Example #1
Process::realSendAbortLongRunningConnectionsMessage(string address) {
	FileDescriptor fd(connectToServer(address));
	unsigned long long timeout = 3000000;
	vector<string> args;

	writeArrayMessage(fd, args, &timeout);
Example #2
     * Starts the agent process. May throw arbitrary exceptions.
    virtual pid_t start() {
        this_thread::disable_interruption di;
        this_thread::disable_syscall_interruption dsi;
        string exeFilename = getExeFilename();
        SocketPair fds;
        int e, ret;
        pid_t pid;

        /* Create feedback fd for this agent process. We'll send some startup
         * arguments to this agent process through this fd, and we'll receive
         * startup information through it as well.
        fds = createUnixSocketPair();

        pid = syscalls::fork();
        if (pid == 0) {
            // Child

            /* Make sure file descriptor FEEDBACK_FD refers to the newly created
             * feedback fd (fds[1]) and close all other file descriptors.
             * In this child process we don't care about the original FEEDBACK_FD
             * (which is the Watchdog's communication channel to the agents starter.)
             * fds[1] is guaranteed to be != FEEDBACK_FD because the watchdog
             * is started with FEEDBACK_FD already assigned.

            if (syscalls::dup2(fds[1], FEEDBACK_FD) == -1) {
                /* Something went wrong, report error through feedback fd. */
                e = errno;
                try {
                                      "system error before exec",
                                      "dup2() failed",
                } catch (...) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "Passenger Watchdog: dup2() failed: %s (%d)\n",
                            strerror(e), e);


            /* Become the process group leader so that the watchdog can kill the
             * agent as well as all its descendant processes. */
            setpgid(getpid(), getpid());


            try {
            } catch (...) {
                fprintf(stderr, "PassengerWatchdog: execProgram() threw an exception\n");
            e = errno;
            try {
                                  "exec error",
            } catch (...) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Passenger Watchdog: could not execute %s: %s (%d)\n",
                        exeFilename.c_str(), strerror(e), e);
        } else if (pid == -1) {
            // Error
            e = errno;
            throw SystemException("Cannot fork a new process", e);
        } else {
            // Parent
            FileDescriptor feedbackFd = fds[0];
            vector<string> args;

            this_thread::restore_interruption ri(di);
            this_thread::restore_syscall_interruption rsi(dsi);
            ScopeGuard failGuard(boost::bind(killAndWait, pid));

            /* Send startup arguments. Ignore EPIPE and ECONNRESET here
             * because the child process might have sent an feedback message
             * without reading startup arguments.
            try {
                sendStartupArguments(pid, feedbackFd);
            } catch (const SystemException &ex) {
                if (ex.code() != EPIPE && ex.code() != ECONNRESET) {
                    throw SystemException(string("Unable to start the ") + name() +
                                          ": an error occurred while sending startup arguments",

            // Now read its feedback.
            try {
                ret = readArrayMessage(feedbackFd, args);
            } catch (const SystemException &e) {
                if (e.code() == ECONNRESET) {
                    ret = false;
                } else {
                    throw SystemException(string("Unable to start the ") + name() +
                                          ": unable to read its startup information",
            if (!ret) {
                this_thread::disable_interruption di2;
                this_thread::disable_syscall_interruption dsi2;
                int status;

                /* The feedback fd was prematurely closed for an unknown reason.
                 * Did the agent process crash?
                 * We use timedWaitPid() here because if the process crashed
                 * because of an uncaught exception, the file descriptor
                 * might be closed before the process has printed an error
                 * message, so we give it some time to print the error
                 * before we kill it.
                ret = timedWaitPid(pid, &status, 5000);
                if (ret == 0) {
                    /* Doesn't look like it; it seems it's still running.
                     * We can't do anything without proper feedback so kill
                     * the agent process and throw an exception.
                    throw RuntimeException(string("Unable to start the ") + name() +
                                           ": it froze and reported an unknown error during its startup");
                } else if (ret != -1 && WIFSIGNALED(status)) {
                    /* Looks like a crash which caused a signal. */
                    throw RuntimeException(string("Unable to start the ") + name() +
                                           ": it seems to have been killed with signal " +
                                           getSignalName(WTERMSIG(status)) + " during startup");
                } else if (ret == -1) {
                    /* Looks like it exited after detecting an error. */
                    throw RuntimeException(string("Unable to start the ") + name() +
                                           ": it seems to have crashed during startup for an unknown reason");
                } else {
                    /* Looks like it exited after detecting an error, but has an exit code. */
                    throw RuntimeException(string("Unable to start the ") + name() +
                                           ": it seems to have crashed during startup for an unknown reason, "
                                           "with exit code " + toString(WEXITSTATUS(status)));

            if (args[0] == "system error before exec") {
                throw SystemException(string("Unable to start the ") + name() +
                                      ": " + args[1], atoi(args[2]));
            } else if (args[0] == "exec error") {
                e = atoi(args[1]);
                if (e == ENOENT) {
                    throw RuntimeException(string("Unable to start the ") + name() +
                                           " because its executable (" + getExeFilename() + ") "
                                           "doesn't exist. This probably means that your "
                                           "Phusion Passenger installation is broken or "
                                           "incomplete. Please reinstall Phusion Passenger");
                } else {
                    throw SystemException(string("Unable to start the ") + name() +
                                          " because exec(\"" + getExeFilename() + "\") failed",
            } else if (!processStartupInfo(pid, feedbackFd, args)) {
                throw RuntimeException(string("The ") + name() +
                                       " sent an unknown startup info message '" +
                                       args[0] + "'");

            lock_guard<boost::mutex> l(lock);
            this->feedbackFd = feedbackFd;
            this->pid = pid;
            return pid;