static void stream_manager_delete(stream_manager_t * mgr) { if (mgr->type==AudioStreamType){ unlink(RECORDED_16K_1S_FILE); rtp_session_unregister_event_queue(mgr->audio_stream->ms.sessions.rtp_session,mgr->evq); audio_stream_stop(mgr->audio_stream); }else{ #if VIDEO_ENABLED rtp_session_unregister_event_queue(mgr->video_stream->ms.sessions.rtp_session,mgr->evq); video_stream_stop(mgr->video_stream); #else ms_fatal("Unsupported stream type [%s]",ms_stream_type_to_string(mgr->type)); #endif } ortp_ev_queue_destroy(mgr->evq); ms_free(mgr); }
static void stream_manager_delete(stream_manager_t * mgr) { if (mgr->type==MSAudio){ if( mgr->user_data){ unlink((char*)mgr->user_data); // don't reset user_data, it is up to the user to free() it } audio_stream_stop(mgr->audio_stream); }else{ #if VIDEO_ENABLED video_stream_stop(mgr->video_stream); #else ms_fatal("Unsupported stream type [%s]",ms_format_type_to_string(mgr->type)); #endif } ms_free(mgr); }
void linphone_call_stop_media_streams(LinphoneCall *call){ if (call->audiostream!=NULL) { rtp_session_unregister_event_queue(call->audiostream->session,call->audiostream_app_evq); ortp_ev_queue_flush(call->audiostream_app_evq); ortp_ev_queue_destroy(call->audiostream_app_evq); if (call->audiostream->ec){ const char *state_str=NULL; ms_filter_call_method(call->audiostream->ec,MS_ECHO_CANCELLER_GET_STATE_STRING,&state_str); if (state_str){ ms_message("Writing echo canceller state, %i bytes",strlen(state_str)); lp_config_set_string(call->core->config,"sound","ec_state",state_str); } } linphone_call_log_fill_stats (call->log,call->audiostream); audio_stream_stop(call->audiostream); call->audiostream=NULL; } #ifdef VIDEO_ENABLED if (call->videostream!=NULL){ rtp_session_unregister_event_queue(call->videostream->session,call->videostream_app_evq); ortp_ev_queue_flush(call->videostream_app_evq); ortp_ev_queue_destroy(call->videostream_app_evq); video_stream_stop(call->videostream); call->videostream=NULL; } ms_event_queue_skip(call->core->msevq); #endif if (call->audio_profile){ rtp_profile_clear_all(call->audio_profile); rtp_profile_destroy(call->audio_profile); call->audio_profile=NULL; } if (call->video_profile){ rtp_profile_clear_all(call->video_profile); rtp_profile_destroy(call->video_profile); call->video_profile=NULL; } }
void video_stream_send_only_stop(VideoStream *vs){ video_stream_stop(vs); }
void video_stream_recv_only_stop(VideoStream *vs){ video_stream_stop(vs); }
void linphone_core_update_ice_from_remote_media_description(LinphoneCall *call, const SalMediaDescription *md) { bool_t ice_restarted = FALSE; if ((md->ice_pwd[0] != '\0') && (md->ice_ufrag[0] != '\0')) { int i, j; /* Check for ICE restart and set remote credentials. */ if ((strcmp(md->addr, "") == 0) || (strcmp(md->addr, "::0") == 0)) { ice_session_restart(call->ice_session); ice_restarted = TRUE; } else { for (i = 0; i < md->n_total_streams; i++) { const SalStreamDescription *stream = &md->streams[i]; IceCheckList *cl = ice_session_check_list(call->ice_session, i); if (cl && (strcmp(stream->rtp_addr, "") == 0)) { ice_session_restart(call->ice_session); ice_restarted = TRUE; break; } } } if ((ice_session_remote_ufrag(call->ice_session) == NULL) && (ice_session_remote_pwd(call->ice_session) == NULL)) { ice_session_set_remote_credentials(call->ice_session, md->ice_ufrag, md->ice_pwd); } else if (ice_session_remote_credentials_changed(call->ice_session, md->ice_ufrag, md->ice_pwd)) { if (ice_restarted == FALSE) { ice_session_restart(call->ice_session); ice_restarted = TRUE; } ice_session_set_remote_credentials(call->ice_session, md->ice_ufrag, md->ice_pwd); } for (i = 0; i < md->n_total_streams; i++) { const SalStreamDescription *stream = &md->streams[i]; IceCheckList *cl = ice_session_check_list(call->ice_session, i); if (cl && (stream->ice_pwd[0] != '\0') && (stream->ice_ufrag[0] != '\0')) { if (ice_check_list_remote_credentials_changed(cl, stream->ice_ufrag, stream->ice_pwd)) { if (ice_restarted == FALSE) { ice_session_restart(call->ice_session); ice_restarted = TRUE; } ice_session_set_remote_credentials(call->ice_session, md->ice_ufrag, md->ice_pwd); break; } } } /* Create ICE check lists if needed and parse ICE attributes. */ for (i = 0; i < md->n_total_streams; i++) { const SalStreamDescription *stream = &md->streams[i]; IceCheckList *cl = ice_session_check_list(call->ice_session, i); if ((cl == NULL) && (i < md->n_active_streams)) { cl = ice_check_list_new(); ice_session_add_check_list(call->ice_session, cl); switch (stream->type) { case SalAudio: if (call->audiostream != NULL) call->audiostream->ms.ice_check_list = cl; break; case SalVideo: if (call->videostream != NULL) call->videostream->ms.ice_check_list = cl; break; default: break; } } if (stream->ice_mismatch == TRUE) { ice_check_list_set_state(cl, ICL_Failed); } else if (stream->rtp_port == 0) { ice_session_remove_check_list(call->ice_session, cl); #ifdef VIDEO_ENABLED if (stream->type==SalVideo && call->videostream){ video_stream_stop(call->videostream); call->videostream=NULL; } #endif } else { if ((stream->ice_pwd[0] != '\0') && (stream->ice_ufrag[0] != '\0')) ice_check_list_set_remote_credentials(cl, stream->ice_ufrag, stream->ice_pwd); for (j = 0; j < SAL_MEDIA_DESCRIPTION_MAX_ICE_CANDIDATES; j++) { const SalIceCandidate *candidate = &stream->ice_candidates[j]; bool_t default_candidate = FALSE; const char *addr = NULL; int port = 0; if (candidate->addr[0] == '\0') break; if ((candidate->componentID == 0) || (candidate->componentID > 2)) continue; get_default_addr_and_port(candidate->componentID, md, stream, &addr, &port); if (addr && (candidate->port == port) && (strlen(candidate->addr) == strlen(addr)) && (strcmp(candidate->addr, addr) == 0)) default_candidate = TRUE; ice_add_remote_candidate(cl, candidate->type, candidate->addr, candidate->port, candidate->componentID, candidate->priority, candidate->foundation, default_candidate); } if (ice_restarted == FALSE) { bool_t losing_pairs_added = FALSE; for (j = 0; j < SAL_MEDIA_DESCRIPTION_MAX_ICE_REMOTE_CANDIDATES; j++) { const SalIceRemoteCandidate *candidate = &stream->ice_remote_candidates[j]; const char *addr = NULL; int port = 0; int componentID = j + 1; if (candidate->addr[0] == '\0') break; get_default_addr_and_port(componentID, md, stream, &addr, &port); if (j == 0) { /* If we receive a re-invite and we finished ICE processing on our side, use the candidates given by the remote. */ ice_check_list_unselect_valid_pairs(cl); } ice_add_losing_pair(cl, j + 1, candidate->addr, candidate->port, addr, port); losing_pairs_added = TRUE; } if (losing_pairs_added == TRUE) ice_check_list_check_completed(cl); } } } for (i = ice_session_nb_check_lists(call->ice_session); i > md->n_active_streams; i--) { ice_session_remove_check_list(call->ice_session, ice_session_check_list(call->ice_session, i - 1)); } ice_session_check_mismatch(call->ice_session); } else { /* Response from remote does not contain mandatory ICE attributes, delete the session. */ linphone_call_delete_ice_session(call); return; } if (ice_session_nb_check_lists(call->ice_session) == 0) { linphone_call_delete_ice_session(call); } }
static void run_media_streams(int localport, const char *remote_ip, int remoteport, int payload, const char *fmtp, int jitter, int bitrate, MSVideoSize vs, bool_t ec, bool_t agc, bool_t eq) { AudioStream *audio=NULL; #ifdef VIDEO_ENABLED VideoStream *video=NULL; #endif RtpSession *session=NULL; PayloadType *pt; RtpProfile *profile=rtp_profile_clone_full(&av_profile); OrtpEvQueue *q=ortp_ev_queue_new(); ms_init(); signal(SIGINT,stop_handler); pt=rtp_profile_get_payload(profile,payload); if (pt==NULL){ printf("Error: no payload defined with number %i.",payload); exit(-1); } if (fmtp!=NULL) payload_type_set_send_fmtp(pt,fmtp); if (bitrate>0) pt->normal_bitrate=bitrate; if (pt->type!=PAYLOAD_VIDEO){ MSSndCardManager *manager=ms_snd_card_manager_get(); MSSndCard *capt= capture_card==NULL ? ms_snd_card_manager_get_default_capture_card(manager) : ms_snd_card_manager_get_card(manager,capture_card); MSSndCard *play= playback_card==NULL ? ms_snd_card_manager_get_default_playback_card(manager) : ms_snd_card_manager_get_card(manager,playback_card); audio=audio_stream_new(localport,ms_is_ipv6(remote_ip)); audio_stream_enable_automatic_gain_control(audio,agc); audio_stream_enable_noise_gate(audio,use_ng); audio_stream_set_echo_canceller_params(audio,ec_len_ms,ec_delay_ms,ec_framesize); printf("Starting audio stream.\n"); audio_stream_start_full(audio,profile,remote_ip,remoteport,remoteport+1, payload, jitter,infile,outfile, outfile==NULL ? play : NULL ,infile==NULL ? capt : NULL,infile!=NULL ? FALSE: ec); if (audio) { if (use_ng && ng_threshold!=-1) ms_filter_call_method(audio->volsend,MS_VOLUME_SET_NOISE_GATE_THRESHOLD,&ng_threshold); session=audio->session; } }else{ #ifdef VIDEO_ENABLED if (eq){ ms_fatal("Cannot put an audio equalizer in a video stream !"); exit(-1); } printf("Starting video stream.\n"); video=video_stream_new(localport, ms_is_ipv6(remote_ip)); video_stream_set_sent_video_size(video,vs); video_stream_use_preview_video_window(video,two_windows); video_stream_start(video,profile, remote_ip, remoteport,remoteport+1, payload, jitter, ms_web_cam_manager_get_default_cam(ms_web_cam_manager_get())); session=video->session; #else printf("Error: video support not compiled.\n"); #endif } if (eq || ec){ /*read from stdin interactive commands */ char commands[128]; commands[127]='\0'; ms_sleep(1); /* ensure following text be printed after ortp messages */ if (eq) printf("\nPlease enter equalizer requests, such as 'eq active 1', 'eq active 0', 'eq 1200 0.1 200'\n"); if (ec) printf("\nPlease enter echo canceller requests: ec reset; ec <delay ms> <tail_length ms'\n"); while(fgets(commands,sizeof(commands)-1,stdin)!=NULL){ int active,freq,freq_width; int delay_ms, tail_ms; float gain; if (sscanf(commands,"eq active %i",&active)==1){ audio_stream_enable_equalizer(audio,active); printf("OK\n"); }else if (sscanf(commands,"eq %i %f %i",&freq,&gain,&freq_width)==3){ audio_stream_equalizer_set_gain(audio,freq,gain,freq_width); printf("OK\n"); }else if (sscanf(commands,"eq %i %f",&freq,&gain)==2){ audio_stream_equalizer_set_gain(audio,freq,gain,0); printf("OK\n"); }else if (strstr(commands,"dump")){ int n=0,i; float *t; ms_filter_call_method(audio->equalizer,MS_EQUALIZER_GET_NUM_FREQUENCIES,&n); t=(float*)alloca(sizeof(float)*n); ms_filter_call_method(audio->equalizer,MS_EQUALIZER_DUMP_STATE,t); for(i=0;i<n;++i){ if (fabs(t[i]-1)>0.01){ printf("%i:%f:0 ",(i*pt->clock_rate)/(2*n),t[i]); } } printf("\nOK\n"); }else if (sscanf(commands,"ec reset %i",&active)==1){ //audio_stream_enable_equalizer(audio,active); //printf("OK\n"); }else if (sscanf(commands,"ec active %i",&active)==1){ //audio_stream_enable_equalizer(audio,active); //printf("OK\n"); }else if (sscanf(commands,"ec %i %i",&delay_ms,&tail_ms)==2){ audio_stream_set_echo_canceller_params(audio,tail_ms,delay_ms,128); // revisit: workaround with old method call to force echo reset delay_ms*=8; ms_filter_call_method(audio->ec,MS_FILTER_SET_PLAYBACKDELAY,&delay_ms); printf("OK\n"); }else if (strstr(commands,"quit")){ break; }else printf("Cannot understand this.\n"); } }else{ /* no interactive stuff - continuous debug output */ rtp_session_register_event_queue(session,q); while(cond) { int n; for(n=0;n<100;++n){ #ifdef WIN32 MSG msg; Sleep(10); while (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0,1)){ TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } #else struct timespec ts; ts.tv_sec=0; ts.tv_nsec=10000000; nanosleep(&ts,NULL); #endif #if defined(VIDEO_ENABLED) if (video) video_stream_iterate(video); #endif } ortp_global_stats_display(); if (session){ printf("Bandwidth usage: download=%f kbits/sec, upload=%f kbits/sec\n", rtp_session_compute_recv_bandwidth(session)*1e-3, rtp_session_compute_send_bandwidth(session)*1e-3); parse_events(q); } } } printf("stopping all...\n"); if (audio) audio_stream_stop(audio); #ifdef VIDEO_ENABLED if (video) video_stream_stop(video); #endif ortp_ev_queue_destroy(q); rtp_profile_destroy(profile); }
void run_media_streams(int localport, const char *remote_ip, int remoteport, int payload, const char *fmtp, int jitter, bool_t ec, int bitrate) { AudioStream *audio=NULL; #ifdef VIDEO_ENABLED VideoStream *video=NULL; #endif RtpSession *session=NULL; PayloadType *pt; RtpProfile *profile=rtp_profile_clone_full(&av_profile); OrtpEvQueue *q=ortp_ev_queue_new(); ms_init(); signal(SIGINT,stop_handler); pt=rtp_profile_get_payload(profile,payload); if (pt==NULL) { printf("Error: no payload defined with number %i.",payload); exit(-1); } if (fmtp!=NULL) payload_type_set_send_fmtp(pt,fmtp); if (bitrate>0) pt->normal_bitrate=bitrate; if (pt->type!=PAYLOAD_VIDEO) { printf("Starting audio stream.\n"); audio=audio_stream_start(profile,localport,remote_ip,remoteport,payload,jitter, ec); if (audio) session=audio->session; } else { #ifdef VIDEO_ENABLED printf("Starting video stream.\n"); video=video_stream_new(localport, ms_is_ipv6(remote_ip)); video_stream_start(video,profile, remote_ip, remoteport, payload, jitter, "/dev/video0"); session=video->session; #else printf("Error: video support not compiled.\n"); #endif } rtp_session_register_event_queue(session,q); while(cond) { /* sleep until we receive SIGINT */ #ifdef WIN32 int n; MSG msg; for(n=0; n<100; ++n) { Sleep(10); while (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0,1)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } } #else sleep(1); #endif ortp_global_stats_display(); if (session) { printf("Bandwidth usage: download=%f kbits/sec, upload=%f kbits/sec\n", rtp_session_compute_recv_bandwidth(session)*1e-3, rtp_session_compute_send_bandwidth(session)*1e-3); parse_events(q); } } printf("stoping all...\n"); if (audio) audio_stream_stop(audio); #ifdef VIDEO_ENABLED if (video) video_stream_stop(video); #endif ortp_ev_queue_destroy(q); rtp_profile_destroy(profile); }
/* * This small program starts a video stream to either * - read an H264 video track from mkv file and stream it out with RTP to specified destination * - receive H264 RTP packets on a local port and record them into an mkv file */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ const char *command; const char *file; const char *ip; int port; VideoStream *stream; RtpProfile *profile; PayloadType *pt; Mode mode = INVALID_MODE; int local_port = 7778; MSFactory *factory ; MSMediaStreamIO io = MS_MEDIA_STREAM_IO_INITIALIZER; int err; /*parse command line arguments*/ if (argc<4) usage(argv[0]); command = argv[1]; if (strcasecmp(command,"play")==0) mode = PLAY_MODE; else if (strcasecmp(command, "record")==0) mode = RECORD_MODE; else usage(argv[0]); file = argv[2]; if (mode == PLAY_MODE){ ip = argv[3]; if (argc<5) usage(argv[0]); port = atoi(argv[4]); }else{ local_port = atoi(argv[3]); ip = ""; port = 9990; /*dummy destination address, we won't send anything here anyway*/ } /*set a signal handler to interrupt the program cleanly*/ signal(SIGINT,stop_handler); /*initialize mediastreamer2*/ factory = ms_factory_new_with_voip(); /*create the video stream */ stream = video_stream_new(factory, local_port, local_port+1, FALSE); /*define its local input and outputs with the MSMediaStreamIO structure*/ if (mode == PLAY_MODE){ io.input.type = MSResourceFile; io.input.file = file; /*the file we want to stream out via rtp*/ io.output.type = MSResourceFile; io.output.file = NULL; /*we don't set a record file in PLAY_MODE, we just want the received video stream to be ignored, if something is received*/ }else{ io.input.type = MSResourceFile; io.input.file = NULL; /*We don't want to send anything via RTP in RECORD_MODE*/ io.output.type = MSResourceFile; io.output.file = file; /*The file to which we want to record the received video stream*/ } /*define the RTP profile to use: in this case we just want to use H264 codec*/ profile = rtp_profile_new("My RTP profile"); pt = payload_type_clone(&payload_type_h264); rtp_profile_set_payload(profile, payload_type_number, pt); /*we assign H264 to payload type number payload_type_number*/ media_stream_set_target_network_bitrate(&stream->ms, 500000); /*set a target IP bitrate in bits/second */ /*By default, the VideoStream will show up a display window where the received video is played, with a local preview as well. * If you don't need this, assign (void*)-1 as window id, which explicitely disable the display feature.*/ /*video_stream_set_native_window_id(stream, (void*)-1);*/ /*start the video stream, given the RtpProfile and "io" definition */ err = video_stream_start_from_io(stream, profile, ip, port, ip, port+1, payload_type_number, &io); if (err !=0 ){ fprintf(stderr,"Could not start video stream."); goto end; } /*Register an event handler on the player to be notified of end of file*/ ms_filter_add_notify_callback(stream->source, on_end_of_play, NULL, FALSE); /*program's main loop*/ while (active){ /*handle video stream background activity. This is non blocking*/ video_stream_iterate(stream); /*process event callbacks*/ ms_event_queue_pump(ms_factory_get_event_queue(factory)); ms_usleep(50000); /*pause 50ms to avoid busy loop*/ } end: /*stop and destroy the video stream object*/ if (stream) video_stream_stop(stream); /*free the RTP profile and payload type inside*/ if (profile) rtp_profile_destroy(profile); ms_factory_destroy(factory); return err; }
static void destroy_video_stream(video_stream_tester_t *vst) { video_stream_stop(vst->vs); ortp_ev_queue_destroy(vst->stats.q); }