Example #1
int lpack(lua_State *L) {
	struct write_block b;
	wb_init(&b, NULL);
	_pack_from(L, &b, 0);
	struct block * ret = wb_close(&b);
	lua_pushlightuserdata(L, ret);
	return 1;
Example #2
static int
lappend(lua_State *L) {
	struct write_block b;
	wb_init(&b, lua_touserdata(L,1));
	struct block * ret = wb_close(&b);
	return 1;
Example #3
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  eb_status_t       status;
  eb_socket_t       socket;
  int               devIndex=-1;  // 0,1,2... - there may be more than 1 device on the WB bus

  const char* devName;
  const char* command;
  int         cmdExecuted=0;

  int         getEBVersion=0;
  int         probeAfterReset=0;
  int         waitTime=1;
  int         exitCode=0;
  uint32_t    nCPU;
  uint64_t    i;

  int opt, error=0;
  char *tail;

  int         ip;

  program = argv[0];

  while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "p:eh")) != -1) {
    switch (opt) {
    case 'p' :
      waitTime = strtol(optarg, &tail, 0);
      if (*tail != 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Specify a proper number, not '%s'!\n", optarg);
      } // if *tail
    case 'e':
    case 'h':
      return 0;
      case ':':
      case '?':
        error = 1;
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad getopt result\n", program);
      return 1;
    } // switch opt 
  } // while opt 

  if (error) {
    return 1;
  if (optind >= argc) {
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: expecting one non-optional argument: <etherbone-device>\n", program);
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
    return 1;

  devName = argv[optind];
  devIndex = 0; // default: grab first device of the requested type on the wishbone bus

  if (optind+1 < argc)  command = argv[++optind];
  else                  command = NULL;
  if (getEBVersion) {
    if (verbose) fprintf(stdout, "EB version / EB source: ");
    fprintf(stdout, "%s / %s\n", eb_source_version(), eb_build_info());

  if (command) {
    // open Etherbone device and socket 
    if ((status = wb_open(devName, &device, &socket)) != EB_OK) {
      fprintf(stderr, "can't open connection to device %s \n", devName);
      return (1);
    // prior reset, probe device by gettings its IP
    if ((status = wb_wr_get_ip(device, devIndex, &ip)) != EB_OK) die("eb-reset: can't to connect to device", status);

    // FPGA reset
    if (!strcasecmp(command, "fpgareset")) {
      cmdExecuted = 1;
      // depending on the device, the etherbone cycle either completes or times out
      status = wb_wr_reset(device, devIndex, 0xdeadbeef);
      if ((status != EB_TIMEOUT) && (status != EB_OK)) die("RESET FPGA", status);
      if (probeAfterReset) {
        //close, wait and reopen socket, try to read a property (here: ip) from the device
        if ((status = wb_close(device, socket)) != EB_OK) die ("Probe FPGA", status);
        if ((status = wb_open(devName, &device, &socket)) != EB_OK) die("Probe FPGA", status);
        if ((status = wb_wr_get_ip(device, devIndex, &ip)) != EB_OK) die("Probe FPGA", status);
      } // probe after reset
    } // fpga reset

    // halt user CPU
    if (!strcasecmp(command, "cpuhalt")) {
      cmdExecuted = 1;
      if (optind+2  != argc) {printf("eb-reset: expecting exactly one argument: cpuhalt <cpu>\n"); return 1;}

      nCPU = strtoul(argv[optind+1], &tail, 0);
      status = wb_cpu_halt(device, devIndex, nCPU);
      if (status == EB_OOM) {printf("eb-reset: illegal value for <cpu>\n"); return 1;}
      if (status != EB_OK)  die("eb-reset: ", status);
    } // halt lm32 CPU

    // reset user CPU
    if (!strcasecmp(command, "cpureset")) {
      cmdExecuted = 1;
      if (optind+2  != argc) {printf("eb-reset: expecting exactly one argument: cpureset <cpu>\n"); return 1;}

      nCPU = strtoul(argv[optind+1], &tail, 0);
      status = wb_cpu_halt(device, devIndex, nCPU);
      if (status == EB_OOM) {printf("eb-reset: illegal value for <cpu>\n"); return 1;}
      if (status != EB_OK)  die("eb-reset: ", status);

      usleep(1000); // probably not required, but its better to be on the safe side
      status = wb_cpu_resume(device, devIndex, nCPU);
      if (status == EB_OOM) {printf("eb-reset: illegal value for <cpu>\n"); return 1;}
      if (status != EB_OK)  die("eb-reset: ", status);
    } // resume lm32 CPU

    // get user CPU halt state
    if (!strcasecmp(command, "cpustatus")) {
      cmdExecuted = 1;
      status = wb_cpu_status(device, devIndex, &nCPU);
      if (status != EB_OK)  die("eb-reset: ", status);

      printf("eb-reset: status of user lm32 ");
      for (i = 1 << 16; i > 0; i = i / 2) {if (nCPU & i) printf("1"); else printf("0");}
    } // get lm32 CPU status

    wb_close(device, socket);

    if (!cmdExecuted) printf("eb-reset: unknonwn command %s\n", command);
  } // if command
  else printf("eb-reset: no action on FPGA or lm32, use option '-h' to learn about commands\n");
  return exitCode;
} // main