Example #1
File: utils.c Project: jarmo/wdm
wdm_utils_full_pathname(const LPWSTR path) {
    LPWSTR full_path;
    size_t full_path_len;
    BOOL is_directory;

    if ( GetFullPathNameW(path, WDM_MAX_WCHAR_LONG_PATH, maxed_path, NULL) == 0 ) {
        return 0;

    is_directory = wdm_utils_unicode_is_directory(maxed_path);

    full_path_len = wcslen(maxed_path);
    full_path = WDM_ALLOC_N(WCHAR, full_path_len + (is_directory ? 2 : 1)); // When it's a directory, add extra 1 for the (\) at the end

    wcscpy(full_path, maxed_path);

    if ( is_directory ) wcscat(full_path, L"\\");

    return full_path;
Example #2
static VALUE
combined_watch(BOOL recursively, int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
    WDM_PMonitor monitor;
    WDM_PEntry entry;
    int directory_letters_count;
    VALUE directory, flags, os_encoded_directory;
    BOOL running;

    // TODO: Maybe raise a more user-friendly error?

    Data_Get_Struct(self, WDM_Monitor, monitor);

        running = monitor->running;

    if ( running ) {
        rb_raise(eWDM_MonitorRunningError, "You can't watch new directories while the monitor is running!");

    rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "1*", &directory, &flags);

    Check_Type(directory, T_STRING);

    entry = wdm_entry_new();
    entry->user_data->watch_childeren = recursively;
    entry->user_data->callback =  rb_block_proc();
    entry->user_data->flags = RARRAY_LEN(flags) == 0 ? WDM_MONITOR_FLAGS_DEFAULT : extract_flags_from_rb_array(flags);

    // WTF Ruby source: The original code (file.c) uses the following macro to make sure that the encoding
    // of the string is ASCII-compatible, but UTF-16LE (Windows default encoding) is not!!!
    // FilePathValue(directory);

    os_encoded_directory = rb_str_encode_ospath(directory);

    // RSTRING_LEN can't be used because it would return the count of bytes the string uses in its encoding (like UTF-8).
    // UTF-8 might use more than one byte for the char, which is not needed for WCHAR strings.
    // Also, the result of MultiByteToWideChar _includes_ the NULL char at the end, which is not true for RSTRING.
    // Example: 'C:\Users\Maher\Desktop\تجربة' with __ENCODING__ == UTF-8
    //   MultiByteToWideChar => 29 (28-char + null)
    //   RSTRING_LEN => 33 (23-char + 10-bytes for 5 Arabic letters which take 2 bytes each)
    directory_letters_count = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, RSTRING_PTR(os_encoded_directory), -1, NULL, 0);

    entry->user_data->dir = ALLOCA_N(WCHAR, directory_letters_count);

    MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, RSTRING_PTR(os_encoded_directory), -1, entry->user_data->dir, directory_letters_count);

    WDM_WDEBUG("New path to watch: '%s'", entry->user_data->dir);

    entry->user_data->dir = wdm_utils_full_pathname(entry->user_data->dir);

    if ( entry->user_data->dir == 0 ) {
        rb_raise(eWDM_Error, "Can't get the absolute path for the passed directory: '%s'!", RSTRING_PTR(directory));

    if ( ! wdm_utils_unicode_is_directory(entry->user_data->dir) ) {
        rb_raise(eWDM_InvalidDirectoryError, "No such directory: '%s'!", RSTRING_PTR(directory));

    entry->dir_handle = CreateFileW(
        entry->user_data->dir,     // pointer to the file name
        FILE_LIST_DIRECTORY,       // access (read/write) mode
        FILE_SHARE_READ            // share mode
            | FILE_SHARE_WRITE
            | FILE_SHARE_DELETE,
        NULL,                       // security descriptor
        OPEN_EXISTING,              // how to create
            | FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, // file attributes

    if ( entry->dir_handle ==  INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
        rb_raise(eWDM_Error, "Can't watch directory: '%s'!", RSTRING_PTR(directory));

    // Store a reference to the entry instead of an event as the event
    // won't be used when using callbacks.
    entry->event_container.hEvent = wdm_monitor_callback_param_new(monitor, entry);

    wdm_monitor_update_head(monitor, entry);

    WDM_WDEBUG("Watching directory: '%s'", entry->user_data->dir);

    return Qnil;