void verifyWellState(const std::string& rst_filename,
                     Opm::EclipseGridConstPtr ecl_grid,
                     Opm::ScheduleConstPtr schedule) {

  well_info_type * well_info = well_info_alloc(ecl_grid->c_ptr());
  well_info_load_rstfile(well_info, rst_filename.c_str(), false);

  //Verify numwells
  int numwells = well_info_get_num_wells(well_info);
  BOOST_CHECK(numwells == (int)schedule->numWells());

  std::vector<Opm::WellConstPtr> wells = schedule->getWells();

  for (int i = 0; i < numwells; ++i) {

    //Verify wellnames
    const char * wellname = well_info_iget_well_name(well_info, i);
    Opm::WellConstPtr well = wells.at(i);
    BOOST_CHECK(wellname == well->name());

    // Verify well-head position data
    well_ts_type * well_ts = well_info_get_ts(well_info , wellname);
    well_state_type * well_state = well_ts_iget_state(well_ts, 0);
    const well_conn_type * well_head = well_state_get_wellhead(well_state, ECL_GRID_GLOBAL_GRID);
    BOOST_CHECK(well_conn_get_i(well_head) == well->getHeadI());
    BOOST_CHECK(well_conn_get_j(well_head) == well->getHeadJ());

    for (int j = 0; j < well_ts_get_size(well_ts); ++j) {
      well_state = well_ts_iget_state(well_ts, j);

      //Verify welltype
      int ert_well_type = well_state_get_type(well_state);
      WellType welltype = well->isProducer(j) ? PRODUCER : INJECTOR;
      Opm::WellInjector::TypeEnum injectortype = well->getInjectionProperties(j).injectorType;
      int ecl_converted_welltype = Opm::EclipseWriter::eclipseWellTypeMask(welltype, injectortype);
      int ert_converted_welltype = well_state_translate_ecl_type_int(ecl_converted_welltype);
      BOOST_CHECK(ert_well_type == ert_converted_welltype);

      //Verify wellstatus
      int ert_well_status = well_state_is_open(well_state) ? 1 : 0;

      Opm::WellCommon::StatusEnum status = well->getStatus(j);
      int wellstatus = Opm::EclipseWriter::eclipseWellStatusMask(status);

      BOOST_CHECK(ert_well_status == wellstatus);

      //Verify number of completion connections
      const well_conn_collection_type * well_connections = well_state_get_global_connections( well_state );
      size_t num_wellconnections = well_conn_collection_get_size(well_connections);

      int report_nr = well_state_get_report_nr(well_state);
      Opm::CompletionSetConstPtr completions_set = well->getCompletions((size_t)report_nr);

      BOOST_CHECK(num_wellconnections == completions_set->size());

      //Verify coordinates for each completion connection
      for (size_t k = 0; k < num_wellconnections; ++k) {
          const well_conn_type * well_connection = well_conn_collection_iget_const(well_connections , k);

          Opm::CompletionConstPtr completion = completions_set->get(k);

          BOOST_CHECK(well_conn_get_i(well_connection) == completion->getI());
          BOOST_CHECK(well_conn_get_j(well_connection) == completion->getJ());
          BOOST_CHECK(well_conn_get_k(well_connection) == completion->getK());

void RifReaderEclipseOutput::readWellCells(RigReservoir* reservoir)

    if (m_dynamicResultsAccess.isNull()) return;

    well_info_type* ert_well_info = well_info_alloc(NULL);
    if (!ert_well_info) return;


    RigMainGrid* mainGrid = reservoir->mainGrid();
    std::vector<RigGridBase*> grids;

    cvf::Collection<RigWellResults> wells;
    caf::ProgressInfo progress(well_info_get_num_wells(ert_well_info), "");

    int wellIdx;
    for (wellIdx = 0; wellIdx < well_info_get_num_wells(ert_well_info); wellIdx++)
        const char* wellName = well_info_iget_well_name(ert_well_info, wellIdx);

        cvf::ref<RigWellResults> wellResults = new RigWellResults;
        wellResults->m_wellName = wellName;

        well_ts_type* ert_well_time_series = well_info_get_ts(ert_well_info , wellName);
        int timeStepCount = well_ts_get_size(ert_well_time_series);


        int timeIdx;
        for (timeIdx = 0; timeIdx < timeStepCount; timeIdx++)
            well_state_type* ert_well_state = well_ts_iget_state(ert_well_time_series, timeIdx);

            RigWellResultFrame& wellResFrame = wellResults->m_wellCellsTimeSteps[timeIdx];

            // Build timestamp for well
            // Also see RifEclipseOutputFileAccess::timeStepsText for accessing time_t structures
                time_t stepTime = well_state_get_sim_time(ert_well_state);
                wellResFrame.m_timestamp = QDateTime::fromTime_t(stepTime);

            // Production type
            well_type_enum ert_well_type = well_state_get_type(ert_well_state);
            if (ert_well_type == PRODUCER)
                wellResFrame.m_productionType = RigWellResultFrame::PRODUCER;
            else if (ert_well_type == WATER_INJECTOR)
                wellResFrame.m_productionType = RigWellResultFrame::WATER_INJECTOR;
            else if (ert_well_type == GAS_INJECTOR)
                wellResFrame.m_productionType = RigWellResultFrame::GAS_INJECTOR;
            else if (ert_well_type == OIL_INJECTOR)
                wellResFrame.m_productionType = RigWellResultFrame::OIL_INJECTOR;
                wellResFrame.m_productionType = RigWellResultFrame::UNDEFINED_PRODUCTION_TYPE;

            wellResFrame.m_isOpen = well_state_is_open( ert_well_state );

            // Loop over all the grids in the model. If we have connections in one, we will discard
            // the maingrid connections as they are "duplicates"

            bool hasWellConnectionsInLGR = false;
            for (size_t gridNr = 1; gridNr < grids.size(); ++gridNr)
                int branchCount = well_state_iget_lgr_num_branches(ert_well_state, static_cast<int>(gridNr));
                if (branchCount > 0)
                    hasWellConnectionsInLGR = true;
            size_t gridNr = hasWellConnectionsInLGR ? 1 : 0;
            for (; gridNr < grids.size(); ++gridNr)

                // Wellhead. If several grids have a wellhead definition for this well, we use tha last one. (Possibly the innermost LGR)
                const well_conn_type* ert_wellhead = well_state_iget_wellhead(ert_well_state, static_cast<int>(gridNr));
                if (ert_wellhead)
                    int cellI = well_conn_get_i( ert_wellhead );
                    int cellJ = well_conn_get_j( ert_wellhead );
                    int cellK = CVF_MAX(0, well_conn_get_k(ert_wellhead)); // Why this ?

                    // If a well is defined in fracture region, the K-value is from (cellCountK - 1) -> cellCountK*2 - 1
                    // Adjust K so index is always in valid grid region
                    if (cellK >= grids[gridNr]->cellCountK())
                        cellK -= static_cast<int>(grids[gridNr]->cellCountK());

                    wellResFrame.m_wellHead.m_gridCellIndex = grids[gridNr]->cellIndexFromIJK(cellI, cellJ, cellK);
                    wellResFrame.m_wellHead.m_gridIndex = gridNr;

                int branchCount = well_state_iget_lgr_num_branches(ert_well_state, static_cast<int>(gridNr));
                if (branchCount > 0)
                    if (static_cast<int>(wellResFrame.m_wellResultBranches.size()) < branchCount) wellResFrame.m_wellResultBranches.resize(branchCount);

                    for (int branchIdx = 0; branchIdx < branchCount; ++branchIdx )
                        // Connections
                        int connectionCount = well_state_iget_num_lgr_connections(ert_well_state, static_cast<int>(gridNr), branchIdx);
                        if (connectionCount > 0)

                            RigWellResultBranch& wellSegment = wellResFrame.m_wellResultBranches[branchIdx]; // Is this completely right? Is the branch index actually the same between lgrs ?
                            wellSegment.m_branchNumber = branchIdx;
                            size_t existingConnCount = wellSegment.m_wellCells.size();
                            wellSegment.m_wellCells.resize(existingConnCount + connectionCount);

                            int connIdx;
                            for (connIdx = 0; connIdx < connectionCount; connIdx++)
                                const well_conn_type* ert_connection = well_state_iget_lgr_connections( ert_well_state, static_cast<int>(gridNr), branchIdx)[connIdx];

                                RigWellResultCell& data = wellSegment.m_wellCells[existingConnCount + connIdx];
                                data.m_gridIndex = gridNr;
                                    int cellI = well_conn_get_i( ert_connection );
                                    int cellJ = well_conn_get_j( ert_connection );
                                    int cellK = well_conn_get_k( ert_connection );
                                    bool open = well_conn_open( ert_connection );
                                    int branch = well_conn_get_branch( ert_connection );
                                    int segment = well_conn_get_segment( ert_connection );

                                    // If a well is defined in fracture region, the K-value is from (cellCountK - 1) -> cellCountK*2 - 1
                                    // Adjust K so index is always in valid grid region
                                    if (cellK >= grids[gridNr]->cellCountK())
                                        cellK -= static_cast<int>(grids[gridNr]->cellCountK());

                                    data.m_gridCellIndex = grids[gridNr]->cellIndexFromIJK(cellI , cellJ , cellK);

                                    data.m_isOpen    = open;
                                    data.m_branchId  = branch;
                                    data.m_segmentId = segment;




