Example #1
File: main.cpp Project: J-Pai/qubo
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    ros::init(argc, argv, "temp_node");
    bool simulated = true;

    TempSimNode *node1 = new TempSimNode(argc, argv, 1, "HULL");
    TempSimNode *node2 = new TempSimNode(argc, argv, 10, "HULL2");
     * This is the general structure for using threads. The runThread function
     * has already been defined in QuboNode. Just call the thread here to run
     * a sub-node.
    std::thread worker1(&TempSimNode::runThread, node1);
    std::thread worker2(&TempSimNode::runThread, node2);
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    std::cout << "main: startup" << std::endl;
    Work* work1 = new Work();
    Work* work2 = new Work();

    std::string data[2];

    boost::thread worker1(boost::bind(&Work::handle, work1,  boost::ref(data[0])));
    boost::thread worker2(boost::bind(&Work::handle, work2,  boost::ref(data[1])));

    std::cout << "main: waiting for thread" << std::endl;

    std::cout << "data[0] "<< data[0]  << std::endl;
    std::cout << "data[1] "<< data[1]  << std::endl;

    std::cout << "main: done" << std::endl;
    return 0;
Example #3
Task::svc (void)
      // Priority Mapping Manager.
      CORBA::Object_var object =
        this->orb_->resolve_initial_references ("PriorityMappingManager");
      RTCORBA::PriorityMappingManager_var mapping_manager =
        RTCORBA::PriorityMappingManager::_narrow (object.in ());
      if (check_for_nil (mapping_manager.in (), "Mapping Manager") == -1)
        return -1;

      RTCORBA::PriorityMapping *pm =
        mapping_manager->mapping ();

      // RTCurrent.
      object =
        this->orb_->resolve_initial_references ("RTCurrent");
      RTCORBA::Current_var current =
        RTCORBA::Current::_narrow (object.in ());
      if (check_for_nil (current.in (), "RTCurrent") == -1)
        return -1;

      // Obtain Test object reference.
      object =
        this->orb_->string_to_object (ior);
      Test_var server = Test::_narrow (object.in ());
      if (check_for_nil (server.in (), "Test object") == -1)
        return -1;

      // Check that test object is configured with CLIENT_PROPAGATED
      // PriorityModelPolicy.
      CORBA::Policy_var policy =
        server->_get_policy (RTCORBA::PRIORITY_MODEL_POLICY_TYPE);

      RTCORBA::PriorityModelPolicy_var priority_policy =
        RTCORBA::PriorityModelPolicy::_narrow (policy.in ());

      if (check_for_nil (priority_policy.in (), "PriorityModelPolicy") == -1)
        return -1;

      RTCORBA::PriorityModel priority_model =
        priority_policy->priority_model ();
      if (priority_model != RTCORBA::CLIENT_PROPAGATED)
                           "ERROR: priority_model != "

      // Spawn two worker threads.
      ACE_Barrier thread_barrier (2);
      int flags  =
        THR_NEW_LWP |
        THR_JOINABLE |
        this->orb_->orb_core ()->orb_params ()->thread_creation_flags ();

      // Worker 1.
      Worker_Thread worker1 (this->orb_.in (),
                             server.in (),

      CORBA::Short native_priority1 = 0;
      if (pm->to_native (priority1, native_priority1) == 0)
                           "Cannot convert corba priority %d to native priority\n",

      if (worker1.activate (flags,
                            1, 0,
                            native_priority1) != 0)
                           "Cannot activate first client worker threads\n"),

      // Worker 2.
      Worker_Thread worker2 (this->orb_.in (),
                             server.in (),

      CORBA::Short native_priority2 = 0;
      if (pm->to_native (priority2, native_priority2) == 0)
                           "Cannot convert corba priority %d to native priority\n",

      if (worker2.activate (flags,
                            1, 0,
                            native_priority2) != 0)
                           "Cannot activate second client worker threads\n"),

      // Wait for worker threads to finish.
      ACE_Thread_Manager::instance ()->wait ();

      // Testing over.  Shut down the server.
      ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "Client threads finished\n"));
      current->the_priority (priority1);
      server->shutdown ();
  catch (const CORBA::Exception& ex)
      ex._tao_print_exception (
        "Unexpected exception in MT_Client_Protocol_Priority test client:");
      return -1;

  return 0;
ACE_TMAIN(int argc, ACE_TCHAR *argv[])
      // Initialize the ORB first.
      CORBA::ORB_var orb = CORBA::ORB_init (argc, argv);

      // Obtain the RootPOA.
      CORBA::Object_var obj = orb->resolve_initial_references ("RootPOA");

      // Get the POA_var object from Object_var.
      PortableServer::POA_var root_poa =
        PortableServer::POA::_narrow (obj.in ());

      // Get the POAManager of the RootPOA.
      PortableServer::POAManager_var poa_manager =
        root_poa->the_POAManager ();

      // Policies for the new POA.
      CORBA::PolicyList policies (2);
      policies.length (2);

      policies[0] =
        root_poa->create_implicit_activation_policy (PortableServer::IMPLICIT_ACTIVATION);

      policies[1] =
        root_poa->create_thread_policy (PortableServer::SINGLE_THREAD_MODEL);

      // Creation of the child POA.
      PortableServer::POA_var child_poa =
        root_poa->create_POA ("child",
                              poa_manager.in (),

      // Destroy the policies
      for (CORBA::ULong i = 0;
           i < policies.length ();
          policies[i]->destroy ();

      poa_manager->activate ();

      test_i servant1 (child_poa.in ());
      test_i servant2 (child_poa.in ());

      PortableServer::ObjectId_var id =
        root_poa->activate_object (&servant1);

      CORBA::Object_var object_act = root_poa->id_to_reference (id.in ());

      test_var object1 = test::_narrow (object_act.in ());

      id = root_poa->activate_object (&servant2);

      object_act = root_poa->id_to_reference (id.in ());

      test_var object2 = test::_narrow (object_act.in ());

      Worker worker1 (object1.in ());
      Worker worker2 (object2.in ());

      int result =
        worker1.activate () != 0 ||
        worker2.activate () != 0;
      ACE_ASSERT (result == 0);

      result = ACE_Thread_Manager::instance ()->wait ();
      ACE_ASSERT (result == 0);

      // In non-debug compiles, asserts will disappear.
      ACE_UNUSED_ARG (result);

      root_poa->destroy (1, 1);

      orb->destroy ();
  catch (const CORBA::Exception& ex)
      ex._tao_print_exception ("Exception caught");
      return -1;

  return 0;
Example #5
bool FeSettings::thegamesdb_scraper( FeImporterContext &c )
#ifndef NO_NET
	const char *HOSTNAME = "http://thegamesdb.net";
	const char *PLATFORM_REQ = "api/GetPlatformsList.php";
	const char *GAME_REQ = "api/GetGame.php?name=$1";

	// Get a list of valid platforms
	FeNetQueue q;
	q.add_buffer_task( HOSTNAME, PLATFORM_REQ, 0 );
	sf::Http::Response::Status status;
	q.do_next_task( status );

	if ( status != sf::Http::Response::Ok )
		get_resource( "Error getting platform list from thegamesdb.net.  Code: $1",
							as_str( status ), c.user_message );

		std::cout << " * " << c.user_message << std::endl;
		return true;

	int temp;
	std::string body;
	q.pop_completed_task( temp, body );

	FeGameDBPlatformParser gdbpp;
	gdbpp.parse( body );

	const std::vector<std::string> &sl_temp = c.emulator.get_systems();
	std::vector<std::string> system_list;
	for ( std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator itr = sl_temp.begin(); itr!=sl_temp.end(); ++itr )
		if ( gdbpp.m_set.find( *itr ) != gdbpp.m_set.end() )
			system_list.push_back( *itr );
			std::cout << " * System identifier '" << (*itr) << "' not recognized by "
				<< HOSTNAME << std::endl;

	if ( system_list.size() < 1 )
		// Correct if we can based on the configured info source,
		// otherwise we error out
		const std::string source = c.emulator.get_info( FeEmulatorInfo::Info_source );
		if ( source.compare( "mame" ) == 0 )
			system_list.push_back( "Arcade" );
		else if ( source.compare( "steam" ) == 0 )
			system_list.push_back( "PC" );
			get_resource( "Error: None of the configured system identifier(s) are recognized by thegamesdb.net.",
								c.user_message );

			std::cout << " * " << c.user_message << std::endl;
			return true;

	std::string emu_name = c.emulator.get_info( FeEmulatorInfo::Name );

	// Build a map for looking up parents
	std::map < std::string, FeRomInfo * > parent_map;
	build_parent_map( parent_map, c.romlist );

	// Build a worklist of the roms where we need to lookup
	std::vector<FeRomInfo *> worklist;
	worklist.reserve( c.romlist.size() );
	for ( FeRomInfoListType::iterator itr=c.romlist.begin(); itr!=c.romlist.end(); ++itr )
		(*itr).set_info( FeRomInfo::Emulator, emu_name );

		// Don't scrape for a clone if its parent has the same name
		if ( has_same_name_as_parent( *itr, parent_map ) )

		if ( !c.scrape_art || m_scrape_fanart
				|| ( m_scrape_flyers && (!has_artwork( *itr, "flyer" ) ) )
				|| ( m_scrape_wheels && (!has_artwork( *itr, "wheel" ) ) )
				|| ( m_scrape_snaps && (!has_artwork( *itr, "snap" ) ) )
				|| ( m_scrape_marquees && (!has_artwork( *itr, "marquee" ) ) ) )
			worklist.push_back( &(*itr) );

	const int NUM_ARTS=5; // the number of scrape-able artwork types
	int done_count( 0 );

	// Set up our initial queue of network tasks
	for ( unsigned int i=0; i<worklist.size(); i++ )
		std::string req_string = GAME_REQ;

		std::string game = url_escape(
				name_with_brackets_stripped( worklist[i]->get_info( FeRomInfo::Title ) ) );

		perform_substitution( req_string, "$1", game );

		// If we don't need to scrape a wheel artwork, then add the specific platform to our request
		// If we are scraping a wheel, we want to be able to grab them where the game name (but
		// not the system) matches, so we don't limit ourselves by system...
		if (( system_list.size() == 1 )
			&& ( !c.scrape_art || !m_scrape_wheels || has_artwork( *(worklist[i]), "wheel" ) ))
			req_string += "&platform=";
			req_string += url_escape( system_list.front() );

		q.add_buffer_task( HOSTNAME, req_string, i );

	std::string base_path = get_config_dir() + FE_SCRAPER_SUBDIR;
	base_path += emu_name + "/";

	// Create worker threads to process the queue, adding new tasks to download
	// artwork files where appropriate
	FeNetWorker worker1( q ), worker2( q ), worker3( q ), worker4( q );

	// Process the output queue from our worker threads
	while ( !q.input_done() || !q.output_done() )
		int id;
		std::string result;
		if ( q.pop_completed_task( id, result ) )
			if ( id < 0 )
				if (( id == FeNetTask::FileTask ) || ( id == FeNetTask::SpecialFileTask ))
					std::cout << " + Downloaded: " << result << std::endl;

				if ( id == FeNetTask::FileTask ) // we don't increment if id = FeNetTask::SpecialFileTask
				FeGameDBArt my_art;
				FeGameDBParser gdbp( system_list, *(worklist[id]), ( c.scrape_art ? &my_art : NULL ) );
				gdbp.parse( result );

				if ( c.scrape_art && !my_art.base.empty() )
					std::string hostn = HOSTNAME;
					std::string base_req = "banners/";
					size_t pos=0;
					for ( int i=0; i<3 && ( pos != std::string::npos ); i++ )
						pos = my_art.base.find_first_of( '/', pos+1 );

					if (( pos != std::string::npos ) && ( pos < my_art.base.size()-1 ) )
						hostn = my_art.base.substr( 0, pos+1 );
						base_req = my_art.base.substr( pos+1 );

					FeRomInfo &rom = *(worklist[id]);

					if ( m_scrape_flyers && ( !my_art.flyer.empty() ) && (!has_artwork( rom, "flyer" )) )
						const char *FLYER = "flyer/";
						std::string fname = base_path + FLYER + rom.get_info( FeRomInfo::Romname );
						confirm_directory( base_path, FLYER );
						q.add_file_task( hostn, base_req + my_art.flyer, fname );

					if ( m_scrape_wheels && ( !my_art.wheel.empty() ) && (!has_artwork( rom, "wheel" )) )
						const char *WHEEL = "wheel/";
						std::string fname = base_path + WHEEL + rom.get_info( FeRomInfo::Romname );
						confirm_directory( base_path, WHEEL );
						q.add_file_task( hostn, base_req + my_art.wheel, fname );

					if ( m_scrape_marquees && (!my_art.marquee.empty() ) && (!has_artwork( rom, "marquee" )) )
						const char *MARQUEE = "marquee/";
						std::string fname = base_path + MARQUEE + rom.get_info( FeRomInfo::Romname );
						confirm_directory( base_path, MARQUEE );
						q.add_file_task( hostn, base_req + my_art.marquee, fname );

					if ( m_scrape_snaps && (!my_art.snap.empty() ) && (!has_artwork( rom, "snap" )) )
						const char *SNAP = "snap/";
						std::string fname = base_path + SNAP + rom.get_info( FeRomInfo::Romname );
						confirm_directory( base_path, SNAP );
						q.add_file_task( hostn, base_req + my_art.snap, fname );

					if ( m_scrape_fanart && !my_art.fanart.empty() )
						const char *FANART = "fanart/";
						std::string fname_base = base_path + FANART + rom.get_info( FeRomInfo::Romname ) + "/";
						confirm_directory( base_path, "" );
						confirm_directory( base_path + FANART, rom.get_info( FeRomInfo::Romname ) );
						bool done_first=false; // we only count the first fanart against our percentage completed...

						for ( std::vector<std::string>::iterator itr = my_art.fanart.begin();
								itr != my_art.fanart.end(); ++itr )
							size_t start_pos = (*itr).find_last_of( "/\\" );
							size_t end_pos = (*itr).find_last_of( '.' );

							if (( start_pos != std::string::npos )
								&& ( !file_exists( fname_base + (*itr).substr( start_pos+1 ) ) ))
								if (( end_pos != std::string::npos ) && ( end_pos > start_pos ))
									q.add_file_task( hostn,
												base_req + (*itr),
												fname_base + (*itr).substr( start_pos+1, end_pos-start_pos-1 ),
												done_first );

			if ( c.uiupdate )
				int p = c.progress_past + done_count * c.progress_range / ( NUM_ARTS * worklist.size() );
				if ( c.uiupdate( c.uiupdatedata, p ) == false )
					return false;
		else if ( q.output_done() )
			sf::Http::Response::Status status;
			q.do_next_task( status );
			sf::sleep( sf::milliseconds( 10 ) );
	return true;
Example #6
bool FeSettings::mamedb_scraper( FeImporterContext &c )
#ifndef NO_NET
	if (( c.emulator.get_info( FeEmulatorInfo::Info_source ).compare( "mame" ) != 0 )
				|| ( !m_scrape_snaps && !m_scrape_marquees ))
		return true;

	// Build a map for looking up parents
	std::map < std::string, FeRomInfo * > parent_map;
	build_parent_map( parent_map, c.romlist );

	const char *MAMEDB = "http://mamedb.com";

	std::string emu_name = c.emulator.get_info( FeEmulatorInfo::Name );
	std::string base_path = get_config_dir() + FE_SCRAPER_SUBDIR;
	base_path += emu_name + "/";

	FeNetQueue q;
	int taskc( 0 );
	int done( 0 );

	for ( FeRomInfoListType::iterator itr=c.romlist.begin(); itr!=c.romlist.end(); ++itr )
		// ugh, this must be set for has_artwork() to correctly function
		(*itr).set_info( FeRomInfo::Emulator, emu_name );

		// Don't scrape for a clone if its parent has the same name
		if ( has_same_name_as_parent( *itr, parent_map ) )

		if ( m_scrape_marquees && !has_artwork( *itr, "marquee" ) )
			const char *MARQUEE = "marquee/";
			std::string fname = base_path + MARQUEE + (*itr).get_info( FeRomInfo::Romname );
			confirm_directory( base_path, MARQUEE );
			q.add_file_task( MAMEDB, "marquees/" + (*itr).get_info( FeRomInfo::Romname ) +".png", fname );

		if ( m_scrape_snaps && !has_artwork( *itr, "snap" ) )
			const char *SNAP = "snap/";
			std::string fname = base_path + SNAP + (*itr).get_info( FeRomInfo::Romname );
			confirm_directory( base_path, SNAP );
			q.add_file_task( MAMEDB, SNAP + (*itr).get_info( FeRomInfo::Romname ) +".png", fname );

	// Create worker threads to process the queue.
	FeNetWorker worker1( q ), worker2( q ), worker3( q ), worker4( q );

	// Process the output queue from our worker threads
	while ( !( q.input_done() && q.output_done() ) )
		int id;
		std::string result;
		if ( q.pop_completed_task( id, result ) )
			if ( id < 0 )
				if ( id == -1 )
					std::cout << " + Downloaded: " << result << std::endl;


		if ( c.uiupdate )
			int p = c.progress_past + done * c.progress_range / taskc;
			if ( c.uiupdate( c.uiupdatedata, p ) == false )
				return false;
	return true;
Example #7
bool FeSettings::thegamesdb_scraper( FeImporterContext &c )
#ifndef NO_NET
	const char *HOSTNAME = "http://thegamesdb.net";
	const char *PLATFORM_LIST_REQ = "api/GetPlatformsList.php";
	const char *PLAT_REQ = "api/GetPlatform.php?id=$1";
	const char *GAME_REQ = "api/GetGame.php?name=$1";
	const char *FLYER = "flyer/";
	const char *WHEEL = "wheel/";
	const char *MARQUEE = "marquee/";
	const char *SNAP = "snap/";
	const char *FANART = "fanart/";

	// Get a list of valid platforms
	FeNetQueue q;
	q.add_buffer_task( HOSTNAME, PLATFORM_LIST_REQ, 0 );
	sf::Http::Response::Status status;
	std::string err_req;

	q.do_next_task( status, err_req );

	if ( status != sf::Http::Response::Ok )
		get_resource( "Error getting platform list from thegamesdb.net.  Code: $1",
			as_str( status ), c.user_message );

		std::cerr << " ! " << c.user_message << " (" << err_req << ")" << std::endl;
		return true;

	int temp;
	std::string body;
	q.pop_completed_task( temp, body );

	FeGameDBPlatformListParser gdbplp;
	gdbplp.parse( body );

	std::vector<std::string> system_list;
	std::vector<int> system_ids;

	const std::vector<std::string> &sl_temp = c.emulator.get_systems();
	for ( std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator itr = sl_temp.begin();
			itr != sl_temp.end(); ++itr )
		std::string comp_fuzz = get_fuzzy( *itr );

		for ( size_t i=0; i<gdbplp.m_names.size(); i++ )
			ASSERT( gdbplp.m_names.size() == gdbplp.m_ids.size() );

			std::string &n = gdbplp.m_names[i];
			int id = ( i < gdbplp.m_ids.size() ) ? i : 0;

			if ( comp_fuzz.compare( get_fuzzy( n ) ) == 0 )
				system_list.push_back( n );
				system_ids.push_back( id );
				size_t pos = n.find_first_of( "(" );

				if (( pos != std::string::npos ) &&
					(( comp_fuzz.compare( get_fuzzy( n.substr(0,pos-1))) == 0 )
					|| ( comp_fuzz.compare(get_fuzzy( n.substr(pos+1,n.size()-pos-1 ))) == 0 )))
					system_list.push_back( n );
					system_ids.push_back( id );

	if ( system_list.size() < 1 )
		// Correct if we can based on the configured info source,
		// otherwise we error out
		switch( c.emulator.get_info_source() )
		case FeEmulatorInfo::Listxml:
			system_list.push_back( "Arcade" ); break;
		case FeEmulatorInfo::Steam:
			system_list.push_back( "PC" ); break;
			get_resource( "Error: None of the configured system identifier(s) are recognized by thegamesdb.net.",
								c.user_message );

			std::cerr << " ! " << c.user_message << std::endl;
			return true;

	std::string emu_name = c.emulator.get_info( FeEmulatorInfo::Name );
	std::string base_path = get_config_dir() + FE_SCRAPER_SUBDIR;
	base_path += emu_name + "/";

	if ( c.scrape_art )
		// Get emulator-specific images
		for ( std::vector<int>::iterator iti=system_ids.begin();
				iti != system_ids.end(); ++iti )
			std::string plat_string = PLAT_REQ;
			perform_substitution( plat_string, "$1", as_str( *iti ) );

			q.add_buffer_task( HOSTNAME, plat_string, 0 );
			q.do_next_task( status, err_req );
			if ( status != sf::Http::Response::Ok )
				std::cout << " * Unable to get platform information. Status code: "
					<< status << " (" << err_req << ")" << std::endl;

			q.pop_completed_task( temp, body );

			FeGameDBArt my_art;
			FeGameDBPlatformParser gdbpp( my_art );
			gdbpp.parse( body );

			std::string hostn = HOSTNAME;
			std::string base_req = "banners/";
			get_url_components( my_art.base,
				hostn, base_req );

			std::string path = base_path + FLYER;
			if ( m_scrape_flyers && ( !my_art.flyer.empty() )
				&& ( !art_exists( path, emu_name ) ))
				confirm_directory( base_path, FLYER );
				q.add_file_task( hostn, base_req + my_art.flyer,
					path + emu_name );

			path = base_path + WHEEL;
			if ( m_scrape_wheels && ( !my_art.wheel.empty() )
				&& ( !art_exists( path, emu_name ) ))
				confirm_directory( base_path, WHEEL );
				q.add_file_task( hostn, base_req + my_art.wheel,
					path + emu_name );

			path = base_path + MARQUEE;
			if ( m_scrape_marquees && ( !my_art.marquee.empty() )
				&& ( !art_exists( path, emu_name ) ))
				confirm_directory( base_path, MARQUEE );
				q.add_file_task( hostn, base_req + my_art.marquee,
					path + emu_name );

			if ( m_scrape_fanart && !my_art.fanart.empty() )
				std::string path_base = base_path + FANART + emu_name + "/";
				confirm_directory( base_path, "" );
				confirm_directory( base_path + FANART, emu_name );

				for ( std::vector<std::string>::iterator itr = my_art.fanart.begin();
							itr != my_art.fanart.end(); ++itr )
					size_t start_pos = (*itr).find_last_of( "/\\" );
					size_t end_pos = (*itr).find_last_of( '.' );

					if (( start_pos != std::string::npos )
						&& ( !file_exists( path_base + (*itr).substr( start_pos+1 ) ) ))
						if (( end_pos != std::string::npos ) && ( end_pos > start_pos ))
							q.add_file_task( hostn,
								base_req + (*itr),
								path_base + (*itr).substr( start_pos+1,
											end_pos-start_pos-1 ) );

	bool prefer_alt_filename = c.emulator.is_mess();

	// Build a map for looking up parents
	ParentMapType parent_map;
	build_parent_map( parent_map, c.romlist, prefer_alt_filename );

	// Build a worklist of the roms where we need to lookup
	std::vector<FeRomInfo *> worklist;
	worklist.reserve( c.romlist.size() );
	for ( FeRomInfoListType::iterator itr=c.romlist.begin(); itr!=c.romlist.end(); ++itr )
		(*itr).set_info( FeRomInfo::Emulator, emu_name );

		// Don't scrape for a clone if its parent has the same name
		if ( has_same_name_as_parent( *itr, parent_map ) )

		if ( !c.scrape_art || m_scrape_fanart
				|| ( m_scrape_flyers && (!has_artwork( *itr, "flyer" ) ) )
				|| ( m_scrape_wheels && (!has_artwork( *itr, "wheel" ) ) )
				|| ( m_scrape_snaps && (!has_image_artwork( *itr, "snap" ) ) )
				|| ( m_scrape_marquees && (!has_artwork( *itr, "marquee" ) ) ) )
			worklist.push_back( &(*itr) );

	const int NUM_ARTS=5; // the number of scrape-able artwork types
	int done_count( 0 );

	// Set up our initial queue of network tasks
	for ( unsigned int i=0; i<worklist.size(); i++ )
		std::string req_string = GAME_REQ;

		std::string game = url_escape(
				name_with_brackets_stripped( worklist[i]->get_info( FeRomInfo::Title ) ) );

		perform_substitution( req_string, "$1", game );

		// If we don't need to scrape a wheel artwork, then add the specific platform to our request
		// If we are scraping a wheel, we want to be able to grab them where the game name (but
		// not the system) matches, so we don't limit ourselves by system...
		if (( system_list.size() == 1 )
			&& ( !c.scrape_art || !m_scrape_wheels || has_artwork( *(worklist[i]), "wheel" ) ))
			req_string += "&platform=";
			req_string += url_escape( system_list.front() );

		q.add_buffer_task( HOSTNAME, req_string, i );

	// Create worker threads to process the queue, adding new tasks to download
	// artwork files where appropriate
	FeNetWorker worker1( q ), worker2( q ), worker3( q ), worker4( q );
	std::string aux;

	// Process the output queue from our worker threads
	while ( !( q.input_done() && q.output_done() ) )
		int id;
		std::string result;

		if ( q.pop_completed_task( id, result ) )
			if ( id < 0 )
				if (( id == FeNetTask::FileTask ) || ( id == FeNetTask::SpecialFileTask ))
					std::cout << " + Downloaded: " << result << std::endl;

					// find second last forward slash in filename
					// we assume that there will always be at least two
					size_t pos = result.find_last_of( "\\/" );
					if ( pos != std::string::npos )
						pos = result.find_last_of( "\\/", pos-1 );
						if ( pos != std::string::npos )
							aux = result.substr( pos );

				if ( id == FeNetTask::FileTask ) // we don't increment if id = FeNetTask::SpecialFileTask
				FeGameDBArt my_art;
				FeGameDBParser gdbp( system_list, *(worklist[id]), ( c.scrape_art ? &my_art : NULL ) );
				gdbp.parse( result );

				if ( c.scrape_art && !my_art.base.empty() )
					std::string hostn = HOSTNAME;
					std::string base_req = "banners/";
					get_url_components( my_art.base,
						hostn, base_req );

					const FeRomInfo &rom = *(worklist[id]);

					if ( m_scrape_flyers && ( !my_art.flyer.empty() ) && (!has_artwork( rom, "flyer" )) )
						std::string fname = base_path + FLYER;

						const std::string &altname = rom.get_info( FeRomInfo::AltRomname );
						if ( prefer_alt_filename && !altname.empty() )
							fname += rom.get_info( FeRomInfo::AltRomname );
							fname += rom.get_info( FeRomInfo::Romname );

						confirm_directory( base_path, FLYER );
						q.add_file_task( hostn, base_req + my_art.flyer, fname );

					if ( m_scrape_wheels && ( !my_art.wheel.empty() ) && (!has_artwork( rom, "wheel" )) )
						std::string fname = base_path + WHEEL;

						const std::string &altname = rom.get_info( FeRomInfo::AltRomname );
						if ( prefer_alt_filename && !altname.empty() )
							fname += rom.get_info( FeRomInfo::AltRomname );
							fname += rom.get_info( FeRomInfo::Romname );

						confirm_directory( base_path, WHEEL );
						q.add_file_task( hostn, base_req + my_art.wheel, fname );

					if ( m_scrape_marquees && (!my_art.marquee.empty() ) && (!has_artwork( rom, "marquee" )) )
						std::string fname = base_path + MARQUEE;

						const std::string &altname = rom.get_info( FeRomInfo::AltRomname );
						if ( prefer_alt_filename && !altname.empty() )
							fname += rom.get_info( FeRomInfo::AltRomname );
							fname += rom.get_info( FeRomInfo::Romname );

						confirm_directory( base_path, MARQUEE );
						q.add_file_task( hostn, base_req + my_art.marquee, fname );

					if ( m_scrape_snaps && (!my_art.snap.empty() ) && (!has_image_artwork( rom, "snap" )) )
						std::string fname = base_path + SNAP;

						const std::string &altname = rom.get_info( FeRomInfo::AltRomname );
						if ( prefer_alt_filename && !altname.empty() )
							fname += rom.get_info( FeRomInfo::AltRomname );
							fname += rom.get_info( FeRomInfo::Romname );

						confirm_directory( base_path, SNAP );
						q.add_file_task( hostn, base_req + my_art.snap, fname );

					if ( m_scrape_fanart && !my_art.fanart.empty() )
						std::string fname_base = base_path + FANART;

						confirm_directory( base_path, "" );

						const std::string &altname = rom.get_info( FeRomInfo::AltRomname );
						if ( prefer_alt_filename && !altname.empty() )
							fname_base += rom.get_info( FeRomInfo::AltRomname );
							confirm_directory( base_path + FANART,
								rom.get_info( FeRomInfo::AltRomname ) );
							fname_base += rom.get_info( FeRomInfo::Romname );
							confirm_directory( base_path + FANART,
								rom.get_info( FeRomInfo::Romname ) );

						fname_base += "/";

						bool done_first=false; // we only count the first fanart against our percentage completed...

						for ( std::vector<std::string>::iterator itr = my_art.fanart.begin();
								itr != my_art.fanart.end(); ++itr )
							size_t start_pos = (*itr).find_last_of( "/\\" );
							size_t end_pos = (*itr).find_last_of( '.' );

							if (( start_pos != std::string::npos )
								&& ( !file_exists( fname_base + (*itr).substr( start_pos+1 ) ) ))
								if (( end_pos != std::string::npos ) && ( end_pos > start_pos ))
									q.add_file_task( hostn,
												base_req + (*itr),
												fname_base + (*itr).substr( start_pos+1, end_pos-start_pos-1 ),
												done_first );
					aux = (worklist[id])->get_info( FeRomInfo::Title );

			if (( c.uiupdate ) && !worklist.empty() )
				int p = c.progress_past + done_count * c.progress_range / ( NUM_ARTS * worklist.size() );
				if ( c.uiupdate( c.uiupdatedata, p, aux ) == false )
					return false;
		else if ( q.output_done() )
			sf::Http::Response::Status status;
			std::string err_req;
			q.do_next_task( status, err_req );
			if ( status != sf::Http::Response::Ok )
				std::cout << " * Error processing request. Status code: "
					<< status << " (" << err_req << ")" << std::endl;
			sf::sleep( sf::milliseconds( 10 ) );
	return true;
Example #8
File: client.cpp Project: CCJY/ATCD
ACE_TMAIN(int argc, ACE_TCHAR *argv[])
  Fixed_Priority_Scheduler* scheduler=0;
  RTScheduling::Current_var current;
  int prio;
  int max_prio;
  ACE_Sched_Params::Policy  sched_policy = ACE_SCHED_RR;
  int sched_scope = ACE_SCOPE_THREAD;
  long flags;

  if (sched_policy == ACE_SCHED_RR)

  ACE_hthread_t main_thr_handle;
  ACE_Thread::self (main_thr_handle);

  max_prio = ACE_Sched_Params::priority_max (sched_policy,

  //FUZZ: disable check_for_lack_ACE_OS
  ACE_Sched_Params sched_params (sched_policy, max_prio);
  //FUZZ: enable check_for_lack_ACE_OS

  ACE_OS::sched_params (sched_params);

  if (ACE_Thread::getprio (main_thr_handle, prio) == -1)
      if (errno == ENOTSUP)
                     ACE_TEXT ("getprio not supported\n")
          ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR,
                      ACE_TEXT ("%p\n")
                      ACE_TEXT ("thr_getprio failed")));

  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t): main thread prio is %d\n", prio));

      RTScheduling::Scheduler_var sched_owner;

      CORBA::ORB_var orb =
        CORBA::ORB_init (argc, argv);

      if (parse_args (argc, argv) != 0)
        return 1;

      CORBA::Object_var object =
        orb->string_to_object (ior);

      Simple_Server_var server =
        Simple_Server::_narrow (object.in ());

      if (CORBA::is_nil (server.in ()))
                             "Object reference <%s> is nil.\n",

      if (enable_dynamic_scheduling)
          ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "Dyn Sched enabled\n"));
          CORBA::Object_var manager_obj =
            orb->resolve_initial_references ("RTSchedulerManager");

          TAO_RTScheduler_Manager_var manager =
            TAO_RTScheduler_Manager::_narrow (manager_obj.in ());

          Kokyu::DSRT_Dispatcher_Impl_t disp_impl_type;
          if (enable_yield)
              disp_impl_type = Kokyu::DSRT_CV_BASED;
              disp_impl_type = Kokyu::DSRT_OS_BASED;

          ACE_NEW_RETURN (scheduler,
                          Fixed_Priority_Scheduler (orb.in (),
                                         sched_scope), -1);
          sched_owner = scheduler;

          manager->rtscheduler (scheduler);

          CORBA::Object_var object =
            orb->resolve_initial_references ("RTScheduler_Current");

          current  =
            RTScheduling::Current::_narrow (object.in ());


      Worker worker1 (orb.in (),
                      server.in (),
                      current.in (),
                      scheduler, 10, 15);

      if (worker1.activate (flags, 1, 0, max_prio) != 0)
          ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR,
                      "(%t|%T) cannot activate worker thread.\n"));


      Worker worker2 (orb.in (),
                      server.in (),
                      current.in (),
                      scheduler, 12, 5);

      if (worker2.activate (flags, 1, 0, max_prio) != 0)
          ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR,
                      "(%t|%T) cannot activate scheduler thread in RT mode.\n"));

      worker1.wait ();
      worker2.wait ();

                  "(%t): wait for worker threads done in main thread\n"));

      if (do_shutdown)
          if (enable_dynamic_scheduling)
              FP_Scheduling::SegmentSchedulingParameter sched_param;
              sched_param.base_priority = 0;
              CORBA::Policy_var sched_param_policy
                = scheduler->create_segment_scheduling_parameter (sched_param);
              CORBA::Policy_ptr implicit_sched_param = 0;
              current->begin_scheduling_segment (0,
                                                 sched_param_policy.in (),

            ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t): about to call server shutdown\n"));
            server->shutdown ();

            ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "after shutdown call in main thread\n"));

            if (enable_dynamic_scheduling)
              current->end_scheduling_segment (0);

      scheduler->shutdown ();
      ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "scheduler shutdown done\n"));

      orb->destroy ();
  catch (const CORBA::Exception& ex)
      ex._tao_print_exception ("Exception caught:");
      return 1;

  return 0;