Example #1
bool rpc_manager::incoming(msg const& m, node_id* id)

	if (m_destructing) return false;

	// we only deal with replies and errors, not queries
	TORRENT_ASSERT(m.message.dict_find_string_value("y") == "r"
		|| m.message.dict_find_string_value("y") == "e");

	// if we don't have the transaction id in our
	// request list, ignore the packet

	std::string transaction_id = m.message.dict_find_string_value("t");
	if (transaction_id.empty()) return false;

	std::string::const_iterator ptr = transaction_id.begin();
	int tid = transaction_id.size() != 2 ? -1 : io::read_uint16(ptr);

	observer_ptr o;
	std::pair<transactions_t::iterator, transactions_t::iterator> range = m_transactions.equal_range(tid);
	for (transactions_t::iterator i = range.first; i != range.second; ++i)
		if (m.addr.address() != i->second->target_addr()) continue;
		o = i->second;
		i = m_transactions.erase(i);

	if (!o)
		if (m_table.native_endpoint(m.addr))
			m_log->log(dht_logger::rpc_manager, "reply with unknown transaction id size: %d from %s"
				, int(transaction_id.size()), print_endpoint(m.addr).c_str());
		// this isn't necessarily because the other end is doing
		// something wrong. This can also happen when we restart
		// the node, and we prematurely abort all outstanding
		// requests. Also, this opens up a potential magnification
		// attack.
//		entry e;
//		incoming_error(e, "invalid transaction id");
//		m_sock->send_packet(e, m.addr);
		return false;

	time_point now = clock_type::now();

	m_log->log(dht_logger::rpc_manager, "round trip time(ms): %" PRId64 " from %s"
		, total_milliseconds(now - o->sent()), print_endpoint(m.addr).c_str());

	if (m.message.dict_find_string_value("y") == "e")
		// It's an error.
		bdecode_node err = m.message.dict_find_list("e");
		if (err && err.list_size() >= 2
			&& err.list_at(0).type() == bdecode_node::int_t
			&& err.list_at(1).type() == bdecode_node::string_t)
			m_log->log(dht_logger::rpc_manager, "reply with error from %s: (%" PRId64 ") %s"
				, print_endpoint(m.addr).c_str()
				, err.list_int_value_at(0)
				, err.list_string_value_at(1).c_str());
			m_log->log(dht_logger::rpc_manager, "reply with (malformed) error from %s"
				, print_endpoint(m.addr).c_str());
		// Logically, we should call o->reply(m) since we get a reply.
		// a reply could be "response" or "error", here the reply is an "error".
		// if the reply is an "error", basically the observer could/will
		// do nothing with it, especially when observer::reply() is intended to
		// handle a "response", not an "error".
		// A "response" should somehow call algorithm->finished(), and an error/timeout
		// should call algorithm->failed(). From this point of view,
		// we should call o->timeout() instead of o->reply(m) because o->reply()
		// will call algorithm->finished().
		return false;

	bdecode_node ret_ent = m.message.dict_find_dict("r");
	if (!ret_ent)
		return false;

	bdecode_node node_id_ent = ret_ent.dict_find_string("id");
	if (!node_id_ent || node_id_ent.string_length() != 20)
		return false;

	node_id nid = node_id(node_id_ent.string_ptr());
	if (m_settings.enforce_node_id && !verify_id(nid, m.addr.address()))
		return false;

	m_log->log(dht_logger::rpc_manager, "[%p] reply with transaction id: %d from %s"
		, static_cast<void*>(o->algorithm()), int(transaction_id.size())
		, print_endpoint(m.addr).c_str());
	*id = nid;

	int rtt = int(total_milliseconds(now - o->sent()));

	// we found an observer for this reply, hence the node is not spoofing
	// add it to the routing table
	return m_table.node_seen(*id, m.addr, rtt);
Example #2
bool rpc_manager::incoming(msg const& m, node_id* id
	, libtorrent::dht_settings const& settings)

	if (m_destructing) return false;

	// we only deal with replies and errors, not queries
	TORRENT_ASSERT(m.message.dict_find_string_value("y") == "r"
		|| m.message.dict_find_string_value("y") == "e");

	// if we don't have the transaction id in our
	// request list, ignore the packet

	std::string transaction_id = m.message.dict_find_string_value("t");
	if (transaction_id.empty()) return false;

	std::string::const_iterator i = transaction_id.begin();	
	int tid = transaction_id.size() != 2 ? -1 : io::read_uint16(i);

	observer_ptr o;
	std::pair<transactions_t::iterator, transactions_t::iterator> range = m_transactions.equal_range(tid);
	for (transactions_t::iterator i = range.first; i != range.second; ++i)
		if (m.addr.address() != i->second->target_addr()) continue;
		o = i->second;
		i = m_transactions.erase(i);

	if (!o)
		m_log->log(dht_logger::rpc_manager, "reply with unknown transaction id size: %d from %s"
			, int(transaction_id.size()), print_endpoint(m.addr).c_str());
		// this isn't necessarily because the other end is doing
		// something wrong. This can also happen when we restart
		// the node, and we prematurely abort all outstanding
		// requests. Also, this opens up a potential magnification
		// attack.
//		entry e;
//		incoming_error(e, "invalid transaction id");
//		m_sock->send_packet(e, m.addr, 0);
		return false;

	time_point now = clock_type::now();

	std::ofstream reply_stats("round_trip_ms.log", std::ios::app);
	reply_stats << m.addr << "\t" << total_milliseconds(now - o->sent())
		<< std::endl;

	bdecode_node ret_ent = m.message.dict_find_dict("r");
	if (!ret_ent)
		// it may be an error
		ret_ent = m.message.dict_find("e");
		if (!ret_ent)
			entry e;
			incoming_error(e, "missing 'r' key");
			m_sock->send_packet(e, m.addr, 0);
		return false;

	bdecode_node node_id_ent = ret_ent.dict_find_string("id");
	if (!node_id_ent || node_id_ent.string_length() != 20)
		entry e;
		incoming_error(e, "missing 'id' key");
		m_sock->send_packet(e, m.addr, 0);
		return false;

	node_id nid = node_id(node_id_ent.string_ptr());
	if (settings.enforce_node_id && !verify_id(nid, m.addr.address()))
		entry e;
		incoming_error(e, "invalid node ID");
		m_sock->send_packet(e, m.addr, 0);
		return false;

	m_log->log(dht_logger::rpc_manager, "[%p] reply with transaction id: %d from %s"
		, o->algorithm(), int(transaction_id.size())
		, print_endpoint(m.addr).c_str());
	*id = nid;

	int rtt = int(total_milliseconds(now - o->sent()));

	// we found an observer for this reply, hence the node is not spoofing
	// add it to the routing table
	return m_table.node_seen(*id, m.addr, rtt);