Example #1
 * Lets the mobile load an object
 * Syntax: mob oload [vnum] [level] {R}
void do_mpoload(CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument)
    char arg1[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
    char arg2[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
    char arg3[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
    OBJ_INDEX_DATA *pObjIndex;
    OBJ_DATA *obj;
    int level;
    bool fToroom = FALSE, fWear = FALSE;

    argument = one_argument(argument, arg1);
    argument = one_argument(argument, arg2);
    one_argument(argument, arg3);

    if (arg1[0] == '\0' || !is_number(arg1)) {
	bug("Mpoload - Bad syntax from vnum %d.",
	    IS_NPC(ch) ? ch->pIndexData->vnum : 0);
    if (arg2[0] == '\0') {
	level = get_trust(ch);
    } else {
	 * New feature from Alander.
	if (!is_number(arg2)) {
	    bug("Mpoload - Bad syntax from vnum %d.",
		IS_NPC(ch) ? ch->pIndexData->vnum : 0);
	level = atoi(arg2);
	if (level < 0 || level > get_trust(ch)) {
	    bug("Mpoload - Bad level from vnum %d.",
		IS_NPC(ch) ? ch->pIndexData->vnum : 0);

     * Added 3rd argument
     * omitted - load to mobile's inventory
     * 'R'     - load to room
     * 'W'     - load to mobile and force wear
    if (arg3[0] == 'R' || arg3[0] == 'r')
	fToroom = TRUE;
    else if (arg3[0] == 'W' || arg3[0] == 'w')
	fWear = TRUE;

    if ((pObjIndex = get_obj_index(atoi(arg1))) == NULL) {
	bug("Mpoload - Bad vnum arg from vnum %d.",
	    IS_NPC(ch) ? ch->pIndexData->vnum : 0);
    obj = create_object(pObjIndex, level);
    if ((fWear || !fToroom) && CAN_WEAR(obj, ITEM_TAKE)) {
	obj_to_char(obj, ch);
	if (fWear)
	    wear_obj(ch, obj, TRUE);
    } else {
	obj_to_room(obj, ch->in_room);

Example #2
//to calkowita obsluga ladowania artefactow
//sprawdzanie czy mozna + ladowanie + ew. zakladanie
void load_artefact( ROOM_INDEX_DATA *room, OBJ_DATA *obj, CHAR_DATA *ch )
	char buf[ MAX_INPUT_LENGTH ];
	OBJ_DATA *loaded_obj;

	int type;
	int vnum = 0;

	if ( room != NULL )
		vnum = room->vnum;type = 0;
	else if ( obj != NULL )
		vnum = obj->pIndexData->vnum;type = 1;
	else if ( ch != NULL )
		vnum = ch->pIndexData->vnum;type = 2;
	else return ;

	for ( atmp = artefact_system;atmp;atmp = atmp->next )
		for ( ltmp = atmp->loader;ltmp;ltmp = ltmp->next )
			//jesli nie zgadza sie typ (np: obj=obj) i vnumy to wychodzimy
			if (!( ltmp->type == type && ltmp->vnum == vnum ))

                        //jesli room to sprawdzanie czy juz tam nie ma
			if (( type == 0 ) &&
                            ( count_obj_list( get_obj_index( atmp->avnum ), room->contents ) > 0 ) )
				sprintf( buf, "NIE LADUJE do room a (juz jest): %d do %d", atmp->avnum, room->vnum );
				wiznet( buf, NULL, NULL, WIZ_ARTEFACTLOAD, 0, 39 );

                        //aktualizacja ilosci
			atmp->count = artefact_new_count( atmp );

			//tera prawd. jesli mniejsze to nastepny loader
			if ( number_range( 1, ltmp->probup ) > ltmp->probdown )

                        //juz max artefaktu, nastepny loader
			if ( atmp->count >= atmp->max_count ) continue;

			//ladujemy bo wsie warunki spelnione
			loaded_obj = create_object ( get_obj_index( atmp->avnum ), FALSE );
			create_artefact( loaded_obj->pIndexData->vnum );

			//dokad ladujemy
			if ( type == 0 )   //do rooma
				sprintf( buf, "Artefakt [%d] za³adowany do rooma [%d].", loaded_obj->pIndexData->vnum, room->vnum );
				obj_to_room( loaded_obj, room );
				wiznet( buf, NULL, NULL, WIZ_ARTEFACTLOAD, 0, 39 );
			else if ( type == 1 )   //do srodka objectu
				sprintf( buf, "Artefakt [%d] za³adowany do wnêtrza obiektu [%d],", loaded_obj->pIndexData->vnum, obj->pIndexData->vnum );
				obj_to_obj( loaded_obj, obj );
				wiznet( buf, NULL, NULL, WIZ_ARTEFACTLOAD, 0, 39 );
					//okresla room
				if ( obj->in_room )
					sprintf( buf, "	w roomie [%d]", obj->in_room->vnum );
				if ( obj->carried_by )
					sprintf( buf, "	na mobie [%d] w roomie [%d]", obj->carried_by->pIndexData->vnum, obj->carried_by->in_room->vnum );
				wiznet( buf, NULL, NULL, WIZ_ARTEFACTLOAD, 0, 39 );
			else if ( type == 2 )   //mobowi
				sprintf( buf, "Artefakt [%d] za³adowany mobowi [%d] roomie [%d].", loaded_obj->pIndexData->vnum, ch->pIndexData->vnum, ch->in_room->vnum );
				obj_to_char( loaded_obj, ch );
				wiznet( buf, NULL, NULL, WIZ_ARTEFACTLOAD, 0, 39 );
					//+zakladanie jesli moze (nie sprzedawca)
				if ( ch->pIndexData->pShop == NULL && loaded_obj->wear_loc == WEAR_NONE && can_see_obj( ch, loaded_obj ) )
					if ( loaded_obj->item_type == ITEM_WEAPON )
						if ( !get_eq_char( ch, WEAR_WIELD ) )
							wield_weapon( ch, loaded_obj, TRUE );
						wear_obj( ch, loaded_obj, FALSE );

			} //end dokad
//		} //end typ=typ, vnum=vnum
	} //end po loaderach
} //end po artefaktach
Example #3
bool spec_wanderer( CHAR_DATA *ch )
    OBJ_DATA *trash;
    OBJ_DATA *trash_next;
    OBJ_DATA *obj2;
    ROOM_INDEX_DATA *was_in_room;
    EXIT_DATA *pexit = NULL;
    CHAR_DATA *vch;
    int door;
    int chance=50;
    bool found = FALSE; /* Valid direction */
    bool thrown = FALSE;/* Whether to be thrown or not */
    bool noexit = TRUE; /* Assume there is no valid exits */
    was_in_room = ch->in_room;
    if ( !IS_AWAKE(ch) )
	return FALSE;

    if((pexit = ch->in_room->first_exit) !=NULL)
     * Look for objects on the ground and pick it up
    for ( trash = ch->in_room->first_content; trash; trash = trash_next )
	trash_next = trash->next_content;
	if ( !IS_SET( trash->wear_flags, ITEM_TAKE )
	||    IS_OBJ_STAT( trash, ITEM_BURIED ) )
	if ( trash->item_type == ITEM_WEAPON
	|| 	 trash->item_type == ITEM_ARMOR
	||   trash->item_type == ITEM_LIGHT ) {
	separate_obj( trash );  /* So there is no 'sword <6>' gets only one object off ground */
	act( AT_ACTION, "$n leans over and gets $p.", ch, trash, NULL, TO_ROOM );	
	obj_from_room( trash );
	trash = obj_to_char( trash, ch );
	 * If object is too high a level throw it away.
    if ( ch->level < trash->level )
	act( AT_ACTION, "$n tries to use $p, but is too inexperienced.",ch, trash, NULL, TO_ROOM );
        thrown = TRUE;
	 * Wear the object if it is not to be thrown. The FALSE is passed
	 * so that the mob wont remove a piece of armor already there
	 * if it is not worn it is assumed that they can't use it or 
	 * they already are wearing something.
	wear_obj( ch, trash, FALSE, -1 );
	 * Look for an object in the inventory that is not being worn
	 * then throw it away...
        for ( obj2 = ch->first_carrying; obj2; obj2 = obj2->next_content ){
			if (obj2->wear_loc == WEAR_NONE){
			do_say(ch,"Hmm, I can't use this.");			
	 * Ugly bit of code..
	 * Checks if the object is to be thrown & there is a valid exit, 
	 * randomly pick a direction to throw it, and check to make sure no other
	 * spec_wanderer mobs are in that room.
	if(thrown && !noexit)
	  while(!found && !noexit){
		if((pexit = get_exit(ch->in_room,door) ) != NULL
		&&   pexit->to_room
		&&   !IS_SET(pexit->exit_info, EX_CLOSED)
		&&	!xIS_SET(pexit->to_room->room_flags, ROOM_NODROP)){
		  if( (vch = pexit->to_room->first_person) !=NULL)
			for( vch = pexit->to_room->first_person; vch; vch = vch->next_in_room){
			  if (!str_cmp(lookup_spec(vch->spec_fun), "spec_wanderer")){
			  noexit = TRUE;
			  /*act( AT_CYAN,"$n spec_wanderer inroom $T", ch, NULL,dir_name[pexit->vdir], TO_ROOM);*/
			  return FALSE;
			found = TRUE;
		if (!noexit && thrown){
		/*if (trash->value*/
		set_cur_obj( trash );
		if( damage_obj( trash ) != rOBJ_SCRAPPED){
		act( AT_ACTION, "$n growls and throws $p $T.", ch, trash, dir_name[pexit->vdir], TO_ROOM );
		obj_from_char( trash );
		obj_to_room( trash, pexit->to_room );
		char_to_room(ch, pexit->to_room);
		act( AT_CYAN,"$p thrown by $n lands in the room.",ch, trash, ch, TO_ROOM);
		char_to_room(ch, was_in_room);
		do_say(ch,"This thing is junk!");
		act( AT_ACTION, "$n growls and breaks $p.",ch, trash, NULL, TO_ROOM);
	return TRUE;
	return TRUE;
   } /* get next obj */
    return FALSE; /* No objects :< */
   return FALSE;
Example #4
 * Hit one guy with a projectile.
 * Handles use of missile weapons (wield = missile weapon)
 * or thrown items/weapons
ch_ret projectile_hit( char_data * ch, char_data * victim, obj_data * wield, obj_data * projectile, short dist )
   int vic_ac, thac0, plusris, diceroll, prof_bonus, prof_gsn = -1, proj_bonus, dt, pchance;
   double dam = 0;
   ch_ret retcode;

   if( !projectile )
      return rNONE;

   if( projectile->item_type == ITEM_PROJECTILE || projectile->item_type == ITEM_WEAPON )
      dt = TYPE_HIT + projectile->value[3];
      if( wield )
         proj_bonus = number_range( wield->value[1], wield->value[2] );
         proj_bonus = 0;
      dt = TYPE_UNDEFINED;
      proj_bonus = 0;

    * Can't beat a dead char!
   if( victim->position == POS_DEAD || victim->char_died(  ) )
      projectile->extract(  );
      return rVICT_DIED;

   if( wield )
      prof_bonus = weapon_prof_bonus_check( ch, wield, prof_gsn );
      prof_bonus = 0;

   if( dt == TYPE_UNDEFINED )
      dt = TYPE_HIT;
      if( wield && wield->item_type == ITEM_MISSILE_WEAPON )
         dt += wield->value[3];

   thac0 = calc_thac0( ch, victim, dist );

   vic_ac = umax( -19, ( victim->GET_AC(  ) / 10 ) );

    * if you can't see what's coming... 
   if( !victim->can_see_obj( projectile, false ) )
      vic_ac += 1;
   if( !ch->can_see( victim, false ) )
      vic_ac -= 4;

    * Weapon proficiency bonus 
   vic_ac += prof_bonus;

    * The moment of excitement!
   while( ( diceroll = number_bits( 5 ) ) >= 20 )

   if( diceroll == 0 || ( diceroll != 19 && diceroll < thac0 - vic_ac ) )
       * Miss. 
      if( prof_gsn != -1 )
         ch->learn_from_failure( prof_gsn );

       * Do something with the projectile 
      if( number_percent(  ) < 50 )
         projectile->extract(  );
         if( projectile->carried_by )
            projectile->from_char(  );
         projectile->to_room( victim->in_room, victim );
      damage( ch, victim, 0, dt );
      return rNONE;

    * Hit.
    * Calc damage.

   pchance = number_range( 1, 10 );

   switch ( pchance )
      case 1:
      case 2:
      case 3: /* Hit in the arm */
         dam = number_range( projectile->value[1], projectile->value[2] ) + proj_bonus;

      case 4:
      case 5:
      case 6: /* Hit in the leg */
         dam = number_range( ( 2 * projectile->value[1] ), ( 2 * projectile->value[2] ) ) + proj_bonus;

      case 7:
      case 8:
      case 9:
      case 10:   /* Hit in the chest */
         dam = number_range( ( 3 * projectile->value[1] ), ( 3 * projectile->value[2] ) ) + proj_bonus;

    * Bonuses.
   dam += ch->GET_DAMROLL(  );

   if( prof_bonus )
      dam += prof_bonus / 4;

    * Calculate Damage Modifiers from Victim's Fighting Style
   if( victim->position == POS_BERSERK )
      dam = 1.2 * dam;
   else if( victim->position == POS_AGGRESSIVE )
      dam = 1.1 * dam;
   else if( victim->position == POS_DEFENSIVE )
      dam = .85 * dam;
   else if( victim->position == POS_EVASIVE )
      dam = .8 * dam;

   if( !ch->isnpc(  ) && ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_enhanced_damage] > 0 && number_percent(  ) < ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_enhanced_damage] )
      dam += ( int )( dam * ch->LEARNED( gsn_enhanced_damage ) / 120 );
      ch->learn_from_failure( gsn_enhanced_damage );

   if( !victim->IS_AWAKE(  ) )
      dam *= 2;

   if( dam <= 0 )
      dam = 1;

   plusris = 0;

   if( projectile->extra_flags.test( ITEM_MAGIC ) )
      dam = ris_damage( victim, dam, RIS_MAGIC );
      dam = ris_damage( victim, dam, RIS_NONMAGIC );

    * Handle PLUS1 - PLUS6 ris bits vs. weapon hitroll   -Thoric
   if( wield )
      plusris = wield->hitroll(  );

    * check for RIS_PLUSx - Thoric 
   if( dam )
      int x, res, imm, sus, mod;

      if( plusris )
         plusris = RIS_PLUS1 << UMIN( plusris, 7 );

       * initialize values to handle a zero plusris 
      imm = res = -1;
      sus = 1;

       * find high ris 
       * FIXME: Absorb handling needs to be included
      for( x = RIS_PLUS1; x <= RIS_PLUS6; ++x )
         if( victim->has_immune( x ) )
            imm = x;
         if( victim->has_resist( x ) )
            res = x;
         if( victim->has_suscep( x ) )
            sus = x;
      mod = 10;
      if( imm >= plusris )
         mod -= 10;
      if( res >= plusris )
         mod -= 2;
      if( sus <= plusris )
         mod += 2;

       * check if immune 
      if( mod <= 0 )
         dam = -1;
      if( mod != 10 )
         dam = ( dam * mod ) / 10;

    * immune to damage 
   if( dam == -1 )
      if( dt >= 0 && dt < num_skills )
         skill_type *skill = skill_table[dt];
         bool found = false;

         if( skill->imm_char && skill->imm_char[0] != '\0' )
            act( AT_HIT, skill->imm_char, ch, nullptr, victim, TO_CHAR );
            found = true;
         if( skill->imm_vict && skill->imm_vict[0] != '\0' )
            act( AT_HITME, skill->imm_vict, ch, nullptr, victim, TO_VICT );
            found = true;
         if( skill->imm_room && skill->imm_room[0] != '\0' )
            act( AT_ACTION, skill->imm_room, ch, nullptr, victim, TO_NOTVICT );
            found = true;
         if( found )
            if( number_percent(  ) < 50 )
               projectile->extract(  );
               if( projectile->carried_by )
                  projectile->from_char(  );
               projectile->to_room( victim->in_room, victim );
            return rNONE;
      dam = 0;
   if( ( retcode = damage( ch, victim, dam, dt ) ) != rNONE )
      if( projectile->value[5] == PROJ_STONE )
         projectile->extract(  );
         if( victim->char_died(  ) )
            projectile->extract(  );
            return rVICT_DIED;
         projectile->from_char(  );
         projectile->to_char( victim );
         projectile->extra_flags.set( ITEM_LODGED );

         switch ( pchance )
            case 1:
            case 2:
            case 3: /* Hit in the arm */
               projectile->wear_flags.set( ITEM_LODGE_ARM );
               wear_obj( victim, projectile, true, get_wflag( "lodge_arm" ) );

            case 4:
            case 5:
            case 6: /* Hit in the leg */
               projectile->wear_flags.set( ITEM_LODGE_LEG );
               wear_obj( victim, projectile, true, get_wflag( "lodge_leg" ) );

            case 7:
            case 8:
            case 9:
            case 10:   /* Hit in the chest */
               projectile->wear_flags.set( ITEM_LODGE_RIB );
               wear_obj( victim, projectile, true, get_wflag( "lodge_rib" ) );
      return retcode;
   if( ch->char_died(  ) )
      projectile->extract(  );
      return rCHAR_DIED;
   if( victim->char_died(  ) )
      projectile->extract(  );
      return rVICT_DIED;

   retcode = rNONE;
   if( dam == 0 )
      if( number_percent(  ) < 50 )
         projectile->extract(  );
         if( projectile->carried_by )
            projectile->from_char(  );
         projectile->to_room( victim->in_room, victim );
      return retcode;

    * weapon spells -Thoric 
   if( wield && !victim->has_immune( RIS_MAGIC ) && !victim->in_room->flags.test( ROOM_NO_MAGIC ) )
      list < affect_data * >::iterator paf;

      for( paf = wield->pIndexData->affects.begin(  ); paf != wield->pIndexData->affects.end(  ); ++paf )
         affect_data *af = *paf;

         if( af->location == APPLY_WEAPONSPELL && IS_VALID_SN( af->modifier ) && skill_table[af->modifier]->spell_fun )
            retcode = ( *skill_table[af->modifier]->spell_fun ) ( af->modifier, 7, ch, victim );
      if( retcode != rNONE || ch->char_died(  ) || victim->char_died(  ) )
         projectile->extract(  );
         return retcode;

      for( paf = wield->affects.begin(  ); paf != wield->affects.end(  ); ++paf )
         affect_data *af = *paf;

         if( af->location == APPLY_WEAPONSPELL && IS_VALID_SN( af->modifier ) && skill_table[af->modifier]->spell_fun )
            retcode = ( *skill_table[af->modifier]->spell_fun ) ( af->modifier, 7, ch, victim );
      if( retcode != rNONE || ch->char_died(  ) || victim->char_died(  ) )
         projectile->extract(  );
         return retcode;
   projectile->extract(  );
   return retcode;