int gsx_check_connection( WFoe *foe, vldh_t_node sourceobject, unsigned long sourcepoint, vldh_t_node destobject, unsigned long destpoint, pwr_tClassId *conclass, pwr_tClassId user_conclass ) { vldh_t_node dummyobject; goen_conpoint_type graph_pointer; unsigned long par_type; unsigned long par_inverted; unsigned long source_par_index; unsigned long dest_par_index; unsigned long dummy_par_index; ldh_sParDef *bodydef; int rows, sts, size; pwr_eType source_type; pwr_eType dest_type; pwr_tUInt32 source_pointer_flag; pwr_tUInt32 dest_pointer_flag; ldh_tSesContext ldhses; pwr_tClassId dest_class; pwr_tClassId source_class; pwr_tClassId dummyclass; pwr_tClassId bodyclass; pwr_sGraphPlcConnection *graphbody; ldhses = (sourceobject->hn.wind)->hw.ldhses; if ( user_conclass != 0) { /* Get graphbody for the class */ sts = ldh_GetClassBody(ldhses, user_conclass, "GraphPlcCon", &bodyclass, (char **)&graphbody, &size); if ( EVEN(sts) ) return sts; if ( !(graphbody->attributes & GOEN_CON_SIGNAL)) { /* This is not a signal transfering connection, no syntax... */ return GSX__SUCCESS; } } /* Check that the points datatype correspond */ /* Get parameter info */ sts = goen_get_parinfo( foe->gre, sourceobject->ln.cid, ldhses, sourceobject->ln.mask, strlen( sourceobject->, sourcepoint, &graph_pointer, &par_inverted, &par_type, &source_par_index, sourceobject); if ( EVEN(sts) ) return( sts); sts = goen_get_parinfo( foe->gre, destobject->ln.cid, (destobject->hn.wind)->hw.ldhses, destobject->ln.mask, strlen( destobject->, destpoint, &graph_pointer, &par_inverted, &par_type, &dest_par_index, destobject); if ( EVEN(sts) ) return( sts); source_class = sourceobject->ln.cid; dest_class = destobject->ln.cid; /* SG 08.03.91 Determine the type of connection to use in function of the type of parameter */ /* If one class is a point let the other determine the contype */ if ( source_class == pwr_cClass_Point || source_class == pwr_cClass_Backup) { dummyclass = dest_class; dest_class = source_class; source_class = dummyclass; dummyobject = destobject; destobject = sourceobject; sourceobject = dummyobject; dummy_par_index = dest_par_index; dest_par_index = source_par_index; source_par_index = dummy_par_index; } /* Grafcet, if both objects is of grafcet type, connections should be GRAFCET_CONN */ if ( (source_class == pwr_cClass_order && dest_class == pwr_cClass_trans) || (dest_class == pwr_cClass_order && source_class == pwr_cClass_trans) ) { /* Trans and Order -> Logic connection */ *conclass = BOOLEAN_CONN; return GSX__SUCCESS; } else if ( ( (source_class == pwr_cClass_order) || (source_class == pwr_cClass_trans) || (source_class == pwr_cClass_step) || (source_class == pwr_cClass_initstep) || (source_class == pwr_cClass_ssbegin) || (source_class == pwr_cClass_ssend) || (source_class == pwr_cClass_substep) ) && ( (dest_class == pwr_cClass_order) || (dest_class == pwr_cClass_trans) || (dest_class == pwr_cClass_step) || (dest_class == pwr_cClass_initstep) || (dest_class == pwr_cClass_ssbegin) || (dest_class == pwr_cClass_ssend) || (dest_class == pwr_cClass_substep) )) { vldh_t_conpoint *pointlist; unsigned long point_count; vldh_t_node next_node; unsigned long next_point; vldh_t_node trans_object, other_object; unsigned long trans_point, other_point; pwr_tClassId other_class; int transcount, stepcount; int k; pwr_tClassId cid; if ((dest_class == pwr_cClass_trans) || (source_class == pwr_cClass_trans)) { if (dest_class == pwr_cClass_trans) { trans_object = destobject; trans_point = destpoint; other_object = sourceobject; other_point = sourcepoint; other_class = source_class; } else { trans_object = sourceobject; trans_point = sourcepoint; other_object = destobject; other_point = destpoint; other_class = dest_class; } if ( trans_point == 0) { if ((other_class == pwr_cClass_step) || (other_class == pwr_cClass_initstep) || (other_class == pwr_cClass_ssbegin) || (other_class == pwr_cClass_ssend) || (other_class == pwr_cClass_substep)) { /* Check if there is more steps connected to the step */ stepcount = 0; transcount = 0; gcg_get_conpoint_nodes( other_object, other_point, &point_count, &pointlist, GOEN_CON_SIGNAL | GOEN_CON_OUTPUTTOINPUT); if ( point_count <= 1 ) { /* Check if there is more steps connected to the trans */ gcg_get_conpoint_nodes( trans_object, trans_point, &point_count, &pointlist, GOEN_CON_SIGNAL | GOEN_CON_OUTPUTTOINPUT); } if ( point_count > 1 ) { for ( k = 1; k < (int)point_count; k++) { next_node = (pointlist + k)->node; next_point = (pointlist + k)->conpoint; /* Check class of connected nodes */ sts = ldh_GetObjectClass( ldhses, next_node->ln.oid, &cid); if (EVEN(sts)) return sts; if ( ((cid == pwr_cClass_step) && ( next_point == 2 )) || ((cid == pwr_cClass_initstep) && ( next_point == 2 )) || ((cid == pwr_cClass_substep) && ( next_point == 2 )) || ((cid == pwr_cClass_ssbegin) && ( next_point == 1 )) ) { stepcount++; } else if (cid == pwr_cClass_trans ) { transcount++; } } } } if ( stepcount > 0) *conclass = TRANSCONV_CONN; else if ( transcount > 0) *conclass = STEPDIV_CONN; else *conclass = GRAFCET_CONN; } else if ( trans_point == 2) { if ((other_class == pwr_cClass_step) || (other_class == pwr_cClass_initstep) || (other_class == pwr_cClass_ssbegin) || (other_class == pwr_cClass_ssend) || (other_class == pwr_cClass_substep)) { /* Check if there is more steps connected to the trans */ stepcount = 0; transcount = 0; gcg_get_conpoint_nodes( trans_object, trans_point, &point_count, &pointlist, GOEN_CON_SIGNAL | GOEN_CON_OUTPUTTOINPUT); if ( point_count <= 1 ) { if ( point_count > 0) free((char *) pointlist); /* Check if there is more steps connected to the step */ gcg_get_conpoint_nodes( other_object, other_point, &point_count, &pointlist, GOEN_CON_SIGNAL | GOEN_CON_OUTPUTTOINPUT); } if ( point_count > 1 ) { for ( k = 1; k < (int)point_count; k++) { next_node = (pointlist + k)->node; next_point = (pointlist + k)->conpoint; /* Check class of connected nodes */ sts = ldh_GetObjectClass( ldhses, next_node->ln.oid, &cid); if (EVEN(sts)) return sts; if ( ((cid == pwr_cClass_step) && ( next_point == 0 )) || ((cid == pwr_cClass_initstep) && ( next_point == 0 )) || ((cid == pwr_cClass_substep) && ( next_point == 0 )) || ((cid == pwr_cClass_ssbegin) && ( next_point == 0 )) ) { stepcount++; } else if (cid == pwr_cClass_trans) { transcount++; } } } if ( point_count > 0) free((char *) pointlist); } if ( stepcount > 0) *conclass = TRANSDIV_CONN; else if ( transcount > 0) *conclass = STEPCONV_CONN; else *conclass = GRAFCET_CONN; } else *conclass = GRAFCET_CONN; /* Check that all connections are of the same class */ if ( *conclass != GRAFCET_CONN) { vldh_t_con *conlist; vldh_t_con con; unsigned long con_count; int i; vldh_t_node src, dest; unsigned long dpoint, spoint; sts = vldh_get_conpoint_cons( destobject, destpoint, &con_count, &conlist); if ( EVEN(sts)) return sts; if ( con_count) { con = *conlist; for ( i = 0; i < (int)con_count; i++) { con = *(conlist + i); if ( con->lc.cid != *conclass) { /* Exchange this connection */ src = con->hc.source_node; dest = con->hc.dest_node; spoint = con->lc.source_point; dpoint = con->lc.dest_point; goec_con_delete( foe->gre, con); vldh_con_delete(con); sts = foe->gre->create_con( *conclass, src, spoint, dest, dpoint, foe->con_drawtype); } } free( (char *)conlist); } sts = vldh_get_conpoint_cons( sourceobject, sourcepoint, &con_count, &conlist); if ( EVEN(sts)) return sts; if ( con_count) { con = *conlist; for ( i = 0; i < (int)con_count; i++) { con = *(conlist + i); if ( con->lc.cid != *conclass) { /* Exchange this connection */ src = con->hc.source_node; dest = con->hc.dest_node; spoint = con->lc.source_point; dpoint = con->lc.dest_point; goec_con_delete( foe->gre, con); vldh_con_delete(con); sts = foe->gre->create_con( *conclass, src, spoint, dest, dpoint, foe->con_drawtype); } } free( (char *)conlist); } } } else *conclass = GRAFCET_CONN; return GSX__SUCCESS; } /* Get the type of the source attribute */ sts = ldh_GetObjectBodyDef ( ldhses, sourceobject->ln.cid, "RtBody", 1, &bodydef, &rows); if ( EVEN(sts) ) { /* This is a development object */ sts = ldh_GetObjectBodyDef ( ldhses, sourceobject->ln.cid, "DevBody", 1, &bodydef, &rows); if ( EVEN(sts) ) return sts; } /* Determine the type of connection */ switch (bodydef[source_par_index].ParClass ) { case pwr_eClass_Input: source_type = bodydef[source_par_index].Par->Input.Info.Type ; source_pointer_flag = PWR_MASK_POINTER & bodydef[source_par_index].Par->Input.Info.Flags; break; case pwr_eClass_Output: source_type = bodydef[source_par_index].Par->Output.Info.Type ; source_pointer_flag = PWR_MASK_POINTER & bodydef[source_par_index].Par->Output.Info.Flags; break; default: printf ("gsx_check_connection ... error ParClass not tested "); return 0; }; /* Get the type of the destination attribute */ sts = ldh_GetObjectBodyDef ( ldhses, destobject->ln.cid, "RtBody", 1, &bodydef, &rows); if ( EVEN(sts) ) { /* This is a development object */ sts = ldh_GetObjectBodyDef ( ldhses, destobject->ln.cid, "DevBody", 1, &bodydef, &rows); if ( EVEN(sts) ) return sts; } /* Determine the type of connection */ switch (bodydef[dest_par_index].ParClass ) { case pwr_eClass_Input: dest_type = bodydef[dest_par_index].Par->Input.Info.Type ; dest_pointer_flag = PWR_MASK_POINTER & bodydef[dest_par_index].Par->Input.Info.Flags; break; case pwr_eClass_Output: dest_type = bodydef[dest_par_index].Par->Output.Info.Type ; dest_pointer_flag = PWR_MASK_POINTER & bodydef[dest_par_index].Par->Output.Info.Flags; break; default: printf ("gsx_check_connection ... error ParClass not tested "); return 0; }; free ((char *) bodydef ); if ( !( dest_class == pwr_cClass_Point || dest_class == pwr_cClass_Backup)) { /* source and destination has to be of the same type */ if ( source_pointer_flag != dest_pointer_flag) return GSX__CONTYPE; else if ( source_type != dest_type) return GSX__CONTYPE; } if ( source_pointer_flag) *conclass = DATA_CONN; else { switch ( source_type ) { case pwr_eType_Float32: *conclass = FLOAT_CONN; break; case pwr_eType_Boolean: *conclass = BOOLEAN_CONN; break; case pwr_eType_Int32: *conclass = INT32_CONN; break; default: *conclass = DEFAULT_CONN; } } return GSX__SUCCESS; }
int goec_con_draw( WGre *gre, vldh_t_con con, int create_flag, vldh_t_node node ) { int sts; flow_tConClass con_class; int i, num; double *x_arr, *y_arr; double x[10], y[10]; vldh_t_node tmp_node_pointer; unsigned long tmp_point; pwr_tObjid tmp_node_did; if ( con->lc.drawtype == GOEN_CONSYSREF || con->lc.drawtype == GOEN_CONUSERREF) /* This is a fix for backward compatibility */ sts = gre->get_conclass( 0, (con->hc.wind)->hw.ldhses, con->lc.object_type, &con_class); else sts = gre->get_conclass( con->lc.cid, (con->hc.wind)->hw.ldhses, con->lc.object_type, &con_class); /* For grafcet-connectins source and destination class has to be right*/ if ( (con->lc.cid == pwr_cClass_TransDiv && con->hc.dest_node->ln.cid == pwr_cClass_trans) || (con->lc.cid == pwr_cClass_TransConv && con->hc.source_node->ln.cid == pwr_cClass_trans) || (con->lc.cid == pwr_cClass_StepDiv && con->hc.source_node->ln.cid == pwr_cClass_trans) || (con->lc.cid == pwr_cClass_StepConv && con->hc.dest_node->ln.cid == pwr_cClass_trans)) { /* Shift */ tmp_node_pointer = con->hc.source_node; tmp_point = con->lc.source_point; tmp_node_did = con->lc.source_oid; con->hc.source_node = con->hc.dest_node; con->lc.source_point = con->lc.dest_point; con->lc.source_oid = con->lc.dest_oid; con->hc.dest_node = tmp_node_pointer; con->lc.dest_point = tmp_point; con->lc.dest_oid = tmp_node_did; } if ( create_flag != GRE_CON_NONROUTE) { flow_CreateCon( gre->flow_ctx, con->, con_class, con->hc.source_node->hn.node_id, con->hc.dest_node->hn.node_id, con->lc.source_point, con->lc.dest_point, con, &con->hc.con_id, 0, NULL, NULL, &sts); if ( EVEN(sts)) { printf( "** Corrupt connection deleted: source %s, destination %s\n", con->hc.source_node->, con->hc.dest_node->; vldh_con_delete( con); return sts; } flow_GetConPosition( con->hc.con_id, &x_arr, &y_arr, &num); for ( i = 0; i < num; i++) { con->lc.point[i].x = x_arr[i]; con->lc.point[i].y = y_arr[i]; } con->lc.point_count = num; } else { // In V2.7 max point was 10, in flow it is 8... if ( con->lc.point_count > 8) con->lc.point_count = 8; for ( i = 0; i < (int)con->lc.point_count; i++) { x[i] = con->lc.point[i].x; y[i] = con->lc.point[i].y; } flow_CreateCon( gre->flow_ctx, con->, con_class, con->hc.source_node->hn.node_id, con->hc.dest_node->hn.node_id, con->lc.source_point, con->lc.dest_point, con, &con->hc.con_id, con->lc.point_count, x, y, &sts); if ( EVEN(sts)) { printf( "** Corrupt connection deleted: source %s, destination %s\n", con->hc.source_node->, con->hc.dest_node->; vldh_con_delete( con); return sts; } } return GRE__SUCCESS; }