ADD(p, c->reg.destination_indices,
              c->reg.destination_indices, get_element_ud(c->reg.SVBI, 0));

      /* For each vertex, generate code to output each varying using the
       * appropriate binding table entry.
      for (vertex = 0; vertex < num_verts; ++vertex) {
         /* Set up the correct destination index for this vertex */
         brw_MOV(p, get_element_ud(c->reg.header, 5),
                 get_element_ud(c->reg.destination_indices, vertex));

         for (binding = 0; binding < key->num_transform_feedback_bindings;
              ++binding) {
            unsigned char varying =
            unsigned char slot = c->vue_map.varying_to_slot[varying];
            /* From the Sandybridge PRM, Volume 2, Part 1, Section 4.5.1:
             *   "Prior to End of Thread with a URB_WRITE, the kernel must
             *   ensure that all writes are complete by sending the final
             *   write as a committed write."
            bool final_write =
               binding == key->num_transform_feedback_bindings - 1 &&
               vertex == num_verts - 1;
            struct brw_reg vertex_slot = c->reg.vertex[vertex];
            vertex_slot.nr += slot / 2;
            vertex_slot.subnr = (slot % 2) * 16;
            /* gl_PointSize is stored in VARYING_SLOT_PSIZ.w. */
            vertex_slot.dw1.bits.swizzle = varying == VARYING_SLOT_PSIZ
               ? BRW_SWIZZLE_WWWW : key->transform_feedback_swizzles[binding];
            brw_set_access_mode(p, BRW_ALIGN_16);
            brw_MOV(p, stride(c->reg.header, 4, 4, 1),
                    retype(vertex_slot, BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_UD));
            brw_set_access_mode(p, BRW_ALIGN_1);
                          final_write ? c->reg.temp : brw_null_reg(), /* dest */
                          1, /* msg_reg_nr */
                          c->reg.header, /* src0 */
                          SURF_INDEX_SOL_BINDING(binding), /* binding_table_index */
                          final_write); /* send_commit_msg */

      /* Now, reinitialize the header register from R0 to restore the parts of
       * the register that we overwrote while streaming out transform feedback
       * data.

      /* Finally, wait for the write commit to occur so that we can proceed to
       * other things safely.
       * From the Sandybridge PRM, Volume 4, Part 1, Section 3.3:
       *   The write commit does not modify the destination register, but
       *   merely clears the dependency associated with the destination
       *   register. Thus, a simple “mov” instruction using the register as a
       *   source is sufficient to wait for the write commit to occur.
      brw_MOV(p, c->reg.temp, c->reg.temp);

   brw_gs_ff_sync(c, 1);

   /* If RASTERIZER_DISCARD is enabled, we have nothing further to do, so
    * release the URB that was just allocated, and terminate the thread.
   if (key->rasterizer_discard) {

   switch (num_verts) {
   case 1:
      brw_gs_offset_header_dw2(c, URB_WRITE_PRIM_START | URB_WRITE_PRIM_END);
      brw_gs_emit_vue(c, c->reg.vertex[0], true);
   case 2:
      brw_gs_offset_header_dw2(c, URB_WRITE_PRIM_START);
      brw_gs_emit_vue(c, c->reg.vertex[0], false);
      brw_gs_offset_header_dw2(c, URB_WRITE_PRIM_END - URB_WRITE_PRIM_START);
      brw_gs_emit_vue(c, c->reg.vertex[1], true);
   case 3:
      if (check_edge_flags) {
         /* Only emit vertices 0 and 1 if this is the first triangle of the
          * polygon.  Otherwise they are redundant.
         brw_set_conditionalmod(p, BRW_CONDITIONAL_NZ);
         brw_AND(p, retype(brw_null_reg(), BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_UD),
                 get_element_ud(c->reg.R0, 2),
         brw_IF(p, BRW_EXECUTE_1);
      brw_gs_offset_header_dw2(c, URB_WRITE_PRIM_START);
      brw_gs_emit_vue(c, c->reg.vertex[0], false);
      brw_gs_offset_header_dw2(c, -URB_WRITE_PRIM_START);
      brw_gs_emit_vue(c, c->reg.vertex[1], false);
      if (check_edge_flags) {
         /* Only emit vertex 2 in PRIM_END mode if this is the last triangle
          * of the polygon.  Otherwise leave the primitive incomplete because
          * there are more polygon vertices coming.
         brw_set_conditionalmod(p, BRW_CONDITIONAL_NZ);
         brw_AND(p, retype(brw_null_reg(), BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_UD),
                 get_element_ud(c->reg.R0, 2),
         brw_set_predicate_control(p, BRW_PREDICATE_NORMAL);
      brw_gs_offset_header_dw2(c, URB_WRITE_PRIM_END);
      brw_set_predicate_control(p, BRW_PREDICATE_NONE);
      brw_gs_emit_vue(c, c->reg.vertex[2], true);
Example #19
/* Line clipping, more or less following the following algorithm:
 *  for (p=0;p<MAX_PLANES;p++) {
 *     if (clipmask & (1 << p)) {
 *        GLfloat dp0 = DOTPROD( vtx0, plane[p] );
 *        GLfloat dp1 = DOTPROD( vtx1, plane[p] );
 *        if (dp1 < 0.0f) {
 *           GLfloat t = dp1 / (dp1 - dp0);
 *           if (t > t1) t1 = t;
 *        } else {
 *           GLfloat t = dp0 / (dp0 - dp1);
 *           if (t > t0) t0 = t;
 *        }
 *        if (t0 + t1 >= 1.0)
 *           return;
 *     }
 *  }
 *  interp( ctx, newvtx0, vtx0, vtx1, t0 );
 *  interp( ctx, newvtx1, vtx1, vtx0, t1 );
static void clip_and_emit_line( struct brw_clip_compile *c )
   struct brw_codegen *p = &c->func;
   struct brw_indirect vtx0     = brw_indirect(0, 0);
   struct brw_indirect vtx1      = brw_indirect(1, 0);
   struct brw_indirect newvtx0   = brw_indirect(2, 0);
   struct brw_indirect newvtx1   = brw_indirect(3, 0);
   struct brw_indirect plane_ptr = brw_indirect(4, 0);
   struct brw_reg v1_null_ud = retype(vec1(brw_null_reg()), BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_UD);
   GLuint hpos_offset = brw_varying_to_offset(&c->vue_map, VARYING_SLOT_POS);
   GLint clipdist0_offset = c->key.nr_userclip
      ? brw_varying_to_offset(&c->vue_map, VARYING_SLOT_CLIP_DIST0)
      : 0;

   brw_MOV(p, get_addr_reg(vtx0),      brw_address(c->reg.vertex[0]));
   brw_MOV(p, get_addr_reg(vtx1),      brw_address(c->reg.vertex[1]));
   brw_MOV(p, get_addr_reg(newvtx0),   brw_address(c->reg.vertex[2]));
   brw_MOV(p, get_addr_reg(newvtx1),   brw_address(c->reg.vertex[3]));
   brw_MOV(p, get_addr_reg(plane_ptr), brw_clip_plane0_address(c));

   /* Note: init t0, t1 together:
   brw_MOV(p, vec2(c->reg.t0), brw_imm_f(0));


   /* -ve rhw workaround */
   if (p->devinfo->has_negative_rhw_bug) {
      brw_AND(p, brw_null_reg(), get_element_ud(c->reg.R0, 2),
      brw_inst_set_cond_modifier(p->devinfo, brw_last_inst, BRW_CONDITIONAL_NZ);
      brw_OR(p, c->reg.planemask, c->reg.planemask, brw_imm_ud(0x3f));
      brw_inst_set_pred_control(p->devinfo, brw_last_inst, BRW_PREDICATE_NORMAL);

   /* Set the initial vertex source mask: The first 6 planes are the bounds
    * of the view volume; the next 8 planes are the user clipping planes.
   brw_MOV(p, c->reg.vertex_src_mask, brw_imm_ud(0x3fc0));

   /* Set the initial clipdistance offset to be 6 floats before gl_ClipDistance[0].
    * We'll increment 6 times before we start hitting actual user clipping. */
   brw_MOV(p, c->reg.clipdistance_offset, brw_imm_d(clipdist0_offset - 6*sizeof(float)));

   brw_DO(p, BRW_EXECUTE_1);
      /* if (planemask & 1)
      brw_AND(p, v1_null_ud, c->reg.planemask, brw_imm_ud(1));
      brw_inst_set_cond_modifier(p->devinfo, brw_last_inst, BRW_CONDITIONAL_NZ);

      brw_IF(p, BRW_EXECUTE_1);
         brw_AND(p, v1_null_ud, c->reg.vertex_src_mask, brw_imm_ud(1));
         brw_inst_set_cond_modifier(p->devinfo, brw_last_inst, BRW_CONDITIONAL_NZ);
         brw_IF(p, BRW_EXECUTE_1);
            /* user clip distance: just fetch the correct float from each vertex */
            struct brw_indirect temp_ptr = brw_indirect(7, 0);
            brw_ADD(p, get_addr_reg(temp_ptr), get_addr_reg(vtx0), c->reg.clipdistance_offset);
            brw_MOV(p, c->reg.dp0, deref_1f(temp_ptr, 0));
            brw_ADD(p, get_addr_reg(temp_ptr), get_addr_reg(vtx1), c->reg.clipdistance_offset);
            brw_MOV(p, c->reg.dp1, deref_1f(temp_ptr, 0));
            /* fixed plane: fetch the hpos, dp4 against the plane. */
            if (c->key.nr_userclip)
               brw_MOV(p, c->reg.plane_equation, deref_4f(plane_ptr, 0));
               brw_MOV(p, c->reg.plane_equation, deref_4b(plane_ptr, 0));

            brw_DP4(p, vec4(c->reg.dp0), deref_4f(vtx0, hpos_offset), c->reg.plane_equation);
            brw_DP4(p, vec4(c->reg.dp1), deref_4f(vtx1, hpos_offset), c->reg.plane_equation);

         brw_CMP(p, brw_null_reg(), BRW_CONDITIONAL_L, vec1(c->reg.dp1), brw_imm_f(0.0f));

         brw_IF(p, BRW_EXECUTE_1);
              * Both can be negative on GM965/G965 due to RHW workaround
              * if so, this object should be rejected.
             if (p->devinfo->has_negative_rhw_bug) {
                 brw_CMP(p, vec1(brw_null_reg()), BRW_CONDITIONAL_LE, c->reg.dp0, brw_imm_f(0.0));
                 brw_IF(p, BRW_EXECUTE_1);

             brw_ADD(p, c->reg.t, c->reg.dp1, negate(c->reg.dp0));
             brw_math_invert(p, c->reg.t, c->reg.t);
             brw_MUL(p, c->reg.t, c->reg.t, c->reg.dp1);

             brw_CMP(p, vec1(brw_null_reg()), BRW_CONDITIONAL_G, c->reg.t, c->reg.t1 );
             brw_MOV(p, c->reg.t1, c->reg.t);
             brw_inst_set_pred_control(p->devinfo, brw_last_inst,
             /* Coming back in.  We know that both cannot be negative
              * because the line would have been culled in that case.

             /* If both are positive, do nothing */
             /* Only on GM965/G965 */
             if (p->devinfo->has_negative_rhw_bug) {
                 brw_CMP(p, vec1(brw_null_reg()), BRW_CONDITIONAL_L, c->reg.dp0, brw_imm_f(0.0));
                 brw_IF(p, BRW_EXECUTE_1);

                 brw_ADD(p, c->reg.t, c->reg.dp0, negate(c->reg.dp1));
                 brw_math_invert(p, c->reg.t, c->reg.t);
                 brw_MUL(p, c->reg.t, c->reg.t, c->reg.dp0);

                 brw_CMP(p, vec1(brw_null_reg()), BRW_CONDITIONAL_G, c->reg.t, c->reg.t0 );
                 brw_MOV(p, c->reg.t0, c->reg.t);
                 brw_inst_set_pred_control(p->devinfo, brw_last_inst,

             if (p->devinfo->has_negative_rhw_bug) {

      /* plane_ptr++;
      brw_ADD(p, get_addr_reg(plane_ptr), get_addr_reg(plane_ptr), brw_clip_plane_stride(c));

      /* while (planemask>>=1) != 0
      brw_SHR(p, c->reg.planemask, c->reg.planemask, brw_imm_ud(1));
      brw_inst_set_cond_modifier(p->devinfo, brw_last_inst, BRW_CONDITIONAL_NZ);
      brw_SHR(p, c->reg.vertex_src_mask, c->reg.vertex_src_mask, brw_imm_ud(1));
      brw_inst_set_pred_control(p->devinfo, brw_last_inst, BRW_PREDICATE_NORMAL);
      brw_ADD(p, c->reg.clipdistance_offset, c->reg.clipdistance_offset, brw_imm_w(sizeof(float)));
      brw_inst_set_pred_control(p->devinfo, brw_last_inst, BRW_PREDICATE_NORMAL);
   brw_inst_set_pred_control(p->devinfo, brw_last_inst, BRW_PREDICATE_NORMAL);

   brw_ADD(p, c->reg.t, c->reg.t0, c->reg.t1);
   brw_CMP(p, vec1(brw_null_reg()), BRW_CONDITIONAL_L, c->reg.t, brw_imm_f(1.0));
   brw_IF(p, BRW_EXECUTE_1);
      brw_clip_interp_vertex(c, newvtx0, vtx0, vtx1, c->reg.t0, false);
      brw_clip_interp_vertex(c, newvtx1, vtx1, vtx0, c->reg.t1, false);

      brw_clip_emit_vue(c, newvtx0, BRW_URB_WRITE_ALLOCATE_COMPLETE,
                        (_3DPRIM_LINESTRIP << URB_WRITE_PRIM_TYPE_SHIFT)
                        | URB_WRITE_PRIM_START);
      brw_clip_emit_vue(c, newvtx1, BRW_URB_WRITE_EOT_COMPLETE,
                        (_3DPRIM_LINESTRIP << URB_WRITE_PRIM_TYPE_SHIFT)
                        | URB_WRITE_PRIM_END);
Example #20
void nuiDrawContext::DrawGradient(const nuiGradient& rGradient, const nuiRect& rEnclosingRect, nuiSize x1, nuiSize y1, nuiSize x2, nuiSize y2)
  nuiVector2 vec(x2 - x1, y2 - y1);
  nuiVector2 para(-vec[1], vec[0]);
  nuiVector2 vec1(vec);
  nuiVector2 para1(para);

  // What Quadrant are we in?:
  //         |
  //     a   |   b
  //         |
  //  ----------------
  //         |
  //     c   |   d
  //         |
  float xa, xb, xc, xd;
  float ya, yb, yc, yd;
  float x, y;
  float xp, yp;
  float xx, yy;
  float xxp, yyp;

  xa = xc = rEnclosingRect.Left();
  xb = xd = rEnclosingRect.Right();
  ya = yb = rEnclosingRect.Top();
  yc = yd = rEnclosingRect.Bottom();

  if (x1 < x2)
    // Go from a to d or c to b
    if (y1 == y2)
      x  = xa; y  = ya;
      xp = xc; yp = yc;
      xx = xd; yy = yd;
      xxp= xb; yyp= yb;
    else if (y1 < y2)
      // a to d
      IntersectLines(xa,ya, para1[0], para1[1], xb, yb, vec1[0], vec1[1], x, y);
      IntersectLines(xa,ya, para1[0], para1[1], xc, yc, vec1[0], vec1[1], xp, yp);
      IntersectLines(xd,yd, para1[0], para1[1], xc, yc, vec1[0], vec1[1], xx, yy);
      IntersectLines(xd,yd, para1[0], para1[1], xb, yb, vec1[0], vec1[1], xxp, yyp);
      // c to d
      IntersectLines(xc,yc, para1[0], para1[1], xa, ya, vec1[0], vec1[1], x, y);
      IntersectLines(xc,yc, para1[0], para1[1], xd, yd, vec1[0], vec1[1], xp, yp);
      IntersectLines(xb,yb, para1[0], para1[1], xd, yd, vec1[0], vec1[1], xx, yy);
      IntersectLines(xb,yb, para1[0], para1[1], xa, ya, vec1[0], vec1[1], xxp, yyp);
    if (y1 == y2)
      x  = xd; y  = yd;
      xp = xb; yp = yb;
      xx = xa; yy = ya;
      xxp= xc; yyp= yc;
    else if (y1 < y2)
      // b to c
      IntersectLines(xb,yb, para1[0], para1[1], xd, yd, vec1[0], vec1[1], x, y);
      IntersectLines(xb,yb, para1[0], para1[1], xa, ya, vec1[0], vec1[1], xp, yp);
      IntersectLines(xc,yc, para1[0], para1[1], xa, ya, vec1[0], vec1[1], xx, yy);
      IntersectLines(xc,yc, para1[0], para1[1], xd, yd, vec1[0], vec1[1], xxp, yyp);
      // d to a
      IntersectLines(xd,yd, para1[0], para1[1], xc, yc, vec1[0], vec1[1], x, y);
      IntersectLines(xd,yd, para1[0], para1[1], xb, yb, vec1[0], vec1[1], xp, yp);
      IntersectLines(xa,ya, para1[0], para1[1], xb, yb, vec1[0], vec1[1], xx, yy);
      IntersectLines(xa,ya, para1[0], para1[1], xc, yc, vec1[0], vec1[1], xxp, yyp);

  float startx,starty;
  float startxp,startyp;
  float stopx,stopy;
  float stopxp,stopyp;

  if (y1 != y2)
    IntersectLines(x1, y1, para1[0], para1[1], x,  y,  vec1[0], vec1[1], startx,  starty);
    IntersectLines(x1, y1, para1[0], para1[1], xp, yp, vec1[0], vec1[1], startxp, startyp);
    IntersectLines(x2, y2, para1[0], para1[1], x,  y,  vec1[0], vec1[1], stopx,   stopy);
    IntersectLines(x2, y2, para1[0], para1[1], xp, yp, vec1[0], vec1[1], stopxp,  stopyp);
    startx  = x1; starty  = y;
    startxp = x1; startyp = yp;
    stopx   = x2; stopy   = y;
    stopxp  = x2; stopyp  = yp;

  nuiGradientStopList::const_iterator it = rGradient.GetStopList().begin();
  nuiGradientStopList::const_iterator end = rGradient.GetStopList().end();

  float px1, py1;
  float px2, py2;


  nuiRenderArray* pArray = new nuiRenderArray(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP);
  //  nuiRenderArray Array(GL_LINES);
//  pArray->SetVertexElements(3);
//  pArray->SetColorElements(4);

  nuiColor col = it->second;
  pArray->SetVertex(x, y);
  pArray->SetVertex(xp, yp);

  for ( ; it != end; ++it)
    float r = it->first;
    float rm = 1.0f - r;
    px1 = startx * rm + stopx * r;
    py1 = starty * rm + stopy * r;
    px2 = startxp * rm + stopxp * r;
    py2 = startyp * rm + stopyp * r;

    col = it->second;
    pArray->SetVertex(px2, py2);
    pArray->SetVertex(px1, py1);

  pArray->SetVertex(xx, yy);
  pArray->SetVertex(xxp, yyp);


MAST::HeatConductionElementBase::internal_residual (bool request_jacobian,
                                                    RealVectorX& f,
                                                    RealMatrixX& jac) {
    const std::vector<Real>& JxW           = _fe->get_JxW();
    const std::vector<libMesh::Point>& xyz = _fe->get_xyz();
    const unsigned int
    n_phi  = _fe->n_shape_functions(),
    dim    = _elem.dim();
    material_mat   = RealMatrixX::Zero(dim, dim),
    dmaterial_mat  = RealMatrixX::Zero(dim, dim), // for calculation of Jac when k is temp. dep.
    mat_n2n2       = RealMatrixX::Zero(n_phi, n_phi);
    vec1     = RealVectorX::Zero(1),
    vec2_n2  = RealVectorX::Zero(n_phi),
    flux     = RealVectorX::Zero(dim);
    std::auto_ptr<MAST::FieldFunction<RealMatrixX> > conductance =
    libMesh::Point p;
    std::vector<MAST::FEMOperatorMatrix> dBmat(dim);
    MAST::FEMOperatorMatrix Bmat; // for calculation of Jac when k is temp. dep.

    for (unsigned int qp=0; qp<JxW.size(); qp++) {

        // initialize the Bmat operator for this term
        _initialize_mass_fem_operator(qp, Bmat);
        Bmat.right_multiply(vec1, _sol);

        if (_active_sol_function)

        _local_elem->global_coordinates_location(xyz[qp], p);
        (*conductance)(p, _time, material_mat);

        _initialize_flux_fem_operator(qp, dBmat);
        // calculate the flux for each dimension and add its weighted
        // component to the residual
        for (unsigned int j=0; j<dim; j++) {
            dBmat[j].right_multiply(vec1, _sol);        // dT_dxj
            for (unsigned int i=0; i<dim; i++)
                flux(i) += vec1(0) * material_mat(i,j); // q_i = k_ij dT_dxj

        // now add to the residual vector
        for (unsigned int i=0; i<dim; i++) {
            vec1(0)  = flux(i);
            dBmat[i].vector_mult_transpose(vec2_n2, vec1);
            f += JxW[qp] * vec2_n2;

        if (request_jacobian) {
            // Jacobian contribution from int_omega dB_dxi^T k_ij dB_dxj
            for (unsigned int i=0; i<dim; i++)
                for (unsigned int j=0; j<dim; j++) {
                    dBmat[i].right_multiply_transpose(mat_n2n2, dBmat[j]);
                    jac += JxW[qp] * material_mat(i,j) * mat_n2n2;
            // Jacobian contribution from int_omega dB_dxi dT_dxj dk_ij/dT B
            if (_active_sol_function) {
                // get derivative of the conductance matrix wrt temperature
                                        _time, dmaterial_mat);
                for (unsigned int j=0; j<dim; j++) {
                    dBmat[j].right_multiply(vec1, _sol);  // dT_dxj

                    for (unsigned int i=0; i<dim; i++)
                        if (dmaterial_mat(i,j) != 0.) { // no need to process for zero terms
                            // dB_dxi^T B
                            dBmat[i].right_multiply_transpose(mat_n2n2, Bmat);
                            // dB_dxi^T (dT_dxj dk_ij/dT) B
                            jac += JxW[qp] * vec1(0) * dmaterial_mat(i,j) * mat_n2n2;
    if (_active_sol_function)

    return request_jacobian;
MAST::HeatConductionElementBase::velocity_residual (bool request_jacobian,
                                                    RealVectorX& f,
                                                    RealMatrixX& jac_xdot,
                                                    RealMatrixX& jac) {
    MAST::FEMOperatorMatrix Bmat;
    const std::vector<Real>& JxW                 = _fe->get_JxW();
    const std::vector<libMesh::Point>& xyz       = _fe->get_xyz();
    const unsigned int
    n_phi      = _fe->n_shape_functions(),
    dim        = _elem.dim();
    material_mat    = RealMatrixX::Zero(dim, dim),
    mat_n2n2        = RealMatrixX::Zero(n_phi, n_phi);
    vec1    = RealVectorX::Zero(1),
    vec2_n2 = RealVectorX::Zero(n_phi);
    std::auto_ptr<MAST::FieldFunction<RealMatrixX> > capacitance =
    libMesh::Point p;
    for (unsigned int qp=0; qp<JxW.size(); qp++) {
        _initialize_mass_fem_operator(qp, Bmat);
        Bmat.right_multiply(vec1, _sol);               //  B * T
        if (_active_sol_function)

        _local_elem->global_coordinates_location(xyz[qp], p);
        (*capacitance)(p, _time, material_mat);
        Bmat.right_multiply(vec1, _vel);               //  B * T_dot
        Bmat.vector_mult_transpose(vec2_n2, vec1);     //  B^T * B * T_dot
        f      += JxW[qp] * material_mat(0,0) * vec2_n2; // (rho*cp)*JxW B^T B T_dot
        if (request_jacobian) {
            Bmat.right_multiply_transpose(mat_n2n2, Bmat);  // B^T B
            jac_xdot += JxW[qp] * material_mat(0,0) * mat_n2n2;  // B^T B * JxW (rho*cp)
            // Jacobian contribution from int_omega B T d(rho*cp)/dT B
            if (_active_sol_function) {
                // get derivative of the conductance matrix wrt temperature
                                        _time, material_mat);
                if (material_mat(0,0) != 0.) { // no need to process for zero terms
                    // B^T (T d(rho cp)/dT) B
                    jac += JxW[qp] * vec1(0) * material_mat(0,0) * mat_n2n2;
    if (_active_sol_function)

    return request_jacobian;
Example #23
 * Output clipped polygon as an unfilled primitive:
static void emit_lines(struct brw_clip_compile *c,
		       bool do_offset)
   struct brw_compile *p = &c->func;
   const struct brw_context *brw = p->brw;
   struct brw_indirect v0 = brw_indirect(0, 0);
   struct brw_indirect v1 = brw_indirect(1, 0);
   struct brw_indirect v0ptr = brw_indirect(2, 0);
   struct brw_indirect v1ptr = brw_indirect(3, 0);

   /* Need a seperate loop for offset:
   if (do_offset) {
      brw_MOV(p, c->reg.loopcount, c->reg.nr_verts);
      brw_MOV(p, get_addr_reg(v0ptr), brw_address(c->reg.inlist));

      brw_DO(p, BRW_EXECUTE_1);
	 brw_MOV(p, get_addr_reg(v0), deref_1uw(v0ptr, 0));
	 brw_ADD(p, get_addr_reg(v0ptr), get_addr_reg(v0ptr), brw_imm_uw(2));
	 apply_one_offset(c, v0);
	 brw_ADD(p, c->reg.loopcount, c->reg.loopcount, brw_imm_d(-1));
         brw_inst_set_cond_modifier(brw, brw_last_inst, BRW_CONDITIONAL_G);
      brw_inst_set_pred_control(brw, brw_last_inst, BRW_PREDICATE_NORMAL);

   /* v1ptr = &inlist[nr_verts]
    * *v1ptr = v0
   brw_MOV(p, c->reg.loopcount, c->reg.nr_verts);
   brw_MOV(p, get_addr_reg(v0ptr), brw_address(c->reg.inlist));
   brw_ADD(p, get_addr_reg(v1ptr), get_addr_reg(v0ptr), retype(c->reg.nr_verts, BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_UW));
   brw_ADD(p, get_addr_reg(v1ptr), get_addr_reg(v1ptr), retype(c->reg.nr_verts, BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_UW));
   brw_MOV(p, deref_1uw(v1ptr, 0), deref_1uw(v0ptr, 0));

   brw_DO(p, BRW_EXECUTE_1);
      brw_MOV(p, get_addr_reg(v0), deref_1uw(v0ptr, 0));
      brw_MOV(p, get_addr_reg(v1), deref_1uw(v0ptr, 2));
      brw_ADD(p, get_addr_reg(v0ptr), get_addr_reg(v0ptr), brw_imm_uw(2));

      /* draw edge if edgeflag != 0 */
	      vec1(brw_null_reg()), BRW_CONDITIONAL_NZ,
	      deref_1f(v0, brw_varying_to_offset(&c->vue_map,
      brw_IF(p, BRW_EXECUTE_1);
	 brw_clip_emit_vue(c, v0, BRW_URB_WRITE_ALLOCATE_COMPLETE,
                           (_3DPRIM_LINESTRIP << URB_WRITE_PRIM_TYPE_SHIFT)
                           | URB_WRITE_PRIM_START);
	 brw_clip_emit_vue(c, v1, BRW_URB_WRITE_ALLOCATE_COMPLETE,
                           (_3DPRIM_LINESTRIP << URB_WRITE_PRIM_TYPE_SHIFT)
                           | URB_WRITE_PRIM_END);

      brw_ADD(p, c->reg.loopcount, c->reg.loopcount, brw_imm_d(-1));
      brw_inst_set_cond_modifier(brw, brw_last_inst, BRW_CONDITIONAL_NZ);
   brw_inst_set_pred_control(brw, brw_last_inst, BRW_PREDICATE_NORMAL);
Example #24
vec4_generator::generate_gs_set_channel_masks(struct brw_reg dst,
        struct brw_reg src)
    /* From p21 of volume 4 part 2 of the Ivy Bridge PRM ( Message
     * Header: M0.5):
     *     15 Vertex 1 DATA [3] / Vertex 0 DATA[7] Channel Mask
     *        When Swizzle Control = URB_INTERLEAVED this bit controls Vertex 1
     *        DATA[3], when Swizzle Control = URB_NOSWIZZLE this bit controls
     *        Vertex 0 DATA[7].  This bit is ANDed with the corresponding
     *        channel enable to determine the final channel enable.  For the
     *        URB_READ_OWORD & URB_READ_HWORD messages, when final channel
     *        enable is 1 it indicates that Vertex 1 DATA [3] will be included
     *        in the writeback message.  For the URB_WRITE_OWORD &
     *        URB_WRITE_HWORD messages, when final channel enable is 1 it
     *        indicates that Vertex 1 DATA [3] will be written to the surface.
     *        0: Vertex 1 DATA [3] / Vertex 0 DATA[7] channel not included
     *        1: Vertex DATA [3] / Vertex 0 DATA[7] channel included
     *     14 Vertex 1 DATA [2] Channel Mask
     *     13 Vertex 1 DATA [1] Channel Mask
     *     12 Vertex 1 DATA [0] Channel Mask
     *     11 Vertex 0 DATA [3] Channel Mask
     *     10 Vertex 0 DATA [2] Channel Mask
     *      9 Vertex 0 DATA [1] Channel Mask
     *      8 Vertex 0 DATA [0] Channel Mask
     * (This is from a section of the PRM that is agnostic to the particular
     * type of shader being executed, so "Vertex 0" and "Vertex 1" refer to
     * geometry shader invocations 0 and 1, respectively).  Since we have the
     * enable flags for geometry shader invocation 0 in bits 3:0 of DWORD 0,
     * and the enable flags for geometry shader invocation 1 in bits 7:0 of
     * DWORD 4, we just need to OR them together and store the result in bits
     * 15:8 of DWORD 5.
     * It's easier to get the EU to do this if we think of the src and dst
     * registers as composed of 32 bytes each; then, we want to pick up the
     * contents of bytes 0 and 16 from src, OR them together, and store them in
     * byte 21.
     * We can do that by the following EU instruction:
     *     or(1) dst.21<1>UB src<0,1,0>UB src.16<0,1,0>UB { align1 WE_all }
     * Note: this relies on the source register having zeros in (a) bits 7:4 of
     * DWORD 0 and (b) bits 3:0 of DWORD 4.  We can rely on (b) because the
     * source register was prepared by GS_OPCODE_PREPARE_CHANNEL_MASKS (which
     * shifts DWORD 4 left by 4 bits), and we can rely on (a) because prior to
     * the execution of GS_OPCODE_PREPARE_CHANNEL_MASKS, DWORDs 0 and 4 need to
     * contain valid channel mask values (which are in the range 0x0-0xf).
    dst = retype(dst, BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_UB);
    src = retype(src, BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_UB);
    brw_set_access_mode(p, BRW_ALIGN_1);
    brw_set_mask_control(p, BRW_MASK_DISABLE);
    brw_OR(p, suboffset(vec1(dst), 21), vec1(src), suboffset(vec1(src), 16));
Example #25
void BaseVH::filterContoursByEdgeAngle( std::vector< std::vector< cv::Point2f > > &contours , double angleThreshold )
  int numContours = contours.size();

  double thresholdVal = - std::cos( ( angleThreshold / 180 ) * CV_PI );

  std::vector< std::vector< cv::Point2f > > filteredContours;

  double averageContourLength = 0;

  int totalNumEdges = 0;

  for( int cc = 0; cc < numContours; cc++ )
	  int numEdges = contours[ cc ].size();

	  std::vector< cv::Point2f > filteredContour;

	  int id1 = -1 , id2 = -1 , id3 = -1;

	  for( int ee = 0; ee < numEdges; ee++ )
		  cv::Point2f &pt1 = contours[ cc ][ ( ee - 1 + numEdges ) % numEdges ];
		  cv::Point2f &pt2 = contours[ cc ][ ee ];

		  tr::Vector2f vec1( pt2.x - pt1.x , pt2.y - pt1.y );

		  averageContourLength += vec1.norm();


	  totalNumEdges += numEdges;

  if( totalNumEdges < 4 )

  averageContourLength /= totalNumEdges;

  double lengthThreshold = 1e-4 * averageContourLength;

  for( int cc = 0; cc < numContours; cc++ )
	  int numEdges = contours[ cc ].size();

	  std::vector< cv::Point2f > filteredContour;

	  int id1 = -1 , id2 = -1 , id3 = -1;

	  cv::Point2f prevPoint( 0 , 0 );

	  for( int ee = 0; ee < numEdges; ee++ )
		  cv::Point2f &pt1 = contours[ cc ][ ( ee - 1 + numEdges ) % numEdges ];
		  cv::Point2f &pt2 = contours[ cc ][ ee ];
		  cv::Point2f &pt3 = contours[ cc ][ ( ee + 1 ) % numEdges ];

		  tr::Vector2f vec1( pt2.x - pt1.x , pt2.y - pt1.y ) , vec2( pt3.x - pt2.x , pt3.y - pt2.y );


		  double val = vec1.dot( vec2 );

		  if( val < thresholdVal )

		  if( filteredContour.size() > 0 )
			  tr::Vector2f vec( prevPoint.x - pt2.x , prevPoint.y - pt2.y );

			  if( vec.norm() < lengthThreshold )

		  prevPoint = pt2;

		  filteredContour.push_back( pt2 );

	  filteredContours.push_back( filteredContour );

  contours = filteredContours;

*   Since no auxiliary routines are needed, we can directly start with main().
int main()
  typedef float       ScalarType;

  * Initialize OpenCL vectors:
  unsigned int vector_size = 10;
  viennacl::vector<ScalarType>  vec1(vector_size);
  viennacl::vector<ScalarType>  vec2(vector_size);
  viennacl::vector<ScalarType>  result_mul(vector_size);
  viennacl::vector<ScalarType>  result_div(vector_size);

  * Fill the operands vec1 and vec2 with some numbers.
  for (unsigned int i=0; i<vector_size; ++i)
    vec1[i] = static_cast<ScalarType>(i);
    vec2[i] = static_cast<ScalarType>(vector_size-i);

  * Set up the OpenCL program given in my_compute_kernel:
  * A program is one compilation unit and can hold many different compute kernels.
  viennacl::ocl::program & my_prog = viennacl::ocl::current_context().add_program(my_compute_program, "my_compute_program");
  // Note: Releases older than ViennaCL 1.5.0 required calls to add_kernel(). This is no longer needed, the respective interface has been removed.

  * Now we can get the kernels from the program 'my_program'.
  * (Note that first all kernels need to be registered via add_kernel() before get_kernel() can be called,
  * otherwise existing references might be invalidated)
  viennacl::ocl::kernel & my_kernel_mul = my_prog.get_kernel("elementwise_prod");
  viennacl::ocl::kernel & my_kernel_div = my_prog.get_kernel("elementwise_div");

  * Launch the kernel with 'vector_size' threads in one work group
  * Note that std::size_t might differ between host and device. Thus, a cast to cl_uint is necessary for the forth argument.
  viennacl::ocl::enqueue(my_kernel_mul(vec1, vec2, result_mul, static_cast<cl_uint>(vec1.size())));
  viennacl::ocl::enqueue(my_kernel_div(vec1, vec2, result_div, static_cast<cl_uint>(vec1.size())));

  * Print the result:
  std::cout << "        vec1: " << vec1 << std::endl;
  std::cout << "        vec2: " << vec2 << std::endl;
  std::cout << "vec1 .* vec2: " << result_mul << std::endl;
  std::cout << "vec1 /* vec2: " << result_div << std::endl;
  std::cout << "norm_2(vec1 .* vec2): " << viennacl::linalg::norm_2(result_mul) << std::endl;
  std::cout << "norm_2(vec1 /* vec2): " << viennacl::linalg::norm_2(result_div) << std::endl;

  *  We are already done. We only needed a few lines of code by letting ViennaCL deal with the details :-)
  std::cout << "!!!! TUTORIAL COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY !!!!" << std::endl;

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
/* Use mesa's clipping algorithms, translated to GEN4 assembly.
void brw_clip_tri( struct brw_clip_compile *c )
   struct brw_compile *p = &c->func;
   struct brw_indirect vtx = brw_indirect(0, 0);
   struct brw_indirect vtxPrev = brw_indirect(1, 0);
   struct brw_indirect vtxOut = brw_indirect(2, 0);
   struct brw_indirect plane_ptr = brw_indirect(3, 0);
   struct brw_indirect inlist_ptr = brw_indirect(4, 0);
   struct brw_indirect outlist_ptr = brw_indirect(5, 0);
   struct brw_indirect freelist_ptr = brw_indirect(6, 0);
   struct brw_instruction *plane_loop;
   struct brw_instruction *plane_active;
   struct brw_instruction *vertex_loop;
   struct brw_instruction *next_test;
   struct brw_instruction *prev_test;
   brw_MOV(p, get_addr_reg(vtxPrev),     brw_address(c->reg.vertex[2]) );
   brw_MOV(p, get_addr_reg(plane_ptr),   brw_clip_plane0_address(c));
   brw_MOV(p, get_addr_reg(inlist_ptr),  brw_address(c->reg.inlist));
   brw_MOV(p, get_addr_reg(outlist_ptr), brw_address(c->reg.outlist));

   brw_MOV(p, get_addr_reg(freelist_ptr), brw_address(c->reg.vertex[3]) );

   plane_loop = brw_DO(p, BRW_EXECUTE_1);
      /* if (planemask & 1)
      brw_set_conditionalmod(p, BRW_CONDITIONAL_NZ);
      brw_AND(p, vec1(brw_null_reg()), c->reg.planemask, brw_imm_ud(1));
      plane_active = brw_IF(p, BRW_EXECUTE_1);
	 /* vtxOut = freelist_ptr++ 
	 brw_MOV(p, get_addr_reg(vtxOut),       get_addr_reg(freelist_ptr) );
	 brw_ADD(p, get_addr_reg(freelist_ptr), get_addr_reg(freelist_ptr), brw_imm_uw(c->nr_regs * REG_SIZE));

	 if (c->key.nr_userclip)
	    brw_MOV(p, c->reg.plane_equation, deref_4f(plane_ptr, 0));
	    brw_MOV(p, c->reg.plane_equation, deref_4b(plane_ptr, 0));
	 brw_MOV(p, c->reg.loopcount, c->reg.nr_verts);
	 brw_MOV(p, c->reg.nr_verts, brw_imm_ud(0));

	 vertex_loop = brw_DO(p, BRW_EXECUTE_1);
	    /* vtx = *input_ptr;
	    brw_MOV(p, get_addr_reg(vtx), deref_1uw(inlist_ptr, 0));

	    /* IS_NEGATIVE(prev) */
	    brw_set_conditionalmod(p, BRW_CONDITIONAL_L);
	    brw_DP4(p, vec4(c->reg.dpPrev), deref_4f(vtxPrev, c->offset_hpos), c->reg.plane_equation);
	    prev_test = brw_IF(p, BRW_EXECUTE_1);
	       /* IS_POSITIVE(next)
	       brw_set_conditionalmod(p, BRW_CONDITIONAL_GE);
	       brw_DP4(p, vec4(c->reg.dp), deref_4f(vtx, c->offset_hpos), c->reg.plane_equation);
	       next_test = brw_IF(p, BRW_EXECUTE_1);

		  /* Coming back in.
		  brw_ADD(p, c->reg.t, c->reg.dpPrev, negate(c->reg.dp));
		  brw_math_invert(p, c->reg.t, c->reg.t);
		  brw_MUL(p, c->reg.t, c->reg.t, c->reg.dpPrev);

		  /* If (vtxOut == 0) vtxOut = vtxPrev
		  brw_CMP(p, vec1(brw_null_reg()), BRW_CONDITIONAL_EQ, get_addr_reg(vtxOut), brw_imm_uw(0) );
		  brw_MOV(p, get_addr_reg(vtxOut), get_addr_reg(vtxPrev) );
		  brw_set_predicate_control(p, BRW_PREDICATE_NONE);

		  brw_clip_interp_vertex(c, vtxOut, vtxPrev, vtx, c->reg.t, GL_FALSE);

		  /* *outlist_ptr++ = vtxOut;
		   * nr_verts++; 
		   * vtxOut = 0;
		  brw_MOV(p, deref_1uw(outlist_ptr, 0), get_addr_reg(vtxOut));
		  brw_ADD(p, get_addr_reg(outlist_ptr), get_addr_reg(outlist_ptr), brw_imm_uw(sizeof(short)));
		  brw_ADD(p, c->reg.nr_verts, c->reg.nr_verts, brw_imm_ud(1));
		  brw_MOV(p, get_addr_reg(vtxOut), brw_imm_uw(0) );
	       brw_ENDIF(p, next_test);
	    prev_test = brw_ELSE(p, prev_test);
	       /* *outlist_ptr++ = vtxPrev;
		* nr_verts++;
	       brw_MOV(p, deref_1uw(outlist_ptr, 0), get_addr_reg(vtxPrev));
	       brw_ADD(p, get_addr_reg(outlist_ptr), get_addr_reg(outlist_ptr), brw_imm_uw(sizeof(short)));
	       brw_ADD(p, c->reg.nr_verts, c->reg.nr_verts, brw_imm_ud(1));

	       /* IS_NEGATIVE(next)
	       brw_set_conditionalmod(p, BRW_CONDITIONAL_L);
	       brw_DP4(p, vec4(c->reg.dp), deref_4f(vtx, c->offset_hpos), c->reg.plane_equation);
	       next_test = brw_IF(p, BRW_EXECUTE_1);
		  /* Going out of bounds.  Avoid division by zero as we
		   * know dp != dpPrev from DIFFERENT_SIGNS, above.
		  brw_ADD(p, c->reg.t, c->reg.dp, negate(c->reg.dpPrev));
		  brw_math_invert(p, c->reg.t, c->reg.t);
		  brw_MUL(p, c->reg.t, c->reg.t, c->reg.dp);

		  /* If (vtxOut == 0) vtxOut = vtx
		  brw_CMP(p, vec1(brw_null_reg()), BRW_CONDITIONAL_EQ, get_addr_reg(vtxOut), brw_imm_uw(0) );
		  brw_MOV(p, get_addr_reg(vtxOut), get_addr_reg(vtx) );
		  brw_set_predicate_control(p, BRW_PREDICATE_NONE);

		  brw_clip_interp_vertex(c, vtxOut, vtx, vtxPrev, c->reg.t, GL_TRUE);		  

		  /* *outlist_ptr++ = vtxOut;
		   * nr_verts++; 
		   * vtxOut = 0;
		  brw_MOV(p, deref_1uw(outlist_ptr, 0), get_addr_reg(vtxOut));
		  brw_ADD(p, get_addr_reg(outlist_ptr), get_addr_reg(outlist_ptr), brw_imm_uw(sizeof(short)));
		  brw_ADD(p, c->reg.nr_verts, c->reg.nr_verts, brw_imm_ud(1));
		  brw_MOV(p, get_addr_reg(vtxOut), brw_imm_uw(0) );
	       brw_ENDIF(p, next_test);
	    brw_ENDIF(p, prev_test);
	    /* vtxPrev = vtx;
	     * inlist_ptr++;
	    brw_MOV(p, get_addr_reg(vtxPrev), get_addr_reg(vtx));
	    brw_ADD(p, get_addr_reg(inlist_ptr), get_addr_reg(inlist_ptr), brw_imm_uw(sizeof(short)));

	    /* while (--loopcount != 0)
	    brw_set_conditionalmod(p, BRW_CONDITIONAL_NZ);
	    brw_ADD(p, c->reg.loopcount, c->reg.loopcount, brw_imm_d(-1));
	 brw_WHILE(p, vertex_loop);

	 /* vtxPrev = *(outlist_ptr-1)  OR: outlist[nr_verts-1]
	  * inlist = outlist
	  * inlist_ptr = &inlist[0]
	  * outlist_ptr = &outlist[0]
	 brw_ADD(p, get_addr_reg(outlist_ptr), get_addr_reg(outlist_ptr), brw_imm_w(-2));
	 brw_MOV(p, get_addr_reg(vtxPrev), deref_1uw(outlist_ptr, 0));
	 brw_MOV(p, brw_vec8_grf(c->reg.inlist.nr, 0), brw_vec8_grf(c->reg.outlist.nr, 0));
	 brw_MOV(p, get_addr_reg(inlist_ptr), brw_address(c->reg.inlist));
	 brw_MOV(p, get_addr_reg(outlist_ptr), brw_address(c->reg.outlist));
      brw_ENDIF(p, plane_active);
      /* plane_ptr++;
      brw_ADD(p, get_addr_reg(plane_ptr), get_addr_reg(plane_ptr), brw_clip_plane_stride(c));

      /* nr_verts >= 3 
      /* && (planemask>>=1) != 0
      brw_set_conditionalmod(p, BRW_CONDITIONAL_NZ);
      brw_SHR(p, c->reg.planemask, c->reg.planemask, brw_imm_ud(1));
   brw_WHILE(p, plane_loop);
Matrix<double> BspCurvBasisFuncSet::CreateMatrixIntegral(int lev, double x1, double x2) const

	KnotSet kset = KnotSet(*kts,ord,num).CreateKnotSetDeriv(lev);
	Matrix<double> mat(kset.GetNum()-(ord-lev),kset.GetNum()-(ord-lev));
	BspCurvBasisFuncSet basis(kset.GetKnots(),ord-lev,kset.GetNum());

	// find the first basis function for which the last distinct
	// knot is greater than x1

	int ind1=-1;
	do {
	} while ((*(basis.b))[ind1].GetKnots()[ord-lev] <= x1);

	// find the last basis function for which the first distinct
	// knot is less than x2

	int ind2=-1;
	do {
	} while (ind2 < kset.GetNum()-ord+lev && (*(basis.b))[ind2].GetKnots()[0] < x2);

	Matrix<double> mat1(kset.GetNum()-ord+lev,kset.GetNum()-ord+lev,0.0);

	for (int i=ind1; i<=ind2-1; i++)
		for (int j=ind1; j<=i; j++) {
			// create the two std::sets representing the two knot std::sets
			Vector<double> temp1((*(basis.b))[i].GetKnots());
			Vector<double> temp2((*(basis.b))[j].GetKnots());
			std::set<double> s1(temp1.begin(),temp1.end());
			std::set<double> s2(temp2.begin(),temp2.end());

			if (*(--s2.end()) > *(s1.begin())) {
				// form the intersection
				std::set<double> s3;
				// if there is an intersection
				if (s3.size() > 1) {
					Vector<double> v(s3.size());
					std::set<double>::iterator s = s3.begin();

					// copy the elements into a vector
					for (unsigned int k=0; k<s3.size(); k++) v[k] = *s++;
					// create the compbezcurvs
					Vector<BezCurv<double> > vec1(s3.size()-1);
					Vector<BezCurv<double> > vec2(s3.size()-1);

					BspCurv<double> b1((*(basis.b))[i].GetBspCurv()), b2((*(basis.b))[j].GetBspCurv());
					// find the segments of intersection
					for (unsigned int k=0; k<s3.size()-1; k++) {
						int segb1 = b1.GetKnotSet().Find_segment(v[k]);
						int segb2 = b2.GetKnotSet().Find_segment(v[k]);
						vec1[k] = b1.GetSegment(segb1);
						vec2[k] = b2.GetSegment(segb2);
					CompBezCurv<double> cb1(vec1,s3.size()-1,v);
					CompBezCurv<double> cb2(vec2,s3.size()-1,v);
					CompBezCurv<double> prod = cb1.Product(cb2);
					mat1[i][j] = prod.ConvertBspCurv().Integrate(x1,x2);
	for (int i=ind1; i<=ind2-2; i++)
		for (int j=i+1; j<=ind2-1; j++) mat1[i][j] = mat1[j][i];
	return mat1;
void Ellipsoid::subDraw()

	osg::ref_ptr<osg::Vec3Array> vertexArr = new osg::Vec3Array;
	osg::ref_ptr<osg::Vec3Array> normalArr = new osg::Vec3Array;
	setNormalArray(normalArr, osg::Array::BIND_PER_VERTEX);
	osg::ref_ptr<osg::Vec4Array> colArr = new osg::Vec4Array();
	setColorArray(colArr, osg::Array::BIND_OVERALL);

	bool isFull = osg::equivalent(m_angle, 2 * M_PI, GetEpsilon());
	if (isFull)
		m_angle = 2 * M_PI;

	osg::Vec3 bottomNormal = -m_aLen;
	osg::Quat localToWold;
	localToWold.makeRotate(osg::Z_AXIS, -bottomNormal);
	osg::Vec3 xVec = localToWold * osg::X_AXIS;
	osg::Vec3 yVec = xVec ^ bottomNormal;
	int hCount = m_bDivision;
	double hIncAng = 2 * M_PI / hCount;
	osg::Quat hQuat(hIncAng, bottomNormal);

	int vCount = (int)ceil(m_angle / (2 * M_PI / m_aDivision));
	if (vCount & 1) // 如果是奇数,则变成偶数
	double vIncAng = m_angle / vCount;

	double currAngle = m_angle / 2.0;
	double b = m_bRadius;
	double a = m_aLen.length();
	osg::Vec3 vec1(b * sin(currAngle), 0, a * cos(currAngle));
	vec1 = localToWold * vec1;
	osg::Vec3 normal1(sin(currAngle) / b, 0, cos(currAngle) / a);
	normal1 = localToWold * normal1;

	currAngle -= vIncAng;
	osg::Vec3 vec2(b * sin(currAngle), 0, a * cos(currAngle));
	vec2 = localToWold * vec2;
	osg::Vec3 normal2(sin(currAngle) / b, 0, cos(currAngle) / a);
	normal2 = localToWold * normal2;

	const GLint first = vertexArr->size();
	for (int i = 0; i < vCount / 2; ++i)
		osg::Vec3 hVec1 = vec1;
		osg::Vec3 hVec2 = vec2;
		osg::Vec3 hNormal1 = normal1;
		osg::Vec3 hNormal2 = normal2;
		const size_t hFirst = vertexArr->size();
		for (int j = 0; j < hCount; ++j)
			vertexArr->push_back(m_center + hVec1);
			vertexArr->push_back(m_center + hVec2);

			hVec1 = hQuat * hVec1;
			hVec2 = hQuat * hVec2;

			hNormal1 = hQuat * hNormal1;
			hNormal2 = hQuat * hNormal2;
		vertexArr->push_back((*vertexArr)[hFirst + 1]);
		normalArr->push_back((*normalArr)[hFirst + 1]);

		vec1 = vec2;
		currAngle -= vIncAng;
		vec2.set(b * sin(currAngle), 0, a * cos(currAngle));
		vec2 = localToWold * vec2;

		normal1 = normal2;
		normal2.set(sin(currAngle) / b, 0, cos(currAngle) / a);
		normal2 = localToWold * normal2;
	addPrimitiveSet(new osg::DrawArrays(osg::PrimitiveSet::QUAD_STRIP, first, vertexArr->size() - first));

	if (!isFull && m_bottomVis)
		const GLint first = vertexArr->size();
		currAngle = m_angle / 2.0;
		osg::Vec3 vec1(b * sin(currAngle), 0, a * cos(currAngle));
		vec1 = localToWold * vec1;
		osg::Vec3 vec2(0, 0, a * cos(currAngle));
		vec2 = localToWold * vec2;

		vertexArr->push_back(m_center + vec2);
		for (int i = 0; i < hCount; ++i)
			vertexArr->push_back(m_center + vec1);
			vec1 = hQuat * vec1;
		vertexArr->push_back((*vertexArr)[first + 1]);
		addPrimitiveSet(new osg::DrawArrays(osg::PrimitiveSet::TRIANGLE_FAN, first, vertexArr->size() - first));
Matrix<double> BspCurvBasisFuncSet::CreateMatrixIntegral(int lev1, int lev2) const
	KnotSet kset1 = KnotSet(*kts,ord,num).CreateKnotSetDeriv(lev1);
	KnotSet kset2 = KnotSet(*kts,ord,num).CreateKnotSetDeriv(lev2);
	Matrix<double> mat(kset1.GetNum()-(ord-lev1),kset2.GetNum()-(ord-lev2));
	BspCurvBasisFuncSet basis1(kset1.GetKnots(),ord-lev1,kset1.GetNum());
	BspCurvBasisFuncSet basis2(kset2.GetKnots(),ord-lev2,kset2.GetNum());

	// find the first basis function for which the last distinct
	// knot is greater than x1

	Matrix<double> mat1(kset1.GetNum()-ord+lev1,kset2.GetNum()-ord+lev2,0.0);

	for (int i=0; i<kset1.GetNum()-ord+lev1; i++)
		for (int j=0; j<kset2.GetNum()-ord+lev2; j++) {
			// create the two std::sets representing the two knot std::sets
			Vector<double> temp1((*(basis1.b))[i].GetKnots());
			Vector<double> temp2((*(basis2.b))[j].GetKnots());
			std::set<double> s1(temp1.begin(),temp1.end());
			std::set<double> s2(temp2.begin(),temp2.end());

			if (*(--s2.end()) > *(s1.begin())) {
				// form the intersection
				std::set<double> s3;
				// if there is an intersection
				if (s3.size() > 1) {
					Vector<double> v(s3.size());
					std::set<double>::iterator s = s3.begin();

					// copy the elements into a vector
					for (unsigned int k=0; k<s3.size(); k++) v[k] = *s++;
					// create the compbezcurvs
					Vector<BezCurv<double> > vec1(s3.size()-1);
					Vector<BezCurv<double> > vec2(s3.size()-1);

					BspCurv<double> b1((*(basis1.b))[i].GetBspCurv()), b2((*(basis2.b))[j].GetBspCurv());
					// find the segments of intersection
					for (unsigned int k=0; k<s3.size()-1; k++) {
						int segb1 = b1.GetKnotSet().Find_segment(v[k]);
						int segb2 = b2.GetKnotSet().Find_segment(v[k]);
						vec1[k] = b1.GetSegment(segb1);
						vec2[k] = b2.GetSegment(segb2);
					CompBezCurv<double> cb1(vec1,s3.size()-1,v);
					CompBezCurv<double> cb2(vec2,s3.size()-1,v);
					CompBezCurv<double> prod = cb1.Product(cb2);
					mat1[i][j] = prod.ConvertBspCurv().Integrate((*kts)[ord-1],(*kts)[num-ord]);
	return mat1;