static void QoSDeleteRules(webs_t wp, char_t *path, char_t *query, char *which_rule) { int i, j, rule_count; char_t name_buf[16]; char_t *value; int *deleArray; char *new_rules; const char *rules = nvram_bufget(RT2860_NVRAM, which_rule); if(!rules || !strlen(rules) ) return; rule_count = getRuleNums(rules); if(!rule_count) return; deleArray = (int *)malloc(rule_count * sizeof(int)); if(!deleArray) return; new_rules = strdup(rules); if(!new_rules) { free(deleArray); return; } for(i=0, j=0; i< rule_count; i++) { snprintf(name_buf, 16, "del_qos_%d", i); value = websGetVar(wp, name_buf, NULL); if(value) { deleArray[j++] = i; } } if(!j) { free(deleArray); free(new_rules); websHeader(wp); websWrite(wp, T("You didn't select any rules to delete.<br>\n")); websFooter(wp); websDone(wp, 200); return; } deleteNthValueMulti(deleArray, j, new_rules, ';'); nvram_set(RT2860_NVRAM, which_rule, new_rules); nvram_commit(RT2860_NVRAM); QoSRestart(); websHeader(wp); websWrite(wp, T("Delete Rules:\n") ); for(i=0; i<j; i++) websWrite(wp, "%d ", (deleArray[i] + 1) ); websFooter(wp); websDone(wp, 200); free(deleArray); free(new_rules); }
void // do_upgrade_cgi(char *url, FILE *stream) do_upgrade_cgi(struct mime_handler *handler, char *url, webs_t streamm, char *query) // jimmy, // https, // 8/6/2003 { #ifndef ANTI_FLASH fprintf(stderr, "do post\n"); if (upgrade_ret) do_ej(handler, "Fail_u_s.asp", stream, NULL); else do_ej(handler, "Success_u_s.asp", stream, NULL); fprintf(stderr, "websdone\n"); websDone(stream, 200); fprintf(stderr, "reboot\n"); /* * Reboot if successful */ if (upgrade_ret == 0) { sleep(5); sys_reboot(); } #else do_ej(handler, "Fail_u_s.asp", stream, NULL); websDone(stream, 200); #endif }
static void formDeleteAccessLimit(webs_t wp, char_t *path, char_t *query) { char_t *url, *ok; a_assert(wp); url = websGetVar(wp, T("url"), T("")); ok = websGetVar(wp, T("ok"), T("")); websHeader(wp); websMsgStart(wp); if (gstricmp(ok, T("ok")) != 0) { websWrite(wp, T("Delete Access Limit Cancelled")); } else if (umDeleteAccessLimit(url) != 0) { websWrite(wp, T("ERROR: Unable to delete Access Limit for [%s]"), url); } else { websWrite(wp, T("Access Limit for [%s], was successfully deleted."), url); } websMsgEnd(wp); websFooter(wp); websDone(wp, 200); }
static void iTunesSrv(webs_t wp, char_t *path, char_t *query) { char_t *enable, *dir_path, *name; // fetch from web input enable = websGetVar(wp, T("enabled"), T("0")); dir_path = websGetVar(wp, T("dir_path"), T("")); name = websGetVar(wp, T("srv_name"), T("")); // set to nvram nvram_bufset(RT2860_NVRAM, "iTunesEnable", enable); nvram_bufset(RT2860_NVRAM, "iTunesDir", dir_path); nvram_bufset(RT2860_NVRAM, "iTunesSrvName", name); nvram_commit(RT2860_NVRAM); // setup device doSystem("killall mt-daapd; killall mDNSResponder"); if (strcmp(enable, "1") == 0) doSystem(" \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\"", name, nvram_bufget(RT2860_NVRAM, "Password"), dir_path); // debug print websHeader(wp); websWrite(wp, T("<h2>iTunes Server Settings</h2><br>\n")); websWrite(wp, T("capability: %s<br>\n"), enable); websWrite(wp, T("srv_name: %s<br>\n"), name); websWrite(wp, T("media library: %s<br>\n"), dir_path); websFooter(wp); websDone(wp, 200); }
/* Do output back to the browser in the background. This is a socket write handler. This bypasses the output buffer and writes directly to the socket. */ static void fileWriteEvent(Webs *wp) { char *buf; ssize len, wrote; assert(wp); assert(websValid(wp)); /* Note: websWriteSocket may return less than we wanted. It will return -1 on a socket error. */ if ((buf = walloc(ME_GOAHEAD_LIMIT_BUFFER)) == NULL) { websError(wp, HTTP_CODE_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Cannot get memory"); return; } /* OPT - we could potentially save this buffer so that on short-writes, it does not need to be re-read. */ while ((len = websPageReadData(wp, buf, ME_GOAHEAD_LIMIT_BUFFER)) > 0) { if ((wrote = websWriteSocket(wp, buf, len)) < 0) { break; } if (wrote != len) { websPageSeek(wp, - (len - wrote), SEEK_CUR); break; } } wfree(buf); if (len <= 0) { websDone(wp); } }
/* Dump the file upload details. Don't actually do anything with the uploaded file. */ static void uploadTest(Webs *wp, char *path, char *query) { WebsKey *s; WebsUpload *up; char *upfile; websSetStatus(wp, 200); websWriteHeaders(wp, -1, 0); websWriteHeader(wp, "Content-Type", "text/plain"); websWriteEndHeaders(wp); if (scaselessmatch(wp->method, "POST")) { for (s = hashFirst(wp->files); s; s = hashNext(wp->files, s)) { up = s->content.value.symbol; websWrite(wp, "FILE: %s\r\n", s->name.value.string); websWrite(wp, "FILENAME=%s\r\n", up->filename); websWrite(wp, "CLIENT=%s\r\n", up->clientFilename); websWrite(wp, "TYPE=%s\r\n", up->contentType); websWrite(wp, "SIZE=%d\r\n", up->size); upfile = sfmt("%s/tmp/%s", websGetDocuments(), up->clientFilename); rename(up->filename, upfile); wfree(upfile); } websWrite(wp, "\r\nVARS:\r\n"); for (s = hashFirst(wp->vars); s; s = hashNext(wp->vars, s)) { websWrite(wp, "%s=%s\r\n", s->name.value.string, s->content.value.string); } } websDone(wp); }
static void formLoadUserManagement( webs_t wp, char_t* path, char_t* query ) { char_t* ok; a_assert( wp ); ok = websGetVar( wp, T( "ok" ), T( "" ) ); websHeader( wp ); websMsgStart( wp ); if ( gstricmp( ok, T( "ok" ) ) != 0 ) { websWrite( wp, T( "Load Cancelled." ) ); } else if ( umRestore( NULL ) != 0 ) { websWrite( wp, T( "ERROR: Unable to load user configuration." ) ); } else { websWrite( wp, T( "User configuration was re-loaded successfully." ) ); } websMsgEnd( wp ); websFooter( wp ); websDone( wp, 200 ); }
static void QoSSetup(webs_t wp, char_t *path, char_t *query) { char *submitUrl; char_t *QoS_type = websGetVar(wp, T("QoSSelect"), T("0")); if (QoS_type == NULL) QoS_type = "0"; char_t *simpleqos = websGetVar(wp, T("simple_qos"), T("0")); if (strcmp(simpleqos, "on") != 0) simpleqos = "off"; simpleqos = (strcmp(simpleqos, "on") == 0) ? "1" : "0"; nvram_init(RT2860_NVRAM); nvram_bufset(RT2860_NVRAM, "QoSEnable", QoS_type); nvram_bufset(RT2860_NVRAM, "simple_qos", simpleqos); if (CHK_IF_DIGIT(QoS_type, 2)) setupParameters(wp, QoS_args, 0); nvram_close(RT2860_NVRAM); doSystem("service shaper restart && service iptables restart && service kext restart"); submitUrl = websGetVar(wp, T("submit-url"), T("")); // hidden page #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG if (!submitUrl || !submitUrl[0]) websDone(wp, 200); else #endif websRedirect(wp, submitUrl); }
/* goform/webcamra */ static void webcamra(webs_t wp, char_t *path, char_t *query) { char_t *enable, *resolution, *fps, *port; // fetch from web input enable = websGetVar(wp, T("enabled"), T("")); resolution = websGetVar(wp, T("resolution"), T("")); fps = websGetVar(wp, T("fps"), T("")); port = websGetVar(wp, T("port"), T("")); // set to nvram nvram_bufset(RT2860_NVRAM, "WebCamEnabled", enable); nvram_bufset(RT2860_NVRAM, "WebCamResolution", resolution); nvram_bufset(RT2860_NVRAM, "WebCamFPS", fps); nvram_bufset(RT2860_NVRAM, "WebCamPort", port); nvram_commit(RT2860_NVRAM); // setup device doSystem("killall uvc_stream"); if (0 == strcmp(enable, "1")) { doSystem("uvc_stream -r %s -f %s -p %s -b", resolution, fps, port); } // debug print websHeader(wp); websWrite(wp, T("<h2>Web Camera Settings</h2><br>\n")); websWrite(wp, T("enabled: %s<br>\n"), enable); websWrite(wp, T("resolution: %s<br>\n"), resolution); websWrite(wp, T("fps: %s<br>\n"), fps); websWrite(wp, T("port: %s<br>\n"), port); websFooter(wp); websDone(wp, 200); }
static void storageGetFirmwarePath(webs_t wp, char_t *path, char_t *query) { websWrite(wp, T("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\nContent-type: text/plain\nPragma: no-cache\nCache-Control: no-cache\n\n")); websWrite(wp, "%s", firmware_path); websDone(wp, 200); }
static void formDisplayUser(webs_t wp, char_t *path, char_t *query) { char_t *userid, *ok, *temp; bool_t enabled; a_assert(wp); userid = websGetVar(wp, T("user"), T("")); ok = websGetVar(wp, T("ok"), T("")); websHeader(wp); websWrite(wp, T("<body>")); if (gstricmp(ok, T("ok")) != 0) { websWrite(wp, T("Display User Cancelled")); } else if (umUserExists(userid) == FALSE) { websWrite(wp, T("ERROR: User <b>%s</b> not found.\n"), userid); } else { websWrite(wp, T("<h2>User ID: <b>%s</b></h2>\n"), userid); temp = umGetUserGroup(userid); websWrite(wp, T("<h3>User Group: <b>%s</b></h3>\n"), temp); enabled = umGetUserEnabled(userid); websWrite(wp, T("<h3>Enabled: <b>%d</b></h3>\n"), enabled); } websWrite(wp, T("</body>\n")); websFooter(wp); websDone(wp, 200); }
static void formDeleteGroup(webs_t wp, char_t *path, char_t *query) { char_t *group, *ok; a_assert(wp); group = websGetVar(wp, T("group"), T("")); ok = websGetVar(wp, T("ok"), T("")); websHeader(wp); websMsgStart(wp); if (gstricmp(ok, T("ok")) != 0) { websWrite(wp, T("Delete Group Cancelled.")); } else if ((group == NULL) || (*group == '\0')) { websWrite(wp, T("ERROR: No group was selected.")); } else if (umGetGroupProtected(group)) { websWrite(wp, T("ERROR: Group, \"%s\" is delete-protected."), group); } else if (umGetGroupInUse(group)) { websWrite(wp, T("ERROR: Group, \"%s\" is being used."), group); } else if (umDeleteGroup(group) != 0) { websWrite(wp, T("ERROR: Unable to delete group, \"%s\" "), group); } else { websWrite(wp, T("Group, \"%s\" was successfully deleted."), group); } websMsgEnd(wp); websFooter(wp); websDone(wp, 200); }
static void formDeleteUser(webs_t wp, char_t *path, char_t *query) { char_t *userid, *ok; a_assert(wp); userid = websGetVar(wp, T("user"), T("")); ok = websGetVar(wp, T("ok"), T("")); websHeader(wp); websMsgStart(wp); if (gstricmp(ok, T("ok")) != 0) { websWrite(wp, T("Delete User Cancelled")); } else if (umUserExists(userid) == FALSE) { websWrite(wp, T("ERROR: User \"%s\" not found"), userid); } else if (umGetUserProtected(userid)) { websWrite(wp, T("ERROR: User, \"%s\" is delete-protected."), userid); } else if (umDeleteUser(userid) != 0) { websWrite(wp, T("ERROR: Unable to delete user, \"%s\" "), userid); } else { websWrite(wp, T("User, \"%s\" was successfully deleted."), userid); } websMsgEnd(wp); websFooter(wp); websDone(wp, 200); }
// for test void show_default_info(webs_t wp) { // int ret=0; websDone(wp, 200); // Let header in first packet, and bellow // information in second packet. websWrite(wp, "Vendor:%s\n", VENDOR); websWrite(wp, "ModelName:%s\n", MODEL_NAME); websWrite(wp, "Firmware Version:%s%s , %s\n", CYBERTAN_VERSION, MINOR_VERSION, __DATE__); websWrite(wp, "#:%s\n", SERIAL_NUMBER); websWrite(wp, "Boot Version:%s\n", nvram_safe_get("boot_ver")); /* * begin Svbeasoft modifications */ // ret = websWrite(wp, "CodePattern:%s\n", CODE_PATTERN); // #if LOCALE == EUROPE // ret = websWrite(wp, "Country:Europe\n"); // #elif LOCALE == JAPAN // ret = websWrite(wp, "Country:Japan\n"); // #else // ret = websWrite(wp, "Country:US\n"); // #endif // ret = websWrite(wp, "\n"); websWrite(wp, "RF Status:%s\n", (nvram_match("wl0_hwaddr", "") || nvram_match("wl_gmode", "-1")) ? "disabled" : "enabled"); websWrite(wp, "RF Firmware Version:%s%s\n", CYBERTAN_VERSION, MINOR_VERSION); // #if LOCALE == EUROPE // ret = websWrite(wp, "RF Domain:ETSI (channel 1~%s)\n", // WL_MAX_CHANNEL); // #elif LOCALE == JAPAN // ret = websWrite(wp, "RF Domain:JPN (channel 1~%s)\n", WL_MAX_CHANNEL); // #else // ret = websWrite(wp, "RF Domain:US (channel 1~%s)\n", WL_MAX_CHANNEL); // #endif websWrite(wp, "RF Domain:Worldwide (channel 1~%s)\n", WL_MAX_CHANNEL); websWrite(wp, "RF Channel:%s\n", nvram_safe_get("wl0_channel")); websWrite(wp, "RF SSID:%s\n", nvram_safe_get("wl0_ssid")); websWrite(wp, "\n-----Dynamic Information\n"); websWrite(wp, "RF Mac Address:%s\n", nvram_safe_get("wl0_hwaddr")); websWrite(wp, "LAN Mac Address:%s\n", nvram_safe_get("lan_hwaddr")); websWrite(wp, "WAN Mac Address:%s\n", nvram_safe_get("wan_hwaddr")); if (check_hw_type() == BCM4702_CHIP) websWrite(wp, "Hardware Version:1.x\n"); else websWrite(wp, "Hardware Version:2.0\n"); websWrite(wp, "Device Serial No.:%s\n", nvram_safe_get("get_sn")); websWrite(wp, "\n"); // The last char must be '\n' return; }
/* goform/storageSmbSrv */ static void storageSmbSrv(webs_t wp, char_t *path, char_t *query) { char_t *submit; submit = websGetVar(wp, T("hiddenButton"), T("")); if (0 == strcmp(submit, "delete")) { int index; FILE *fp; char smb_config_file[25]; // strcpy(smb_config_file, "/var/.smb_config"); sprintf(smb_config_file, "%s/.smb_config", first_part); fp = fopen(smb_config_file, "w"); if (NULL == fp) { perror(__FUNCTION__); return; } index = atoi(websGetVar(wp, T("selectIndex"), T(""))); // fprintf(stderr, "before set bitmap: %x%x%x\n", smb_conf.bitmap[2], smb_conf.bitmap[1], smb_conf.bitmap[0]); smb_conf.bitmap[index/32] &= ~(1<<(index%32)); // fprintf(stderr, "after set bitmap: %x%x%x\n", smb_conf.bitmap[2], smb_conf.bitmap[1], smb_conf.bitmap[0]); smb_conf.count--; // fprintf(stderr, "smb dir count: %d\n", smb_conf.count); fwrite(&smb_conf, sizeof(struct smb_dir_config), 1, fp); fclose(fp); websRedirect(wp, "usb/SAMBAsmbsrv.asp"); } else if (0 == strcmp(submit, "apply")) { char_t *smb_enable, *wg, *netbios; // fetch from web input smb_enable = websGetVar(wp, T("smb_enabled"), T("")); wg = websGetVar(wp, T("smb_workgroup"), T("")); netbios = websGetVar(wp, T("smb_netbios"), T("")); // set to nvram nvram_bufset(RT2860_NVRAM, "SmbEnabled", smb_enable); nvram_bufset(RT2860_NVRAM, "HostName", wg); nvram_bufset(RT2860_NVRAM, "SmbNetBIOS", netbios); nvram_commit(RT2860_NVRAM); // setup device SetSambaSrv(); // debug print websHeader(wp); websWrite(wp, T("<h2>smb_enabled: %s</h2><br>\n"), smb_enable); websWrite(wp, T("smb_workgroup: %s<br>\n"), wg); websWrite(wp, T("smb_netbios: %s<br>\n"), netbios); websFooter(wp); websDone(wp, 200); } }
PUBLIC int process_web_write_response(Webs *wp, int code, char *buf, int size){ /* need route the code num in the future */ websSetStatus(wp, code); websWriteHeaders(wp, -1, 0); websWriteEndHeaders(wp); /* need check the size */ websWrite(wp, buf); websDone(wp); }
static void storageMediaSrv(webs_t wp, char_t *path, char_t *query) { char_t *submit; submit = websGetVar(wp, T("hiddenButton"), T("")); if (0 == strcmp(submit, "delete")) { int index; FILE *fp; char media_config_file[25]; // strcpy(smb_config, "/var/.smb_config"); sprintf(media_config_file, "%s/.media_config", first_part); fp = fopen(media_config_file, "w"); if (NULL == fp) { perror(__FUNCTION__); return; } index = atoi(websGetVar(wp, T("media_dir"), T(""))); memset(&media_conf[index].path, 0, sizeof(media_conf[index].path)); fwrite(media_conf, sizeof(media_conf), 1, fp); fclose(fp); websRedirect(wp, "usb/USHAREmediasrv.asp"); } else if (0 == strcmp(submit, "apply")) { char_t *media_enabled, *media_name; int i; // fetch from web input media_enabled = websGetVar(wp, T("media_enabled"), T("")); media_name = websGetVar(wp, T("media_name"), T("")); // set to nvram nvram_bufset(RT2860_NVRAM, "mediaSrvEnabled", media_enabled); nvram_bufset(RT2860_NVRAM, "mediaSrvName", media_name); nvram_commit(RT2860_NVRAM); // setup device if (0 == strcmp(media_enabled, "0")) memset(media_conf, 0, sizeof(media_conf)); RunMediaSrv(); // debug print websHeader(wp); websWrite(wp, T("<h2>Media Server Settings</h2><br>\n")); websWrite(wp, T("media_enabled: %s<br>\n"), media_enabled); websWrite(wp, T("media_name: %s<br>\n"), media_name); for(i=0;i<4;i++) websWrite(wp, T("media dir%d path: %s<br>\n"), i, media_conf[i].path); websFooter(wp); websDone(wp, 200); } }
/* Any entry in the cgiList need to be checked to see if it has completed, and if so, process its output and clean up. Return time till next poll. */ WebsTime websCgiPoll() { Webs *wp; Cgi *cgip; char **ep; int cid, nTries; for (cid = 0; cid < cgiMax; cid++) { if ((cgip = cgiList[cid]) != NULL) { wp = cgip->wp; websCgiGatherOutput(cgip); if (checkCgi(cgip->handle) == 0) { /* We get here if the CGI process has terminated. Clean up. */ for (nTries = 0; (cgip->fplacemark == 0) && (nTries < 100); nTries++) { websCgiGatherOutput(cgip); /* There are some cases when we detect app exit before the file is ready. */ if (cgip->fplacemark == 0) { #if WINDOWS Sleep(10); #endif } } if (cgip->fplacemark == 0) { websError(wp, HTTP_CODE_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "CGI generated no output"); } else { trace(5, "cgi: Request complete - calling websDone"); websDone(wp); } /* Remove the temporary re-direction files */ unlink(cgip->stdIn); unlink(cgip->stdOut); /* Free all the memory buffers pointed to by cgip. The stdin file name (wp->cgiStdin) gets freed as part of websFree(). */ cgiMax = wfreeHandle(&cgiList, cid); for (ep = cgip->envp; ep != NULL && *ep != NULL; ep++) { wfree(*ep); } wfree(cgip->cgiPath); wfree(cgip->argp); wfree(cgip->envp); wfree(cgip->stdOut); wfree(cgip); websPump(wp); } } } return cgiMax ? 10 : MAXINT; }
static void formTest( webs_t wp, char_t* path, char_t* query ) { char_t* name, *address; name = websGetVar( wp, T( "name" ), T( "Joe Smith" ) ); address = websGetVar( wp, T( "address" ), T( "1212 Milky Way Ave." ) ); websHeader( wp ); websWrite( wp, T( "<body><h2>Name: %s, Address: %s</h2>\n" ), name, address ); websFooter( wp ); websDone( wp, 200 ); }
/* Legacy handler with old parameter sequence */ static int legacyTest(Webs *wp, char *prefix, char *dir, int flags) { websSetStatus(wp, 200); websWriteHeaders(wp, -1, 0); websWriteHeader(wp, "Content-Type", "text/plain"); websWriteEndHeaders(wp); websWrite(wp, "Hello Legacy World\n"); websDone(wp); return 1; }
static void websDefaultWriteEvent(webs_t wp) { int len, wrote, flags, bytes, written; char *buf; a_assert(websValid(wp)); flags = websGetRequestFlags(wp); websSetTimeMark(wp); wrote = bytes = 0; written = websGetRequestWritten(wp); /* * We only do this for non-ASP documents */ if ( !(flags & WEBS_ASP)) { bytes = websGetRequestBytes(wp); /* * Note: websWriteDataNonBlock may return less than we wanted. It will * return -1 on a socket error */ if ((buf = balloc(B_L, PAGE_READ_BUFSIZE)) == NULL) { websError(wp, 200, T("Can't get memory")); } else { while ((len = websPageReadData(wp, buf, PAGE_READ_BUFSIZE)) > 0) { if ((wrote = websWriteDataNonBlock(wp, buf, len)) < 0) { break; } written += wrote; if (wrote != len) { websPageSeek(wp, - (len - wrote)); break; } } /* * Safety. If we are at EOF, we must be done */ if (len == 0) { a_assert(written >= bytes); written = bytes; } bfree(B_L, buf); } } /* * We're done if an error, or all bytes output */ websSetRequestWritten(wp, written); if (wrote < 0 || written >= bytes) { websDone(wp, 200); } }
/* goform/storageFtpSrv */ static void storageFtpSrv(webs_t wp, char_t *path, char_t *query) { char_t *ftp, *name, *anonymous, *port, *max_sessions; char_t *adddir, *rename, *remove, *read, *write, *download, *upload; // fetch from web input ftp = websGetVar(wp, T("ftp_enabled"), T("0")); name = websGetVar(wp, T("ftp_name"), T("0")); anonymous = websGetVar(wp, T("ftp_anonymous"), T("0")); port = websGetVar(wp, T("ftp_port"), T("")); max_sessions = websGetVar(wp, T("ftp_max_sessions"), T("")); adddir = websGetVar(wp, T("ftp_adddir"), T("0")); rename = websGetVar(wp, T("ftp_rename"), T("0")); remove = websGetVar(wp, T("ftp_remove"), T("0")); read = websGetVar(wp, T("ftp_read"), T("0")); write = websGetVar(wp, T("ftp_write"), T("0")); download = websGetVar(wp, T("ftp_download"), T("0")); upload = websGetVar(wp, T("ftp_upload"), T("0")); // set to nvram nvram_bufset(RT2860_NVRAM, "FtpEnabled", ftp); nvram_bufset(RT2860_NVRAM, "FtpName", name); nvram_bufset(RT2860_NVRAM, "FtpAnonymous", anonymous); nvram_bufset(RT2860_NVRAM, "FtpPort", port); nvram_bufset(RT2860_NVRAM, "FtpMaxSessions", max_sessions); nvram_bufset(RT2860_NVRAM, "FtpAddDir", adddir); nvram_bufset(RT2860_NVRAM, "FtpRename", rename); nvram_bufset(RT2860_NVRAM, "FtpRemove", remove); nvram_bufset(RT2860_NVRAM, "FtpRead", read); nvram_bufset(RT2860_NVRAM, "FtpWrite", write); nvram_bufset(RT2860_NVRAM, "FtpDownload", download); nvram_bufset(RT2860_NVRAM, "FtpUpload", upload); nvram_commit(RT2860_NVRAM); // setup device doSystem(" ftp"); // debug print websHeader(wp); websWrite(wp, T("<h2>ftp_enabled: %s</h2><br>\n"), ftp); websWrite(wp, T("ftp_anonymous: %s<br>\n"), anonymous); websWrite(wp, T("ftp_name: %s<br>\n"), name); websWrite(wp, T("ftp_port: %s<br>\n"), port); websWrite(wp, T("ftp_max_sessions: %s<br>\n"), max_sessions); websWrite(wp, T("ftp_adddir: %s<br>\n"), adddir); websWrite(wp, T("ftp_rename: %s<br>\n"), rename); websWrite(wp, T("ftp_remove: %s<br>\n"), remove); websWrite(wp, T("ftp_read: %s<br>\n"), read); websWrite(wp, T("ftp_write: %s<br>\n"), write); websWrite(wp, T("ftp_download: %s<br>\n"), download); websWrite(wp, T("ftp_upload: %s<br>\n"), upload); websFooter(wp); websDone(wp, 200); }
/* Implement /action/actionTest. Parse the form variables: name, address and echo back. */ static void actionTest(Webs *wp, char *path, char *query) { char *name, *address; name = websGetVar(wp, "name", NULL); address = websGetVar(wp, "address", NULL); websSetStatus(wp, 200); websWriteHeaders(wp, -1, 0); websWriteEndHeaders(wp); websWrite(wp, "<html><body><h2>name: %s, address: %s</h2></body></html>\n", name, address); websDone(wp); }
static void formAddAccessLimit(webs_t wp, char_t *path, char_t *query) { char_t *url, *method, *group, *secure, *ok; int nCheck; accessMeth_t am; short nSecure; a_assert(wp); url = websGetVar(wp, T("url"), T("")); group = websGetVar(wp, T("group"), T("")); method = websGetVar(wp, T("method"), T("")); secure = websGetVar(wp, T("secure"), T("")); ok = websGetVar(wp, T("ok"), T("")); websHeader(wp); websMsgStart(wp); if (gstricmp(ok, T("ok")) != 0) { websWrite(wp, T("Add Access Limit Cancelled.")); } else if ((url == NULL) || (*url == 0)) { websWrite(wp, T("ERROR: No URL was entered.")); } else if (umAccessLimitExists(url)) { websWrite(wp, T("ERROR: An Access Limit for [%s] already exists."), url); } else { if (method && *method) { am = (accessMeth_t) gatoi(method); } else { am = AM_FULL; } if (secure && *secure) { nSecure = (short) gatoi(secure); } else { nSecure = 0; } nCheck = umAddAccessLimit(url, am, nSecure, group); if (nCheck != 0) { websWrite(wp, T("Unable to add Access Limit for [%s]"), url); } else { websWrite(wp, T("Access limit for [%s], was successfully added."), url); } } websMsgEnd(wp); websFooter(wp); websDone(wp, 200); }
static void showTest(Webs *wp, char *path, char *query) { WebsKey *s; websSetStatus(wp, 200); websWriteHeaders(wp, -1, 0); websWriteEndHeaders(wp); websWrite(wp, "<html><body><pre>\n"); for (s = hashFirst(wp->vars); s; s = hashNext(wp->vars, s)) { websWrite(wp, "%s=%s\n", s->name.value.string, s->content.value.string); } websWrite(wp, "</pre></body></html>\n"); websDone(wp); }
static void QoSPortSetup(webs_t wp, char_t *path, char_t *query) { int i; char_t *portX[32]; char_t *portX_remark[32]; char tmp_str[512]; memset(portX, 0, sizeof(char *) * 32); memset(portX_remark, 0, sizeof(char *) * 32); for(i=0; i<5; i++) { sprintf(tmp_str, "port%d_group", i); portX[i] = websGetVar(wp, T(tmp_str), T("")); sprintf(tmp_str, "port%d_remarker", i); portX_remark[i] = websGetVar(wp, T(tmp_str), T("")); } for(i=1; i<9; i++) { sprintf(tmp_str, "ssid%d_group", i); portX[i+4] = websGetVar(wp, T(tmp_str), T("")); sprintf(tmp_str, "ssid%d_remarker", i); portX_remark[i+4] = websGetVar(wp, T(tmp_str), T("")); } tmp_str[0] = '\0'; for(i=0; i<13; i++) { if(portX[i]) strcat(tmp_str, portX[i]); strcat(tmp_str, ","); if(portX_remark[i]) strcat(tmp_str, portX_remark[i]); strcat(tmp_str, ","); } nvram_bufset(RT2860_NVRAM, "QoSPortBasedRules", tmp_str); nvram_commit(RT2860_NVRAM); QoSRestart(); websHeader(wp); for(i=0; i<13; i++) { sprintf(tmp_str, "port%d=%s,%s<br>", i, portX[i], portX_remark[i]); websWrite(wp, T(tmp_str)); } websFooter(wp); websDone(wp, 200); }
/* Generate a large response */ static int bigTest(int eid, Webs *wp, int argc, char **argv) { int i; websSetStatus(wp, 200); websWriteHeaders(wp, -1, 0); websWriteEndHeaders(wp); websWrite(wp, "<html>\n"); for (i = 0; i < 800; i++) { websWrite(wp, " Line: %05d %s", i, "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbccccccccccccccccccddddddd<br/>\r\n"); } websWrite(wp, "</html>\n"); websDone(wp); return 0; }
static void sessionTest(Webs *wp, char *path, char *query) { char *number; if (scaselessmatch(wp->method, "POST")) { number = websGetVar(wp, "number", 0); websSetSessionVar(wp, "number", number); } else { number = websGetSessionVar(wp, "number", 0); } websSetStatus(wp, 200); websWriteHeaders(wp, -1, 0); websWriteEndHeaders(wp); websWrite(wp, "<html><body><p>Number %s</p></body></html>\n", number); websDone(wp); }
/* goform/StorageAddUser */ static void StorageAddUser(webs_t wp, char_t *path, char_t *query) { char_t *name, *password; char_t *user_ftp_enable, *user_smb_enable; char mode[6], feild[20]; int index; mode[0] = '\0'; feild[0] = '\0'; // fetch from web input name = websGetVar(wp, T("adduser_name"), T("")); password = websGetVar(wp, T("adduser_pw"), T("")); user_ftp_enable = websGetVar(wp, T("adduser_ftp"), T("")); user_smb_enable = websGetVar(wp, T("adduser_smb"), T("")); /* DEBUG(name); DEBUG(password); DEBUG(user_ftp_enable); DEBUG(user_smb_enable); */ // get null user feild form nvram index = GetNthFree("User"); // fprintf(stderr, "index: %d\n", index); // set to nvram if (0 != index) { sprintf(feild, "User%d", index); nvram_bufset(RT2860_NVRAM, feild, name); sprintf(feild, "User%dPasswd", index); nvram_bufset(RT2860_NVRAM, feild, password); sprintf(feild, "FtpUser%d", index); nvram_bufset(RT2860_NVRAM, feild, user_ftp_enable); sprintf(feild, "SmbUser%d", index); nvram_bufset(RT2860_NVRAM, feild, user_smb_enable); nvram_commit(RT2860_NVRAM); doSystem(" admin"); websRedirect(wp, "usb/STORAGEuser_admin.asp"); } else { websHeader(wp); websWrite(wp, T("<h2>User Quota is Full!</h2><br>\n")); websFooter(wp); websDone(wp, 200); } }
static void QoSLoadDefaultProfile(webs_t wp, char_t *path, char_t *query) { int i; for(i=0; i<QOS_PROFILE_ENTRYS_MAX ; i++) { if(QOS_PROFILE[i].name) { nvram_bufset(RT2860_NVRAM, QOS_PROFILE[i].name, QOS_PROFILE[i].value); } else { break; } } nvram_commit(RT2860_NVRAM); QoSRestart(); websHeader(wp); websWrite(wp, T("Load default profile successfully.\n")); websFooter(wp); websDone(wp, 200); }