Example #1
void initSolution(Atom *atom, Molecule *molecule)
    const char routineName[] = "initSolution";
    register int k, i, ij, nspect, mu, n, kr, nact;

    char    permission[3];
    bool_t  result, openJfile;
    int     la, j, niter, Nsr, Nplane, index, status, oflag;
    double  gijk, wla, twohnu3_c2, hc_k, twoc, fourPI, *J, *J20;
    ActiveSet *as;
    AtomicLine *line;
    AtomicContinuum *continuum;
    XDR xdrs;
    double cswitch;
    int to_obs,lamuk,sign,ncoef,ilow,Nlamu,lamu;
    long int idx, lc;
    double *lambda,fac,lambda_prv,lambda_gas,lambda_nxt,dl,frac,lag;
    FILE *fp;

    getCPU(2, TIME_START, NULL);

    /* Collisional-radiative switching ? */
    if (input.crsw != 0.0)
        cswitch = input.crsw_ini;
        cswitch = 1.0;

    /* --- Allocate space for angle-averaged mean intensity -- -------- */
    if (!input.limit_memory)
        spectrum.J = matrix_double(spectrum.Nspect, atmos.Nspace);

    /* --- If we do background polarization we need space for the
       anisotropy --                               -------------- */

    if (input.backgr_pol)
        spectrum.J20 = matrix_double(spectrum.Nspect, atmos.Nspace);

    /* --- For the PRD angle approximation  we need to store J in
        the gas frame,                                   -------- */
    if (input.PRD_angle_dep == PRD_ANGLE_APPROX &&  atmos.NPRDactive > 0) {

        spectrum.Jgas  = matrix_double(spectrum.Nspect, atmos.Nspace);
        spectrum.v_los = matrix_double(    atmos.Nrays, atmos.Nspace);

        /* Calculate line of sight velocity */
        for (mu = 0;  mu < atmos.Nrays;  mu++) {
            for (k = 0;  k < atmos.Nspace;  k++) {
                spectrum.v_los[mu][k] = vproject(k, mu); // / vbroad[k];

        /* precompute prd_rho interpolation coefficients if requested */
        if (!input.prdh_limit_mem) {

            for (nact = 0;  nact < atmos.Nactiveatom;  nact++) {

                atom = atmos.activeatoms[nact];

                for (kr = 0;  kr < atom->Nline;  kr++) {

                    line = &atom->line[kr];

                    if (line->PRD) {

                        Nlamu = 2*atmos.Nrays * line->Nlambda;
                        line->frac = matrix_double(Nlamu, atmos.Nspace);
                        line->id0  = matrix_int(Nlamu, atmos.Nspace);
                        line->id1  = matrix_int(Nlamu, atmos.Nspace);

                        for (la = 0;  la < line->Nlambda;  la++) {
                            for (mu = 0;  mu < atmos.Nrays;  mu++) {
                                for (to_obs = 0;  to_obs <= 1;  to_obs++) {
                                    sign = (to_obs) ? 1.0 : -1.0;
                                    lamu = 2*(atmos.Nrays*la + mu) + to_obs;

                                    for (k = 0;  k < atmos.Nspace;  k++) {

                                        // wavelength in local rest frame
                                        lag=line->lambda[la] * (1.+spectrum.v_los[mu][k]*sign/CLIGHT);

                                        if (lag <= line->lambda[0]) {
                                            // out of the lambda table, constant extrapolation
                                        } else if (lag >= line->lambda[line->Nlambda-1] ) {
                                            // out of the lambda table, constant extrapolation
                                        } else {
                                            // Locate index of line->lambda of point directly to the left of lag
                                            line->frac[lamu][k] = (lag-line->lambda[ilow])/ (line->lambda[ilow+1]-line->lambda[ilow]);

        /* precompute Jgas interpolation coefficients if requested */
        if (!input.prdh_limit_mem) {

            lambda = spectrum.lambda;

            /* --- keeps track of where to get indices and interpolation
                   coefficients in spectrum.iprhh and spectrum.cprdh --- */
            spectrum.nc=  (int *) malloc( 2*atmos.Nrays*spectrum.Nspect*atmos.Nspace * sizeof(int));

            for (la = 0;  la < spectrum.Nspect;  la++) {
                for (mu = 0;  mu < atmos.Nrays;  mu++) {
                    for (to_obs = 0;  to_obs <= 1;  to_obs++) {

                        sign = (to_obs) ? 1.0 : -1.0;

                        for (k = 0;  k < atmos.Nspace;  k++) {

                            lamuk = la * (atmos.Nrays*2*atmos.Nspace)
                                    + mu     * (2*atmos.Nspace)
                                    + to_obs * (atmos.Nspace)
                                    + k ;


                            // previous, current and next wavelength shifted to gas rest frame
                            fac = (1.+spectrum.v_los[mu][k]*sign/CLIGHT);
                            lambda_prv = lambda[ MAX(la-1,0)                 ]*fac;
                            lambda_gas = lambda[ la                          ]*fac;
                            lambda_nxt = lambda[ MIN(la+1,spectrum.Nspect-1) ]*fac;

                            // do lambda_prv and lambda_gas bracket lambda points?
                            if (lambda_prv !=  lambda_gas) {
                                dl= lambda_gas - lambda_prv;
                                for (idx = 0; idx < spectrum.Nspect ; idx++) {
                                    if (lambda[idx] > lambda_prv && lambda[idx] <= lambda_gas) ncoef=ncoef+1;
                            } else {
                                // edge case, use constant extrapolation for lambda[idx]<lambda gas
                                for (idx = 0; idx < spectrum.Nspect ; idx++) {
                                    if (lambda[idx] <=  lambda_gas) ncoef=ncoef+1;

                            // do lambda_gas and lambda_nxt bracket lambda points?
                            if (lambda_gas != lambda_nxt) {
                                dl= lambda_nxt - lambda_gas;
                                for (idx = 0; idx < spectrum.Nspect ; idx++) {
                                    if (lambda[idx] > lambda_gas && lambda[idx] < lambda_nxt) ncoef=ncoef+1;
                            } else {
                                // edge case, use constant extrapolation for lambda[idx]>lambda gas
                                for (idx = 0; idx < spectrum.Nspect ; idx++) {
                                    if (lambda[idx] >=  lambda_gas) ncoef=ncoef+1;

                            /* --- number of point this lambda contributes to is
                            computed as a difference --- */
                            if (lamuk == 0) {
                                spectrum.nc[lamuk] = ncoef;
                            } else {

                        } // k
                    } // to_obs
                } // mu
            } // la

            /* --- now we know the number of interpolation coefficients,
                   it's stored in the last element of spectrum.nc,
               so allocate space                                     --- */
            spectrum.iprdh= (int *)    malloc( idx * sizeof(int   ));
            spectrum.cprdh= (double *) malloc( idx * sizeof(double));

            /* --- Run through all lamuk points again, and now store indices
                   to lambda array and the corresponding interpolation
                   coefficients                                          --- */
            for (la = 0;  la < spectrum.Nspect;  la++) {
                for (mu = 0;  mu < atmos.Nrays;  mu++) {
                    for (to_obs = 0;  to_obs <= 1;  to_obs++) {

                        sign = (to_obs) ? 1.0 : -1.0;

                        for (k = 0;  k < atmos.Nspace;  k++) {

                            lamuk = la * (atmos.Nrays*2*atmos.Nspace)
                                    + mu     * (2*atmos.Nspace)
                                    + to_obs * (atmos.Nspace)
                                    + k ;

                            // starting index for storage for this lamuk point
                            lc = (lamuk==0) ? 0 : spectrum.nc[lamuk-1];

                            // previous, current and next wavelength shifted to gas rest frame
                            fac = (1.+spectrum.v_los[mu][k]*sign/CLIGHT);
                            lambda_prv = lambda[ MAX(la-1,0)                 ]*fac;
                            lambda_gas = lambda[ la                          ]*fac;
                            lambda_nxt = lambda[ MIN(la+1,spectrum.Nspect-1) ]*fac;

                            // do lambda_prv and lambda_gas bracket lambda points?
                            if (lambda_prv !=  lambda_gas) {
                                dl= lambda_gas - lambda_prv;
                                for (idx = 0; idx < spectrum.Nspect ; idx++) {
                                    if (lambda[idx] > lambda_prv && lambda[idx] <= lambda_gas) {
                                        // bracketed point found
                            } else {
                                // edge case, use constant extrapolation for lambda[idx]<lambda gas
                                for (idx = 0; idx < spectrum.Nspect ; idx++) {
                                    if (lambda[idx] <=  lambda_gas)  {

                            // do lambda_gas and lambda_nxt bracket lambda points?
                            if (lambda_gas != lambda_nxt) {
                                dl= lambda_nxt - lambda_gas;
                                for (idx = 0; idx < spectrum.Nspect ; idx++) {
                                    if (lambda[idx] > lambda_gas && lambda[idx] < lambda_nxt) {
                                        // bracketed point found
                                        spectrum.cprdh[lc]=1.0 - (lambda[idx]-lambda_gas)/dl;
                            } else {
                                // edge case, use constant extrapolation for lambda[idx]>lambda gas
                                for (idx = 0; idx < spectrum.Nspect ; idx++) {
                                    if (lambda[idx] >=  lambda_gas)  {

                        } // k
                    } // to_obs
                } // mu
            } // la

        }  //input.prdh_limit_mem if switch
    } // PRD_ANGLE_APPROX if switch

    /* --- Allocate space for the emergent intensity --  -------------- */

    switch (topology) {
    case ONE_D_PLANE:
        spectrum.I = matrix_double(spectrum.Nspect, atmos.Nrays);
        if (atmos.Stokes || input.backgr_pol) {
            spectrum.Stokes_Q = matrix_double(spectrum.Nspect, atmos.Nrays);
            spectrum.Stokes_U = matrix_double(spectrum.Nspect, atmos.Nrays);
            spectrum.Stokes_V = matrix_double(spectrum.Nspect, atmos.Nrays);
    case TWO_D_PLANE:
        Nsr = spectrum.Nspect * atmos.Nrays;
        spectrum.I = matrix_double(Nsr, atmos.N[0]);
        if (atmos.Stokes || input.backgr_pol) {
            spectrum.Stokes_Q = matrix_double(Nsr, atmos.N[0]);
            spectrum.Stokes_U = matrix_double(Nsr, atmos.N[0]);
            spectrum.Stokes_V = matrix_double(Nsr, atmos.N[0]);
    case THREE_D_PLANE:
        spectrum.I = matrix_double(spectrum.Nspect * atmos.Nrays,
                                   atmos.N[0] * atmos.N[1]);
        if (atmos.Stokes || input.backgr_pol) {
            Nsr    = spectrum.Nspect * atmos.Nrays;
            Nplane = atmos.N[0] * atmos.N[1];

            spectrum.I = matrix_double(Nsr, Nplane);
            if (atmos.Stokes || input.backgr_pol) {
                spectrum.Stokes_Q = matrix_double(Nsr, Nplane);
                spectrum.Stokes_U = matrix_double(Nsr, Nplane);
                spectrum.Stokes_V = matrix_double(Nsr, Nplane);
        spectrum.I = matrix_double(spectrum.Nspect, atmos.Nrays);
        if (atmos.Stokes) {
            Error(ERROR_LEVEL_2, routineName,
                  "Cannot do a full Stokes solution in spherical geometry");
        sprintf(messageStr, "Unknown topology (%d)", topology);
        Error(ERROR_LEVEL_2, routineName, messageStr);
    /* --- Read angle-averaged intensity from previous run if necessary,
           and open file for J in case option for limited memory is set */

    spectrum.fd_J   = -1;
    spectrum.fd_J20 = -1;
    oflag = 0;
    openJfile = FALSE;

    if (input.startJ == OLD_J) {
        if (spectrum.updateJ) {
            strcpy(permission, "r+");
            oflag |= O_RDWR;
        } else {
            strcpy(permission, "r");
            oflag |= O_RDONLY;
        openJfile = TRUE;
    } else {
        if (input.limit_memory) {
            strcpy(permission, "w+");
            oflag |= (O_RDWR | O_CREAT);
            openJfile = TRUE;
    if (openJfile) {
        if ((spectrum.fd_J = open(input.JFile, oflag, PERMISSIONS)) == -1) {
                    "Unable to open input file %s with permission %s",
                    input.JFile, permission);
            Error(ERROR_LEVEL_2, routineName, messageStr);
        if (input.backgr_pol) {
            if ((spectrum.fd_J20 = open(J20_DOT_OUT, oflag,
                                        PERMISSIONS)) == -1) {
                        "Unable to open input file %s with permission %s",
                        J20_DOT_OUT, permission);
                Error(ERROR_LEVEL_2, routineName, messageStr);
    if (input.limit_memory) {
        if (oflag & O_CREAT) {
            J = (double *) malloc(atmos.Nspace * sizeof(double));

            /* --- Initialize J file with zeroes --          -------------- */

            for (k = 0;  k < atmos.Nspace;  k++) J[k] = 0.0;
            for (nspect = 0;  nspect < spectrum.Nspect;  nspect++)
                writeJlambda(nspect, J);


            if (input.backgr_pol) {
                J20 = (double *) malloc(atmos.Nspace * sizeof(double));
                for (k = 0;  k < atmos.Nspace;  k++) J20[k] = 0.0;
                for (nspect = 0;  nspect < spectrum.Nspect;  nspect++)
                    writeJ20lambda(nspect, J20);

    } else {
        if (input.startJ == OLD_J) {

            /* --- Fill matrix J with old values from previous run ----- -- */

            for (nspect = 0;  nspect < spectrum.Nspect;  nspect++)
                readJlambda(nspect, spectrum.J[nspect]);

            spectrum.fd_J = -1;

            if (input.backgr_pol) {
                for (nspect = 0;  nspect < spectrum.Nspect;  nspect++)
                    readJ20lambda(nspect, spectrum.J20[nspect]);

                spectrum.fd_J20 = -1;

        /* --- Look for Jgas and read, otherwise use spectrum.J ----- -- */
        if (atmos.NPRDactive > 0 && input.PRD_angle_dep == PRD_ANGLE_APPROX) {
            if (fp) {
                // file exists
                sprintf(messageStr, "Read spectrum.Jgas from file.");
                Error(MESSAGE, routineName, messageStr);

            } else {
                //file does not exist
                sprintf(messageStr, "Jgas.dat does not exist,setting spectrum.Jgas spectrum.J.");
                Error(WARNING, routineName, messageStr);
                for (k = 0;  k < atmos.Nspace;  k++) {
                    for (nspect = 0;  nspect < spectrum.Nspect;  nspect++) {

    /* --- Need storage for angle-dependent specific intensities for
           angle-dependent PRD --                        -------------- */

    if (atmos.NPRDactive > 0 && input.PRD_angle_dep == PRD_ANGLE_DEP) {
        oflag = 0;
        if (input.startJ == OLD_J) {
            if (spectrum.updateJ) {
                strcpy(permission, "r+");
                oflag |= O_RDWR;
            } else {
                strcpy(permission, "r");
                oflag |= O_RDONLY;
        } else {
            strcpy(permission, "w+");
            oflag |= (O_RDWR | O_CREAT);
        if ((spectrum.fd_Imu = open(IMU_FILENAME, oflag, PERMISSIONS)) == -1) {
            sprintf(messageStr, "Unable to open %s file %s with permission %s",
                    (spectrum.updateJ) ? "update" : "input",
                    IMU_FILENAME, permission);
            Error(ERROR_LEVEL_2, routineName, messageStr);
        /* --- Fill the index list that keeps track of the location
               of intensity Imu in file spectrum.fd_Imu at wavelength
               corresponding to nspect. --                 -------------- */

        spectrum.PRDindex = (int *) malloc(spectrum.Nspect * sizeof(int));
        index = 0;
        for (nspect = 0;  nspect < spectrum.Nspect;  nspect++) {
            if (containsPRDline(&spectrum.as[nspect])) {
                spectrum.PRDindex[nspect] = index;
    for (nact = 0;  nact < atmos.Nactiveatom;  nact++) {
        atom = atmos.activeatoms[nact];

        /* --- Allocate memory for the rate equation matrix -- ---------- */

        atom->Gamma = matrix_double(SQ(atom->Nlevel), atmos.Nspace);

        /* --- Initialize the mutex lock for the operator Gamma if there
               are more than one threads --                -------------- */

        if (input.Nthreads > 0) {
            if ((status = pthread_mutex_init(&atom->Gamma_lock, NULL))) {
                sprintf(messageStr, "Unable to initialize mutex_lock, status = %d",
                Error(ERROR_LEVEL_2, routineName, messageStr);

        switch(atom->initial_solution) {
        case LTE_POPULATIONS:
            for (i = 0;  i < atom->Nlevel;  i++) {
                for (k = 0;  k < atmos.Nspace;  k++)
                    atom->n[i][k] = atom->nstar[i][k];

        case ZERO_RADIATION:
            hc_k   = (HPLANCK * CLIGHT) / (KBOLTZMANN * NM_TO_M);
            twoc   = 2.0*CLIGHT / CUBE(NM_TO_M);
            fourPI = 4.0 * PI;


            /* --- Then add radiative contributions of active transitions --  */

            for (nspect = 0;  nspect < spectrum.Nspect;  nspect++) {
                as = spectrum.as + nspect;

                for (n = 0;  n < as->Nactiveatomrt[nact];  n++) {
                    switch (as->art[nact][n].type) {
                    case ATOMIC_LINE:
                        line = as->art[nact][n].ptype.line;
                        la = nspect - line->Nblue;
                        i  = line->i;
                        j  = line->j;
                        ij = i*atom->Nlevel + j;

                        if (la == 0) {
                            for (k = 0;  k < atmos.Nspace;  k++)
                                atom->Gamma[ij][k] += line->Aji;

                    case ATOMIC_CONTINUUM:
                        continuum = as->art[nact][n].ptype.continuum;
                        la = nspect - continuum->Nblue;
                        i  = continuum->i;
                        j  = continuum->j;
                        ij = i*atom->Nlevel + j;

                        wla = fourPI * getwlambda_cont(continuum, la) /
                        twohnu3_c2 = twoc / CUBE(continuum->lambda[la]);
                        for (k = 0;  k < atmos.Nspace;  k++) {
                            gijk = atom->nstar[i][k]/atom->nstar[j][k] *
                                   exp(-hc_k/(continuum->lambda[la] * atmos.T[k]));
                            atom->Gamma[ij][k] += gijk * twohnu3_c2 *
            /* --- Solve statistical equilibrium equations --  ------------ */

            statEquil(atom, (input.isum == -1) ? 0 : input.isum);

        case OLD_POPULATIONS:

    /* --- Now the molecules that are active --          -------------- */

    for (nact = 0;  nact < atmos.Nactivemol;  nact++) {
        molecule = atmos.activemols[nact];

        /* --- Calculate the LTE vibration level populations here. They
               cannot be calculated yet in readMolecule since chemical
               equilibrium has to be established first --  -------------- */

        for (i = 0;  i < molecule->Nv;  i++) {
            for (k = 0;  k < atmos.Nspace;  k++)
                molecule->nvstar[i][k] = molecule->n[k] *
                                         molecule->pfv[i][k] / molecule->pf[k];
        /* --- Allocate memory for the rate equation matrix -- ---------- */

        molecule->Gamma = matrix_double(SQ(molecule->Nv), atmos.Nspace);

        /* --- Initialize the mutex lock for the operator Gamma if there
               are more than one thread --                 -------------- */

        if (input.Nthreads > 0) {
            if ((status = pthread_mutex_init(&molecule->Gamma_lock, NULL))) {
                sprintf(messageStr, "Unable to initialize mutex_lock, status = %d",
                Error(ERROR_LEVEL_2, routineName, messageStr);

        switch(molecule->initial_solution) {

        case LTE_POPULATIONS:
            for (i = 0;  i < molecule->Nv;  i++) {
                for (k = 0;  k < atmos.Nspace;  k++)
                    molecule->nv[i][k] = molecule->nvstar[i][k];

        case OLD_POPULATIONS:


        /* --- Calculate collisions for molecule (must be done here because
               rotation-vibration transitions are dominated by hydrogen and
               H2 collisions for which chemical equilibrium needs to be
               established first --                        -------------- */

        if (strstr(molecule->ID, "CO"))
        else {
            sprintf(messageStr, "Collisions for molecule %s not implemented\n",
            Error(ERROR_LEVEL_2, routineName, messageStr);
Example #2
File: kurucz.c Project: kouui/rh
double RLKProfile(RLK_Line *rlk, int k, int mu, bool_t to_obs,
                  double lambda,
		  double *phi_Q, double *phi_U, double *phi_V,
		  double *psi_Q, double *psi_U, double *psi_V)
  register int nz;

  double v, phi_sm, phi_sp, phi_pi, psi_sm, psi_sp, psi_pi, adamp,
         vB, H, F, sv, phi_sigma, phi_delta, sign, sin2_gamma, phi,
         psi_sigma, psi_delta, vbroad, vtherm, GvdW, *np;
  Element *element;

  /* --- Returns the normalized profile for a Kurucz line
         and calculates the Stokes profile components if necessary -- */

  element = &atmos.elements[rlk->pt_index - 1];
  vtherm  = 2.0*KBOLTZMANN/(AMU * element->weight);
  vbroad  = sqrt(vtherm*atmos.T[k] + SQ(atmos.vturb[k]));

  v = (lambda/rlk->lambda0 - 1.0) * CLIGHT/vbroad;
  if (atmos.moving) {
    if (to_obs)
      v += vproject(k, mu) / vbroad;
      v -= vproject(k, mu) / vbroad;
  sv = 1.0 / (SQRTPI * vbroad);

  if (rlk->Grad) {
    switch (rlk->vdwaals) {
    case UNSOLD:
      GvdW = rlk->cross * pow(atmos.T[k], 0.3);

    case BARKLEM:
      GvdW = rlk->cross * pow(atmos.T[k], (1.0 - rlk->alpha)/2.0);

      GvdW = rlk->GvdWaals;
    np = atmos.H->n[atmos.H->Nlevel-1];
    adamp = (rlk->Grad + rlk->GStark * atmos.ne[k] +
	     GvdW * (atmos.nHtot[k] - np[k])) *
      (rlk->lambda0  * NM_TO_M) / (4.0*PI * vbroad);
  } else {
    phi = (fabs(v) <= MAX_GAUSS_DOPPLER) ? exp(-v*v) : 0.0;
    return phi * sv;

  if (rlk->polarizable) {
    sin2_gamma = 1.0 - SQ(atmos.cos_gamma[mu][k]);
    vB   = (LARMOR * rlk->lambda0) * atmos.B[k] / vbroad;
    sign = (to_obs) ? 1.0 : -1.0;

    phi_sm = phi_pi = phi_sp = 0.0;
    psi_sm = psi_pi = psi_sp = 0.0;

    for (nz = 0;  nz < rlk->zm->Ncomponent;  nz++) {
      H = Voigt(adamp, v - rlk->zm->shift[nz]*vB, &F, HUMLICEK);

      switch (rlk->zm->q[nz]) {
      case -1:
	phi_sm += rlk->zm->strength[nz] * H;
	psi_sm += rlk->zm->strength[nz] * F;
      case  0:
	phi_pi += rlk->zm->strength[nz] * H;
	psi_pi += rlk->zm->strength[nz] * F;
      case  1:
	phi_sp += rlk->zm->strength[nz] * H;
	psi_sp += rlk->zm->strength[nz] * F;
    phi_sigma = phi_sp + phi_sm;
    phi_delta = 0.5*phi_pi - 0.25*phi_sigma;

    phi = (phi_delta*sin2_gamma + 0.5*phi_sigma) * sv;

    *phi_Q = sign * phi_delta * sin2_gamma * atmos.cos_2chi[mu][k] * sv;
    *phi_U = phi_delta * sin2_gamma * atmos.sin_2chi[mu][k] * sv;
    *phi_V = sign * 0.5*(phi_sp - phi_sm) * atmos.cos_gamma[mu][k] * sv;

    if (input.magneto_optical) {
      psi_sigma = psi_sp + psi_sm;
      psi_delta = 0.5*psi_pi - 0.25*psi_sigma;

      *psi_Q = sign * psi_delta * sin2_gamma * atmos.cos_2chi[mu][k] * sv;
      *psi_U = psi_delta * sin2_gamma * atmos.sin_2chi[mu][k] * sv;
      *psi_V = sign * 0.5*(psi_sp - psi_sm) * atmos.cos_gamma[mu][k] * sv;
  } else
   phi = Voigt(adamp, v, NULL, ARMSTRONG) * sv;

  return phi;