LRESULT CALLBACK cg_container_win32_proc( HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { widget_t *w; container_widget_t *sw; native_container_widget_t *nw; //bounds_t b; w = cg_find_by_native( hWnd ); if ( w == 0 ) return DefWindowProc( hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam ); sw = (container_widget_t *)w; nw = (native_container_widget_t *)w->ndata; switch ( uMsg ) { case WM_MOVE: widget_set_position( w, LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam), 1 ); break; case WM_SIZE: widget_set_size( w, LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam), 1 ); widget_set_content_size( w, LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam), 1 ); widget_resized_handle( OBJECT(w), 0 ); break; case WM_COMMAND: case WM_NOTIFY: return cg_win32_proc( hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam ); } return DefWindowProc( hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam ); }
/************************************************************************** ... **************************************************************************/ void set_new_group_start_pos(const struct widget *pBeginGroupWidgetList, const struct widget *pEndGroupWidgetList, Sint16 Xrel, Sint16 Yrel) { struct widget *pTmpWidget = (struct widget *) pEndGroupWidgetList; while (pTmpWidget) { widget_set_position(pTmpWidget, pTmpWidget->size.x + Xrel, pTmpWidget->size.y + Yrel); if (get_wtype(pTmpWidget) == WT_VSCROLLBAR && pTmpWidget->private_data.adv_dlg && pTmpWidget->private_data.adv_dlg->pScroll) { pTmpWidget->private_data.adv_dlg->pScroll->max += Yrel; pTmpWidget->private_data.adv_dlg->pScroll->min += Yrel; } if (get_wtype(pTmpWidget) == WT_HSCROLLBAR && pTmpWidget->private_data.adv_dlg && pTmpWidget->private_data.adv_dlg->pScroll) { pTmpWidget->private_data.adv_dlg->pScroll->max += Xrel; pTmpWidget->private_data.adv_dlg->pScroll->min += Xrel; } if (pTmpWidget == pBeginGroupWidgetList) { break; } pTmpWidget = pTmpWidget->prev; } }
/* resize handler */ gint cgraphics_resized_handler( GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventConfigure *event, widget_t *w ) { widget_set_size( OBJECT(w), event->width, event->height, 1 ); widget_set_content_size( OBJECT(w), event->width, event->height, 1 ); widget_set_position( OBJECT(w), event->x, event->y, 1 ); return 0; }
/**************************************************************************** Really resize the main window. ****************************************************************************/ static void real_resize_window_callback(void *data) { struct widget *widget; Uint32 flags = Main.screen->flags; if (gui_sdl_fullscreen) { flags |= SDL_FULLSCREEN; } else { flags &= ~SDL_FULLSCREEN; } set_video_mode(gui_sdl_screen.width, gui_sdl_screen.height, flags); if (C_S_RUNNING == client_state()) { /* Move units window to botton-right corner. */ set_new_unitinfo_window_pos(); /* Move minimap window to botton-left corner. */ set_new_minimap_window_pos(); /* Move cooling/warming icons to botton-right corner. */ widget = get_widget_pointer_form_main_list(ID_WARMING_ICON); widget_set_position(widget, (Main.screen->w - adj_size(10) - (widget->size.w * 2)), widget->size.y); widget = get_widget_pointer_form_main_list(ID_COOLING_ICON); widget_set_position(widget, (Main.screen->w - adj_size(10) - widget->size.w), widget->size.y); map_canvas_resized(Main.screen->w, Main.screen->h); update_info_label(); update_unit_info_label(get_units_in_focus()); center_on_something(); /* With redrawing full map. */ update_order_widgets(); } else { draw_intro_gfx(); dirty_all(); } flush_all(); }
gint cgraphics_resized2_handler( GtkWidget *widget, GtkAllocation *event, widget_t *w ) { if ( !strcmp( w->object.type, "" ) || !strcmp( w->object.type, "" ) || !strcmp( w->object.type, "" ) || !strcmp( w->object.type, "" ) ) { if ( event->x == w->size.x && event->y == w->size.y && event->width == w->size.w && event->height == w->size.h ) return 0; widget_set_size( OBJECT(w), event->width, event->height, 1 ); widget_set_content_size( OBJECT(w), event->width, event->height, 1 ); widget_set_position( OBJECT(w), event->x, event->y, 1 ); widget_resized_handle( OBJECT(w), 0 ); } return 0; }
/************************************************************************** ... **************************************************************************/ static void show_main_page(void) { SDL_Color bg_color = {255, 255, 255, 96}; SDL_Color *line_color = &(SDL_Color) { 128, 128, 128, 255 }; int count = 0; struct widget *pWidget = NULL, *pWindow = NULL; SDL_Surface *pBackground; int h = 0; SDL_Rect area; char verbuf[200]; /* create dialog */ pStartMenu = fc_calloc(1, sizeof(struct SMALL_DLG)); pWindow = create_window_skeleton(NULL, NULL, 0); add_to_gui_list(ID_WINDOW, pWindow); pStartMenu->pEndWidgetList = pWindow; area = pWindow->area; /* Freeciv version */ /* TRANS: Freeciv 2.4.0, gui-sdl client */ fc_snprintf(verbuf, sizeof(verbuf), _("Freeciv %s, %s client"), VERSION_STRING, client_string); pWidget = create_iconlabel_from_chars(NULL, pWindow->dst, verbuf, adj_font(12), (WF_SELLECT_WITHOUT_BAR|WF_RESTORE_BACKGROUND|WF_FREE_DATA)); pWidget->string16->style |= SF_CENTER | TTF_STYLE_BOLD; area.w = MAX(area.w, pWidget->size.w); h = MAX(h, pWidget->size.h); count++; add_to_gui_list(ID_LABEL, pWidget); /* Start New Game */ pWidget = create_iconlabel_from_chars(NULL, pWindow->dst, _("Start New Game"), adj_font(14), (WF_SELLECT_WITHOUT_BAR|WF_RESTORE_BACKGROUND|WF_FREE_DATA)); pWidget->action = start_new_game_callback; pWidget->string16->style |= SF_CENTER; set_wstate(pWidget, FC_WS_NORMAL); area.w = MAX(area.w, pWidget->size.w); h = MAX(h, pWidget->size.h); count++; add_to_gui_list(ID_START_NEW_GAME, pWidget); /* Load Game */ pWidget = create_iconlabel_from_chars(NULL, pWindow->dst, _("Load Game"), adj_font(14), (WF_SELLECT_WITHOUT_BAR|WF_RESTORE_BACKGROUND)); pWidget->action = load_game_callback; pWidget->string16->style |= SF_CENTER; set_wstate(pWidget, FC_WS_NORMAL); add_to_gui_list(ID_LOAD_GAME, pWidget); area.w = MAX(area.w, pWidget->size.w); h = MAX(h, pWidget->size.h); count++; /* Join Game */ pWidget = create_iconlabel_from_chars(NULL, pWindow->dst, _("Join Game"), adj_font(14), WF_SELLECT_WITHOUT_BAR|WF_RESTORE_BACKGROUND); pWidget->action = join_game_callback; pWidget->string16->style |= SF_CENTER; set_wstate(pWidget, FC_WS_NORMAL); add_to_gui_list(ID_JOIN_GAME, pWidget); area.w = MAX(area.w, pWidget->size.w); h = MAX(h, pWidget->size.h); count++; /* Join Pubserver */ pWidget = create_iconlabel_from_chars(NULL, pWindow->dst, _("Join Pubserver"), adj_font(14), WF_SELLECT_WITHOUT_BAR|WF_RESTORE_BACKGROUND); pWidget->action = servers_callback; pWidget->string16->style |= SF_CENTER; set_wstate(pWidget, FC_WS_NORMAL); add_to_gui_list(ID_JOIN_META_GAME, pWidget); area.w = MAX(area.w, pWidget->size.w); h = MAX(h, pWidget->size.h); count++; /* Join LAN Server */ pWidget = create_iconlabel_from_chars(NULL, pWindow->dst, _("Join LAN Server"), adj_font(14), WF_SELLECT_WITHOUT_BAR|WF_RESTORE_BACKGROUND); pWidget->action = servers_callback; pWidget->string16->style |= SF_CENTER; set_wstate(pWidget, FC_WS_NORMAL); add_to_gui_list(ID_JOIN_GAME, pWidget); area.w = MAX(area.w, pWidget->size.w); h = MAX(h, pWidget->size.h); count++; /* Options */ pWidget = create_iconlabel_from_chars(NULL, pWindow->dst, _("Options"), adj_font(14), WF_SELLECT_WITHOUT_BAR|WF_RESTORE_BACKGROUND); pWidget->action = options_callback; pWidget->string16->style |= SF_CENTER; set_wstate(pWidget, FC_WS_NORMAL); add_to_gui_list(ID_CLIENT_OPTIONS_BUTTON, pWidget); area.w = MAX(area.w, pWidget->size.w); h = MAX(h, pWidget->size.h); count++; /* Quit */ pWidget = create_iconlabel_from_chars(NULL, pWindow->dst, _("Quit"), adj_font(14), WF_SELLECT_WITHOUT_BAR|WF_RESTORE_BACKGROUND); pWidget->action = quit_callback; pWidget->string16->style |= SF_CENTER; pWidget->key = SDLK_ESCAPE; set_wstate(pWidget, FC_WS_NORMAL); add_to_gui_list(ID_QUIT, pWidget); area.w = MAX(area.w, pWidget->size.w); h = MAX(h, pWidget->size.h); count++; pStartMenu->pBeginWidgetList = pWidget; /* ------*/ area.w += adj_size(30); h += adj_size(6); area.h = MAX(area.h, h * count); /* ------*/ pBackground = theme_get_background(theme, BACKGROUND_STARTMENU); if (resize_window(pWindow, pBackground, NULL, (pWindow->size.w - pWindow->area.w) + area.w, (pWindow->size.h - pWindow->area.h) + area.h)) { FREESURFACE(pBackground); } area = pWindow->area; group_set_area(pWidget, pWindow->prev, area); setup_vertical_widgets_position(1, area.x, area.y, area.w, h, pWidget, pWindow->prev); area.h = h; SDL_FillRectAlpha(pWindow->theme, &area, &bg_color); widget_set_position(pWindow, (Main.screen->w - pWindow->size.w) - adj_size(20), (Main.screen->h - pWindow->size.h) - adj_size(20)); draw_intro_gfx(); redraw_group(pStartMenu->pBeginWidgetList, pStartMenu->pEndWidgetList, FALSE); putline(pWindow->dst->surface, area.x, area.y + (h - 1), area.x + area.w - 1, area.y + (h - 1), line_color); set_output_window_text(_("SDLClient welcomes you...")); chat_welcome_message(); meswin_dialog_popup(TRUE); flush_all(); }
LRESULT CALLBACK cg_win32_image_proc( HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { image_widget_t *iw; image_t *im; widget_t *w; PAINTSTRUCT ps; HDC hdc, oldbmp; w = cg_find_by_native( hWnd ); if ( w == 0 ) return DefWindowProc( hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam ); iw = (image_widget_t *)w; im = iw->src; switch ( uMsg ) { case WM_QUIT: return 1; case WM_CLOSE: DestroyWindow( hWnd ); return 0; case WM_MOVE: widget_set_position( OBJECT(w), LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam), 1 ); break; case WM_SIZE: widget_set_size( OBJECT(w), LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam), 1 ); break; case WM_PAINT: if ( im == NULL ) break; hdc = BeginPaint( hWnd, &ps ); /*RECT rect; rect.left = = 0; rect.right = rect.bottom = 100; FillRect( hdc, &rect, RGB(255,0,0));*/ #ifdef IMAGES_USE_LIBPNG_FIXME if ( im->native3 == 0 ) { /* Use alphablend, it's a PNG */ oldbmp = SelectObject( im->native, im->native2 ); BLENDFUNCTION pixelblend = { AC_SRC_OVER, 0, 255, AC_SRC_ALPHA }; AlphaBlend( hdc, 0, 0, im->width, im->height, im->native, 0, 0, im->width, im->height, pixelblend ); SelectObject( im->native, oldbmp ); } else #endif { oldbmp = SelectObject( im->native, im->native2 ); BitBlt( hdc, 0, 0, im->width, im->height, im->native, 0, 0, SRCCOPY ); SelectObject( im->native, oldbmp ); } EndPaint( hWnd, &ps ); return 0; } return DefWindowProc( hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam ); }
/************************************************************************** Popup (or raise) the spaceship dialog for the given player. **************************************************************************/ void popup_spaceship_dialog(struct player *pPlayer) { struct SMALL_DLG *pSpaceShp; if(!(pSpaceShp = get_spaceship_dialog(pPlayer))) { struct widget *pBuf, *pWindow; SDL_String16 *pStr; char cBuf[128]; SDL_Rect area; pSpaceShp = fc_calloc(1, sizeof(struct SMALL_DLG)); fc_snprintf(cBuf, sizeof(cBuf), _("The %s Spaceship"), nation_adjective_for_player(pPlayer)); pStr = create_str16_from_char(cBuf, adj_font(12)); pStr->style |= TTF_STYLE_BOLD; pWindow = create_window_skeleton(NULL, pStr, 0); pWindow->action = space_dialog_window_callback; set_wstate(pWindow, FC_WS_NORMAL); pWindow->data.player = pPlayer; pWindow->private_data.small_dlg = pSpaceShp; add_to_gui_list(ID_WINDOW, pWindow); pSpaceShp->pEndWidgetList = pWindow; area = pWindow->area; /* ---------- */ /* create exit button */ pBuf = create_themeicon(pTheme->Small_CANCEL_Icon, pWindow->dst, WF_WIDGET_HAS_INFO_LABEL | WF_RESTORE_BACKGROUND); pBuf->info_label = create_str16_from_char(_("Close Dialog (Esc)"), adj_font(12)); pBuf->data.player = pPlayer; pBuf->action = exit_space_dialog_callback; set_wstate(pBuf, FC_WS_NORMAL); pBuf->key = SDLK_ESCAPE; area.w = MAX(area.w, (pBuf->size.w + adj_size(10))); add_to_gui_list(ID_BUTTON, pBuf); pBuf = create_themeicon_button_from_chars(pTheme->OK_Icon, pWindow->dst, _("Launch"), adj_font(12), 0); pBuf->action = launch_spaceship_callback; area.w = MAX(area.w, pBuf->size.w); area.h += pBuf->size.h + adj_size(20); add_to_gui_list(ID_BUTTON, pBuf); pStr = create_str16_from_char(get_spaceship_descr(NULL), adj_font(12)); pStr->bgcol = (SDL_Color) { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; pBuf = create_iconlabel(NULL, pWindow->dst, pStr, WF_RESTORE_BACKGROUND); area.w = MAX(area.w, pBuf->size.w); area.h += pBuf->size.h + adj_size(20); add_to_gui_list(ID_LABEL, pBuf); pSpaceShp->pBeginWidgetList = pBuf; /* -------------------------------------------------------- */ area.w = MAX(area.w, adj_size(300) - (pWindow->size.w - pWindow->area.w)); resize_window(pWindow, NULL, NULL, (pWindow->size.w - pWindow->area.w) + area.w, (pWindow->size.h - pWindow->area.h) + area.h); area = pWindow->area; widget_set_position(pWindow, (main_window_width() - pWindow->size.w) / 2, (main_window_height() - pWindow->size.h) / 2); /* exit button */ pBuf = pWindow->prev; pBuf->size.x = area.x + area.w - pBuf->size.w - 1; pBuf->size.y = pWindow->size.y + adj_size(2); /* launch button */ pBuf = pBuf->prev; pBuf->size.x = area.x + (area.w - pBuf->size.w) / 2; pBuf->size.y = area.y + area.h - pBuf->size.h - adj_size(7); /* info label */ pBuf = pBuf->prev; pBuf->size.x = area.x + (area.w - pBuf->size.w) / 2; pBuf->size.y = area.y + adj_size(7); dialog_list_prepend(dialog_list, pSpaceShp); refresh_spaceship_dialog(pPlayer); } else { if (sellect_window_group_dialog(pSpaceShp->pBeginWidgetList, pSpaceShp->pEndWidgetList)) { widget_flush(pSpaceShp->pEndWidgetList); } } }
/************************************************************************** Popup (or raise) the short player list dialog version. **************************************************************************/ void popup_players_nations_dialog(void) { struct widget *pWindow = NULL, *pBuf = NULL; SDL_Surface *pLogo = NULL; SDL_String16 *pStr; char cBuf[128], *state; int n = 0, w = 0, units_h = 0; const struct player_diplstate *pDS; SDL_Rect area; if (pShort_Players_Dlg) { return; } pShort_Players_Dlg = fc_calloc(1, sizeof(struct ADVANCED_DLG)); /* TRANS: Nations report title */ pStr = create_str16_from_char(_("Nations") , adj_font(12)); pStr->style |= TTF_STYLE_BOLD; pWindow = create_window_skeleton(NULL, pStr, 0); pWindow->action = players_nations_window_dlg_callback; set_wstate(pWindow, FC_WS_NORMAL); add_to_gui_list(ID_WINDOW, pWindow); pShort_Players_Dlg->pEndWidgetList = pWindow; area = pWindow->area; /* ---------- */ /* exit button */ pBuf = create_themeicon(pTheme->Small_CANCEL_Icon, pWindow->dst, WF_WIDGET_HAS_INFO_LABEL | WF_RESTORE_BACKGROUND); pBuf->info_label = create_str16_from_char(_("Close Dialog (Esc)"), adj_font(12)); area.w = MAX(area.w, pBuf->size.w + adj_size(10)); pBuf->action = exit_players_nations_dlg_callback; set_wstate(pBuf, FC_WS_NORMAL); pBuf->key = SDLK_ESCAPE; add_to_gui_list(ID_BUTTON, pBuf); /* ---------- */ players_iterate(pPlayer) { if (pPlayer != client.conn.playing) { if(!pPlayer->is_alive || is_barbarian(pPlayer)) { continue; } pDS = player_diplstate_get(client.conn.playing, pPlayer); if(pPlayer->ai_controlled) { state = _("AI"); } else { if (pPlayer->is_connected) { if (pPlayer->phase_done) { state = _("done"); } else { state = _("moving"); } } else { state = _("disconnected"); } } if(pDS->type == DS_CEASEFIRE) { fc_snprintf(cBuf, sizeof(cBuf), "%s(%s) - %d %s", nation_adjective_for_player(pPlayer), state, pDS->turns_left, PL_("turn", "turns", pDS->turns_left)); } else { fc_snprintf(cBuf, sizeof(cBuf), "%s(%s)", nation_adjective_for_player(pPlayer), state); } pStr = create_str16_from_char(cBuf, adj_font(10)); pStr->style |= TTF_STYLE_BOLD; pLogo = get_nation_flag_surface(nation_of_player(pPlayer)); pBuf = create_iconlabel(pLogo, pWindow->dst, pStr, (/*WF_FREE_THEME|*/WF_RESTORE_BACKGROUND|WF_DRAW_TEXT_LABEL_WITH_SPACE)); /* now add some eye candy ... */ switch (pDS->type) { case DS_ARMISTICE: pBuf->string16->fgcol = *get_theme_color(COLOR_THEME_PLRDLG_ARMISTICE); set_wstate(pBuf, FC_WS_NORMAL); break; case DS_WAR: if(can_meet_with_player(pPlayer) || can_intel_with_player(pPlayer)) { set_wstate(pBuf, FC_WS_NORMAL); pBuf->string16->fgcol = *get_theme_color(COLOR_THEME_PLRDLG_WAR); } else { pBuf->string16->fgcol = *(get_theme_color(COLOR_THEME_PLRDLG_WAR_RESTRICTED)); } break; case DS_CEASEFIRE: pBuf->string16->fgcol = *get_theme_color(COLOR_THEME_PLRDLG_CEASEFIRE); set_wstate(pBuf, FC_WS_NORMAL); break; case DS_PEACE: pBuf->string16->fgcol = *get_theme_color(COLOR_THEME_PLRDLG_PEACE); set_wstate(pBuf, FC_WS_NORMAL); break; case DS_ALLIANCE: pBuf->string16->fgcol = *get_theme_color(COLOR_THEME_PLRDLG_ALLIANCE); set_wstate(pBuf, FC_WS_NORMAL); break; case DS_NO_CONTACT: pBuf->string16->fgcol = *(get_theme_color(COLOR_THEME_WIDGET_DISABLED_TEXT)); break; default: set_wstate(pBuf, FC_WS_NORMAL); break; } pBuf->string16->bgcol = (SDL_Color) {0, 0, 0, 0}; pBuf->data.player = pPlayer; pBuf->action = player_nation_callback; add_to_gui_list(ID_LABEL, pBuf); area.w = MAX(w, pBuf->size.w); area.h += pBuf->size.h; if (n > 19) { set_wflag(pBuf, WF_HIDDEN); } n++; } } players_iterate_end; pShort_Players_Dlg->pBeginWidgetList = pBuf; pShort_Players_Dlg->pBeginActiveWidgetList = pShort_Players_Dlg->pBeginWidgetList; pShort_Players_Dlg->pEndActiveWidgetList = pWindow->prev->prev; pShort_Players_Dlg->pActiveWidgetList = pShort_Players_Dlg->pEndActiveWidgetList; /* ---------- */ if (n > 20) { units_h = create_vertical_scrollbar(pShort_Players_Dlg, 1, 20, TRUE, TRUE); pShort_Players_Dlg->pScroll->count = n; n = units_h; area.w += n; units_h = 20 * pBuf->size.h; } else { units_h = area.h; } /* ---------- */ area.h = units_h; resize_window(pWindow, NULL, NULL, (pWindow->size.w - pWindow->area.w) + area.w, (pWindow->size.h + pWindow->area.h) + area.h); area = pWindow->area; widget_set_position(pWindow, ((Main.event.motion.x + pWindow->size.w + adj_size(10) < Main.screen->w) ? (Main.event.motion.x + adj_size(10)) : (Main.screen->w - pWindow->size.w - adj_size(10))), ((Main.event.motion.y - adj_size(2) + pWindow->size.h < Main.screen->h) ? (Main.event.motion.y - adj_size(2)) : (Main.screen->h - pWindow->size.h - adj_size(10)))); w = area.w; if (pShort_Players_Dlg->pScroll) { w -= n; } /* exit button */ pBuf = pWindow->prev; pBuf->size.x = area.x + area.w - pBuf->size.w - 1; pBuf->size.y = pWindow->size.y + adj_size(2); /* cities */ pBuf = pBuf->prev; setup_vertical_widgets_position(1, area.x, area.y, w, 0, pShort_Players_Dlg->pBeginActiveWidgetList, pBuf); if (pShort_Players_Dlg->pScroll) { setup_vertical_scrollbar_area(pShort_Players_Dlg->pScroll, area.x + area.w, area.y, area.h, TRUE); } /* -------------------- */ /* redraw */ redraw_group(pShort_Players_Dlg->pBeginWidgetList, pWindow, 0); widget_mark_dirty(pWindow); flush_dirty(); }
/************************************************************************** Popup (or raise) the player list dialog. **************************************************************************/ void popup_players_dialog(bool raise) { struct widget *pWindow = NULL, *pBuf = NULL; SDL_Surface *pLogo = NULL, *pZoomed = NULL; SDL_String16 *pStr; SDL_Rect dst; int i, n, h; double a, b, r; SDL_Rect area; if (pPlayers_Dlg) { return; } n = 0; players_iterate(pPlayer) { if(is_barbarian(pPlayer)) { continue; } n++; } players_iterate_end; if(n < 2) { return; } pPlayers_Dlg = fc_calloc(1, sizeof(struct SMALL_DLG)); pStr = create_str16_from_char(_("Players"), adj_font(12)); pStr->style |= TTF_STYLE_BOLD; pWindow = create_window_skeleton(NULL, pStr, 0); pWindow->action = players_window_dlg_callback; set_wstate(pWindow, FC_WS_NORMAL); add_to_gui_list(ID_WINDOW, pWindow); pPlayers_Dlg->pEndWidgetList = pWindow; /* ---------- */ /* exit button */ pBuf = create_themeicon(pTheme->Small_CANCEL_Icon, pWindow->dst, WF_WIDGET_HAS_INFO_LABEL | WF_RESTORE_BACKGROUND); pBuf->info_label = create_str16_from_char(_("Close Dialog (Esc)"), adj_font(12)); pBuf->action = exit_players_dlg_callback; set_wstate(pBuf, FC_WS_NORMAL); pBuf->key = SDLK_ESCAPE; add_to_gui_list(ID_BUTTON, pBuf); /* ---------- */ for(i = 0; i<DS_LAST; i++) { switch (i) { case DS_ARMISTICE: pBuf = create_checkbox(pWindow->dst, (SDL_Client_Flags & CF_DRAW_PLAYERS_NEUTRAL_STATUS), WF_RESTORE_BACKGROUND); pBuf->action = toggle_draw_neutral_status_callback; pBuf->key = SDLK_n; break; case DS_WAR: pBuf = create_checkbox(pWindow->dst, (SDL_Client_Flags & CF_DRAW_PLAYERS_WAR_STATUS), WF_RESTORE_BACKGROUND); pBuf->action = toggle_draw_war_status_callback; pBuf->key = SDLK_w; break; case DS_CEASEFIRE: pBuf = create_checkbox(pWindow->dst, (SDL_Client_Flags & CF_DRAW_PLAYERS_CEASEFIRE_STATUS), WF_RESTORE_BACKGROUND); pBuf->action = toggle_draw_ceasefire_status_callback; pBuf->key = SDLK_c; break; case DS_PEACE: pBuf = create_checkbox(pWindow->dst, (SDL_Client_Flags & CF_DRAW_PLAYERS_PEACE_STATUS), WF_RESTORE_BACKGROUND); pBuf->action = toggle_draw_pease_status_callback; pBuf->key = SDLK_p; break; case DS_ALLIANCE: pBuf = create_checkbox(pWindow->dst, (SDL_Client_Flags & CF_DRAW_PLAYERS_ALLIANCE_STATUS), WF_RESTORE_BACKGROUND); pBuf->action = toggle_draw_alliance_status_callback; pBuf->key = SDLK_a; break; default: /* no contact */ continue; break; } set_wstate(pBuf, FC_WS_NORMAL); add_to_gui_list(ID_CHECKBOX, pBuf); } /* ---------- */ players_iterate(pPlayer) { if(is_barbarian(pPlayer)) { continue; } pStr = create_string16(NULL, 0, adj_font(10)); pStr->style |= (TTF_STYLE_BOLD|SF_CENTER); pLogo = get_nation_flag_surface(nation_of_player(pPlayer)); { /* Aim for a flag height of 60 pixels, but draw smaller flags if there * are more players */ double zoom = DEFAULT_ZOOM * (60.0 - n) / pLogo->h; pZoomed = zoomSurface(pLogo, zoom, zoom, 1); } pBuf = create_icon2(pZoomed, pWindow->dst, WF_RESTORE_BACKGROUND | WF_WIDGET_HAS_INFO_LABEL | WF_FREE_THEME); pBuf->info_label = pStr; if(!pPlayer->is_alive) { pStr = create_str16_from_char(_("R.I.P.") , adj_font(10)); pStr->style |= TTF_STYLE_BOLD; pStr->fgcol = *get_theme_color(COLOR_THEME_PLRDLG_TEXT); pLogo = create_text_surf_from_str16(pStr); FREESTRING16(pStr); dst.x = (pZoomed->w - pLogo->w) / 2; dst.y = (pZoomed->h - pLogo->h) / 2; alphablit(pLogo, NULL, pZoomed, &dst); FREESURFACE(pLogo); } if(pPlayer->is_alive) { set_wstate(pBuf, FC_WS_NORMAL); } pBuf->data.player = pPlayer; pBuf->action = player_callback; add_to_gui_list(ID_LABEL, pBuf); } players_iterate_end; pPlayers_Dlg->pBeginWidgetList = pBuf; resize_window(pWindow, NULL, NULL, adj_size(500), adj_size(400)); area = pWindow->area; r = MIN(area.w, area.h); r -= ((MAX(pBuf->size.w, pBuf->size.h) * 2)); r /= 2; a = (2.0 * M_PI) / n; widget_set_position(pWindow, (Main.screen->w - pWindow->size.w) / 2, (Main.screen->h - pWindow->size.h) / 2); /* exit button */ pBuf = pWindow->prev; pBuf->size.x = area.x + area.w - pBuf->size.w - 1; pBuf->size.y = pWindow->size.y + adj_size(2); n = area.y; pStr = create_string16(NULL, 0, adj_font(10)); pStr->style |= TTF_STYLE_BOLD; pStr->bgcol = (SDL_Color) {0, 0, 0, 0}; for(i = 0; i<DS_LAST; i++) { switch (i) { case DS_ARMISTICE: pStr->fgcol = *get_theme_color(COLOR_THEME_PLRDLG_ARMISTICE); break; case DS_WAR: pStr->fgcol = *get_theme_color(COLOR_THEME_PLRDLG_WAR); break; case DS_CEASEFIRE: pStr->fgcol = *get_theme_color(COLOR_THEME_PLRDLG_CEASEFIRE); break; case DS_PEACE: pStr->fgcol = *get_theme_color(COLOR_THEME_PLRDLG_PEACE); break; case DS_ALLIANCE: pStr->fgcol = *get_theme_color(COLOR_THEME_PLRDLG_ALLIANCE); break; default: /* no contact */ continue; break; } copy_chars_to_string16(pStr, diplstate_type_translated_name(i)); pLogo = create_text_surf_from_str16(pStr); pBuf = pBuf->prev; h = MAX(pBuf->size.h, pLogo->h); pBuf->size.x = area.x + adj_size(5); pBuf->size.y = n + (h - pBuf->size.h) / 2; dst.x = adj_size(5) + pBuf->size.w + adj_size(6); dst.y = n + (h - pLogo->h) / 2; alphablit(pLogo, NULL, pWindow->theme, &dst); n += h; FREESURFACE(pLogo); } FREESTRING16(pStr); /* first player shield */ pBuf = pBuf->prev; pBuf->size.x = area.x + area.w / 2 - pBuf->size.w / 2; pBuf->size.y = area.y + area.h / 2 - r - pBuf->size.h / 2; n = 1; if(pBuf != pPlayers_Dlg->pBeginWidgetList) { do{ pBuf = pBuf->prev; b = M_PI_2 + n * a; pBuf->size.x = area.x + area.w / 2 - r * cos(b) - pBuf->size.w / 2; pBuf->size.y = area.y + area.h / 2 - r * sin(b) - pBuf->size.h / 2; n++; } while(pBuf != pPlayers_Dlg->pBeginWidgetList); } players_dialog_update(); }
/************************************************************************** ... **************************************************************************/ static int spy_steal_popup(struct widget *pWidget) { struct city *pVcity = pWidget->; int id = MAX_ID - pWidget->ID; struct player *pVictim = NULL; struct CONTAINER *pCont; struct widget *pBuf = NULL; struct widget *pWindow; SDL_String16 *pStr; SDL_Surface *pSurf; int max_col, max_row, col, i, count = 0; SDL_Rect area; popdown_diplomat_dialog(); if(pVcity) { pVictim = city_owner(pVcity); } if (pDiplomat_Dlg || !pVictim) { return 1; } count = 0; advance_index_iterate(A_FIRST, i) { if (player_invention_reachable(client.conn.playing, i, FALSE) && TECH_KNOWN == player_invention_state(pVictim, i) && (TECH_UNKNOWN == player_invention_state(client.conn.playing, i) || TECH_PREREQS_KNOWN == player_invention_state(client.conn.playing, i))) { count++; } } advance_index_iterate_end; if(!count) { /* if there is no known tech to steal then send steal order at Spy's Discretion */ int target_id = pVcity->id; request_diplomat_action(DIPLOMAT_STEAL, id, target_id, advance_count()); return -1; } pCont = fc_calloc(1, sizeof(struct CONTAINER)); pCont->id0 = pVcity->id; pCont->id1 = id;/* spy id */ pDiplomat_Dlg = fc_calloc(1, sizeof(struct diplomat_dialog)); pDiplomat_Dlg->diplomat_id = id; pDiplomat_Dlg->diplomat_target_id = pVcity->id; pDiplomat_Dlg->pdialog = fc_calloc(1, sizeof(struct ADVANCED_DLG)); pStr = create_str16_from_char(_("Select Advance to Steal"), adj_font(12)); pStr->style |= TTF_STYLE_BOLD; pWindow = create_window_skeleton(NULL, pStr, 0); pWindow->action = spy_steal_dlg_window_callback; set_wstate(pWindow , FC_WS_NORMAL); add_to_gui_list(ID_DIPLOMAT_DLG_WINDOW, pWindow); pDiplomat_Dlg->pdialog->pEndWidgetList = pWindow; area = pWindow->area; area.w = MAX(area.w, adj_size(8)); /* ------------------ */ /* exit button */ pBuf = create_themeicon(pTheme->Small_CANCEL_Icon, pWindow->dst, WF_WIDGET_HAS_INFO_LABEL | WF_RESTORE_BACKGROUND); pBuf->info_label = create_str16_from_char(_("Close Dialog (Esc)"), adj_font(12)); area.w += pBuf->size.w + adj_size(10); pBuf->action = exit_spy_steal_dlg_callback; set_wstate(pBuf, FC_WS_NORMAL); pBuf->key = SDLK_ESCAPE; add_to_gui_list(ID_TERRAIN_ADV_DLG_EXIT_BUTTON, pBuf); /* ------------------------- */ count++; /* count + at Spy's Discretion */ /* max col - 104 is steal tech widget width */ max_col = (Main.screen->w - (pWindow->size.w - pWindow->area.w) - adj_size(2)) / adj_size(104); /* max row - 204 is steal tech widget height */ max_row = (Main.screen->h - (pWindow->size.h - pWindow->area.h)) / adj_size(204); /* make space on screen for scrollbar */ if (max_col * max_row < count) { max_col--; } if (count < max_col + 1) { col = count; } else { if (count < max_col + adj_size(3)) { col = max_col - adj_size(2); } else { if (count < max_col + adj_size(5)) { col = max_col - 1; } else { col = max_col; } } } pStr = create_string16(NULL, 0, adj_font(10)); pStr->style |= (TTF_STYLE_BOLD | SF_CENTER); count = 0; advance_index_iterate(A_FIRST, i) { if (player_invention_reachable(client.conn.playing, i, FALSE) && TECH_KNOWN == player_invention_state(pVictim, i) && (TECH_UNKNOWN == player_invention_state(client.conn.playing, i) || TECH_PREREQS_KNOWN == player_invention_state(client.conn.playing, i))) { count++; copy_chars_to_string16(pStr, advance_name_translation(advance_by_number(i))); pSurf = create_sellect_tech_icon(pStr, i, FULL_MODE); pBuf = create_icon2(pSurf, pWindow->dst, WF_FREE_THEME | WF_RESTORE_BACKGROUND); set_wstate(pBuf, FC_WS_NORMAL); pBuf->action = spy_steal_callback; pBuf->data.cont = pCont; add_to_gui_list(MAX_ID - i, pBuf); if (count > (col * max_row)) { set_wflag(pBuf, WF_HIDDEN); } } } advance_index_iterate_end; /* get spy tech */ i = advance_number(unit_type(game_unit_by_number(id))->require_advance); copy_chars_to_string16(pStr, _("At Spy's Discretion")); pSurf = create_sellect_tech_icon(pStr, i, FULL_MODE); pBuf = create_icon2(pSurf, pWindow->dst, (WF_FREE_THEME | WF_RESTORE_BACKGROUND| WF_FREE_DATA)); set_wstate(pBuf, FC_WS_NORMAL); pBuf->action = spy_steal_callback; pBuf->data.cont = pCont; add_to_gui_list(MAX_ID - advance_count(), pBuf); count++; /* --------------------------------------------------------- */ FREESTRING16(pStr); pDiplomat_Dlg->pdialog->pBeginWidgetList = pBuf; pDiplomat_Dlg->pdialog->pBeginActiveWidgetList = pDiplomat_Dlg->pdialog->pBeginWidgetList; pDiplomat_Dlg->pdialog->pEndActiveWidgetList = pDiplomat_Dlg->pdialog->pEndWidgetList->prev->prev; /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */ i = 0; if (count > col) { count = (count + (col - 1)) / col; if (count > max_row) { pDiplomat_Dlg->pdialog->pActiveWidgetList = pDiplomat_Dlg->pdialog->pEndActiveWidgetList; count = max_row; i = create_vertical_scrollbar(pDiplomat_Dlg->pdialog, col, count, TRUE, TRUE); } } else { count = 1; } area.w = MAX(area.w, (col * pBuf->size.w + adj_size(2) + i)); area.h = count * pBuf->size.h + adj_size(2); /* alloca window theme and win background buffer */ pSurf = theme_get_background(theme, BACKGROUND_SPYSTEALDLG); if (resize_window(pWindow, pSurf, NULL, (pWindow->size.w - pWindow->area.w) + area.w, (pWindow->size.h - pWindow->area.h) + area.h)) { FREESURFACE(pSurf); } area = pWindow->area; widget_set_position(pWindow, (Main.screen->w - pWindow->size.w) / 2, (Main.screen->h - pWindow->size.h) / 2); /* exit button */ pBuf = pWindow->prev; pBuf->size.x = area.x + area.w - pBuf->size.w - 1; pBuf->size.y = pWindow->size.y + adj_size(2); setup_vertical_widgets_position(col, area.x + 1, area.y, 0, 0, pDiplomat_Dlg->pdialog->pBeginActiveWidgetList, pDiplomat_Dlg->pdialog->pEndActiveWidgetList); if(pDiplomat_Dlg->pdialog->pScroll) { setup_vertical_scrollbar_area(pDiplomat_Dlg->pdialog->pScroll, area.x + area.w, area.y, area.h, TRUE); } redraw_group(pDiplomat_Dlg->pdialog->pBeginWidgetList, pWindow, FALSE); widget_mark_dirty(pWindow); return -1; }