/* ***Fenster �ffnen*** */ int open_window(void) { wind_calc(WC_WORK, SWIGADGETS, deskx, desky, deskw, deskh, &wi.g_x, &wi.g_y, &wi.g_w, &wi.g_h); wi.g_w=wi.g_w&0xFFF0; wi.g_h=wi.g_h&0xFFF0; wind_calc(WC_BORDER, SWIGADGETS, wi.g_x, wi.g_y, wi.g_w, wi.g_h, &wi.g_x, &wi.g_y, &wi.g_w, &wi.g_h); wihndl=wind_create(SWIGADGETS, deskx, desky, wi.g_w, wi.g_h); if(wihndl<0) { form_alert(1, "[3][Could not create|the windows!][Cancel]"); return(-1); } wind_set(wihndl, WF_NAME, "STED", 0L); wind_set(wihndl, WF_INFO, " Spielfeld editieren", 0L); wind_calc(WC_BORDER, SWIGADGETS, 32, 32, rww<<4, rwh<<4, &wi.g_x, &wi.g_y, &wi.g_w, &wi.g_h); wi.g_x=deskx+(deskw-wi.g_w)/2; wi.g_y=desky+(deskh-wi.g_h)/2; if(aesversion>=0x0300) { wind_set(wihndl, WF_BEVENT, 1, 0, 0L); } /* Fenster �ffnen: */ wind_open(wihndl, wi.g_x, wi.g_y, wi.g_w, wi.g_h); wind_get(wihndl, WF_WORKXYWH, &wi.g_x, &wi.g_y, &wi.g_w, &wi.g_h); return(0); }
/* --------------------- | Make oversampling | --------------------- */ void do_oversam(void) { int i; i = search_topsw(); if (i == -1) return; switch (ovsm_typ) { case 2: overshift(samples[i]->data, samples[i]->len); break; case 1: oversamp3(samples[i]->data, samples[i]->len); break; case 0: oversamp2(samples[i]->data, samples[i]->len); break; } samples[i]->len >>= 1; samples[i] = realloc(samples[i], sizeof(SOUND) + samples[i]->len + 6L); samples[i]->data = (char *)samples[i] + sizeof(SOUND); strcpy(samples[i]->smp_info, " L„nge: "); ltoa(samples[i]->len, samples[i]->smp_info + 8, 10); wind_set(samples[i]->w_handle, WF_NAME, samples[i]->smp_name); wind_set(samples[i]->w_handle, WF_INFO, samples[i]->smp_info); force_wredraw(samples[i]->w_handle); }
/*---------------------------------------------------*/ void open_w() { wid=wind_create(NAME|MOVER|CLOSER| (_GemParBlk.global[0]>0x400?SMALLER:0),0,0,cw,ch); if (wid<0) {open_f=0;return;} if (wind_open(wid,cx,cy,cw,ch)) open_f=1; wind_set(wid,WF_NAME,(long) windowname); wind_set(wid,24,1); }
VOID set_slsize(WORD w_handle, WORD h_size, WORD v_size) { WORD cur_size, foo; wind_get(w_handle, WF_HSLSIZE, &cur_size, &foo, &foo, &foo); if (cur_size != h_size) wind_set(w_handle, WF_HSLSIZE, h_size, 0, 0, 0); wind_get(w_handle, WF_VSLSIZE, &cur_size, &foo, &foo, &foo); if (cur_size != v_size) wind_set(w_handle, WF_VSLSIZE, v_size, 0, 0, 0); }
VOID set_slpos(WORD w_handle, WORD h_pos, WORD v_pos) { WORD cur_pos, foo; wind_get(w_handle, WF_HSLIDE, &cur_pos, &foo, &foo, &foo); if (cur_pos != h_pos) wind_set(w_handle, WF_HSLIDE, h_pos, 0, 0, 0); wind_get(w_handle, WF_VSLIDE, &cur_pos, &foo, &foo, &foo); if (cur_pos != v_pos) wind_set(w_handle, WF_VSLIDE, v_pos, 0, 0, 0); }
/* open_window() *========================================================================== * Open the Xcontrol window * * IN: VOID * OUT: BOOLEAN: TRUE if window opening was success * * GLOBAL: WINFO w: window structure */ void open_window( void ) { wind_set( w.id, WF_NAME, w.name ); /* cjg - re-init window width and height every time we open */ w.work.g_w = WIND_WIDTH; w.work.g_h = WIND_HEIGHT; #if 0 /* Convert to 3D if possible - ONLY if AES 0x0330 or Greater */ if( AES_Version >= 0x0330 ) w.work.g_h = WIND_HEIGHT + 4; #endif wind_calc( 0, w.kind, w.work.g_x, w.work.g_y, w.work.g_w, w.work.g_h, &w.r.g_x, &w.r.g_y, &w.r.g_w, &w.r.g_h ); w.r.g_x = max( desk.g_x, (desk.g_w - w.r.g_w )/2 ); w.r.g_y = max( desk.g_y, (desk.g_h - w.r.g_h )/2 ); wind_calc( 1, w.kind, w.r.g_x, w.r.g_y, w.r.g_w, w.r.g_h, &w.work.g_x, &w.work.g_y, &w.work.g_w, &w.work.g_h ); GrowShrinkBox( GROWBOX ); Wind_open( w.id, &w.r ); wind_get( w.id, WF_WORKXYWH, &w.work.g_x,&w.work.g_y,&w.work.g_w,&w.work.g_h ); wind_get( w.id, WF_CURRXYWH, &w.r.g_x,&w.r.g_y,&w.r.g_w,&w.r.g_h ); ObX( FRONT ) = w.work.g_x; ObY( FRONT ) = w.work.g_y; }
/* acc_open() * ===================================================================== * Accessory Open Messages * * IN: int *msg: message buffer; * OUT: void * * GLOBAL: WINFO w: window structure * int ctrl_id: application id */ void acc_open( const int *msg ) { if( msg[4] == ctrl_id ) { if( w.id == NO_WINDOW ) { if( xres >= MIN_RESOLUTION ) { if( Create_Window() ) { ActiveTree( ad_front ); initialize(); open_window(); Activity(); } else form_alert( 1, alert13 ); } else form_alert( 1, wider ); } else wind_set( w.id, WF_TOP ); } }
/* SetIntroWindow() * ================================================================ * RETURN: if < 0, error */ int SetIntroWindow( void ) { /* Open the Intro window */ ad_tree = ad_intro; ActiveTree( ad_tree ); FormCenter( ad_tree, &gl_work ); ObX( ROOT ) = gl_work.g_x; ObY( ROOT ) = gl_work.g_y; wid = wind_create( MOVER | NAME | CLOSE, gl_full.g_x, gl_full.g_y, gl_full.g_w, gl_full.g_h ); if( wid > 0 ) { wind_set( wid, WF_NAME, wtitle ); wind_calc( WC_BORDER, MOVER | NAME | CLOSE, gl_work.g_x, gl_work.g_y, gl_work.g_w, gl_work.g_h, &gl_curr.g_x, &gl_curr.g_y, &gl_curr.g_w, &gl_curr.g_h ); wind_open( wid, gl_curr.g_x, gl_curr.g_y, gl_curr.g_w, gl_curr.g_h ); } else form_alert( 1, nowin ); return( wid ); }
/* do_window() * ================================================================ */ void do_window( int *msg, int *event ) { switch( msg[0] ) { case WM_REDRAW: do_redraw( msg ); break; case WM_TOPPED: /* make this the top window */ if( msg[3] == wid ) wind_set( msg[3], WF_TOP ); break; case WM_CLOSED: CheckExit(); break; case WM_ARROWED: break; case WM_HSLID: break; case WM_VSLID: break; case WM_MOVED: do_move( msg ); break; default: break; } }
/* open window and enter event loop */ void start_program (void) { struct win_data wd; int fullx, fully, fullw, fullh; graf_mouse (ARROW, 0L); /* ensure mouse is an arrow */ /* 1. set up and open our window */ wind_get (0, WF_WORKXYWH, &fullx, &fully, &fullw, &fullh); wd.handle = wind_create (NAME|CLOSER, fullx, fully, fullw, fullh); wind_set (wd.handle, WF_NAME, "Example: Version 1", 0, 0); wind_open (wd.handle, fullx, fully, 300, 200); /* create any application-specific data: the string to show, in this case */ wd.text = "Hello"; /* display content in window */ draw_example (app_handle, &wd); /* 2. process events for our window */ event_loop (&wd); /* 3. close and remove our window */ wind_close (wd.handle); wind_delete (wd.handle); }
/* Alter vertical slider */ static void do_vslider(WORD handle, WORD position) { wind_set(handle, WF_VSLIDE, position, 0, 0, 0); }
void GEM_SetCaption(_THIS, const char *title, const char *icon) { short parm[4]; const char *new_name; new_name = NULL; if (title) GEM_title_name = title; if (icon) GEM_icon_name = icon; /* Is window iconified ? */ parm[0]=0; if (GEM_wfeatures & (1<<WF_ICONIFY)) wind_get(GEM_handle, WF_ICONIFY, &parm[0], &parm[1], &parm[2], &parm[3]); if (parm[0]==0) { /* Change window name */ if (title) new_name = title; } else { /* Change icon name */ if (icon) new_name = icon; } parm[0]= ((unsigned long) new_name)>>16; parm[1]= ((unsigned long) new_name) & 65535; if (new_name) { wind_set(GEM_handle, WF_NAME, parm[0], parm[1], 0, 0); } }
/* * Rebuild window path and pflist */ void fun_rebld(WNODE *pwin) { GRECT gr; BYTE *ptst; graf_mouse(HGLASS, NULL); /* set up path to check against all windows*/ ptst = pwin->w_path->p_spec; /* check all wnodes */ for (pwin = G.g_wfirst; pwin; pwin = pwin->w_next) { /* if opened and same path then rebuild */ if ( (pwin->w_id) && (strcmp(pwin->w_path->p_spec, ptst)==0) ) { pn_active(pwin->w_path); desk_verify(pwin->w_id, TRUE); win_sinfo(pwin); wind_set(pwin->w_id, WF_INFO, pwin->w_info, 0, 0); wind_get_grect(pwin->w_id, WF_WXYWH, &gr); fun_msg(WM_REDRAW, pwin->w_id, gr.g_x, gr.g_y, gr.g_w, gr.g_h); } /* if */ } /* for */ graf_mouse(ARROW, NULL); } /* fun_rebld */
static int do_messages(_THIS, short *message) { int quit, posted; quit=0; switch (message[0]) { case WM_CLOSED: case AP_TERM: posted = SDL_PrivateQuit(); quit=1; break; case WM_MOVED: wind_set(message[3],WF_CURRXYWH,message[4],message[5],message[6],message[7]); break; case WM_TOPPED: wind_set(message[3],WF_TOP,message[4],0,0,0); SDL_PrivateAppActive(1, SDL_APPINPUTFOCUS); break; case WM_REDRAW: GEM_wind_redraw(this, message[3],&message[4]); break; case WM_ICONIFY: case WM_ALLICONIFY: wind_set(message[3],WF_ICONIFY,message[4],message[5],message[6],message[7]); /* If we're active, make ourselves inactive */ if ( SDL_GetAppState() & SDL_APPACTIVE ) { /* Send an internal deactivate event */ SDL_PrivateAppActive(0, SDL_APPACTIVE|SDL_APPINPUTFOCUS); } /* Update window title */ if (GEM_refresh_name && GEM_icon_name) { wind_set(GEM_handle,WF_NAME,(short)(((unsigned long)GEM_icon_name)>>16),(short)(((unsigned long)GEM_icon_name) & 0xffff),0,0); GEM_refresh_name = SDL_FALSE; } break; case WM_UNICONIFY: wind_set(message[3],WF_UNICONIFY,message[4],message[5],message[6],message[7]); /* If we're not active, make ourselves active */ if ( !(SDL_GetAppState() & SDL_APPACTIVE) ) { /* Send an internal activate event */ SDL_PrivateAppActive(1, SDL_APPACTIVE); } if (GEM_refresh_name && GEM_title_name) { wind_set(GEM_handle,WF_NAME,(short)(((unsigned long)GEM_title_name)>>16),(short)(((unsigned long)GEM_title_name) & 0xffff),0,0); GEM_refresh_name = SDL_FALSE; }
/* Wm_Topped() *========================================================================== * Handle main event_multi window topped messages */ void Wm_Topped( int *msg ) { if( msg[3] == w.id ) { wind_set( w.id, WF_TOP ); } }
/* open_window() *========================================================================== * Open the Xcontrol window * * IN: VOID * OUT: BOOLEAN: TRUE if window opening was success * * GLOBAL: WINFO w: window structure */ BOOLEAN open_window( void ) { OBJECT *tree = ( OBJECT *)rs_trindex[ XCONTROL ]; clear_xconfig(); #if 0 /* cjg - re-init window width and height every time we open */ w.work.g_w = WIND_WIDTH; w.work.g_h = WIND_HEIGHT; /* Convert to 3D if possible - ONLY if AES 0x0330 or Greater */ if( AES_Version >= 0x0330 ) w.work.g_h = WIND_HEIGHT + 3; #endif if( (w.id = Wind_create( w.kind, &desk )) < 0 ) { w.id = NO_WINDOW; return( FALSE ); } wind_set( w.id, WF_NAME, w.name ); /* cjg - re-init window width and height every time we open */ w.work.g_w = WIND_WIDTH; w.work.g_h = WIND_HEIGHT; /* Convert to 3D if possible - ONLY if AES 0x0330 or Greater */ if( AES_Version >= 0x0330 ) w.work.g_h = WIND_HEIGHT + 4; Wind_calc( 0, w.kind, &w.work, &w.r ); w.r.g_x = max( desk.g_x, (desk.g_w - w.r.g_w )/2 ); w.r.g_y = max( desk.g_y, (desk.g_h - w.r.g_h )/2 ); Wind_calc( 1, w.kind, &w.r, &w.work ); /* ObX( XCONTROL ) = w.work.g_x; ObY( XCONTROL ) = w.work.g_y; objc_offset( tree, XBASE, &w.phy.g_x, &w.phy.g_y ); */ GrowShrinkBox( GROWBOX ); Wind_open( w.id, &w.r ); Wind_get( w.id, WF_WORKXYWH, ( WARGS *)&w.work ); Wind_get( w.id, WF_CURRXYWH, ( WARGS *)&w.r ); ObX( XCONTROL ) = w.work.g_x; ObY( XCONTROL ) = w.work.g_y; objc_offset( tree, XBASE, &w.phy.g_x, &w.phy.g_y ); return( TRUE ); }
void drawvslid(void) { int32 blah; blah=wn[cwin].scb; blah=blah*1000; blah=blah/(149-wn[cwin].hght); blah=1000-blah; wind_set(wn[cwin].hand,WF_VSLIDE,(short)blah,-1,-1,-1); }
/* * Get a single event, process it, and return. * */ domulti(){ int event; event = evnt_multi(MU_MESAG, 1,1,butdown, 0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0, msgbuff,0,0,&mx,&my,&ret,&ret,&keycode,&ret); if (event & MU_MESAG) switch (msgbuff[0]) { case WM_REDRAW: do_redraw(msgbuff[4],msgbuff[5],msgbuff[6],msgbuff[7]); break; case WM_NEWTOP: case WM_TOPPED: wind_set(wi_handle, WF_TOP, 0, 0, 0, 0); break; case WM_CLOSED: running = FALSE; break; case MN_SELECTED: graf_mouse(HOURGLASS, 0L); switch(msgbuff[3]) { case MNDESK: if(msgbuff[4] == DEABOUT) { strcpy((about[ABVERSN].ob_spec)->te_ptext, "6.00"); about[ABOK].ob_state = NORMAL; execform(about); } break; /* "cannot happen" */ case MNFILE: switch (msgbuff[4]) { case FIQUIT: /* [QUIT] item */ running = 0; break; case FIINST: /* [INSTALL] item */ install(); break; case FIUNINST: /* [UNINSTALL] item */ uninstall(); break; } break; } menu_tnormal(menubar, msgbuff[3], 1); /* back to normal */ graf_mouse(ARROW, 0L); /* restore mouse */ break; } }
/* Wm_Topped() *========================================================================== * Handle main event_multi window topped messages */ void Wm_Topped( int *msg ) { if( msg[3] == w.id ) { wind_set( w.id, WF_TOP ); if( !IsCPXActive() ) time_handle(); } }
void fg_init(WINDFORM *wind) { form_center(wind->formtree,&wind->form.x,&wind->form.y, &wind->form.w,&wind->form.h); wind_calc(WC_BORDER,wind->windkind,wind->form.x,wind->form.y, wind->form.w,wind->form.h,&wind->wind.x,&wind->wind.y, &wind->wind.w,&wind->wind.h); wind->whandle=wind_create(wind->windkind,wind->wind.x,wind->wind.y, wind->wind.w,wind->wind.h); wind_set(wind->whandle,WF_NAME,wind->wind_title); if(wind == &windforms[WIND_CTRL]) wind_set(wind->whandle,WF_BEVENT,1,0,0,0); /* untoppable */ wind_calc(WC_WORK,wind->windkind,wind->wind.x,wind->wind.y, wind->wind.w,wind->wind.h,&wind->form.x,&wind->form.y, &wind->form.w,&wind->form.h); wind->formtree[wind->firstobj].ob_x=wind->form.x; wind->formtree[wind->firstobj].ob_y=wind->form.y; wind->formtree[wind->firstobj].ob_width=wind->form.w; wind->formtree[wind->firstobj].ob_height=wind->form.h; }
/* open_window() *========================================================================== * Open the Xcontrol window * * IN: VOID * OUT: BOOLEAN: TRUE if window opening was success * * GLOBAL: WINFO w: window structure */ void open_window( void ) { wind_set( w.id, WF_NAME, w.name ); Wind_calc( 0, w.kind, &w.work, &w.r ); w.r.g_x = max( desk.g_x, (desk.g_w - w.r.g_w )/2 ); w.r.g_y = max( desk.g_y, (desk.g_h - w.r.g_h )/2 ); Wind_calc( 1, w.kind, &w.r, &w.work ); ObX( PRINTER ) = w.work.g_x; ObY( PRINTER ) = w.work.g_y; GrowShrinkBox( GROWBOX ); Wind_open( w.id, &w.r ); }
int sbvslid(short newpos) { short bbb=0; long blah,blah2; if(wn[cwin].scb!=0)bbb=1; wind_set(wn[cwin].hand,WF_VSLIDE,newpos,0,0,0); blah2=1000-newpos; blah=blah2*(149-wn[cwin].hght);blah=blah/1000; wn[cwin].scb=(short)blah; if(blah2!=0 && bbb==0)dowindinfo(cwin); if(blah2==0 && bbb==1)dowindinfo(cwin); initiateredraw(cwin,wn[cwin].wwa.g_x,wn[cwin].wwa.g_y,wn[cwin].wwa.g_w,wn[cwin].wwa.g_h-ith*2-VT); return 0; }
void xw_set(WINDOW *w, int field,...) { int p1, p2, p3, p4; RECT *r; va_list p; va_start(p, field); switch (field) { case WF_CURRXYWH: r = va_arg(p, RECT *); w->xw_size.x = r->x; w->xw_size.y = r->y; w->xw_size.w = r->w; w->xw_size.h = r->h; wind_set(w->xw_handle, WF_CURRXYWH, w->xw_size.x, w->xw_size.y, w->xw_size.w, w->xw_size.h); wind_get(w->xw_handle, WF_WORKXYWH, &w->xw_work.x, &w->xw_work.y, &w->xw_work.w, &w->xw_work.h); xw_set_barpos(w); break; case WF_TOP: xw_set_top(w); break; default: p1 = va_arg(p, int); p2 = va_arg(p, int); p3 = va_arg(p, int); p4 = va_arg(p, int); wind_set(w->xw_handle, field, p1, p2, p3, p4); break; } va_end(p); }
void OnMoveRTZoom(void *wind, int xywh[4]) { GEM_WINDOW *wnd = (GEM_WINDOW *) wind ; int mask = 0xFFFF ; int x, y, w, h ; if ( config.rt_optimizepos ) mask = 0xFFF0 ; wind_calc( WC_WORK, NAME | MOVER, xywh[0], xywh[1], xywh[2], xywh[3], &x, &y, &w, &h ) ; x &= mask ; wind_calc( WC_BORDER, NAME | MOVER, x, y, w, h, &xywh[0], &xywh[1], &xywh[2], &xywh[3] ) ; wind_set( wnd->window_handle, WF_CURRXYWH, xywh[0], xywh[1], xywh[2], xywh[3] ) ; wind_get( wnd->window_handle, WF_WORKXYWH, &rtx, &rty, &rtw, &rth ) ; }
/* ***Fenster anmelden + Dialog zeichnen*** */ int wdial_init(OBJECT *tree, char *title) { short wx, wy, ww, wh; int dwhndl; form_center(tree, &wx, &wy, &ww, &wh); /* Gr��e holen */ wind_calc(WC_BORDER, NAME|MOVER, wx, wy, ww, wh, &wx, &wy, &ww, &wh); dwhndl=wind_create(NAME|MOVER, wx, wy, ww, wh); /* Fenster anmelden */ if(dwhndl<0) return(NULL); wind_set(dwhndl, WF_NAME, title); /* Name setzen */ wind_open(dwhndl, wx, wy, ww, wh); /* Fenster �ffnen */ objc_draw(tree, ROOT, MAX_DEPTH, wx, wy, ww, wh); /* Dialog zeichnen */ return(dwhndl); }
void rtzoom_change_level(int new_level) { char name[50] ; if ( new_level != config.rt_zoomlevel ) { config.rt_zoomlevel = new_level ; init_fztab( new_level ) ; init_rtmemory() ; deltax = RTZoomSrc.fd_w / 2 ; smart_offx = ( RTZoomDst.fd_w - config.rt_width ) / 2 ; deltay = config.rt_height / config.rt_zoomlevel / 2 ; sprintf( name, msg[MSG_TITRERTZOOM], config.rt_zoomlevel ) ; wind_set( WndRTZoom->window_handle, WF_NAME, name ) ; } }
void coup_mu_mesag( const short *message ) { GRECT *rect ; short dummy ; switch( message[0] ) { case WM_REDRAW : form_redraw( message, &coup_form ) ; break ; case WM_MOVED : rect = (GRECT *) &(message[4]) ; wind_set( coup_form.fm_handle, WF_CURRXYWH, PTRS( rect ) ) ; coup_form.fm_box = *rect ; wind_calc( WC_WORK, wind_form_kind, ELTS( coup_form.fm_box ), &coup_form.fm_ptr[ROOT].ob_x, &coup_form.fm_ptr[ROOT].ob_y, &dummy, &dummy ) ; break ; case WM_TOPPED : if( message[3] == coup_form.fm_handle ) wind_set( coup_form.fm_handle, WF_TOP ) ; break ; case WM_BOTTOM : wind_set( coup_form.fm_handle, WF_BOTTOM ) ; break ; case WM_CLOSED : save_couple( edit_coup_ref, edit_coup_block, edit_coup_cptr ) ; close_couple() ; break ; case WM_ALLICONIFY : iconify_all( coup_form.fm_box.g_x ) ; break ; case WM_ICONIFY : wind_set( coup_form.fm_handle, WF_UNICONIFYXYWH, ELTS( coup_form.fm_box ) ) ; coup_form.fm_box = *(GRECT *)&message[4] ; coup_form.iconified = TRUE ; wind_set( coup_form.fm_handle, WF_ICONIFY, ELTS( coup_form.fm_box ) ) ; wind_title( coup_form.fm_handle, coup_form.icon_title ) ; send_redraw_message( &coup_form.fm_box, coup_form.fm_handle ) ; break ; case WM_UNICONIFY : wind_get( coup_form.fm_handle, WF_UNICONIFY, REFS( coup_form.fm_box ) ) ; wind_calc( WC_WORK, wind_form_kind, ELTS( coup_form.fm_box ), &coup_form.fm_ptr[ROOT].ob_x, &coup_form.fm_ptr[ROOT].ob_y, &dummy, &dummy ) ; wind_set( coup_form.fm_handle, WF_UNICONIFY, ELTS( coup_form.fm_box ) ) ; wind_title( coup_form.fm_handle, coup_form.title_str ) ; coup_form.iconified = FALSE ; break ; default : break ; } }
launcher_main(void) #endif { OBJECT * desktop_bg; OBJECT * menu; int ap_id; /* Pdomain (1); FIXME decide where to put this */ /* Get application id */ ap_id = appl_init(); /* Fix resource data */ rsrc_rcfix(launch); /* Get address of desktop background */ rsrc_gaddr(R_TREE, DESKBG, &desktop_bg); /* Set desktop background */ wind_set(0, WF_NEWDESK, HI_WORD(desktop_bg), LO_WORD(desktop_bg), 0, 0); /* Get address of the menu */ rsrc_gaddr(R_TREE, MENU, &menu); /* Install menu */ menu_bar(menu, MENU_INSTALL); /* Register launcher as "oAESis" */ menu_register(ap_id, " oAESis"); graf_mouse(ARROW, 0L); start_programs(); updatewait(); appl_exit(); return 0; }
static void xw_set_top(WINDOW *w) { wind_set(w->xw_handle, WF_TOP, w->xw_handle); if (w != windows) { if (w->xw_next != NULL) w->xw_next->xw_prev = w->xw_prev; w->xw_prev->xw_next = w->xw_next; windows->xw_prev = w; w->xw_prev = NULL; w->xw_next = windows; windows = w; if (w->xw_func->wd_top != 0L) w->xw_func->wd_top(w); } }
void update_time() { long time; char tmp[64]; if(count_dir) time = total_time - calc_time(); else time = calc_time(); sprintf(tmp,"%02ld:%02ld",time/60,time%60); if(strcmp(tmp,windforms[WIND_CTRL].wind_title)) { strcpy(windforms[WIND_CTRL].wind_title,tmp); wind_set(windforms[WIND_CTRL].whandle,WF_NAME, windforms[WIND_CTRL].wind_title); } }