void Matrix3::fromHeadPitchRoll(float headDegrees, float pitchDegrees, float rollDegrees)
			// Constructs a rotation matrix based on a Euler Transform.
			// We use the popular NASA standard airplane convention of 
			// heading-pitch-roll (i.e., RzRxRy).

			headDegrees = Math::degreesToRadians(headDegrees);
			pitchDegrees = Math::degreesToRadians(pitchDegrees);
			rollDegrees = Math::degreesToRadians(rollDegrees);

			float cosH = vfpu_cosf(headDegrees);
			float cosP = vfpu_cosf(pitchDegrees);
			float cosR = vfpu_cosf(rollDegrees);
			float sinH = vfpu_sinf(headDegrees);
			float sinP = vfpu_sinf(pitchDegrees);
			float sinR = vfpu_sinf(rollDegrees);

			mtx[0][0] = cosR * cosH - sinR * sinP * sinH;
			mtx[0][1] = sinR * cosH + cosR * sinP * sinH;
			mtx[0][2] = -cosP * sinH;

			mtx[1][0] = -sinR * cosP;
			mtx[1][1] = cosR * cosP;
			mtx[1][2] = sinP;

			mtx[2][0] = cosR * sinH + sinR * sinP * cosH;
			mtx[2][1] = sinR * sinH - cosR * sinP * cosH;
			mtx[2][2] = cosP * cosH;
		void Matrix3::rotate(const Vector3 &axis, float degrees)
			// Creates a rotation matrix about the specified axis.
			// The axis must be a unit vector. The angle must be in degrees.
			// Let u = axis of rotation = (x, y, z)
			//             | x^2(1 - c) + c  xy(1 - c) + zs  xz(1 - c) - ys |
			// Ru(angle) = | yx(1 - c) - zs  y^2(1 - c) + c  yz(1 - c) + xs |
			//             | zx(1 - c) - ys  zy(1 - c) - xs  z^2(1 - c) + c |
			// where,
			//	c = cos(angle)
			//  s = sin(angle)

			degrees = Math::degreesToRadians(degrees);

			float x = axis.x;
			float y = axis.y;
			float z = axis.z;
			float c = vfpu_cosf(degrees);
			float s = vfpu_sinf(degrees);

			mtx[0][0] = (x * x) * (1.0f - c) + c;
			mtx[0][1] = (x * y) * (1.0f - c) + (z * s);
			mtx[0][2] = (x * z) * (1.0f - c) - (y * s);

			mtx[1][0] = (y * x) * (1.0f - c) - (z * s);
			mtx[1][1] = (y * y) * (1.0f - c) + c;
			mtx[1][2] = (y * z) * (1.0f - c) + (x * s);

			mtx[2][0] = (z * x) * (1.0f - c) + (y * s);
			mtx[2][1] = (z * y) * (1.0f - c) - (x * s);
			mtx[2][2] = (z * z) * (1.0f - c) + c;
void	CColourPulser::Update( u32 elapsed_ms )
	mTimeCounter = (mTimeCounter + elapsed_ms) % mCyclePeriod;

	f32	cycle_fraction( f32(mTimeCounter) / f32(mCyclePeriod) );

	f32	sin_val( vfpu_cosf( cycle_fraction * 2.0f * PI ) );				// In range -1..+1
	f32	factor( ( sin_val + 1.0f ) / 2.0f );							// In range 0..1

	mCurrentColour = mDimColour.Interpolate( mBrightColour, factor );
		void  SkyLight::UpdateLightSource(float sun_angle)
			float r = 670.0f;
			float shift = 325;
			//float textureScale = 1.0f / stepScale;

			int i = 0;

			skyVertices[i].x = vfpu_sinf((sun_angle/180)*PI)*r;// * stepScale;
			skyVertices[i].y = vfpu_cosf(((sun_angle)/180)*PI)*-r;// * stepScale;
			skyVertices[i].z = -250;// * stepScale;
			skyVertices[i].u = 0.f;// * textureScale;
			skyVertices[i].v = 0.f;// * textureScale;

			// (x, y - 1, z)
			skyVertices[i].x = vfpu_sinf(((sun_angle-45)/180)*PI)*r;// * stepScale;
			skyVertices[i].y = vfpu_cosf(((sun_angle-45)/180)*PI)*-r;// * stepScale;
			skyVertices[i].z = -250;// * stepScale;
			skyVertices[i].u = 0.f;// * textureScale;
			skyVertices[i].v = 1.f;// * textureScale;

			// (x + 1, y, z)
			skyVertices[i].x = vfpu_sinf((sun_angle/180)*PI)*r;// * stepScale;
			skyVertices[i].y = vfpu_cosf((sun_angle/180)*PI)*-r;// * stepScale;
			skyVertices[i].z = 250;// * stepScale;
			skyVertices[i].u = 1.f;// * textureScale;
			skyVertices[i].v = 0.f;// * textureScale;

			// (x + 1, y - 1, z)
			skyVertices[i].x = vfpu_sinf(((sun_angle-45)/180)*PI)*r;// * stepScale;
			skyVertices[i].y = vfpu_cosf(((sun_angle-45)/180)*PI)*-r;// * stepScale;
			skyVertices[i].z = 250;// * stepScale;
			skyVertices[i].u = 1.f;// * textureScale;
			skyVertices[i].v = 1.f;// * textureScale;

			sceKernelDcacheWritebackInvalidateRange(skyVertices,4 * sizeof(CraftPSPVertex));