Example #1
File: tabwin.c Project: Delll/naev
 * @brief Adds a button widget to a window.
 * Position origin is 0,0 at bottom left.  If you use negative X or Y
 *  positions.  They actually count from the opposite side in.
 *    @param wid ID of the window to add the widget to.
 *    @param x X position within the window to use.
 *    @param y Y position within the window to use.
 *    @param w Width of the widget.
 *    @param h Height of the widget.
 *    @param name Name of the widget to use internally.
 *    @param ntabs Number of tabs in the widget.
 *    @param tabnames Name of the tabs in the widget.
 *    @return List of created windows.
unsigned int* window_addTabbedWindow( const unsigned int wid,
      const int x, const int y, /* position */
      const int w, const int h, /* size */
      const char* name, int ntabs, const char **tabnames )
   int i;
   Window *wdw, *wtmp;
   Widget *wgt;
   /* Create the Widget. */
   wdw = window_wget(wid);
   wgt = window_newWidget(wdw, name);
   if (wgt == NULL)
      return NULL;

   /* generic */
   /* specific */
   wgt_setFlag( wgt, WGT_FLAG_RAWINPUT );
   wgt->rawevent           = tab_raw;
   wgt->render             = tab_render;
   wgt->renderOverlay      = tab_renderOverlay;
   wgt->cleanup            = tab_cleanup;
   wgt->dat.tab.ntabs      = ntabs;

   /* position/size */
   wgt->w = (double) w;
   wgt->h = (double) h;
   toolkit_setPos( wdw, wgt, x, y );

   /* Copy tab information. */
   wgt->dat.tab.tabnames   = malloc( sizeof(char*) * ntabs );
   wgt->dat.tab.windows    = malloc( sizeof(unsigned int) * ntabs );
   wgt->dat.tab.namelen    = malloc( sizeof(int) * ntabs );
   for (i=0; i<ntabs; i++) {
      /* Hack to get around possible reallocs. */
      wdw = window_wget(wid);
      /* Get name and length. */
      wgt->dat.tab.tabnames[i] = strdup( tabnames[i] );
      wgt->dat.tab.namelen[i]  = gl_printWidthRaw( &gl_defFont,
            wgt->dat.tab.tabnames[i] );
      /* Create windows. */
      wgt->dat.tab.windows[i] = window_create( tabnames[i],
            wdw->x + x, wdw->y + y + TAB_HEIGHT, wdw->w, wdw->h - TAB_HEIGHT );
      wtmp = window_wget( wgt->dat.tab.windows[i] );
      /* Set flags. */
      window_setFlag( wtmp, WINDOW_NOFOCUS );
      window_setFlag( wtmp, WINDOW_NORENDER );
      window_setFlag( wtmp, WINDOW_NOINPUT );
      window_setFlag( wtmp, WINDOW_NOBORDER );

   /* Return list of windows. */
   return wgt->dat.tab.windows;
Example #2
File: cust.c Project: AvanWolf/naev
 * @brief Adds a custom widget to a window.
 * Position origin is 0,0 at bottom left.  If you use negative X or Y
 *  positions.  They actually count from the opposite side in.
 * You are in charge of the rendering and handling mouse input for this widget.
 *  Mouse events outside the widget position won't be passed on.
 *    @param wid ID of the window to add the widget to.
 *    @param x X position within the window to use.
 *    @param y Y position within the window to use.
 *    @param w Width of the widget.
 *    @param h Height of the widget.
 *    @param name Name of the widget to use internally.
 *    @param border Whether or not it should have a border.
 *    @param render Render function, passes the position and dimensions of the
 *                  widget as parameters.
 *    @param mouse Mouse function, passes the window id, event and position as
 *                 parameters.
void window_addCust( const unsigned int wid,
                     const int x, const int y, /* position */
                     const int w, const int h, /* size */
                     char* name, const int border,
                     void (*render) (double x, double y, double w, double h, void *data),
                     void (*mouse) (unsigned int wid, SDL_Event* event,
                                    double x, double y, double w, double h, void *data),
                     void *data )
   Window *wdw = window_wget(wid);
   Widget *wgt = window_newWidget(wdw, name);
   if (wgt == NULL)

   /* generic */
   wgt->type   = WIDGET_CUST;

   /* specific */
   wgt->render          = cst_render;
   wgt->renderOverlay   = cst_renderOverlay;
   wgt->dat.cst.border  = border;
   wgt->dat.cst.render  = render;
   wgt->dat.cst.mouse   = mouse;
   wgt->dat.cst.clip    = 1;
   wgt->dat.cst.userdata = data;

   /* position/size */
   wgt->w = (double) w;
   wgt->h = (double) h;
   toolkit_setPos( wdw, wgt, x, y );
Example #3
File: toolkit.c Project: Delll/naev
 * @brief Destroys a widget in a window.
 *    @param wid Window to destroy widget in.
 *    @param wgtname Name of the widget to destroy.
void window_destroyWidget( unsigned int wid, const char* wgtname )
   Window *wdw;
   Widget *wgt;

   /* Get the window. */
   wdw = window_wget( wid );
   if (wdw == NULL)

   /* Get the widget. */
   /* get widget. */
   for (wgt=wdw->widgets; wgt!=NULL; wgt=wgt->next) {
      if (strcmp(wgt->name, wgtname)==0) {
   if (wgt == NULL) {
      WARN("Widget '%s' not found in window '%s'", wgtname, wdw->name );

   /* Defocus. */
   if (wdw->focus == wgt->id)
      wdw->focus = -1;

   /* There's dead stuff now. */
   window_dead = 1;
   wgt_setFlag( wgt, WGT_FLAG_KILL );
Example #4
File: tabwin.c Project: Delll/naev
 * @brief Handles input for an button widget.
 *    @param tab Tabbed Window widget to handle event.
 *    @param key Key being handled.
 *    @param mod Mods when key is being pressed.
 *    @return 1 if the event was used, 0 if it wasn't.
static int tab_raw( Widget* tab, SDL_Event *event )
   Window *wdw;
   int ret;

   /* First handle event internally. */
   ret = 0;
   if (event->type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN)
      ret = tab_mouse( tab, event );
   else if (event->type == SDL_KEYDOWN)
      ret = tab_key( tab, event );

   /* Took the event. */
   if (ret)
      return ret;

   /* Give event to window. */
   wdw = window_wget( tab->dat.tab.windows[ tab->dat.tab.active ] );
   if (wdw == NULL) {
      WARN("Active window in window '%s' not found in stack.", tab->name);
      return 0;

   /* Give the active window the input. */
   toolkit_inputWindow( wdw, event, 0 );
   return 0; /* Never block event. */
Example #5
File: text.c Project: zid/naev
 * @brief Adds a text widget to the window.
 * Position origin is 0,0 at bottom left.  If you use negative X or Y
 *  positions.  They actually count from the opposite side in.
 *    @param wid ID of the window to add the widget to.
 *    @param x X position within the window to use.
 *    @param y Y position within the window to use.
 *    @param w Maximum width of the text.
 *    @param h Maximum height of the text.
 *    @param centered Whether text should be centered.
 *    @param name Name of the widget to use internally.
 *    @param font Font to use (NULL is default).
 *    @param colour Colour to use (NULL is default).
 *    @param string Text to display.
void window_addText( const unsigned int wid,
                     const int x, const int y,
                     const int w, const int h,
                     const int centered, char* name,
                     glFont* font, glColour* colour, const char* string )
   Window *wdw = window_wget(wid);
   Widget *wgt = window_newWidget(wdw, name);

   /* generic */
   wgt->type = WIDGET_TEXT;

   /* specific */
   wgt->render             = txt_render;
   wgt->cleanup            = txt_cleanup;
   wgt->dat.txt.font       = (font==NULL) ? &gl_defFont : font;
   wgt->dat.txt.colour     = (colour==NULL) ? &cBlack : colour;
   wgt->dat.txt.centered   = centered;
   wgt->dat.txt.text       = (string==NULL) ? NULL : strdup(string);

   /* position/size */
   wgt->w = (double) w;
   wgt->h = (double) h;
   toolkit_setPos( wdw, wgt, x, y );
Example #6
 * @brief Adds an input widget to a window.
 * Position origin is 0,0 at bottom left.  If you use negative X or Y
 *  positions.  They actually count from the opposite side in.
 *    @param wid ID of the window to add the widget to.
 *    @param x X position within the window to use.
 *    @param y Y position within the window to use.
 *    @param w Width of the widget.
 *    @param h Height of the widget.
 *    @param name Name of the widget to use internally.
 *    @param max Max amount of characters that can be written.
 *    @param oneline Whether widget should only be one line long.
 *    @param font Font to use.
void window_addInput( const unsigned int wid,
                      const int x, const int y, /* position */
                      const int w, const int h, /* size */
                      char* name, const int max, const int oneline,
                      glFont *font )
   Window *wdw = window_wget(wid);
   Widget *wgt = window_newWidget(wdw, name);
   if (wgt == NULL)

   /* generic */
   wgt->type   = WIDGET_INPUT;

   /* specific */
   wgt->render          = inp_render;
   wgt->cleanup         = inp_cleanup;
   wgt_setFlag(wgt, WGT_FLAG_CANFOCUS);
   wgt->keyevent        = inp_key;
   wgt->textevent       = inp_text;
   /*wgt->keyevent        = inp_key;*/
   wgt->dat.inp.font    = (font != NULL) ? font : &gl_smallFont;
   wgt->dat.inp.max     = max+1;
   wgt->dat.inp.oneline = oneline;
   wgt->dat.inp.pos     = 0;
   wgt->dat.inp.view    = 0;
   wgt->dat.inp.input   = malloc(sizeof(char)*wgt->dat.inp.max);
   memset(wgt->dat.inp.input, 0, wgt->dat.inp.max*sizeof(char));

   /* position/size */
   wgt->w = (double) w;
   wgt->h = (double) h;
   toolkit_setPos( wdw, wgt, x, y );
Example #7
 * @brief Adds a rectangle widget to a window.
 * Position origin is 0,0 at bottom left.  If you use negative X or Y
 *  positions.  They actually count from the opposite side in.
 *    @param wid ID of the window to add the widget to.
 *    @param x X position within the window to use.
 *    @param y Y position within the window to use.
 *    @param w Width of the widget.
 *    @param h Height of the widget.
 *    @param name Name of the widget to use internally.
 *    @param colour Colour of the rectangle.
 *    @param border Whether or not it should have a border.
void window_addRect( const unsigned int wid,
                     const int x, const int y, /* position */
                     const int w, const int h, /* size */
                     char* name, const glColour* colour, int border )
   Window *wdw = window_wget(wid);
   Widget *wgt = window_newWidget(wdw, name);
   if (wgt == NULL)

   /* generic */
   wgt->type   = WIDGET_RECT;

   /* specific */
   wgt->render          = rct_render;
   if (colour != NULL) {
      wgt->dat.rct.colour  = *colour;
      wgt->dat.rct.fill    = 1;
      wgt->dat.rct.fill    = 0;
   wgt->dat.rct.border  = border;

   /* position/size */
   wgt->w = (double) w;
   wgt->h = (double) h;
   toolkit_setPos( wdw, wgt, x, y );
Example #8
 * @brief Adds a button widget to a window.
 * Position origin is 0,0 at bottom left.  If you use negative X or Y
 *  positions.  They actually count from the opposite side in.
 *    @param wid ID of the window to add the widget to.
 *    @param x X position within the window to use.
 *    @param y Y position within the window to use.
 *    @param w Width of the widget.
 *    @param h Height of the widget.
 *    @param name Name of the widget to use internally.
 *    @param display Text displayed on the button (centered).
 *    @param call Function to call when checkbox is toggled Parameter passed
 *                is the name of the checkbox.
void window_addCheckbox( const unsigned int wid,
      const int x, const int y, /* position */
      const int w, const int h, /* size */
      char* name, char* display, /* label name, display name */
      void (*call) (unsigned int,char*), /* toggle function */
      int default_state ) /* default state. */
   Window *wdw = window_wget(wid);
   Widget *wgt = window_newWidget(wdw, name);
   if (wgt == NULL)

   /* generic */
   wgt->type = WIDGET_CHECKBOX;

   /* specific */
   wgt->keyevent           = chk_key;
   wgt->mclickevent        = chk_mclick;
   wgt->render             = chk_render;
   wgt->cleanup            = chk_cleanup;
   wgt->dat.chk.display    = (display == NULL) ? NULL : strdup(display);
   wgt->dat.chk.fptr       = call;
   wgt->dat.chk.state      = default_state;

   /* position/size */
   wgt->w = (double) w;
   wgt->h = (double) h;
   toolkit_setPos( wdw, wgt, x, y );
Example #9
File: toolkit.c Project: Delll/naev
 * @brief Sets a window as a window's parent.
 * When a window's parent closes, it closes the window also.
 *    @param wid Window to set as child.
 *    @param parent Window to set as parent.
void window_setParent( unsigned int wid, unsigned int parent )
   Window *wdw;

   /* Get the window. */
   wdw = window_wget( wid );
   if (wdw == NULL) 

   /* Set the parent. */
   wdw->parent = parent;
Example #10
File: toolkit.c Project: Delll/naev
 * @brief Sets the default close function of the window.
 * This function is called when the window is closed.
 *    @param wid Window to set close function of.
 *    @param Function to tirgger when window is closed, parameter is window id
 *           and name.
void window_onClose( unsigned int wid, void (*fptr)(unsigned int,char*) )
   Window *wdw;

   /* Get the window. */
   wdw = window_wget( wid );
   if (wdw == NULL) 

   /* Set the close function. */
   wdw->close_fptr = fptr;
Example #11
File: toolkit.c Project: Delll/naev
 * @brief Sets the default accept function of the window.
 * This function is called whenever 'enter' is pressed and the current widget
 *  does not catch it.  NULL disables the accept function.
 *    @param wid ID of the window to set the accept function.
 *    @param accept Function to trigger when window is "accepted".  Parameter
 *                  passed is window name.
void window_setAccept( const unsigned int wid, void (*accept)(unsigned int,char*) )
   Window *wdw;

   /* Get the window. */
   wdw = window_wget( wid );
   if (wdw == NULL) 

   /* Set the accept function. */
   wdw->accept_fptr = accept;
Example #12
File: toolkit.c Project: Delll/naev
 * @brief Gets the window's parent.
 *    @param wid Window to get parent of.
 *    @return Parent of the window or 0 on error.
unsigned int window_getParent( unsigned int wid )
   Window *wdw;

   /* Get the window. */
   wdw = window_wget( wid );
   if (wdw == NULL) 
      return 0;

   /* Get the parent. */
   return wdw->parent;
Example #13
File: toolkit.c Project: Delll/naev
 * @brief Sets the default cancel function of the window.
 * This function is called whenever 'escape' is hit and the current widget
 *  does not catch it.  NULL disables the cancel function.
 *    @param wid ID of the window to set cancel function.
 *    @param cancel Function to trigger when window is "cancelled".  Parameter
 *                  passed is window name.
void window_setCancel( const unsigned int wid, void (*cancel)(unsigned int,char*) )
   Window *wdw;

   /* Get the window. */
   wdw = window_wget( wid );
   if (wdw == NULL)

   /* Set the cancel function. */
   wdw->cancel_fptr = cancel;
Example #14
File: toolkit.c Project: Delll/naev
 * @brief Sets the key handler for the window.
 * This function is only called if neither the active widget nor the window
 *  itself grabs the input.
void window_handleKeys( const unsigned int wid,
      int (*keyhandler)(unsigned int,SDLKey,SDLMod) )
   Window *wdw;

   /* Get the window. */
   wdw = window_wget( wid );
   if (wdw == NULL)

   /* Set key event handler function. */
   wdw->keyevent = keyhandler;
Example #15
File: toolkit.c Project: Delll/naev
 * @brief Sets the event handler for the window.
 * This function is called every time the window recieves input.
void window_handleEvents( const unsigned int wid,
      int (*eventhandler)(unsigned int,SDL_Event*) )
   Window *wdw;

   /* Get the window. */
   wdw = window_wget( wid );
   if (wdw == NULL)

   /* Set key event handler function. */
   wdw->eventevent = eventhandler;;
Example #16
 * @brief Handles mouse events.
static int tab_mouse( Widget* tab, SDL_Event *event )
   int i, p, change;
   Window *parent;
   int x, y, rx, ry;

   /* Get parent window. */
   parent = window_wget( tab->wdw );
   if (parent == NULL)
      return 0;

   /* Convert to window space. */
   toolkit_inputTranslateCoords( parent, event, &x, &y, &rx, &ry );

   /* Translate to widget space. */
   x += parent->w - tab->x;
   y += parent->h - tab->y;

   /* Make sure event is in bottom 20 pixels. */
   if ((y>=TAB_HEIGHT) || (y<0))
      return 0;

   /* Handle event. */
   p = 20;
   for (i=0; i<tab->dat.tab.ntabs; i++) {
      p += 10 + tab->dat.tab.namelen[i];
      /* Mark as active. */
      if (x < p) {
         change = -1;
         if (event->button.button == SDL_BUTTON_WHEELUP)
            change = (tab->dat.tab.active - 1) % tab->dat.tab.ntabs;
         else if (event->button.button == SDL_BUTTON_WHEELDOWN)
            change = (tab->dat.tab.active + 1) % tab->dat.tab.ntabs;
            tab->dat.tab.active =i;

         if ((change != -1) && (change < tab->dat.tab.ntabs))
            tab->dat.tab.active = change;

         /* Create event. */
         if (tab->dat.tab.onChange != NULL)
            tab->dat.tab.onChange( tab->wdw, tab->name, tab->dat.tab.active );

   return 0;
Example #17
File: toolkit.c Project: Delll/naev
 * @brief Gets the dimensions of a window.
 *    @param wid ID of the window to get dimension of.
 *    @param[out] w Width of the window or -1 on error.
 *    @param[out] h Height of the window or -1 on error.
void window_dimWindow( const unsigned int wid, int *w, int *h )
   Window *wdw;

   /* Get the window. */
   wdw = window_wget(wid);
   if (wdw == NULL) {
      *w = -1;
      *h = -1;

   /* Set dimensions. */
   *w = wdw->w;
   *h = wdw->h;
Example #18
File: tabwin.c Project: Delll/naev
 * @brief Renders a button widget overlay.
 *    @param tab WIDGET_BUTTON widget to render.
 *    @param bx Base X position.
 *    @param by Base Y position.
static void tab_renderOverlay( Widget* tab, double bx, double by )
   (void) bx;
   (void) by;
   Window *wdw;

   /** Get window. */
   wdw = window_wget( tab->dat.tab.windows[ tab->dat.tab.active ] );
   if (wdw == NULL) {
      WARN("Active window in widget '%s' not found in stack.", tab->name);

   /* Render overlay. */
   window_renderOverlay( wdw );
Example #19
 * @brief Adds an Image Array widget.
 * Position origin is 0,0 at bottom left. If you use negative X or Y
 *  positions. They actually count from the opposite side in.
 *    @param wid Window to add to.
 *    @param x X position.
 *    @param y Y position.
 *    @param w Width.
 *    @param h Height.
 *    @param name Internal widget name.
 *    @param iw Image width to use.
 *    @param ih Image height to use.
 *    @param tex Texture array to use (not freed).
 *    @param caption Caption array to use (freed).
 *    @param nelem Elements in tex and caption.
 *    @param call Callback when modified.
void window_addImageArray( const unsigned int wid,
                           const int x, const int y, /* position */
                           const int w, const int h, /* size */
                           char* name, const int iw, const int ih,
                           glTexture** tex, char** caption, int nelem,
                           void (*call) (unsigned int wdw, char* wgtname),
                           void (*rmcall) (unsigned int wdw, char* wgtname) )
   Window *wdw = window_wget(wid);
   Widget *wgt = window_newWidget(wdw, name);
   if (wgt == NULL)

   /* generic */
   wgt->type   = WIDGET_IMAGEARRAY;

   /* position/size */
   wgt->w = (double) w;
   wgt->h = (double) h;
   toolkit_setPos( wdw, wgt, x, y );

   /* specific */
   wgt->render             = iar_render;
   wgt->renderOverlay      = iar_renderOverlay;
   wgt->cleanup            = iar_cleanup;
   wgt_setFlag(wgt, WGT_FLAG_CANFOCUS);
   wgt->keyevent           = iar_key;
   wgt->mclickevent        = iar_mclick;
   wgt->mmoveevent         = iar_mmove;
   wgt_setFlag(wgt, WGT_FLAG_ALWAYSMMOVE);
   wgt->dat.iar.images     = tex;
   wgt->dat.iar.captions   = caption;
   wgt->dat.iar.nelements  = nelem;
   wgt->dat.iar.selected   = 0;
   wgt->dat.iar.pos        = 0;
   wgt->dat.iar.alt        = -1;
   wgt->dat.iar.iw         = iw;
   wgt->dat.iar.ih         = ih;
   wgt->dat.iar.fptr       = call;
   wgt->dat.iar.rmptr      = rmcall;
   wgt->dat.iar.xelem      = floor((w - 10.) / (double)(wgt->dat.iar.iw+10));
   wgt->dat.iar.yelem      = (wgt->dat.iar.xelem == 0) ? 0 :
         (int)wgt->dat.iar.nelements / wgt->dat.iar.xelem + 1;

   if (wdw->focus == -1) /* initialize the focus */
      toolkit_nextFocus( wdw );
Example #20
File: tabwin.c Project: Delll/naev
 * @brief Renders a button widget.
 *    @param tab WIDGET_BUTTON widget to render.
 *    @param bx Base X position.
 *    @param by Base Y position.
static void tab_render( Widget* tab, double bx, double by )
   int i, x;
   Window *wdw;
   glColour *c, *lc;

   /** Get window. */
   wdw = window_wget( tab->dat.tab.windows[ tab->dat.tab.active ] );
   if (wdw == NULL) {
      WARN("Active window in widget '%s' not found in stack.", tab->name);

   /* Render the active window. */
   window_render( wdw );

   /* Render tabs ontop. */
   x = 20;
   for (i=0; i<tab->dat.tab.ntabs; i++) {
      if (i!=tab->dat.tab.active) {
         lc = toolkit_col;
         c  = toolkit_colDark;

         /* Draw border. */
         toolkit_drawRect( bx+x, by+0, tab->dat.tab.namelen[i] + 10,
               TAB_HEIGHT, lc, c );
         toolkit_drawOutline( bx+x+1, by+1, tab->dat.tab.namelen[i] + 8,
               TAB_HEIGHT-1, 1., c, &cBlack );
      else {
         if (i==0)
            toolkit_drawRect( bx+x-1, by+0,
                  1, TAB_HEIGHT+1, toolkit_colDark, &cGrey20 );
         else if (i==tab->dat.tab.ntabs-1)
            toolkit_drawRect( bx+x+tab->dat.tab.namelen[i]+9, by+0,
                  1, TAB_HEIGHT+1, toolkit_colDark, &cGrey20 );
      /* Draw text. */
      gl_printRaw( &gl_defFont, bx+x + 5 + SCREEN_W/2,
            by + (TAB_HEIGHT-gl_defFont.h)/2 + SCREEN_H/2, &cBlack,
            tab->dat.tab.tabnames[i] );

      /* Go to next line. */
      x += 10 + tab->dat.tab.namelen[i];
Example #21
 * @brief Disables a button.
 *    @param wid ID of the window to get widget from.
 *    @param name Name of the button to disable.
void window_disableButton( const unsigned int wid, char* name )
   Widget *wgt;
   Window *wdw;

   /* Get the widget. */
   wgt = btn_get( wid, name );
   if (wgt == NULL)

   /* Disable button. */
   wgt->dat.btn.disabled = 1;

   /* Sanitize focus. */
   wdw = window_wget(wid);
Example #22
File: toolkit.c Project: Delll/naev
 * @brief Checks to see if a widget exists.
 *    @param wid Window to check widget in.
 *    @param wgtname Name of the widget to check;
 *    @return 1 if the widget exists.
int widget_exists( const unsigned int wid, const char* wgtname )
   Window *w = window_wget(wid);
   Widget *wgt;

   /* Get window. */
   if (w==NULL) {
      WARN("window '%d' does not exist", wid);
      return 0;

   /* Check for widget. */
   for (wgt=w->widgets; wgt!=NULL; wgt=wgt->next)
      if (strcmp(wgtname, wgt->name)==0)
         return !wgt_isFlag(wgt, WGT_FLAG_KILL);

   return 0;
Example #23
File: toolkit.c Project: Delll/naev
 * @brief Gets a widget from window id and widgetname.
 *    @param wid ID of the window to get widget from.
 *    @param name Name of the widget to get.
 *    @return Widget matching name in the window.
Widget* window_getwgt( const unsigned int wid, const char* name )
   Window *wdw;
   Widget *wgt;

   /* Get the window. */
   wdw = window_wget(wid);
   if (wdw == NULL)
      return NULL;

   /* Find the widget. */
   for (wgt=wdw->widgets; wgt!=NULL; wgt=wgt->next)
      if (strcmp(wgt->name, name)==0)
         return wgt;

   WARN("Widget '%s' not found in window '%u'!", name, wid );
   return NULL;
Example #24
File: toolkit.c Project: Delll/naev
 * @brief Moves a widget.
 *    @param wid ID of the window to get widget from.
 *    @param name Name of the widget to set position to.
 *    @param x New X position to set widget to.
 *    @param y New Y position to set widget to.
void window_moveWidget( const unsigned int wid,
      char* name, int x, int y )
   Window *wdw;
   Widget *wgt;
   /* Get window. */
   wdw = window_wget(wid);
   if (wdw == NULL)

   /* Get widget. */
   wgt = window_getwgt(wid,name);
   if (wgt == NULL)

   /* Set position. */
   toolkit_setPos( wdw, wgt, x, y );
Example #25
File: list.c Project: ekrumme/naev
 * @brief Adds a list widget to a window.
 * Position origin is 0,0 at bottom left.  If you use negative X or Y
 *  positions.  They actually count from the opposite side in.
 *    @param wid ID of the window to add the widget to.
 *    @param x X position within the window to use.
 *    @param y Y position within the window to use.
 *    @param w Width of the widget.
 *    @param h Height of the widget.
 *    @param name Name of the widget to use internally.
 *    @param items Items in the list (will be freed automatically).
 *    @param nitems Number of items in items parameter.
 *    @param defitem Default item to select.
 *    @param call Function to call when new item is selected. Parameter passed
 *                is the name of the list.
void window_addList( const unsigned int wid,
                     const int x, const int y,
                     const int w, const int h,
                     char* name, char **items, int nitems, int defitem,
                     void (*call) (unsigned int wdw, char* wgtname) )
   Window *wdw = window_wget(wid);
   Widget *wgt = window_newWidget(wdw, name);
   if (wgt == NULL)

   /* generic */
   wgt->type   = WIDGET_LIST;

   /* specific */
   wgt->render             = lst_render;
   wgt->cleanup            = lst_cleanup;
   wgt_setFlag(wgt, WGT_FLAG_CANFOCUS);
   wgt->keyevent           = lst_key;
   wgt->mclickevent        = lst_mclick;
   wgt->mmoveevent         = lst_mmove;
   wgt->dat.lst.options    = items;
   wgt->dat.lst.noptions   = nitems;
   wgt->dat.lst.selected   = defitem; /* -1 would be none */
   wgt->dat.lst.pos        = 0;
   wgt->dat.lst.fptr       = call;

   /* position/size */
   wgt->w = (double) w;
   wgt->h = (double) h - ((h % (gl_defFont.h+2)) - 2);
   toolkit_setPos( wdw, wgt, x, y );

   /* check if needs scrollbar. */
   if (2 + (nitems * (gl_defFont.h + 2)) > (int)wgt->h)
      wgt->dat.lst.height = (2 + gl_defFont.h) * nitems + 2;
      wgt->dat.lst.height = 0;

   if (wdw->focus == -1) /* initialize the focus */
Example #26
 * @brief Adds a button widget to a window, with a hotkey that enables the button to be activated with that key.
 * Position origin is 0,0 at bottom left.  If you use negative X or Y
 *  positions.  They actually count from the opposite side in.
 *    @param wid ID of the window to add the widget to.
 *    @param x X position within the window to use.
 *    @param y Y position within the window to use.
 *    @param w Width of the widget.
 *    @param h Height of the widget.
 *    @param name Name of the widget to use internally.
 *    @param display Text displayed on the button (centered).
 *    @param call Function to call when button is pressed. Parameter passed
 *                is the name of the button.
 *    @param key Hotkey for using the button without it being focused.
void window_addButtonKey( const unsigned int wid,
                       const int x, const int y,
                       const int w, const int h,
                       char* name, char* display,
                       void (*call) (unsigned int wgt, char* wdwname),
                       SDLKey key )
   Window *wdw = window_wget(wid);
   Widget *wgt = window_newWidget(wdw, name);
   if (wgt == NULL)

   /* generic */
   wgt->type = WIDGET_BUTTON;

   /* specific */
   wgt->keyevent           = btn_key;
   wgt->render             = btn_render;
   wgt->cleanup            = btn_cleanup;
   wgt_setFlag(wgt, WGT_FLAG_CANFOCUS);
   wgt->dat.btn.display    = strdup(display);
   wgt->dat.btn.disabled   = 0; /* initially enabled */
   wgt->dat.btn.fptr       = call;
   if (key != 0) {
      wgt->dat.btn.key = key;

   /* position/size */
   wgt->w = (double) w;
   wgt->h = (double) h;
   toolkit_setPos( wdw, wgt, x, y );

   if (wgt->dat.btn.fptr == NULL) { /* Disable if function is NULL. */
      wgt->dat.btn.disabled = 1;
      wgt_rmFlag(wgt, WGT_FLAG_CANFOCUS);

   if (wdw->focus == -1) /* initialize the focus */
      toolkit_nextFocus( wdw );
Example #27
File: image.c Project: zid/naev
 * @brief Adds an image widget to the window.
 * Position origin is 0,0 at bottom left.  If you use negative X or Y
 *  positions.  They actually count from the opposite side in.
 *    @param wid ID of the window to add the widget to.
 *    @param x X position within the window to use.
 *    @param y Y position within the window to use.
 *    @param name Name of the widget to use internally.
 *    @param image Image to use.
 *    @param border Whether to use a border.
void window_addImage( const unsigned int wid,
                      const int x, const int y,
                      char* name, glTexture* image, int border )
   Window *wdw = window_wget(wid);
   Widget *wgt = window_newWidget(wdw, name);

   /* generic */
   wgt->type   = WIDGET_IMAGE;

   /* specific */
   wgt->render          = img_render;
   wgt->dat.img.image   = image;
   wgt->dat.img.border  = border;
   wgt->dat.img.colour  = NULL; /* normal colour */

   /* position/size */
   wgt->w = (image==NULL) ? 0 : wgt->dat.img.image->sw;
   wgt->h = (image==NULL) ? 0 : wgt->dat.img.image->sh;
   toolkit_setPos( wdw, wgt, x, y );
Example #28
File: tabwin.c Project: Delll/naev
 * @brief Handles mouse events.
static int tab_mouse( Widget* tab, SDL_Event *event )
   int i, p;
   Window *parent;
   int x, y, rx, ry;
   Uint8 type;

   /* Get parrent window. */
   parent = window_wget( tab->wdw );
   if (parent == NULL)
      return 0;

   /* Convert to window space. */
   type = toolkit_inputTranslateCoords( parent, event, &x, &y, &rx, &ry, 0 );

   /* Translate to widget space. */
   x += parent->w - tab->x;
   y += parent->h - tab->y;

   /* Make sure event is in bottom 20 pixels. */
   if ((y>=TAB_HEIGHT) || (y<0))
      return 0;

   /* Handle event. */
   p = 20;
   for (i=0; i<tab->dat.tab.ntabs; i++) {
      p += 10 + tab->dat.tab.namelen[i];
      /* Mark as active. */
      if (x < p) {
         tab->dat.tab.active = i;

         /* Create event. */
         if (tab->dat.tab.onChange != NULL)
            tab->dat.tab.onChange( tab->wdw, tab->name, tab->dat.tab.active );

   return 0;
Example #29
File: tabwin.c Project: Delll/naev
static int tab_key( Widget* tab, SDL_Event *event )
   int change;
   SDLKey key, bind_key;
   SDLMod mod, bind_mod;
   Window *wdw;
   int ret;

   /* Event info. */
   key = event->key.keysym.sym;
   mod = input_translateMod( event->key.keysym.mod );

   /* Handle tab changing. */
   change = -1;
   CHECK_CHANGE( "switchtab1", 0 );
   CHECK_CHANGE( "switchtab2", 1 );
   CHECK_CHANGE( "switchtab3", 2 );
   CHECK_CHANGE( "switchtab4", 3 );
   CHECK_CHANGE( "switchtab5", 4 );
   CHECK_CHANGE( "switchtab6", 5 );
   CHECK_CHANGE( "switchtab7", 6 );
   CHECK_CHANGE( "switchtab8", 7 );
   CHECK_CHANGE( "switchtab9", 8 );
   CHECK_CHANGE( "switchtab0", 9 );

   /* Window. */
   ret = 0;
   wdw = window_wget( tab->dat.tab.windows[ tab->dat.tab.active ] );

   /* Handle keypresses. */
   switch (key) {
      case SDLK_TAB:
         if (mod & NMOD_SHIFT) {
            if (mod & NMOD_CTRL)
               change = (tab->dat.tab.active - 1) % tab->dat.tab.ntabs;
               change = (tab->dat.tab.active + 1) % tab->dat.tab.ntabs;
         else {
            if (mod & NMOD_CTRL)
               toolkit_prevFocus( wdw );
               toolkit_nextFocus( wdw );
         ret = 1;

   /* Switch to the selected tab if it exists. */
   if ((change != -1) && (change < tab->dat.tab.ntabs)) {
      tab->dat.tab.active = change;
      /* Create event. */
      if (tab->dat.tab.onChange != NULL)
          tab->dat.tab.onChange( tab->wdw, tab->name, tab->dat.tab.active );
      ret = 1;

   return ret;