Example #1
 * Extract HTML/CSS/JS/Media files to the local file system.
void HybridMoblet::extractFileSystem()
	// You can display splash screen if this is the
	// first time launch or if the checksum has changed.
	// TODO: Add library support for this? At least
	// document how to do it yourself.
	if (checksumHasChanged())
		// Extract bundled files to the local file system.

		// Write the current checksum.
 *                                    PROTOCOL  - Payload Packet
 *       -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *       |  Header |  Length |                 Sub-Payloads               |  CHECKSUM  |
 *       -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *       | 4 BYTES | 2 BYTES | n BYTES (74 Bytes Max for each Sub-Payload |  2 BYTES   |
 *       -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *                                Sub-Payload Packet  (Max 74 Bytes)
 * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * | Length |    ID   |  TYPE  | ACCESS | LOCATION |           VALUE          |    DESCRIPTION     |
 * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * | 1 BYTE | 2 BYTES | 1 BYTE | 1 BYTE |  1 BYTE  |          4 BYTES         |  n BYTES (Max 30)  |
 * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Joins the full message buffer to be sent to the controller
int writePayload(Datapoint datapoints[], byte protocolBuffer[]) {
  // First sub-payload starts at index 6 (starting from 0)
  // 4 bytes HEADER + 2 bytes PAYLOAD LENGTH
  int length = 6;
  for(int i=0;i < NUMBER_DATAPOINTS; i++) {
    length += datapoints[i].writeSubPayload(protocolBuffer, length);
  // The length comes before the sub-payloads but is only known after they are processed
  writeLength(length - 6, protocolBuffer);
  length += writeChecksum(length, protocolBuffer);
  return length;
void sendViaEth(ethernet_frame_t* eth)
	uint8_t sendBuffer[max_frame_size]; // the byte array that will be sent
	uint8_t current_offset; // keeps track of current offset in the buffer
	uint8_t padding_len; // how much padding is required
	uint8_t message_len; // length of the message being sent
	eth->eth_header.data_len = 0x0008; // 0x0008 means frame's content is IP

	writeEthernetHeader(sendBuffer, &(eth->eth_header), ethernet_header_offset);
	writeIPHeader(sendBuffer, &(eth->ip_header), ip_header_offset);
	writeUdpHeader(sendBuffer, &(eth->udp_header), udp_header_offset);
	writeMessage(sendBuffer, &eth->message, message_offset);

	message_len = eth->message.length;
	current_offset = message_offset+message_len;
	if(sum_headers_len + message_len < min_frame_size)
		padding_len = min_frame_size - (sum_headers_len + message_len );
		writePadding(sendBuffer, current_offset, padding_len);
		current_offset += padding_len;
		padding_len = 0;
	writeChecksum(sendBuffer, current_offset);

	//netfront_xmit(xen_network_device,(unsigned char*) sendBuffer, current_offset+frame_checksum_length);
	netfront_xmit(net_dev,(unsigned char*) sendBuffer, current_offset+frame_checksum_length);//change it to linux version