int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *name = NULL; /* * check for valid argument number * don't forget: first argument is name of the file, * reason for the + 1 in the if */ if (argc != (MAX_ARG + 1)) { printf ("Usage: program_name + <dirname> + <type>\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } name = argv[1]; if (argc == 2 && strncmp(argv[2], PRINT, strlen(PRINT)) == 0) { walkDir(name, printFileAttribute); } else if (argc == 3 && strncmp(argv[2], SEARCH, strlen(SEARCH)) == 0) { walkDir(name, printFileAttribute, argv[3]); } else { walkDir(name, printName); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc < 3) { printf("Invalid parameter\n"); printf("Usage: %s dir function\n", argv[0]); printf("\tfunction -print: shows the files and details\n"); printf("\tfunction -grep content: shows the files with the given content\n"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if (strcmp(argv[2], "-print") == 0) { walkDir(argv[1], &print); } else if(strcmp(argv[2], "-grep") == 0) { if (argc < 4) { printf("Invalid parameter\n"); printf("You have to give a search string\n"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } walkDir(argv[1], &grep, argv[3]); } else { printf("invalid function\n"); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
static void walkDir(char *dirName, Visitor visitor) { struct dirent *pDirent; DIR *pDir = NULL; int len = strlen(dirName); printf("directory %s\n", dirName); pDir = opendir(dirName); if (pDir == NULL) { printf("Cannot open directory %s\n", dirName); closedir(pDir); return; } pDirent = readdir(pDir); while(pDirent != NULL) { sprintf(&dirName[len], "/%s", pDirent->d_name); if (pDirent->d_type == DT_DIR) { if (strncmp(pDirent->d_name, ".", 1) != 0 && strncmp(pDirent->d_name, "..", 2) != 0) { walkDir(dirName, visitor); } } else if (pDirent->d_type == DT_REG) { if (visitor != NULL) { visitor(dirName, NULL); } } pDirent = readdir(pDir); } closedir(pDir); }
void walkDir(const char*path, char*table) { // find DIR *root = opendir(path); char nextdir[256]; char fullname[256]; struct dirent *entry; if (root == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to opendir(%s): %s\n\n", path, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } while((entry = readdir(root)) != NULL) { if (entry->d_type == 4 && entry->d_name[0] != '.') { sprintf(nextdir, "%s/%s", path, entry->d_name); walkDir(nextdir, table); } else if (entry->d_type == 8 && entry->d_name[0] == 'r' && entry->d_name[1] == '.') { sprintf(fullname, "%s/%s", path, entry->d_name); fprintf(stderr, "."); fflush(stderr); readRegion(fullname, table); } } closedir(root); }
// int doffire(unsigned int xmax=128, unsigned int ymax=128, unsigned int fmatch=125 unsigned short burnPropAge=400) { // use simpler float nRand, nClust probabilities... int doffire(unsigned tmax=1000000, int doSQL=1, unsigned short fMatch=200, float nRand=1, float nClust=0, int kmax=4, int sheepSpeed=1) { // burn toplolgy: do we nave nnn burning // std::string simName("ForestFire7d"); std::string simPramComment(""); //int fMatch = 250; // unsigned short rFire = 1; unsigned int nBurning = 0; unsigned short dnBurning = 0; int thisX, thisY, xFire, yFire; //int *fireSquare = new int; int *fireSquare = NULL; unsigned int nBurnedTotal=0, nFires=0; // number of elements burning, new Elements burning... // int burnPropAge=1; // //int *bigClustMaps = new int[(ymax+2)*(xmax+2)]; int *grids = new int[(ymax+2)*(xmax+2)]; int intKey; float aveRho, aveVol; int gridPos=0; // int rSeed=int(time(NULL)); int drSeed = 0; srand(time(NULL)); Rand plantRandx(rSeed + drSeed); drSeed ++; Rand plantRandy(rSeed + drSeed); drSeed ++; Rand fireRandx(rSeed + drSeed); drSeed ++; Rand fireRandy(rSeed + drSeed); drSeed ++; Rand rfMatch(rSeed + drSeed); drSeed ++; Rand rcPlant(rSeed + drSeed); drSeed ++; Rand walkDir(rSeed + drSeed); drSeed ++; Rand sheepRand(rSeed + drSeed); drSeed ++; // initialize sheep: unsigned int sheepPos = (xmax+2) + 1 + sheepRand.nextInt(xmax) + (xmax+2)*sheepRand.nextInt(ymax); // a little sloppy with the rand. numbs, but not important. // initialize the grid/cluster-grid with "rocks" around the border and in otherwise empty cells. // "cluster 0" will, for the time being, not participate in the simulation. just for posterity, // we will place "rocks" around the borders. initialize the interior of the grid with 0; we will // map the excluded areas via the clusters grid. for (unsigned int i = (xmax+2); i<(xmax+2)*(ymax+1); i++) { grids[i] = 0; //clustGrids[i] = 0; }; for (unsigned int i=0; i<(xmax+2); i++) { grids[i] = rockAge; grids[(ymax+1)*(xmax+2) + i] = rockAge; // }; for (unsigned int i=0; i<(ymax+2); i++) { grids[(xmax+2)*i] = rockAge; grids[(xmax+2)*i + xmax+1] = rockAge; // }; //printf("the grid:\n"); //printGrid(grids, 1, xmax, ymax); // // cluster map moved to a function: // unsigned int biggestFire = getClustMaps1(bigClustMaps); unsigned int biggestFire = xmax0*ymax0; // now, the cluster map is established. as we plant trees, we will plant against this grid. // // seed the grid with some trees: Rand treeSeedx(rSeed + drSeed); drSeed ++; Rand treeSeedy(rSeed + drSeed); drSeed ++; // particularly for dendritic models, how many seeds to we want? in the purest form, we want 1, but that will take a LONG time to get started. for (unsigned int i=0; i < xmax; i++) { // seed the grid with some trees //if (rand()%(xmax)==1 and i%(xmax+2)!=0 and (i+1)%(xmax+2)!=0 and i>(xmax+2) and i<((xmax+2)*(ymax+1)) ) grids[i]++; int thisX = treeSeedx.nextInt(xmax); int thisY = treeSeedy.nextInt(ymax); //thisClust = clustGrids[(xmax+2)*(thisY+1)+thisX+1]; //grids[(xmax+2)*(thisY+1)+thisX+1] = thisClust; //thisClust = *(bigClustMaps + (xmax+2)*(thisY+1)+thisX+1); *(grids + (xmax+2)*(thisY+1)+thisX+1) = 1; //yodapause(); }; //printf("random grid established...\n"); //printGrid(&grids[0], 1, xmax, ymax); // char DB[]="ForestFire"; char HOST[]="localhost"; char USER[]="myoder"; char PASSWORD[]="yoda"; mysqlpp::Connection myconn(DB, HOST, USER, PASSWORD); mysqlpp::Query myquery=myconn.query(); mysqlpp::Result res1; //int intKey; //unsigned int fcounts[xmax*ymax]; //unsigned int *fcounts = new unsigned int[xmax*ymax]; unsigned int *fcounts = new unsigned int[biggestFire]; for (unsigned int i=0; i<biggestFire; i++) { //fcounts[i]=0; *(fcounts + i) = 0; }; if (doSQL==1 or doSQL==5) { // // insert a new row for this sim-run: myquery.reset(); printf("insert simprams.\n"); //myquery << "insert into ForestFire.SimPrams (SimName, SimSW, xmax, ymax, sparkInterval, sparkProb, burnAge, propAge, tmax, wrapX, wrapY, Comment) values (%0q, %1q, %2q, %3q, %4q, %5q, %6q, %7q, %8q, %9q, %10q, %11q )"; myquery << "insert into ForestFire.SimPrams (SimName, SimSW, xmax, ymax, sparkInterval, tmax, nRand, nClust, kmax, Comment) values (%0q, %1q, %2q, %3q, %4q, %5q, %6q, %7q, %8q, %9q)"; myquery.parse(); // note: simIndex(auto-int) and dtTime (default TIMESTAMP) set automatically. myquery.execute(simName.c_str(), simName.c_str(), xmax, ymax, fMatch, tmax, nRand, nClust, kmax, simPramComment.c_str()); // // now, get the integer key for this simulation: // note that this could be accomplished with one call (optimal if MySQL calls have high overhead) // by writing a SPROC on the MySQL side. // also see the mysql_insert_id() (C API) and LAST_INSERT_ID() (SQL) functions, by which we should be ablt to automatically retrieve the indexID. myquery.reset(); printf("fetch simIndex.\n"); myquery << "select max(simIndex) from ForestFire.SimPrams where simName=%0q and simSW=%1q"; myquery.parse(); res1 =, simName.c_str()); intKey =; }; // doSQL /* if (doSQL==1 or doSQL==5) { // // insert a new row for this sim-run: myquery.reset(); printf("insert simprams.\n"); myquery << "insert into ForestFire.SimPrams (SimName, SimSW, xmax, ymax, sparkInterval, sparkProb, burnAge, propAge, tmax, wrapX, wrapY, Comment) values (%0q, %1q, %2q, %3q, %4q, %5q, %6q, %7q, %8q, %9q, %10q, %11q )"; myquery.parse(); // note: simIndex(auto-int) and dtTime (default TIMESTAMP) set automatically. myquery.execute(simName.c_str(), simName.c_str(), xmax, ymax, fmatch, pMatch, burnAge, burnPropAge, tmax, wrapx1, wrapy1, simPramComment.c_str()); // // now, get the integer key for this simulation: // note that this could be accomplished with one call (optimal if MySQL calls have high overhead) // by writing a SPROC on the MySQL side. // also see the mysql_insert_id() (C API) and LAST_INSERT_ID() (SQL) functions, by which we should be ablt to automatically retrieve the indexID. myquery.reset(); printf("fetch simIndex.\n"); myquery << "select max(simIndex) from ForestFire.SimPrams where simName=%0q and simSW=%1q"; myquery.parse(); res1 =, simName.c_str()); intKey =; }; // doSQL */ // for (unsigned int i=0; i<=tmax; i++) { // // first do the sheep: // note, we can remove sheep by setting sheepSpeed=0 for (unsigned short isheep = 0; isheep<sheepSpeed; isheep++) { switch (*(grids+sheepPos)) { case 0: case rockAge: // move: sheepPos = sheepPos + getRandDir((xmax+2), sheepRand); break; case 1: // eat: *(grids+sheepPos)=0; break; default: // nothing. break; }; // // are we outside the grid or on an illegal spot? if (sheepPos<=(xmax+2) or sheepPos>((xmax+2)*(ymax+1)) or sheepPos%(xmax+2)==0 or sheepPos%(xmax+1)==0) { // we've wandered off the grid; get new sheep. sheepPos = (xmax+2) + 1 + sheepRand.nextInt(xmax) + (xmax+2)*sheepRand.nextInt(ymax); }; }; // sheep-speed // //if (doSQL==5 or doSQL==6) if(i%1000000 == 0) printf("%d million\n", i/1000000); if (doSQL==6) if(i%1000000 == 0) printf("%d million\n", i/1000000); if (doSQL==16) { if(i%100000 == 0) { // printf("%d million\n", i/1000000); aveRho=0; aveVol=0; for (unsigned int k=0; k<(xmax+2)*(ymax+2); k++) { if (*(grids+k)>0 and *(grids+k)<rockAge) { aveRho = aveRho + 1; aveVol = aveVol + *(grids+k); }; }; //printf("mils,\t Rho,\t Vol,\t %d, %f, %f\n", i/1000000, float(aveRho)/float(xmax*ymax), float(aveVol)/float(xmax*ymax)); printf("%d, %f, %f\n", i/1000000, float(aveRho)/float(xmax*ymax), float(aveVol)/float(xmax*ymax)); }; }; // // PLANT A TREE: // select a grid for tree planting: // yoder, v7: introduce dendritic growth. we have two prams, nRand, nClst. define a P(rand)-> Pr, P(clust)->Pc: Pr=nRand/(nRand+nClust), etc. //for (unsigned int irp=0; irp<randPlant; irp++) { thisX = plantRandx.nextInt(xmax); thisY = plantRandy.nextInt(ymax); gridPos = (xmax+2)*(thisY+1)+1+thisX; // // what is the grid value? if it's empty, plant against P=nRand/(nRand+nClust); if it's a tree, plant each adjacent grid with nR/(nR+nC) switch (*(grids+gridPos)) { case 0: // planting stats: if (rcPlant.nextDouble() <= nRand) { *(grids+gridPos) = 1; }; break; case 1: if (rcPlant.nextDouble() <= float(nClust)/float(nClust+nRand) and *(grids+gridPos + 1)==0) { *(grids+gridPos+1) = 1; }; if (rcPlant.nextDouble() <= float(nClust)/float(nClust+nRand) and *(grids+gridPos - 1)==0) { *(grids+gridPos-1) = 1; }; if (rcPlant.nextDouble() <= float(nClust)/float(nClust+nRand) and *(grids+gridPos + (xmax+2))==0) { *(grids+gridPos+(xmax+2)) = 1; }; if (rcPlant.nextDouble() <= float(nClust)/float(nClust+nRand) and *(grids+gridPos - (xmax+2))==0) { *(grids+gridPos-(xmax+2)) = 1; }; break; }; // // debug: // if (i%10000==0) { // plotGridSimple (grids, i, xmax, ymax); // }; // we've planted a tree. do we throw a match? // a 1 in fMatch chance (use any value between 0 and fMatch) if (rfMatch.nextInt(fMatch) == 1) { //yodapause(); // throw a match. xFire = fireRandx.nextInt(xmax) + 1; yFire = fireRandy.nextInt(ymax) + 1; // fireSquare = grids + (xmax+2)*yFire + xFire; //printf("match: (%d, %d) :: %d\n", xFire, yFire, *fireSquare); //yodapause(); // if (*fireSquare > 0 and *fireSquare<rockAge) { // initiate a new fire. // start from the epicenter and work out in concentric rectangles (squares) // until there are no new fires. // note: we make two passes over each circle. for now, we assume all squares // continue to burn until the fire is over. this is a subtle consideration that // will not matter for simpler versions of the model, but if we introduce burn probabilities, // we will have to be more careful. //burningClust = clustGrids[(xmax+2)*yFire + xFire]; //burningClust = *(bigClustMaps + (xmax+2)*yFire + xFire); *fireSquare=-(*fireSquare); // the fire-square starts burning // rFire = 1; dnBurning = 1; // nBurning = dnBurning; int yFireMin = int(yodacode::greaterOf((yFire-rFire), 1)); // we always start with a 1 squar boundary. we might, however, encounter the edges. int yFireMax = int(yodacode::lesserOf((yFire+rFire), float(ymax))); int xFireMin = int(yodacode::greaterOf(float(xFire-rFire), 1)); int xFireMax = int(yodacode::lesserOf(float(xFire+rFire), float(xmax))); //printf("fire range: %d, %d, %d, %d\n", yFireMin, yFireMax, xFireMin, xFireMax); //printf("preplot\n."); // //plotGrid(&grids[0],i, xmax, ymax); if (doSQL==0) { printGrid(grids, i, xmax, ymax); }; //while (dnBurning > 0) { while (dnBurning > 0) { dnBurning=0; for (char doTwice = 0; doTwice <=1; doTwice++) { // "char" is a 1 byte integer. we could also use a boolean to count to 2. for (int iy = (yFireMin); iy <= (yFireMax); iy++) { for (int ix = (xFireMin); ix <= (xFireMax); ix++) { // also note: Gelb is right. a recursive approach is faster, though this bredth-first appraoch is more like real fire propagation. // printf("try-burn: %d, %d\n", ix, iy); //plotGrid(&grids[0], xmax, ymax); //yodapause(); // int * centerGrid = (grids + ix + (xmax+2)*iy); int cStat, uStat, dStat, lStat, rStat; //int ulStat, urStat, llStat, lrStat; // diagonal elements. cStat = *centerGrid; // uStat = *(centerGrid + (xmax+2)); dStat = *(centerGrid - (xmax+2)); lStat = *(centerGrid - 1); rStat = *(centerGrid + 1); // // diagonal elements: //ulStat = getGridStatus(*(centerGrid + (xmax+2) - 1), i); //urStat = getGridStatus(*(centerGrid + (xmax+2) + 1), i); //llStat = getGridStatus(*(centerGrid - (xmax+2) - 1), i); //lrStat = getGridStatus(*(centerGrid - (xmax+2) + 1), i); //yodapause(); //if (*centerGrid >= burnAge and (*leftGrid==-1 or *rightGrid==-1 or *upGrid==-1 or *downGrid==-1)) { //if (*centerGrid >= burnAge and (*leftGrid<=-burnPropAge or *rightGrid<=-burnPropAge or *upGrid<=-burnPropAge or *downGrid<=-burnPropAge)) { //if (cStat >= burnAge and cStat < rockAge and (lStat<=-burnPropAge or rStat<=-burnPropAge or uStat<=-burnPropAge or dStat<=-burnPropAge)) { // // no immunity: if (cStat >= 1 and cStat < rockAge and (lStat<=-1 or rStat<=-1 or uStat<=-1 or dStat<=-1) ) { // // // next nearest neighbors: // if (cStat >= burnAge and cStat < rockAge // and ( (lStat<=-burnPropAge or rStat<=-burnPropAge or uStat<=-burnPropAge or dStat<=-burnPropAge) // or ( (ulStat<=-nnnAge or urStat<=-nnnAge or llStat<=-nnnAge or lrStat<=-nnnAge) // and (ulStat<=-burnPropAge or urStat<=-burnPropAge or llStat<=-burnPropAge or lrStat<=-burnPropAge) // ) // ) // ) { *centerGrid = -(*centerGrid); // age -> number of trees in that grid... dnBurning ++; //printf("[%d, %d] catches from [%d, %d]\n", ix, iy, xFire, yFire); }; }; // ix }; // iy }; // doTwice // plotGridSimple (grids, i, xmax, ymax); nBurning = nBurning + dnBurning; //yodapause(); xFireMin = int(yodacode::greaterOf(1, float(xFireMin-1))); xFireMax = int(yodacode::lesserOf(float(xmax), xFireMax+1)); yFireMin = int(yodacode::greaterOf(1, float(yFireMin-1))); yFireMax = int(yodacode::lesserOf(float(ymax), yFireMax+1)); // g1.plot_xy(vfireX, vfireY, ""); }; // end "while" fire still burining // nFires++; nBurnedTotal = nBurnedTotal + nBurning; fcounts[nBurning-1]++; // plotGrid(&grids[0], xmax, ymax); if (doSQL==0) { printGrid(&grids[0], i, xmax, ymax); printf("fire size, vol, nFires, totalBurned, totalVol: (%d) (%d) (%d)\n", nBurning, nFires, nBurnedTotal); }; // write fire to MySQL: if (doSQL==1) { printf("fire size, nFires, totalBurned: (%d) (%d) (%d)\n", nBurning, nFires, nBurnedTotal); // myquery.reset(); // myquery << "insert into ForestFire.ForestFires (simIndex, t, xSpark, ySpark, AveTreeAge, nBurned) values (%0q, %1q, %2q, %3q, %4q, %5q) "; // myquery.parse(); // myquery.execute(intKey, i, xFire, yFire, aveTreeAge, nBurning); }; if (doSQL==3) { printf("fire (%d) at time %d\n",nBurning, i); if (nBurning>=10) plotGridSimple (grids, i, xmax, ymax); }; if (doSQL==4) { if (nBurning>=10) plotGridImg (grids, i, xmax, ymax, burnPropAge); }; // // fires finished burning; extinguish: for (int iy = (yFireMin); iy <= (yFireMax); iy++) { for (int ix = (xFireMin); ix <= (xFireMax); ix++) { // &grids[0] + ix + (xmax+2)*iy //if (grids[ix + (xmax+2)*iy] < 0) grids[ix + (xmax+2)*iy]=0; if (*(grids +ix + (xmax+2)*iy) < 0) *(grids +ix + (xmax+2)*iy)=0; }; }; }; //else printf("no tree at match point.\n"); // if match -> tree... }; // if match-time }; // end sim-steps. // end simulation. //printf("doSQL: %d\n", doSQL); // doSQL's: // 0: 'print-grid" fires // 1: full SQL: insert each forest fire data-set into ForestFires // 2: print summary to screen. use this for direct gnuplot calls, " plot '<./ffire4...'" // 3: Print each fire to screen; "plotGrid" each fire nBurning>(25) print summary to screen at end // 4: plotGridImg each fire nBurning>(20); print summary to screen, // 5: SQL: insert just summary data to SQL; prints progress by million (will screw up plotting) // 6: report summary, progress by million. // 11: return to standard-output the last grid in full. use to make an image of the final grid. // // end-o-run summaries (print): if (doSQL==2 or doSQL==3 or doSQL==4 or doSQL==6) { for (unsigned int i=0; i<(biggestFire); i++) { //if (fcounts[i]!=0) printf("%d\t%d\n", i+1, fcounts[i]); if (*(fcounts + i) != 0) printf("%d\t%d\n", i+1, *(fcounts + i)); //printf("%d,\t%d\n", i+1, fcounts[i]); }; } else { //printf("finished.\nfire size, nFires, totalBurned: (%d) (%d) (%d)\n", nBurning, nFires, nBurnedTotal); }; if (doSQL==5 ) { // no plots, just a summary -> SQL // for (unsigned int i=0; i<(biggestFire); i++) { // if (fcounts[i]!=0) printf("%d\t%d\n", i+1, fcounts[i]); // printf ("sql bits: %d, %d, %d, %d\n", intKey, tmax, i+1, fcounts[i]); myquery.reset(); myquery << "insert into ffcounts (simIndex, tmax, nBurned, nEvents) values (%0q, %1q, %2q, %3q)"; myquery.parse(); myquery.execute(intKey, tmax, i+1, fcounts[i]); //printf("%d,\t%d\n", i+1, fcounts[i]); }; }; // return the final grid in full and give an average density at the end...? if (doSQL==11) { for (unsigned int i=0; i<(xmax+2)*(ymax+2); i++) { printf ("%d,\t%d,\t%d\n", i-int(i/(xmax+2))*(xmax+2), i/(xmax+2), getGridStatus(*(grids+i), tmax)); }; }; //yodacode::yodapause(); return 0; //return &grids[0]; };
void btpCharacterController_c::update( const class vec3_c& dir ) { // set the forward direction of the character controller btVector3 walkDir( dir[0]*QIO_TO_BULLET, dir[1]*QIO_TO_BULLET, dir[2]*QIO_TO_BULLET ); ch->setWalkDirection( walkDir ); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { fprintf(stderr, "hello world\n"); // this can hold blockcounts: // uint64_t blockCounts[256]; // We need 128 of these, hold block counts for each level const size_t toMalloc = 256*sizeof(uint64_t) * 128; // [ table size ] * [num tables] fprintf(stderr, "mallocing %d bytes of memory to block tables... ", toMalloc); char * blockTable = (char*)malloc(toMalloc); fprintf(stderr, "ok.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "clearing... "); memset(blockTable, 0, toMalloc); fprintf(stderr, "ok.\n"); walkDir(argv[1], blockTable); fprintf(stderr, "\n-- REPORT --\n"); //fprintf(stderr, "Read %u chunks\n", numChunks); printReport("data.js", blockTable); free(blockTable); /* Test code: TODO, move this elsewhere printf("read in %d bytes: %d\n", r, (unsigned int)(*buf)); char t[256] = "\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x09\x00\x05hello\x00\x00\x00\x06\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x12"; char *test = t; NBT_Int i(test); printf("int val=%d\n", i.getValue()); assert(i.getValue() == 1); test += i.size; NBT_Short s(test); printf("short val=%d\n", s.getValue()); assert(s.getValue() == 9); test+=s.size; NBT_String str(test); printf("str val=%s\n", str.getString().c_str()); assert(strncmp(str.getString().c_str(), "hello", 5) == 0); test += str.size; assert(str.size == 7); NBT_Byte_Array ba(test); assert(ba.size == (4+6)); assert(ba.length() == 6); assert(memcmp(ba.buff, "\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06", 6) == 0); test += ba.size; NBT_Byte b(test); assert(b.getByte() == 0x12); assert(b.size == 1); test += b.size; char t2[256] = "\x09\x00\x06mylist\x02\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\x01\x00\x02\x00\x03\x00\x04"; test = t2; test += 1; NBT_String t_name(test); test += t_name.size; printf("name: %s\n", t_name.getString().c_str()); NBT_List l(test); assert(l.getListType() == TAG_Short); assert(l.getList().size() == 4); printf("start Compounttest:\n"); char t3[256] = "\x01\x00\x04\x42yte\xab\x03\x00\x05myint\x00\x00\x00\x08\x02\x00\x07myshort\x00\xff\x00"; test = t3; NBT_Compound cmp(test); printf("real data test\n----\n"); test = buf; test++; NBT_String buf_string(test); test += buf_string.size; printf("compound name: %s\n", buf_string.getString().c_str()); NBT_Compound buf_compound(test); = buf_string.getString(); printf("\n\n"); buf_compound.print(0); list<NBT_Tag*> listlist = buf_compound.getList(); //t->print(); //free(testbuf); */ return 0; }