Example #1
static void
write_xml_wire (Wire *wire, parseXmlContext *ctxt)
	xmlNodePtr node_wire;
	gchar *str;
	Coords start_pos, end_pos;

	g_return_if_fail (wire != NULL);
	g_return_if_fail (IS_WIRE (wire));

	// Create a node for the wire.
	node_wire = xmlNewChild (ctxt->node_wires, ctxt->ns, BAD_CAST "wire", NULL);
	if (!node_wire) {
		g_warning ("Failed during save of wire.\n");

	wire_get_start_pos (wire, &start_pos);
	wire_get_end_pos (wire, &end_pos);

	Node *node;
	Coords last, current, tmp;
	GSList *iter, *copy;

	copy = g_slist_sort (g_slist_copy (wire_get_nodes (wire)), cmp_nodes);
	current = last = start_pos;

	for (iter = copy; iter; iter = iter->next) {
		node = iter->data;
		if (node==NULL) {
			g_warning ("Node of wire did not exist [%p].", node);

		tmp = node->key;
		if (coords_equal(&tmp, &start_pos))
		if (coords_equal(&tmp, &end_pos))

		last = current;
		current = tmp;

		str = g_strdup_printf ("(%g %g)(%g %g)",
			                   last.x, last.y, current.x, current.y);

		xmlNewChild (node_wire, ctxt->ns, BAD_CAST "points", BAD_CAST str);
		g_free (str);
	last = current;
	current = end_pos;
	str = g_strdup_printf ("(%g %g)(%g %g)",
			                   last.x, last.y, current.x, current.y);

	xmlNewChild (node_wire, ctxt->ns, BAD_CAST "points", BAD_CAST str);
	g_free (str);

	g_slist_free (copy);

Example #2
static void
write_xml_wire (Wire *wire, parseXmlContext *ctxt)
	xmlNodePtr node_wire;
	gchar *str;
	SheetPos start_pos, end_pos;

	g_return_if_fail (wire != NULL);
	g_return_if_fail (IS_WIRE (wire));

	// Create a node for the wire. 
	node_wire = xmlNewChild (ctxt->node_wires, ctxt->ns, BAD_CAST "wire", NULL);
	if (!node_wire) {
		g_warning ("Failed during save of wire.\n");

	wire_get_start_pos (wire, &start_pos);
	wire_get_end_pos (wire, &end_pos);

	str = g_strdup_printf ("(%g %g)(%g %g)",
		start_pos.x, start_pos.y, end_pos.x, end_pos.y);
	xmlNewChild (node_wire, ctxt->ns, BAD_CAST "points", BAD_CAST str);
	g_free (str);
Example #3
static void wire_print (ItemData *data, cairo_t *cr, SchematicPrintContext *ctx)
    Coords start_pos, end_pos;
    Wire *wire;

    g_return_if_fail (data != NULL);
    g_return_if_fail (IS_WIRE (data));

    wire = WIRE (data);

    wire_get_start_pos (wire, &start_pos);
    wire_get_end_pos (wire, &end_pos);

    cairo_save (cr);
    gdk_cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, &ctx->colors.wires);
    cairo_move_to (cr, start_pos.x, start_pos.y);
    cairo_line_to (cr, end_pos.x, end_pos.y);
    cairo_stroke (cr);
    cairo_restore (cr);