Example #1
  /** Compute ground position from focal plane coordinate
   * This method will compute the ground position given an
   * undistorted focal plane coordinate.  Note that the latitude/longitude
   * value can be obtained from the camera class passed into the constructor.
   * @param ux distorted focal plane x in millimeters
   * @param uy distorted focal plane y in millimeters
   * @param uz distorted focal plane z in millimeters
   * @return conversion was successful
  bool CameraGroundMap::SetFocalPlane(const double ux, const double uy, 
                                      double uz) {

    SpiceDouble lookC[3];
    lookC[0] = ux;
    lookC[1] = uy;
    lookC[2] = uz;

    SpiceDouble unitLookC[3];


    return p_camera->SetLookDirection(unitLookC);
Example #2
  /** Compute ground position from focal plane coordinate
   * This method will compute the ground position given an
   * undistorted focal plane coordinate.  Note that the latitude/longitude
   * value can be obtained from the camera class passed into the constructor.
   * @param ux Distorted focal plane x in millimeters
   * @param uy Distorted focal plane y in millimeters
   * @param uz Distorted focal plane z in millimeters
   * @return @b bool Indicates whether the conversion was successful
   * @internal
   * @history 2008-01-02 Tracie Sucharski - Check incoming pixel for validity
   *                                against edge of pixel not center.
   * @history 2008-02-05 Tracie Sucharski, Replaced unitVector files with
   *                         Rick McCloskey's code to calculate look
   *                         direction
   * @history 2008-02-14 Tracie Sucharski, Change imgSamp/imgLine to double
   *                         so that fractional pixels are used in calculations.
  bool VimsGroundMap::SetFocalPlane(const double ux, const double uy,
                                    const double uz) {

    p_ux = ux;
    p_uy = uy;
    p_uz = uz;

    double imgSamp = ux;
    double imgLine = uy;

    if ((imgLine < 0.5) || (imgLine > p_camera->ParentLines() + 0.5) ||
        (imgSamp < 0.5) || (imgSamp > p_camera->ParentSamples() + 0.5)) {
      return false;

    // does interline_delay & exposure-duration account for summing modes?
    // if not, won't use p_parentLine/p_parentSample
    double et = 0.;
    if (p_channel == "VIS") {
      et = (p_etStart + ((p_irExp * p_swathWidth) - p_visExp) / 2.) +
           ((imgLine + 0.5) * p_visExp);
    else if (p_channel == "IR") {
      et = (double)p_etStart +
           (imgLine * p_camera->ParentSamples() * p_irExp) +
           (imgLine * p_interlineDelay) + ((imgSamp + 0.5) * p_irExp);

    //  get Look Direction
    SpiceDouble lookC[3];

    SpiceDouble unitLookC[3];
    vhat_c(lookC, unitLookC);
    return p_camera->SetLookDirection(unitLookC);
Example #3
  /** Compute ground position from slant range
   * @param ux Slant range distance
   * @param uy Doppler shift (always 0.0)
   * @param uz Not used
   * @return conversion was successful
  bool RadarGroundMap::SetFocalPlane(const double ux, const double uy,
                                     double uz) {

    SpiceRotation *bodyFrame = p_camera->BodyRotation();
    SpicePosition *spaceCraft = p_camera->InstrumentPosition();

    // Get spacecraft position and velocity to create a state vector
    std::vector<double> Ssc(6);
    // Load the state into Ssc
    vequ_c ( (SpiceDouble *) &(spaceCraft->Coordinate()[0]), &Ssc[0]);
    vequ_c ( (SpiceDouble *) &(spaceCraft->Velocity()[0]), &Ssc[3]);

    // Rotate state vector to body-fixed
    std::vector<double> bfSsc(6);
    bfSsc = bodyFrame->ReferenceVector(Ssc);

    // Extract body-fixed position and velocity
    std::vector<double> Vsc(3);
    std::vector<double> Xsc(3);
    vequ_c ( &bfSsc[0], (SpiceDouble *) &(Xsc[0]) );
    vequ_c ( &bfSsc[3], (SpiceDouble *) &(Vsc[0]) );

    // Compute intrack, crosstrack, and radial coordinate
    SpiceDouble i[3];
    vhat_c (&Vsc[0],i);

    SpiceDouble c[3];
    SpiceDouble dp;
    dp = vdot_c(&Xsc[0],i);
    SpiceDouble p[3],q[3];

    SpiceDouble r[3];

    // What is the initial guess for R
    double radii[3];
    SpiceDouble R = radii[0];
    SpiceDouble lastR = DBL_MAX;
    SpiceDouble rlat;
    SpiceDouble rlon;

    SpiceDouble lat = DBL_MAX;
    SpiceDouble lon = DBL_MAX;

    double slantRangeSqr = (ux * p_rangeSigma) / 1000.;
    slantRangeSqr = slantRangeSqr*slantRangeSqr;
    SpiceDouble X[3];

    int iter = 0;
    do {
      double normXsc = vnorm_c(&Xsc[0]);
      double alpha = (R*R - slantRangeSqr - normXsc*normXsc) /
                     (2.0 * vdot_c(&Xsc[0],c));

      double arg = slantRangeSqr - alpha*alpha;
      if (arg < 0.0) return false;

      double beta = sqrt(arg);
      if (p_lookDirection == Radar::Left) beta *= -1.0;

      SpiceDouble alphac[3],betar[3];


      // Convert X to lat,lon
      lastR = R;

      rlat = lat*180.0/Isis::PI;
      rlon = lon*180.0/Isis::PI;
      R = GetRadius(rlat,rlon);
    while (fabs(R-lastR) > p_tolerance && iter < 30);

    if (fabs(R-lastR) > p_tolerance) return false;

    lat = lat*180.0/Isis::PI;
    lon = lon*180.0/Isis::PI;
    while (lon < 0.0) lon += 360.0;

    // Compute body fixed look direction
    std::vector<double> lookB;
    lookB[0] = X[0] - Xsc[0];
    lookB[1] = X[1] - Xsc[1];
    lookB[2] = X[2] - Xsc[2];

    std::vector<double> lookJ = bodyFrame->J2000Vector(lookB);
    SpiceRotation *cameraFrame = p_camera->InstrumentRotation();
    std::vector<double> lookC = cameraFrame->ReferenceVector(lookJ);

    SpiceDouble unitLookC[3];

    return p_camera->Sensor::SetUniversalGround(lat,lon);
Example #4
  /** Compute undistorted focal plane coordinate from ground position that includes a local radius
   * @param lat planetocentric latitude in degrees
   * @param lon planetocentric longitude in degrees
   * @param radius local radius in meters
   * @return conversion was successful
  bool RadarGroundMap::SetGround(const double lat, const double lon, const double radius) {
    // Get the ground point in rectangular coordinates (X)
    SpiceDouble X[3];
    SpiceDouble rlat = lat*Isis::PI/180.0;
    SpiceDouble rlon = lon*Isis::PI/180.0;

    // Compute lower bound for Doppler shift 
    double et1 = p_camera->Spice::CacheStartTime();
    double xv1 = ComputeXv(X);

    // Compute upper bound for Doppler shift
    double et2 = p_camera->Spice::CacheEndTime();
    double xv2 = ComputeXv(X);

    // Make sure we bound root (xv = 0.0)
    if ((xv1 < 0.0) && (xv2 < 0.0)) return false;
    if ((xv1 > 0.0) && (xv2 > 0.0)) return false;

    // Order the bounds
    double fl,fh,xl,xh;
    if (xv1 < xv2) {
      fl = xv1;
      fh = xv2;
      xl = et1;
      xh = et2;
    else {
      fl = xv2;
      fh = xv1;
      xl = et2;
      xh = et1;

    // Iterate a max of 30 times
    for (int j=0; j<30; j++) {
      // Use the secant method to guess the next et
      double etGuess = xl + (xh - xl) * fl / (fl - fh);

      // Compute the guessed Doppler shift.  Hopefully
      // this guess converges to zero at some point
      double fGuess = ComputeXv(X);

      // Update the bounds
      double delTime;
      if (fGuess < 0.0) {
        delTime = xl - etGuess;
        xl = etGuess;
        fl = fGuess;
      else {
        delTime = xh - etGuess;
        xh = etGuess;
        fh = fGuess;

      // See if we are done
      if ((fabs(delTime) <= p_timeTolerance) || (fGuess == 0.0)) {
        SpiceRotation *bodyFrame = p_camera->BodyRotation();
        SpicePosition *spaceCraft = p_camera->InstrumentPosition();

        // Get body fixed spacecraft velocity and position
        std::vector<double> Ssc(6);

        // Load the state into Ssc and rotate to body-fixed
        vequ_c ( (SpiceDouble *) &(spaceCraft->Coordinate()[0]), &Ssc[0]);
        vequ_c ( (SpiceDouble *) &(spaceCraft->Velocity()[0]), &Ssc[3]);
        std::vector<double> bfSsc(6);
        bfSsc = bodyFrame->ReferenceVector(Ssc);

        // Extract the body-fixed position and velocity from the state
        std::vector<double> Vsc(3);
        std::vector<double> Xsc(3);
        vequ_c ( &bfSsc[0], (SpiceDouble *) &(Xsc[0]) );
        vequ_c ( &bfSsc[3], (SpiceDouble *) &(Vsc[0]) );

        // Determine if focal plane coordinate falls on the correct side of the
        // spacecraft. Radar has both left and right look directions. Make sure
        // the coordinate is on the same side as the look direction. This is done
        // by (X - S) . (V x S) where X=ground point vector, S=spacecraft position
        // vector, and V=velocity vector. If the dot product is greater than 0, then
        // the point is on the right side. If the dot product is less than 0, then
        // the point is on the left side. If the dot product is 0, then the point is
        // directly under the spacecraft (neither left or right) and is invalid.
        SpiceDouble vout1[3];
        SpiceDouble vout2[3];
        SpiceDouble dp;
        dp = vdot_c(vout1,vout2);
        if (dp > 0.0 && p_lookDirection == Radar::Left) return false;
        if (dp < 0.0 && p_lookDirection == Radar::Right) return false;
        if (dp == 0.0) return false;

        // Compute body fixed look direction
        std::vector<double> lookB;
        lookB[0] = X[0] - Xsc[0];
        lookB[1] = X[1] - Xsc[1];
        lookB[2] = X[2] - Xsc[2];

        std::vector<double> lookJ = bodyFrame->J2000Vector(lookB);
        SpiceRotation *cameraFrame = p_camera->InstrumentRotation();
        std::vector<double> lookC = cameraFrame->ReferenceVector(lookJ);

        SpiceDouble unitLookC[3];

        p_focalPlaneX = p_slantRange / p_rangeSigma;
        p_focalPlaneY = 0.0;
        return true;

    return false;