static void triangleDrawTileFast(float *tilebuffer, const Triangle3DSetup &t, int x, int y) { const Vec denom = vecRcp(vec(t.dx1 * t.dy2 - t.dy1 * t.dx2)); const Vec DY2 = vec(t.dy2); const Vec DY3 = vec(t.dy3); const Vec DX2 = vec(t.dx2); const Vec DX3 = vec(t.dx3); const Vec X3 = vec(t.x3); const Vec Y3 = vec(t.y3); const Vec Z1 = vec(t.z1); const Vec Z2 = vec(t.z2); const Vec Z3 = vec(t.z3); const Vec One = vec(1); const Vec Step = vec(0, 1, 2, 3); for(int iy = 0; iy < tileHeight; iy++) { Vec yp = vec(float(y + iy)); float fx = (float)x; const Vec ypos = vecSub(yp, Y3); const Vec dxypos2 = vecMul(DX2, ypos); const Vec dxypos3 = vecMul(DX3, ypos); for(int ix = 0; ix < tileWidth; ix += 4, fx += 4) { void * ptr = &tilebuffer[ix + iy * tileWidth]; const Vec xp = vecAdd(vec(fx), Step); // Calculate barycentric coordinates and depth const Vec xpos = vecSub(xp, X3); const Vec dyxpos2 = vecMul(DY2, xpos); const Vec dyxpos3 = vecMul(DY3, xpos); const Vec delta2 = vecSub(dyxpos2, dxypos2); const Vec delta3 = vecSub(dyxpos3, dxypos3); const Vec t1 = vecMul(delta2, denom); const Vec t2 = vecMul(delta3, denom); const Vec t3 = vecSub(vecSub(One, t1), t2); const Vec tz1 = vecMul(Z1, t1); const Vec tz2 = vecMul(Z2, t2); const Vec tz3 = vecMul(Z3, t3); const Vec z = vecAdd(tz1, vecAdd(tz2, tz3)); // Depth compare const Vec Value = vecLoadAligned(ptr); const Vec DepthCompare = vecCmpGE(Value, z); const Vec Result = vecSel(Value, z, DepthCompare); vecStoreAligned(ptr, Result); } } }
void SpecialCallBack(int key, int x, int y) { bool needRedisplay = true; switch (key) { case GLUT_KEY_LEFT: { animCamera = false; cl_float3 t = scene->cam.viewCenter; vecSub(t, scene->cam.eye); t.s[0] = t.s[0] * cosf(-ROTATE_STEP) - t.s[2] * sinf(-ROTATE_STEP); t.s[2] = t.s[0] * sinf(-ROTATE_STEP) + t.s[2] * cosf(-ROTATE_STEP); vecAdd(t, scene->cam.eye); camLookAt(scene->cam, t); break; } case GLUT_KEY_RIGHT: { animCamera = false; cl_float3 t = scene->cam.viewCenter; vecSub(t, scene->cam.eye); t.s[0] = t.s[0] * cosf(ROTATE_STEP) - t.s[2] * sinf(ROTATE_STEP); t.s[2] = t.s[0] * sinf(ROTATE_STEP) + t.s[2] * cosf(ROTATE_STEP); vecAdd(t, scene->cam.eye); camLookAt(scene->cam, t); break; } case GLUT_KEY_PAGE_UP: { animCamera = false; cl_float3 t; vecInit(t, 0.f, MOVE_STEP / 4.f, 0.f); vecAdd(scene->cam.viewCenter, t); camUpdate(scene->cam); break; } case GLUT_KEY_PAGE_DOWN: { animCamera = false; cl_float3 t; vecInit(t, 0.f, -MOVE_STEP / 4.f, 0.f); vecAdd(scene->cam.viewCenter, t); camUpdate(scene->cam); break; } default: needRedisplay = false; break; } if (needRedisplay) glutPostRedisplay(); }
void ModifyRepairEffect(Effect *effect,Ship *ship,vector *trajectory,real32 distance, SpaceObjRotImpTarg *target) { ShipStaticInfo *shipstatic = (ShipStaticInfo *)ship->staticinfo; RepairNozzleStatic *repnozzlestatic = shipstatic->repairNozzleStatic; vector repairBeamPosition; dbgAssertOrIgnore(effect); matMultiplyMatByVec(&repairBeamPosition,&ship->rotinfo.coordsys,&repnozzlestatic->position); vecAdd(effect->posinfo.position,repairBeamPosition,ship->posinfo.position); matCreateCoordSysFromHeading(&effect->rotinfo.coordsys,trajectory); distance = max(200.0f,distance); if(target->objtype == OBJ_ShipType) { if(((Ship *)target)->shiptype == Mothership) { distance = max(800.0f,distance); } } ((real32 *)effect->variable)[ETG_ResourceLengthParam] = distance; ((real32 *)effect->variable)[ETG_ResourceRadiusParam] = target->staticinfo->staticheader.staticCollInfo.collspheresize; }
void getRotatePoint(Ship *ship, vector *point, real32 *distance) { Node *slavenode; Ship *slave; udword count; vector dist; dbgAssertOrIgnore(ship->flags & SOF_Slaveable); //ship should be slaveable dbgAssertOrIgnore(ship->slaveinfo->slaves.num >= 5); //need enough for a pie plate! slavenode = ship->slaveinfo->slaves.head; point->x = ship->posinfo.position.x; point->y = ship->posinfo.position.y; point->z = ship->posinfo.position.z; count = 0; while (count < 5) { slave = (Ship *) listGetStructOfNode(slavenode); vecAdd(*point, *point, slave->posinfo.position); slavenode = slavenode->next; count++; } point->x /= 6.0f; point->y /= 6.0f; point->z /= 6.0f; vecSub(dist,ship->posinfo.position, *point); *distance = vecMagnitudeSquared(dist); *distance = fsqrt(*distance); }
void updateCamera(Scene* scene) { double time = WallClockTime() - sceneTimeOffset; double rtime = (time / 21.35634); // camera rotation time rtime = rtime - floor(rtime); double btime = (time / 59.8752); // camera bobbing time btime = btime - floor(btime); double ltime = (time / 98.7654); // light rotation time ltime = ltime - floor(ltime); double lbtime = (time / 92.764); // light bobbing time lbtime = lbtime - floor(lbtime); camInit(scene->cam); cl_float3 pos; cl_float3 center; vecInit(center, 14.9f, 9.7f, -14.85f); vecInit(pos, 33.0f * sin(rtime * M_PI * 2.0), 8.0f * sin(btime * M_PI * 2.0 + 0.3), 33.0f * (cos(rtime * M_PI * 2.0) - 0.11)); vecAdd(pos, center); camMove(scene->cam, pos); camLookAt(scene->cam, center); vecInit(pos, 5.0f * sin(-ltime * M_PI * 2.0), 8.0f + 6.0f * sin(lbtime * M_PI * 2.0), 5.0f * cos(ltime * M_PI * 2.0)); vecNormalize(pos); scene->lightDir = pos; }
static void update_system( uFloat *z, uFloat *x_pre, uFloat **K, uFloat *x_post ) { #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG printf( "ekf: updating system\n" ); #endif apply_measurement( x_pre, z_estimate ); /* z_estimate = h ( x_pre ) */ vecSub( z, z_estimate, z_estimate, MEAS_SIZE ); /* z_estimate = z - z_estimate */ matMultVector( K, z_estimate, x_post, STATE_SIZE, MEAS_SIZE ); /* x_post = K * (z- z_estimate) */ vecAdd( x_post, x_pre, x_post, STATE_SIZE ); /* x_post + x_pre + K * (z-z_estimate) */ }
void fpscont(Camera* cam) { // Rip out position // float vec_pos[4]; float* mat_world = cam->mat_world; memcpy(vec_pos, &mat_world[12], sizeof(vec_pos)); memset(&mat_world[12], 0, sizeof(float) * 3); // Mouse-look // short center_x = display.getWidth()/2; short center_y = display.getHeight()/2; short delta_x = mouse.pos[0] - center_x; short delta_y = mouse.pos[1] - center_y; mouse.setPos(center_x, center_y); float mat_rotx[16]; matRot(mat_rotx, delta_y * -0.001f, 0); matMul(mat_world, mat_rotx, mat_world); float mat_roty[16]; matRot(mat_roty, delta_x * -0.001f, 1); matMul(mat_roty, mat_world, mat_world); // Movement // char up_down = keyboard.keyDown('w') - keyboard.keyDown('s'); char right_left = keyboard.keyDown('d') - keyboard.keyDown('a'); float speed = 0.5; float vec_vel[4]; vec_vel[0] = right_left * speed; vec_vel[1] = 0; vec_vel[2] = -up_down * speed; vec_vel[3] = 1; matMulVec(mat_world, vec_vel, vec_vel); vecAdd(vec_pos, vec_vel, vec_pos); vec_pos[3] = 1; memcpy(cam->mat_view, cam->mat_world, sizeof(float) * 16); memcpy(&cam->mat_world[12], vec_pos, sizeof(vec_pos)); cameraWorldToView(cam); }
void getAvgNormal(float *retNorm, float *depthBuf, int x, int y, int width, int height, int nSampleRad) { float tmp[3] = {0}; unsigned nAvailableCount = 0; for(int j = -nSampleRad; j <= nSampleRad; j ++) for(int i = -nSampleRad; i <= nSampleRad; i ++) { int currX = x + i; int currY = y + j; if( currX >=0 && currX < width && currY >=0 && currY < height ) { float fd = *(depthBuf + (currX + currY * width)); if(fd > 0) { float currNorm[3]; // The sampled normal should get an average value ... float dz_x = dz2x(currX, currY, width, height, depthBuf); float dz_y = dz2y(currX, currY, width, height, depthBuf); float Cx = i == 0 ? 0 : 2.f / (width * currX); float Cy = j == 0 ? 0 : 2.f / (height * currY); float D = Cy * Cy * dz_x * dz_x + Cx * Cx * dz_y * dz_y + Cx * Cx * Cy * Cy * (1 - fd) * (1 - fd); if(D == 0) { continue; } float rv_sqrtD = 1.f / sqrt(D); currNorm[0] = - Cy * dz_x * rv_sqrtD; currNorm[1] = - Cx * dz_y * rv_sqrtD; currNorm[2] = Cx * Cy * (1 - fd) * rv_sqrtD; vecAdd(tmp, currNorm, tmp); nAvailableCount ++; } } } if(nAvailableCount > 0) { vecScale(tmp, 1.f/nAvailableCount, tmp); normalize(tmp); vecCopy(retNorm, tmp); } }
/* take the definition of a camera and a point within the film plane of the camera and generate a RAY x and y both have a range of -0.5 to +0.5 */ Ray *camGenerateRay(Camera *camera, double x, double y, Ray *ray){ Vec direction; Vec cameraX, cameraY; /* work out direction camera is pointing in */ vecSub(&(camera->lookAt), &(camera->at), &direction); vecNormalise(&direction, &direction); /* using that and DOWN, work out the camera axes and normalise */ vecProduct(&direction, &(camera->down), &cameraX); vecProduct(&direction, &cameraX, &cameraY); vecNormalise(&cameraX, &cameraX); vecNormalise(&cameraY, &cameraY); /* finally combine film offset and camera axes to work out film position */ vecScale(x * camera->width, &cameraX, &cameraX); vecScale(y * camera->height, &cameraY, &cameraY); vecScale(camera->depth, &direction, &direction); vecAdd(&cameraX, &direction, &direction); vecAdd(&cameraY, &direction, &direction); rayInit(&(camera->at), &direction, ray); return ray; }
Path * pathNew( Vertex* origin, int init_size, int expand_delta ) { Path *this = (Path*)malloc(sizeof(Path)); this->vertices = vecNew( init_size, expand_delta ); this->edges = vecNew( init_size, expand_delta ); /* * A path is an alternating series of (vertex, edge, vertex, edge, vertex) * elements. As such a complete path always has one more vertices than * edges. One way to deal with this inconveniently dangling Vertex is to * specify it at path initialization. */ vecAdd( this->vertices, origin ); return this; }
void PhysicsWorld::StepPhysics() { for(unsigned int i = 0; i < staticEntities.size(); i++) { StaticPhysicsEntity *s = staticEntities[i]; Transform *t = entGetTransform(s->ent); s->position = t->GetPosition(); } for(unsigned int j = 0; j < dynamicEntities.size(); j++) { DynamicPhysicsEntity *d = dynamicEntities[j]; Transform *t = entGetTransform(d->ent); d->position = t->GetPosition(); d->position = vecAdd(d->position, d->velocity); t->SetPosition(d->position); } }
static void get_target_position(stateVector *st, double look, double yaw, double sr, vector *targPos) { vector relPos = vecNew(sin(yaw), -sin(look)*cos(yaw), -cos(look)*cos(yaw)); // relPos unit vector points from s/c to targPos. // Rotate into earth axes vector look_matrix[3]; look_matrix[2] = st->pos; vecNormalize(&look_matrix[2]); vector v = st->vel; vecNormalize(&v); vecCross(look_matrix[2],v,&look_matrix[1]); vecCross(look_matrix[1],look_matrix[2],&look_matrix[0]); vecMul(look_matrix,relPos,&relPos); // scale relPos so it reaches from s/c to targPos vecScale(&relPos,sr); vecAdd(relPos,st->pos,targPos); }
void PhysicsWorld::ResolveCollisions() { for(unsigned int i = 0; i < collidedObjectsCnt; i++) { CollisionInfo &inf = collidedObjects[i]; // Just push the contact out by the velocity so we never // end up in a state where the two objects are still intersecting Transform *t = entGetTransform(inf.obj->ent); inf.obj->position = t->GetPosition(); inf.obj->position = vecSub(inf.obj->position, inf.obj->velocity); inf.obj->velocity = vecReflect(inf.obj->velocity, inf.normal); inf.obj->velocity = vecMul(inf.obj->velocity, vec(1, 1, 0, 0)); inf.obj->position = vecAdd(inf.obj->position, inf.obj->velocity); t->SetPosition(inf.obj->position); } collidedObjectsCnt = 0; }
main () { int *a,*b,*c; clock_t begin, end; double time_spent; a = NULL; b = NULL; c = NULL; a = (int *) malloc ( sizeof(int) * TAM); b = (int *) malloc ( sizeof(int) * TAM); c = (int *) malloc ( sizeof(int) * TAM); initialize(a,b); begin = clock(); vecAdd(a,b,c); end = clock(); printAdd(a,b,c); time_spent = (double)(end - begin) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; printf("Se ha demorado %f segundos.\n",time_spent); free(a); free(b); free(c); }
int triangleClipToPlane(Vec *src, Vec *dst, int size, Vec plane) { int idx = 0; Vec current = *src; for(int i = 1; i < size + 1; i++) { Vec next = src[i % size]; Vec distNext = vecDot(plane, next); Vec distCurrent = vecDot(plane, current); Vec delta = vecSub(distCurrent, distNext); bool goingInNext = vecGetElem(distNext, 0) > 0; bool crossingEdge = goingInNext != vecGetElem(distCurrent, 0) > 0; if(crossingEdge) { // output interpolated vertex Vec ratio = vecMul(distCurrent, vecRcp(delta)); dst[idx] = vecAdd(current, vecMul(vecSub(next, current), ratio)); idx++; } if(goingInNext) { // output vertex as-is dst[idx] = next; idx++; } current = next; } return idx; }
static void rungeKutta( uFloat *old_state, uFloat *new_state ) { #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG printf( "ekf: rungeKutta\n" ); #endif /* k1 = period * F( old_state ) */ systemF( tempState, old_state ); vecScalarMult( tempState, PERIOD, k1, STATE_SIZE ); /* k2 = period * F( old_state + k1 * 0.5) */ vecScalarMult( k1, 0.5, tempState, STATE_SIZE ); /* tempState = k1 * 0.5 */ vecAdd( old_state, tempState, tempState, STATE_SIZE ); /* tempState = old_state + k1 * 0.5 */ systemF( tempState, old_state ); vecScalarMult( tempState, PERIOD, k2, STATE_SIZE ); /* k3 = period * F( old_state + k2 * 0.5) */ vecScalarMult( k2, 0.5, tempState, STATE_SIZE ); /* tempState = k2 * 0.5 */ vecAdd( old_state, tempState, tempState, STATE_SIZE ); /* tempState = old_state + k2 * 0.5 */ systemF( tempState, old_state ); vecScalarMult( tempState, PERIOD, k3, STATE_SIZE ); /* k4 = period * F( old_state + k3) */ vecAdd( old_state, tempState, tempState, STATE_SIZE ); /* tempState = old_state + k3 */ systemF( tempState, old_state ); vecScalarMult( tempState, PERIOD, k4, STATE_SIZE ); /* new_state = old_state + 0.16667 * ( k1 + 2*k2 + 2*k3 + k4 ) */ vecCopy( k1, new_state, STATE_SIZE ); vecScalarMult( k2, 2.0, tempState, STATE_SIZE ); vecAdd( new_state, tempState, new_state, STATE_SIZE); vecScalarMult( k3, 2.0, tempState, STATE_SIZE ); vecAdd( new_state, tempState, new_state, STATE_SIZE); vecAdd( new_state, k4, new_state, STATE_SIZE); vecScalarMult( new_state, 0.16667, new_state, STATE_SIZE ); vecAdd( new_state, old_state, new_state, STATE_SIZE); }
bool FindBestPlaceForAdvanceSupportFrigate(vector *destination) { Ship *myMothership = aiCurrentAIPlayer->player->PlayerMothership; Ship *enemyMothership = aiuFindEnemyMothership(aiCurrentAIPlayer->player); vector diff; if (myMothership == NULL) { return FALSE; } if (enemyMothership == NULL) { return FALSE; } vecSub(diff,enemyMothership->posinfo.position,myMothership->posinfo.position); vecMultiplyByScalar(diff,ASF_POSITION_TO_ENEMY_MOTHERSHIP); vecAdd(*destination,myMothership->posinfo.position,diff); return TRUE; }
void doKamikazeAttack(Ship *ship,SpaceObjRotImpTarg *target) { real32 mag,dist,range,shipvel; vector destination,trajectory,heading,shipheading,EinsteinVelocity; ShipStaticInfo *shipstaticinfo = ship->staticinfo; vecSub(trajectory,target->collInfo.collPosition,ship->posinfo.position); mag = vecMagnitudeSquared(trajectory); dist = fsqrt(mag); destination = trajectory; vecNormalize(&destination); heading = destination; //this hokey fudge factor is needed so the kamikaze ship doesn't //slow down as it reaches its destination mag = dist + 500.0f; vecScalarMultiply(destination,destination,mag); vecAddTo(destination,target->collInfo.collPosition); range = RangeToTargetGivenDist(ship,target,dist); switch(ship->kamikazeState) { case K_Start: //if within a threshold range bitClear(ship->specialFlags,SPECIAL_KamikazeCrazyFast); if(range < 500.0f) { //calculate flyby dist matGetVectFromMatrixCol3(shipheading, ship->rotinfo.coordsys); vecScalarMultiply(shipheading,shipheading,kamikazeFlyByDist); vecAdd(ship->kamikazeVector,shipheading,target->collInfo.collPosition); ship->kamikazeState = K_TurnAround; } ship->kamikazeState = K_Ram; break; case K_Ram: if (range < 400.0f) { ship->kamikazeState = K_Yell; } case K_Ram2: //lets use...mmmmm..twister vecSub(EinsteinVelocity,ship->posinfo.velocity,target->posinfo.velocity); shipvel = fsqrt(vecMagnitudeSquared(EinsteinVelocity)); if(ship->shiptype == MinelayerCorvette) { ((MinelayerCorvetteSpec *)(ship->ShipSpecifics))->mineaistate = MINE_DROP_ATTACK; } else if (ship->shiptype == DefenseFighter) { goto dontshoot; } if (isShipStaticInterceptor(shipstaticinfo)) { if (range < shipstaticinfo->bulletRange[ship->tacticstype]) { GenericInterceptorStatics *interceptorstat = (GenericInterceptorStatics *)shipstaticinfo->custstatinfo; uword targetIndex; if (target->objtype == OBJ_ShipType) { targetIndex = (uword)((ShipStaticInfo *)target->staticinfo)->shipclass; } else { targetIndex = (uword)NUM_CLASSES; } if (GenericInterceptorCanFire(ship,target,&trajectory,interceptorstat->triggerHappy[ship->tacticstype][targetIndex])) { ship->staticinfo->custshipheader.CustShipFire(ship,target); } } } else { gunShootGunsAtTarget(ship,target,range,&trajectory); } dontshoot: aishipFlyToPointAvoidingObjs(ship,&destination,AISHIP_PointInDirectionFlying | AISHIP_FirstPointInDirectionFlying | AISHIP_FastAsPossible,0.0f); if(range < 1500.0f) { bitSet(ship->specialFlags,SPECIAL_KamikazeCrazyFast); } else { bitClear(ship->specialFlags,SPECIAL_KamikazeCrazyFast); } /* if(range < 400.0f && (shipvel < ship->staticinfo->staticheader.maxvelocity*0.7f || vecDotProduct(trajectory,heading) < 0)) { //ship is inside 400.0f, and isn't faceing ship, or isn't //going fast enough //calculate flyby dist matGetVectFromMatrixCol3(shipheading, ship->rotinfo.coordsys); vecScalarMultiply(shipheading,shipheading,kamikazeFlyByDist); vecAdd(ship->kamikazeVector,shipheading,target->posinfo.position); ship->kamikazeState = K_TurnAround; } */ break; case K_TurnAround: bitClear(ship->specialFlags,SPECIAL_KamikazeCrazyFast); aishipFlyToPointAvoidingObjs(ship,&ship->kamikazeVector,AISHIP_PointInDirectionFlying | AISHIP_FirstPointInDirectionFlying | AISHIP_FastAsPossible,0.0f); if(MoveReachedDestinationVariable(ship,&ship->kamikazeVector,300.0f)) ship->kamikazeState = K_TurnAround2; break; case K_TurnAround2: bitClear(ship->specialFlags,SPECIAL_KamikazeCrazyFast); if(aitrackHeadingWithFlags(ship,&heading,0.90f,AITRACKHEADING_IGNOREUPVEC)) ship->kamikazeState = K_Ram; break; case K_Yell: // speechEvent(ship, COMM_LInt_Kamikaze, 0); battleChatterAttempt(SOUND_EVENT_DEFAULT, BCE_Kamikaze, ship, SOUND_EVENT_DEFAULT); ship->kamikazeState = K_Ram2; break; } //fire guns here... // // //Sound note: Could put in kamikaze state change here after // getting to within a certain distance of target // // ask bryce how to... }
void defensefightertargetbullet(Ship *ship, Bullet *bullettotarget) { DefenseFighterSpec *spec = (DefenseFighterSpec *)ship->ShipSpecifics; DefenseFighterStatics *defensefighterstatics; DefenseStruct *newdefensestruct; Bullet *laser; GunStatic *gunstatic; Gun *gun; ShipStaticInfo *shipstatic; vector positionInWorldCoordSys,tempvec; real32 floatDamage; udword intDamage; udword intVelocity; udword intLength; etgeffectstatic *stat; etglod *etgLOD; sdword LOD; Effect *newEffect; #ifdef HW_BUILD_FOR_DEBUGGING /* dbgMessagef("B: %d %x %x %f %f %f %x %f %x",universe.univUpdateCounter, bullettotarget->flags, bullettotarget->owner, bullettotarget->timelived, bullettotarget->damage, bullettotarget->damageFull, bullettotarget->SpecialEffectFlag, bullettotarget->BulletSpeed, bullettotarget); */ #endif gun = &ship->gunInfo->guns[0]; gunstatic = gun->gunstatic; shipstatic = (ShipStaticInfo *)ship->staticinfo; defensefighterstatics = (DefenseFighterStatics *) ((ShipStaticInfo *)(ship->staticinfo))->custstatinfo; bitSet(bullettotarget->SpecialEffectFlag, 0x0002); //set the flag laser = memAlloc(sizeof(Bullet),"Bullet",0); memset(laser,0,sizeof(Bullet)); // for safety laser->objtype = OBJ_BulletType; laser->flags = 0; laser->staticinfo = NULL; ClearNode(laser->renderlink); laser->currentLOD = ship->currentLOD; laser->cameraDistanceSquared = ship->cameraDistanceSquared; laser->soundType = gunstatic->gunsoundtype; laser->bulletType = BULLET_Laser; laser->owner = ship; laser->gunowner = gun; laser->target = NULL; laser->bulletColor = etgBulletColor[shipstatic->shiprace][laser->soundType]; laser->bulletmass = 0.0f; //gunstatic->bulletmass; laser->lengthmag = 600.0f; laser->damage = frandombetween(defensefighterstatics->DamageReductionLow, defensefighterstatics->DamageReductionHigh); laser->timelived = 0.0f; laser->totallifetime = 100.0f; //laser will only live for a sec anyways... laser->SpecialEffectFlag = 0; laser->traveldist = gunstatic->bulletlength; laser->beamtraveldist = gunstatic->bulletlength; //SET_MOVING_LINEARLY(laser->posinfo.isMoving); //laser->posinfo.haventCalculatedDist = TRUE; laser->DFGFieldEntryTime = 0.0f; matMultiplyMatByVec(&positionInWorldCoordSys,&ship->rotinfo.coordsys,&gunstatic->position); vecAdd(laser->posinfo.position,positionInWorldCoordSys,ship->posinfo.position); vecSub(laser->lengthvec, bullettotarget->posinfo.position, laser->posinfo.position); // heading tempvec = laser->lengthvec; vecNormalize(&tempvec); //matMultiplyMatByVec(&gunheadingInWorldCoordSys, &ship->rotinfo.coordsys, &tempvec); //laser->bulletheading = gunheadingInWorldCoordSys; laser->bulletheading = tempvec; matCreateCoordSysFromHeading(&laser->rotinfo.coordsys,&tempvec); vecZeroVector(laser->posinfo.velocity); //Laser effect... floatDamage = (real32)laser->damage; intDamage = TreatAsUdword(floatDamage); intVelocity = TreatAsUdword(gunstatic->bulletspeed); intLength = TreatAsUdword(gunstatic->bulletlength); //create an effect for bullet, if applicable etgLOD = etgGunEventTable[shipstatic->shiprace][gunstatic->gunsoundtype][EGT_GunBullet];//get pointer to bullet effect //etgLOD = etgGunEventTable[0][gunstatic->gunsoundtype][EGT_GunBullet];//get pointer to bullet effect //in future change back to proper one above... if (etgLOD != NULL) { if (bullettotarget != NULL) { LOD = min(ship->currentLOD, bullettotarget->currentLOD); } else { LOD = ship->currentLOD; } if (LOD >= etgLOD->nLevels) { stat = NULL; } else { stat = etgLOD->level[LOD]; } } else { stat = NULL; } #if ETG_DISABLEABLE if (stat != NULL && etgBulletEffectsEnabled && etgEffectsEnabled && !etgFrequencyExceeded(stat)) #else if (stat != NULL && etgBulletEffectsEnabled && !etgFrequencyExceeded(stat)) #endif { laser->effect = etgEffectCreate(stat, laser, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1.0f, EAF_AllButNLips, 3, intDamage, intVelocity, intLength); // univAddObjToRenderListIf((SpaceObj *)laser->effect,(SpaceObj *)ship); // add to render list if parent ship is in render list //do length calculations :) ((real32 *)laser->effect->variable)[ETG_LengthVariable] = fsqrt(vecMagnitudeSquared(laser->lengthvec)); } else { laser->effect = NULL; //play no effect for this bullet } // laser->effect = NULL; //need for render...add later? laser->hitEffect = etgGunEventTable[shipstatic->shiprace][bullettotarget->gunowner->gunstatic->gunsoundtype][EGT_BulletDestroyed];//get pointer to bullet effect if (ship->soundevent.burstHandle < 0) { soundEventBurstFire(ship, gun); } etgLOD = etgGunEventTable[shipstatic->shiprace][gunstatic->gunsoundtype][EGT_GunFire];//get pointer to bullet effect if (etgLOD != NULL) { LOD = ship->currentLOD; if (LOD >= etgLOD->nLevels) { stat = NULL; } else { stat = etgLOD->level[LOD]; } } else { stat = NULL; } #if ETG_DISABLEABLE if (stat != NULL && etgEffectsEnabled && etgFireEffectsEnabled && !etgFrequencyExceeded(stat)) #else if (stat != NULL && etgFireEffectsEnabled && !etgFrequencyExceeded(stat)) #endif { //if there is a gun fire effect newEffect = etgEffectCreate(stat, laser, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1.0f, EAF_AllButNLips, 1, intDamage); // univAddObjToRenderListIf((SpaceObj *)newEffect,(SpaceObj *)ship); // add to render list if parent ship is in render list } /* //spawn bullet hitting effect etgLOD = etgTractorBeamEffectTable[ship->shiprace]; //etgLOD = etgGunEventTable[shipstatic->shiprace][gunstatic->gunsoundtype][EGT_GunFire];//get pointer to bullet effect if (etgLOD != NULL) { LOD = ship->currentLOD; if (LOD >= etgLOD->nLevels) { stat = NULL; } else { stat = etgLOD->level[LOD]; } } else { stat = NULL; } #if ETG_DISABLEABLE if (stat != NULL && etgEffectsEnabled) #else if (stat != NULL) #endif { //if there is a gun fire effect // size = etgEffectSize(stat->nParticleBlocks);//compute size of effect size = stat->effectSize; newEffect = memAlloc(size, "DefenseFHittingEffect", 0); //allocate the new effect newEffect->objtype = OBJ_EffectType; newEffect->flags = SOF_Rotatable | SOF_AttachVelocity | SOF_AttachPosition | SOF_AttachCoordsys; newEffect->staticinfo = (StaticInfo *)stat; ClearNode(newEffect->renderlink); newEffect->currentLOD = LOD; newEffect->cameraDistanceSquared = ship->cameraDistanceSquared; newEffect->timeElapsed = 0.0f; //brand new heavies floatDamage = 30.0f; intDamage = TreatAsUdword(floatDamage); newEffect->rotinfo.coordsys = bullettotarget->rotinfo.coordsys; newEffect->posinfo.position = bullettotarget->posinfo.position; //start at same spot as bullet newEffect->posinfo.velocity = bullettotarget->posinfo.velocity; //start at same spot as bullet etgEffectCodeStart(stat, newEffect, 1, intDamage);//get the code a-runnin' SET_MOVING_IMMOBILE(newEffect->posinfo.isMoving); newEffect->posinfo.haventCalculatedDist = TRUE; univUpdateObjRotInfo((SpaceObjRot *)newEffect); // newEffect->owner = NULL; // nothing owns this effect newEffect->owner = (Ship *) bullettotarget; listAddNode(&universe.SpaceObjList,&(newEffect->objlink),newEffect); univAddObjToRenderListIf((SpaceObj *)newEffect,(SpaceObj *)ship); // add to render list if parent ship is in render list } */ //Not sure If I need to add... listAddNode(&universe.SpaceObjList,&(laser->objlink),laser); listAddNode(&universe.BulletList,&(laser->bulletlink),laser); univAddObjToRenderListIf((SpaceObj *)laser,(SpaceObj *)ship); // add to render list if parent ship is in render list newdefensestruct = memAlloc(sizeof(DefenseStruct),"DS(DefenseStruct)",Pyrophoric); newdefensestruct->bullet = bullettotarget; newdefensestruct->CoolDown = FALSE; newdefensestruct->CoolDownTime = 0.0f; newdefensestruct->LaserDead = FALSE; listAddNode(&spec->DefenseList,&newdefensestruct->bulletnode,newdefensestruct); newdefensestruct->laser = laser; if(bitTest(ship->flags,SOF_CloakGenField)) { bitSet(ship->flags,SOF_DeCloaking); bitClear(ship->flags,SOF_Cloaked); bitClear(ship->flags,SOF_Cloaking); } }
void defenseFighterAdjustLaser(Bullet *laser) { //calculates laser direction n' such for rendering... DefenseFighterSpec *spec; // DefenseFighterStatics *defensefighterstatics; Node *bulletnode; DefenseStruct *defensestruct; Ship *ship; vector tempvec; GunStatic *gunstatic; Gun *gun; vector positionInWorldCoordSys; if(laser->owner == NULL) return; ship = laser->owner; gun = &ship->gunInfo->guns[0]; gunstatic = gun->gunstatic; spec= (DefenseFighterSpec *)ship->ShipSpecifics; // defensefighterstatics = (DefenseFighterStatics *) ((ShipStaticInfo *)(ship->staticinfo))->custstatinfo; bulletnode = spec->DefenseList.head; while (bulletnode != NULL) { //as long as theres a bullet to deal with defensestruct = (DefenseStruct *)listGetStructOfNode(bulletnode); if(defensestruct->LaserDead == TRUE) { bulletnode = bulletnode->next; continue; } if(laser == defensestruct->laser) { dbgAssertOrIgnore(defensestruct->bullet != NULL); matMultiplyMatByVec(&positionInWorldCoordSys,&ship->rotinfo.coordsys,&gunstatic->position); vecAdd(laser->posinfo.position,positionInWorldCoordSys,ship->posinfo.position); vecSub(laser->lengthvec, defensestruct->bullet->posinfo.position, laser->posinfo.position); // heading tempvec = defensestruct->laser->lengthvec; vecNormalize(&tempvec); //matMultiplyMatByVec(&gunheadingInWorldCoordSys, &ship->rotinfo.coordsys, &tempvec); //laser->bulletheading = gunheadingInWorldCoordSys; defensestruct->laser->bulletheading = tempvec; matCreateCoordSysFromHeading(&defensestruct->laser->rotinfo.coordsys,&tempvec); if(defensestruct->laser->effect != NULL) { //adjust length ((real32 *)defensestruct->laser->effect->variable)[ETG_LengthVariable] = fsqrt(vecMagnitudeSquared(defensestruct->laser->lengthvec)); } return; } bulletnode = bulletnode->next; } //we shouldn't get to this point :) //dbgMessagef("Laser Drawn doesn't exist in defense fighter records."); //on further reflection..if we kill the laster...but it doesn't go bye bye, we might get here... }
void DefenseFighterHouseKeep(Ship *ship) { DefenseFighterSpec *spec = (DefenseFighterSpec *)ship->ShipSpecifics; DefenseFighterStatics *defensefighterstatics; Node *bulletnode; Node *tempnode; DefenseStruct *defensestruct; vector seperationvector; vector tempvec,rot_vector; GunStatic *gunstatic; Gun *gun; vector positionInWorldCoordSys; gun = &ship->gunInfo->guns[0]; gunstatic = gun->gunstatic; defensefighterstatics = (DefenseFighterStatics *) ((ShipStaticInfo *)(ship->staticinfo))->custstatinfo; bulletnode = spec->DefenseList.head; while (bulletnode != NULL) { //as long as theres a bullet to deal with defensestruct = (DefenseStruct *)listGetStructOfNode(bulletnode); /* if (defensestruct->bullet) dbgMessagef("DS: %d %f %d %f %d %d", universe.univUpdateCounter, defensestruct->bullet->collOptimizeDist, defensestruct->laser ? 1:0, defensestruct->CoolDownTime, defensestruct->CoolDown ? 1:0, defensestruct->LaserDead ? 1:0); else dbgMessagef("DS: %d N %d %f %d %d", universe.univUpdateCounter, defensestruct->laser ? 1:0, defensestruct->CoolDownTime, defensestruct->CoolDown ? 1:0, defensestruct->LaserDead ? 1:0);*/ if(!defensestruct->CoolDown) { //laser cannon isn't cooling down, so continue tracking if (defensestruct->bullet == NULL || defensestruct->bullet->damage <= 0) { //bullet is already dead...don't kill it again defensestruct->bullet = NULL; //destroy pointer... if (defensestruct->laser != NULL) { defensestruct->laser->timelived =10000.0f; //kill laser } defensestruct->LaserDead = TRUE; //set killed flag defensestruct->laser=NULL; defensestruct->CoolDown = TRUE; //begin laser cooldown defensestruct->CoolDownTime = 0.0f; //reset to 0 for cooldown count bulletnode=bulletnode->next; continue; } if((universe.univUpdateCounter & defensefighterstatics->DamageRate) == 0) { // Time to do damage... //Do damage to bullet defensestruct->bullet->damage = (defensestruct->bullet->damage - frandombetween(defensefighterstatics->DamageReductionLow,defensefighterstatics->DamageReductionHigh)); if(defensestruct->bullet->damage <= 0) { //bullet is destroyed DefenseFighterDestroyedABullet(ship, defensestruct->bullet, defensestruct->laser); defensestruct->bullet->damage = 0; //cap at 0; defensestruct->bullet = NULL; //destroy pointer... //dbgMessagef("Defense Fighter Destroyed A Bullet."); if (defensestruct->laser != NULL) { defensestruct->laser->timelived =10000.0f; //kill laser } defensestruct->LaserDead = TRUE; //set killed flag if(defensestruct->laser->effect != NULL) { univRemoveObjFromRenderList((SpaceObj *) defensestruct->laser->effect); } defensestruct->laser=NULL; defensestruct->CoolDown = TRUE; //begin laser cooldown defensestruct->CoolDownTime = 0.0f; //reset to 0 for cooldown count } } if(defensestruct->laser != NULL) { //check if bullet is still in range and infront... if((universe.univUpdateCounter & defensefighterstatics->RangeCheckRate) == 0) { //time to check if in front vecSub(seperationvector, ship->posinfo.position, defensestruct->bullet->posinfo.position); if(vecMagnitudeSquared(seperationvector) > ship->staticinfo->bulletRangeSquared[ship->tacticstype]) { //bullet is out of range defensestruct->laser->timelived =10000.0f; //kill laser defensestruct->LaserDead = TRUE; //set killed flag if(defensestruct->laser->effect != NULL) { univRemoveObjFromRenderList((SpaceObj *) defensestruct->laser->effect); } defensestruct->laser=NULL; //dbgMessagef("Bullet out of range."); bitClear(defensestruct->bullet->SpecialEffectFlag,0x0002); defensestruct->CoolDown = TRUE; //begin laser cooldown defensestruct->bullet = NULL; //set target to NULL so it isn't referenced again! defensestruct->CoolDownTime = 0.0f; //reset to 0 for cooldown count } else if(!defensefighterCheckInFront(ship, defensestruct->bullet)) { //if bullet ISN'T in front defensestruct->laser->timelived =10000.0f; //kill laser defensestruct->LaserDead = TRUE; //set killed flag if(defensestruct->laser->effect != NULL) { univRemoveObjFromRenderList((SpaceObj *) defensestruct->laser->effect); } defensestruct->laser=NULL; //dbgMessagef("Bullet Not infront anymore...stop tracking."); if(defensefighterstatics->MultipleTargettingofSingleBullet) { bitClear(defensestruct->bullet->SpecialEffectFlag,0x0002); } defensestruct->CoolDown = TRUE; //begin laser cooldown defensestruct->bullet = NULL; //set target to NULL so it isn't referenced again! defensestruct->CoolDownTime = 0.0f; //reset to 0 for cooldown count } } } //This code is for the sake of the visual effect which STILL won't work //properly!!! So it is temperary only! if(defensestruct->laser != NULL) { //update bullent info...for visual effect dbgAssertOrIgnore(defensestruct->bullet != NULL); matMultiplyMatByVec(&positionInWorldCoordSys,&ship->rotinfo.coordsys,&gunstatic->position); vecAdd(defensestruct->laser->posinfo.position,positionInWorldCoordSys,ship->posinfo.position); vecSub(defensestruct->laser->lengthvec, defensestruct->bullet->posinfo.position, defensestruct->laser->posinfo.position); // heading tempvec = defensestruct->laser->lengthvec; vecNormalize(&tempvec); //matMultiplyMatByVec(&gunheadingInWorldCoordSys, &ship->rotinfo.coordsys, &tempvec); //laser->bulletheading = gunheadingInWorldCoordSys; defensestruct->laser->bulletheading = tempvec; matCreateCoordSysFromHeading(&defensestruct->laser->rotinfo.coordsys,&tempvec); if(defensestruct->laser->effect != NULL) { //adjust length ((real32 *)defensestruct->laser->effect->variable)[ETG_LengthVariable] = fsqrt(vecMagnitudeSquared(defensestruct->laser->lengthvec)); } } } else { //this laser cannon is cooling, so cool it defensestruct->CoolDownTime += universe.phystimeelapsed; if(defensestruct->CoolDownTime > defensefighterstatics->CoolDownTimePerLaser) { //Laser Terminal has cooled free it up tempnode = bulletnode->next; listDeleteNode(bulletnode); //dbgMessagef("Deleting defense node in CoolDown."); bulletnode = tempnode; continue; } } bulletnode = bulletnode->next; } if (spec->DefenseList.num == 0) { soundEventBurstStop(ship, gun); } //do special rotation if neccessary if(bitTest(ship->dontrotateever,1)) { //matGetVectFromMatrixCol3(rot_vector,ship->rotinfo.coordsys); vecSet(rot_vector,100.0f,0.0f,0.0f); vecAddTo(ship->rotinfo.torque, rot_vector); vecCapVectorSloppy(&ship->rotinfo.rotspeed, defensefighterstatics->max_rot_speed ); spec->rotate_time_counter -= universe.phystimeelapsed; if(spec->rotate_time_counter <= 0.0f) { bitClear(ship->dontrotateever,1); spec->DefenseFighterCanNowRotate = FALSE; } } else if (spec->DefenseFighterCanNowRotate == FALSE) { spec->rotate_time_counter += universe.phystimeelapsed; if(spec->rotate_time_counter >= defensefighterstatics->rotate_recover_time) { spec->DefenseFighterCanNowRotate = TRUE; spec->rotate_time_counter = defensefighterstatics->rotate_time; } } }
void multiDS(int n, double *x, double cc, double ce, double lmin, double lstart, int maxiter) { int i, imin, replaced, iter = 0; double **xs, **xr, **xe, **xc, *fs, *fr, *fe, *fc, fsmin, frmin, femin, fcmin, ssize; FILE *fp; void initSimplex(int, double *, double **, double); void printSimplex(int, int, double **, double *); void findBest(int, double **, double *, int *, double *); void copySimplex(int, double **, double **, double *, double *); double simplexSize(int, double **); void vecAdd(int, double *, double *, double *, double); double dmin(int, double *); void mpi_assign(int); void mpi_distribute(int, double *); /* Initial size of simplex */ ssize = lstart; /* Check validity of input parameters */ if(cc <= 0.0 || cc >= 1.0) { printf("multiDS: contraction coefficient must be in (0,1)\n"); exit(0); } if(ce <= 1.0) { printf("multiDS: expandion coefficient must be > 1\n"); exit(0); } if(ssize < lmin) { printf("multiDS: starting simplex size is < minimum\n"); printf(" give lstart > lmin\n"); exit(0); } printf("Parameters for search:\n"); printf(" Contraction factor = %e\n", cc); printf(" Expansion factor = %e\n", ce); printf(" Starting simplex size = %e\n", ssize); printf(" Minimum simplex size = %e\n", lmin); printf(" Maximum number of iter = %d\n", maxiter); /* Allocate memory */ xs = (double **) calloc((n + 1), sizeof(double *)); xr = (double **) calloc((n + 1), sizeof(double *)); xe = (double **) calloc((n + 1), sizeof(double *)); xc = (double **) calloc((n + 1), sizeof(double *)); fs = (double *) calloc(n + 1, sizeof(double)); fr = (double *) calloc(n + 1, sizeof(double)); fe = (double *) calloc(n + 1, sizeof(double)); fc = (double *) calloc(n + 1, sizeof(double)); for(i = 0; i < n + 1; i++) { xs[i] = (double *) calloc(n, sizeof(double)); xr[i] = (double *) calloc(n, sizeof(double)); xe[i] = (double *) calloc(n, sizeof(double)); xc[i] = (double *) calloc(n, sizeof(double)); } /* Initialize the simplex */ initSimplex(n, x, xs, ssize); /* Assign evaluations to different proc */ mpi_assign(n); /* Calculate initial function values */ /* Zeroth vertex is starting vertex, cost = 1. No need to calculate again * since it is already done in multiDS_driver.c */ fs[0] = cost0; for(i = 1; i < n + 1; i++) { if(proc[i] == myproc) fs[i] = objFun(n, xs[i]); } /* Distribute cost functions */ mpi_distribute(n, fs); printf("Initial simplex and function values:\n"); printSimplex(0, n, xs, fs); /* Find best vertex and put in first position */ findBest(n, xs, fs, &imin, &fsmin); if(myproc == 0) fp = fopen("cost.dat", "w"); /* Main iteration loop */ while(ssize > lmin && iter < maxiter) { printf("Iteration = %d\n\n", iter + 1); replaced = 0; while(!replaced && ssize > lmin) { /* inner repeat loop */ /* rotation step */ printf(" Rotation:\n"); for(i = 1; i <= n; i++) { vecAdd(n, xs[0], xs[i], xr[i], 1.0); if(proc[i] == myproc) fr[i] = objFun(n, xr[i]); } mpi_distribute(n, fr); printSimplex(1, n, xr, fr); frmin = dmin(n, fr); replaced = (frmin < fs[0]) ? 1 : 0; if(replaced) { /* expansion step */ printf(" Expansion:\n"); for(i = 1; i <= n; i++) { vecAdd(n, xs[0], xs[i], xe[i], ce); if(proc[i] == myproc) fe[i] = objFun(n, xe[i]); } mpi_distribute(n, fe); printSimplex(1, n, xe, fe); femin = dmin(n, fe); if(femin < frmin) copySimplex(n, xe, xs, fe, fs); //accept expansion else copySimplex(n, xr, xs, fr, fs); //accept rotation } else { /* contraction step */ printf(" Contraction step:\n"); for(i = 1; i <= n; i++) { vecAdd(n, xs[0], xs[i], xc[i], -cc); if(proc[i] == myproc) fc[i] = objFun(n, xc[i]); } mpi_distribute(n, fc); printSimplex(1, n, xc, fc); fcmin = dmin(n, fc); replaced = (fcmin < fs[0]) ? 1 : 0; copySimplex(n, xc, xs, fc, fs); //accept contraction } /* Length of smallest edge in simplex */ ssize = simplexSize(n, xs); } /* End of inner repeat loop */ ++iter; /* Find best vertex and put in first position */ findBest(n, xs, fs, &imin, &fsmin); printf("\n"); printf("Minimum length of simplex = %12.4e\n", ssize); printf("Minimum function value = %12.4e\n", fs[0]); printf("-------------------------------------------------\n"); if(myproc == 0) { fprintf(fp, "%5d %20.10e %20.10e %5d\n", iter, fs[0], ssize, imin); fflush(fp); } } /* End of main iteration loop */ if(myproc == 0) fclose(fp); /* Copy best vertex for output */ for(i = 0; i < n; i++) x[i] = xs[0][i]; /* Best vertex found */ printf("Best vertex:\n"); for(i = 0; i < n; i++) printf("%e ", x[i]); printf("\n"); /* Free memory */ for(i = 0; i < n + 1; i++) { free(xs[i]); free(xr[i]); free(xe[i]); free(xc[i]); } free(xs); free(xr); free(xe); free(xc); free(fs); free(fr); free(fe); free(fc); }
int getDoppler(GEOLOCATE_REC *g,double look,double yaw, double *fd, double *fdot, vector *out_targPos,vector *out_relVel) { vector relPos, /*Vector from spacecraft to targPos.*/ sarPos, /*Position of spacecraft*/ targPos, /*Position of target point.*/ relVel, /*Relative velocity vector.*/ sarVel, /*Velocity of spacecraft*/ targVel, /*Velocity of targPos*/ sarAcc, /*Accelleration of spacecraft*/ targAcc, /*Accelleration of targPos*/ relAcc; /*Relative sarAccelleration*/ double range,angVel=g->angularVelocity; sarPos=g->stVec.pos; sarVel=g->stVec.vel; relPos.x= sin(yaw); relPos.y=-sin(look)*cos(yaw); relPos.z=-cos(look)*cos(yaw); /*c relPos unit vector points from s/c to targPos. Rotate into earth axes:*/ vecMul(g->look_matrix,relPos,&relPos); /*c scale relPos so it reaches from s/c to targPos */ range = calcRange(g,look,yaw); vecScale(&relPos,range); vecAdd(relPos,sarPos,&targPos); /*c c c Now we have all three vectors in earth centered coordinates: c sarPos = sar satellite position c relPos = range vector from sar to targPos c targPos = target position c c calculate velocity vectors targVel and relVel. c*/ targVel.x= -angVel*targPos.y; targVel.y= angVel*targPos.x; targVel.z= 0.0; vecSub(targVel,sarVel,&relVel); /*c c Calcuate accelerations of sar and targPos sarAcc,targAcc c */ sarAcc.x=0.0; sarAcc.y=0.0; /*c sar sarAcceleration toward earth center, via orbital considerations (accelleration is straight down, at -GxMe / h**2) */ sarAcc.z=-g->gxMe/vecDot(sarPos,sarPos); vecMul(g->look_matrix,sarAcc,&sarAcc);/* !put in e.c. coordinates c calculate sarAcceleration of targPos on earth surface:*/ targAcc.x=-targPos.x*angVel*angVel; targAcc.y=-targPos.y*angVel*angVel; targAcc.z=0.0; vecSub(targAcc,sarAcc,&relAcc); /*c c calculate doppler parameters c*/ if (out_targPos) *out_targPos=targPos; if (out_relVel) *out_relVel=relVel; if (fd) *fd=-2.0/(g->lambda*range)*vecDot(relPos,relVel); if (fdot) *fdot=-2.0/(g->lambda*range)*(vecDot(relVel,relVel)+vecDot(relPos,relAcc)); /* success */ return 0; }
bool PhysicsWorld::Intersects(const StaticPhysicsEntity &s, const DynamicPhysicsEntity &d, Vec &outNormal, Vec &outDir) { float dmin = 0, radiusSquared; Vec min, max, center, scale; min = vec(-1, -1, -1, 0); max = vec(1, 1, 1, 0); scale = vec(1, 1, 1, 0); Mat m, sc; center = entGetTransform(d.ent)->GetPosition(); entGetTransform(s.ent)->GetMatrix(&m); entGetTransform(d.ent)->GetMatrix(&sc); // scale the unit vector and take the largest component // as the radius for the sphere; as long as we don't do // silly rotations we should be ok matMulVec(&scale, sc, scale); radiusSquared = vecMax(scale); radiusSquared *= radiusSquared; // we don't have an inv matrix of anything so instead // we transform everything to worldspace and do the // calculations there // rot + scale matMulVec(&min, m, min); matMulVec(&max, m, max); // pos Vec p = entGetTransform(s.ent)->GetPosition(); min = vecAdd(min, p); max = vecAdd(max, p); // the actual intersection test (don't test w) for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { float C = vecGetElem(center, i); float Bmin = vecGetElem(min, i); float Bmax = vecGetElem(max, i); if(C < Bmin) dmin += square(C - Bmin); else if(C > Bmax) dmin += square(C - Bmax); } if(dmin <= radiusSquared) { Ray r; r.o = center; r.d = vecSub(p, center); r.d = vecNormalize(r.d); float dist; bool hit = RayBoxIntersection(r, min, max, dist, outNormal); outDir = vecMul(r.d, vec(dist)); return hit; } return false; }
int main(void) { Key_val *k = NULL; Vec *v = NULL; char *s; char ts[] = "one"; int i = 0; k = keyAdd(k, ts, "1"); k = keyAdd(k, "two", "2"); k = keyAdd(k, "three", "3"); k = keyAdd(k, "four", "4"); k = keyAdd(k, "five", "5"); v = vecAdd(v, "ONE", k); //This doesn_t have to be last but k // must have a value. So it can_t go first. // You need to reset k k = NULL; k = keyAdd(k, "twenty one", "21"); k = keyAdd(k, "twenty two", "22"); k = keyAdd(k, "twenty three", "23"); k = keyAdd(k, "twenty four", "24"); v = vecAdd(v, "TWO", k); prV(v); printf("\n\n ................ \n\n"); //Example returning key_val from the string found in vector v printf("Below pr(findK(v,\"ONE\"))\n"); pr(findK(v, "ONE")); printf("Below pr(findK(v,\"TWO\"))\n"); pr(findK(v, "TWO")); printf("\n"); s = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * 80); strcpy(s, "twenty two"); fprintf(stderr, "find(c,%s)=%s\n", s, find(k, s)); modify(k,s,"New twenty two"); k = findK(v, "ONE"); strcpy(s, "one"); fprintf(stderr, "find(c,%s)=%s\n", s, find(k, s)); free(s); printf("\n\nExample use in a for loop.\n\n"); for (i = 0; i < pvLength(v); ++i) { pr(getK(v, i)); printf("......\n"); } myfreeV(v); //Note myfreeV calls this // myfree(k); return 0; }
void addMonkeyResearchShipChangePosition(Ship *dockwith, Ship *ship,sdword dockindex) { DockStaticPoint *dockwithstaticpoint; vector coneheadingInWorldCoordSysDockWith,DockWithHeading,destination,DockWithUp,destinationoffset; vector desiredHeading,desiredUp,conepositionInWorldCoordSysDockWith,tmpvec; real32 theta; matrix rotmatrix,tmpmat; ResearchShipStatics *resstatics; resstatics = (ResearchShipStatics *) ((ShipStaticInfo *)(ship->staticinfo))->custstatinfo; dbgAssertOrIgnore(dockwith != NULL); //if we're calling this there should be another reserach station available somewhere if(ship->shiprace == R1) { dockwithstaticpoint = &dockwith->staticinfo->dockStaticInfo->dockstaticpoints[dockindex]; matMultiplyMatByVec(&coneheadingInWorldCoordSysDockWith,&dockwith->rotinfo.coordsys,&dockwithstaticpoint->conenormal); matGetVectFromMatrixCol3(DockWithHeading,dockwith->rotinfo.coordsys) destinationoffset.x = coneheadingInWorldCoordSysDockWith.x*resstatics->R1final_dock_distance; destinationoffset.y = coneheadingInWorldCoordSysDockWith.y*resstatics->R1final_dock_distance; destinationoffset.z = coneheadingInWorldCoordSysDockWith.z*resstatics->R1final_dock_distance; vecAdd(destination,dockwith->posinfo.position, destinationoffset); if(((ResearchShipSpec *)ship->ShipSpecifics)->pie_plate_num == 0) { //ship is docking on'a'top so add upwards factor matGetVectFromMatrixCol1(DockWithUp,dockwith->rotinfo.coordsys); vecScalarMultiply(DockWithUp,DockWithUp,resstatics->R1VerticalDockDistance); vecAdd(destination,destination,DockWithUp); } theta = DEG_TO_RAD(60); matMakeRotAboutX(&rotmatrix,(real32) cos(theta),(real32) sin(theta)); matMultiplyMatByMat(&tmpmat, &dockwith->rotinfo.coordsys, &rotmatrix); //share a lot of these things...later... ship->rotinfo.coordsys = tmpmat; ship->posinfo.position = destination; } else { //r2 positioning dockwithstaticpoint = &dockwith->staticinfo->dockStaticInfo->dockstaticpoints[dockindex]; matMultiplyMatByVec(&coneheadingInWorldCoordSysDockWith,&dockwith->rotinfo.coordsys,&dockwithstaticpoint->conenormal); matMultiplyMatByVec(&conepositionInWorldCoordSysDockWith,&dockwith->rotinfo.coordsys,&dockwithstaticpoint->position); vecAddTo(conepositionInWorldCoordSysDockWith,dockwith->posinfo.position); matGetVectFromMatrixCol3(DockWithHeading,dockwith->rotinfo.coordsys) destinationoffset.x = coneheadingInWorldCoordSysDockWith.x*resstatics->R2DockFinalDistance; destinationoffset.y = coneheadingInWorldCoordSysDockWith.y*resstatics->R2DockFinalDistance; destinationoffset.z = coneheadingInWorldCoordSysDockWith.z*resstatics->R2DockFinalDistance; vecAdd(destination,conepositionInWorldCoordSysDockWith, destinationoffset); desiredHeading = coneheadingInWorldCoordSysDockWith; if(dockindex == 0) { matGetVectFromMatrixCol3(desiredUp,dockwith->rotinfo.coordsys); } else if(dockindex == 1) { matGetVectFromMatrixCol3(desiredUp,dockwith->rotinfo.coordsys); } else if(dockindex == 2) { desiredUp = DockWithHeading; } else if(dockindex == 3) { theta = DEG_TO_RAD(60); matMakeRotAboutZ(&rotmatrix,(real32) cos(theta),(real32) sin(theta)); matMultiplyMatByMat(&tmpmat, &dockwith->rotinfo.coordsys, &rotmatrix); matGetVectFromMatrixCol1(desiredUp,tmpmat); } else if(dockindex == 4) { destinationoffset.x = coneheadingInWorldCoordSysDockWith.x*100; destinationoffset.y = coneheadingInWorldCoordSysDockWith.y*100; destinationoffset.z = coneheadingInWorldCoordSysDockWith.z*100; vecAdd(destination,conepositionInWorldCoordSysDockWith, destinationoffset); matGetVectFromMatrixCol1(desiredUp,dockwith->rotinfo.coordsys); vecScalarMultiply(desiredHeading,desiredHeading,-1.0f); } else { dbgAssertOrIgnore(FALSE); //shouldget here. } vecNormalize(&desiredUp); matPutVectIntoMatrixCol1(desiredUp,ship->rotinfo.coordsys); vecCrossProduct(tmpvec,desiredHeading,desiredUp); matPutVectIntoMatrixCol2(tmpvec,ship->rotinfo.coordsys); matPutVectIntoMatrixCol3(desiredHeading,ship->rotinfo.coordsys); ship->posinfo.position = destination; ship->posinfo.velocity.x = 0.0f; ship->posinfo.velocity.y = 0.0f; ship->posinfo.velocity.z = 0.0f; } }
void ResearchShipHouseKeep(Ship *ship) { ResearchShipSpec *spec = (ResearchShipSpec *)ship->ShipSpecifics; SelectCommand selection; vector up,destination,desiredheading,newup; vector univup = {0.0f,0.0f,1.0f}; bool InParadeandMoving = FALSE; matrix rot_matrix,tmpmat,rotmat; real32 radangle; ResearchShipStatics *researchshipstatics; researchshipstatics = (ResearchShipStatics *) ((ShipStaticInfo *)(ship->staticinfo))->custstatinfo; if(bitTest(ship->specialFlags,SPECIAL_StopForResearchDocking)) { vecScalarMultiply(ship->posinfo.velocity,ship->posinfo.velocity,0.94); vecScalarMultiply(ship->rotinfo.rotspeed,ship->rotinfo.rotspeed,0.94); bitSet(ship->dontapplyforceever,1); bitSet(ship->dontrotateever,1); } else { bitClear(ship->dontapplyforceever,1); bitClear(ship->dontrotateever,1); } if(ship->flags & SOF_Slaveable) { if(ship->slaveinfo->flags & SF_MASTER) { CommandToDo *command = getShipAndItsCommand(&universe.mainCommandLayer,ship); if(command != NULL) { //ship may be in parade... if(command->ordertype.order == COMMAND_MILITARY_PARADE) { //ship is in parade CommandToDo *ashipCom = getShipAndItsCommand(&universe.mainCommandLayer,command->militaryParade->aroundShip); if(ashipCom != NULL) { //probably shouldn't be null regardless..should be equal to command..but ohwell if(ashipCom->ordertype.order == COMMAND_MOVE || ashipCom->ordertype.order == COMMAND_ATTACK || ashipCom->ordertype.order == COMMAND_SPECIAL || ashipCom->ordertype.order == COMMAND_MP_HYPERSPACING) { InParadeandMoving = TRUE; spec->rotate_state = ROTATE_WAIT; } } //in parade if(!InParadeandMoving) { if(bitTest(ship->specialFlags,SPECIAL_ParadeNeedTomoveCloser)) { InParadeandMoving = TRUE; spec->rotate_state = ROTATE_WAIT; } } } } } } if(ship->flags & SOF_Slaveable) { //ship is slaveable bitSet(ship->flags,SOF_DontDrawTrails); ship->autostabilizeship = FALSE; // never have univupdate autostabilize research ships if(ship->slaveinfo->flags & SF_MASTER) { //ship is a master if(!InParadeandMoving) { if(ship->shiprace == R1) { //ship is a race 1 MASTER research ship... //i.e. it controls the motion switch(spec->rotate_state) { case ANGLE_ESTABLISH: //establishes the angle at which the station is supposed to rotate at break; case ROTATE_WAIT: //wait to rotate if(ship->slaveinfo->slaves.num >= 5) { //correct # of ships... if(!ship_is_moving(ship)) { if(!spec->prepshipforanother) { //no ships are coming to dock //do up vector tracking! //Later Calculate this vector ONCE at code start up...Let Daly do it //and get as a static value radangle = DEG_TO_RAD(researchshipstatics->RotationAngle); matMakeRotAboutX(&rotmat,(real32) cos(radangle),(real32) sin(radangle)); matMultiplyMatByVec(&newup, &rotmat, &univup); //matGetVectFromMatrixCol3(desiredHeading,ship->rotinfo.coordsys); if(aitrackHeadingWithFlags(ship,&newup,0.96f,AITRACKHEADING_IGNOREUPVEC)) { spec->rotate_state = ROTATE_DO; getRotatePoint(ship, &spec->rotate_point,&spec->rotate_distance); } } } if(!spec->have_removed_from_parade) { spec->have_removed_from_parade = TRUE; selection.numShips = 1; selection.ShipPtr[0] = ship; //RemoveShipsFromDoingStuff(&universe.mainCommandLayer,&selection); //clHalt(&universe.mainCommandLayer,&selection); } } break; case ROTATE_STOP: case ROTATE_STOP_QUICK: case ROTATE_DO: ship->posinfo.isMoving = ISMOVING_MOVING | ISMOVING_ROTATING; make_all_slaves_moving(ship); if(ship->slaveinfo->slaves.num < 5) { //don't rotate anymore because slaves dropped below threhold for whatever reasons! spec->rotate_state = ROTATE_STOP; break; } if(spec->prepshipforanother) { //need to prep ship for a docking ship.. spec->rotate_state = ROTATE_STOP; } else if(ship_is_moving(ship)) { //ship is being moved spec->rotate_state = ROTATE_STOP_QUICK; } else { spec->rotate_state = ROTATE_DO; } //matGetVectFromMatrixCol3(heading,ship->rotinfo.coordsys); matGetVectFromMatrixCol1(up,ship->rotinfo.coordsys); //vecScalarMultiply(rotate_point, heading, -250.0f); //vecAdd(rotate_point,rotate_point, ship->posinfo.position); switch(spec->rotate_state) { case ROTATE_DO: if(spec->theta >= researchshipstatics->max_rotate) spec->theta = researchshipstatics->max_rotate; else spec->theta += researchshipstatics->rotate_acelleration; break; case ROTATE_STOP_QUICK: spec->theta *= researchshipstatics->rotate_slow; spec->theta *= researchshipstatics->rotate_slow; case ROTATE_STOP: if(spec->theta <= 0.00001f) { spec->theta = 0.0f; spec->rotate_state = ROTATE_WAIT; break; } else spec->theta *= researchshipstatics->rotate_slow; break; default: dbgAssertOrIgnore(FALSE); break; } matMakeRotAboutX(&rot_matrix,(real32) cos(spec->theta),(real32) sin(spec->theta)); //matMultiplyMatByMat(&tmpmat, &rot_matrix, &ship->rotinfo.coordsys); matMultiplyMatByMat(&tmpmat, &ship->rotinfo.coordsys, &rot_matrix); //vecSub(tmpvec, ship->posinfo.position, spec->rotate_point); //dist = vecMagnitudeSquared(tmpvec); //dist = fsqrt(dist); matGetVectFromMatrixCol3(desiredheading,tmpmat); vecScalarMultiply(destination, desiredheading, spec->rotate_distance); //old was dist vecAdd(destination,destination,spec->rotate_point); ship->posinfo.position = destination; ship->rotinfo.coordsys = tmpmat; univUpdateObjRotInfo((SpaceObjRot *)ship); break; default: dbgMessagef("Shouldn't Get Here...unknown Research Ship Rotate State"); dbgAssertOrIgnore(FALSE); break; } } else { //Ship is an R2 rotate differently switch(spec->rotate_state) { case ANGLE_ESTABLISH: break; case ROTATE_WAIT: //wait to rotate if(ship->slaveinfo->slaves.num >= 3) { //correct # of ships... if(!spec->prepshipforanother && !ship_is_moving(ship)) { //no ships are coming to dock radangle = DEG_TO_RAD(researchshipstatics->RotationAngle); matMakeRotAboutX(&rotmat,(real32) cos(radangle),(real32) sin(radangle)); matMultiplyMatByVec(&newup, &rotmat, &univup); if(aitrackHeadingWithFlags(ship,&newup,0.96f,AITRACKHEADING_IGNOREUPVEC)) { spec->rotate_state = ROTATE_DO; } } else { vecSet(ship->rotinfo.rotspeed,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f); vecSet(ship->rotinfo.torque,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f); } } if(ship->slaveinfo->slaves.num >= 1) { //correct # of ships... if(!spec->have_removed_from_parade) { spec->have_removed_from_parade = TRUE; selection.numShips = 1; selection.ShipPtr[0] = ship; //RemoveShipsFromDoingStuff(&universe.mainCommandLayer,&selection); //clHalt(&universe.mainCommandLayer,&selection); } } break; case ROTATE_STOP: case ROTATE_STOP_QUICK: case ROTATE_DO: ship->posinfo.isMoving = ISMOVING_MOVING | ISMOVING_ROTATING; make_all_slaves_moving(ship); if(ship->slaveinfo->slaves.num < 3) { //don't rotate anymore because slaves dropped below threhold for whatever reasons! spec->rotate_state = ROTATE_STOP; break; } if(spec->prepshipforanother) { //need to prep ship for a docking ship.. spec->rotate_state = ROTATE_STOP; } if(ship_is_moving(ship)) { //ship is being moved spec->rotate_state = ROTATE_STOP_QUICK; } switch(spec->rotate_state) { case ROTATE_DO: if(spec->theta >= researchshipstatics->max_rotate) spec->theta = researchshipstatics->max_rotate; else spec->theta += researchshipstatics->rotate_acelleration; break; case ROTATE_STOP_QUICK: spec->theta *= researchshipstatics->rotate_slow; spec->theta *= researchshipstatics->rotate_slow; case ROTATE_STOP: if(spec->theta <= 0.00001f) { spec->theta = 0.0f; spec->rotate_state = ROTATE_WAIT; break; } else spec->theta *= researchshipstatics->rotate_slow; break; default: dbgAssertOrIgnore(FALSE); break; } matMakeRotAboutZ(&rot_matrix,(real32) cos(spec->theta),(real32) sin(spec->theta)); tmpmat = ship->rotinfo.coordsys; matMultiplyMatByMat(&ship->rotinfo.coordsys,&tmpmat,&rot_matrix); univUpdateObjRotInfo((SpaceObjRot *)ship); break; default: dbgMessagef("Shouldn't Get Here...unknown Research Ship Rotate State"); dbgAssertOrIgnore(FALSE); break; } } } } else { vecScalarMultiply(ship->posinfo.velocity,ship->posinfo.velocity, 0.0f); } } }
static void triangleDrawTile(float *tilebuffer, const Triangle3DSetup &t, const TriangleSetup &s, int x, int y) { const Vec denom = vecRcp(vec(t.dx1 * t.dy2 - t.dy1 * t.dx2)); const Vec DY1 = vec(t.dy1); const Vec DY2 = vec(t.dy2); const Vec DY3 = vec(t.dy3); const Vec DX2 = vec(t.dx2); const Vec DX3 = vec(t.dx3); const Vec X3 = vec(t.x3); const Vec Y3 = vec(t.y3); const Vec Z1 = vec(t.z1); const Vec Z2 = vec(t.z2); const Vec Z3 = vec(t.z3); const Vec Step = vec(0, 1, 2, 3); const Vec Zero = vec(0); const Vec One = vec(1); const Vec Four = vec(4); float c1 = s.c1; float c2 = s.c2; float c3 = s.c3; for(int iy = 0; iy < tileHeight; iy++) { Vec v = vec(0, 1, 2, 3); Vec C1 = vec(c1); Vec C2 = vec(c2); Vec C3 = vec(c3); const Vec yp = vec((float)(iy + y)); const Vec ypos = vecSub(yp, Y3); const Vec dxypos2 = vecMul(DX2, ypos); const Vec dxypos3 = vecMul(DX3, ypos); float fx = (float)x; for(int ix = 0; ix < tileWidth; ix += 4) { void * ptr = &tilebuffer[ix + iy * tileWidth]; const Vec xp = vecAdd(vec(fx), Step); // Evaluate half-space equation & generate write-mask const Vec CX1 = vecSub(C1, vecMul(v, DY1)); const Vec CX2 = vecSub(C2, vecMul(v, DY2)); const Vec CX3 = vecSub(C3, vecMul(v, DY3)); const Vec Mask1 = vecCmpGT(CX1, Zero); const Vec Mask2 = vecCmpGT(CX2, Zero); const Vec Mask3 = vecCmpGT(CX3, Zero); const Vec WriteMask = vecAnd(Mask1, vecAnd(Mask2, Mask3)); // Calculate depth based on barycentric coordinates const Vec xpos = vecSub(xp, X3); const Vec dyxpos2 = vecMul(DY2, xpos); const Vec dyxpos3 = vecMul(DY3, xpos); const Vec delta2 = vecSub(dyxpos2, dxypos2); const Vec delta3 = vecSub(dyxpos3, dxypos3); const Vec t1 = vecMul(delta2, denom); const Vec t2 = vecMul(delta3, denom); const Vec t3 = vecSub(vecSub(One, t1), t2); const Vec tz1 = vecMul(Z1, t1); const Vec tz2 = vecMul(Z2, t2); const Vec tz3 = vecMul(Z3, t3); const Vec z = vecAdd(tz1, vecAdd(tz2, tz3)); // Depth compare const Vec Value = vecLoadAligned(ptr); const Vec DepthCompare = vecCmpGE(Value, z); const Vec Compare = vecAnd(WriteMask, DepthCompare); const Vec Result = vecSel(Value, z, Compare); vecStoreAligned(ptr, Result); v = vecAdd(v, Four); fx += 4; } c1 += t.dx1; c2 += t.dx2; c3 += t.dx3; } }
bool MinelayerCorvetteStaticMineDrop(Ship *ship,SpaceObjRotImpTarg *target) { MinelayerCorvetteStatics *minelayercorvettestatics; MinelayerCorvetteSpec *spec = (MinelayerCorvetteSpec *)ship->ShipSpecifics; sdword flag; GunInfo *guninfo = ship->gunInfo; Gun *gun0,*gun1; real32 time; sdword maxmis; minelayercorvettestatics = (MinelayerCorvetteStatics *) ((ShipStaticInfo *)(ship->staticinfo))->custstatinfo; gun0 = ((Gun *) &(ship->gunInfo->guns[0])); maxmis = gun0->gunstatic->maxMissiles; if(ship->gunInfo->numGuns > 1) { //ship has 2 guns (race 1) gun1 = ((Gun *) &(ship->gunInfo->guns[1])); if(gun0->numMissiles == 0 && gun1->numMissiles == 0) return FALSE; if((universe.totaltimeelapsed - gun1->lasttimefired) < minelayercorvettestatics->gunReFireTime && (universe.totaltimeelapsed - gun0->lasttimefired) < minelayercorvettestatics->gunReFireTime) { return(FALSE); } maxmis += gun1->gunstatic->maxMissiles; } else { if(gun0->numMissiles == 0) return FALSE; if((universe.totaltimeelapsed - gun0->lasttimefired) < minelayercorvettestatics->gunReFireTime) return(FALSE); } switch(spec->MiningStatus) { case FIRST_OFF: ////////////////////// //speech event for forcedropped mines //event num: COMM_MLVette_ForceDrop //use battle chatter if(ship->playerowner->playerIndex == universe.curPlayerIndex) { if (battleCanChatterAtThisTime(BCE_COMM_MLVette_ForceDrop, ship)) { battleChatterAttempt(SOUND_EVENT_DEFAULT, BCE_COMM_MLVette_ForceDrop, ship, SOUND_EVENT_DEFAULT); } } ///////////////////////// spec->MiningStatus = FIRST_OFF2; case FIRST_OFF2: if(aitrackZeroRotationAnywhere(ship)) { flag = 2; } if(aitrackZeroVelocity(ship)) { if(flag == 2) { //we're ready for next step MineFormationInfo *mineformationinfo; aitrackForceSteadyShip(ship); //stop movement, stop rotation spec->MiningStatus = BEGIN_WALL_DROP_RIGHT; spec->MiningSideMax = 1; spec->MiningSideCount = 0; matGetVectFromMatrixCol1(spec->formation_up,ship->rotinfo.coordsys); matGetVectFromMatrixCol2(spec->formation_right,ship->rotinfo.coordsys); vecScalarMultiply(spec->formation_up, spec->formation_up, minelayercorvettestatics->MineSpacing); vecScalarMultiply(spec->formation_down, spec->formation_up, -1.0f); vecScalarMultiply(spec->formation_right,spec->formation_right,minelayercorvettestatics->MineSpacing); vecScalarMultiply(spec->formation_left,spec->formation_right,-1.0f); matGetVectFromMatrixCol3(spec->formation_heading,ship->rotinfo.coordsys); vecScalarMultiply(spec->formation_heading,spec->formation_heading,-minelayercorvettestatics->MineDropDistance); //Create Formation Entity Here mineformationinfo = memAlloc(sizeof(MineFormationInfo),"MineFormationInfo",NonVolatile); listAddNode(&universe.MineFormationList,&(mineformationinfo->FormLink),mineformationinfo); listInit(&mineformationinfo->MineList); mineformationinfo->playerowner = ship->playerowner; mineformationinfo->FULL = FALSE; mineformationinfo->wallstate = PULSE_START; mineformationinfo->effect = NULL; spec->mineforminfo = mineformationinfo; time = 29.0; spec->mineforminfo->waittime = time; //set wait time for each pulse spec->formation_number_X = 0; spec->formation_number_Y = 0; vecAdd(spec->formation_position,ship->posinfo.position,spec->formation_heading); spec->mineaistate = MINE_DROP_FORMATION; MinelayerCorvetteFire(ship,target); spec->MineDropNumber = 1; } } break; case BEGIN_WALL_DROP_RIGHT: vecAddTo(spec->formation_position,spec->formation_right); spec->mineaistate = MINE_DROP_FORMATION; MinelayerCorvetteFire(ship,target); spec->MineDropNumber++; spec->formation_number_X++; spec->MiningSideCount++; if(spec->MiningSideCount == spec->MiningSideMax) { spec->MiningSideCount = 0; spec->MiningStatus = BEGIN_WALL_DROP_UP; } break; case BEGIN_WALL_DROP_UP: vecAddTo(spec->formation_position,spec->formation_up); spec->mineaistate = MINE_DROP_FORMATION; MinelayerCorvetteFire(ship,target); spec->MineDropNumber++; spec->formation_number_Y++; spec->MiningSideCount++; if(spec->MiningSideCount == spec->MiningSideMax) { spec->MiningSideMax++; spec->MiningSideCount = 0; spec->MiningStatus = BEGIN_WALL_DROP_LEFT; } break; case BEGIN_WALL_DROP_LEFT: vecAddTo(spec->formation_position,spec->formation_left); spec->mineaistate = MINE_DROP_FORMATION; MinelayerCorvetteFire(ship,target); spec->MineDropNumber++; spec->formation_number_X--; spec->MiningSideCount++; if(spec->MiningSideCount == spec->MiningSideMax) { spec->MiningSideCount = 0; spec->MiningStatus = BEGIN_WALL_DROP_DOWN; } break; case BEGIN_WALL_DROP_DOWN: vecAddTo(spec->formation_position,spec->formation_down); spec->mineaistate = MINE_DROP_FORMATION; MinelayerCorvetteFire(ship,target); spec->MineDropNumber++; spec->formation_number_Y--; spec->MiningSideCount++; if(spec->MiningSideCount == spec->MiningSideMax) { spec->MiningSideMax++; spec->MiningSideCount = 0; spec->MiningStatus = BEGIN_WALL_DROP_RIGHT; } break; case DONE_WAIT: spec->mineaistate = MINE_DROP_ATTACK; return TRUE; break; } if(spec->MineDropNumber == minelayercorvettestatics->NumMinesInSide*minelayercorvettestatics->NumMinesInSide) { if(spec->mineforminfo != NULL) { spec->mineforminfo->FULL = TRUE; spec->mineforminfo = NULL; } spec->mineaistate=MINE_DROP_ATTACK; spec->MiningStatus = DONE_WAIT; spec->MineDropNumber = 0; return(TRUE); //finished Wall } return(FALSE); }
void calcAllNormals(float *normals, float *depthBuf, int width, int height, unsigned nSampleStep) { // Grid Points for(int j = 0; j < height; j += nSampleStep) for(int i = 0; i < width; i += nSampleStep) { float fd = *(depthBuf + (i + j * width)); if(fd > 0) { getAvgNormal(normals + 3 * (i + j * width), depthBuf, i, j, width, height, nAvgNormRad); } } if(nSampleStep == 1) { return; } // Interpolation other pixels for(int j = 0; j < height; j += 1) for(int i = 0; i < width; i += 1) { if( (i % nSampleStep == 0) && (j % nSampleStep == 0)) { continue; } float fd = *(depthBuf + (i + j * width)); if(fd > 0) { // 1. find grid int nGridX0 = (i / nSampleStep) * nSampleStep; int nGridY0 = (j / nSampleStep) * nSampleStep; float fDistPercX = (i - nGridX0) * 1.f / nSampleStep; float fDistPercY = (j - nGridY0) * 1.f / nSampleStep; // 2. Bi-linear Interpolation float NullNorm[3] = {0}; float *currNormals[4]; currNormals[0] = normals + 3 * (nGridX0 + nGridY0 * width); if((i + 1) < width && (nGridX0 + nSampleStep) < width ) { currNormals[1] = normals + 3 * (nGridX0 + nSampleStep + nGridY0 * width); } else { currNormals[1] = NullNorm; } if((j + 1)< height && (nGridY0 + nSampleStep) < height) { currNormals[2] = normals + 3 * (nGridX0 + (nGridY0 + nSampleStep) * width); } else { currNormals[2] = NullNorm; } if( (i + 1) < width && (j + 1)< height && (nGridY0 + nSampleStep) < height && (nGridX0 + nSampleStep) < width ) { currNormals[3] = normals + 3 * (nGridX0 + nSampleStep + (nGridY0 + nSampleStep) * width); } else { currNormals[3] = NullNorm; } float tmp[3], tmp1[3]; float n01[3] = {0}; vecScale(currNormals[0], (1 - fDistPercX), tmp); vecScale(currNormals[1], fDistPercX, tmp1); vecAdd(tmp, tmp1, n01); float n23[3] = {0}; vecScale(currNormals[2], (1 - fDistPercX), tmp); vecScale(currNormals[3], fDistPercX, tmp1); vecAdd(tmp, tmp1, n23); float *pCurrNorm = normals + 3 * (i + j * width); vecScale(n01, (1 - fDistPercY), tmp); vecScale(n23, fDistPercY, tmp1); vecAdd(tmp, tmp1, pCurrNorm); } }// for }