Psp2Ui::Psp2Ui(int width, int height) : BaseUi() { starttick = sceKernelGetProcessTimeWide() / 1000; frame = 0; zoom_state = 0; trigger_state = false; vita2d_init(); vita2d_texture_set_alloc_memblock_type(SCE_KERNEL_MEMBLOCK_TYPE_USER_RW); current_display_mode.width = width; current_display_mode.height = height; current_display_mode.bpp = 32; const DynamicFormat format( 32, 0x000000FF, 0x0000FF00, 0x00FF0000, 0xFF000000, PF::Alpha); main_texture = vita2d_create_empty_texture_format( width, height, SCE_GXM_TEXTURE_FORMAT_A8B8G8R8); Bitmap::SetFormat(Bitmap::ChooseFormat(format)); main_surface = Bitmap::Create(vita2d_texture_get_datap(main_texture),width, height, vita2d_texture_get_stride(main_texture), format); #ifdef SUPPORT_AUDIO audio_.reset(new Psp2Audio()); #endif scePowerSetArmClockFrequency(444); sceCtrlSetSamplingMode(SCE_CTRL_MODE_ANALOG); }
int run_emu(const char *path) { SceCtrlData pad; unsigned int joypad1, joypad2; setup_audio(); emu->set_sample_rate(44100); emu->set_equalizer(Nes_Emu::nes_eq); emu->set_palette_range(0); vita2d_texture *tex = vita2d_create_empty_texture(Nes_Emu::image_width, Nes_Emu::image_height); void *tex_data = vita2d_texture_get_datap(tex); static uint32_t video_buffer[Nes_Emu::image_width * Nes_Emu::image_height]; emu->set_pixels(video_buffer, Nes_Emu::image_width); Auto_File_Reader freader(path); emu->load_ines(freader); int scale = 2; int pos_x = SCREEN_W/2 - (Nes_Emu::image_width/2)*scale; int pos_y = SCREEN_H/2 - (Nes_Emu::image_height/2)*scale; while (1) { sceCtrlPeekBufferPositive(0, &pad, 1); if ((pad.buttons & CHANGE_GAME_MASK) == CHANGE_GAME_MASK) break; joypad1 = joypad2 = update_input(&pad); emu->emulate_frame(joypad1, joypad2); const Nes_Emu::frame_t &frame = emu->frame(); const uint8_t *in_pixels = frame.pixels; uint32_t *out_pixels = (uint32_t *)tex_data; for (unsigned h = 0; h < Nes_Emu::image_height; h++, in_pixels += frame.pitch, out_pixels += Nes_Emu::image_width) { for (unsigned w = 0; w < Nes_Emu::image_width; w++) { unsigned col = frame.palette[in_pixels[w]]; const Nes_Emu::rgb_t& rgb = emu->nes_colors[col]; unsigned r =; unsigned g =; unsigned b =; out_pixels[w] = 0xFF000000 | (r << 0) | (g << 8) | (b << 16); } } vita2d_start_drawing(); vita2d_clear_screen(); vita2d_draw_texture_scale(tex, pos_x, pos_y, scale, scale); show_fps(); vita2d_end_drawing(); vita2d_swap_buffers(); } return 0; }
void VID_Init (unsigned char *palette) { // Configurating vita2d environment vita2d_set_vblank_wait(0); tex_buffer = vita2d_create_empty_texture_format(widths[3], heights[3], SCE_GXM_TEXTURE_BASE_FORMAT_P8); vid.maxwarpwidth = vid.width = vid.conwidth = widths[3]; vid.maxwarpheight = vid.height = vid.conheight = heights[3]; vid.rowbytes = vid.conrowbytes = widths[3]; vid.aspect = ((float)vid.height / (float)vid.width) * (320.0 / 240.0); vid.numpages = 2; vid.colormap = host_colormap; vid.fullbright = 256 - LittleLong (*((int *)vid.colormap + 2048)); vid.buffer = vid.conbuffer = = vita2d_texture_get_datap(tex_buffer); // Set correct palette for the texture VID_SetPalette(palette); // Init Quake Cache d_pzbuffer = zbuffer; surfcache = malloc(SURFCACHE_SIZE); D_InitCaches (surfcache, SURFCACHE_SIZE); sprintf(res_string,"Current Resolution: %ld x %ld", widths[3], heights[3]); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&res_val); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&vid_vsync); }
static uintptr_t vita_load_texture(void *video_data, void *data, bool threaded, enum texture_filter_type filter_type) { unsigned int stride, pitch, j; uint32_t *tex32 = NULL; const uint32_t *frame32 = NULL; struct texture_image *image = (struct texture_image*)data; struct vita2d_texture *texture = vita2d_create_empty_texture_format(image->width, image->height,SCE_GXM_TEXTURE_FORMAT_U8U8U8U8_ARGB); if (!texture) return 0; if ((filter_type == TEXTURE_FILTER_MIPMAP_LINEAR) || (filter_type == TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR)) vita2d_texture_set_filters(texture, SCE_GXM_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR, SCE_GXM_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR); stride = vita2d_texture_get_stride(texture); stride /= 4; tex32 = vita2d_texture_get_datap(texture); frame32 = image->pixels; pitch = image->width; for (j = 0; j < image->height; j++) memcpy_neon( &tex32[j*stride], &frame32[j*pitch], pitch * sizeof(uint32_t)); return (uintptr_t)texture; }
void VID_ChangeRes(float scale){ // Freeing texture vita2d_free_texture(tex_buffer); int idx = (scale / 0.333); // Changing renderer resolution int width = widths[idx]; int height = heights[idx]; tex_buffer = vita2d_create_empty_texture_format(width, height, SCE_GXM_TEXTURE_BASE_FORMAT_P8); vid.maxwarpwidth = vid.width = vid.conwidth = width; vid.maxwarpheight = vid.height = vid.conheight = height; vid.rowbytes = vid.conrowbytes = width; vid.buffer = vid.conbuffer = = vita2d_texture_get_datap(tex_buffer); sprintf(res_string,"Current Resolution: %ld x %ld", widths[idx], heights[idx]); // Forcing a palette restoration fixpalette = v_gamma.value; Cvar_SetValue ("v_gamma", 0.1); // Changing scale value rend_scale = scales[idx]; }
int texture_atlas_insert(texture_atlas *atlas, unsigned int character, const void *image, int width, int height, int bitmap_left, int bitmap_top, int advance_x, int advance_y, int glyph_size) { bp2d_size size; size.w = width; size.h = height; bp2d_position pos; if (bp2d_insert(atlas->bp_root, &size, &pos) == 0) return 0; atlas_htab_entry *entry = malloc(sizeof(*entry)); entry->rect.x = pos.x; entry->rect.y = pos.y; entry->rect.w = width; entry->rect.h = height; entry->bitmap_left = bitmap_left; entry->bitmap_top = bitmap_top; entry->advance_x = advance_x; entry->advance_y = advance_y; entry->glyph_size = glyph_size; int_htab_insert(atlas->htab, character, entry); void *tex_data = vita2d_texture_get_datap(atlas->tex); unsigned int tex_width = vita2d_texture_get_width(atlas->tex); int i; for (i = 0; i < height; i++) { memcpy(tex_data + (pos.x + (pos.y + i)*tex_width), image + i*width, width); } return 1; }
static bool vita_get_current_sw_framebuffer(void *data, struct retro_framebuffer *framebuffer) { vita_video_t *vita = (vita_video_t*)data; if (!vita->texture || vita->width != framebuffer->width || vita->height != framebuffer->height) { if(vita->texture) { vita2d_wait_rendering_done(); vita2d_free_texture(vita->texture); vita->texture = NULL; } vita->width = framebuffer->width; vita->height = framebuffer->height; vita->texture = vita2d_create_empty_texture_format( vita->width, vita->height, vita->format); vita2d_texture_set_filters(vita->texture, vita->tex_filter,vita->tex_filter); } framebuffer->data = vita2d_texture_get_datap(vita->texture); framebuffer->pitch = vita2d_texture_get_stride(vita->texture); framebuffer->format = vita->rgb32 ? RETRO_PIXEL_FORMAT_XRGB8888 : RETRO_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB565; framebuffer->memory_flags = 0; return true; }
static int atlas_add_glyph_pgf(vita2d_pgf *font, unsigned int character) { SceFontCharInfo char_info; if (sceFontGetCharInfo(font->font_handle, character, &char_info) < 0) return 0; int pos_x; int pos_y; if (!texture_atlas_insert(font->tex_atlas, character, char_info.bitmapWidth, char_info.bitmapHeight, char_info.bitmapLeft, char_info.bitmapTop, char_info.sfp26AdvanceH, char_info.sfp26AdvanceV, 0, &pos_x, &pos_y)) return 0; vita2d_texture *tex = font->tex_atlas->tex; SceFontGlyphImage glyph_image; glyph_image.pixelFormat = SCE_FONT_PIXELFORMAT_8; glyph_image.xPos64 = pos_x << 6; glyph_image.yPos64 = pos_y << 6; glyph_image.bufWidth = vita2d_texture_get_width(tex); glyph_image.bufHeight = vita2d_texture_get_height(tex); glyph_image.bytesPerLine = vita2d_texture_get_stride(tex); glyph_image.pad = 0; glyph_image.bufferPtr = (unsigned int)vita2d_texture_get_datap(tex); return sceFontGetCharGlyphImage(font->font_handle, character, &glyph_image) == 0; }
static void vita_set_texture_frame(void *data, const void *frame, bool rgb32, unsigned width, unsigned height, float alpha) { int i, j; void *tex_p; unsigned int stride; vita_video_t *vita = (vita_video_t*)data; (void)alpha; if (width != vita->menu.width && height != vita->menu.height && vita->menu.texture) { vita2d_free_texture(vita->menu.texture); vita->menu.texture = NULL; } if (!vita->menu.texture) { if (rgb32) { vita->menu.texture = vita2d_create_empty_texture(width, height); RARCH_LOG("Creating Frame RGBA8 texture: w: %i h: %i\n", width, height); } else { vita->menu.texture = vita2d_create_empty_texture_format(width, height, SCE_GXM_TEXTURE_FORMAT_U4U4U4U4_RGBA); RARCH_LOG("Creating Frame R5G6B5 texture: w: %i h: %i\n", width, height); } vita->menu.width = width; vita->menu.height = height; } vita2d_texture_set_filters(vita->menu.texture,SCE_GXM_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR,SCE_GXM_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR); tex_p = vita2d_texture_get_datap(vita->menu.texture); stride = vita2d_texture_get_stride(vita->menu.texture); if (rgb32) { uint32_t *tex32 = tex_p; const uint32_t *frame32 = frame; stride /= 4; for (i = 0; i < height; i++) for (j = 0; j < width; j++) tex32[j + i*stride] = frame32[j + i*width]; } else { uint16_t *tex16 = tex_p; const uint16_t *frame16 = frame; stride /= 2; for (i = 0; i < height; i++) for (j = 0; j < width; j++) tex16[j + i*stride] = frame16[j + i*width]; } }
Psp2Ui::Psp2Ui(int width, int height) : BaseUi() { starttick = sceKernelGetProcessTimeWide() / 1000; frame = 0; zoom_state = 0; in_use_shader = 0; touch_x_start = -1; trigger_state = false; set_shader = true; vita2d_init(); vita2d_set_vblank_wait(0); shaders[0] = vita2d_create_shader((SceGxmProgram*) opaque_v, (SceGxmProgram*) texture_f); shaders[1] = vita2d_create_shader((SceGxmProgram*) sharp_bilinear_v, (SceGxmProgram*) sharp_bilinear_f); shaders[2] = vita2d_create_shader((SceGxmProgram*) lcd3x_v, (SceGxmProgram*) lcd3x_f); shaders[3] = vita2d_create_shader((SceGxmProgram*) xbr_2x_fast_v, (SceGxmProgram*) xbr_2x_fast_f); gpu_texture = vita2d_create_empty_texture_format( width, height, SCE_GXM_TEXTURE_FORMAT_A8B8G8R8); vita2d_texture_set_alloc_memblock_type(SCE_KERNEL_MEMBLOCK_TYPE_USER_RW); current_display_mode.width = width; current_display_mode.height = height; current_display_mode.bpp = 32; const DynamicFormat format( 32, 0x000000FF, 0x0000FF00, 0x00FF0000, 0xFF000000, PF::Alpha); main_texture = vita2d_create_empty_texture_format( width, height, SCE_GXM_TEXTURE_FORMAT_A8B8G8R8); next_texture = vita2d_create_empty_texture_format( width, height, SCE_GXM_TEXTURE_FORMAT_A8B8G8R8); Bitmap::SetFormat(Bitmap::ChooseFormat(format)); main_surface = Bitmap::Create(vita2d_texture_get_datap(main_texture),width, height, vita2d_texture_get_stride(main_texture), format); #ifdef SUPPORT_AUDIO audio_.reset(new Psp2Audio()); #endif scePowerSetArmClockFrequency(444); scePowerSetBusClockFrequency(222); scePowerSetGpuClockFrequency(222); scePowerSetGpuXbarClockFrequency(222); sceCtrlSetSamplingMode(SCE_CTRL_MODE_ANALOG); sceTouchSetSamplingState(SCE_TOUCH_PORT_FRONT, SCE_TOUCH_SAMPLING_STATE_START); GPU_Mutex = sceKernelCreateSema("GPU Mutex", 0, 1, 1, NULL); GPU_Cleanup_Mutex = sceKernelCreateSema("GPU Cleanup Mutex", 0, 1, 1, NULL); GPU_Thread = sceKernelCreateThread("GPU Thread", &renderThread, 0x10000100, 0x10000, 0, 0, NULL); sceKernelStartThread(GPU_Thread, sizeof(GPU_Thread), &GPU_Thread); }
void video_Init(){ vita2d_init(); vita2d_set_vblank_wait(0); vita2d_set_clear_color(RGBA8(0, 0, 0, 0xFF)); fb = vita2d_create_empty_texture_format(256, 192*2, SCE_GXM_TEXTURE_FORMAT_U1U5U5U5_ABGR); data = vita2d_texture_get_datap(fb); }
static int renderThread(unsigned int args, void* arg){ for (;;){ sceKernelWaitSema(GPU_Mutex, 1, NULL); memcpy(vita2d_texture_get_datap(gpu_texture), vita2d_texture_get_datap(next_texture), vita2d_texture_get_stride(gpu_texture)*240); sceKernelSignalSema(GPU_Mutex, 1); sceKernelWaitSema(GPU_Cleanup_Mutex, 1, NULL); if (main_texture == NULL) sceKernelExitDeleteThread(0); // Exit procedure vita2d_start_drawing(); if (set_shader){ Output::Post("Shader set to %s.",shader_names[in_use_shader]); set_shader = false; vita2d_texture_set_program(shaders[in_use_shader]->vertexProgram, shaders[in_use_shader]->fragmentProgram); vita2d_texture_set_wvp(shaders[in_use_shader]->wvpParam); vita2d_texture_set_vertexInput(&shaders[in_use_shader]->vertexInput); vita2d_texture_set_fragmentInput(&shaders[in_use_shader]->fragmentInput); } vita2d_clear_screen(); switch (zoom_state){ case 0: // 640x480 vita2d_draw_texture_scale(gpu_texture, 160, 32, 2.0, 2.0); break; case 1: // 725x544 vita2d_draw_texture_scale(gpu_texture, 117, 0, 2.266, 2.266); break; case 2: // 960x544 vita2d_draw_texture_scale(gpu_texture, 0, 0, 3, 2.266); break; } vita2d_end_drawing(); vita2d_wait_rendering_done(); vita2d_swap_buffers(); sceKernelSignalSema(GPU_Cleanup_Mutex, 1); } }
int main() { vita2d_init(); vita2d_set_clear_color(RGBA8(0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0xFF)); vita2d_pgf *pgf = vita2d_load_default_pgf(); vita2d_texture *tex = vita2d_create_empty_texture(128, 128); unsigned int *tex_data = vita2d_texture_get_datap(tex); SceCtrlData pad; memset(&pad, 0, sizeof(pad)); float rad = 0.0f; while (1) { sceCtrlPeekBufferPositive(0, &pad, 1); if (pad.buttons & SCE_CTRL_START) break; vita2d_start_drawing(); vita2d_clear_screen(); vita2d_draw_rectangle(20, 20, 400, 250, RGBA8(255, 0, 0, 255)); vita2d_draw_rectangle(680, 350, 100, 150, RGBA8(0, 0, 255, 255)); vita2d_draw_fill_circle(200, 420, 100, RGBA8(0, 255,0 ,255)); /* Fill the texture with random data */ int i, j; for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 128; j++) { tex_data[j + i*128] = rand(); } } vita2d_draw_texture_rotate(tex, 940/2, 544/2, rad); vita2d_draw_line(500, 30, 800, 300, RGBA8(255, 0, 255, 255)); vita2d_pgf_draw_text(pgf, 700, 30, RGBA8(0,255,0,255), 1.0f, "PGF Font sample!"); vita2d_end_drawing(); vita2d_swap_buffers(); rad += 0.1f; } vita2d_fini(); vita2d_free_texture(tex); vita2d_free_pgf(pgf); sceKernelExitProcess(0); return 0; }
static int atlas_add_glyph(vita2d_pgf *font, unsigned int character) { SceFontHandle font_handle = font->font_handle_list->font_handle; SceFontCharInfo char_info; bp2d_position position; void *texture_data; vita2d_texture *tex = font->atlas->texture; vita2d_pgf_font_handle *tmp = font->font_handle_list; while (tmp) { if (tmp->in_font_group == NULL || tmp->in_font_group(character)) { font_handle = tmp->font_handle; break; } tmp = tmp->next; } if (sceFontGetCharInfo(font_handle, character, &char_info) < 0) return 0; bp2d_size size = { char_info.bitmapWidth, char_info.bitmapHeight }; texture_atlas_entry_data data = { char_info.bitmapLeft, char_info.bitmapTop, char_info.sfp26AdvanceH, char_info.sfp26AdvanceV, 0 }; if (!texture_atlas_insert(font->atlas, character, &size, &data, &position)) return 0; texture_data = vita2d_texture_get_datap(tex); SceFontGlyphImage glyph_image; glyph_image.pixelFormat = SCE_FONT_PIXELFORMAT_8; glyph_image.xPos64 = position.x << 6; glyph_image.yPos64 = position.y << 6; glyph_image.bufWidth = vita2d_texture_get_width(tex); glyph_image.bufHeight = vita2d_texture_get_height(tex); glyph_image.bytesPerLine = vita2d_texture_get_stride(tex); glyph_image.pad = 0; glyph_image.bufferPtr = (unsigned int)texture_data; return sceFontGetCharGlyphImage(font_handle, character, &glyph_image) == 0; }
static void init(void) { vita2d_init(); vita2d_set_clear_color(RGBA8(0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0xFF)); sceCtrlSetSamplingMode(SCE_CTRL_MODE_ANALOG); fullscreen_scale_x = SCREEN_W / (float)GAMEBOY_WIDTH; fullscreen_scale_y = SCREEN_H / (float)GAMEBOY_HEIGHT; gb_texture = vita2d_create_empty_texture(GAMEBOY_WIDTH, GAMEBOY_HEIGHT); gb_texture_pixels = vita2d_texture_get_datap(gb_texture); set_scale(3); theGearboyCore = new GearboyCore(); theGearboyCore->Init(); }
static void *vita2d_font_init_font(void *gl_data, const char *font_path, float font_size) { unsigned int stride, pitch, j, k; const struct font_atlas *atlas = NULL; vita_font_t *font = (vita_font_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(*font)); if (!font) return NULL; if (!font_renderer_create_default((const void**)&font->font_driver, &font->font_data, font_path, font_size)) { RARCH_WARN("Couldn't initialize font renderer.\n"); free(font); return NULL; } atlas = font->font_driver->get_atlas(font->font_data); font->texture = vita2d_create_empty_texture_format(atlas->width,atlas->height,SCE_GXM_TEXTURE_FORMAT_U8_R111); if (!font->texture) { free(font); return NULL; } vita2d_texture_set_filters(font->texture, SCE_GXM_TEXTURE_FILTER_POINT, SCE_GXM_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR); stride = vita2d_texture_get_stride(font->texture); uint8_t *tex32 = vita2d_texture_get_datap(font->texture); const uint8_t *frame32 = atlas->buffer; pitch = atlas->width; for (j = 0; j < atlas->height; j++) for (k = 0; k < atlas->width; k++) tex32[k + j*stride] = frame32[k + j*pitch]; return font; }
static bool vita2d_overlay_load(void *data, const void *image_data, unsigned num_images) { unsigned i,j,k; unsigned int stride, pitch; vita_video_t *vita = (vita_video_t*)data; const struct texture_image *images = (const struct texture_image*)image_data; vita2d_free_overlay(vita); vita->overlay = (struct vita_overlay_data*)calloc(num_images, sizeof(*vita->overlay)); if (!vita->overlay) return false; vita->overlays = num_images; for (i = 0; i < num_images; i++) { struct vita_overlay_data *o = (struct vita_overlay_data*)&vita->overlay[i]; o->width = images[i].width; o->height = images[i].height; o->tex = vita2d_create_empty_texture_format(o->width , o->height, SCE_GXM_TEXTURE_FORMAT_U8U8U8U8_ARGB); vita2d_texture_set_filters(o->tex,SCE_GXM_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR,SCE_GXM_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR); stride = vita2d_texture_get_stride(o->tex); stride /= 4; uint32_t *tex32 = vita2d_texture_get_datap(o->tex); const uint32_t *frame32 = images[i].pixels; pitch = o->width; for (j = 0; j < o->height; j++) for (k = 0; k < o->width; k++) tex32[k + j*stride] = frame32[k + j*pitch]; vita2d_overlay_tex_geom(vita, i, 0, 0, 1, 1); /* Default. Stretch to whole screen. */ vita2d_overlay_vertex_geom(vita, i, 0, 0, 1, 1); vita->overlay[i].alpha_mod = 1.0f; } return true; }
static bool vita2d_gfx_frame(void *data, const void *frame, unsigned width, unsigned height, uint64_t frame_count, unsigned pitch, const char *msg, video_frame_info_t *video_info) { void *tex_p; vita_video_t *vita = (vita_video_t *)data; if (frame) { if(!(vita->texture&&vita2d_texture_get_datap(vita->texture)==frame)) { unsigned i; unsigned int stride; if ((width != vita->width || height != vita->height) && vita->texture) { vita2d_free_texture(vita->texture); vita->texture = NULL; } if (!vita->texture) { RARCH_LOG("Creating texture: %ix%i\n", width, height); vita->width = width; vita->height = height; vita->texture = vita2d_create_empty_texture_format(width, height, vita->format); vita2d_texture_set_filters(vita->texture,vita->tex_filter,vita->tex_filter); } tex_p = vita2d_texture_get_datap(vita->texture); stride = vita2d_texture_get_stride(vita->texture); if (vita->format == SCE_GXM_TEXTURE_FORMAT_X8U8U8U8_1RGB) { stride /= 4; pitch /= 4; uint32_t *tex32 = tex_p; const uint32_t *frame32 = frame; for (i = 0; i < height; i++) memcpy_neon(&tex32[i*stride],&frame32[i*pitch],pitch*sizeof(uint32_t)); } else { stride /= 2; pitch /= 2; uint16_t *tex16 = tex_p; const uint16_t *frame16 = frame; for (i = 0; i < height; i++) memcpy_neon(&tex16[i*stride],&frame16[i*pitch],width*sizeof(uint16_t)); } } } if (vita->should_resize) vita2d_gfx_update_viewport(vita); vita2d_start_drawing(); vita2d_draw_rectangle(0,0,PSP_FB_WIDTH,PSP_FB_HEIGHT,vita2d_get_clear_color()); if (vita->texture) { if (vita->fullscreen) vita2d_draw_texture_scale(vita->texture, 0, 0, PSP_FB_WIDTH / (float)vita->width, PSP_FB_HEIGHT / (float)vita->height); else { const float radian = 90 * 0.0174532925f; const float rad = vita->rotation * radian; float scalex = vita->vp.width / (float)vita->width; float scaley = vita->vp.height / (float)vita->height; vita2d_draw_texture_scale_rotate(vita->texture,vita->vp.x, vita->vp.y, scalex, scaley, rad); } } #ifdef HAVE_OVERLAY if (vita->overlay_enable) vita2d_render_overlay(vita); #endif if (vita-> { #ifdef HAVE_MENU menu_driver_frame(video_info); #endif if(vita->menu.texture) { if (vita->fullscreen) vita2d_draw_texture_scale(vita->menu.texture, 0, 0, PSP_FB_WIDTH / (float)vita->menu.width, PSP_FB_HEIGHT / (float)vita->menu.height); else { if (vita->menu.width > vita->menu.height) { float scale = PSP_FB_HEIGHT / (float)vita->menu.height; float w = vita->menu.width * scale; vita2d_draw_texture_scale(vita->menu.texture, PSP_FB_WIDTH / 2.0f - w/2.0f, 0.0f, scale, scale); } else { float scale = PSP_FB_WIDTH / (float)vita->menu.width; float h = vita->menu.height * scale; vita2d_draw_texture_scale(vita->menu.texture, 0.0f, PSP_FB_HEIGHT / 2.0f - h/2.0f, scale, scale); } } } } if(!string_is_empty(msg)) font_driver_render_msg(video_info, NULL, msg, NULL); vita2d_end_drawing(); vita2d_swap_buffers(); return true; }
static vita2d_texture *_vita2d_load_PNG_generic(const void *io_ptr, png_rw_ptr read_data_fn) { png_structp png_ptr = png_create_read_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (png_ptr == NULL) { goto error_create_read; } png_infop info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr); if (info_ptr == NULL) { goto error_create_info; } png_bytep *row_ptrs = NULL; if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr))) { png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr, (png_infopp)0); if (row_ptrs != NULL) free(row_ptrs); return NULL; } png_set_read_fn(png_ptr, (png_voidp)io_ptr, read_data_fn); png_set_sig_bytes(png_ptr, PNG_SIGSIZE); png_read_info(png_ptr, info_ptr); unsigned int width, height; int bit_depth, color_type; png_get_IHDR(png_ptr, info_ptr, &width, &height, &bit_depth, &color_type, NULL, NULL, NULL); if ((color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE && bit_depth <= 8) || (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY && bit_depth < 8) || png_get_valid(png_ptr, info_ptr, PNG_INFO_tRNS) || (bit_depth == 16)) { png_set_expand(png_ptr); } if (bit_depth == 16) png_set_scale_16(png_ptr); if (bit_depth == 8 && color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB) png_set_filler(png_ptr, 0xFF, PNG_FILLER_AFTER); if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY || color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY_ALPHA) png_set_gray_to_rgb(png_ptr); if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE) { png_set_palette_to_rgb(png_ptr); png_set_filler(png_ptr, 0xFF, PNG_FILLER_AFTER); } if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY && bit_depth < 8) png_set_expand_gray_1_2_4_to_8(png_ptr); if (png_get_valid(png_ptr, info_ptr, PNG_INFO_tRNS)) png_set_tRNS_to_alpha(png_ptr); if (bit_depth < 8) png_set_packing(png_ptr); png_read_update_info(png_ptr, info_ptr); row_ptrs = (png_bytep *)malloc(sizeof(png_bytep) * height); if (!row_ptrs) goto error_alloc_rows; vita2d_texture *texture = vita2d_create_empty_texture(width, height); if (!texture) goto error_create_tex; void *texture_data = vita2d_texture_get_datap(texture); unsigned int stride = vita2d_texture_get_stride(texture); int i; for (i = 0; i < height; i++) { row_ptrs[i] = (png_bytep)(texture_data + i*stride); } png_read_image(png_ptr, row_ptrs); png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr, (png_infopp)0); free(row_ptrs); return texture; error_create_tex: free(row_ptrs); error_alloc_rows: png_destroy_info_struct(png_ptr, &info_ptr); error_create_info: png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, (png_infopp)0, (png_infopp)0); error_create_read: return NULL; }
void Psp2Ui::UpdateDisplay() { sceKernelWaitSema(GPU_Mutex, 1, NULL); memcpy(vita2d_texture_get_datap(next_texture), vita2d_texture_get_datap(main_texture), vita2d_texture_get_stride(main_texture)*240); sceKernelSignalSema(GPU_Mutex, 1); }
void loadTheme() { #define COLOR_ENTRY(name) { #name, CONFIG_TYPE_HEXDECIMAL, (void *)&name } ConfigEntry colors_entries[] = { // Shell colors COLOR_ENTRY(BACKGROUND_COLOR), COLOR_ENTRY(TITLE_COLOR), COLOR_ENTRY(PATH_COLOR), COLOR_ENTRY(DATE_TIME_COLOR), // Settings colors COLOR_ENTRY(SETTINGS_MENU_COLOR), COLOR_ENTRY(SETTINGS_MENU_FOCUS_COLOR), COLOR_ENTRY(SETTINGS_MENU_TITLE_COLOR), COLOR_ENTRY(SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM_COLOR), COLOR_ENTRY(SETTINGS_MENU_OPTION_COLOR), // File browser colors COLOR_ENTRY(FOCUS_COLOR), COLOR_ENTRY(FILE_COLOR), COLOR_ENTRY(SFO_COLOR), COLOR_ENTRY(TXT_COLOR), COLOR_ENTRY(FOLDER_COLOR), COLOR_ENTRY(IMAGE_COLOR), COLOR_ENTRY(ARCHIVE_COLOR), COLOR_ENTRY(SCROLL_BAR_COLOR), COLOR_ENTRY(SCROLL_BAR_BG_COLOR), COLOR_ENTRY(MARKED_COLOR), // Context menu colors COLOR_ENTRY(CONTEXT_MENU_TEXT_COLOR), COLOR_ENTRY(CONTEXT_MENU_FOCUS_COLOR), COLOR_ENTRY(CONTEXT_MENU_COLOR), COLOR_ENTRY(CONTEXT_MENU_MORE_COLOR), COLOR_ENTRY(INVISIBLE_COLOR), // Dialog colors COLOR_ENTRY(DIALOG_COLOR), COLOR_ENTRY(DIALOG_BG_COLOR), COLOR_ENTRY(PROGRESS_BAR_COLOR), COLOR_ENTRY(PROGRESS_BAR_BG_COLOR), // Hex editor colors COLOR_ENTRY(HEX_COLOR), COLOR_ENTRY(HEX_OFFSET_COLOR), COLOR_ENTRY(HEX_NIBBLE_COLOR), // Text editor colors COLOR_ENTRY(TEXT_COLOR), COLOR_ENTRY(TEXT_FOCUS_COLOR), COLOR_ENTRY(TEXT_LINE_NUMBER_COLOR), COLOR_ENTRY(TEXT_LINE_NUMBER_COLOR_FOCUS), COLOR_ENTRY(TEXT_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR), // Photo viewer colors COLOR_ENTRY(PHOTO_ZOOM_COLOR), // Audio player colors COLOR_ENTRY(AUDIO_INFO_ASSIGN), COLOR_ENTRY(AUDIO_INFO), COLOR_ENTRY(AUDIO_SPEED), COLOR_ENTRY(AUDIO_TIME_CURRENT), COLOR_ENTRY(AUDIO_TIME_SLASH), COLOR_ENTRY(AUDIO_TIME_TOTAL), COLOR_ENTRY(AUDIO_TIME_BAR), COLOR_ENTRY(AUDIO_TIME_BAR_BG), }; int i; // Load default config file readConfigBuffer(&_binary_resources_colors_txt_start, (int)&_binary_resources_colors_txt_size, colors_entries, sizeof(colors_entries) / sizeof(ConfigEntry)); // Load custom config file if (use_custom_config) { char path[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; char *theme_name = NULL; ConfigEntry theme_entries[] = { { "THEME_NAME", CONFIG_TYPE_STRING, (void *)&theme_name }, }; // Load theme config readConfig("ux0:VitaShell/theme/theme.txt", theme_entries, sizeof(theme_entries) / sizeof(ConfigEntry)); if (theme_name) { // Load colors config snprintf(path, MAX_PATH_LENGTH, "ux0:VitaShell/theme/%s/colors.txt", theme_name); readConfig(path, colors_entries, sizeof(colors_entries) / sizeof(ConfigEntry)); // Font snprintf(path, MAX_PATH_LENGTH, "ux0:VitaShell/theme/%s/font.pgf", theme_name); font = vita2d_load_custom_pgf(path); // Load theme for (i = 0; i < N_THEME_IMAGES; i++) { snprintf(path, MAX_PATH_LENGTH, "ux0:VitaShell/theme/%s/%s", theme_name, theme_images[i].name); if (theme_images[i].texture && *(theme_images[i].texture) == NULL) *(theme_images[i].texture) = vita2d_load_PNG_file(path); } } } // Load default theme for (i = 0; i < N_THEME_IMAGES; i++) { if (theme_images[i].texture && *(theme_images[i].texture) == NULL && theme_images[i].default_buf) *(theme_images[i].texture) = vita2d_load_PNG_buffer(theme_images[i].default_buf); } // Load default pngs if (!dialog_image) { dialog_image = vita2d_create_empty_texture(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT); void *data = vita2d_texture_get_datap(dialog_image); int y; for (y = 0; y < SCREEN_HEIGHT; y++) { int x; for (x = 0; x < SCREEN_WIDTH; x++) { ((uint32_t *)data)[x + SCREEN_WIDTH * y] = DIALOG_BG_COLOR; } } } if (!context_image) { context_image = vita2d_create_empty_texture(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT); void *data = vita2d_texture_get_datap(context_image); int y; for (y = 0; y < SCREEN_HEIGHT; y++) { int x; for (x = 0; x < SCREEN_WIDTH; x++) { ((uint32_t *)data)[x + SCREEN_WIDTH * y] = CONTEXT_MENU_COLOR; } } } if (!context_more_image) { context_more_image = vita2d_create_empty_texture(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT); void *data = vita2d_texture_get_datap(context_more_image); int y; for (y = 0; y < SCREEN_HEIGHT; y++) { int x; for (x = 0; x < SCREEN_WIDTH; x++) { ((uint32_t *)data)[x + SCREEN_WIDTH * y] = CONTEXT_MENU_MORE_COLOR; } } } if (!settings_image) { settings_image = vita2d_create_empty_texture(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT); void *data = vita2d_texture_get_datap(settings_image); int y; for (y = 0; y < SCREEN_HEIGHT; y++) { int x; for (x = 0; x < SCREEN_WIDTH; x++) { ((uint32_t *)data)[x + SCREEN_WIDTH * y] = SETTINGS_MENU_COLOR; } } } // Load system fonts if (!font) font = loadSystemFonts(); // Font size cache for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { char character[2]; character[0] = i; character[1] = '\0'; font_size_cache[i] = vita2d_pgf_text_width(font, FONT_SIZE, character); } }
/*** * Callback for when a new frame is generated that we need to render. */ bool retro_video_refresh_callback(const void *data, unsigned width, unsigned height, size_t pitch) { curr_frame++; // initialize our main render texture once we get the dimensions for the first time if (!tex) { tex = vita2d_create_empty_texture_format(width, height, SCE_GXM_TEXTURE_FORMAT_R5G6B5); tex_data = vita2d_texture_get_datap(tex); // initialize PSPImage if (Screen) free(Screen); int size = width * height * 2; Screen = (PspImage*)malloc(sizeof(PspImage)); Screen->TextureFormat = SCE_GXM_TEXTURE_FORMAT_R5G6B5; Screen->PalSize = (unsigned short)0; memset(tex_data, 0, size); Screen->Width = width; Screen->Height = height; Screen->Pixels = tex_data; Screen->Texture = tex; Screen->Viewport.X = 0; Screen->Viewport.Y = 0; Screen->Viewport.Width = width; Screen->Viewport.Height = height; int i; for (i = 1; i < width; i *= 2); Screen->PowerOfTwo = (i == width); Screen->BytesPerPixel = 2; Screen->FreeBuffer = 0; Screen->Depth = 16; } // initialize our render variables if they're uninitalized, or // if they've changed due to user action if(OptionsChanged) { OptionsChanged = false; // handle changes to scale from the options switch (Options.DisplayMode) { case DISPLAY_MODE_UNSCALED: scale_x = 1.0f; scale_y = 1.0f; break; case DISPLAY_MODE_2X: scale_x = 2.0f; scale_y = 2.0f; break; case DISPLAY_MODE_FIT_HEIGHT: scale_y = (float)SCREEN_H / (float)height; scale_x = scale_y; break; case DISPLAY_MODE_FILL_SCREEN: scale_x = (float)SCREEN_W / (float)width; scale_y = (float)SCREEN_H / (float)height; break; } curr_frame = 0; curr_fps = 0.0f; pos_x = (SCREEN_W / 2) - (width / 2) * scale_x; pos_y = (SCREEN_H / 2) - (height / 2) * scale_y; // handle texture filtering options tex_filter = Options.TextureFilter ? SCE_GXM_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR : SCE_GXM_TEXTURE_FILTER_POINT; sceGxmTextureSetMinFilter(&(tex->gxm_tex), tex_filter); sceGxmTextureSetMagFilter(&(tex->gxm_tex), tex_filter); } // copy the input pixels into the output buffer const uint16_t* in_pixels = (const uint16_t*)data; uint16_t *out_pixels = (uint16_t *)tex_data; for (h = 0; h < height; h++, in_pixels += pitch / 2, out_pixels += width) { memcpy(out_pixels, in_pixels, width * sizeof(uint16_t)); } // draw the screen vita2d_start_drawing(); vita2d_draw_texture_scale(tex, pos_x, pos_y, scale_x, scale_y); if(Options.ShowFps) show_fps(); vita2d_end_drawing(); vita2d_swap_buffers(); return true; }
/* Programme "Flocon de Koch" */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct parameters parameters; struct list *koch = NULL; uint32_t *picture = NULL; char *outfile = NULL; bool screenshots = false; srand(time(NULL)); #ifdef PSP2 vita2d_init(); vita2d_set_clear_color(RGBA8(0, 0, 0, 0xFF)); vita2d_texture *tex = vita2d_create_empty_texture(960, 544); uint32_t *tex_data = vita2d_texture_get_datap(tex); SceCtrlData pad, lastbuttons; memset(&pad, 0, sizeof(pad)); #endif /* Initialisations */ init_parameters(¶meters, argc, argv); show_parameters(parameters); init_koch(&koch, parameters.image_size, parameters.segment_length); outfile = malloc(3 + strlen(parameters.outfile) + 1); int32_t i = 0, step = 1; bool done = false; /* Génération de chaque flocon */ while (!done) { #ifdef PSP2 lastbuttons = pad; sceCtrlPeekBufferPositive(0, &pad, 1); if (pad.buttons & PSP2_CTRL_TRIANGLE) break; if (PRESSED(lastbuttons.buttons, pad.buttons, PSP2_CTRL_LTRIGGER)) parameters.fg_color = RGBA8(rand()%255, rand()%255, rand()%255, 255); //if (PRESSED(lastbuttons.buttons, pad.buttons, PSP2_CTRL_RTRIGGER)) // screenshots ^= 1; vita2d_start_drawing(); vita2d_clear_screen(); #endif sprintf(outfile, "%02d_%s", i, parameters.outfile); if (step > 0) generer_koch(koch, i); else { for (uint32_t j = 0; j < i; j++) generer_koch(koch, j); } //show_koch_list(koch); /* Ne générer l'image que si c'est la dernière ou qu'on les génère toutes */ if (parameters.all_images || i == parameters.nb_iterations) { init_picture(&picture, parameters.image_size, parameters.bg_color); render_image_bresenham(picture, koch, parameters.image_size, parameters.fg_color); #ifndef PSP2 const uint32_t LEN = 960 * 544; uint32_t *data = calloc(LEN, sizeof(uint32_t)); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < LEN; i++) data[i] = 0; uint32_t k = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 544; i++) for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 960; j++) { if (208 <= j && j < 752 && k < 544*544) data[i * 960 + j] = picture[k++]; else data[i * 960 + j] = 0; } create_image(data, 960, 544, outfile); //create_image(picture, parameters.image_size, parameters.image_size, outfile); #else uint32_t k = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 544; i++) for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 960; j++) { if (208 <= j && j < 752 && k < 544*544) tex_data[i * 960 + j] = picture[k++]; else tex_data[i * 960 + j] = 0; } if (screenshots) create_image(tex_data, 960, 544, outfile); #endif } #ifdef PSP2 vita2d_draw_texture(tex, 0, 0); vita2d_end_drawing(); vita2d_swap_buffers(); sceKernelDelayThread(100000); #endif i = i + step; if (i == parameters.nb_iterations) #ifdef PSP2 i--, step = -1; #else done = true; #endif else if (i == 0) { step = 1; free_koch(koch); init_koch(&koch, parameters.image_size, parameters.segment_length); } if (step < 0) { free_koch(koch); init_koch(&koch, parameters.image_size, parameters.segment_length); } if (parameters.nb_iterations == 1) done = true; }
static bool vita2d_gfx_frame(void *data, const void *frame, unsigned width, unsigned height, uint64_t frame_count, unsigned pitch, const char *msg) { int i, j; void *tex_p; unsigned int stride; vita_video_t *vita = (vita_video_t *)data; (void)frame; (void)width; (void)height; (void)pitch; (void)msg; if (frame) { if ((width != vita->width || height != vita->height) && vita->texture) { vita2d_free_texture(vita->texture); vita->texture = NULL; } if (!vita->texture) { RARCH_LOG("Creating texture: %ix%i\n", width, height); vita->width = width; vita->height = height; vita->texture = vita2d_create_empty_texture_format(width, height, vita->format); vita2d_texture_set_filters(vita->texture,vita->tex_filter,vita->tex_filter); } tex_p = vita2d_texture_get_datap(vita->texture); stride = vita2d_texture_get_stride(vita->texture); if (vita->format == SCE_GXM_TEXTURE_FORMAT_X8U8U8U8_1RGB) { stride /= 4; pitch /= 4; uint32_t *tex32 = tex_p; const uint32_t *frame32 = frame; for (i = 0; i < height; i++) for (j = 0; j < width; j++) tex32[j + i*stride] = frame32[j + i*pitch]; } else { stride /= 2; pitch /= 2; uint16_t *tex16 = tex_p; const uint16_t *frame16 = frame; for (i = 0; i < height; i++) for (j = 0; j < width; j++) tex16[j + i*stride] = frame16[j + i*pitch]; } } if (vita->should_resize) vita2d_gfx_update_viewport(vita); vita2d_start_drawing(); vita2d_clear_screen(); if (vita->texture) { if (vita->fullscreen) vita2d_draw_texture_scale(vita->texture, 0, 0, PSP_FB_WIDTH / (float)vita->width, PSP_FB_HEIGHT / (float)vita->height); else { const float radian = 90 * 0.0174532925f; const float rad = vita->rotation * radian; float scalex = vita->vp.width / (float)vita->width; float scaley = vita->vp.height / (float)vita->height; vita2d_draw_texture_scale_rotate(vita->texture, vita->vp.x, vita->vp.y, scalex, scaley, rad); } } if (vita-> && vita->menu.texture) { if (vita->fullscreen) vita2d_draw_texture_scale(vita->menu.texture, 0, 0, PSP_FB_WIDTH / (float)vita->menu.width, PSP_FB_HEIGHT / (float)vita->menu.height); else { if (vita->menu.width > vita->menu.height) { float scale = PSP_FB_HEIGHT / (float)vita->menu.height; float w = vita->menu.width * scale; vita2d_draw_texture_scale(vita->menu.texture, PSP_FB_WIDTH / 2.0f - w/2.0f, 0.0f, scale, scale); } else { float scale = PSP_FB_WIDTH / (float)vita->menu.width; float h = vita->menu.height * scale; vita2d_draw_texture_scale(vita->menu.texture, 0.0f, PSP_FB_HEIGHT / 2.0f - h/2.0f, scale, scale); } } } vita2d_end_drawing(); vita2d_swap_buffers(); return true; }