Example #1

bool ImageReader::update()
    WriteGuard<ReadWritePipe<CvMat*> > wg(m_wpipe);
    if ( m_cImg < m_filenames.size() )
        const std::string &filename(m_filenames[m_cImg++]);
        IplImage *img = cvLoadImage(filename.c_str());
        if ( img != NULL )
#if 0
            CvMat *mat = cvCreateMatHeader(img->height, img->width, CV_8UC3);
            mat = cvGetMat(img, mat);        
            CvMat *mat = cvCreateMat(img->height, img->width, CV_8UC3);
            cvConvertImage(img, mat, CV_CVTIMG_SWAP_RB);
            throw Exception(boost::format("can't open image: %1%")
                            % filename);

    return wg.wasWrite();
WalletGroup BlockDataViewer::getStandAloneWalletGroup(
   const vector<BinaryData>& wltIDs, HistoryOrdering order)
   WalletGroup wg(this, this->saf_);
   wg.order_ = order;

   auto wallets   = groups_[group_wallet].getWalletMap();
   auto lockboxes = groups_[group_lockbox].getWalletMap();

   for (const auto& wltid : wltIDs)
      auto wltIter = wallets.find(wltid);
      if (wltIter != wallets.end())
         wg.wallets_[wltid] = wltIter->second;

         auto lbIter = lockboxes.find(wltid);
         if (lbIter != lockboxes.end())
            wg.wallets_[wltid] = lbIter->second;

   wg.pageHistory(true, false);

   return wg;
Example #3
void test_smspec_completion() {
    std::string kw( "CWIT" );
    std::string wg( "WELL1" );
    int dims[ 3 ] = { 10, 10, 10 };
    int ijk[ 3 ] = { 1, 1, 1 };
    ERT::smspec_node completion( kw, wg, dims, ijk );

    test_assert_true( completion.keyword() == kw );
    test_assert_true( completion.type() == ECL_SMSPEC_COMPLETION_VAR );
    test_assert_true( completion.num() == 112 );
Example #4
void test_smspec_wg() {
    std::string kw( "WWCT" );
    std::string wg( "OP1" );
    std::string gr( "WG1" );

    ERT::smspec_node well( ECL_SMSPEC_WELL_VAR, wg, kw );
    ERT::smspec_node group( ECL_SMSPEC_GROUP_VAR, gr, kw );

    test_assert_true(well.wgname() == wg);
    test_assert_true(well.type() == ECL_SMSPEC_WELL_VAR );

    test_assert_true(group.wgname() == gr);
    test_assert_true(group.type() == ECL_SMSPEC_GROUP_VAR );
Example #5
void test_smspec_wg() {
    std::string wkw( "WWCT" );
    std::string gkw( "GWCT" );
    std::string wg( "OP1" );
    std::string gr( "WG1" );

    ERT::smspec_node well( ECL_SMSPEC_WELL_VAR, wg, wkw );
    ERT::smspec_node group( ECL_SMSPEC_GROUP_VAR, gr, gkw );

    test_assert_string_equal(well.key1() , "WWCT:OP1");
    test_assert_string_equal(well.keyword() , "WWCT");
    test_assert_true(well.wgname() == wg);
    test_assert_true(well.type() == ECL_SMSPEC_WELL_VAR );

    test_assert_string_equal(group.key1(), "GWCT:WG1");
    test_assert_string_equal(group.keyword() , "GWCT");
    test_assert_true(group.wgname() == gr);
    test_assert_true(group.type() == ECL_SMSPEC_GROUP_VAR );
Example #6
void WargearList::fromXml(const QDomElement& ele) throw(XmlParseException)
    QDomNodeList list = ele.childNodes();
    int len = list.length();
    QDomElement current;
    for(int i = 0; i < len; i++)
        current = list.item(i).toElement();
            if(current.nodeName() == "wargear")
                Wargear wg(current, race());
                m_wargears.insert(wg.id(), wg);
                throw XmlParseException("invalid wargear list node", current);
Example #7
void TestMRPPWindow::resized()
	if (m_controls.size() == 0)
	auto sz = getSize();
	int w = sz.getWidth();
	int h = sz.getHeight();
	int gdivs = 16;
	MRP::Rectangle wg(0, 0, w, h);
	for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
		m_controls[i]->setBounds(MRP::Rectangle::fromGridPositions(wg, gdivs, 0, i, 1, i + 1));
	m_slider1->setBounds(MRP::Rectangle::fromGridPositions(wg, gdivs, 1, 0, 16, 1));
	m_envcontrol1->setBounds(MRP::Rectangle::fromGridPositions(wg, gdivs, 1, 1, 16, 10));
	m_zoomscroll1->setBounds(MRP::Rectangle::fromGridPositions(wg, gdivs, 1, 10, 16, 11));
	m_edit1->setBounds(MRP::Rectangle::fromGridPositions(wg, gdivs, 0, 11, 16, 12));
	//m_combo1->setBounds(MRP::Rectangle::fromGridPositions(wg, gdivs, 0, 15, 7, 16));
	//m_combo2->setBounds(MRP::Rectangle::fromGridPositions(wg, gdivs, 8, 15, 16, 16));
	m_progressbar1->setBounds(MRP::Rectangle::fromGridPositions(wg, gdivs, 0, 15, 16, 16));
Example #8
 * @brief Computes weights of an inverted file structure
 * @param ifindex Inverted file index
 * @param corpus Corpus
 * @param wg Function to compute weight
void ifindex_weight(ListDB *ifindex, ListDB *corpus, double (*wg)(uint,uint,uint,uint,uint,uint))
     uint i, j;

     // Computes size of documents
     uint *docsizes = (uint *) calloc(corpus->size, sizeof(uint));
     for (i = 0; i < corpus->size; i++)
          for (j = 0; j < corpus->lists[i].size; j++) 
               docsizes[i] += corpus->lists[i].data[j].freq;

     // performs term weighting
     for (i = 0; i < ifindex->size; i++) {
          for (j = 0; j < ifindex->lists[i].size; j++) {
               double wval = wg(ifindex->lists[i].data[j].freq, ifindex->lists[i].size,
                                corpus->size, ifindex->size);
               ifindex->lists[i].data[j].freq = weights_intweight(wval);
               if (ifindex->lists[i].data[j].freq == 0)
                    ifindex->lists[i].data[j].freq = 1;
WalletGroup BlockDataViewer::getStandAloneWalletGroup(
   const vector<BinaryData>& wltIDs, HistoryOrdering order)

   WalletGroup wg(this, this->saf_);
   wg.order_ = order;

   auto wallets   = groups_[group_wallet].getWalletMap();
   auto lockboxes = groups_[group_lockbox].getWalletMap();

   for (const auto& wltid : wltIDs)
      auto wltIter = wallets.find(wltid);
      if (wltIter != wallets.end())
         shared_ptr<BtcWallet> wltCopy(
            new BtcWallet(*(wltIter->second.get())));
         wg.wallets_[wltid] = wltCopy;

         auto lbIter = lockboxes.find(wltid);
         if (lbIter != lockboxes.end())
            shared_ptr<BtcWallet> lbCopy(
               new BtcWallet(*(lbIter->second.get())));
            wg.wallets_[wltid] = lbCopy;


   return wg;
Example #10
			QList<QWizardPage*> SeekThru::GetWizardPages () const
				std::auto_ptr<WizardGenerator> wg (new WizardGenerator);
				return wg->GetPages ();
void prim_conv11::operator()
   signal_& quality__io,
   signal_& wiregroup__io,
   signal_& hstrip__io,
   signal_& clctpat__io,
   signal_& ph__io,
   signal_& th__io,
   signal_& vl__io,
   signal_& phzvl__io,
   signal_& me11a__io,
   signal_& clctpat_r__io,
   signal_& ph_hit__io,
   signal_& th_hit__io,
   signal_& sel__io,
   signal_& addr__io,
   signal_& r_in__io,
   signal_& r_out__io,
   signal_& we__io,
   signal_& clk__io,
   signal_& control_clk__io
  if (!built)
      seg_ch = 2;
      bw_ph = 8;
      bw_th = 7;
      bw_fph = 12;
      bw_fth = 8;
      bw_wg = 7;
      bw_ds = 7;
      bw_hs = 8;
      pat_w_st3 = 3;
      pat_w_st1 = pat_w_st3 + 1;
      full_pat_w_st3 = (1 << (pat_w_st3+1)) - 1;
      full_pat_w_st1 = (1 << (pat_w_st1+1)) - 1;
      padding_w_st1 = full_pat_w_st1 / 2;
      padding_w_st3 = full_pat_w_st3 / 2;
      red_pat_w_st3 = pat_w_st3 * 2 + 1;
      red_pat_w_st1 = pat_w_st1 * 2 + 1;
      fold = 4;
      th_ch11 = seg_ch*seg_ch;
      bw_q = 4;
      bw_addr = 7;
      ph_raw_w = (1 << pat_w_st3) * 15;
      th_raw_w = (1 << bw_th);
      max_drift = 3;
      bw_phi = 12;
      bw_eta = 7;
      ph_hit_w = 40+4;
      ph_hit_w20 = ph_hit_w;
      ph_hit_w10 = 20+4;
      th_hit_w = 56 + 8;
      endcap = 1;
      n_strips = (station <= 1 && cscid <= 2) ? 64 :
	(station <= 1 && cscid >= 6) ? 64 : 80;
      n_wg = (station <= 1 && cscid <= 3) ? 48  :
	(station <= 1 && cscid >= 6) ? 32  :
	(station == 2 && cscid <= 3) ? 112 :
	(station >= 3 && cscid <= 3) ? 96  : 64;
      th_coverage = (station <= 1 && cscid <= 2) ? 45  :
	(station <= 1 && cscid >= 6) ? 27  :
	(station <= 1 && cscid >= 3) ? 39  :
	(station == 2 && cscid <= 2) ? 43  :
	(station == 2 && cscid >= 3) ? 56  :
	(station == 3 && cscid <= 2) ? 34  :
	(station == 3 && cscid >= 3) ? 52  :
	(station == 4 && cscid <= 2) ? 28  :
	(station == 4 && cscid >= 3) ? 50  : 0;
      ph_coverage = (station <= 1 && cscid >= 6) ? 15 : //30 :
	(station >= 2 && cscid <= 2) ? 40 : 20;
      th_ch = (station <= 1 && cscid <= 2) ? (seg_ch*seg_ch) : seg_ch;
      ph_reverse = (endcap == 1 && station >= 3) ? 1 : 
	(endcap == 2 && station <  3) ? 1 : 0;
      th_mem_sz = (1 << bw_addr);
      th_corr_mem_sz = (1 << bw_addr);
      mult_bw = bw_fph + 11;
      ph_zone_bnd1 = (station <= 1 && cscid <= 2) ? 41 :
	(station == 2 && cscid <= 2) ? 41 :
	(station == 2 && cscid >  2) ? 87 :
	(station == 3 && cscid >  2) ? 49 :
	(station == 4 && cscid >  2) ? 49 : 127;
      ph_zone_bnd2 = (station == 3 && cscid >  2) ? 87 : 127;
      zone_overlap = 2;
      bwr = 6;
      bpow = 6;
      cnr = (1 << bpow);
      cnrex = ph_raw_w;
      // input parameters from MPC
      // outputs
      // low-precision ph, only for detection
      // high-precision ph with displacement correction will be calculated when 
      // 3 best tracks are found.
      // full precision th, but without displacement correction, takes th duplication into account
      // one-bit valid flags
      // ph and th raw hits

  pc_id(3,0) = cscid;
  pc_id(7,4) = station;
  r_out = (sel == const_(2, 0x0UL)) ? params[addr] : 
    (sel == const_(2, 0x1UL)) ? th_mem[addr] : 
    (sel == const_(2, 0x2UL)) ? th_corr_mem[addr] : pc_id;


  if (posedge (control_clk))
      if (( (sel) == 0)) {  { if (we) params     [addr] = r_in; } } else 
	if (( (sel) == 1)) {  { if (we) th_mem     [addr] = r_in; } } else 
	  if (( (sel) == 2)) {  { if (we) th_corr_mem[addr] = r_in(3,0); } } 

  if (posedge (clk))

      // zero outputs
      vl = 0;
      phzvl = 0;
      for (i = 0; i < seg_ch; i = i+1) { fph[i] = 0; clctpat_r[i] = 0; }
      for (i = 0; i < th_ch;  i = i+1) th[i] = 0;
      ph_hit = 0;
      th_hit = 0;

      for (i = 0; i < seg_ch; i = i+1)

	  factor[i] = (station <= 1 && cscid <= 2 && hstrip[i] > 127) ? 1707 : // ME1/1a
	    1301; // ME1/1b
	  //	std::cout<<"factor 11 = "<<factor[i]<<std::endl;

	  me11a_w[i] = (station <= 1 && cscid <= 2 && hstrip[i] > 127);
	  if (( (clctpat[i]) == 0)) {  { clct_pat_corr = const_(3, 0x0UL); clct_pat_sign = 0; } } else 
	    if (( (clctpat[i]) == 1)) {  { clct_pat_corr = const_(3, 0x0UL); clct_pat_sign = 0; } } else 
	      if (( (clctpat[i]) == 2)) {  { clct_pat_corr = const_(3, 0x5UL); clct_pat_sign = 1; } } else 
		if (( (clctpat[i]) == 3)) {  { clct_pat_corr = const_(3, 0x5UL); clct_pat_sign = 0; } } else 
		  if (( (clctpat[i]) == 4)) {  { clct_pat_corr = const_(3, 0x5UL); clct_pat_sign = 1; } } else 
		    if (( (clctpat[i]) == 5)) {  { clct_pat_corr = const_(3, 0x5UL); clct_pat_sign = 0; } } else 
		      if (( (clctpat[i]) == 6)) {  { clct_pat_corr = const_(3, 0x2UL); clct_pat_sign = 1; } } else 
			if (( (clctpat[i]) == 7)) {  { clct_pat_corr = const_(3, 0x2UL); clct_pat_sign = 0; } } else 
			  if (( (clctpat[i]) == 8)) {  { clct_pat_corr = const_(3, 0x2UL); clct_pat_sign = 1; } } else 
			    if (( (clctpat[i]) == 9)) {  { clct_pat_corr = const_(3, 0x2UL); clct_pat_sign = 0; } } else 
			      if (( (clctpat[i]) == 10)) {  { clct_pat_corr = const_(3, 0x0UL); clct_pat_sign = 0; } } else  {  { clct_pat_corr = const_(3, 0x0UL); clct_pat_sign = 0; } } 

	  // reverse clct pattern correction if chamber is reversed
	  //			if (ph_reverse) clct_pat_sign = ~clct_pat_sign;

	  // convert into 1/8 strips and remove ME1/1a offset (512=128*4)
	  eight_str[i]  = (const_s(2, 0x0UL), hstrip [i], const_s(2, 0x0UL)) - (me11a_w[i] ? 512 : 0);
	  // clct pattern correction
	  if (clct_pat_sign == 0) eight_str[i] = eight_str[i] + clct_pat_corr(2,1);
	  else eight_str[i] = eight_str[i] - clct_pat_corr(2,1);

	  if (quality[i])
	      vl[i] = 1;
	      // ph conversion
	      // for factors 1024 and 2048 the multiplier should be replaced with shifts by synthesizer
	      mult = eight_str[i] * factor[i];
	      ph_tmp = mult(mult_bw-1 , 10);
	      //std::cout<<"ph_tmp = "<<ph_tmp<<std::endl;
	      ph_init_ix =  me11a_w[i] ? const_(3, 2UL) : const_(3, 0UL); // index of ph_init parameter to apply (different for ME11a and b)
	      //std::cout<<"ph_init_ix = "<<ph_init_ix<<std::endl;
	      if (ph_reverse)
		  fph[i] = params[ph_init_ix] - ph_tmp;
		  // set ph raw hits
		  ph_hit[ph_coverage - ph_tmp(bw_fph-1,5) + params[ph_init_ix + const_(3, 1UL)](7,1)] = 1;
		  fph[i] = params[ph_init_ix] + ph_tmp;
		  // set ph raw hits
		  ph_hit[ph_tmp(bw_fph-1,5) + params[ph_init_ix + const_(3, 1UL)](7,1)] = 1;
		  /* -----\/----- EXCLUDED -----\/-----
		  // add hits to take ME11a strip ganging into account
		  // offsets of 14 and 28 is what I observe from MC. Calculations show 11.6 and 23.2 (???)
		  if (me11a_w[i])
		  ph_hit[ph_tmp(bw_fph-1,5) + params[2] + 14] = 1;
		  ph_hit[ph_tmp(bw_fph-1,5) + params[2] + 28] = 1;
		  -----/\----- EXCLUDED -----/\----- */
	      //std::cout<<"estr = "<<eight_str[i]<<", factor = "<<factor[i]<<", ph_rev = "<<ph_reverse<<", ph_tmp = "<<ph_tmp<<std::endl;
	      //std::cout<<"ph_hit = "<<ph_tmp(bw_fph-1,5) + params[ph_init_ix + const_(3, 1UL)](7,1)<<std::endl;
	      //std::cout<<"strip = "<<hstrip[i]<<", Id = "<<cscid + 1<<",phinit = "<<(params[ph_init_ix])<<"ph_cov = "<<ph_coverage<<", and phshift = "<<(ph_tmp(bw_fph-1,5))<<", and phdisp = "<<(params[ph_init_ix + const_(3, 1UL)](7,1))<<"\n\n\n";
	      wg = wiregroup[i];
	      // th conversion
	      // call appropriate LUT, it returns th[i] relative to wg0 of that chamber
	      th_orig = th_mem[wg];
	      //std::cout<<"wire = "<<wg<<", th_mem[wg] = "<<th_orig<<std::endl;

	      // need th duplication here
	      for (j = 0; j < seg_ch; j = j+1)
		  if (quality[j])
		      // calculate correction for each strip number
		      // index is: (wiregroup(2 MS bits), dblstrip(5-bit for these chambers))
		      index = (wg(5,4), eight_str[j](8,4));
		      th_corr = th_corr_mem[index];
		      //std::cout<<"eightstrip = "<<eight_str[j]<<", eightstrip(8,4) = "<<eight_str[j](8,4)<<", index = "<<index<<", th_corr = "<<th_corr<<std::endl;

		      //std::cout<<"th_corr = "<<th_corr<<" and th_orig = "<<th_orig<<std::endl;
		      // apply correction to the corresponding output
		      if (ph_reverse) th_tmp = (th_orig - th_corr) & const_(6, 0x3fUL);
		      else            th_tmp = (th_orig + th_corr) & const_(6, 0x3fUL);
		      //std::cout<<"ph_reverse = "<<ph_reverse<<" ";
		      //if(th_tmp)std::cout<<"th_tmp = "<<th_tmp<<" and thcoverage = "<<th_coverage<<std::endl;
		      // check that correction did not make invalid value outside chamber coverage
		      // this will actually take care of both positive and negative illegal values
		      if (th_tmp < th_coverage) 
			  // apply initial th value for that chamber
			  th[i*seg_ch+j] = th_tmp + params[4];
			  //std::cout<<"params[4] = "<<params[4]<<"\n";
			  // th hits
			  th_hit[th_tmp + params[5]] = 1;
			  // check which zones ph hits should be applied to
			  if (th[i*seg_ch+j] <= (ph_zone_bnd1 + zone_overlap)) phzvl[0] = 1;
			  if (th[i*seg_ch+j] >  (ph_zone_bnd2 - zone_overlap)) phzvl[2] = 1;
			  if (
			      (th[i*seg_ch+j] >  (ph_zone_bnd1 - zone_overlap)) &&
			      (th[i*seg_ch+j] <= (ph_zone_bnd2 + zone_overlap))
			      ) phzvl[1] = 1;
			  //std::cout<<"ph_zone_bnd1 = "<<ph_zone_bnd1<<std::endl;
			  //std::cout<<"phzvl = "<<phzvl<<std::endl;
	      clctpat_r[i] = clctpat[i]; // just propagate pattern downstream
	    } // if (quality[i])
	  ph[i] = fph[i];
	  //if(fph[i]) std::cout<<"fph["<<i<<"] = "<<fph[i]<<" and vl[i] = "<<vl[i]<<std::endl;
	} // for (i = 0; i < seg_ch; i = i+1)
      me11a = me11a_w;
Example #12
File: ASMmxBase.C Project: OPM/IFEM
ASMmxBase::VolumeVec ASMmxBase::establishBases(Go::SplineVolume* svol,
                                               MixedType type)
  VolumeVec result(2);
  // With mixed methods we need two separate spline spaces
    // basis1 should be one degree higher than basis2 and C^p-1 continuous
    int ndim = svol->dimension();
    Go::BsplineBasis b1 = svol->basis(0).extendedBasis(svol->order(0)+1);
    Go::BsplineBasis b2 = svol->basis(1).extendedBasis(svol->order(1)+1);
    Go::BsplineBasis b3 = svol->basis(2).extendedBasis(svol->order(2)+1);
    /* To lower order and regularity this can be used instead
    std::vector<double>::const_iterator first = ++surf->basis(0).begin();
    std::vector<double>::const_iterator last  = --surf->basis(0).end();
    Go::BsplineBasis b1 = Go::BsplineBasis(surf->order_u()-1,first,last);
    first =  ++surf->basis(1).begin();
    last  =  --surf->basis(1).end();
    Go::BsplineBasis b2 = Go::BsplineBasis(surf->order_v()-1,first,last);

    // Compute parameter values of the Greville points
    size_t i;
    RealArray ug(b1.numCoefs()), vg(b2.numCoefs()), wg(b3.numCoefs());
    for (i = 0; i < ug.size(); i++)
      ug[i] = b1.grevilleParameter(i);
    for (i = 0; i < vg.size(); i++)
      vg[i] = b2.grevilleParameter(i);
    for (i = 0; i < wg.size(); i++)
      wg[i] = b3.grevilleParameter(i);

    if (svol->rational()) {
      std::vector<double> rCoefs(svol->rcoefs_begin(), svol->rcoefs_end());

      // we normally would set coefs as (x*w, y*w, w)
      // however, gotools use this representation internally already.

      // instance a Bspline surface in ndim+1
      Go::SplineVolume vol2(svol->basis(0), svol->basis(1), svol->basis(2), rCoefs.begin(), ndim+1, false);

      // interpolate the Bspline surface onto new basis
      RealArray XYZ((ndim+1)*ug.size()*vg.size()*wg.size());
      std::unique_ptr<Go::SplineVolume> svol3(Go::VolumeInterpolator::regularInterpolation(b1,b2,b3,ug,vg,wg,XYZ,ndim+1,false,XYZ));

      // new rational coefs are (x/w', y/w', w')
      // apparently gotools will rescale coeffs on surface creation.
      result[0].reset(new Go::SplineVolume(svol3->basis(0), svol3->basis(1), svol3->basis(2), svol3->coefs_begin(), ndim, true));
    } else {
      RealArray XYZ(ndim*ug.size()*vg.size()*wg.size());
      // Evaluate the spline surface at all points
      // Project the coordinates onto the new basis (the 2nd XYZ is dummy here)
    result[1].reset(new Go::SplineVolume(*svol));
    // Order-elevate basis1 such that it is of one degree higher than basis2
    // but only C^p-2 continuous
    result[0].reset(new Go::SplineVolume(*svol));
    result[1].reset(new Go::SplineVolume(*svol));
  else if (ASMmxBase::Type == ASMmxBase::DIV_COMPATIBLE)

    // basis1 should be one degree higher than basis2 and C^p-1 continuous
    int ndim = svol->dimension();
    Go::BsplineBasis a1 = svol->basis(0);
    Go::BsplineBasis a2 = svol->basis(1);
    Go::BsplineBasis a3 = svol->basis(2);
    Go::BsplineBasis b1 = svol->basis(0).extendedBasis(svol->order(0)+1);
    Go::BsplineBasis b2 = svol->basis(1).extendedBasis(svol->order(1)+1);
    Go::BsplineBasis b3 = svol->basis(2).extendedBasis(svol->order(2)+1);

    // Compute parameter values of the Greville points
    size_t i;
    RealArray u0(a1.numCoefs()), v0(a2.numCoefs()), w0(a3.numCoefs());
    for (i = 0; i < u0.size(); i++)
      u0[i] = a1.grevilleParameter(i);
    for (i = 0; i < v0.size(); i++)
      v0[i] = a2.grevilleParameter(i);
    for (i = 0; i < w0.size(); i++)
      w0[i] = a3.grevilleParameter(i);
    RealArray ug(b1.numCoefs()), vg(b2.numCoefs()), wg(b3.numCoefs());
    for (i = 0; i < ug.size(); i++)
      ug[i] = b1.grevilleParameter(i);
    for (i = 0; i < vg.size(); i++)
      vg[i] = b2.grevilleParameter(i);
    for (i = 0; i < wg.size(); i++)
      wg[i] = b3.grevilleParameter(i);

    // Evaluate the spline surface at all points
    // Project the coordinates onto the new basis (the 2nd XYZ is dummy here)
    RealArray XYZ0(ndim*ug.size()*v0.size()*w0.size()), XYZ1(ndim*u0.size()*vg.size()*w0.size()), XYZ2(ndim*u0.size()*v0.size()*wg.size());
    result[3].reset(new Go::SplineVolume(*svol));
    geoBasis = 4;

    std::swap(result[0], result[1]);

  return result;