Example #1
VikTrack *vik_track_unmarshall (guint8 *data, guint datalen)
  guint len;
  VikTrack *new_tr = vik_track_new();
  VikTrackpoint *new_tp;
  guint ntp;
  gint i;

  /* only the visibility is needed */
  new_tr->visible = ((VikTrack *)data)->visible;
  data += sizeof(*new_tr);

  ntp = *(guint *)data;
  data += sizeof(ntp);

  for (i=0; i<ntp; i++) {
    new_tp = vik_trackpoint_new();
    memcpy(new_tp, data, sizeof(*new_tp));
    data += sizeof(*new_tp);
    new_tr->trackpoints = g_list_append(new_tr->trackpoints, new_tp);

  len = *(guint *)data;
  data += sizeof(len);
  if (len) {
    new_tr->comment = g_strdup((gchar *)data);
  return new_tr;
Example #2
VikTrack *vik_track_copy ( const VikTrack *tr )
  VikTrack *new_tr = vik_track_new();
  VikTrackpoint *new_tp;
  GList *tp_iter = tr->trackpoints;
  new_tr->visible = tr->visible;
  new_tr->trackpoints = NULL;
  while ( tp_iter )
    new_tp = g_malloc ( sizeof ( VikTrackpoint ) );
    *new_tp = *((VikTrackpoint *)(tp_iter->data));
    new_tr->trackpoints = g_list_append ( new_tr->trackpoints, new_tp );
    tp_iter = tp_iter->next;
  return new_tr;
Example #3
static void gpx_start(VikTrwLayer *vtl, const char *el, const char **attr)
  static const gchar *tmp;

  g_string_append_c ( xpath, '/' );
  g_string_append ( xpath, el );
  current_tag = get_tag ( xpath->str );

  switch ( current_tag ) {

     case tt_gpx:
       c_md = vik_trw_metadata_new();

     case tt_wpt:
       if ( set_c_ll( attr ) ) {
         c_wp = vik_waypoint_new ();
         c_wp->visible = TRUE;
         if ( get_attr ( attr, "hidden" ) )
           c_wp->visible = FALSE;

         vik_coord_load_from_latlon ( &(c_wp->coord), vik_trw_layer_get_coord_mode ( vtl ), &c_ll );

     case tt_trk:
     case tt_rte:
       c_tr = vik_track_new ();
       vik_track_set_defaults ( c_tr );
       c_tr->is_route = (current_tag == tt_rte) ? TRUE : FALSE;
       c_tr->visible = TRUE;
       if ( get_attr ( attr, "hidden" ) )
         c_tr->visible = FALSE;

     case tt_trk_trkseg:
       f_tr_newseg = TRUE;

     case tt_trk_trkseg_trkpt:
       if ( set_c_ll( attr ) ) {
         c_tp = vik_trackpoint_new ();
         vik_coord_load_from_latlon ( &(c_tp->coord), vik_trw_layer_get_coord_mode ( vtl ), &c_ll );
         if ( f_tr_newseg ) {
           c_tp->newsegment = TRUE;
           f_tr_newseg = FALSE;
         c_tr->trackpoints = g_list_append ( c_tr->trackpoints, c_tp );

     case tt_gpx_name:
     case tt_gpx_author:
     case tt_gpx_desc:
     case tt_gpx_keywords:
     case tt_gpx_time:
     case tt_trk_trkseg_trkpt_name:
     case tt_trk_trkseg_trkpt_ele:
     case tt_trk_trkseg_trkpt_time:
     case tt_wpt_cmt:
     case tt_wpt_desc:
     case tt_wpt_name:
     case tt_wpt_ele:
     case tt_wpt_time:
     case tt_wpt_url:
     case tt_wpt_link:
     case tt_trk_cmt:
     case tt_trk_desc:
     case tt_trk_name:
       g_string_erase ( c_cdata, 0, -1 ); /* clear the cdata buffer */

     case tt_waypoint:
       c_wp = vik_waypoint_new ();
       c_wp->visible = TRUE;

     case tt_waypoint_coord:
       if ( set_c_ll( attr ) )
         vik_coord_load_from_latlon ( &(c_wp->coord), vik_trw_layer_get_coord_mode ( vtl ), &c_ll );

     case tt_waypoint_name:
       if ( ( tmp = get_attr(attr, "id") ) ) {
         if ( c_wp_name )
           g_free ( c_wp_name );
         c_wp_name = g_strdup ( tmp );
       g_string_erase ( c_cdata, 0, -1 ); /* clear the cdata buffer for description */
     default: break;
Example #4
void a_gpspoint_read_file(VikTrwLayer *trw, FILE *f ) {
    VikCoordMode coord_mode = vik_trw_layer_get_coord_mode ( trw );
    gchar *tag_start, *tag_end;
    g_assert ( f != NULL && trw != NULL );
    line_type = 0;
    line_timestamp = 0;
    line_newsegment = FALSE;
    line_image = NULL;
    line_symbol = NULL;

    current_track = NULL;
    while (fgets(line_buffer, 2048, f))
        gboolean inside_quote = 0;
        gboolean backslash = 0;

        line_buffer[strlen(line_buffer)-1] = '\0'; /* chop off newline */

        /* for gpspoint files wrapped inside */
        if ( strlen(line_buffer) >= 13 && strncmp ( line_buffer, "~EndLayerData", 13 ) == 0 )

        /* each line: nullify stuff, make thing if nes, free name if ness */
        tag_start = line_buffer;
        for (;;)
            /* my addition: find first non-whitespace character. if the null, skip line. */
            while (*tag_start != '\0' && isspace(*tag_start))
            if (tag_start == '\0')

            if (*tag_start == '#')

            tag_end = tag_start;
            if (*tag_end == '"')
                inside_quote = !inside_quote;
            while (*tag_end != '\0' && (!isspace(*tag_end) || inside_quote)) {
                if (*tag_end == '\\' && !backslash)
                    backslash = TRUE;
                else if (backslash)
                    backslash = FALSE;
                else if (*tag_end == '"')
                    inside_quote = !inside_quote;

            gpspoint_process_tag ( tag_start, tag_end - tag_start );

            if (*tag_end == '\0' )
                tag_start = tag_end+1;
        if (line_type == GPSPOINT_TYPE_WAYPOINT && line_name)
            VikWaypoint *wp = vik_waypoint_new();
            wp->visible = line_visible;
            wp->altitude = line_altitude;

            vik_coord_load_from_latlon ( &(wp->coord), coord_mode, &line_latlon );

            vik_trw_layer_filein_add_waypoint ( trw, line_name, wp );
            g_free ( line_name );
            line_name = NULL;

            if ( line_comment )
                vik_waypoint_set_comment ( wp, line_comment );
                line_comment = NULL;

            if ( line_image )
                vik_waypoint_set_image ( wp, line_image );
                line_image = NULL;

            if ( line_symbol )
                vik_waypoint_set_symbol ( wp, line_symbol );
                line_symbol = NULL;
        else if (line_type == GPSPOINT_TYPE_TRACK && line_name)
            VikTrack *pl = vik_track_new();

            /* Thanks to Peter Jones for this Fix */
            if (!line_name) line_name = g_strdup("UNK");

            pl->visible = line_visible;

            if ( line_comment )
                vik_track_set_comment ( pl, line_comment );
                line_comment = NULL;

            pl->trackpoints = NULL;
            vik_trw_layer_filein_add_track ( trw, line_name, pl );
            g_free ( line_name );
            line_name = NULL;

            current_track = pl;
        else if (line_type == GPSPOINT_TYPE_TRACKPOINT && current_track)
            VikTrackpoint *tp = vik_trackpoint_new();
            vik_coord_load_from_latlon ( &(tp->coord), coord_mode, &line_latlon );
            tp->newsegment = line_newsegment;
            tp->has_timestamp = line_has_timestamp;
            tp->timestamp = line_timestamp;
            tp->altitude = line_altitude;
            if (line_extended) {
                tp->extended = TRUE;
                tp->speed = line_speed;
                tp->course = line_course;
                tp->nsats = line_sat;
                tp->fix_mode = line_fix;
            else {
                tp->extended = FALSE;
            current_track->trackpoints = g_list_append ( current_track->trackpoints, tp );

        if (line_name)
            g_free ( line_name );
        line_name = NULL;
        if (line_comment)
            g_free ( line_comment );
        if (line_image)
            g_free ( line_image );
        if (line_symbol)
            g_free ( line_symbol );
        line_comment = NULL;
        line_image = NULL;
        line_symbol = NULL;
        line_type = GPSPOINT_TYPE_NONE;
        line_newsegment = FALSE;
        line_has_timestamp = FALSE;
        line_timestamp = 0;
        line_altitude = VIK_DEFAULT_ALTITUDE;
        line_visible = TRUE;
        line_symbol = NULL;

        line_extended = FALSE;
        line_speed = NAN;
        line_course = NAN;
        line_sat = 0;
        line_fix = 0;
Example #5
 * Returns whether file read was a success
 * No obvious way to test for a 'gpspoint' file,
 *  thus set a flag if any actual tag found during processing of the file
gboolean a_gpspoint_read_file(VikTrwLayer *trw, FILE *f, const gchar *dirpath ) {
  VikCoordMode coord_mode = vik_trw_layer_get_coord_mode ( trw );
  gchar *tag_start, *tag_end;
  g_assert ( f != NULL && trw != NULL );
  line_type = 0;
  line_timestamp = 0;
  line_newsegment = FALSE;
  line_image = NULL;
  line_symbol = NULL;
  current_track = NULL;
  gboolean have_read_something = FALSE;

  while (fgets(line_buffer, VIKING_LINE_SIZE, f))
    gboolean inside_quote = 0;
    gboolean backslash = 0;

    line_buffer[strlen(line_buffer)-1] = '\0'; /* chop off newline */

    /* for gpspoint files wrapped inside */
    if ( strlen(line_buffer) >= 13 && strncmp ( line_buffer, "~EndLayerData", 13 ) == 0 ) {
      // Even just a blank TRW is ok when in a .vik file
      have_read_something = TRUE;

    /* each line: nullify stuff, make thing if nes, free name if ness */
    tag_start = line_buffer;
    for (;;)
      /* my addition: find first non-whitespace character. if the null, skip line. */
      while (*tag_start != '\0' && isspace(*tag_start))
      if (*tag_start == '\0')

      if (*tag_start == '#')

      tag_end = tag_start;
        if (*tag_end == '"')
          inside_quote = !inside_quote;
      while (*tag_end != '\0' && (!isspace(*tag_end) || inside_quote)) {
        if (*tag_end == '\\' && !backslash)
          backslash = TRUE;
        else if (backslash)
          backslash = FALSE;
        else if (*tag_end == '"')
          inside_quote = !inside_quote;

      // Won't have super massively long strings, so potential truncation in cast is acceptable.
      guint len = (guint)(tag_end - tag_start);
      gpspoint_process_tag ( tag_start, len );

      if (*tag_end == '\0' )
        tag_start = tag_end+1;
    if (line_type == GPSPOINT_TYPE_WAYPOINT && line_name)
      have_read_something = TRUE;
      VikWaypoint *wp = vik_waypoint_new();
      wp->visible = line_visible;
      wp->altitude = line_altitude;
      wp->has_timestamp = line_has_timestamp;
      wp->timestamp = line_timestamp;

      vik_coord_load_from_latlon ( &(wp->coord), coord_mode, &line_latlon );

      vik_trw_layer_filein_add_waypoint ( trw, line_name, wp );
      g_free ( line_name );
      line_name = NULL;

      if ( line_comment )
        vik_waypoint_set_comment ( wp, line_comment );

      if ( line_description )
        vik_waypoint_set_description ( wp, line_description );

      if ( line_source )
        vik_waypoint_set_source ( wp, line_source );

      if ( line_xtype )
        vik_waypoint_set_type ( wp, line_xtype );

      if ( line_image ) {
        // Ensure the filename is absolute
        if ( g_path_is_absolute ( line_image ) )
          vik_waypoint_set_image ( wp, line_image );
        else {
          // Otherwise create the absolute filename from the directory of the .vik file & and the relative filename
          gchar *full = g_strconcat(dirpath, G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, line_image, NULL);
          gchar *absolute = file_realpath_dup ( full ); // resolved into the canonical name
          vik_waypoint_set_image ( wp, absolute );
          g_free ( absolute );
          g_free ( full );

      if ( line_symbol )
        vik_waypoint_set_symbol ( wp, line_symbol );
    else if ((line_type == GPSPOINT_TYPE_TRACK || line_type == GPSPOINT_TYPE_ROUTE) && line_name)
      have_read_something = TRUE;
      VikTrack *pl = vik_track_new();
      // NB don't set defaults here as all properties are stored in the GPS_POINT format
      //vik_track_set_defaults ( pl );

      /* Thanks to Peter Jones for this Fix */
      if (!line_name) line_name = g_strdup("UNK");

      pl->visible = line_visible;
      pl->is_route = (line_type == GPSPOINT_TYPE_ROUTE);

      if ( line_comment )
        vik_track_set_comment ( pl, line_comment );

      if ( line_description )
        vik_track_set_description ( pl, line_description );

      if ( line_source )
        vik_track_set_source ( pl, line_source );

      if ( line_xtype )
        vik_track_set_type ( pl, line_xtype );

      if ( line_color )
        if ( gdk_color_parse ( line_color, &(pl->color) ) )
        pl->has_color = TRUE;

      pl->draw_name_mode = line_name_label;
      pl->max_number_dist_labels = line_dist_label;

      pl->trackpoints = NULL;
      vik_trw_layer_filein_add_track ( trw, line_name, pl );
      g_free ( line_name );
      line_name = NULL;

      current_track = pl;
    else if ((line_type == GPSPOINT_TYPE_TRACKPOINT || line_type == GPSPOINT_TYPE_ROUTEPOINT) && current_track)
      have_read_something = TRUE;
      VikTrackpoint *tp = vik_trackpoint_new();
      vik_coord_load_from_latlon ( &(tp->coord), coord_mode, &line_latlon );
      tp->newsegment = line_newsegment;
      tp->has_timestamp = line_has_timestamp;
      tp->timestamp = line_timestamp;
      tp->altitude = line_altitude;
      vik_trackpoint_set_name ( tp, line_name );
      if (line_extended) {
        tp->speed = line_speed;
        tp->course = line_course;
        tp->nsats = line_sat;
        tp->fix_mode = line_fix;
        tp->hdop = line_hdop;
        tp->vdop = line_vdop;
        tp->pdop = line_pdop;
      current_track->trackpoints = g_list_append ( current_track->trackpoints, tp );

    if (line_name) 
      g_free ( line_name );
    line_name = NULL;
    if (line_comment)
      g_free ( line_comment );
    if (line_description)
      g_free ( line_description );
    if (line_source)
      g_free ( line_source );
    if (line_xtype)
      g_free ( line_xtype );
    if (line_color)
      g_free ( line_color );
    if (line_image)
      g_free ( line_image );
    if (line_symbol)
      g_free ( line_symbol );
    line_comment = NULL;
    line_description = NULL;
    line_source = NULL;
    line_xtype = NULL;
    line_color = NULL;
    line_image = NULL;
    line_symbol = NULL;
    line_type = GPSPOINT_TYPE_NONE;
    line_newsegment = FALSE;
    line_has_timestamp = FALSE;
    line_timestamp = 0;
    line_altitude = VIK_DEFAULT_ALTITUDE;
    line_visible = TRUE;
    line_symbol = NULL;

    line_extended = FALSE;
    line_speed = NAN;
    line_course = NAN;
    line_sat = 0;
    line_fix = 0;
    line_hdop = VIK_DEFAULT_DOP;
    line_vdop = VIK_DEFAULT_DOP;
    line_pdop = VIK_DEFAULT_DOP;
    line_name_label = 0;
    line_dist_label = 0;

  return have_read_something;