Example #1
WebWheelEvent WebEventFactory::createWebWheelEvent(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
    // Taken from WebCore
    static const float cScrollbarPixelsPerLine = 100.0f / 3.0f;

    POINT globalPosition = point(lParam);
    POINT position = globalPosition;
    ::ScreenToClient(hWnd, &position);

    WebWheelEvent::Granularity granularity  = WebWheelEvent::ScrollByPixelWheelEvent;

    WebEvent::Modifiers modifiers = modifiersForEvent(wParam);
    double timestamp = ::GetTickCount() * 0.001; // ::GetTickCount returns milliseconds (Chrome uses GetMessageTime() / 1000.0)

    int deltaX = 0;
    int deltaY = 0;
    int wheelTicksX = 0;
    int wheelTicksY = 0;

    float delta = GET_WHEEL_DELTA_WPARAM(wParam) / static_cast<float>(WHEEL_DELTA);
    bool isMouseHWheel = (message == WM_VISTA_MOUSEHWHEEL);
    if (isMouseHWheel) {
        wheelTicksX = delta;
        wheelTicksY = 0;
        delta = -delta;
    } else {
        wheelTicksX = 0;
        wheelTicksY = delta;
    if (isMouseHWheel || (modifiers & WebEvent::ShiftKey)) {
        deltaX = delta * static_cast<float>(horizontalScrollChars()) * cScrollbarPixelsPerLine;
        deltaY = 0;
        granularity = WebWheelEvent::ScrollByPixelWheelEvent;
    } else {
        deltaX = 0;
        deltaY = delta;
        int verticalMultiplier = verticalScrollLines();
        if (verticalMultiplier == WHEEL_PAGESCROLL)
            granularity = WebWheelEvent::ScrollByPageWheelEvent;
        else {
            granularity = WebWheelEvent::ScrollByPixelWheelEvent;
            deltaY *= static_cast<float>(verticalMultiplier) * cScrollbarPixelsPerLine;

    return WebWheelEvent(WebEvent::Wheel, position, globalPosition, FloatSize(deltaX, deltaY), FloatSize(wheelTicksX, wheelTicksY), granularity, modifiers, timestamp);
Example #2
PlatformWheelEvent::PlatformWheelEvent(HWND hWnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, bool isMouseHWheel)
    : PlatformEvent(PlatformEvent::Wheel, wParam & MK_SHIFT, wParam & MK_CONTROL, GetKeyState(VK_MENU) & HIGH_BIT_MASK_SHORT, GetKeyState(VK_MENU) & HIGH_BIT_MASK_SHORT, ::GetTickCount() * 0.001)
    , m_position(positionForEvent(hWnd, lParam))
    , m_globalPosition(globalPositionForEvent(hWnd, lParam))
    , m_directionInvertedFromDevice(false)
    float scaleFactor = deviceScaleFactorForWindow(hWnd);

    // How many pixels should we scroll per line?  Gecko uses the height of the
    // current line, which means scroll distance changes as you go through the
    // page or go to different pages.  IE 7 is ~50 px/line, although the value
    // seems to vary slightly by page and zoom level.  Since IE 7 has a
    // smoothing algorithm on scrolling, it can get away with slightly larger
    // scroll values without feeling jerky.  Here we use 100 px per three lines
    // (the default scroll amount on Windows is three lines per wheel tick).
    static const float cScrollbarPixelsPerLine = scaleFactor * 100.0f / 3.0f;
    float delta = GET_WHEEL_DELTA_WPARAM(wParam) / (scaleFactor * static_cast<float>(WHEEL_DELTA));
    if (isMouseHWheel) {
        // Windows is <-- -/+ -->, WebKit wants <-- +/- -->, so we negate
        // |delta| after saving the original value on the wheel tick member.
        m_wheelTicksX = delta;
        m_wheelTicksY = 0;
        delta = -delta;
    } else {
        // Even though we use shift + vertical wheel to scroll horizontally in
        // WebKit, we still note it as a vertical scroll on the wheel tick
        // member, so that the DOM event we later construct will match the real
        // hardware event better.
        m_wheelTicksX = 0;
        m_wheelTicksY = delta;
    if (isMouseHWheel || shiftKey()) {
        m_deltaX = delta * static_cast<float>(horizontalScrollChars()) * cScrollbarPixelsPerLine;
        m_deltaY = 0;
        m_granularity = ScrollByPixelWheelEvent;
    } else {
        m_deltaX = 0;
        m_deltaY = delta;
        int verticalMultiplier = verticalScrollLines();
        m_granularity = (verticalMultiplier == WHEEL_PAGESCROLL) ? ScrollByPageWheelEvent : ScrollByPixelWheelEvent;
        if (m_granularity == ScrollByPixelWheelEvent)
            m_deltaY *= static_cast<float>(verticalMultiplier) * cScrollbarPixelsPerLine;