Example #1
int websDefaultHandler(webs_t wp, char_t *urlPrefix, char_t *webDir, int arg,
						char_t *url, char_t *path, char_t *query)
	websStatType	sbuf;
	char_t			*lpath, *tmp, *date;
	int				bytes, flags, nchars;

	a_assert(url && *url);

 *	Validate the URL and ensure that ".."s don't give access to unwanted files
	flags = websGetRequestFlags(wp);

	if (websValidateUrl(wp, path) < 0) {
		websError(wp, 500, T("Invalid URL %s"), url);
		return 1;
	lpath = websGetRequestLpath(wp);
	nchars = gstrlen(lpath) - 1;
	if (lpath[nchars] == '/' || lpath[nchars] == '\\') {
		lpath[nchars] = '\0';

 *	If the file is a directory, redirect using the nominated default page
	if (websPageIsDirectory(lpath)) {
		nchars = gstrlen(path);
		if (path[nchars-1] == '/' || path[nchars-1] == '\\') {
			path[--nchars] = '\0';
		nchars += gstrlen(websDefaultPage) + 2;
		fmtAlloc(&tmp, nchars, T("%s/%s"), path, websDefaultPage);
		websRedirect(wp, tmp);
		bfreeSafe(B_L, tmp);
		return 1;

 *	Open the document. Stat for later use.
	if (websPageOpen(wp, lpath, path, SOCKET_RDONLY | SOCKET_BINARY,
		0666) < 0) {
		websError(wp, 400, T("Cannot open URL <b>%s</b>"), url);
		return 1;

	if (websPageStat(wp, lpath, path, &sbuf) < 0) {
		websError(wp, 400, T("Cannot stat page for URL <b>%s</b>"), url);
		return 1;

 *	If the page has not been modified since the user last received it and it
 *	is not dynamically generated each time (ASP), then optimize request by
 *	sending a 304 Use local copy response
	if (flags & WEBS_IF_MODIFIED && !(flags & WEBS_ASP)) {
		if (sbuf.mtime <= wp->since) {
			websWrite(wp, T("HTTP/1.0 304 Use local copy\r\n"));

 *			by license terms the following line of code must
 *			not be modified.
			websWrite(wp, T("Server: %s\r\n"), WEBS_NAME);

			if (flags & WEBS_KEEP_ALIVE) {
				websWrite(wp, T("Connection: keep-alive\r\n"));
			websWrite(wp, T("\r\n"));
			websSetRequestFlags(wp, flags |= WEBS_HEADER_DONE);
			websDone(wp, 304);
			return 1;

 *	Output the normal HTTP response header
	if ((date = websGetDateString(NULL)) != NULL) {
		websWrite(wp, T("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nDate: %s\r\n"), date);

 *		By license terms the following line of code must not be modified.
		websWrite(wp, T("Server: %s\r\n"), WEBS_NAME);
		bfree(B_L, date);

 *	If this is an ASP request, ensure the remote browser doesn't cache it.
 *	Send back both HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1 cache control directives
	if (flags & WEBS_ASP) {
		bytes = 0;
		websWrite(wp, T("Pragma: no-cache\r\nCache-Control: no-cache\r\n"));

	} else {
		if ((date = websGetDateString(&sbuf)) != NULL) {
			websWrite(wp, T("Last-modified: %s\r\n"), date);
			bfree(B_L, date);
		bytes = sbuf.size;

	if (bytes) {
		websWrite(wp, T("Content-length: %d\r\n"), bytes);
		websSetRequestBytes(wp, bytes);
	websWrite(wp, T("Content-type: %s\r\n"), websGetRequestType(wp));

	if ((flags & WEBS_KEEP_ALIVE) && !(flags & WEBS_ASP)) {
		websWrite(wp, T("Connection: keep-alive\r\n"));
	websWrite(wp, T("\r\n"));

 *	All done if the browser did a HEAD request
	if (flags & WEBS_HEAD_REQUEST) {
		websDone(wp, 200);
		return 1;

 *	Evaluate ASP requests
	if (flags & WEBS_ASP) {
		if (websAspRequest(wp, lpath) < 0) {
			return 1;
		websDone(wp, 200);
		return 1;

	if (wp->flags & WEBS_SECURE) {
	} else {
		websSetRequestSocketHandler(wp, SOCKET_WRITABLE, websDefaultWriteEvent);
 *	For normal web documents, return the data via background write
	websSetRequestSocketHandler(wp, SOCKET_WRITABLE, websDefaultWriteEvent);
	return 1;
Example #2
int websDefaultHandler(webs_t wp, char_t *urlPrefix, char_t *webDir, int arg,
						char_t *url, char_t *path, char_t *query)
	websStatType	sbuf;
	char_t			*lpath, *tmp, *date;
	int				bytes, flags, nchars, rc;

	a_assert(url && *url);

	flags = websGetRequestFlags(wp);
 *	We do whitelist validation in addition to standard URL validation.
 *	The whitelist should really catch anything invalid first.
 *	If the whitelist check fails, rebuild the list and try again.
 *	Also validate if we are not on a secure connection, but the whitelist
 *	entry has the SSL flag set, do not serve the page.
printf ("wp->url: (%s)\n", wp->url);
	if ((rc = websWhitelistCheck(wp->url)) < 0) {
		if ((rc = websWhitelistCheck(wp->url)) < 0) {
			websError(wp, 404, T("Cannot open URL: type 1"));
			return 1;
	if (!(flags & WEBS_SECURE) && (rc & WHITELIST_SSL)) {
		websError(wp, 500, T("HTTPS access required"));
		return 1;
 *	Validate the URL and ensure that ".."s don't give access to unwanted files
	if (websValidateUrl(wp, path) < 0) {
       * preventing a cross-site scripting exploit -- you may restore the
       * following line of code to revert to the original behavior...
		websError(wp, 500, T("Invalid URL %s"), url);
		websError(wp, 500, T("Invalid URL"));
		return 1;
	lpath = websGetRequestLpath(wp);
	nchars = gstrlen(lpath) - 1;
	if (lpath[nchars] == '/' || lpath[nchars] == '\\') {
		lpath[nchars] = '\0';

 *	If the file is a directory, redirect using the nominated default page
	if (websPageIsDirectory(lpath)) {
		nchars = gstrlen(path);
		if (path[nchars-1] == '/' || path[nchars-1] == '\\') {
			path[--nchars] = '\0';
		nchars += gstrlen(websDefaultPage) + 2;
		fmtAlloc(&tmp, nchars, T("%s/%s"), path, websDefaultPage);
printf ("websDefaultHandler: tmp(%s)\n", tmp);
		websRedirect(wp, tmp);
		bfreeSafe(B_L, tmp);
		return 1;

printf ("we now open the web pages\n");
printf ("lpath(%s), path(%s)\n", lpath, path);

 *	Open the document. Stat for later use.
	if (websPageOpen(wp, lpath, path, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY, 
		0666) < 0) 
      /* 10 Dec 02 BgP -- according to 
       * <http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html>, 
       * the proper code to return here is NOT 400 (old code), which is used
       * to indicate a malformed request. Here, the request is good, but the
       * error we need to tell the client about is 404 (Not Found).
       * 17 Mar 03 BgP -- prevent a cross-site scripting exploit
		websError(wp, 404, T("Cannot open URL %s"), url);
		websError(wp, 404, T("Cannot open URL, type 2"));
		return 1;

printf ("lpath(%s), path(%s)\n", lpath, path);
	if (websPageStat(wp, lpath, path, &sbuf) < 0) {
       * 17 Mar 03 BgP
       * prevent a cross-site scripting exploit
		websError(wp, 400, T("Cannot stat page for URL %s"), url);
		websError(wp, 400, T("Cannot stat page for URL"));
		return 1;

 *	If the page has not been modified since the user last received it and it
 *	is not dynamically generated each time (ASP), then optimize request by
 *	sending a 304 Use local copy response
	if (flags & WEBS_IF_MODIFIED && !(flags & WEBS_ASP)) {
		if (sbuf.mtime <= wp->since) {
			websWrite(wp, T("HTTP/1.0 304 Use local copy\r\n"));

 *			by license terms the following line of code must
 *			not be modified.
			websWrite(wp, T("Server: %s\r\n"), WEBS_NAME);

			if (flags & WEBS_KEEP_ALIVE) {
				websWrite(wp, T("Connection: keep-alive\r\n"));
			websWrite(wp, T("\r\n"));
			websSetRequestFlags(wp, flags |= WEBS_HEADER_DONE);
			websDone(wp, 304);
			return 1;

 *	Output the normal HTTP response header
	if ((date = websGetDateString(NULL)) != NULL) {
		websWrite(wp, T("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nDate: %s\r\n"), date);
 *		The Server HTTP header below must not be modified unless
 *		explicitly allowed by licensing terms.
		websWrite(wp, T("Server: %s/%s %s/%s\r\n"), 
		websWrite(wp, T("Server: %s/%s\r\n"), WEBS_NAME, WEBS_VERSION);
		bfree(B_L, date);

 *	If this is an ASP request, ensure the remote browser doesn't cache it.
 *	Send back both HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1 cache control directives
	if (flags & WEBS_ASP) {
		bytes = 0;
		websWrite(wp, T("Pragma: no-cache\r\nCache-Control: no-cache\r\n"));

	} else {
		if ((date = websGetDateString(&sbuf)) != NULL) {
			websWrite(wp, T("Last-modified: %s\r\n"), date);
			bfree(B_L, date);
		bytes = sbuf.size;

	if (bytes) {
		websWrite(wp, T("Content-length: %d\r\n"), bytes);
		websSetRequestBytes(wp, bytes);
	websWrite(wp, T("Content-type: %s\r\n"), websGetRequestType(wp));

	if ((flags & WEBS_KEEP_ALIVE) && !(flags & WEBS_ASP)) {
		websWrite(wp, T("Connection: keep-alive\r\n"));
	websWrite(wp, T("\r\n"));

 *	All done if the browser did a HEAD request
	if (flags & WEBS_HEAD_REQUEST) {
		websDone(wp, 200);
		return 1;

 *	Evaluate ASP requests
	if (flags & WEBS_ASP) {
		if (websAspRequest(wp, lpath) < 0) {
			return 1;
		websDone(wp, 200);
		return 1;
 *	Return the data via background write
	websSetRequestSocketHandler(wp, SOCKET_WRITABLE, websDefaultWriteEvent);
	return 1;